I NOW IS YOUE CHANCE I To buy Fine Goods , such aa is generally carried I by a First-Clasa Jewelry House , I For a mere sum , consisting principally of I • • • * * * * * * * T I \ * . J 1V\ \ \ i \ v\ I n\ * \ ® \ \ V \S \v _ _ _ . _ _ . . | r ; rri | i i | I I. - LI - - - B - * * _ * ' * * n * a I Also in tlie Music Line , I DRUMS , FLUTES I VIOLINS , I ' ACCORDEONS , FIFES , I * HARMONICAS , MUSIC BOXES ; I V . VIOLONCELLOS , I HARPS , I BANJOS , GUITARS I And Fixtures for above Instruments. I . . * * * * * * if * * * * * * 5 REED ORGANS AND 3 MELODEONS AT ACTUAL COST. * g * * * * * * * * * * * * Come in and secure an instrument of some kind beforethe assortment is broken. Goods are go ing fast. Remember our entire stock amounting to $8,000 must be reduced down to $3,000 within the next SIXTY DAYS. Now don't let x > this opportunity pass you. We will give two dollars for one , and don't forget it. No more goods to be bought when these are gone. -x Mbbldbiull 0 J 0WOil jf Mulu , J. A. YaeSlioik , AGENT FOR THE Singer Sewing Machines ALSO KEKPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OP S * Repairs and Supplies. _ f * v Office , in McMillen ' s Drug Store , - - - McCook , Nebraska. | > i - f REMOVAL ! I I am now located in tlie store rooin | lately vacated by Mrs. T. Xelis , on i I Main Avenue , where I will le pleas- 1 * ed to see all niy old customers and many new ones. My stock will he larger and finer than ever , and my prices as low as the lowest. I H. H. BERRY. 1888. - : - Fall Season.1889. : . - ' - 'The fact that my efforts in the past to produce none but of the highest standard of excellence have been appreciated by friends and customers , as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions for the Fall and W inter season. . if Colectii of Fie Fabrics gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will For pleasure to have you see my stock , wliich cive me and handsome an assortment of new is as large best houses floods a s can beshown by any of the cities. I am better prepared now to exe- JStp larcer all orders promptly , and give the trade styl ish and perfect fitting garments. Tv BERNHEIMRR , . * MJBllCDANT TAILOR. MeCook , Nebraska. OIjOAJKISS ! CLOAKS ! 1 ] . • > f : * r Unloading ! - : - Unloading ! j But at Prices 25 Per Gent. Below any Store in McCook. ; i WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON j CLOAKS AND NEWMARKETS ! 1 ' fl Jf * Ai 1 FN M # * A I * m \J rShi wbm fine m li fSPil m& & m - 1 " ( asft I u0ers and iSettsrs/ ' I CLOAKS ! GLOAKS ! I TIT Til II. I 1.1 I Wm IHiM. II II ! ! "Ar.r. tilings cnine to him who waits. " is r maxim thai n Doston invent > r i\n \ < Kept in liif mind. A tewyt-iirs ayro ljn iiiveuti.ii u sol.lur iiifr iron thut stiperst' < li'd ilie old slow process of suuling' tin cms by sod"riir ! the top on the c.ui hy 0110 mswment which was u simple pressure of the iron upon the surface of the top. After tfertinjr his p item he took no par ticular pains to in.uiufueture and introduce it , and the consequence was that his patent was stolen by nearly all the bif ? cunning' establish ments in the country who have used it ri > ; ht along. The other day he woke up and brought a test suit ajMinst a. factory before the United States circuit court. Tno court awarded him co'iiin'iis.itioii for the use of hK snlderinjr iron ar thi > nilu of 1 fc" per thousand cuns. Up is now ivady tosett'e witheve.-y o Ivatthe s.unu rate. It w sail tint if ho pursues the cannera to the bitter end they will have to pay over to him about $50.1)09,000. ) This is r. biirgor sum than he cmld have mi In probably if hu had piista"d his business and sold the soldcrini ; irons to the canning factories from the beirin tiinjr. lie perhaps foresaw th-it there was more money In bcinjr inrrin ed upon The dry cold weather of the emly winter monllii is productive ot : i jrreat deal of croup HiiKin r children. Mothers should be on the lookout for it , and lie prop ired to arrest it as • soon as the rtrstsvmptomappear. . True croup never conies without a w-iriiinjr ; a day or two before thcattacV tnechtld will income hoarse iiuil that symntom issoon fuilo'ved bvapeuul i.ir. roiisrli cou h. If < Jn iintH-rlai i's Coiifrh Itnv dy i > . jriven as soon is this hu u ene s or < • imh tti'iie.ir-s , all dais'Mailaixi tv > n-iv be avoided ; it has never tailed , even m th m > st severe ea es. There is no datnrer in irivinsr the Keniedy for it contains no