E | B , LOG CABIN SUGOESa 'p ' WJint ails tho yotiiifr men ? ip ; Itohurt Clarrutt'H fwtlior left him n , for pf tuno of twenty millions. Ho won fron < L childhood roared in luxury ; ho rccoivet i a uplcndid education with an especiu " i h , traiiiiug iuto a thorough knowledgo o f rnilronil management and was oxpectet fe to succeed his father tin n railroad kinjr K Within threo ycura after tho rcspoiisi .p bilitieH which Inn fiitlior'n death threv fx' upon him wer'e mummed , he is roportei 'k , f a broken down mini , with miud ant % • ? health permanently Hnattured. ! • , George Law iKunother young man lefl [ ' , . with millions of money , who is reported [ \ . i anions : the "wrecks. " His father , bred I * a p.tone mason , was of gigantic eizo and I strength , with commeusurnto brain | { - power , so he becnmo a great contractor , n then a milroad king and left half u * dozen millions for his boh to dissipate. „ Tho young man is a success as a dissi- pat or. Tho founders of both of these great estates were born in the most humble I walks of life , grew htrong , mentally and phj-nically , by simple living and hones ! - * • labor and developed into financial giants. Their wins were reared in the lap of lux ury and developed into intellectual pig mies. Tho great men of our country have uot , us a rule , eonio from tho elegant mansions of the cities , but from the Log Cabins of tho rural districts. Simplt ways of living , freedom from dissipation and enervating pleasures , simple reme dies for disease , effective and which leave no poison in the sj-stem , develop brawny , braiuynien , who compel the world to recognize their strength and power. Tho wholesome , old-fashioned Los Cabin remedies are tho safest and surest for family use. Our grandmothers knew how to prepare the teas and syrups I of roots , herbs and balsams which drive disease out of the sj'stem by natural } methods and leave no after ill-effects. | ' The most potent of these old-timo rem- tidies v. ere , after long aud searching in- I I vestigation , hecured by H. H. AVarnei of safe cure fame , and are now put out I ' ' nations" in the i lor tho 'healing of the t Warner's Log Cabin remedies. I Jtcguhite the regulator with Warner's \ Log Cabin snrsaparillu and with pure \ blood jrivinir health , strength , and men tal and bodily vigor , you may hope to rope fciiceehsfully with the most giirantit I financial problems of tho age , without ! wrecking health and manhood. The Inst thing a man wants in this world ia his ier. Y * s. he Iov 's you now , 'tis true , Ijii.sh with vyu * of violet blue , Lips us uneefc aH honey-dew , ' Bonny lit tie bride ! Will he love vou an to-day. When your bloom has fled away. When your golden locks are grey , Will hid love abide ? Yes , it it in the truo kind it will survive all tho inevitable watttes and changes ol life. Hut , it ir * every woman's desire and j duty to retain , aw lonj as ehe can , the at- i tractions that made her charming and be- ( loved in youth. No one can keep her youthful bloom or equable tetiier | il i weighed down and pufreriug from female ) weakness and diHorden. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a remedy for these troubles. Sold by druggists. The Duke or Oporto has been taVing les sons in photography. Au OOVn-Ivr Hrextli | [ is most distressing , not only to the person afiiicted It he have any pride , but to those with whom he comes in contact * It is at delicate lanttfr to e.peak of , but it ban I , parted not only friends but lovers. Ibid $ , breath nnd catarrh are inseparable. Dr. ' Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures tha worst cat-es as thouaauds can testify. Milan , of Pervia , is said to be , financial ly , the pooest King living. Invention * ol'lie IDth Onliiry. The steamboat , the reaper , the sewing ma chine , Cars running by night and by day , House lighted by gun and heated by steam , And bright electricity' * ray. The telegra ph'a lick speeds like lightning released. Then the telephone comes to excel it ; And , to put on the finish , the last but not least , Is the famed little Purgative Pellets. * " * " Last but not least is Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Purgative Pellet , because it relieves human suffering , adds to the sum of hu man comfort , and enables the relieved euT- ferer to enjoy all the blessings and luxuries of the age we live in. Mrs. Marilla M. Kicker is , successfu lawyer of Washington. The king of Sweeden has been appointed an admiral in the German navy. /M 1DMA ITSELF\4sgjfJ 3000 more Words andnearly 2000more Illus trations than any other .American Dictionary. An Invaluable Companion ia every School and at every Fireside. Bold by all Bookseller * . Illustrated Pamphlet sent free. C. & C KEHRIAH & CO. . Pub'xs pringScld. Mass. i Clfi7lE&Vfc f $ LEf ! : & \ oluRHEftUAamEB I" _ 5 lS oi > ltlvelyctirc lt > 3a * ADTITOO hee Little Pills. H llM i\ I E. fi O t 6 ? • 1 , ° relieve DIs-H % * K % S U 4 r tre frociDjr ! ) cpm.In M BB IX aL Eating. A perfect reui-3 MM S\SV * O < * < iyforI > izziiiasii.Xaxiieaj3 M I rf , K Drowsiness. Bad Ta W B nill n in the Moath. Coitcdffl K rSLL . Tongus jimintUeSide.ia Mm iB TOKPID I.n'Elt. ThejH &Hm S re alate the Bowels.p j my | Purely Vcaci&ble. HU ' • Price * 5 Cents. R Small PHI. Small Dose. Small PrjceJ BTjrEHB'GTJlDB ij issued ilarch. and Sept- , , eacb. year. It is an ency- OThe of useful infor mation for all who pur- cnase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. Wa an clothe you and furnish you vith all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride.walk , dance , sleep , eat , fish. huntwork , go to church , or stay at home , and in various sizes , styles and quantities. Just figure out -what is required to do all these things CGMFOHTABLY. and you can make a fair estimate of tho value of th9 BUYEBS * GUIDE , which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 ilichigan Avenue. Chicago. 111. hfef ll Cold in Head E * iji5 ± J ELY BROS. M .Varren St. S. V HHHBHHft K on ISTHM1 KSDDER'S PASTILLES. Sr S % yJZ i ! ± ' . STOW ELL , .t CO. f BH HHiBn HHH IBHHiCluirkcows.Mx A 4QENTS Wan'ed. $1 n hoar , so ne r nrticl . J - * - uu.uguuduiup.e tree. CS.MirkijaU.LKt- port. x. r. Wtittll • ' • nythinr U m th worU. ElUirr btx. CottlTontSt SXXJC TuUaJrCXS.l , < Llrf , Ttfl M. fn , l.p.r. , > ' , 'j. , toS&peraa > ataB orUILSl t : K.Uu • $ Muol ntmer ut 'jiow , teez. TAnitt Brawst r VSatexy Scia Held erCo. . HoJJ . iucn. rTnr r TrcId and eorta wltwrai la cnirs. I ft l\i .H It Book n treatment nt tree. A&drctt L'lllt VJJIl r. U TOW. IL D , Aaxpr * . KJwu Co „ IB. I THK SUMMKU SEA. They sat nnd dreamed in tho sunny land , 'Neath the jrolden orange tree , Tbcysimke , with hearts thut wero beatk liteh , Of tho happy days to be : For both were young and Hfo wns fair , Ily the shore of tho summer sea. An unseen iirclio Hou ht their haunt • 'Neath the be\d \ ; i boughs of gold ; A shaft from loviVH unerring hand ; Ah , 'tis the story oldl For both were young and ono was fair Where tho summer billows rolledl And f.ow ? Ask of tho fleeting years Where the golden visions bo That Hiniled as tho dreamers plighted trot ! While tho waves sang merrily ; For Truth hath lied nnd they'vo wandott far From the Ehoro of the summer sen ! Mary Ann Giflbrd. -o-wi The Mysterious Grotto. Well , tins is the way they told tli Btoiy to mo : I was sitting by the seashore b ( yond where the lighthouse standf A storm wind was blowing. Tli strongsea breezes , made tepid by tli sun , came to mo impregnated wit sharp saline odors. Before me tli ocean unrolled its waves upon tli fine sand , like a green serpent pre longing the shining coils in tho sur Behind me was the cliff , with its gra ; fissures , whence jetted out here an there the trunks of sickly treef brawny growths , and meager fur2 plants. Sloping inward almost a the head of the cliff yawned a my * terious cavern , a spacious grotto- dark nird cold. I was seized with that unaccounl able emotion with which nature ir spires those alone with her , when ; hand shipped my shoulder. ' 'How do you find yourself thi morning ? " It was the old college friend I hai 'unexpectedly met the evening befor Gabriel E. , a native lieutenant. "You must have found your wa ; here by instinct , " he continued. Pei haps you never suspected that i tragedy once occurred in this ver place where we now are ? " "A tragedy here ? " "Yes , in that very grotto. It ha become famous. The countryfolk call it 'The Love Chamber. ' I ki of the romance at the very timewhei its characters performed their parts Light a cigarette , and let me tell i to you. " " I listen. " At tho time I am telling you abou there was a very pretty girl at Biai ritz , named Pascaline a Basqu about IS years of age , tall and sligh with that peculiar grace so chai acteristic of those little mountaii women. Her black hair gleamed un der the yellow silk kerchief which sh alwa-ys wore fastened about her hea < in the most coquettish style imagin able. Her ruddy lips , slightly sen suous , showed at every smile rows o delicate white teeth. Pascaline wa ; a great dressmaker , and supportet her father , a great big man , hal paralyzed , who lived in perpet ual revery , and rarely spoke excep to reply with some peculiarly vagu Spanish proverb to any question pu to bim. Pascalineadored the oh man , and took care of him like { child. So folks used always to say "Pascaline will certainly do well 01 account of the way she takes care o her father. " Anyhow , she had i chance either way to do well or bad Iy ; for she had two admirers. Om was Moise Dunez , rich , old nnd ugly who offered her a fine social position The other wasMaximeSarrabeyrous poor , young and handsome , who of fered her his heart. Maxime was said to be a professional guide in tin Pyrenees. He was really a smuggler Aiid , as was only right , Pascalini loved Maxime for love always call : for love. Such was The state of affairs fo ] several months. Motse Dunez woulc often stop at the store and scratel Lis nose , and gravely observe : "I can give you a fine social posi tion , Pascaline a , fine social posi cion : " And she would always reply : "You