R I VOLUM Xiir" McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 16 , 1888. NUMBER 25. " I " LiWllllllGO- ' I ' I' ' STOCK OF I Furniture H I IS THE COMPLETEST IN § ; Southwestern Nebraska. _ _ _ _ _ H They also carry a full line of I ! . ' Window Shades , Pictures , _ _ _ I Picture Frames , Carpets , Etc , H J AND MEET ALL HONOltABLE COMPETITION IN THEIR LINE. H * McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. B - - B B On all goods purchased of us in the next 30 days , in order to H make room for our I SELECT AND SPLENDID STOCK _ B i _ B \ - m J \ of New Season Goods. We offer to our customers in this sweep- H 11 ing sacrifice sale , an unprecedented opportunity to become pos- K J scssed of superlative bargains , and we expect that the announce- B. ' ment of this sale will _ _ B BHI | vly&woop - - • • - T& @ - - Towitl' H | ' : _ A jt We are not after money now , but room. Call and _ _ _ ' I 0l _ < ! lear" ° ur prices ° " D1Y G00DS' CLOTHING , ' _ H "l J nATSCAPSBOOTSSHOES and GROCERIES. K [ O &Zcrl uy while the boom lasts of I * C.H.ROGERS , H JUP1 Tlie Pioneer Mercliant. H1 I _ ? XgS . _ _ _ FiCT H That you can SATE MONEY on all kinds of B i BY TRADING WITH _ HI HIl l C. G. POTTER & CO. B 7j _ _ _ _ DEALERS IN = = b H | Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , If HARD AW ) SOFT COAL , j _ _ _ ! H M _ ( B-C Km > Hfl ' * Authorized Capital , Sroo.ooo. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. H HL „ . . 11 . . . i l l k- Hb 1' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : Kt > EO HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. lL > . F. L. BPOWN , CASHIER. . L * A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v > _ _ _ _ _ T TMfcii : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'i' ' ' - - - -riri * _ att - - * * y - * * * * -J - r , .j _ l > ' _ aksagBaBj | • BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. UVIION JENNINGS. JOHII WILEY. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT - : - LAW. Will practice in the Stale and United State Courts , and before thn U. S. Land OlliccH. direful attonllon given o Collections. Ollice over Citizens rjnnk , McCook , Not ) . 'JlUOSrCOLFEU. . . . ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PrJULIC. Ileal Estate Bought and Sold and Collccions Made. Monoy loaned otueiil estate and tlnal proof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. Ollice. over Furnicrs & Merchants Dank. E. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAAV , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all thu State and United Stutes Courts. Also , before tho Land Ollice at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , . 1 • LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. - Will practice in nil the Courts. Commercial und corporation law a specialty. P/IONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5. First Nat'l Bank Building. A. J. ItlTTUNHOUSE , W. H. STAItlt , McCook. lndiunola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys 4 at $ Law.j OrFICES AT MeCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. 31. IIKT.M , C. W. DAVIS. LatoHogistcr U.S.Land Lato ef One. Liad Office , OSce.EiTOa.Eis. Wasaisetca.D.O. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land § Loan Agents. " McCOOK. NEBRASKA.y If you have a diflicult contest case to pro e- cute or de'end and want to win consult us. Ollice. ( north of U. S. Land Ollice. Front base- ment of the Citizens Bank. . H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Special attention given tc the sale of city propei tv. Houses reined and collections made. Office : Rear ot Citizens Bank. - = = T. B. STUTZ.UAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AUMST. McCOOK NEBRASKA ISr-Officc in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. TOffice at Chenory's drug store. L. J. SPICKELMIEIl , M. D. , PHYSICIAN ! AND SURGEON , Special Attst5 Oivea ts Fcaalo Diseases. Ollice hours , from H to 11 A. M , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Faiiucrs & Merchants bank. ' Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. tST'Office : Room No. l.Firs Naional Bank Building. Itesidcncc , on Marshall srteet. . = z. zj = A. J. THOMAS , delntist. ; Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. . G. W. MINKLElt , i FOItJIEKLY COUNTY ( - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying. Gradiiifr and Civil Engineering. Resilience north of school t house. . THE 1 COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. ua IcCOOK , XEBUASKA. , This house has been completely renovated f and refurnished throuphout. and is lirst-elass ii in every respect. Raies reasonable. u W. M. SANDE11SOX , „ DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAIlfTEK , J. Calciminiiiff , Graininpr. Paper Hanging , etc. ic with neatness and dispatch. S - til JOHN G. W. R 1 _ EEMING , pic. c. House and Carriage Painting , t. la GRAINING. CALCIMINING , MARBLING , . . ) McCOOK. NEBRASKA. i el Leave all orders at the drujr srore of McMil- Inn ic Weeks. First-class work guaranteed. sn snHi = Hi J" . H. BENNETT , GONTRAGTORnSf Sf -0F p BRICK AND STONE , J McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. V , ir PREDMORE JBROS. , usc sc Blacksmitliing and Woodwork.ll . n Horse Shoeing a Specialty. a Repairs Wagons and .Buggies in a Work tc nmnliko Manner. st i st of All Work Warranted. McCook , Nebraska | • i SHOP South of Badger Lumber Yard. • Jt F.D.BUBGESS9 LC ' PLUMBING , tr in Steam and Hot Water Heating ; , " as North Main Ave McCook , Neb. ' h < Bn All work receives prompt'atteution. . - V ' A THANKSGIVJNG PROCLAMATION. UY THE GOVK11NOR OK THE STATE Of NhllltASKA. The Lord rei neth. Let the people rejoice , ami give thanks 10 thu supremo ruler of tbo universe loruiscouutlcss Ulcesiiigs. The peo ple of Nebrasua Imvo mosc auundunt icuboiis itiearttelt Krailiiiuu to Mini lor hib uaidiun care and keepuifr. They should ive prulse. Thai lie I ) is blessed litem with citiiihlnp in ilus lavorcd coiiiiiionwealth ; that hu has con- iertcd upon them the bler-mn s ol peace and bocial otdcr ; that lie lias iwvaided the laors ot tlie hubbaiiduicu with most buuutitul liar vests ; that lio has sta > ed pestilence liom our boiUeib ; that He has conleried upon us gen eral health and prosperity ; Unit all aio per mitted to live under tlio beiiiliccnt iniluences or education and Christianity. Theiefore. in uckiiowledjiemeiit of all these met civs , and in accotdauce with a most appropriate custom. J. John M. Tha > or , governor ot the state of Nebiuska. do heieby designate Thursday , tho Otii day ot the present mouth , us a day of thanksgiving and praise to our heavenly Kither. 1 respvctlulli urge that all the peo ple of the statu abstain lie j m their usual avo cations ' on that dit } and assemble in their ac customed places ot Christian woibliipundghe thanks to iiim who has so buuntiluliy blessed us with evidences of his goodness. And let not the poor bo forgotten on this duy of thanksgiving. i In witness whereof , I have hereunto ' set my hand und caused tho gicat heal ' ot tho state of Nebraska to bealh\ed. i Done at Lincoln ihi tenth day of Ntiveinbur.in tie : > ear ol our Lot d One'I liousand Kijjlil llim- J divit and Eightj ei ht ; ot ihlsstatoihe twenti- becond ; and ot ihuliidepeiidetieuof the United siutea ! the One llu dred and Ilnrtfeiith. By the Governor , JOHN M. THAYER. GlLBERT ( L. LAWS , Secretary or State. The Editor's Table. There's a little box ot pills , there's u heap of lengthy j bills , there's a caustic letter from a country reader. There 's a ticket for a stall , there's t another for a ball , theio's a circular for a patout feeder. 1'iiere's a pack ol ci .tr cites , tlieie are letteis of ivgiets , theie's a proof I ot highly coloied lithographing ; there's a solitary ace there'sa photo of her lace , theic aie articles to start the angels laughing , Theie's a pietty ehariiiiug clock , theiv's some western milling stock , theie aie stacks of verocb in o crj sort ol metre ; there's a cot ton ollice hat , there's a badly ragged mat , them's , a pipe-bowl than which nothing could be sweeter. There's a gaily libboued cork , theie's a map ol all New York , there's a guide tt to Palestine and one to Russia. There's tho latest ' opera score , there's a lump ot iron ore , thurs's icliesof a