l * _ _ I THE ONLY STORE I OF ITS KIND I IN THE WEST. _ M . ' -J " ij. -i - . i . , i . . i . - B I rpHE only place where you can find what you want • * • in our line. * JHE only place that sells goods on their merit. " , ( rE make our own prices. We sell at a profit. WE have bargains in surplus stock. We guaran tee every article as represented. WE are establishing a trade for the hereafter , not only for to-day and tomorrow , but for years to come , by conducting our business in a straight , legiti mate manner , giving full value , dollar for dollar , and backing up just what we say. WE have one of Dr. King's celebrated Optometer's , and can fit your eyes with spectacles correctly. WE charge nothing for piercing ears with a new painless process , its very funny ; makes any one laugh. WE are having a big sale on Gold Watches , which we sell same price as silver. - . . . . , { ST" It will bo impossible to describe all we have for sale , so drop in and convince yourself that thero is no place like it on earth. 3IAIK AVENUE , - - - - C0IINEU NORTH OF TOST OFFICE J. A. YanShoik , AGENT FOH THE Singer Sewing Machines ALSO EEEP3 ON HAND A PULL LINE OP ! Repairs and Supplies. Office , in McMillen's Drug Store , - - - McCook , Nebraska. t _ , , . - . . I I . , ; - - - - „ . , . - - , , , . , . j REHO ALI I aiu now located in tlie store room lately vacated l > y Mrs. T. Nells , on Main Avenue , where I will be pleas ed to see all niy old customers and many new ones. My stock will The larger and finer tlian ever , and my prices as low a © thef lowest. H. H. BERRY. 1888. Fall Season.1889. . - : - . - : - . The fact that my efforts in the past to produce none but of the highest standaid of excellence j * ' * " | have been appreciated by friends and customers , / as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi- / ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions s for the Fall and \ \ inter season. 1 For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will i give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which I is as large and handsome an assortment of new j goods a s can beshown by any of the best houses I in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe- f cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl- I ish and perfect fitting garments. ] L. BRRNHEIMRR , ' MoCook , Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ( Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. T A CAMPBELL , President. B. M. FREES. 1st Vice President. { - O. HOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President. ! • F. L. BROWN , Trcasurer. ; CIU FRONT LIVERY SUHUL " * * - > I EATON & CO. , Proprietors % j EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. L J2-M ? Bailboad Szbeeiv - . McCook ; Nebraska. \ _ Lr ' ' * > * & &ti&4 • , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ M v ' • * * v i ' i . * - . " . * ' ' ' . . : m , . . ' J. C. ALLEN & CO. : ' : : ] Sm , < % Q. ALLEN & CO. • v , v * $ : - - \ "ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES. " w , ' \ . 'V THE LEADERS. " - ; , A 1r Dry Goods and Cloaks r 1 " AT BOTTOM PRIOR © . ! . f We have a Large and Elegant Stock of DRESS GOODS , CLOAKS AND WINTER QOODS , that we bought in the Eastern Markets for CASH * .j . , . , ' We will sell them VERY CHEAP to our customers. We can only i . * ' - , A buildup and increase our trade by giving the people ' j , FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT BOTTOM PRICES. I MM * MHMMMMKMHKSHOBnnaMaaBMMHnvH HM bHB--i HBM _ MBHBUM > , " N j * | Hb > Compare these prices with what you have been paying' : < sM = r { Double fold Tricot , - - $ .50 worth $ .75. | Ladies' Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , § .50 worth % .75. \ * ' Cotton Flannel • - - .08 - " .12. ! Li dies' Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , .75 worth 1.00. J Scarlet Twilled ' ' Flannel , - .20 J ii .30. I 1 La , , lies'Kid . , . , Gloves , , all , , sizes . and , colors . , 1.00 _ _ . worth , - , 1.50. - . v h. , Ladies'Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , 1.2worth 1.7o. \ 46-inch Wool Henriettas , - .50 . < 5. ' . . . \ Ladies'Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , 1.50 