I - Safe Jill A OLAIM TO HUMAN GR4.TI- Be I P f Sil GlWloHo Crudity , the sad-fncod , Jben- p. / ISM5 iler-lieurtocl peasant prill of Normandy I | J Slll miuio great history by ono dcsponito ' fi 9 Sickened by the snturimlia of the K l * lmB& & I'rcnoh revolution , mid moved to dos- . & - ' . | § | < V pomtion us llobeHpierro and Mnmt woro Ifi " weI lending tho flower of Franco to tho giiil- j E , * Spjfs lotine , sho determined that bIio would * * < 1lli 1 > u''nn ' cm * * ° nrnt'a bloody reign. rifeJPV Mnrnt Imd demanded two hundred | 1" / * d pLS. . thousand victims for the guillptine ! ; 1- fjlH * ' " " " r Ho pi'opoHed to kill off tho enemies of M * h ° Revolution to mako it perpetual ! r i > V Horrible thought ! ? i ° won ei' it fired tho blood of this > \ % r x ? * ? & • patriotic peasant maid ! l $ xrJ'i' Gaining access to his closely guarded < ' ? ? ; quarters by a subterfuge , sho found him v 4 , in his bath , oven then inexorable and . . " ' " • giving written directions for further Kt Jvi5 slaughter ! I' - * r . Ho asked her tho names of tho inim- > J-yJr 'K 'ca m * lelnti ° who had taken refugo in ; , "v'/e" Caen. Sho told liim , and ho wrotb Mj • ' them down. "That is well ! licforc a ' " - week is over tho } ' shall all be brought " < - ' { . . to tho guillotine. " H' , , . _ - * y At these words , Charlotte drow from H a' " j. 7 * - . lier bosom tho knife , and plunged it H I TC' ' with supernatural forco up to tho hilt in 1 ? f's the heart of Mnrnt. H ,1 \-k "Come to me , my dear friend , como H 4 ' ' " - to me , " cried Marat , and expired under H % the blow ! H | In the Corcoran gallery at Washiiig- H I . - / ton is a famous painting of Charlotte , ' B J - > * f' represented as behind the prison bars M 1 - - . . , ' the day before her execution. _ _ - ' J / It is a thrilling , sad picture , full of m I sorrow for her suffering country , and of Hi * . . . unconquerable hato for her country's H J . enemies. B ( "What a lesson in this tragic story ! m ) * Two hundred , nay , five hundred thon- H ( sand people would IMarathavo sacrificed H \ c to his unholy passion of power ! B j _ _ Methods are quite as murderous and H , I ' inexorable as men , and they number B / j ; their victims by the millions. H V * ' , e lmo ° ° f history is full of murders > H / by autliority and by mistaken ideas ! In B J the practice of medicine alono how many H / ' hundreds of millions have been allowed B \ ' to die and as many moro killed by uu- B \ justifiable bigotry and by bungling ! B * But tho ago is bettering. Men and I H ' ; methods are improving. A few years H i ago it was worth one's professional life B to advise or permit tho use of a proprie- H * tary medicine. To-day there are not H two physicians in any town in this conu- K try who do not regularly prescribe some _ , form of proprietary remedy ! B * * H. H. Warner , famed all over the H _ world as the discoverer of Warner's safe H' \ ' , . cure , becan hunting up the oldreme- H- \ dies of the Log Cabin days ; after long m " / " an ( patient research he succeeded in se- H | / curing some of the most valuable , B / - > among fumil3r records , and called them P B / Warner's Log Cabin remedies the sim- P H * - , pie preparations of roots , leaves , Lal- P K " 7 J3 > sams and herbs which Avere the success- P H L ful standbys of our graudmotlicrs. P PJk I These simple , old-fashionedsarsaparilla , P H I hops and buchu , eouirli and cousump- P H \ iion and other remedies have struck a P H 3 popular chord and are in extraordinary P H jf demand all over the land. They are P B M \ not tho untried and imaginary remedies P H of some dabster chemist intent on mak- P H H ing monej' , but the long-sought princi- P H H pies of the healing art whicli for gen- P H k erations kept our ancestors in perfect P H Wl health , put forth for the good of hu- P PM * * manity by one who is known all over P PS M the world as a philanthropist a lover of P PS M his fellow man whose namo is a guar- P pi Q antee of tho highest standard of excel- H lence. P PS > § The preparations are of decided and P pC B known intlueuco over disease , and as in P PM W ' the hands of our grandmothers they " P BK I raised up the sick , cured the lame , and P BB § bound up the wounds of death , so in P BB | their new form but olden power as Log P BB * Cabin remedies , they are sure to prove P BB \ tho "healing of the nations. " P PBj g Corday did the world an incalculable P BB % Eervice in ridding Prance of the bigoted P P BB \ and murderous Marat , just as this man P BB \ is doing humanit3r a service by re-intro- P P B | ducing to the world the simpler ami P B § better methods of our ancestors. P P PL' I At 200 yards the Lebel lifle would go P P H 1 through two men. P P B I The fresh fruit crop of California this P P H § reason has an estimated value of $10,000- p pB ! P P H / A Soke : Throat or Cough , if suffered to P P PJUL - - progress , olten results in an incurable P P B throat or lung trouble. "Brown's Bron- P P B r chial Troehca" give instant relief. H Enseell Sago will leave 5110,000,000 P P H ' when he dies. P P B A Fortiiuo for $5. P P H J An opportunity for every Lady and Gen- P P BM. > tleman to secure an independent fortune P P BM 5 by the investment of only $5. Address , P P B i irithstanip.TheMontanalnvestmentCom- P P H / pany , Helena , Mont. P PJP B " > . Bismarck weighs 227 pounds. JJJJj P P P I ] When Baby was sick , ire gave her Castorta. P P P B \ "When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. | I "When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria. B \ When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. B / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m j' .MARVELOUS B ' D1SOOVERY. B Any lioolc If. 