are very kind and good , M Moise , but I love Maxime. " And old Moise would go off grum blinjr to himself : "She'll change her mind aftei iwhile ; she 'll change her mind. " But things at last came to such a point that some decision had to be made. The two young lovers often took long walks along the cliff anc people gossiped about them a great ieal. Unfortunately they were very poorA dressmaker cannot save rery much , especially if she has a fa- bher to support , and smugglers have their dull seasons. But it is a ver fine profession for all that. Poor ag they were , however , they loved each ather so much that they went to old Father Pascal one morning hand in land and said : "We love each other md we want to get married. " The old man shook his head a lit tle and slowly responded : "Very well , very well , " The lovers knelt down before him , md he blessed them. The betrothal vas accomplished. Pascaline ac- : ompauied the youth to the usual ; cene of their promenade ; and that 'veiling they remained out on the : liffs very , very late. As the young 3asque girl was returning home full ) f happiness , with the joy of love swelling in her heart , she met iloise Dunez , who observed very gravely , icratchiug his nose as usual : "I offeryou a fine social position , Pascaline , a fine social position. " She answered : "You are very good and kind , M. ifoise ; but Maxime Sarrabeyrous md I have arranged everything for he best this evening. " And old Moise went off , muttering is he always did : "She'll change her uind after awhile : she'll change her uind. " A few days later Maxime was offer- d a splendid chance tb make a snug ittle sum. A whole cargo of goods ras to be. smuggled into Guipuzcoa. ? he young contrabandista was full f confidence , but the weather was md. All day and all night a mighty rind was blowing from the sea , inti. be sailors muttered in fear : "l\ \ \ Our Lndy of Gundnlupepassing by ! ' OurLudy of Guadalupe , the pal Madonna with the green eyes , win when she passoth by , takethwith hoi in her ghostly flight all who are be lated upon tho vast gray sea. "I will return in eight days , " can Maxime Sarrabeyrous , as ho kisset tho red lips of his sweetheart. But eight days passed , and then i month two months three month went by without any news of th handsome contrabandista. Pasca lino cried from morning until night As soon as her work was done sh would hurry to the cliff , to remaii there for long hours at a time , witl eyes fixed upon the Spanish coast Ah ! had she only been free , hov swiftly would she not have departei in search of her betrothed , beyoiu the mountains towering between he and love ! But she could not go sho must support tho aged father One night a cruel rumor came tlm Maxime had been killed by the cus torn house officers. And in fact j whole year passed without furthe news of him. Misfortunes never come singly Ono night the little store tool fire and burned down. No om knew how the thing happened Pascaline and her father wen ruined. Moise Dunez , their neigh bor , had with his usual good lncl escaped. His house was not evei scorched. But he did not dare t ( approach tho pretty Basque an more , knowing she would say tc him : "You are very kind M. Moise but I shall waite for Maxime Surra boyrous. He will come back , I an sure. But if he should not com < back , I shall be faithful to him ai though I were his widow. And I an a good girl resolved to make my owi living. " Yes , she was a good , bravi girl , poor Pascaline ; especially brav < and good , considering how unhappy her situation. After her little ston was burned she could not work foi herself anymore , but had to avoi-1 for others much harder than befon and for much less money. Now th < old man had to remain all alone th < whole day , and he was visibly declin ing. Two years passed and still nc news of Maxime Sarrabeyrous. Final ry the misery of the father anddaugh ter became so great "that M. Dune ; was seized with pity. Besides he was more in love than ever , excited bj the very disdain of the beautifu girl , so fresh and young. He tool- courage and approached her onc < more. "Pascaline , I do not hoav propos < to you merely because I can offei you a fine social position. But yov are certainly killing yourself witl work ; and if anything should happei to you your father would certainly die of hunger. Maxime is dead Pas caline. You ought , I think , to marr\ \ me and save your father. " She never answered a word , bu1 while she cried silently she allowec the old man to take her hand. Sc Moise went to Father Pascal ant told him all. Tho old man shod his head and responded slowly : "Good ! good ! There are no birch in the nests of autumn. " But they did not kneel before the old man , and the old man did noi bless them. Three days before the weddingday. just at the moment of the autumi : equinox , the prettj1Basque was walk ing along the lighthouse path neai the grotto , when a voice behind hei cried : "Pascaline ! oh , Pascaline ! " Trembling like a leaf , she murmur ed "Maxime ! thee , Maxime ! " and like a wounded bird fell