The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1888, Image 3

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    * • = - liVri * IjV - • . f - jjj
I . - . . J . if U.diM
_ _ , . . . - _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ i Hf , .
TIm I'lH.t" IZnrlcot.
A onriotiB pliotojyrnpliio iipparntiiH , in
Avhich a camera is raised by a rocket and
lowered by a parachute , w beting devel
oped by a French inventor , M. America
Denisse. In its experimental form , the
cylindrical camera has twelve lenses
rouiul its circumference with a sonsitiy'o
plate in its centro , and is provided with
; a shutter which opeun and instantly
closes as the apparatus commences tq
fall. Tho descent is cased hy the open
ing of ilio attached parachute which is
/ drawn back to tho operator by a cord at-
' N tached before tho firing of the rocket.
; For securing bird's cj'o views , the photo
rocket offers several important advant
ages over ballon photography , such as
comparative cheapness , cnao of operat
ing and freedom from risk in case of use
for military recounoitering.
Have Yon Calarris ? There is one
-g , remedy you can try without danger of
W lmmhtig. Send to H. G. Coleman , Chemist ,
! | m Xnlnmazoo , Mich. , for triiil package of his
ratarili cure. Ilia only mode of ndvertis-
3 lii ( is hy givine it away. Postage lie.
sT .Tudgd foryouraelf. Mention this paper.
p Mr8. Ifarrison'B favorite flower is tho
P ' od-fttshionod ! nweot pea.
pt. II Hat IBIm JTImioy l'romptly.
1 ? . Eufaula ( Aln.'Mines , Oct.20.
f. As stated in tliis paper at the time ,
- * * * • j\Ir. \ Jamie .Rhodes , of Eufaula , Ala. ,
JaJ held ticket No. 40.7/55 / , in tho October
i- , drawing of tho Louisiana State Lottery ,
S for which he paid one dollar. It proved
' , to bo a luck } * ticket , for it drew tho cap-
' • ital prize of § 300,000 and entitled Mr.
lthodi's to one-twentieth of that amount ,
or S15.000. If tho ticket had been a
whole one for which Mr. Ehodes had
* paid § 20 , ho .would have received tho
* ' wholo § 300,000. On inquiry , Mr.
t Ilhodcs found that he held tlto ritrlit
number and forwarded his ticket by ex
press , for collection of his prize. It
v . was promptly cashed in a bank at New
Orleans , and the money was duly re
ceived by Mr. Ehodes in another day
or two and it is now on deposit to his
credit in tho John McNab bank of tin s
cit } ' . Mr. Rhodes is a most worthy
young man of about twenty-one .years
and of moderate means and but recently
entered the mercantile business hiiro in
company with his brother-in-law , Mr.
Ed. T. Lon < r. "While his big luck was
very gratifying , it did not daze or un
nerve him , but ho took it in a quiet and
business liko way , and he will handlo
| tho money with care and good judg
ment , ub it gives him a good start in
business lifo. For thirty years his
father , Mr. Chauncey Ilhodcs , has been
cashier of tho John McNab bank , in
Eufaula , and no man in Alabama is
thought more of l > 3r his friends and
those who know him.
I'roNiirruiiH IVoi-IIm-i n Settlement * lit
TfiiiicHSuc , IUl bIs ii > pi , ami IioiiIn-
The passenger department of the Illinois
CiMitrai railroad have ifiBUed a new pam
phlet depcribinj ; the following prosperous
northern ttelt lenient * in TciiiiueHtee , Mis-
and Loumiana viz Jackson Ten-
• Mr-nippi , : , -
nebheo ; Holly Springs , West Point , Jack-
pon , Yazoo City , lorry and Brookhaven ,
Mississippi ; Kentwood , Iloselantl Colony ,
Hammond , Cronley , Jennings , Lake Ar
thur , Welch , Iowa , Lake Charles ami Vin
ton. Louisiana. Hundreds of northern
families are now happily located at tho
above points , and in this new pamphlet
uill appear interesting letters from north
ern men. It will also givo tho dates of two
i jincclal land excti'-jiQiw south each mouth ,
from the piincipnl points on the Has ol the
Illinois Central in Illinois , Wisconsin , Ion a
! . and Dakota. This pamphlet , and also
! "Southern Home Seekers' Guide , " bhould
he lead by every perspu cuteniplatin a
fcoutbern trip , either fur pleasuro , health ,
"tir a permanent home. Copies of each will
bo mailed free on application to the under
signed at Manchester , Iowa. J. F. Meiry ,
Geilcial Western Passenger Agent.
The annual consumption of feathers iu
tins country is ; $ , OUO,000 pounds.
MoTiinns who have delicate children can
see them daily improve and gain in flesh
and strength by giving them that perfect
food and medicine , Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Od , with Hypophosphites. Dr.W. A.
Hulbcrt , ot Salisbury , Ills. , says : "I have
used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Scrofula
and Debility. Results mostgrati'ying. My
I little patients take it with pleasure. " Sold
by all Druggists.
Sarah Bernhardt still carries her coffin
around with her on her theatrical tours.
} * TnnoAT Diseases commence with a
j Cough , Cold , or Sore Throat. "Brown's
j Bronchial Troches" give immediate relief.
I Sold only in boxes. Price 25 cts.
i Wood can be Bawed in veneers only ono
J two-hundred ths of an inch thick.
i Solid A'entlbule Trains
Now run through daily , over the GitE.vr
Bock Island Houte , between Chicago and
Colorado Springs , Denver and Pueblo.
Similar Fast Vestibule Express Trains be
tween Chicago and Council Bluffs ( Omaha )
and between Chicago aud Kansas City and
St. Joseph. These trains are equipped
with new and elegant Day Conches , Re
clining Chair Cars , Dining Cars ( east of the
Missouri river ) and Pullman P.ilace Sleep
ing Cars , heated throughout by steam and
having all the modern improvements.
West of Kansas City aud St. Jos ph , splen
did Dining Hotels are located at conve
nient stations. The completion of the
Colorado extension of theltock Island sys
tem affords the most direct , desirable and
I" only line from Chicago through Kansas
! and Nebraska to Colorado Springs , Den-
' ver and Pueblo , giving choice of routes to
and from Salt Lake City , Portland. Los
Angeles , San Francisco and tho Pacific
Tickets via this popular route are on
sale at all railway coupon ticket oflices in
the United States and Canada , where time
tables , folders , etc. , can be procured , or ad
dress E. A. Holbrook , G. T. < fc P. A. , Chi
| The emperor of Germany sleepB , as did
his grandfather , on an iron clamp bed.