'irned in oiih roadiuj ; . 1 Mind wandering : cured. B Speakius : without note * . B "Wlio.ly unlike artilicial sy.stfins. PMyMVMyV PIrncv < Mindcimipd by supreme Court. mymyM , : Great "inducement * to eorrrspondence K' ' Frospectiis. ttIUi opinion * of Dr. Wm. A. Ham- J m ' monil. the n'orht-fJined Sreclnllst In illinl illc.iscs. . H''i Daniel Crccnlpaf Thoiiip-.ou , the irf.ic r ! 1'ijcIioloKist..1. 31. Iluckloy. 1 . O. , Editor of the .4 Christian Ad\ocac. Ilichard l'roctor , the • i Scientist , and ntliers. snt post free by vi Prof. A. LOIbETTE. 137 Fifth AveXewTori B > i ' | Ki fTZ Jla' ltiTcIyciiredbjEj | B ( ' D < T ' 0@ tliesc Llttl Fills. Bj B J ( LffMrfi B F fl 'i ) They also relieve Dis-j ; B V toBli tress fromDyspep-.ij.In K I BK I MMKU tmeaa p digestion autlTooIIeart\H n 1 WJSp'BS ' TL& Kiting. A perfectrem-KJ j HB V K | | MP.K . Drowsiness. Bad Tasutt j fafB / M i" the ° oth. Coatedpj IB / E3 F9DII vfm Tongne.PaininthoSule.i'J B / H aS TOKPID Ln-EU. Thejfl ; B B / HB hRS regulate the Bowels.P ? B BHHSB B Purely Yccetable. M | R 1. Price 25 Cents. | j ! HI ' f > CABSBHEDICINSC0.,1TEW0 E. | [ " I UHl Small Pill. Small Dose. nail Pnce. | ! KKi il 'i' ' ' ro } IM Mire oro ASTHMA K J. - < - EliS SiiBslE BtM AEto 8 perday-Sainrle worth JI5JFH.5E.Lln IH1' 2lnot under the hor > e f ( tVnts Brewster > ipVSafety Rein Holder Co. , Holij , Mien. Bl ! < • B UuUJl t anrthlnjrcUe n the irorld r.llhrr frr Coitl.outfit B BI " otTui"1JliJrw , ItUi L'UlUpuu.W.t. Kl " Treated and rared wj out B P A 1 XTf Kl UBoot \ on UMtment jrnt frer. > < t < lrcM FC i t > HilJUi \ T. U l-ONO. UDAurora. . K n. Co. . Ct K I VtfitinCDC end TUMORS remoTertwitliontfcniro ,1 UftRlnO Hun lrrd Ciire-I. Write for refar- V aeei UK. F. li. CJLLSr , iUlwjuittYU ' ' ' ' " s " ' ' " f ' • - . ? I . t Snvca Jiy.his Wife. I Kingston Frcomun. On portions of the sombre Shawan- gunk mountains , miles away from settlements and where luscious huck leberries grow. Rattlesnakes have been found for many years past , and this summer they seem to bo more numerous than over in two or three localities. The Shawnngunk rattler is a gamy snake , and rarely if ever turns tail even in the faco of despe rate odds. During tho past two weeks huckloberrypickers report hav ing lu.d some lively encounters , though nobody has been seriously hurt. Occasionally a rattler will craw 1 to a village and make itself known in somebody's dooryard. An instance of this kind occurred a day or two ago in tho hamlet of Accord , which is situated at tho base of the Shawangunk mountains and in closo proximity to tho Delaware and Hud son canal. Charles Walker lives in Accord , and when ho saw an odd-colored , slimy thing near his dooryard ho made an investigation , and it was near being the death of him. The intruder was a rattler of the most venomous kind to be found in the mountains and it soon made Mr. Walker understand that it would not give an inch and that it would fightto the very death. The reptile was all ready to spring at Mr. Walker when he saw his great peril and it was tho work of an in stant to pick up a club that hap pened to be handy at his feet and to hit the snake a vigorous whack over tho head as it sprang toward him. The blow stunned the rattler for a eecond or two , and then it coiled it self and sprang twice at the man who had made it feel the weight of a heavy cudgel. Both times Mr. Walk er escaped from being bitten by the fangs. All this time Mrs. Walker wa3 in the house. As it fortunately hap pened , she stopped her household duties for a moment to take a look "up and down tho road , " when she saw the desperate position of her husband. Some women would have screamed and , later on , would have run to aneighbor's for help or fainted , but Mr. Walker hadn't got that kind of a helpmate. In aninstantshe saw that what ought to be done must be done quickly and then she scurried into the kitchen , where her husband's trusty shotgun was in its customary place , already loaded and ready to be fired. In a jiffy it was in Mrs. Walker's hands and in another jiffy there was a puff of smoke , a bright flash and a ringing report , and a dead snake lay stretched at her hus band's feet. Then Mrs. Walker did scream just a little , and her good man told her what a brave little body she was and how much good sense and timely presence of mind shv had ex hibited. Other people have con gratulated Mrs. Wajker , and now she laughingly says that she fails to see that she did anything for the people to fuss over. Nevertheless she saved her husband's life , it is fair to pres ume , and there is no doubt whatever about the fact that the snake was one" of the largest seen in Accord in 3ears. Circus Lemonade Explained by a Fakir. Chicago News. After squeezing a lemon until it was as dry as a tariff speech , the old soldier lemonade vender deposited its remains in a big glass bowl or tu reen. A close-fitting cover is kept on. tho bowl , and is only lifted a moment as each piece of extinct lemon is dropped into the big dish. Nearly a peck of overworked lemon rinds were piled up in the bowl. "Why are you so careful about those lemon peels ? " queried a curiou3 patron of the stand. "Want to keep 'em moist and clean. 