The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1888, Image 8

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    _ _ _ / . J- " ' '
_ B *
THE only place where you can find what you want
_ in our line.
_ _ _
H lJ HE only place that sells goods on their merit.
H " \ r ma e our own Prices. We sell at a profit.
WE have bargains in surplus stock. We guaran-
wm tee every article as represented.
WE are establishing a trade for the hereafter , not
BK only for to-day and to-morrow , but for years to
IS come , by conducting our business in a straight , legiti-
IX mate manner , giving full value , dollar for dollar , and
IS backing up just what we say.
WE have one of Dr. King's celebrated Optometer's
and can fit your eyes with spectacles correctly.
"IX7"E charge nothing for piercing ears with a new
> " painless process , its very funny ; makes any
one laugh.
"TXTE are having a big sale on.Gold Watches , which
* V we sell same price as silver. •
{ 3 ? It will be impnssiblo to dascribo all wc have for sale , so drop in and
K. convince yourself tbat there is no place like it on earth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
K JMiM ttMWMMWBMMPOMUiWBMIMBOBWCOiMPOO''I 'TlTfTV1 * * " ' JJI " * - - - - - r-r - - - - - y- > - q
R J. A. YaiiShoik ,
I Singer Sewing Machines
| | Repairs and Supplies.
fl Office , in McMillen's Drug Store , - - - McCook , Nebraska.
I REi iWAL !
fl I am now located in tlie store room
B lately vacated by Mrs. T. Nells , on
m * Main _ Aveime , wliere I will Ibe pleas-
H ed to see all my old customers and
B many new. oies. My stock will be
fl larger and finer tlian ever , and my
I ] prices as low as tlie lowest , -
I * H. H. BERRY.
_ "
I 1888. Fall Season.1889.
. - : - . - : - .
I The fact tbat my efforts in the past to produce
I none but of the highest staiidaid of excellence
I have been appreciated by friends and customers ,
I as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi-
K ness , has eneouaraged me to still greater exertions
H for the Fall and W inter season.
I For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will
II give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which
| | iB as large and handsome an assortment of new
1)1 ) goods a s can beshown by any of the best houses
IJ in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe-
yt cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl-
B ish and perfect fitting garments.
H " MeCook , Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR.
E The MflPnnlr I non niirS Troirf Fn
R 11 lllll LDdll oil 111 u ) .
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property
. .
0 A" CAMPBELL , President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President.
I O. HOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President.
I F. L. BROWN , Treasurer.
f ttf\ _ - " .
_ EA'FON &c CO. , Proprietors
McCook , Nebraska.
Jfcltz Bailroad Stbeet , - -
_ • *
1 / t
v ' " - - _ _ # * ' ' Jm
* ' /2 - t : : " 4 ' • * • * < . * * . , > ; - - . ' > . . , . , . t dPf
. J. C. ALLEN & CO. J. C. ALLEN & CO. II
" ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES. " - " THE LEADERS. " - . , . * • * * - * f
fDry Goods and Cloaks ) # 1
, , ' N ' - 'li
. < <
- | |
' ' - We have a Large and Elegant Stock of DRESS GOODS , CLOAKS AND - , Jj
; \ . WINTER GOODS , that * we bought in the Eastern Markets for CASH.
' " " '
* ' * -V • 1" We will sell them VERY CHEAP to our customers. We can only
- * * * build up and increase our trade by giving the people ' j
- ' \
-fN > Comx > are these prices with what you have been paying * : < = | r I
Double fold Tricot , - .50 worth S .75. I Ladies'Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors ' , $ .50 worth $ .75. j 1
Cotton Flannel ' - .08 " .12. j Ladicjs' Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , .75 worth 1.00. " I
; , . J ' 1 La'lies' Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , 1.00 worth 1.30.
bcarlet 1 willed Juarmel , - .20 .d0. , . , . , , , . , . , . ?
- -
7 01 - 4.1 *
Tr. i . .
, Ladies' Ki a Glo ves , all sizes and colors , 1.2 > worth 1.7- > j
• i ttt t rr • u . rr u . * .