When Babv * wns sick , ire pave her Castoria.
When she wa a Child , she cried for Castoria.
| Whn she beon.m Mi 8. she clung to Castoria ,
i When she had Children , she pave them Castoria
Not a Fair Slinke.
"Smith is a mighty mean man , 1
snv. " exclaimed Bjenkius , warmly.
" " "Why , what has Smith ever done to
you ? " asked Blenkensop , surprised.
"Bet me S10 I couldn't hit a barn
door with a revolver at five paces , " said
Bjenkius , angrily. "Taunted me into
biking him tip. Got me to put up the
. t jjjouer. jtfeasnred off the five paces in
j' * • • • * - " presence r6f a lot of witnesses. "Gave
me a revolver loaded and'then set' the
barn door up edgewise. " Somerville
N Journal.
y _ _
State of Ohio , City of Toledo , ;
1 Lucas County , S. S. )
Fhank J. Cheney makes oath that he
the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
< * i.esey < Co. , doing business in the City
} of Toledo , County and State aforesaid ,
jnul that said firm will pay the sum ol
• very case of Catarrh thutcannot bs cured
hv the-use of Hall's Catarrh Cvtik.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
tin-sence , this 6th day of Derrmber , A. D ,
. - .1 Notary Public.
J. .SEAL t
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and yets directlv upon the blood and
ituirtis surfaces d the system. Send for
testimonials , free.
X F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0.
* by Druggists , 75 cents.
- . " T ' ' ' m i' ' 'IT
.iigi Trt < ; v * iwj < n frmwi'i * y wutit • mA'Mti'm
Thero Is a now song in my lips ,
A song that fits to-day ,
Tho music of a quiet stream
Upon its seaward way
The monotone of such content
As to a mortal life is lent.
Tho song a tiny river sings
That through a meadow glides ,
Half hidden by tho waving grass
Its level course divides :
At last forgetful of tho hills
That vexed so long its infant rills.
Not yet its chant of victory
Ro-cchoes from tho shore ;
Not yet is all its duty done ,
Its rush and labor o'or ;
But ocean ncarcth every day.
And bright is lifo that glides away.
A littlo hymn of gratitude ,
Like bird-songs from their nest ,
My heart must fashion into speech
And utter from its rest
A tender voice of thankfulness
For love that loveth most to bless.
Tho slow speech of a weary child
That , wandering lost and lone ,
Comes unaware on homo at last
And nestles to its own ,
Wrapped all at onco in warmth and
peace ,
Where all tho storm and straying cease.
Ah ! can it be , at last , ut last ,
Tho time of toil and tears ,
Of bitter troublo overpast ,
That hope again appears ?
That after all this weary strife
I live to thank thee , Lord , for lifo ?
To gather up tho broken clue
And tread tho path again
"With quiet hope and thankfulness
I trod so long with pain ,
To trust again with such a faith
As onco was wounded uuto deathl
Lord , keep mo closer nt thy sido
As lifo the sweeter grows ,
Lest I forget in this content
Tho thorn beneath tho rose.
That , dear as home and love maybe ,
I find them still most dear with Thee.
Written especially for this paper.
A Thanksgiving' Sketch.
She was a very disagreeable aunt She
came legularly every Thanksgiving , to
make us a visit , and so surely as the year
came round we knew Aunt Jorib and
chaos , on a small s ale , might be epect-
ed , for she had a mania for arranging fur
niture and she was never in the house an
hour belore she had a new scheico going.
One year she would insist that mother
might make more ro m in the little , old
study by a re-arrange i.ent of tho book
shelves ; the nevt , she would see them
safely back in their old < , uarters. Once ,
she hectored mother into changing the
place of the family medicines , and then
there was confusion for one while ; and
once , never forgotten in tho mem iry of
our family , she insisted on making a
mock-mince pie for dessert , instea-l of the
real art cle. She had never made one ,
but her native louGdence , a thing that
never , for a moment deserted her , be
guiled easy-going mother into thinking
that , perhaps , alter all , Aunt Jorib was
in the r ght , that the health of the ' dear
children" was being slowly undermined
by the da nty pies and cakes which
mother always managed to givo ns on
Thanksgiving , and which would have
added the needed touch to our home cheer
• nd comfort , i ad not our happiness al
ways been marred by the presence of
Auut Jorib ; she gained her point , and the
result of her attempts was to leplaco hat
evpcnslve luxury whicha \ usually coin-
posed of everything rich and , to Aunt
Jorib's mind , indigestible , with one of her
"mock" mince pies.
Well , the pie was made , the hour came
and we drew up to the table with not a
few fears , for money did not grow among
the roses in our garden , and we usually
depended on n other ' s exquisite art in the
cookery line to make , up to us in quality
all thata lacked in variety.
The turkey was tine. wo was the cran
berry sauce. Soon , too soon , we came to
the pic , or rather the pie came to us , for
it was brought in by our worthy domestic ,
who also bore upon her countenance , a
trace of sarcasm. One by one , we tasted
aud ran. Aunt Jorib , alone , was left
We had the satisfaction of hearing her
at the wrong closet after the peppermint
during the night and as most of us had
gone through with tho same experience
during tho "removal" of tho family reme
dies , wo knew just how to sympathize
with her ! We decided that she must have
eaten too much pie. * * * "
But "it is a long lane which has no
turning" and we ha\e each and all lived
to bless Aunt Jorib.
This change , I am happy to state ,
came about during her last visit to us. It
began in this way. Helen , Tom and 1
were en oyiug the last week before
Thanksgiving as much as we could , for
we o\peeted Aunt Jorib the next week ,
and enjoyment and Aunt Jorib rarely
spent Thanksgiving together.
( ne day we were talking together ,
while Helen and I were busy with her
sewing , for sho would hire nothing done.