'What for ? ' Ohjes' ' ' cause I want to. " The old soldier looked guilty. He stammered a bit giving nis wholly unsatisfactory explanation. "D'ye sell 'em ? " "Yes sometimes. You see , the candy butchers of the circuses and the picnic fakirs use 'em. They slice up the rinds and put 'em in a tub of water to make em look like real lem onade. A little citric acid put into the tub gives the water a sourish taste , and it ain't many people knows the difference. They ain't very par- particular , no way , and the lemon rinds floating in the water , makes 'em believe its all right. I keep 'em in this covered bowl to keep moist until I get home , when I put 'em in a damp place. If the rind got real dry once it wouldn't look nat'ral and wouldn't cut up nice. eSQ-O-cqjii The Fashions of Our Daddies. From "Fifty Years Ago , " Lt Walter Besant. The gentlemen , of whose long and wavy hair I have already spoken , wore , for evening dress , a high black stock , the many folds of which cover ed the shirt , and were enriched by a massive pin ; the white shirt cuffs were neatly turned over their wrists , their dress coats were buttoned , their trousers were tight , and they wore straps and pumps. The ladies either wore curls neatly arranged on each side you may still see some old la- dies who have clung to the pretty fashion of their youth or they wore their hair in a loop down the cheek and behind the ear and then fastened in some kind of band with ribbons it the back of the head. The machin ery of the frocks reminds one of the wedding morning ia "Pickwick/ ' which all the girls were crying out to be "done up , " ior they had hooks and eyes and the girls were helpless by themselves. Pink was the favor ite color and a very pretty color , too ; and there are plenty of scope for the milliner's art in lace .andartificial flowers. The elder ladies were mag nificent in turbans , and the younger ones wore across the forehead a band of velvet or silk decorated with a old buckle , or something in pearls and diamonds. ' , I. iia MBBHBBBBlM THE LAZV MAX. DY E. Ii. BTANTO.f. Fm tho laziest man , I reckon , that a mortal over * < ec < ] ! Got money ? Nnry a dollar ! I wasn't built fer greed. Fer graspin' and' fer gripin' whore the ro7- cnuo is found : I'm what you call a lazy 'un jes' built fer lyin' round I Contented ? Mighty right I am ; when spring winds whisnor sweet , In the meadows whero tho daisies mako a carpet fer your feet ; Whero the nestiti' birds are chirpin' ; whorq tho brook , in witchin' play , Goes laughin' on , n-pushin' nil tho lillies oat of his way. You'll find mo almost any timo a-lyin * at my ease , With tho lull song o' tho locust and the drowsy drone o' bees Abovh mo an' around me ; I'm a poet in my way , An' I'd rather hear tho birds sing 'an to shoot 'em any day ! "Jos' laziness , " they tell mo , nn' I reckon 1 they are right ; But tho world's so full o' beauty , an' j'ou can't see much at night ! But different folks has different minds , nor drink from the same cup ; "When I'm talkin' to the lillies , thoy'ro a ploughin' of'em up. My field's a pnsturo for tho cows , an' though it never payB , It's a source o'pleasure to mo jes' ter see the creatures graze ! Tho tinkle , tinkle o' tho bells is such a pleasin' sound. But I'm a lazy chap , you knoT , jes' built fer lyin' round ! A Soldier on Courage. London Standard. In his famous Fortnightly article on courage , Lord Wolseley discusses a subject which he may reasonably be supposed to understand as well as any man alive ; and he dees so in a manner that is not only interest ing , but amusing and humorous as well. Courage , whether active or passive , may be divided into three kinds that which arises from pure insensibility to danger ; the inability to feel fear , which is characteristic of men like Nelson ; that which comes of pure ignorance , such as may often be seen in young soldiers , and was ob served among the raw British levies at Quartre Bras ; and lastly , that which springs from a sense of duty or a sense of honor overcoming and suppressing the emotion which the individual feels at the proximity of death , and enabling him to face it with as much coolness as one who does not feel it at all. The difference between the two is constitutional , and many would say that the last kind of courage the courage of the man who knows and appreciates the peril and would shrink from it did not higher motives urge him forward is in reality the more worthy of respect. But if we can trust Lj'rp Wolseley , it is