Harvatd base ball rusher. Tlieie are pots of ink and glue , tlieie aie let- teis old and new , there are piles of odd ex changes and ot paper ; there's a narrow pair ' ot she ais , there's a glass ot that which cheers , there's a double-backed and pointed paper scraper. There's a paitly smoked cigar , there's an ' ornamental jar , there's thu cuculatiou- swearer's weekly fable. Oh , the sight will tickle jou , ir jou ever catch a view of the editor while writiug ' at his table. Of Use to the Housekeeper.l Gum camphor will speecdily clear the house ol cockroaches. In the chill of fall an ounce of flannel is worth a pound of cough drops. Damp salt will remove the discoloration of cups and bauceis caused by tea and careless washing. Flat-irons should be washed each week be- foi e heating them , as the stai ch sticks to them , aud oitcu leaves a brown mark on the linen. After buttering the tin for a boiled pudding , . dust it with pounded bread ciuiubs ; baking pans I can be tieated with liourin tlie same way and the cake will never stick. The Power of the Imagination. We It. 'arn from the New Orleans Picayune that L.r. Durand , wishing to test tlie practical effect or mind disease , gave a hundred patients u dose ol sweetened water. Fifteen minutes alter , entering apparently id great excitement , ho i , announced that he had by mistake given a powerful emene , and prepaui'ious must be made accordingly. Eighty outol the hundred ; patients became thoroughly ill , and exhibited the usual result of an emetic. Twenty were unallected. The curious part of it is that , with very lew exceptions , the eighty "emetic.zed" vs subjects were men , while the stiong-miiidvd lew , who were not to be caught with chaff weie women. The foolish brood of half fledged politicians J who imagined that the great republican state or JJ Nebraska could ne revoluti mzed by the dem ocracy in a piesidential iear aie now rubbing their ] heads in a dazed waj and wondering w liy , the political signal service didn't hoist the cold wave Hag a month before the election. The result ot the election has been more than sur prising. It has been bewildering. Nebraska 0 has given a majority for tlie republican nation- jj ai ticUetgieater than ever befo . re in herhisto ry , w hile she has elected ev cry 1 cpublii.au conn gressman , increased the republican majority gi in tlie legislature , and , in spite ol bitter local lights and Hie full usu ol democratic patron age , has chosen the entire state tickets oy oveiwhelming majorities. The campaign of 188S will be remembered as the flrst that was ever lought on a seientiflc basis. The tariff question is aquestion of polit ical economy , aud political oconomy is a science. And it is a matter to be very speci ally noted , a matter for congratulation and philosophical reflection , that millions of Ameri can people have been engaged much of the tune during several months in studying the laws of supply and demand , the purchasing B pow ( er of wages , the natuie of commercial exg change , th" balance or trade , the relations of capital aud labor , the true naturo of money and other elements which enter into that com plex whole which we call business. With wise legislation and administration at Washington , the year lSDi should find from fuur to half a dozen of the southern states soundly converted to the party of progress and protection. , It should also find the otherstates dotted heie and there with republican con grcssional districts and honeycombed with re'e ' publican ] ideas. Sew England itself is not more vitally concerned in the ascendency of ttnjse ideas than is the new , progressive , man ufacturing south. If , in politics , the new- southerners have thus far shut tbpireyesto their own interests , they are not goiugto keep them shut lorever. The prohibition brethren have probably achieved < a glorious victory in giving the elec toral vote of New Jersev to Cleveland , and in securing a democratic legislature in New Jer- sey'which will send a democrat to the senate the United States and repeal the temper ance laws of that state. It may be that their victory is not quite complete ; but if it is , will not be a