"Well , " essayed Tom , fiom the old
couch which occupied the "cosy corner"
of the sitting-room , "I suppos our balov-
ed aunt will be along soon. Better nail
the fnrniture to the ioor ! , vell , if you
want to use it for the weddinsr. " '
My sister was silent bhe had said lit
tle to any of us since sho decided to mar
ry Mr. Bohnet
"Tom , do go away ! " I cried. "Your
tongue and your feet do more harm than
Aunt Jorib ever aid. S.e what a mess
you are making of the curtain. "
"Curtain , indeed ! How much longer
do you think the old thing will see ser
vice ? I'll tear it down , myself , one of
these days. ' '
I tried to stop him , but what boy of six
teen can take a silent hint ?
"What do you mean' Oh , hang it ! I
suppose Aunt Jorib is a saint , now , and I
am nowhere. It is really wonderful how
the love of shekels grows upon us. "
I waited to see what Helen would do ;
she slowly rose and left the room , at
which light began to dawn upon Tom.
"I say. Judy , I've done it now , 1 sup
pose. Why can 't a fellow keep from say-
lug the wrong thing ? "
"I am sure I do not know ! " cried I ,
desperately. "What a dreadful thing it
is to be as poor as we are How I
wish "
• • cay it my dear Judy. How you wish
Aunt Jorib would shu Ve ol this mortal
coil , and 'eave her money to an orphan
asylum. "
"I would wish anything , " I crle.l. des
perately , ' that would make us all happy
again. Here is mother , worried to death
about the bills , and Helen Leing sold
yes "sold to paX.otf thetiobis , and break- *
ing Ler dear./proud heart-over it O , dear !
what a world "
3Iy remarks were cut short by a shrill
voice which certainly sounded like Aunt
Jorib's. She had undoubtedly come in on
the last train. It had been the custom of
our royal family to absent oar ehes upon
her arrival , unselfishly , as is the manner
of children , shirking the burden of her
reception upon mother ; but this time , at
least , we must face it out There was
one consolation , however Tom , who
was generally so acute , must face her ,
also."Why will you persist Catharine , in
placing the hall-rack at that side ? 1 mov
ed it the % ery last time 1 was here , but"
In an injured tone , "I see you do not rely
on my judgment As 1 ha-e told you
often and often , " - she hadindeed "I ar
ranged the furniture in the new orphin
asj lum. and it has proved a satisfactory
ar Why , how does it h-ippen that this
Is still used for tho family sitting-room ?
I thought we arranged that last winter. "
jgfeA < i' > . iinin i m'.ii ' ii 1" " ' " ' > jf4y * | tt ! * ' > * ii'
ji. i. ) )
. . . . . . . , . . . . * . .
r/ilMu.y i iW'.l ' iWl ill Ii .l ! . ) j .yi f | l < * > WW > | .J
• *
J .
They had evidently drawn near enough the
open door to enable Aunt io recognize tho
furnishings ; 1 looked anxiously round tho
shabby room to seo what she would bo
likely to condemn therein. I was reward
ed by a vision of Tom s heels as he mado
his escape through tho window at the Im
minent danger or breaking his neck.
"Well , if you persist In using this as a
sittlng-r oin , I hardly see the necessity of
making a sewing-room of it , aud an untidy
ono at that , Niece Judith. "
Tills was her greeting , but , whatever
else It may ha.e been , It was not unexpect
ed. I had known her too long to become
vexed at her reprools. They were taken
as a matter of course and treated accord
ingly. I helped her to her room with her
numerous boxes and brndles. helped her
to dress for supper , and all with an air of
atrectlon which I had almost begun to ) tr
Hevo In , myself.
Uncle had left her his entire property ,
much to the surprise of our family , for
they himself and Aunt had not lived
on . very good terms during their
married life. Sho was a very rich woman
and felt that money and power were syn-
onomous terms. 1 erhaps they are ; who
knows ? I was kind to her because mother
wished It , and I am sure that mother was
not actuated in her kindness by any other
motive than the fact that Aunt was
father's half-sister ; besides , mother could
not have been unkind anyway.
"What is tho matter with Helen ? " in
quired Aunt , the next mo ning. I had
come down eai 1 to breakfast , and she had
found n o f'ere alone.
"She she is not well. " I stammered.
"Not well ? Helen not well ? She was
well the last time l saw her. Come , come ,
thero must bo some trouble. Out with it ,
child. "
'There ha3 been nothing remarked in
the family about Helen or her appear
ance , " this somewliat indignantly. "But
1 know that she is no happy and I do not
wonder , bhe is to marry Mr. Uohnct"
"Ah-ha ! That old Cr i sus ? I see ! I see !
I hardly thought that of Helen. Well ,
well , I suppose you will be going one of
these days , too. Wheie is the rich old
man for you , Niece Judith ? Has Helen
got it all ? "
"I it is not so she is not she does
not want money ; it is for tho others. " I
was choking with indignuti n.
"What others '
"Tho debts. Mother would not have
wished me to tell , 1 am sure , but there
are more debts o'i the place , and Helen
had the oiler , and O dear ! There was no
help for it'J The tears were blinding me
and I could not see very well , yet 1 thought
I detected tho kindest expression 1 had
ever seen on my aunt's face ; but she said
nothing , and I thought maybe 1 had been
mistaken , after all.
I could see that Aunt Jorib watched
Helen pretty closely , a : ter that. Helen
had always been a fa orite v ith her , but
it seemed to me that Aunt was , somehow ,
suspicious of her , this fine. How could
anyone think Helen sor jid ? I could not
understand it
i n Thauksgiung morning Aunt Jorib
declared that she must slait for home , im
mediately. She had spent the greater ,
pait of each day , during the week , in the
city ; we were in a suburban town , and it
was an easy mat er to take the train to
the city almost any time ; but. her home
was nearly a day's . ouruey lroiu us , and
it seemed a quejr freak to spend the day
"You will miss your dinner , " sa'd
"You will have tl e more time to pre
pare for the wedding , if 1 go , " ' said Aunt ,
Helen's color faded and I sa v Aunt
look at her as if she rather enjoyed it.
"When is it to he ? Shall 1 have an in
vitation ? AVhat a happy a air it will be
all around. 'I he eh'est daghter happily
married. What a burden o the mind of
the family , eh' By 1 he way , I have not
seen the happy man ; wiiere does he live ? "
"At picsent he is in the city. He w 11
be hero to day , I think. "
"O , certainly. Thanksgiving , " said
Aunt cruelly. "Howery appropriate.