not this which makes soldiers mount the deadly breach or charge up to a battery of guns with light hearts and desperate determination. It is the fiery and impetuous leader who has never known fear , or the cooly impassive one who moves about .among a shower of bullets , regarding them no more than if they were snow flakes , who excites the enthusiasm of his men. According to Lord Wolse ley , these different kinds of courage manifest themselves in different man ners , and the soldier knows by tin - stinct whicli of the two he is in pres ence of. Between the officer who con quers fear and the officer who has none to conquer he never makes a mistake. He will respect the first ; but the second is the one in whose company he will rush $ n death. We can easily understand that the courage of a martyr at the stake or the splendid calmness of the soldiers who went down in their ranks with the burning vessel , would have less effect for active purposes than the example of one who rushes sword in hand on overwhelming numbers , or seems to court death by exposing himself recklessly to fire. This was what Nelson did ; and Lord Wolseley gives some interesting examples of this kind of daring from his own ob servation. He mentions Captain Sir William Peel , of the royal navy as a singular example of cool , deliberate intrepidity. During the bombard meat of Sevastopol he always walked just behind his battery , where he was more exposed to fire than the men working the guns , and where his presence made it im possible for any of the gunners to flinch. He was always courteous. But under a heavy fire he became more than usually urbane and gentle. This the men always noticed. The hotter the fire , they used to say , the more " polite" he became. As an instance of downright insensibility to danger , Lord Wolseley mentions Sir Gerald Graham , who , when relieved from duty in the trenches , used to walk straight back to camp , exposed to the Bussian bullets for many hun dred yards , because it was the short est cut , and he was too lazy to go .roundwhere he would have been under shelter. Illustrative of the different kinds of courage observable in differnt races , Lord Wolseley tells us that at the storming of Lucknow our troops found themselves in presence of a gate house , from the upper stories of which a severe fire was kept upon them. The only access to the upper stories was by some very narrow winding staircases , hardly admitting one man at a time. The English soldiers shrank for a moment from what seemed certain death. But % the Sikhs rushed in , ' went up the staircases without a moment's hesi tation , and in five minutes had thrown every rebel otfb of the win dows. Yet the Sikhs would not have stood up man to man against Eng lish infantry. There is also the courage peculiar to certain individ uals and certain races whicli arises from contempt for death , and the be lief that it only leads to a better and happier life. This was Gordon's courage. This was the courage of the Ironsides. And this is the cour age of the Turks. ao a nacw All herbivorous animals require salt for the maintenance of good health , and this is especially true of animals that perspire freely in warm weather. t Current Wit. Next to having her young man come to seo her Thursday evening , a girl likes best to stand on tho side * walk and look at tho engagement rings shown in a first-class jeweler's window. She was doing the driving about the parks , and her husband was tak ing his case , when sho sweetly ob served : "I like to drive you around" But she started a little and gave him j | an ominous glance when he cooly re sponded : ' 'Yes , I know you do. " "I know we are poor , dear papa , " said Evelyn , nestling her head against his shoulders , "but Ethalstano is brave and hopeful , and he says that love will mako a way. " "I know it will , " said old Hyson , grimly ; it's made away with six tons of parlor coal and § 22 worth of gas since Christmas , and it's noxtwinterthat's worrying me. ' ' Burdette. Hon. Ignatius Donnelly has con- , seated to run for Governor of Minne sota on the Labor ticket. Tho next great work to which his able crypto gram will bo applied will be to show by the returns that ho is elected. Lowell Courier. Doctor : "Well , my dear sir , what seems to be the seat of your disease ? " Patient : "It doesn't seem to have anj' seat , doctor. "It's jumping up and down all the while. " A handsome Profit. Aunt Emily : "Why do do you think you will be a doctor , Bobby , when you grow up ? " Bobby : "Because I swallowed a ten cent piece tho other da3r aud the doctor charged pa two dollars for curing me. That's a good business. " Epoch. Arthur ( who had been listening with breathless interest to one of grandpapa's bible si ories "And were you in the Ark , grandpa , along with Noah and all the rest of 'em ? " Grandpa ( indignantly ) "No , sir : certainly not ! " Arthur "Then how is it you wasn 't drowned ? " New York Tribune. Jinks was a young man who had been married a year , and he was tell ing a friend how different he was when single. "Were you much em barrassed when yon 'popped the question ? ' " asked his