into hei lover's arms. It was indeed he , still handsome , though thin and pale. He pressed her to his breast very , very tightly. "It is not true tell me , it is not true thou wilt marry Moise Dunez ? " "It is true. If I do not marry him my father will die for want of food. Why didst thou not come back ? " "Because the Spaniards captured me and kept me in prison. But I am now free , and I can work. " "But what will become of my fath er should they capture thee again ? " "Speak not of such things , dearest : lot us not discuss them. I love thee. " And he covered her face with kisses and he drew her gently toward the grotto and she resisted not ; and in the soft light of the great cave they talked to each other in low , very low tones , each pressed to each other's heart in infinite ecstasy of reciprocal love. But at last , tearing herself from his arms , she said : " 'Tis late , late ! let me go now ; I hear midnight striking. " "Nay , 'tis not midnight 'tis culy flight of sea gulls whirring by. " A long time afterwrd she said : "Oh , how the sea roars ! What if sve should be swallowed up ! " "Nay ! 'tis not the sea roaring ; 'tis unly the chanting of our love. " A long time afterward * she said Dnce more : "Oh , Maxime , dost not hear how the wind raves ? " "Nay ! 'tis not the raving of winds , 'tis Our Lady of Guadalupe passing ly. The last hours of our life are the irst of our night of love. Thou ; halt never marry the other now. Lro ! love , this is our nuptial chamber : ind the wave shall be our vast green vinding sheet ! " And he closed her mouth with kisses ) f fire. They found the twain nert day in- : orloeked in the embrace of death ; mdthat grotto is still called La Hiamere d' Amour. The old man is low quite paralyzed. He begs for tlms beneath the shadow of the hurch walls. He seldom speaks , but rom time to time men hear him mut- ering to himself.a' a' ' 'Mi ' It's Breezy Yet. The West may have lost a little of ts breeziness , but it is still breezy nough for all ordinary purposes , i'or ipstance , J. M. McConniff , of the Turlington & Missouri , has caused a lrge number of placards bearing he following legend to be nailed to he various bridges along the line : Notice Parties using this bridge 3r lynching purposes will be con- idered as trespassers , and prose- uted to the ftjjlest extent of the 1W. " 501 THOU , HCT I. It miiBt liavc been for ono of ns my own To drink this cup , and eat this bitter brcn Had not my tears upon thy face been shed , Thy tears had dropped on mine ; if 1 alone Did not walk now , thy spirit would lur known My lonelinefs , and did my feet not. trend This weary path and Ktccp , thy feet had bli For mine , nnd thy mouth bad for mine mm moan. And eo it comforts mo yea , not in vain , To think of thy eternity of sleep , To know thine eyes aro tearless though mil weep ; And when this cup's Inst bitterness I drain Ono thought shall still its pritnul sweetne keep ; Thou bndsfc the pence , and Ithcundyingpni Philip Bourke Marston. - + -i How to Keep well. Boston Globe. While undeniably a mixed diet the best for man , there is a mistake notion , which prevails to a great e : tent , that meat should largely entc into the same. As a consequenci much more is eaten than is needed c can properly be disposed of in tli system. Never eat meat oftenc than once a day , and veiy sparing ! in summer. Men of sedentary hal its might with safety for seven days at a time during that seaso live on vegetables , fruits , mill breadstuffs and foods of like charaj ter , which are easy of digestion. Fc those'who have good reason to b < lieve that their "kidneys are weak , a diet largely made up of meat is il advised. Those organs areintimat < ly concerned in its disposal in th system , and hence are overtasked ! it is taken in too great a quantity There are very few people who aii not fond of watermelons. It is rigln ly assumed that under proper cond tions they are healthy. Theyshoul not , however , be eaten after a heart meal , for they then tend to retard d gestion. • Some drink too freely of water , a pecially during the heated tern There is , however , a class large ! made up of women who do not a anytime drink sufficiently of tha eminent essential to health. As rule they suffer from constipatioi Everyone ought to drink about tw quarts of water daily to meet th needs of the system , "Water is fal tening" is an expression of som truth. Very fleshy people are pre verbi ally thirsty , and when they a1 tempt areduction in weight , toiesse as much as possible the quantity c fluids habitually taken is ono of th recognized rules of treatment. But rigid adherence to it is dangerous fo many , if not all. Unless advise by a physician to do differently they should drink all they cravt within reason , excepting during th hour before and after meals. Wit the food only the smallest quantit of fluids possible is allowable. Muc has been written for and against ic water. It is not only agreeable am refreshing , but harmless when use in moderation. In certain forms c dyspepsia characterized byflatulonc bloating , as it is