worth 2.00. , 54-inch French Broadcloth , - - 1.45 " 2.00. Ladies'all wool Hose , - - - .35 worth .50 A These are d. few of our low priooS this week. We are making special inducements for your trade in all departments. % These prices are about 25 per cent lower than any place in the city. f ; t a We have a M line of Wiaslow , Baafl aM Watson's ' Roasted Coffee , I The Highest Grade of Coffee in the World. Sold only in 2-pound cans and in bulk. ' / JmI bhbk MBsttaaB3 an a _ _ _ ( _ -B * B I 9 _ _ | ( B. F. Jap Tea at 60c , worth 90c. M o Our Specialties : § sK _ E3r o I ( Monarch Caimecl Goods. I _ _ _ -----8------------i----------------- _ _ . _ r --i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tmmmattgMiMii 3unii | J. C. ALLEN & CO. - : - J. O. ALLEN & CO. I WHOLESALE. RETAIL. I _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ - ] J _ lJ JJ J JJ at _ ? ivii awriff wriwi-inr-nr-T-rn-i * rtrwnrwiir ) , , i * * ' JpriarnrfTrnirTnrnra'TiTihiirirr > iTr > iw' i > T * i ? % in aB-HiB _ _ _ ianM _ _ _ Hii _ _ | l In tbo first cliiiptcr or Acts , Luke informs us that he hud nmd" u former treatise or till tlmt Jesus licfftii ] to do and tenon until the daj in which was taken up after that he had Riven commandments ID the apostlea through the Uolj Spirit. Let all Christians notice the fact that Luke tells us of the things Jesus began to I do and teach. In the 4th chapter of Luke. 18 and 19 verses. Jesus tells us emphatically , what he came into the world for. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon mo becmibO he hattl annoiuted me to preach the gospel to the poor , he huth sent me to heal the broken-hearted , to preach deliverance to the captive s and recovery of sight to the blind , to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptablo $ ear of the Lord. " But these things Jesus only began to do and teach. He inaugurated the great work of saving tlie world , and then committed it to his apostles whom he had chosen and through thtm it ' sgiven to all who believe on Him through their word. Dear Christian read ers , do you believe on the Lord Jesus through the testimony of apostles and prophets ? II you do , then you have nn interest in theLord's m- terceeding prajer. He prays for us not that we bhould bo taken out ot the world , but that we may bo kept from the evil that is in the world , that we may all be one united in ihe bond of love for our Lord und in our efTort to woik lor him by contiuuii-g to do the work which he began , the grand and glorious work of saving the uorld. Let us all as I hristians examine ourselves , w nether we be in tl > o faith If one bhould bend to McCook inquiring , aic there any deciples or the Lord , in jour town , could we in answer to that query , tiuthfully 6av go your way and report to them that sent you , • • The blind see ; the iame walk ; the lepers are cleanfed ; the deal hear ; the dead in tres pass and sin aie raised to spiritual lite ; to the poor in the highways and bywayh the gospel is preached. Do jou say this is too great a work lor us to do ? Not if we aie united in our work lor Him. for we have this promise , • 'Verily veiily. I bay unto jou , he that be- lievelh on me the wotks tlmt 1 do. he shall do , and gieatcr uoiks than there shall he do be- caubO 1 go to my Father. " Then becaube he has gone to the Father is the reason why he re quites us to do this work which he says is greater than to raise the dead bodies or open die blind eyes of the body or cleanbe the phj s- icaily distased. This is the work the W. C. T. Unions are doing. \ \ here they aro fully oi- gaiiized and equipped for service , where they have enlibted for the war. Are thero not enough earnest Christian women in McCook to unite in this service lor their Lord to make all evil doers tiemble ? I know there are very many Marjs who love the Lord and who sit Ht nib leet to leai n his words. Then shall we not honor this mime by doing the work He has ap pointed us ? Will i uu not heed the injunction ot the Apostlo , "Help these women. " Much of our work that we call the Lord's work ib labor spent for our own gratification either lor part } spirit or pirsoual pride. We like to have the finest church and the most tal ented