friend. Em- barassed ? Well , I should say I was. I owed § 1,500 for board and clothes and one thing or other , and didn't have a darned cent to pay it with. " Texas Siftings. Young Lady ( to cigar dealer ) "Have you the 'Fragrant' brand of cigars , sir ? " Dealer "Yes , miss. " Young Lady "How much are they a box ? " Dealer "One dollar and a half a box , miss ; 100 in a box. " Young Lady 'Tou may give me a box , please. They are a present for my my cousin ; I've often heard him say how fond he is of a fragrant Havana. " New York Sun. A lot of calves careering in a past ure do not fulfill the idea of the poetry of motion , but they give a man an opportunity to "see the veals go round. " We notice that a waterspout burst in Kentucky the otiier day. A water spout that would go into business in Kentucky might expect to burst with no assets. Probably the reason why women's teeth decay sooner than men's is not the perpetual friction of their tongues upon the pearl , but rather the intense sweetness of their lips. Husband ( on his way to church ) "I'll just skip on ahead my dear , and get some change. I've nothing less than one dollai * , and that's too much to give. " Wife ( on his overtaking her ) "Did you get the bill changed ? " Husband "Yes. " Wife " You will contribute half a dollar , John ? " Husband "I can 't very well now , 1 happened to meet three or four friends , and I've onljgot a quarter left./ Had Its Dry Streaks. It is said that the best way to col lect a library is to know each book ere it goes to its place on the shelf. The old gentleman in the following anec dote evidently intended to follow the rule to the letter. A man hap pened to go into a Dakota settler's house one day and noticed the first volume of a cyclopedia on the shelf , and , casually suggested that it was a good thing to have in the house , or words to that effect. "Yes , " the settler replied , "it's handy. I only got the first book. " "How does it happen that you haven't the other ? " "Why , I hain't read that one yet , an' I haint ready for 'nother. Ye see I got it of an agent when I was livin' down in Iowa , an' about six months after 'round he comes again an' knocked at the door , an' I opened it , an' says he : 'Mister , here's the see- on' book of your encyclopedv. ' " 'Git out ! " says I ; 'I haint got the first one read yet ! ' and made him go , too , W'y , jes' think ofit. Thatwas nigh on to ten year ago , an' I aint more'n two-thirds through this now , and my wife is only jes' nicely started on the Bs ! "It took a pile of brains to make this ere book I've no doubt ; but , I tell ye it's my opinion , an' I don't mind sayin' it , that I think it's got its dry streaks like most everything else. " Youth's Companion. CI ' Something Burning. They were sitting cm the porch and it was growing late. "Would.Tou mind if I lighted a cigar ; Mis fclara ? ' . ' he asked. "Certainly not , Mr. Sampson , " she replied. And presently the old man , who was getting desperate , spoke from an open window above : "Daughter , " he said , "I left my rubber overshoes near the kitchen stove and you had better see to 'em. lean smell something : burnim ? . " • The Epoch. " * " I I / XVhy Now Vorlc Wn Called Gotham. Because tho inhabitants thereof woro such wiseacres tho allusion being to tho three wiso men of Gotham "who went to sen in a. bowl. " Gothnm is a parish in Nottinghamshire , in England , tho inhabitants of which wore famed throughout England for their stupidity. Tho namo was first applied to this city by Washington Irvinsr and James K. Paulding , in tlioir "Suhnugundt , " tho last number of which appeared in 1808. . two American has n warm placo in his heart for tho old Loo Cabin. eTnr. "English you kuow/'but from tho Log Cabins of America hnvo sprung men in every ro- spect greater than any from the grand castles of Europe. War ner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla is tho best in the world. There are 2 , . ' 100 miles ol mnina for con veying natural gus in this country. IVootl ( liojipci-H Strike Dentinood ( Dak. ) l' 'o icer , Aus. 20. Joo liirnrd , who held onc-twonticth of ticket No. 3.S9-1 , which drow $15,000 or one-twentieth of the capital prize ( 300,000) in the Louisiana Stato Lot tery drawing of Angust 7tli. received his inone3' through the first National bank of this city and left Wcdncsihvy for Ins former home in Cannda , whero ho will purchase a comfortable homo for his parents and then return to Uio hills. Joo was a wood chopper in the Homo- stake camp near Brownsville , working for day's wasres , and this money will placo himself and parents above want. Joe Berry ( Mormon Joe ) of Browns ville , who had tho number of Bivard's ticket , and learning from tho Pioneer of August 8th that it was n luck } ' number , went to tho wood camp and purchased it for $50 , but after some difliculty tho matter was compromised by Bivard cot- ling $10,000 and Berry $5,000. Pur chasers of Louisiana Lottery tickets in this vicinity Avill hereafter hold them until they learn the result of tho draw ing- ingA A canal will soon bo built between tho Black and Caspian seas. Don't hawk and blow , and spit , but use