properly called- very cold water acts as an agreeabl tonic , and quickens gastric and intes tinal activity in many cases if take when the stomach is comparative ! empty. If taken on a full stomacl it , as a rule , intensifies the trouble Over-indulgence is always harmful and it is especially so at meal times For a robust person in hot weatli er to reduce one-half the quantity c food he is habituated to eating wout be a most salutary custom , for h would then not only suffer infinite ! less from the heat , but be stronge and more active , both mentally am physically. Those especially who ar wedded to their "ajipetizers" woul < do well to forego them at least unti cooler weather comes , and leave na ture , uninfluenced by the seductiv cocktail , to direct the quantity c food necessary for the body's sup port. Nearly all use black , but few rei pepper on their food. It cannot b generally known that the latter is s remedy of no little value in certaii cases of digestive trouble , especial ! those in which the liver is involved and acts sluggishly. Old ladies whims cannot always be laughe ( : lo\vn. Here is one which a few dye peptics can testify to be sound. Toki before meals a pinch of red pepper ii half aglass of milk. Some have cure < themselves by this simple treatment There are , of course , certain forms o lyspepsia in which it would be ill-ad rised. In just what cases it is needed jach sufferer from the trouble mus letermine for himself * unless he isun ier the care of a physician. Oik might safely try it for a few days ind then abandon it if no benefit re suits. That berries are healthy food ear n truth be said , and yet some kinds mould be denied people who hav < certain forms of digestive disturb mces. Blackberries , for instance vhich contain small seeds , to som < jxtent irritate the intestinal canal [ t is in that way that they are usef' n constipation ; they stimulate anc juicken activity of the bowels. Bui f the stomach and bowels are whal s generally termed weak , then in uch a case they are likely to dc larm. Very young children should > f course , be denied them. Kcw Jerse3'7s Ugliest 3Ian. 'hiktdelphia Record. "Well , I reckon I kin hev the wag- in , " said Bathole Loper , of Bridge- on , N. J. , as he stepped up to , Louis I. Dowdney , chairman of the Uglv fan's Committee , at the Cumberland ! ounty Agricultural Society's Thirtj * - fth Annual Fair , which opened at Jridgeton. A wagon-building com- mny somewhere out West had offered , prize of a pretty road cart to the gliest man who presented himself. iOper was the first candidate. Chairman Dowdney threw up his ands in horror. He feared there rouldbe no chance for anyone else , ut happily he thought of to-mor- ow's influx of Congressional candi- ates , and silently recorded Loper's ame. Loper is known far and wide hrough Cumberland County. He ets his nickname from the strangely triking resemblance of his mouth to lie dark retreat of the bead-eyed odent. He has big , staring eyes of entle Nile-green shade. The con- aur of his face is a cross between a rclone-struck pumpkin and a dog- antortionist. Nobody in Brid eton ill have thev hardihood to enter tha antest with ! > - A IIopHnl Tnrlilont. It Ik iwrlmpH : t little Into ia the day t recall war incidents , yut it somewhat r < nmrknhlu ono was brought to my mind • lay or two a-rn by a mooting with Wa laco If unit' , tho well known tlieutrici architect. Mr. Humo was a member the Cincinnati regiment commanded b W. If. L3'tlu , tho soldier jioot who lo : his lifo early in thestntirtrlo while liravt ly facing the enemy. Ife was jrrioviotu ly wounded , and with tho others of hi comrades , as well as many confederate ! wero taken to tho hospital atSpringfiolt Ky. Hero he ] nysiilluriii acutely. On morning the familiar words of his con immder's well known poem. "A nth on nnd Cleopnrtm. " canto to his mind , nn almost unconsciously ho repeated alou the first line : "Innidvinj ; Ewpt d\ in l" A confederate soldier lyinp on th next cot took up tho sentence and fol lowed with the text : "Ebbs aud crimsoi life tide fast. " Hume continued and al ternately each lino of tho nmgnUieeu poem tho twain completed before n wor was exchanged. Then thoy fell hit conversation nnd discovered many simi larities of tnste. Ere they recovered strong friendship had been formeil When health had been restored the . separated and did not meet again unti some years after the war , when the nc quaintnnco so remarkably started in military hospital was renewed in Chi enjjo. Tho twains have been wan friends ever since and often have a plea ? ant chat over their army and hospital es periences. Chicago Journal. Hotter Tlmii IHnmoiMla. A poor ninn and his wife emigrated t the Capo of Good Hope , and arrive therewith little money and no prospect. The husband knew how to make rarate waters , nnd he spent all his money i getting some material for that purpose Then he left his wife with friends am started for the diamond fields , encom : tering great hardships , but getting ther at last with his stock. He built himsel a little slmntj * and