preacher who will tickle our itching ears with learned and eloquent discourse about la-atbou nations and ancient and classical liter- turo. We do not care to hear tho gospel preached , for that involves personal respon sibility. We do not care to have our peace of mind disturbed , by scripture as , "Woe to i hem that sit at eu&e in Zion , ui.d cry peace , neace , when there is no peace. * ' And when we jel up church fairs and festivals aud ojstfr uppers and dances to raise money for tho i.ord'8 work It would be very discouraging to • enr some old fogy preacher quote from tho i'lblc. • • Bring no more vain oblations. Incense is an abomination unto me. > New moons and 31 bbaths , tho calling or assemblies , I cannot. Away with it. It isinlquitv. Even the solemn meeting , your new moons and yourappolnted f.-asts my soul hateth. They are a troublo unto me. I am weary to bear them. And trhon jo spread forth your hapds. I will hldo mine eyes from you. for when you make many pnijcra 1 will not hear. Your hands are full of blood , Wash you. Mukc you clean. Put avny tho evil orjourdnlngsTrom before tuino ores. Ccaso to do evil. , Learn to do well. Seek judgment. Believe the oppressed. Judgo I tho fatherless. Plead for tho widow. Is not 'i tC toaWS eti e P s-jis * f' > " - " l , this the fast that T have chosen , to loose tho bands or wickedness , to undo the heavy bur dens and to lot tho oppressed go free and that ye break evory yoke. " I havd quoted from tho old Testament and now. Showing from both , that to serve tho Lord acceptably , we must serve humanity. Christian voter , will you so much as lift a ballot that you can move with your little finger to break this saloon j'oke. that our rulers have bound upon our necks , which lb grievous to bo borno. "II thou forbear to deliver them that aro drawn unto death , and those that are ready to bo slain ; if thou suyesc , 'Behold , we knew it not. ' Doth not he th'itponderoihyour he.irt consider it ? And he that keepeth your soul doth he not know it ? Shall ho not render to every man according to his works ? " Foi * First Place. A great amount of political engineering will be done by friends or candidates to secure for their man the , first place on tho ticket , and tho best man will probably secure tho coveted place. Then if endorsed by tho people , tho election is assured. Electric Bitters has been put to the front , its merits passed upon , has been indorsed , and unanimously given tho first place , among remedies peculiarly adapted to the relief and cureof all Diseasesof kidneys , liver and stomach. Electric Bitters , being gurranteed , is a safe investment. Price , 50 cents and $1 per bottle at A. McMillen's drug stoie. SOUTH SIDE. Two to one that Bon is our next president. Begins to look a little like winter. Thero was a dance Rt South South dairy , lust Tuesday evening. W. T. Stone's new house is nearly completed , and W. T. and wife will soon move into the same. W. M. Cratty lost ono of his most valuable horses , last weok. In some manner it broke its right hind leg and W. M. had to kill it. And still tho Eaton boys are haying , and judging bj the number of bunches yet on the giouud to be drawn , they have a winter's job on hand. That large six room brick structure , Charlie Boyd is putting up on his South Side form , is going to add very much to tne looks of his larm and will be something the whole South Side may well bo proud of. Uno. Ague can not be permanently cured until the systim has been thoroughly cleansed of all morbid matter. Quinine and ohtor febri fuges , will check it temporarily but it is sure to return unless the pj stein has been cleansed. For his purpose theie iB nothing better than S Patrick's Pills. They not only physic , but thoroughly cleanse the entire system and will , in most cases , prevent ague and like malurial diseases if used as soon as tho first symptoms appear. Sold by all druggists. VAILTON NOTES. o A gcntlo shower , Saturduy night. Quite a number of stock sales , of lute. Neighbor Dutcher improved his place won derfully , this full. Mrs. Clements has moved with her family on to their tree claim about five miles from Mc Cook. Ilev. XT. O. Norval of McCook , preaches to our