I Dr. Sage's Catarrh I'eincdy. i Spain is to build fivo or six ironclads in her own country. llelter'2'hiui a SIcro. "What a coward that Major Smith is , " fin id .loiiL-8 to Robinson , "why , tho very hiulit or un-powder would make him ill. How did lie ever manage to become an of- iiter in the army ! " "Don't say anything ncaiust Smith , " answered Robinson , "ho once saved my life. " "Saved your life ! Nonsense , impossible ! Whatdoyoucan ? " "I mean that I was in the first Btages of c-i > iiKiiinption ; I was losing strength and vitality every day with the terrible dis- i\-ik , whensSimth advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Golueit Medical Discovery. I had tried all kindi of medicine without success , aud my physician had given me no hope ; yet here I am , as well as oyer a man was , and I owe my life to Smith , and to tho wonderful remedy he recommended. The Suez rarial takes in about § 1,000 , - 000 a month in tolls. A I'onnii Oii'l'x Grief at seeing her charms or face and form do- liar tint' , and her health imperiled by func tional irregularities , at her critical period of life , was turned to joy and gratitudo after a brief self-treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It purified anden- tiched her blood , gave a healthy activity to he kidneys , stomach , bowels and other organs , and her return to robust health speedily followed. It is the only medicino f r women , s < > ! d l > y druggists , under a jinsitive guarantee from the manufactur ers , that it will give satisfaction in every case , or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle- wrapper , and faithfully carried out for many years. There is to be a cable from Java to Ma cassar. - J Lumbago. lllllwprT CUBES I Jhrchrohig cases k SOYEARS " " STANDING. WM NO RETURN OF PAIN. At Druggist * and Dealers. jppeSB' THE CHARLES A. V0GELER 00. ? Skw Baltimore , Md. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. AND ALL STOMACH TR03CLES SuCH AS : facUeition , Gour-Stoiaach , Heartburn , Kusu , Gil- dineu. Constipation , Fullness after eating , F od Hieing in the Month and disagreeable taste after eat ing. HervoTuness and Low-SyirlU. At Dntggisls and Vca'crs or sent hv mail on re- ecijitof2ncis. (5 ( bozc > Sl.00) ) t ' n tiampi. bample sent on receipt cf'2-cent Stamp. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO. . Baltimore. Md. BTJTEES * GUIDE is issued March and Sept. , each year. It is an ency OThe of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. Wo Can clothe you and furnish you with nil the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride , walk , dance , sleep , eat , fish , hunt , work , go to church , or stay at homo , and in various sizes , Btyles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY , and you can make a fair estimate of tho value of the BUTEBB' GUIDE , which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. lU-ll4 Michigan Avnnun. Chicaeo.Hl. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL .Aasrr ) HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as tVlilk So dis uixf it that it can r > o talcen , digested , and assimilated by tho most sensitive stomaciwlieii the plain oil cannot , be tolerated ; and liy tho com bination of tlie oilvitil tlic liypo- pttoapliites is mncb. more efficacious. Eemsrfcalile as a flesh producer. Persons gain rapidly while taking it. SCOTT'S EMULSION is acVnoTriedBert by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepara tion in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION , SCROFULA , GENERAL DEBILITY , WASTING DISEASES , EMACIATION , COLDSand CHRONIC COUCHS. The grtai remedy for Consumption , and Wasting in Children. Sold by all Druggists. glKlMMFBEE TRADE PfilCgsT V-- " ZflHBPi-NO rROTICTIOS' XO HO.MWOUUl m HHMHR&S fwr sewjxg i kow rwr OT iJliailACmSES | ONLYtjlO BW B f AS We are now telllne our WEST * GtX2l V j Xi EI'IMPROVED SINGSRSEWI.VQ H VhtEI MACHINE jameaa cut compbta I UiXJtmJ "ah all attachments and war- Mf JtFt ranted for i jear * for onlr Slo. Ijr JRll Send for circular and tee full ds- Si IBBBJcA tcrlptlon of thlt and other ttTlei , * * * _ SBSS I to M. K. SCVJL.IIX Jb CO. . g" A"5r a Weit Lake St. . Chicago. 11L rrx SB | \ I ft XTS3 U. 'H h ; best. eT > ] 9 lI X Stationers beepbera. . Standard qualit ? fc > 3 JSbi \ ! Vail styles , z , - * - * < lnz.Vcti > isVj mil iG'kLV ESTEftBRnQK. "So far , so Rood , " unfa tlio hoy. nftor eating the stolon tart. Aflor ruviimlnK tho thoumimlu ami tons of thounaii < li of cold * and courIih that liavo been conquered by Dr. DuII'h Coiish Syrup wo can readily nay , bo far , ho good. 1'ricu 2o contn. " 1 Imvo found a Buro euro for my wc k nnklo. " sho Hnid. "What can It be ? " "Fancv a woman Tiover having heard of 8alvafiouOH at twenty fivo centu a bottle. In 1'ranto there nro 21iiii : : national Bchoolu for girls and : i7,92-l for boya. BAicm : iviiik. If you have barbed wire fencen. keep Veter inary CnruolUulve in your staoles. It cures without a scar and renews the hair it * orlclnal color. 