began making an selling the water , succeeding so well thn after four months he returned to his wif with 800 gold sovereigns hidden in a be ! under his shirt. He has made a larg fortune in the business since. Not York Sun. , Mzo of tlao ISiiHinii Ilciirti The masculine heart weighs more an is larger than that posscsssed b } ' the fai sex. A heart , it would appealgrow most quickly during tho first and seeon years of lifo , and between the secon and seventh years it doubles in size Until after the fiftieth birthday the hear still grows a little. In childhood th male and female heart , are the same size but after manhood the masculine heat develops much more than the female and ends by being two scumre iiiche larger than the latter. A PeaHuiil'M Ii-I > r I'riiitcfico. A peasant saw , in a river , a Hoatinj egg. Ho thought ho could catch it i his hand , but , in the attempt , fell int the water. The water was deep , and h could not swim. In terror he believei that God was thus punishing his greedi ness. To propitiate his fate he vowei that if he escaped he would never ea another egg. Instantly a branch of tree presented itself to him , by mean of which he gained the banks of th stream. Shaking himself , he said : " suppose , O Lord , that 3-011 , of course understood me to say raw eggs ! " Jour ual Amubtiut. , ty Log Cabins were strone xJ 't jJ * ? holds of love , contentmenl * C P lf & health and hnppines * -V jL/lt f. Coon spins were nailed t J / ' ' ) - / kt f he door and they were th < - irvvlmppy homes of stront : A healthy , noble men an _ vwomen. . The simple bn effective remedies which carried them t green old age are now reproduced i Warner's "Tippecanoe , " and Warner' Log _ Cabin Sarsaparilla and other Lo , Cabin Remedies. An Ancient Itnll. Strange things frequently happei right at home while we are looking ii every direction for novelties. A. fei days ago a Lincoln citizen opened si rol of butter which had been purchased a a grocery , nnd _ discovered therein small tin box which was found to eon tain si piece of paper bearing the follow ing written in a neat feminine hand 'Tarn a girl 18 years of age , good look ing , aud an excellent housekeeper Should this be found by some nmnar ried Christian gentleman , he will plea&i write to the following address. " etc. etc The tinder , being a bachelor , de cided to unravel the affair , and sne ceedetl , but onty to destroy the ro mance. The girl who had written tin note died man } ' years ago , leaving ai aged husband and grown family ti mourn hei * . Lincoln Journal. A \Vi < t . E'ifi-oi. Cliicaso ( IIls.1 Occident. Auet21. . Among Avortiiy Chicagoans a German American citisei i this city is IMr. Pe ter Klein , doing business at Xo. 5)0 ) Ens Kinsey street , facing the C. it X. W railroad depot. Mr. Klein is in hisoGtl 3'ear , is married and enjoj-s a family o three interesting children. He is knowi among the northsiders as a benevolent frank and social friend Like all oh' "Fatherlanders" he will invest a spar * dollar in a lottery and has on a formei occasion secured an § 8,000 prize in the Louisiana State Lottery in association with his brother-in-law. We inter viewed Mr. Klein on his latest good luck , he being the possessor of one- twentieth part of ticket ( Xo. 3,80-1 which drew the 8300,000 in The Louis iana State Lottery drawing of August 7th. When the news reached him ol his good fortune he was much elated and great joy prevailed in the Klein household. He collected the money (15,000) ) through the American Express Co. His present business place is a wooden frame building for vending re freshments , cigars , etc. He has already let a contract to tear down the old build ing and will erect on the lot which he owns a modern brick block which he in tends shall eclipse any building in the neighborhood. Since Klein has been so successful , many of his neighbors and friends are largely seeking similar investments. If many such prizes fall to Chicago citizens it will create a lively boom to the financial and real estate in terests of our citj * . German coal does not appear to he mak ing much headway in Italy. Jfsfr.ti-tct with SoreKyps. n < c Dr. Un-\c Thomp * mTfEi e Wr.trr. Druc ists sell It. 23c Mme. Carnotwife of tlie French presi- nent , parts her hair on one bide. [ tloxle illnkes a His ISxt-Iteiticnt In .tliiUIeu , ittr.f-M. A twelve year old daughter of John Sicholeon , 735 Main street , Maiden , has tipen as helpless as a baby for a long time , tier father finally gave up his doctors , and rave her this liquid nerve food , "Moxie. " Five bottles so fed the nerves of her para- jzed litnba to strength , he is now a nice , • omping , healthy girl. Tbe people of fal len are much excited over it , and consider t the most wonderful thins they ever saw. tVhen Be by was sicE , we gave her Caatoria , iVhen she was a Child , she cried lor Caatoria , IVhen she became Miss , she clang to Castorla , iVhen he had Children , she gave them Castorla. . . . - 11. - - • * * > . ' " - • - • - • • - _ - * - > I 4fi , - * ca- * * 4 "fT 11 , ± * & ' $ $ Important. AU person * nuTrtert wit ! rhoumntltirn , neuralgia , Horn throat , pain in tho hack or limhti , sprnhiM , bruise * , tttc fihould know that Salvation Oil U wlin thoy need. Prico 25 conta. ' 'I ) htVH hnvo dangerous end * , " tho Im metal William doth declare Haveyou 1 cold or cough , a hoarseness , or Horo chest Beware ! Take Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup don't delay , and all tho cough and sorenen will soon pans away. Got it at once ! Yu may ho worao another day. Price 25 cent * Queen Natalio of Servia has decided t open a enlon in Paris. Ilulf Unto KxrlirnloiiB. The first of the series ol llnrreat excut pious via the MiaHouri Pacific railway am Iron Mountain route to Arkamuin am Texan , will lca > o September 25th , Oetobo nth and 2til. : Tickota will bo Bold at on fare for the round trip • with a limit r thirty days to return and amplo stop-ove privilegea. JHsmarck has begun to suffer from in comma. g-JACOBS © 1 | For Stablemen * " Stockmen , lUEOaCATUJT REMEDY KXOWN FOtt 110JUE AND CAT-TLB DIICASn. cuncs Cutx , Stvclllns" , ItrulMt * . Sprain * . Gall * . Strains , Limirntiss. Stin"no .H. Cr.irkiul IIocIh , ScrutchoK , Contraction * . F1ckI > "Wounds , Strlngliiitt , Soi-e Throat , nixtomprr , Colic , AVIiltlotr , Toll Evil , l- l'l.ituln. Tumor * . Sollnt * . HIiik- lionnuiid Snuvln lit It * eurly tac ; . Apply S > t. .Jacobs Oil In accordance with tho directionwith euch bottle. Sold by Druggist * and Dealers Evtryxditre. Tho Churles A. Vogolar Co. . Italto. . Md. Diamond Vera-Gura FOR DYSPEPSIA. X POSITIVE CURE FOB INDI0K3TI0N AMD AL1 Btomach Trouble * Arlilnic Tbtrtiran. Vour Druggitl or General Dealer will git Vera- Cura for you if not already m block , or if tci- lie tent by mail on receipt of'Zt ctt. (3 ( Unti SI.00) ) in ltamp $ . Sample * eni on recetyt of 2-cctiI tlamp. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER C0..Baltimct8. Ki. bole fruprieWri and Mauuucluntii. ffiiKSii AlMGST AS PAL/BABLE flv So Q snlscd that the most K i * i § j& ira delicate stomach cau tahu it. • \wj \ * 5S 5 " ' Rf-markalilo as n. liKi'ft U FIiESU l'RODBCER. tQyvwa % ' ' 'I ' 'P v oijn caln rapidly fill WtgZ while tailing it. iiSfe SCOTTSEHDISIOH la acinowledgcl by Physician • to bo tho Finest and Jlrst preparation for the relief of msnirATr. wasting dtskasks of CMLimUX ami CtiKOXIC COUGHS. aij. Decisis. gCott & Eowiie , New York. HUE " 22 YEARS FOR THE Kilcrfs Extract cl" IIBIoItaiaibj/ijjieiiiii / Has cured all cou'jhj , colds , bronchitis , a.i : relieved asthma and consumption for all wh < have used it. Is not this an evidence of it' ' merits and reliability ? It is a sure and saft meliciw for all bronchial troubles and neve ; fails to ive satisfaction. Try it under a full warrantee. Price 50c and Sl.K ( ) per bottle Prepared by Emmckt PnormurAUV Co. , Chi cago , 111. Iii.ol-kcppnr. Slwrt.lianil Teiepruililnp. ami Kn- Ihh cinirse. I.arjrrsf atti-ml.inc-c ai.il l.nve-it room- - In tinve.t. . Three ilri > tcliipenmen employed. Fo Journal anil specimens of | " -ii'i.ui-hli > a-lure s : .1. T D.illei. Manager , O U. Haikbim , 1'ioprletor , Omaha Nebraska. The Celebrated Red Oak Cart. Host Cart on earth. No hors" motion. ISrenfclnj and biieeo.n Cars a cpecir.Itv. i'rice iii.W am ril.OJ. F.O. 1J. cars Oir.ali.i. Send for Cut- , . CHAS. F. MILIilGAlSr , dealer In all kindot Carriages and Harness. IStl : and Ilai-noy utrei-ts. Oinah.t. * , ' i > ti. Ptlfpi AXLE Ke tT Ouins. Never FrfP7e in Winter or Melt" "I Sut'inKT. E > ery hox ( .uarantpcil. S..mp'e oier - solicited. ttrte for TriceWo mkthe be l Axlp-orcaoe known an ! seit ehcaper than < .tli > r < ly their cnnnion cood < CJ.AKIi it WISE < * ' . , OQice , HO itt\er 'street , Chicago , Illinois. ISsth MKWMBM Siiierza an .Asthma Cure never/aii to pi vem-si rXmniiatereltrfia the worst ca * * 4isurfcH comfort- ! ? ! KJ ablo sleep ; ejlccu cnroH7heroa.l others fail. j > ko ( Ltmateo.nirrecthemoittl.fj.Ucnl. l'nca50c.andK * PI J51.0OoSDroK- or h v mall. Jiinjplo KIMJK P.I Kjforstagp Da.R.aCHIFFMAN" .St. Panl.M&n Kj Wholesale Goods to Consumers. T2S bnvall vonr jmn'i from a need etoa thro l.jrcmohi..c AT IVJIOT.ESAr.E. Yo-ioa.i ari thmUd.f men prolit. IIJ ) f Just en < tii < > i r > nsm stamp * ' " preiiavpo t.ieonI > tnd recci f lit nn mint" IMi' t. CATAI-OOIE S < IO PU.ES. lOOO Illmtrj.t' . . EtcrytMnujou n e. Xetvmaa Ini-oIimIiiir As- sorlntlnu , lOfi.tlOS WnhsuhAie .Chica n.d. Eorrefercnce nenferto Nitloual tjinlc of Illlnol- . Q7C ( ) ( > 1tincn OO A "MONTH can i.- Oiwi IU g Ul ) " made working foin Aent preferred tthoenn fnrui < haimrje and ? it- tlielr whole time to the Imrlne . bpa'B moinrn mav he | ironiblj-employed alvi. \ fetv tacai.ci- > In tounsand cities. 15. F. JOHNSON A Co. jOJj Maln&tteei I. 'iclimond. Va. AGENTS WANTED K 'Ti/ ' tleman to mii in > cllm an aitii-I ? used in eri-rt familv. ? itu5 < i > er d-t > tu sood worker. . fctriid2Jcfo * r sample. For lull pwtn-ilais addrtr-s. Jolin Steel & Co. , v. ' cst ni. Nob. GOBGORAS'S isSFISiS [ ' .i if. e v li.is no eqml tor cani ISf-ne bpavin-i. L z Spavin * . Itini lion • . splm s. Cnrl > - . Sntln . Stt : t Yxr , S 11 t y bruggi-itx. I1.t up by DR. E. P. ROOT. Exeter. Neb. SV5 ( T ? J" S ? 