Well , I wish \ ou much joy , my der : , "
and she actually laughed in I'elen ' s face.
However , we were pretty well used to her
ways , and an insult from her did not
count Tom growled a good deal about
carrying her "traps , " as he called them ,
to the train , and we breathe t a sigh of re
lief when she was gone.
We went cheerfully to wo.k helping
mother to prepare dinner , and all went
well till the mail came in. Helen read her
letter with a very white face , then threw
it to mother and burst into tear ? ,
"My child , uhat do. s this mean ? . "
mother's face was a mixture of consterna
tion and yes , relief.
"When did this happen ? "
4T do not know ; I knew nothing of it"
"Know nothing ot * what ? " I cried , un
able to endure suspense longer.
For answer mother gave me the letter.
It ran thus :
Dear Miss Marsh I release a ou from
your promise to marrv n.e ; I shall always
regard . \ ou as a friend.
Yours sincerely.
M. II. BoiiXKT.
"I know ! ' ' I e\clai i ed ; "It is all Aunt
Jorib's wok. Why has she spent so much
time in the city ? She has seen him , and
invented some story to drive him awa\ ;
she is afraid we will not treat her so well
if there is money in the family . " I felt
very scornful indeed.
"xlush ! " said mother. " . o j ou not see
that his letter is kind ? It must be some
thing else. " But in spite of her worr.v v , she
looked actually relie\ed.
When wo sat down to dinner , and I
secretly thought we had not felt more
cheerful siuce last Thanksgiving , although
Tom , who see i ed in such high spirits ,
was not in the secret of the letter which
Helen had received. We were hardly
seated before the door-bell rang , and moth
er was called out of the room. A few
m nutes elapsed , during which we felt
somewhat impa ient , while Tom kept up a
growl about the cold dinner awaiting us
when our neat littlo maid appeared and
primly announced that "Miss Helen was
wanted. "
" " said Tom. "it looks
"By hookey . like a
conspiracy , don't it' It'll be you're turn
next Judy. So make up your mind to go
dinnerless , to-day. One after another we
are being swallowed behind that mys
terious door ; Judy , if you get away you'll
come back and te 1 me about your adven
tures , won't you ? That's a good girl. You
know 1 am writing a nov * '
" . , okeep still I happen to know more
about the matter than you < 'o. ' * 1 felt
very important , and could bear the thought
of a c Id dinner with greater fortitude
than poor Tom.
After a long time they came in , bring
ing with them the happiest faces they had
worn for many weeks.
iWhatdoyou thinkJudy ? IXcnr Aunt
Jorib" Tom ' s face became a st idy at the
endearing title "Dear Aunt Judy has
paid the mortgage , and has ghen each of
us enough money to make us very happy.
Don't j ou just love her ? "
1 could not collect my senses sufficiently
to reply , but 1 ora came to the rescue.
"Three cheers for Aunt Jorib ! " he cried ,
executing a breakdown. " 1 always did
say she was a trump ! that is , 1 " and he
broke oT ( , looking rather sheepish at the
laugh which arose from his hearers. "Well ,
at any rate , , I say so now ! " and he recover
ed himself with his usual disregard of
As we afterwards learned. Aunt Jorib
was responsible for the letter which Helen
had received on Thanksgiving morning.
How she managed it I do not know , but
she must have exerted some unusual
charm over poor Mr. Bohuet to bring the
matter about for he was certainly very
much In love with our Helen. We never
saw him again , as he sailed for r urope
shortly after , aud was soon lost ta us ,
n < Ah i ii \ m
jl , mm mitt ii i I i vfi i iijfc > aa > WI w * Pi ; % > t * i i'i ' ii'i'i ' i , it
Aunt Jorib and ths lawyer who inter
rupted our la > t Thank.glving dinner will
diuo with us to-morrow. It should be a
happy Thanksgiving , for it Is Helen's
wedding day.
Written especially for this paper.
A Story of the South.
"NIco appl's , Missus ; Yo' want to buy
some ? "
"Not I "
to-day ;
"De berry nlces * appl's yo' kan fin' .
Missus ; I nebbcr's got no seen appl's 's
desa yero SwceUn's sen o I kan 'member
on'y on dat dere treo o mine. Sell 'em
cheap , missus. "
"W-ell ! 1 will take a few ; just empty
them Into this basket"
"I nebber lak to do no beggln' , but it
'peared lak yo' boun' to buy jes' a few ,
dls maw.n , Yo' see my li'l gran'chllo ,
wpts been ailin' , he3 plum sot her heart
on bavin * chicken fo' dinnah a-Fanks-
givln' , an ole Tom jes' a spileln' to
please her. She jes' de sunshin'est chilo
when she feel good yo' ebber did see , but
when she gits do mi/rylnher po' li'l back
dey aint no use ter try to mek her fo.get
hit ; she don't nebber say much , missus ,
but hit nigh 'bout breks ole Tom's heart
to see her lay dere s : > quiet lak , wiv nuf-
fin to say an' her po' HI face all drawed
out o' shape wiv de pain. "
I could sea that the old man's thoughts
were with her , but lie recollected himself
and drew his hand across his eyes with a
shame-faced expression.
" \ \ hero do you live , Uncle ? "
" 'Bout a mile t'om yere , missus , down
on de line road jes' de aige ob do town. "
1 remembered having seen a little hovel
there , and wondered how a family could
exist in such a tumble-down cabin , espe
cially when the nipping frosts reminded
one of tho bleak months to come.
"I think I shall send down for more of
the Sweetings in a few days , Uncle , " I
said , succumbing to one of thoso fits of
philanthropy which , alas ! often left me a
victim to designing tramps. "Can you
spare me a few more ? "
"Law , jes , missus , dere's mo'on dat
tree dan yo' fambly cud u o all de fall.
Yo'kan hab m , ' dan yo' wants. ' And
the old man went off with a beaming face.
Two days betoro Thanksgiving I re
membered my pro i ise.
I stopped the < arriage a littlo way front
the old one-story structure , and n aking
my way through the cleanly-swept patch
ot door-yard , knocked lightly at the door.
"Co.i o in ! " said a piping voice ,
and 1 unlatched the broken
door and entered. A little , thin , colored
girl lay on a rudely constructed couch ,
half-chair , halt-bed. The nimble lingers
stopped in their work of "picking over"
a fow raisins and dried currants.