50 cents and $1.00 at Drug gists or by malL Cole Jt Co. , Black Itlver Falls. "Wis. Tho HightB of tho now British rifle allow for an elevation up to 2,800 yards. Wo invite your attention to tho adver- tisnment of Dr. F. B. Golloy , in another column. A mountain iu Colorado hus been named Mount Sheridau. . ! t ' l I.I * It's Easy to Dye IL 10 Pr Superior /t Jpl Strength , m Fastness. J fTIjft Beauty , vWh J BtflxS and V ) i/ § © Simplicity. Warranted to color more goods than any other dyes ever made , and to jdve more bril liant and durablo colors. Ask for the Dia- mond , and take no other ; 36 colors , xocts. each. WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. . Burlington , Vt. For Gliding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold , Silver , Bronze , Copper. Only 10 cts. Baby PortraitSo " * " k A Portfoliooriicautifnl baby r.ie- Krf5 jturcs trom life , rrinted on line v li plate paper by patent photo c \ A fQSt process , hent free to Mother of Pa 5Aj * , , ny Itohv bornithin u year. < Z SrfAOiEvery irother wants these f &Z lg&X \ Pictures ; send nt once. Cue , / p5rirf\\ 1 Baby's name and ukc. mW ' jL/WELLS / , RICHARDSON fr CO. , HM * W S , gjjp BUnLIHGTON , VT. * EL W. BXrafHAKFS 0AKLAIVEI FARM. JU3,000 PERC8ER0S % ! I 1 $ lWm FBEHCH COACH HORSES , lU(0i % % IMPORTED. K wFti § \ STOCK OX HAND : • ifW 800 STAiUONSorscrflao- sraram aafc.abI ° ase' 15 ° cox/rs im RS r 4isi&i23fSachoce ! pe'll rer * . Mtperior Irnll- P3 QK < S3 vldiials : 200 2IttS OIC'i'EI > ( 5 * * XJKOOIJIWAKES ( bOln'oal Hqf by Brilliant , tho ino < .Uamuu3 living uire ) . gy Beat fually. Prices Etrutannlile. ffl Terms liwy. Don't Buy without Impact- / Ing this Grout ox t and Mint rauccessfal Itrooillnjc Xstalillilimont of America. InlfnJIocparfbtifr § , nildrfuforSSO-pagenUlccue , M. W. mmmi , Wayne , Illinois , SS bIIm n t I'Mciku ua C.iS.IT. U'j b l.Turner < ! uac. XfcJcU. . vXU/mELEGTRIGITY / WP IN A BOTTLE.j \ = W TEST'S EI.EOTKII' C'lIRK L * * > .h Catarrh , Jlay Fever , Nturrlgia , * egs ! Headache , Asthma , and Kh-u- . < * a2 ! M inatisii. ! * • has no equal. Every TF DE M KK. bottle sold on : ) ( lavs' trial. ' Kir 5&A Price SI.00. AUEXTaVA.T - ikfSs&n ED. Local airents sell from l'J Wl $ mto iMUotth-s Daily. C 'Tcrms Vii Si ' to a treats aud complete Descript ive Pamphlet ritEn. THE WEST ELECTRIC WltJ'Z CO. , 149 Washington ! : . , Cliicsiijo , III. ANEWPENTETEUGH ! liy the E-lltnr of "Problems of Xature. " "What anil Wliero Is Cud 12..V ) Electricitr in N.itiin- - . < > • Cause and Cure of liatc 'W Matin ? In Marn [ r 5 > > A Now Ad\entof Sclent.Hc.ttelifrioiis. am ! Histori cal Facts I'hilo'-orihy of Nature. Monthly Journal pt yr. 1.00 PUJLHKOOK & DEAN. 201 I' .rouduuy. N. Y. 07 Wu < lsiii : loii St. , Chicago , 1 ] . " " rssnitic JX THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURAPJCE COMPANY OJP 3WEW YOK.3C. T'ie I.arc > t. Chcapn : nad liesl ia tlm YVorliL CASII .ASSETS SI20.000.000. BIMOK OOETZ. TTM. F. ALLEN . Special Azeni. General Asent oaar-AJBT-A. , - - rcmis. sroe ? * * . m 1 predefine and fully ea- j / iefji dorBe Big li as tne only /SSaJrcore : ! inW specific for the certain cure /Ji TO 5 dats.\3 of this disease. iPf&ra01 BWH G.H.INGKAHAM' .M. D. , &gS camtStrtctare. u Amsterdam , N. Y. ( SESI MKoslybTtti We have sold Big C for KsS . . . . . . . many years , and it has U i * Cat = iCUM - ' T Kl/en tlie Lest of satis- \S # v Ciaciimatl.SKivja faction. Kf OMO. Jftll D.JS.DYCHE&CO. . % 55St _ _ Jt < y VI Chicago , III. 7rJe < * * 2u'2g2s1ark S1.00. Sold by Drusci3ts. The Celebrated Red Oak Cart. Ilest Cart on earth. No hor r motion. Itrcatlns and Speeding Cars a fpec nltv. I'rlrc % ii.W auJ r.M.U0. > . O. I' i-ir > Oniali.i. Send for Cuts. CHAS. F. IJirLLIGAK" , dealer In all kin Is of Carriages and Harness. T2tli and H riiry streets. Omilii. Np1 > . " "ZTSj fjg - , Sent on trial. Freight Jgggg gfeS > SgffIJ5ff ! y = Full/Warranted. . SglS # 3 TON $35. ' * < 1 > , n-Tg " Other sires proportion ately low. Agents well paid. Illustrated Catalosu * free. Mention this Paper OSGOOD & TEOlCSO&Biaffiaatsa , N/ & Wholesale Goods to Consumers , „ hnTallTonrcrooili 'roni .need'etoathre hi'isnarhina AT WHOLE-ALE. Yo-i can sare the nitJdle- jntn profit. HOW ? Jutt ipihIiis i2 < - < rntiiu. tmp3t lirepar po tareonrnd ! receneliyrt-'n iiiuaILAlJK ! CATAL0GCE.20O PAGES. IOOO Illn.tri.tioni. Krcry thine you ure. Kewman Put'ehailmc A - ncIatlOR , lORAlOn lTnliath A e C'hiratco.lll Vor reference , we refer to National Uani of IllinoU- e IfJS ] Pri Attb rateth yfcaT9bseiJeo- FFi RijWifco n t ! 8 rubho Domains will rA ! "gL . ? ? trj.Ug.y all ? be icoc , in byecn. Haw is tzt ujb.u fcn u Z m Lul u l\9 &oa iluaM fi .1 $1.25 pc . Qrre. Wttt WurenM to ! , t fer CL&lmff Whcr. tiwi LU v. btfUjil UtatUviiluftrnfLnuamcfLlSulMcal Timi1 * ! , tul lO eat * tt ntiin IX. to&RtiM Inn Tiers. m ? i3tum it fucrta. of t , Cn ! fcaat. A41 i T1IK WESTiaiiJ OIZLD.CUlcnc .XU. Hood's Sarsaparilla ? 1 | I. careful.y . prcp.rc.i from * * " " % , 9 Undrnka Dock. Wp l r . Ja lpir B' 'S 5 M other well-known and valuable , iuH.ar * ' , M hr peculiar combination , praportl n 1 * * * * * W - * * * > * * ' curatlto * Clvln * to Hood' * Sarwparllla „ poMCSied by other medicine * . JjS Hood's SarsaparIHa 1 U tho bett blood pnrtflar. It enre. * " ' ' • JS J Ilhoum imiH , l'impte. * U Unmoral. W"J * * > t'Z. 1 ® IpumeH Stele Heid.che. Indigo ; ion. dewf KldW " * " I blllty. Catarrh. Itbeum-itUnu ? comjlalat * . overcome , that tired reollnr. " "teJ a * . J • ppetif. .trenstheni tho norvcj , and bulldi up tt J whole lyitem. 