46-inch Wool Henriettas , • .50 .10. , Ladies'Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , 1.50 worth 2.00. J
54-inch French Broadcloth , - 1.452.00. . Ladies'all wool Hose , - - - .33 worth .50 !
These are .1 few of our low prices this week. We are making special inducements for your trade in all departments.
These prices are about 25 per cent , lower than any place in the city. fi
filj lj
We toe a ffl line of Winslow , toi id Watson's tasted Coffee , j
The Highest Grade of Coffee in the World. Sold only in 2-pound cans and in bulk. J
( B. F. Jap Tea at 60c , worth 90c. * ! I
fllir QnOPIQlfioO1) ) Crawford Company Cheese. O !
O UUl OPGGiailloO' Sweet Pickles iii hulk Vj 1
( Monarch Canned Goods. ifl
. . . - : - . . & CO.
A decision of the supreme court of Califor
nia , regarding' .contracts by means or which a
combination of manufacturers had under
taken to suppress competition in the sae ! of
lumber , is interesting us supplumunting' and
emphasizing a number of similar decisions
that have been rendered in other states. All
the manufacturers tit a certain point in Califor
nia Inul contracted to sell to & corporation tho
product of their mills , so far as it should be
required by the people of four counties. The
parties to this arrangement agreed that none
of them should sull to any other buyer in the
specified territory , the pau.ilty for the viola
tion of this ajroeme'it beuK a rtu < i to ho col
lected by the corporation , which was created
by the manufacturers to prevent competition
One of the ma'iufiicturers iu the combine
broke the contract.and the corporation , repre
sentiug the other memh-srs. brought suit
against him. The case went to the supi erne
court , which held thatany one of the manufaet
urers could safely repudiate his co ntract. The
court said tnat the pinimill hid : an undoubted
right to purchaso all the lumber it chose and
sell it at 8uuh prices and us it saw fit , but it
transcended a rule essential to tlie best inter
ests of the community , and ne'jessary alike to
the protection of individu-ils and leijitun ito
trade , whore as a condition of purchase it
bound the vendor , under a penalty , not to sell
toothers. Courts it was declared h ivenothinsr
to do with the results naturally flowing from
tie laws of supply and Jemuid. "hut when
agreements are iwirtcd to for the purpose of
t iuiug mule out of the realm , of e-nnpetition.
ti .d thereh ) euliaiiein ror depre sin prices of
eo nniodities , the courts cannot besuceessful-
W i.ivoked. " and the execution of such agree
ments will be lefcto the volition of the parties
thereto Decisions substantially similar nave
bee'i rendered in N'ew York. Pennsylvania
Jluo a.d Illinois , and this concensus of judi
cial opiuion against the legal force of eon
rat ts designed to suppress competition issitr-
uiticant and important. When the courts re
fuse to protect combinations of this character
Multilist themselves their dissolution can only
nc a question of time , dependent on the cupid
ity o' their separate members.
The dry cold weather of the early winter
mouths is productive ot a great deal of croup
among children. Mothers should be on the
lookout for it. and tie prepared to arrest it as
soon as the flrstsymptoms appear. True croup
never comes without a warning ; a day or two
before tlieuttack tnechild will become hoarse
and that symptom is soon followed byapecul-
i ir , rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough
tem < dy is given as soon as this hoarseness or
• < > ugh appears , all danger and anxiety may be
• voided ; it has never tailed , even in the most
• -evere cases. There is no danger in triviug
he Uemcdy for it contains uo injurious sub
stance. For sale by all druggists.
The western territories so far as heard from ,
oiled up largo republican majorities , as was
to be expected. Washington , Idaho. Moutunu
and Wyoming , not to mention Dakota , huro
-ipoken with no hesitating voice. They have
repudiated democratic intolerance. They will
swing grace ! ully into 'ine wiih their sisters of
the West when the right of suffrage will have
neeu extended to them by a republican con-
-Tess and administration.