"I came to see about the Sweetings. Is
Uncle Tom at home ? '
The thin face lighted up suddenly.
"No ! Missus , but I ken tole yo' wha'
dey is ; ho done got 'em ready , kase he
thought yo' niout come. Oh ! Missus , we
kan hab a chicken , now ! I war done 'frald
sorapin' mout happen dat yo' cuddent
come. "
"So you are going to have a Thanks
giving dinner ? ' I asked.
" \es , Missus , ef we don' git dis'pinted
noways. J as' year we had to spen' all
our money we had save up for wood , kabO
he cuddent git no job o ' choppin. Won't
yo' tek a cheer , Mssus " '
I did so , and looked about the little
room , noting tha results of pitiful at
tempts to "nick it look lak white folks'
houses , " A little shelf which hale i-
dently been put up by unskilled hands
was draped with a gayly-colored circus
poster ; the Hoor was bate e .cept for a
few old , faithfully-washed scraps of car
pet placed here and tiicrc ; while a barrel
had bean festooned with scalloped news
papers , which dignified it to the position
of a work-stand. A braided rug. .partly
finished , lay upon it , while Dinah gave
her undivided attention to the small bwt
glorified preparations for the "Fanks-
' . "
givin' dinnah.
"Oh. yes ! Missus , I has ten arnin ' a
little money , too. Uncle Tom he wuk
hard , an' fink he am all do money fo'
Fanksgivin' , but Dinah l'a ' n to braid
rugs an' now she got twen'y cents done
saved up. It meks de mi . ' iy in de back
a little mite wusser , but we got to have
what s right to go wiv de chicken , Mis
sus. '
"Would you like to take a ride on
Thanksgiving day , Dinah ? " 1 asked sud
denly. „ „
"Fo ; ide lan'Missus ! Wouldn't I ?
out 'r here the thin little face fell ,
"Who'd get de dinnah. ' " '
"You 'll never find out what a good
cook Uncle Tom is , if you don't let him
get dinner alone , sometime , " I said , light
ly , well knowing that the poor little soul
could never get far from her couch unless
Uncle Tom carried her.
Early on Thanksgiving morning I
drove to the shabby little house once
more , where Uncle Tom wrapped poor
little Dinah carefully up in a blanket and
put her in the carriage.
"Oh. how nicel It s most like Hebdii' "
• he whispered , as she leaned back among
the soft cushions. She did not speak again
until she found herself in Lulu s nursery.
Then her eyes closed , and the tears
streamed down her cheeks while she mur
mured softly to herself. 1 think she
must have been piaying.
I was afraid so much happiness would
huit her. The goo I doctor whom I askod
to examine little Dinah's back that morn
ing shook his head and expressed but lit
her . "But ' he added
tle hope for case. , ,
grimly , trying to keep the kindly look
from lrts face , "if you have set your heart
on curing all manner of cripples , I sup
pose 1 shall have to humor you and do the
best I can. ' '
I took heart at thi and went back to the
nursery to find that Lulu and the nurse
had not been idle. Little Dinah was fast
being clothed in soft warm garmen s
which had once been Lulu's , while her
eyes shone with delight It was evident
that she was becoming somewhat accus
tomed to her surroundings.
When she was rested and had begun to
wonder "how uncle Tom was done glttin'
' wiv de cookin' " drove
'long , we slowly
back. Dinah's head was fairly buzying
with "what uncle Tom would t nk to see
her rigged out dis-a-way , " but when
we carried her gently through the
doorway and she was fairly on
the old couch once more , she was again
bereft of speech , for there. In the middle
of the room , stood the table loaded with
such eatables as Dinah had never dreamed
of , and we left Uncle Tom to unravel the
mystery for her , while we went home to
our own "Fanksgivin' " with full Hearts.
If you should see Dinah now , you would
scarcely know her. She can run and play
almost as well as any little girl and her
taste for household neatness and decoration
has unlimited scoop. at least , it seems so
to her In the gardener's house at the end
of the lawn. Uncle Tom ' s chief delight
Is to watch her playing about him as he
works in "Miss Lulu's gyaden. "
A Matter of Principle.
"Say , pa , " said Willie , after an exciting
Interview with his father , in which the
gestures were far more impressivethan
the language , "I thought you was a free
trader. "
"That' what I am , but It hasn't got any
thing to do with this operation that I can
3ee. "
"Yes , sir ; butj think you might live
ap to your principles anyhow. "
"What do you mean ? "
"Why , what I mean Is that it would
have been about the right thing for you
io do a little something toward remo.Ing
the tacks from the shingles. '
And Willie slid awa/anl a\oIded fur
ther difficulties.
* < * rjrn Hi.1i < , - > < • ! • ' * i " L. i. n . lr.iLPHrw..i. Q TH *
. . . .
w iW > | i i iu i | frrf > ia.i i 1. ii ) IK i | > ii y i t
Ilnrk ! > ) Alicad.
Stranger ( to Arizona oitizen ) What's
wrong in this town ? it's us quiet as u
"A big calamity , pilgrim. Colonol
33ilks is dead , aud 1 don't seo how we'll
get. along without him. "
"Why ? Was ho necessary to the
tojvn ? "
"Necessary ? Guess so , stranger. Ho
was tho only man in these parts that
could mako a hangman's knot. " Lin
coln Journal.
"I am weary of living , " moaned poor Mrs.
"For I'm fairly worn out with the ache in
my back ;
My nerves are a chain
Of wenkneus and pain.
And my poor head is aching as it it would
crack. "
"Now. don't be " cried
. discouraged , good
Mrs. White.
"It is never so dark but thero's promise
of light ;
I can tell you , in brief.
What will give you relief
Pierce's Favorite Prescription will soon
Bet you light. "
It is the only remedy for womnn'tt pe
culiar weakncHses and ailments , sold by
druggists , under a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers , that it will give satis
faction in every case or money will be re
funded. Si'O guarantee on bottle wrapper.
Large bottles (100 ( doses ) 51. Six for SI3.
The latest manufacturing enterprise at
Cheyenne , Wyo. , is a whip factory.