3' ua Itook-kcopmtr. . iUti.i n k iJf U < 1 Arithmutie. > lninliai > d. c e . tn.- onclilv Tanch * l > y miill. J. < > vrrate < . t'lrctiliTafre . BYa.T's COI.I.EO IZ , i31 ilam st. , UuCaio. N. V. 'f tie ia.ni tt no u invited ir > ui ttrs t Us to rtvc d .urs in : : Itubber Cut. ani ( J iX his tlr t half lu.urs espenence in ca rjj js : c > t < ra finds to h. forrow tha : it is w $ J ? ft haniy : a better fratecton than a. mos- ? . -j\7 P. quito netars1 , nut on.y -cU ciiann"d w • " * * s : bcitu so b ntjy uken it , but also r } n RI feels if he does not look exactly like ElS ? i2 Ask. lofthe " FISH ItiANiT SLicxu : Wis Ei2 doc not hit c the i i h rnASt > , < ! fnd fiirtl'i'Tintlvscsta f Do You 1 Huretnit c lrr nn tlral tvMnz. Uttftor , wlfinas ippatlteor trni h.Imp lrdi iVsmtlot. nI * sa- % * eral fcollnu of > ry II UlmsoiiibletotlaiirMir5 Hood' * SwipiirliU Is wonlerful mailtclas tir eto * * . ? • tins an nppetltr , promoting itttfoitlon , na < l toalnr np tho whole ] r trtn. tWIni utrriuth n < I notlTltjr la p'ico of weakliest anil debility. Ilo furo tt e lloodt. "I take Hood's Purstpirlll/i overt T r dfrnla ulthmoit ntliftctory roinlts. Irecommond II < Md' Siratptrllla to * ll who hnvo that mtiorab.o tlrol feellnif. " C. I'Anuctite. 3IJ Ilrltlrfo titroet. Uroolc- ljn. K. V. V.Hood's Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldby tlldruKXtts. ! lx for ll. l'reparedoalf by C. I. HOOD & CO. . IaiwcII Moil. tOO Dosos One Dollar w 1 have abused your Stomach * j by eating or drinking too- \ much , or of the wrong kind I of food or liquid , you will JSP because your Stomach ist angry. Now beware of all temporary expedients. TRY never-failing , safe Remedy Dr. ScKencfe'S ; ' * # MkndroJte PHI5. j For Sdlo liy all DrtiFRiats. Prlco 'Vi ct . par box ; S boxes for OS ctd. ; or fctnt by mall , postage Uff , on receiptor price. Dr.J.n.fc'chencciSSon ! , ThiUd'a. 'y pOR k ! It lias permanently cured thousands ; of eases pronounced by doctors hope less. If you hnvo premonitory symp toms , such as Cottfxh , Diiliculty of Breathing. tc , don't delay , but use- PISO'S CVllK For. CONSUMPTION immediately. Ily Druggists. 25 cents- _ m&R Eh © us fSSVgRYB § r Any iionli If.trsfil in < nurouilltic. ; Siiicl ttituil < - - : -uri-il. Sxilii | > : \ it Im.tt niitf. t' 'lioily iiiiIiLia'tiliii. -il y tcniK. l'inicyiimlciiittrd l .t Miiriiitr Court. Crt-st iiitliifc-mcnt. com-t-nuinieiioJ- - cl.iSsfS. 1'roipeeins. ! h - > r nl"'if I > r. Win. A. Iliitn- iMdii.l. the tvurld fame 1 , e. 'al st in tliud dlst „ ses. Iui . -fiilfir Thompson , the pre it 1'nyclioloxist. . ! . M. | : , irMi-v. It. ! . . Il.ltor of tho hrls-I n Adtoci • • . iitiaril I'roctur , the Scien'Ui. and • • rhers. s 'it s st f" ' " bv Prof A. LoIhi.ITh. t. f-if ll Air.ctr york Only Sf.OG for tJ7s [ fUH8BGauty. ! y B , Weighs from fe p5 1-4E ( to 4Ibs Tnt < Steel Bearing. Ch Ban I.ittrr " "eilc itb Utajs Icoop 1j mcely Japirne.1nJ i J i t t..e thins ! 'or HimjStor - or Sitop. V , tr.llnt on ? ontu. I bEipri . to nr per oT • nj.i , u > 91.OO 'not ; . its 11. if , < * itueof 1 003 arr r'est free. A < Uria. CUICACO St AI.fi CO..OjIf3km. III. _ . A ID "k/ATf5ihc PR SJCHT /ir , ! > Jb/ . * ' * ou "iconicalr . J nih/rS 1'sa I j. S , t tcirlisr > Etu -ZSX V rfii * * * . TlitSt.jtac Trara Bat tt.r 1rc 'ihz © so. V rKRr F"-T li-l , W. Forf , , , , | n issviin r.v TiiE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 4 OF I rEJ-VST YOK.X. I T'ie Largest. Chcap.cs ; an i . : e i in the tVorliL I " CAS2I ASSZVrsi S3 2O.O00.O0. ) > simoj ; goitz. rrn y. Au.r.s. Spec * AteaS- Csaeral A ent- a X W U . TJAKKA1N IJEVOKE l3 > S tfk t RgPEATJHC RIFLE fS U i XewtrniaI aetory. Vt 'e tskercr Kj 5 re ntat-r > fcf IT ? tars on : hli nitle.ai.tf . AjTq - cuarantrp It the lis rst ofTrr ever tZ.S0' matlr. . .ti Sic. in etamp foriijsrr.te ) i * lOO-paur IifcrtptlTeCatalosui- . KiSeu I' .evolTersKifhn ! Tj' .i.le.IiicTclcs..portin < < ; ood > . c JOU > P. LOVELL A1C.1IS CO. . Uoston. Atauu ' J and fslly eo- ' j * ; V < ? > > S rrcscnsr w JfifJApM' * § $ Jil dorse B. < il as th only /ZA&rCatttla > < ? specific 'orthe certain cure affl "O 5 SAT3. 'iof thla di-pane. ( &j etastactetere. ° AaaatMdam , > . Y. < • 1 vrics' .jiytis U'c hare sold Sig G for i ' ' * tgy.rt.- --rrij trany years , ar.d It has I "S' " " 5 : jKiven the best I salts- fSw Ohio. Jrl I > .I' DYCITE4C0. . K 7iz < < * tzZS 2'zzz Asl.0Q. SoiabyDmKSiit- . W _ A W. 10. . , Omaha. j i'J. f V.- • . . . . . . . . . „ , I - • ! • . - . . - ( 't , a zi > . < ; I ti..i .ll Xet ; > ZfCC ! " ' ' - . - fs the njrde > t vti-rai. It . * i S cUTOtcl ! : rl..I iifC\h. > 0 - * > ! . ! • "IK't , " a. I a.2 - f . : .i.it.irto ctc.v " - . .t.y .t oyer il.tla.ii. . lV * in tu - i j0 < tse i niy pettect V. md ant ! W'aU-rprvjf i ti ? ? ? 'a is " • Irrr 'h .raml Si-eKer. " * 2 12 ami take n.iott . Iv. . .nrtorekpir tie. . • . .J.T > WEE.2i Smn S' • . 18 wi uJta ! . TO MAKE hP Hl A DELICIOUS BiSCUST S ASIC YOUR GROCER FOR AND TAKE NO OTHER. } ii : ,