glorious one something to be proud of ? Says the Sail Fiancisco correspondent of the New York Tribune : • 'irthc All America and Chicago teams do not play better ball in Aus tralia than they do here , their expedition will j not icllect much credit 011 American skill in the diamond. Tho games ihey have played to gether and with California clubs have been fi ascos , to the deep disgust of large audiences. " In the language of Cock-cj ed Ben. "this has been n poor year for political side-shows. " Vide prohibition vote. VideU. L.P. returns. . I , w-wv-Sfwap&s * - S g g : "S5JXZ _ _ . " i _ _ ! _ rem. _ ii _ i i _ u.tm nu HMJW Mi _ _ _ Heartrending Scenes caused < by an exhibition of LTcating Stoves < at the Pioneer Hardware. Pandemonium a Picnic , compared < to the commotion caused by the j dazzling splendor of the Sovereign Jewel base burner. A Woman Burst into i tears and declaicd she would have no other stove if she didn 't have a new dress for a year. One Woman Hung about her husband's neck and besought him to buy her a Sovereign Jewel for a Christmas present. Another [ Woman IWelted into tears when she saw one going to her neighbors , and one woman Thought She'd Die laughing for joy when siie discovered that her husband had already secured one. But it was only a touch of hap py 1 hysterics and she is now lceling bet ter than ever before in her life. The Sovereign Jewel Base-Burner is guaranteed to do one-third more boating with the same amount of fuel than an7 other stove on the market. We have just finished unloading Two Car Loads of HEATERS of all sizes and descrip tions. Call and investigate the merits of the SOVEREIGN JEWEL , and size up our Beautiful Bargain Banquet of heaters at THE . Pioneer Hardware , LaTOCRETTE & CO. , McCook , Neb. ST" Brick Storo. 4 Doors South of J. C. Al len & Co. , Main Avenue. * * ft * _ > i _ _ _ * \ , _ * * • . , * . . , . . - 1 r - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ef- -r - ' ; 2 _ _ _ _ > i 1 TJ W rfh TBTTTTT T HJ _ _ 1TTTT/N V M H Tt pfpMOftlGYm ' niff MIRIP I llulu ij lviuliii I lli Ulll IilUiJlu , I And our concert captivates customers because the ' I silvery sound means sound silver saved to every * * I mothers' son of them. We are willing to let I There's no denying that they are great on that I instrument , and play with a good deal of vim , but I the Lyre doesn't last like our instrument. I WE BLOW OUR HOEN " I To announce that we have added § 4,500 worth of I Fall and Winter Goods to our already mammoth I fosie of iBoofs & Spftoes , I And that we intend to sell them 20 per cent , be- I low any firm that claims to compete with , or I undersell us. I IH _ H _ _ _ _ , _ , _ _ tf u l V3 / i t u m m H I • T ! U Hjllill JL/U JLUi I Because we buy direct from wholesale manufac- I turers' saving the jobbers' profit , which is 20 per cent. Because we pay cash for every dollars' I worth of goods we buy and take a liberal discount. I Come and see us. I _ ! illluS wuiu liOfOl So liflV ljuIUlu ! I "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " ' I OPERA HOUSE BLOCK , - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. I _ i _ _ i I CITY BAKERY. I _ I _ _ H _ H ! ! FRESH BREAD I I _ _ I DELIVERED EVERY DAY TREE OF CHARGE. \ 1 * _ _ _ _ _ • n • _ _ \ * _ _ H 1 \ -PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-NUTS- \ I \ -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS- \ ' I 3TOBACCOETCETC 3 - \ I _ _ _ _ _ * Ck • - fl _ { LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. \ _ I H ; Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. | I i A. PROBST , PROP. | rT _ " _ - * - _ _ - _ .r _ _ i * _ * _ _ * _ _ * > - i r . .r9 _ t ajrvnM - * " _ _ ji * m _ * S _ T _ _ > _ r _ _ . _ _ - - < • ! ' * ' - • - • \ 1 * k K \ AA j ® HENRY PEXXER , AJlV7I _ / m- \v\y f I las just rm'ied liis fall ami / - - JJ winter stock of " Horse Blankets , "VTiiiter Kobes , Etc. , Etc. iST Uarnes.s all home made and guaranteed. 3Iy patent collar is the finest thing in the market. I carry the best goods in the * city , the largest"took , mid i my prices are the lowest. ' . • 1 Roar of Tho Famous. - " " • * . HENRI" PENDER. • " ll f 3 * _ ! - ' _ l j [ - _ - i