injurious sub stance. For sale 'n * all drusrjrists. Tiik coal bnions of the .Mononirahel.i river di fiat of Peniis.lvania have notilled thfir emp'ojesthat ' thewill shut down their mines for an indefinite period after December 1 Th's ' means the enforced idleness of several thousand miners and men employed in ship ping eoal down the river. The reason for put ting it stop to the miniiitr operations is the old plea > r an overstocked m irket and failine prices. Tn the ltirht of facts the exeuse is ndic- tilou . The con > .uniereeriaiiilv lias not profit ed by any such conditions The . truth of the matter is. the coal barons have simply asrreed : im-iii < r themselves to serew up the price of coal another' otch for their own profit ty lim itinuthe supply. Many persons nontract severe colds durlnjr the eurlv winter months and permit them to h mtr on pers'stentlv all winter ; weakening the luntrs and pavinsr the way for catarrh chronio bronchitis , or consumiition No ono can nfT'ird to nesrlert a cold. A single bottle ot nhamhurlain's Cough Kerneiv will cure the most sovore cold , and costs but 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. A few weeks ago. the Chicago organ of the lemoeratic party a sured the country that a majority of the soldiers of the Union army ivere democrats. Now the same organ asserts that the G. A. It. is made up almost exclusive ly of republicans. Democrats of the eorpfr- tiead pef\suasion know as little of soldiers as they did during the war , and harbor as hate- j rul a reeling toward them. j Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is un- ? qualled for old chronic sores Many cases mve been permanently cured by it. For sale jy all druggists. Our Candidate for President. He will be nominated by the convention and vill be elected by the people , because he will : ome the nearest to filling their ideal of a chief nagistratc. Electric Bitters has been given he highest place , because no other medicine ins so well flllled tho ideal of n perfect tonic ind alterative. Tho people have indorsed Electric Bitters and rely upon this great retn- idv in ail troubles of f.iver. Stomach and Kid- leys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases tauseil by Malaiial Poisons. Electric Bitters taiinot lie too highly recommendf d. Also cures leadache and Constipation. Satisfaction ruarantced , or money leTunded. Price 50c. aid $1. at A. McMillen's drug store. Reducing the Surplus. The disposition oi the Sin plus in the U.S. Treasury engages the attention of our States men , but a more vital question has our atten tion , and that is tlie reduction of the Sin plus Consumptives. Since I he discovery and intro- 1 duction of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption , there lias been a marl.ed decrease , in the mortality from this dreaded disease , and it is possible to still further reduce tho number of consumptives. How ? By keeping con stantly at hand a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and using according to directions , upon the appearance of tlie first symptoms , such as a Cough a Cold , a Sore Throat a Chest , ' or Side Pain. Taken thus early a cure is guar ! anteed. Trial bottles free ut A McMillen's I drug store. The astronomical world is amused at the ri valry existing between the university of Southern California and the Lick observatory on Mount Hamilton. Ever since the remarka ble discoveries were made at the Lick observa- tor the University of Southern California has b -en jealous of its fame. The latter has just ordered a powerful lens , said to be the largest in the world , ami the two observatories will soon vie with each other in the business of star gizing. Out of t-fto Breastworks- Tate STvINc.s , TennJuly 4 , i338. The SwtTt : pecific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen Seven years a o I contracted an exceedingly baJ case of blood poison. I trie 1 a physi-ian , the best at command , but secured no benefit. My throat began ta gt sore , and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse , I felt that my grave must be reached in the near future. _ I gave up the doctors' treat ment , and with a despairing hope I com menced taking your medicine. I began to itiprovc from the iirst bottle , anu in a short t me the ulcer healed , and my skin cleare-1 off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed in my system. The physician did his best , but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. Uobinsox. Kaufman , Tn : : . , June 23 , iSS3. The Swift Specific Co. Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen I ve been afflicted with a skin disease for about twelve years , and the best mc 'ical treatment failed to give me re lief. 1 . * n now using Swift's Specific , and have received the greatest benefit from its use. Yours truly , Wm. Jones. For sale by all druggists. Tin ; Swift SPECinc Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 , Broadway. London , Eng. , 35 Snow HilL NEBRASKA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER. THE OMAHA REPUBLICAN. DAILY EDITION. 85 cts. Per Month. $10 Per Year. WEEKLY EDITIONt To January 1st. 1890 , $1. This reliable and fearless journal has chnl- liuiged the admiration of the country in the campaign just closed. It was the representa tive ltepublicaii daily of Nebraska , and is one [ if the leading neusp.ipets of the country. In the future as in the past the ItKPuni.iCA.v will continue to excel in everything. It prints \i.t. the news. It is bright , clean , energetic ind newsy. C3 The UepubltCin appeals to its friends in iv"ry voting precinct to give their personal tssistance iu extending its circulation. Send for sample copies. Mail list of names. Ituise : lubs. It is the People's Paper. The Wkeiu.v REt-onncAN materially ira- jroved for ISKJ-publis-hed every Thun-day , oiitaiiis all tlie news of tho week in aeon- tensed rorm. It is the best and cheapest week- y newspuper published anywhere. f"All remittanees should be addressed to The Cm a ha Republican Co. , . Omaha , Neb. N. R. H. COLE , "The Leading" MeroSieolTaiio ! OF iMcCOOK. FOR First-Glass Tailoring- , TTavinp : alarjre stock of Fine Suiting ! and Trouserings , I will furnish then olieap for tlie next GO days. Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurnce Co. OF NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. also A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. Money tc Loan on Real Ktate Security. ROOMS : fVER FIRST NATIONAL RANK. Allen's Transfer , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. CB Rest Equipped in the City Leave orders ut Commercial Hotel Good well water furnished oushoitnntice EATON BROS & CO MffiaSf P. O address. McCook , Si&Hf mukUUHtS > i.Neliri > : kn. Range , south HKS j Cattle branded on left ttj EKBgMMhip. AI10 , 5. A and l jBtll brand' ! on left hip. jeJmaal' Hor-es branded same J/E & HKmy&- , ( > , t shoulder. KT LPATRICIv B ROTIIERS. ( Successors to E. f > Webster. ) i Horses branded on left hip or left shouder. I _ m * P. O. address. Estelle gKJr' Hayes county , and Beat- • - h9M& &r'L t > a en # Kange. Stink- W g& > S v3'ntr Water and French HBg5 ' | f/man creeks. Chase Co. K ap& v"/j Iinind as cut on Fide of Jlj" . . Jit some animals , on hip nnd • frBg5jjjt5gagjl ? sides of some , or any = = -sa Tirt , . , r&wjore on the animal. j 1 I 1 . . . , . * . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . M H • y h n o * ft / > h iV. ft a r i\a fc A. > t > - > ft mnittt .t. .Y - • : ' 1 ' H & % TS THE CITY.-4- ! l I _ _ . • • t • * H t • • 1 . I • B 1 -j * Heave jnst received a heavy stock of new - • • jCLOTHING ; wliich makes our stock com- ' , \ \ • : :4 : plete , consistinf ? of Dress Suits , Business H 1 : ] Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. • : : - _ ; : : A COMPLETE LINE OE I ii • We received this week , from Chicago , the ' : • H jj * largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , ! : j H • I < Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , j H : ; Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ; . " : H Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. : : . , , , . , H H : : < 1 1 1 j u. = : : A $3,000 STOCK OE II : Boots end SSiobs , Rubbrse , Etc. : I : : ; . . • • . : U • • : r 1 w u.n f ; f M : : j We have S15,000 in Merchandise to sell . : M j | : for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price - as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for 11\ \ M ] \i \ goods than we pretend to ask. thinking > : - M you are saving u25 cents on a dollar , " as M - . : < some of our competitors advertise. i. : \ M : . - ' - • * - - . : M : • 1 H : : - _ 1 ! [ - H . . . . . . - • . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - • • . . . . . . • • • • j H JAMES LITTELL. II. 0. THAYER. M McCook Meat Market , I James Littbill & Go. I E.iat UennNoii Street , 1 Door East of J. C. Allen & Co. H . - '