I The Only Store I Bm m OF "ITS KZM * > < > i H II IN THE WEST. THE only place where you can find what you want _ in our line. rpHE only place that sells goods on their merit. 'SKf ' ma e our own prices. We sell at a profit. WE have bargains in surplus stock. We guaran- _ tee every article as represented. WE are establishing a trade for the hereafter , not _ only for to-day and to-morrow , but for years to come , by conducting our business in a straight , legiti- mate manner , giving full value , dollar for dollar , and backing up just what we say. WE have one of Dr. King's celebrated Optometer's _ and can fit your eyes with spectacles correctly. WE charge nothing for piercing ears with a new _ painless process , its very funny ; makes any one laugh. WE are having a big sale on Gold Watches , which _ we sell same price as silver. H _ . = = T B SSf * It will be impossible to describe all we have for sale , so drop in and H convince yourself that there is no place like it on earth. B I R L McCracken k Bio. B B B MAIN AVENUE , - COKXEll NORTH OF POST OFFICE. [ ) ' B I REMOVAL ! B - * Bv I am now located in the store room I lately vacated by Mrs. T. Nelis , on I Main Avenue , where I will he pleas- I ed to see all niy old customers and I many new ones. My stock will he I larger and finer than ever , and niy I prices as low as the lowest. B' \ I EL H. BERRY. I d I 1888. Fall Season.1889. . - : - . - ; - . „ I The fact that my efforts in the past to produce I none but of the highest standard of excellence have been appreciated by friends and customers , t I as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi- I ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions I for the Fall andA inter season. u Mj CoMi of File Fairies For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which c x is and handsome assortment of as large an new Bi goods as can be shown by any of the best houses iu in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe- Jj cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl o ish and perfect fitting garments. L , BE1RNHE1IME1R , McCook. Nebraska. MERCHANT * TAILOR ftol ol m ii a iM aBaMBa MBa BM MiM a D. D.Si 1 KM Li ii W Cs. ! > [ OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. * OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pr A CAMPBELL , President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice eside t : O. KOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President. Ul ) . . . r o t- F. L. BROWN , Treasurer. r sti i CIII RUT LIVERY STABLE , j I p OG ElATON & : -Proprietors. . EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. "P _ ast Railroad Street , - - McCook , Nebraska. J $ / , ' . . „ . , . . , . , . . , , . . . _ . „ . . r # & ? > • • - B Tdit. - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jCittMi _ Bi " * . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ " . B B > BB B B B B B BHBB BBB B B B BflkM0lHlHPiVI SP L j C"w iwini Mjii < i > iiaww wr > w ci - M .Jjy > b t- - * .ji i www/ t . • , : i . : I • • Tins is an administration of the spoils , by the spoils , and for the spoils. It is running a check book propaganda if ever thero was one. Witness tho follow j ing announcement jubilantly made in the editorial columns of the New York Sum "When President Cleveland gave his magnificent contribution of $10,000 to the funds of the Democratic campaign committee ho was not alone in that work of National beneficence. At the same time with the President's check the com mittee received a check for $10,000 from the Hon. Thomas F. Bayard , a check for $10,000 from the Hon. Chas. S. Fairchild , a check for $10,000 from the Hon. William C. Whitney , a check for $10,000 from the Hon. Don. M. Dickinson ; in all , from the President and Cabinet , the handsome sum of $50,000. But three members of the Cabinet , Sec retary Eudicott , Secretary Vilas , and the pan-electric Attorney General gave .noth ing. However , to make good every de ficiency , the Hon. William L. Scott , of Pennsylvania , gave $20,000 ; Mr. Sid ney T. Fairchild , Secretary Fairchild's father j , and Mr. J. J. Hill , the Demo cratic hustler of Minnesota , gave $10 , - j 000 apiece ; the Paynes , of Cleveland , gave liberally , and other personal friends of \ President Cleveland clubbed in swell ing the aggregate contribution to the impressive total of $150,000. " c At the north there is the eolLision of political policies. At the south there is'the i peace of Poland. ' ' Reputable men , good men , religious men of the south , not only admit tho suppression of [ the suffrage , but they also justify it. The fact is undisputed and undisputa- ble. t Worse than all , the number of the manacled electoral votes is increased by the enfranchisement of the colored race , formerly counted in the basis of appor tionment t three-fifths of its as only - ag gregate. Without this increase there ] would be no peril to republican suprem acy. } The contrast is drawn. The j 1 ghts and shadows