( 'nil a Iliau Mvnlloiv u Cnimoii-Iluin
Well , "that depends. " Ho can if his
throat is large enough aud the cannon-ball
not too large. The question really seems
worthy of some consideration in view of
the siza of some of the pills that , are pro
scribed for sufficing humanity. Why not
throw them "to the dogs. " and take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pelletb ? Small ,
sugar-coated , purely vegetable , perfectly
harmless , in glnss , aud always fresh.
Tho bricklayer's assistant expects to
have a hod winter.
J > oii'tVnu Know
That you cannot afford to neglect that
catarrh ? Don't you know that it may
lead to consumption , toinBanity , todeath ?
Don'tyou know thatitcan be easily cured ?
Don't you know that while the thousand
and one nostrums you havo tried have
utterly failed that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem
edy is a certain cure ? It hns stood the test
of yeats , and there are hundreds of thous
ands of grateful men and women in all
parts of the country who can testify to its
efficacy. All druggists.
It isn't every composer who has a Han
del to his name.
A Radical ( ura for Epileptic Fit * .
To the Editor Ploase inform your renders thnt
I have a pomti7e remedy for tlio above named
dim.iso which 1 warrant to euro tho wort-t c.isps.
K fltronff is my faith in tho virtues of thi # m di-
cino thnt I will t < end free a sample bottlo and
inlunhle treatisu to any bUttVrer who willKivo
mo his P. ( ) . and Express mldco.s. . Jly remedy
Las cured tlmnnandu of hopeless cn09. .
II. G. ItUOT , M. C. 183 1'oarl St. , New York.
There are a.000,000 women in the Uni
ted States who work for wages.
JffcfMi'trd with SoreK\p . ipp Dr. Inaic Tlionip
fmi' * l.j e W.iter. Drii 'fletj sell lr. iic
The twenty-six Chinese laundries of
Poitlnnd , Ore. , hayef rmed a trust.
Frosh Proofs Just Rocolved.
03 l'pnr * . F.\ndrTM . OMn , Jars 18. IM1.
Was tufcea with rhsnmai' .rE in ISil ; ixltrii. it
tteca ever 1ec i auJ u d crotches ; Et JacoiJ 0 I
c rZ C3 t' .cai Z i3 , no retura.
11 Yoarn. Colomfcnj , Ohio , Imo : a , 1GS
Tiloa dth rhtcaiatls-n IS jears arc , inZcrtt.
till cse y ar s-zv cijtd by Et. Zictfo * Ci ! . IT * r -
twa iec ! . E. K JXYAK.
Crippled Foet. = . HI. , Kay J2. ' 88
i'lvo ye&rs ajo b&l rhoajnitiira in xy fact ; enf *
fercd S yoan ; utad cans. Et. Js.rob > Oil C37.4
ra . JC3rK PELS.
THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO. , Baltimore , M4.
Diamond Vera-Gura
Stomach Troubles Arising Thsrtlrom.
Your Druggist or Gaieial Jjealer will git Vera-
Cura for you if not already tit alorh , or tt wi'l be
irni by mail on receipt of 25 eU. ( . " > boxtt $1.00) ) t *
tt'tmp s. SknnpU sent on receipt of i-eent tlamp.
THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO. . Baltlmori. Ud.
Soli 1ropriatun aud Mauulactunn.
ELYS CatarrH
Cleanses t P g l
Nasal Passages. Hg / OiS Hriln
Allays Pain andP - C ° 'ofe l } ° J
I n 11 a m m a t'on , P FEVERj ) J J
Heals the Sores , | L. f
Ilestores tln T / &f |
Senses of Taste Hfea | f. , H/
and Smell. W $
A particle I * applied In.o each nostril and Is agree
able I'rlce 50 cents at dniKCisu : by mall , regis
tered , cu cents
ELY UUOTUERS. -Warren St. XewTort.
FOR THE Kilert's Extract of
Has cured all coughs , colds , bronchitis , and
relieved asthma and consumption for allwho
have used it. Is not this an evidence of its
merits and reliability ] It is a sure and saft
medicine for all bronchial troubles and never
fails to give satisfaction. Try it under a full
warrantee. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Prepared by Emmekt PiioPRinTARr Co. , Chi
cago , 111.
issued March and Sept. ,
each year. It i3 an ency
clopedia of useful infor
mation for all who pur
chase the luxuries or tho
necessities of life. "Wo
ban clothe you and furnish yoa with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride , walk , dance , sleep ,
eat , fish , hunt , work , go to church ,
or stay at home , and m various sizes ,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these things
COMFORTABLY , and you can make a. fair
estimate of the value of the BUYERS'
GUIDE , which will bo sent upon
receipt of 10 centB to pay postage ,
111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. 111.
r S tf > AN CT STUDY. Book-kecpinp , Penmanship ,
17 < JJ rei C Aritlunetic. Shorthand , etc.thor-
uuhly tauibtliyni.ul. I.OTrratcs. Circulars free.
1 ! : VANTS C01J.EUE.4Jl.MainSt.IJuffaIoAM .
W. n7 U.7 Omaha. 410 48.
ii. < yj ii iijML..jLi n.'r inVy i.nunnni > ii ii i hi iiibii.i
-rVT. * > * > i' - ' ' "il'iia ' "t "in ny , p i | > m , ' , iiM'n'j"i ' '
Khcumntiam attack * overy ngo , gout
only ndultH. Hut wliotlieryou mny have to
to cope with one or the other , Salvation
Oil will be found cqunlly elllcacioua. It
kills pain. Price 25 contri a bottle.
"A merry heart roc * nil tltodny ; " hut who
enn merry he , when rucked and tormonted
with a hateful cough. lie wine , nnd try Dr.
BuU'u Couch Syrup. It relieves nt once ,
cures promptly , ami costs but twenty-five
cents a bottle
The tower of llabol wus tho first contin
ued Btory on record.
New Jersoy turns out nearly 37,000,000
yards of ribbon in u. year.
KatmnB gives Uurrlaon n. plurality of
Mr. Dana Ih accompanied on his Euro
pean tour by a small party of intimate
It's Easy to Dye
| L fi | | -j-j-- Superior
/WuJV strenSth
dfi& llim Beauty ,
' /fvh f & \ AND
ft a/ . Simplicity.
"Warranted to color more goods than uny
other dyes ever made , nnd to give more bril
liant and durable colors. for the Via-
mond , and take no other ; 36 colors , zo cts. each.
WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. . Burlington. Vt.
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USE
Gold , Silver , Bronze , Copper. Only io cts.
Baby Portraits.
• l A Portfolio of beautiful baby nic-
jC ? il tures from life , printed on hue
\ V. plate paper by patent photo
cA:3 & KX process. , cnt free to Mother ot
CjtAft an > Baby born i\ithin a jenr.
\ _ \nf Every Jlother • wants thcto
/yQ&igjjz ? \ pictures ; hend at once. Give
/ i jjTir * / I "tt y's name and age.
Mm ' X/wellsrichardsom&oo. / ,
* iir * ttUff BURLINGTON , VT.
1 , , > , _ , U'o-.ltUelvrlircd b\E
fi E3TJFE3 O tuencs.miK pun. E
0 & % Pft 8 tf [ K h They alno rol. 'ovo Dh j
iBl " 0 0 \ W tn > HH frfmi IyHcjhJn , fe
KSsf3 tinnirij g digestionaiiilTnoHeart } f
'SCjKpfi E bLe lUting. A perfect rem <
tt i B i J ? cdy forlMzziiiPsiOfaHbeaU
ES BVEial Drowsinws. IJ.ul TaHteffl
{ * " B5II D E r in tho otolith. Co.itedS
& 3 IrS8 Ba ) . Tongiie.raiiiiiilioHiile.l >
Is rt B Pw rcjmlato tho IJowelaK
\if&JZi&1\M \ : Purely Vegetable. fr
1 1 Price 25 Cents , g
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Prlcel
A Year's ' Work Done in Ten Days.
From the Clitpliln of Exeter CoIIejci. aal Hough
ton Syrlac Prizeman , oxford.
Coll. Kton. < ) son . Sept. lSS
Dear Sir : In April. IS * " , vhlle filnklnn of tRhlns
orders In beptcmber. I s-tl iilunly received notice thit
nijr ordination examl.ntion would lie held In a fort
night. I onlv ten ( I0 > diy * In wliici to pre.nro
for the Exam. I hIio iI.I recomm-nd a yew's prep ir-
r.t on in the case of anvone utterly irinrcp.i-cd ill
Iihut vour SifUfia litttl * o xi emith'nnl tn > / nnt-
urnl niemvrithat I wsi alile to rcnvnlier and plvc
the gl t of anv nook utter rtwltnq it O'i1 f. I tl.ere-
forc rrail I.fchtfoof , l'rnetoHindi llrowiif. Mt
helm. Ac , Ac. on < "e. nn 1 wa * tt'trcesvfitt in ern ij me
of the nine pipers T'io present U sk ; > i f I.diiii-iirjr
knows the fact" . K. it ! > fu > ly vwir. .
jl'ci i .Iamks MiiiD'.i-to- * innv tin. 'V. A 1
ToI'i'of.A.I.OISKTTK , iS7 : I irtli AV..N.V. .
r/VHil1 / ! System H tau-'it ier-on ilif • > l > j c < rre.
spoiden e. Call oradlrcss it ahon for pro pertu .
Has a 1'ad different from ail
eras stupe , with SWr-
adiustlnp Ball In center , ada pts
It in tho cupnresses back
teatinesJust as a per-
Bon.doos with the finger. withiiehtpre ur > ;
tao Hernia is held secarcly day midnightand a radical
caroe rt ! n. Itlsomy. durable and cheap. Sf-ntby malL
Urcolorifxco. iUOIibloa TUL&a tO.tUitoUJ.
CSEffiBksw JS 1 prescribe and folly en *
jtm k * t Jt done Big ( J as the only
iEgvCartila * H specificforthecertalncure
MSSTl TO i DATS.g of this disease.
J38s rnMed n.t > • G.H.INGItAHAM' .M. D. ,
egS ew8irtotuit. " Amsterdam , K. Y.
fwjgl uriMiybyti * "We have sold Big C lor
! * * . . . • rv.-t l n many years , and it has
HJKTiuClnalalM riven the best of satis-
VRT * . CincisnstiJi Ha faction.
gj ) OMO W P- DYCHK < ! : CO. .
Ia4 HBB rll 81.00. Bold by Drucz ' ists.
JAh WI 5 Ton Woeon Scales ,
, Bm BammWW n L"Siret Ht rlim. Biu >
J BJ Hil - • " • B..n uJ Bun Bi for
vSvSVN S BKJ iTtrr ilir Scale. For Art * priee Ut *
J I TkWmW k Bt BODtlos thtf paper B < 1 addrcu
r w * * H J0SIS CF BJ00HUTBrl.
J Bi. auxMTox. n. ir.
_ _ _ _
Aif n i ji f
nuiML W ' X iJ
SSxi M Xewfrnm Factory. We stake onr
pl'Mjpes' * repafatic i of 47 years on this IJifle , and
mf&f\f. Cuarant - it the bicrrost oiler erer
* t 5 > mado. Send Re. in tanim for liimtrattd
A" lOO-paco DcscripMre Catalogue. Ciins. Kiftei ,
KeYolTen , Fnhinr Tackle , Bicycle * . Sportir. ; ' , < ; oGds. Ac.
JOnX V. I.OVELL AKaiS CO. . Botton. yta %
The Larcest. Cheapri : and lies : la the WorM.
cassi Asscrrs $120,000,000.
SIMON fiOETZ. " rTJi.F.ALI.K. > . Agenl. Geaeml Ajeat
OTWTTHroy , _ 3JKB.
BB Nlckf.led Self-Inking Pen & Pencil Stamp
H3 > "nr in Rubber. 2Q cent. . Club of 7. fur g | biU ;
S > rAIJe Towij4guteon,25e. Mirks iiiTthhir.
GB > Sr , cP,1Ietomilktplntwntirrorit mpint5c |
jgy Rubber Stamp Co. Mew Haven. Conn
vinnxnin mmn-m.wimJT relief for MlnRlA
Hoa9HE2S9uKIK3BD B Charlektown. Maa >
CENTS Wanted- nn nour ; Mnew articles. Cat.
aJo u * and swp ! free. C E. ManisalILc lcport > .T
S8 per day Samplerorth 31.53 ITtEE. Line *
eto under the hor-c' feet. Vtnte Brewster I
Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mien.
rt lTPTS'n Trcited and cored witaout tn rail * .