Many persons contract severe colds during
he early winter months and permit them to
ning on persisteutly all winter ; weakening
no lungs and paving the way for catarrh ,
-hrouic broucnitis , or consumption. Xo one
• an afford to neglect a cold. A single bottluof
hainberluiu's Cough Uemcdy will cure 'lhe
uost seveie cold , and costs but 00 ceuts. For
tie by all druggists.
There will be peace
Without surcease
For suffering haldheads by and by ;
For frost will seize
And quickly freeze
The frisky , festive , fiendish fly.
Ourdemoeraticcontomporarles who tiro now
i8ing large spneo in attempting to explain
Jlevclaud's defeat , might sum up tho entire
natter far more concisely To he explicit and
wcuratc. Grover simply lacked votes.
When you desire : i pleasant physic , try St.
Patrick's Fills , For saie by all druggists.
lfe > ly rM iryi < ! ll l -l' l ' < > l | < l l < | ' ' ' ' " " ' l''l' 'lll' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' - * c5
gSMaBMilgEKi i IMI.III.P. IH.II . ! M.UWnWiTWf il.w im
Alleged Crookedness.
j J. It Jacobs , an ux-post.u tster fr > m Dun iy
county , was brought here Monday charged
with a bad piece of irregularity. Nearly a
year ago Jacobs resigned a little postmaster-
ship in the county named , and the ofllce was
abandoned Prior to his retiring he is said to
I have intercepted and opened a letter address
ed to a mail carrier nam < M G. W. Sawyer. It
contained a treasury warrant for Sawyer's pay
which it is alleged Jacobs took to Sawyer and
t Id him it had been sent on to be signed.
Sawyer signed it and gave it back for Jacobs
to remail to Washington for payment. Instead
of rcmailing it , it is alleged that Jacobs
got tlie money. Omaha Uepuhlican.
Reducing the Surplus.
The disposition of the Surplus in the II. S.
Treasury engages the attention of our States
men , but n more vital question hits our atten
tion , and that is the reduction of the Surplus
Consumptives. Since the discovery and intro
duction of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption , there has been a marked decrease
in thje mortality from this dreaded disease , and
it is possible to still further reduce the number
of consumptives. How ? By keeping con
stantly at hand a bottle or Dr , King's New
Discovery and using according to directions ,
upon the appearance of the first symptoms ,
such as a Cough , a Cold , u Sore Throat a Chest ,
or Side Pain. Taken thus early acure is guar
anleed. Trial bottles free at A. McMillen's
dru store.
"Dun ? " "Yes. sire. " "Why did you not
tell mo that the American sheep was a danger
ous animal ? " Dan "I did not know it myself ,
your honor , until he had you down. Just lay
the blame on Mills. He oughLto have known
the animal's buttiuir qualities and warned you
of tho danger. I don t pivtcnd to be a zoologi
cal expert , anil he does
The Ukst Salvb in tlie woi Id for cuts , bruis
es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet
ter , chapped hands , eliilhlains. corns , and uil
skin emotions , and positively cures piles , or
no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satistaction , or inonpy refunded. Price
25 cento per box. For sale by A MeMiilen.
The post of state veterinarian , left vacant by
the resignation of Dr. Julius Gerth. has been
temporarily filled by the appointment of Dr
George M Osborne , of Frenmnt.Dodge county
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is un
equalled for old chronic sores. Many cases
have been permanently cured by it. For sale
by all druggists.
Out of tho Breastworks.
Tate Springs , Tenn. , July 4 , i333.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted
• an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I
trid a physician , the best at command , but
secured no benefit. My throat began to
gjt sore , and my body covered with sores
and ulcers. Going from bad to worse , I
felt that my grave trust be reached in the
near future. I gave up tlie doctors' treat
ment , and with a despairing hope I com
menced taking your medicine. I began to
improve from the first bottle , anJ in a short
t-mc the ulccr3 healed , and my skin clcare !
off and was entirely well. I
One year ago .1 cose of catarrh developed j
in my system. Tht - , ' iysician did his best , t
but could not cure me ; but two bottles of
Swift's bpecific gave me permanent " relief.