people every two weeks. Remember tho first Sutibnlb in November. Plenty or feed , to put the numorous hords along the creek through the wiKvpr. has beon generally secured , and | , ho inhu psn starving of cattle has passed. James Harris is spending a few weoks in Chicago. Wo presume that vlllago will appear small to James , arter being accustomed to tho bewildering scenes of Vailton audits surround ings. Quito n large delegation Trom Vallton llstcn- od with pleasure and profit to James Laird , on the great national issues of the day. Laird wo know of olden time , a tnun of the people , and the soldiers friend. Rali-h. | We are agents for the * following reliable companies Note date of organi zation and splendid assets : iEtnaof Hartford. Conn. , 1810 30 , . " jOS,840 Insurance ( Jo. of N. A. . Phila. , 1704 , S,474:5o2 : Pltenix of Brooklyn , 1So3 5S97.i : > 25 Connecticut of Hartford , ISoO 12.1S0.742 Continental of New York , 1832 5.2:50.081 : Pennsylvania Fire of Phila. , 1825. . . 2,710,8. 1 Lancshire of Manchester , Eti < ; . , 1852 , 1,408,187 COLVIN & PEMPCY , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurnce Co. OF NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. ALSO r A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. Money to Loan on Real l' ] > tate Security. rooms : over first national bank. Alien's ' Transfer , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3f Best Equipped in tho Citv. Leave orders at Commercial Hotel. fJond well water furnishod on shnrtnotioe. File Woolens ! run will find a eplend'd line of Cloths. Caa.-itneres , Wor steds , London Suitings , and Trouserings , and a complete assortment of Spring and Kail Overcoatings. Al.-o E-qui- | mau Beavers in all shades at DRYSDiLB'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new pnstoffice. Good fits guaranteed. Thir ty-five years ' experience in New York City. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. 1 " . " ; : : : : : " * * : % * • • • • • • • • • • H • : > \ • , : : n New Boofls s Lowest Prices II I " I | ; J : - # IN THE CITY. 4'I : : - , , , , ; _ _ _ _ . ' : : _ ij ; Have jnst received a heavy stock of new 111 j Ii. CLOTHING which makes our stock com- : : : > i : i : plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business \ : ' I ji - Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. ' ; • I : : - . . . , , . , : : * M ' ' > • ' ' ' : : m • j I A COMPLETE LINE OJ J Mi i ; : bUyyiiUfbd ; rLUUH5 UiLd ; tlbi : ji 1 : . : .j - _ _ _ - - : : * : _ ii i We received this week , from Chicago , the ' : ! m ; ; < largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , : : : " m • I ! Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , ; II ii ; Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ; • : j • ; ; Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. • | ; m " < : - = = = = = - = = = - . _ _ _ : * _ rB _ _ _ | * • d a/ ! Ill A $3,000 STOCK OF -/J : : 2 • S ii : oOOIS Mil allOBSa HSJyDSfSa tGB ! : : I _ _ i - _ H ii i We have 815,000 in Merchandise tosell . ' . • ' ' ii : for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price : | | I j ; < as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for ; • : M ' . : 1 goods ihan we pretend to ask , thinking : | ii - you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ii jM : i ] some of our competitors advertise. t - : j 9 * " i - . , ' ; I 4 _ - H ! : : 1 . l' ' : l -vT > ' > lfv w-/ ' > * ' n \ i i v ij v ' ) v'vi'v ' wtvufnvmuM'H'-M I ' B • * * • * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • • * * * * * • * * m n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * • * * * * • * • • | JOHN F. BLACK. Breeder of IurnorcD Sheep. EATON BROS. & CO. Hnrs * s lirnudetl same * _ gT _ ifi I , KILPATRICK BROTHERS. C J ( Successorsto E.D.Webster. ) \ fl Horses branded on left hip or left shnuder. < | AnsiLj , P. O. address. ? tele ! M * * j&ZsZL Hayes county , and Det- H x xa naHB&rlce. Xeb. RanRD. Stink- , H MC ? YfSlin Water and French- I H t _ llJglllJ ! man creeks. Chase Co. M S jhb Brand aaouton aide of H < -slrJa&l' sotao animals , on hip and ' H * ri 8KSgiA sides of some , or any- M * * * r • a- * where on the animal. H M V _ kt B _ x * { M 1 _ _ _ _ |