'M Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 Fold by all drmrplit * . iltMxforH. Prcparo'l'oalr 1 by C. I. HOOD & CO , Lowell , Man * . -g 100 Pose * * Ono Dollar | j Ilewaro t Frnuil.ni my namo and tho pric AT - * iitnmpod on tho bottom of nil my ndrertUud aboe * boforoIeaTlmrtbofnctory.wlilcli protectthowenr - 1 ers atalnit hlrh prltc.i and Inferior Roods. Ir < ? daaler olTert W. K. Doiielna nhoe ntn rednoe * . * price , or ays he has thnui without my nnnipnnfli . . a yrico ktamped co tlio bottom , put him do n ai lralia. wTldougl s VpO Wl l\-/Cl. GKNTI.KMKN" Tlio only calf S.t HKAMI.KSS Shoe Mnootli lo- iiidc. MlTAt lt.S or WAX TIIItKAD t hurt the tret.easv. Irnd newelanl WII.I.NOT ItlP XV. I. . DOI'NI.AS SI SIIOK. the orJc'tial ' and only liiiiiIewril ( writ ( I d'loc. Equal * cuatuiu-mada khneiowlnir frim t > ! tuV. _ , . V. " . t. . l > OUiI.AS US.CO I'Or.ICU SHOE- Itrllroud Men an-t Lrtt r Carrier * all * ear Iicji. Smooth Inalde as a Hand S-wud Shoe. No 'lucks or IVax Thrrad lo urt tlir teet. XV. I. . DOt'CLAS J a..TO SIIOK I unexcelled forlicarv n ir Heat Ct f Miof Jortur rirrr XV. I. . IJIIL'HI.ASSB.sr. WOltlUN' .tMAN'S SIIOK M ihr b-it lii i if vId for rou.li wear ; ono pair ought to weir n nun u vs ir. tl'e l > et nclion' f.iiMIn the AOrM. XV. h. UOUbLAS 9I.7S YOUTH'S -hnol Shoe kItci the kiii.i'l lloya n chauce to wearllm but Mhoes in the world. , AH made In Concn" * , Button nnd Lace. If not fo d by your dealer. url"e xv. ij. ioxjjj.vm , iti-ociuon.Wii'MM. The Great Liver and Stomacli Eemeiy For tho euro or all disorders or tho Stomach. U\tr , Bowel * . Kidneys , Bladder , Nervous DIaeusea , Losa of Appetite. Ileaiiaehc , Constipation , Costlvcnras , Iu- , dlscstion , Blliousnca' ' ' , JVver , Jnliammatlon of ituf ; Bowels , Plies and all derangements or tho Interna * j Viscera. Pu-ily vegetable , containing no mercury. j i minerals , or tlcluterlouu drugs. PEBFEBT DIGESTION $ ? VE3E one < > r Itailway's PIIli everlrioriiiiiK , about tens , o'clccic.asa illmcr jilll. By so dolui ; Dj-spcpsla , FoulStoniach , nilioiiTiew , will bcavoiilcd , a tlic food that I < euteu contribute * It3 uouri&tilnx jir > : .trtles for theaupportor thuuaturalwavtoor tho 1 body. | 127" OI > rrvo the ffillowlnt Hymptomi rrtultlnj fnmt U' > < at.cuf r < ic > Ii ; tl fOrsPiiM'Con < * tluBt ! < in Iliw..nl Pilei , Kulliuss < .r tl > HNxxl In tho Heart. . Aeldlt > of tho Suiiaii. ! Nausea. Heartburn , Dbirusr or Food. Failnnis cr WeUht in ( lis Mtoituclt. &jur Kructatii.is , Siko ! or Kluttenii or the Hearty Choking or SiilTbcat'ni ' ; SmiMitlons when In a Ulna ; iiosturn. Dimnc ! ; < or Viii'.n , Uots or AVeba licforc the. SI ht. Fe cr and Ij.ill Pain in th-Head. Deficiency of P < Tspru'lon ! , Yellowne.s or thuSlclnauil KytJ , Pain In tinSide. . Ch t. Llinbi , and Sudden Flushes or Heat , Burning in the Flesh. A few do3M or ItA IVA yS PIHS will xre/ f tho system or all the. ilxne nima ! dlsardcrv. ' Prlco 25 eta per box. Sold by all druggists. Send a letter stamp to I ) It. RA I'A V & CO _ . No. 3J Warren .street. NVw Y.rx. tiyluroniia- tioi worth thousands vi HI be icnt to you. TO THE PUBLIC. Be sure and ask tor RAUWAY'S r.nd that the • • " seo namo ItADWAY Is oa what yoi > buy. BiIion5ne55. I Symploms : I Want of Appetite. I Furred Tongue. _ j Bitter Taste. J r U Constipation. V Headache. \ I General Depression ; TreaJmenI : I ' 1 DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. This is sure and always safe. I For Sal 1 > 7 * 11 DmgEitta. Price 25 ct . per box ; M 3 boxes for C5 cu. ; or tnt by nuil , posU e free , oa _ _ _ rtceipt of price. Dr.J.H.SchenclcASon.Phllad'a. H E | Piso's Kcmcdy for Catarrh Is tho Wa _ H _ Ecst , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. Bjl _ _ _ a s" ! < 1 by druir ists or sent by mail , jgg H K _ 33c. E. T. Hazeitice , Warrea. Pa. _ j W. N. U. , Omaha , 433 43 * I g ryani I Sfraiffosa Chisago Beslgess College I I H SHORT-HAND INSTITUTE and ENGLISH TRAIHINC SCHOOL. I tho TA > DAKXr _ & % $ IXSTJTCTIO.N and the IiAKG-ESU" XI 3" CC JTEI 'VORIiI ) : Fullin'ora- E * tioa. Catnlosue.teruM.etc zentFttSE. Address II. Ii. BUI .VAT i bO > , I'royricion , Chlcuso , III. B i _ _ m's . i i f % m w w& " is 'ins ' Brst - } I MJ * \ j J JK. " ft * lA hSS * 1 lift i ? J S1 Rr-1 v-3 VVf r\ f l H H Kon rcnclne cattn Don't'wasteyonrmonercnapnmorm'ibcrcost. Th < FISH BRANDSLICiTEra , f&tuaped witb the . S jabsolutely icni-rand trinrfrEOor.and vi.U keep voa clrv i.i t.e : hsrde t ttcrml gg TKicgatRg. Ask tor the "FISH HKAXD" slicxek and take no other. If lourstor-keerer oe-J Knot hive the "n a cmto" . send fnrdescrintivectt.tlmiftto A .1 TOiVKR. TOFin m it StPo 'on. , Va j . . . . . WPWm ' ! ' * i. " " - - ' ' ' J " ' ' ' * I * TO MAKE , ftt ° HT'y | A DELiCiOUS BISCUIT J SBg | ! f -VSIC YOUR GROCER FOR | _ HH OWISHT'S "COW BRAMO" S0S1 AND TAKE NO OTHER. . * s j (