J. H. Robinson.
• Kavfman , Tex. , June 23 , iSSS.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen I lave been afflicted with a
skin disease for about twelve years , and the
best medical treatment failed to give me re
lief. I am now using Swift's Specific , and
have received the greatest benefit from its
use. Yours truly , Wji. Jones.
For sale by all druggists.
The Swift Specific Co. ,
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
New York , 756 , Broadway.
London , Eng. , 35 Snow Hill.
xr 1 1 1 1 1 r
I Our Candidate for President.
He will be nominated l > y theconvenMou and
will be elected by the people , because he will
come the i.earest to filling their ideal of a chief
magistrate. Electric Hitters has been given
the highest place , because 110 other medicine
lias so well Hilled the ideal of u perfect tonic
' and alterative. The people have indorsed
, Electric Hitters and rely upon this great rem
edy in all troubles of I.iver , Stomach and Kid
neys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases
caused by Malarial Poisons. Electric Hitters
cannot be too highly recommended. Also cures
Headache and Constipation. Satisfaction
guaranteed , or money refunded. Price 5lc. )
and $1. at A McMillen's drug store.
We are ajients for the following reliable
companies Note date of organi
zation and splendid assets :
yEtna of Hartford. Cunn..lS19 Sfl,5C > S.S40
Insurance Co. of N. A. . Phila. , 17'Jl , S.474i72 :
I'heiii.K of Brooklyn , 1S. > 3 5-s97.KJ. : ( i
Connecticut ol Ilaittord , 1S50 2.1S9.742
Continental ) I New York. LS-VJ . - > .S.0.S1 ! ) 1
Pemi\\lvaiiia Fire of Phila. , 1X j. . . 2.710bt > 5 ,
Lancslfneof 3Iaiiclie > terEn . . 16.72 , l,4i < SlS7
The Mutual Life Insurnce Co.
The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co.
A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins.
Monej' to Loan on Ileal Estate Security.
Allen's Transfer ,
Bus , Baggage Dray Line.
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
r Iest Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders
at Commercial Hotel.
Good well water furnished onshortnotice.
. .
M II III ll.l IMHWI.Will II 1
T&SNlP , P. O. address , McCook ,
ft7Sa T ff fe > enl'iklt' , Rangesouth
t9nnHJ. > f MeCook.
| eX Ki9 Cattle branded on left
B 9Kj "fl > - Also. 10 , 5 , A and
J k11 bmndsou left hip.
iW f | * Hnr.-es branded snmo
HHBdLoa left shoulder.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . • . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • . . • > • •
* " * • • • • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • • • . . • • • • • • H
. . . . . . • • . . . • • • • • . . . . , . . . . .
Ipei Uii 1 Lowest Prices J I
: | ; 4 * m THE CITY. - # - 1
* H
\ \ * Have .jnst received a heavy stock of new ' ? :
• i < CLOTHING which makes our stock com- \ j ; I
: i ; plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business : • :
• i - Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. - • : 1
: : j - = " : : : I
: : J . = = = = - = . . . , , , . . . H
ii i We received this week , from Chicago , the > : ! m
j ; largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , : : J
i : Waterproofs. Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , : \ \ U
\ : : Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ' : • fl
Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. : : fl
\ \ \ A $3,000 STOCK OE I
lBoole \ and Shoes , Rubbers , Etc : I
" fl
: : - : : H
: : ; We have 815,000 in Merchandise to sell ' r\ : . fl
jj : for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price | : ji .fl
: • - as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for ; : ' : fl
; : 1 goods than we pretend to ask , thinking jj fl
i : - you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ji - fl
! some of our competitors advertise. I : : fl
• ' * H
: : • < : : H
: : < i v m i. rvrw/r w jvtin m j v % v w.iiivtrvvntti'imty I" H
MeCook Meat Market , M
_ _ _ 9 B _ _ _ _ _ _ ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fr ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l
James Lttteill & Go. wfl
East Ucunhon Street , 1 Door East of J. C. Allen & Co. .Ife H
) Aim
- - ' tWimA
- -
- - - . -
c-fa.i- < ( • . _ , - > . - • - * ; f _ ! _ _ _ _ !