I fll V It Book en treatment sent free. Address
Villi VlJlV F. L. FOND. H.D. . Aurora , Kane Co. , I1L
Eyes Ears WTose % ' *
Aieallmoro orlcM alTectcd by tatsrrh. The err f % M-
becomo Intlumtil , red and watery , wltJ Jo" , l"1 * j.
pain between them ; Iherc ro r arltis buwls r
noUes In tho cars , and sjtnctlmei Ihu hi ttngU' * w f
fected ; the nose It a rcro • ffertr. with tU-ee j * i
slant nncomfortable dltchnrK * . bail br * h , aleM { * 'Jm *
of tho sense of smell. All llwse dlssgroraM * Ki PT ( m-
toms disappear when the dlsiaae Is eartuVAy. HaS * W
Barsapsrllla , which expels from , the fciood the-Im
purity from which catarrh arises , tone * amlVe tor a
tho diseased orsans to htalth. smt bulldwui. ii
whole tyitcm. | j
"I have suffer * ! with catarrh hCrit > t * * r ,
s/ears. Hood's SarsaparllU Is llioonly nt dlclne hH !
has done me permanent food. ' liKi AuiCUXMlMfffr
him. VroTldcnce , It. I. I
Hood's SarsaparUl r J ,
Roldbyalldrozsiits. llrsrzforfProparoJ eetf * ?
by CI. HOOD : CO. . Apothecaries , LesTvIIH Mum. , r A t
100 Doses Ono ETollar- | J
Snrfl fnrPQll established issi t fasSo. . f "
! S > Chicago , IllsJciarkSt. }
/ \ The Regular Old-EsfablTsfied [ ,
ESC m&y Ij still Treating wIUithsGraatet i
Urouic , Nervous and Private Ok \
B-NERVOUS DEBILITY" , . 2.o t Murrfrood/ ,
Faillne Memory , Exhausting Draicat Terrible. -
Dreams , Head and Back AchcanJ aJLihceffett * . .
leading to early decay amlpeihups ConoumptionoJl-
Insanity , treated scicntiGcalljc y new ractiiodi wttw •
never-fallinc micccss. I
SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and SkinDlin' - -
cascs permanently cured. j
mr KIDNEYand URINARTT-coaipUints.nteet
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re. Varicocele ami all < i'.ci .
of the Gcnito-Urinary Organs , cured jnamptly.'vuhocj j
injury to Stomach , Kidneys croilieOrgjn7. i
a'g-Uo experiments. Ace anJesperiiuccStsV- .
portant. Concultation free a.i.l aacrs-i. j
* B-Send4cents postage for CeiettratcdrA/OxtiCeMi
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate lhtivj. .
-C3 Those contemptatini ; Marriajo vrvt/Ar Dr.r.
Clarke's celebrated cuidc Mate mhI 7cVMar . eid #
15 cents , both 35 cents ( stamp ! . ) . Koji'uit • ke < - ) i
Doctor. A friendly letter orcillmay ssveiitu a uItr- ( 1
ins and shame , and add golden years to lite OKrEc-ck
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamrtv , . - MeJicisQ
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure .
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
2S < ( Mo. ( larlic , I'SUKCA O , IKlLtii
i he Best
is thatwhieli kccpsifli culver-
Jincl Stomacli in lieaJA&y cotl-
Kothinff in th -world so-jtuc-
cessfally treats tho di esri ve
organs as i\randraIco.aad tho
only pure , safe and'reliable
preparation of Mandrake ia ;
Or.Sheeicics >
Tor.Io fr all Dnie Ms. I'rire 2.1 cr * . rcr t-osir
D hoi H fur C > cU : or n-it hy 111 iil , jjos'-h ; " 'retou
receipt or price. nci.ii > oa. 1'h * ii ! '
It has permanently ciircrTnc TTSA > if5 i
of csises pronounced by 4Lortaii > iope-
less. If yon ha'e prentcaftory i rs&-
toms , such as Cough , DifliiviiCy * of *
BreathiiiR , etc. , don't rtd.tvr. . li'si : afee
PISO'S CURE for CON * r I2i170N
immediateb * . Iiy IrtigKKta ) „ 'ia ffiota.
[ gif \ anJdI en esof hr 't.tATrals.ncAttnjx • .
K&'ttf3 with OZONIZED AW , , &e-r * eT-
" r3 contlnuon * radlLai < ubr e irataxy/
sr"S r \
> '
} l > \ Vi organs profiielnK rceT T r _ w'a I
Ita-iv jlftiJ orableehn-ip-of esm r < rjjry sB .
PR " SaS7 objectionable rzATCWt JllC4.Al.Jj
PTH J Toac nhaT M lay "T'RI * l-- " 'calLi
& N .3 cost , llluftratft l.not c ! rir rf 'fr -
S CS ' UcuIars.sent ei ETiSr.Lr/n0JT5irnta , .
t 'J > . PiT'tq oil Htata ( Street. ChlooffO. UXf ,
calnstsatlyreiioToa tk < > most riolent attaelc and K '
3in3areseosifortabla sleep. 50 WUTI5G for KK-K 1
gscLTS.BaImrnsed by inhalation , its action iaia-Jfc /
gmediatn. directar.ff certain.and corouthom 5 .
3 resslt in all curable cases. A slaxie tost conK '
STincea thenioetskeptical. Pric i0c. ant31C0 ;
q of tsi Clrnjsist. or by mail. Siraplo Free fee * ,
I na.73 x p'isitiT.5 remedy for the abo rit-disratn ; by it o a
thoasincii of ca s of tho worst kind and ol tonrstaadinM
haTsbeea cured. So strong is my faith ia itH eihcaey tbat
I will send two b-.tiles iff , toeether w th a Talrubl
treatise on th.s difirv to any sufferer. Gi ripreas xn/Z-
P.O.addreis. T. A. bLOCUJ * . iLO. , ISlEtorl St.X.Y -
KeTer Gums. Never Trtesen in Winter or XHts T .
Summer. Erery box Cuar nt l. Scrapiecrtl r *
solicited. Writ * " for Pnrss. > T nuke sie noOe \
Axe-Oreac known an < l w-II cheaper Dutn oilier ; se j
their common pood CI.AKX t IVIME.CO ,
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