may be plainly dis cerned. Is it fair , is it justis it in con cf formity f with the irenius of republican in stitutions that the free vote of the north should be overcome by the chained vote of the south. This is not a plea for the ensanguined garment. This is not a gun fired at the Kuklux Klan. It is I simply a question directed to loyal American citizens. Shall not the will of freemen be so emphatically expressed as to nullify the will of those who tram ple the ballot box under their feet ? There are people who maunder about the evils of party strife , and shake their i heads gravely over the intensity of po litical feeling. The sputter of the storm hides from them the sweep of the tide. They fail to see that underneath this conflict of opinion is that mightier tide of patriotism which flows all the deeper and stronger because of the tempest that vainlv seeks to oppose its course. Po litical enthusiasm is not stirred in the American people by a desire to rule nor { by the lust for personal ' advantage. It is not dependent on flags or fireworks. Neither the zeal of the office-seeker nor \ the skill of the demagogue can inflame or deceive them. What we see is only j the only the froth upon the surface. When the American people have made up their minds they will act coolly and according to their best judgment. BANKSVILLE and VICINITY. o Jacob WiJliams departed for Ohio , Monday. • femes Honchin istalkingof jjoingeast , this fall. \ Albert Kennedy was visiting' at Eanksville , Sunda3' . Born To Mr. and Mrs.Frank Albrecht.Smi- day , Sept. 23rd , a baby boy. Base Ball. Banksville vs. Kidge. Septemr ber 26th. Score , 11 to 21 in favor of Banksville. Mi3S Fannie Richardson and brother. Miss Lawthers and brother went to Ludell , Kansas , to ( visit friends. Miss Lenna Lodge gent over to Mr. Burtlcss' arter the pony , John Milter took , on his depart ure , together with Mr. W'escU'S saddle. Thero was quite a cyclone at tho school liou6e. Tueedar nicht. It was nothing but D" . L. P. wind , though , and didn't amount too much. * To convert tho United Statee is indeed a tri- ump. The Cobden club will henceforth set up special shrine for the worship of President Cleveland and send him all its publications jratis. Cobden founded free trade. Cleve- and saved it. Such is the burden of the song ill through England , to-day. " M. P. by cable Nc - York Herald. Cvclone Jim. j Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has G uaed , pnch a s jeneral revival of trade at A. McMiilen's drug itore as their giving away to their customers f so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New - Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is j limply enormous in this very valuable article I rom the fact that it always cures and never lisappoints. Coughs , colds , asthma , bronchi- is , croup and all throat and lung diseases Ijiekly cured. You can test it before buying y gflJting a trial bottle free , large size SI. Svcry bottle warranted. SIDE SipE. Ed Flitcraft took in the Culbertson fair , lasp today. The Coleman boys are putting in an Enter- irise pump for V. T. Stone. M. ] C. Maxwell has a thoroughbred shorthorn urham bull , that for a yearling is well , hard- beat. .M.C. takes him to the fair , we under- * tand. We predict he wears home the blue ibbon. ' B Brooks , tho vice presidential candidate of F he prohibition party , says in a recent speech , 3 He has been a rebel , a slave holder and a fire3 ating democrat , ( and the Lord only knows l hat else , ) but , thank God , never a republii i an. " Well , if were to offern prayer , it would " an somewhat in this wise : "Oh , Lord , for ft i ame things wo are truly thankful. When we sad of tho many and divers iniquities charged a : to the republican party by the prohibitionJ J , it makes us weary , and in view of this to ict , wc feel unable to have borne the Inst n traw. Therefore , oh , Lord , we feel especially lankful that Tbou didst put it into this man's | < earf Jo acknowledge before all men , "That he everb.ii been a republican. " Uno. : s Dr. CADifoijQ.ndJLtio.il Ppwdors , They tone te the digestive organs , free' the uysfpm of si ; orms , give tho horses godd'ap Gtiro" causing 10 < lem to shed freely hik ! puttilig ' tnezn "ih' ' tidd ff iape for hard work. Far sale bydrugglits. " J25 Direct from the Front. Knoxvillk , TennJulys , i883. The Swift Spcculc Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated me with j no good results. I took a half dozen differ- , ent kinds of blood medicines , but , without receiving any permanent relief ! I was in duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im provement came , and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married , , and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swifts Specific did all this for me , and I am grateful. Yours " truly , J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Kemp , Texas , June 23 , 1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son of mine was afflicted with bad blood , and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his body. I put him to taking S. S. S. , and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak , but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly , W. S. Robinson. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. The Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 Broadway * * Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was used with tho greatest success during our epidemic of Bloody Flux. I do not know of a case that was lost where this remedy was used. One of my friends , about six miles from here , had a child that was given up by tho two doctors who attended it , bo then used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , mid the child recovered. All who have used it speak of it in the highest terms. Wishing you abundant success for tho good you are doing , I am. Very Truly Yours. P. E. Lavender , P. M. , Chestnut. Amherst , Co. , Va. Sold by all druggists. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy is the most successful preparation ever produced for Summer Comphtint , Cholera Morbus , Dysentery , Diarrhoea , Bloody Flux and Chronic Diarrhoea and thousands of per sons will certify that they believe their lives have been saved by this great remedy. It is tho one preparation that every family and every traveling man should be provided with , especially during the summer months. Many cases of Chronic Diarrhoea that had resisted all other treatment and battled the skill of good physicians have been permanent } * cured by it. Sold by all druggists. Ague can not be permanently cured until the system lias been thoroughly cleansed of all morbid matter. Quinine and other febri fuges , will check it temporarily but it is sure to return unless the system has been cleansed. For this purpose there is nothing better than St. Patrick's Pills. They not only physic , but thoroughly cleanse the entire system and will , in most cases , prevent ague and like malarial diseases | if usedas soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by all druggists. , File Woolens ! „ You will find a splendid line of Cloths , Cassimeres , Wor steds , London Suitings , and Trouserings , and a complete assortment of Spring and Fall Overcoatings. Also Esqui mau Beavers in all shades at DEYSDALB'Ss ' Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new postofficc. Good fits guaranteed. Thir ty-five years ' experience in New York City. MAIN AVENUE , MeCOOK. NEB. . Wm. M. ANDERSON , } AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurance Co. = OF NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co , ALSO A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. Money j to Loan on Real pstate ] Security. ROOMS ] : OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ? R. H. COLE , "The Leading" SSeroliapt j | Tailor of MpCPQ , FOR ; w [ First-Class Tailoring * . . = _ 1 Having a large stock of Fine Suitings and Trouserings , I will furnish them cheap for the next 60 days. Blue Front Livery Stable j D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale staples. Finest turn outs in the city furnished. ' ' 'Earn , rear Mc Bntee Hotel. ' S By correspondence ivwlc easy by the use or enr ae-r Fall and Winter Illustrated fJatalGgliC and Prica < * S S1 Mi T Iff BE ? S ? . S ? . List which is-jSSoEraa 8tj te = .g | application. Our five floors are pneked with all . the Latest .Foreign end UotscsHc Ko veltlea. M 0B GOODS , CARPFTSi 3itUnerjladies * Suits , Cosksetc. ! MI goods , jtnportc. ! os "Veil 5 ? American , trerc selected from innnufrpt r iM"j' ) $ Ir. J. Jay Jo'lia mil all Middle-Men's Pro pta iiro Saved to jurchascrs. Eastern prices anil" i.icesf styles "gunr- intceil. All poods not us represented can be re- nrncd at our evpenfu. KSEP YOUR MONEY the west. Write fur faajplw nr.d prices , Ja JAYJOSLIK , - ICth and Curtis Strcot3 , DSHVER , COLO. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ' The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis- , sores , ulcers , suit rheum , fever sores , tet- er , chopped httnds , chilblains , corns , and ail ikin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or pay required. It is guaranteed to give per- * ct satisfaction , or money refunded. Price cents per box. For sale by A. WcMillen. * - ' • - - , . , . , . t 1 * - ir J "Nearly Ewerybody Reads It. " $ fflBs sadSsSB < W Mm * S , e Fanner a fa the ChicaEo Daily News beThe . reads , • , - Chie-ijp. D vy ! News . The Merchant read the Chicago Daily News SJed.anic he make , than . . - to know , tta . - . . * because he must know , vhaf. son , , oninfhegreat more J3.oo year-one cent a - " ictrn. uw -far.d.eralt . ' * - * " 3 P n.pUy posted on the v.ir t he tuorc central mteh e.a' . , , nn H th , more • , business of the . and he can't ? $ v.orld. time • i , „ > centres i : , " „ ( or itm a blanket sVet. • • waste , of . the market , he doesn't wait for the slow weekhe .i.n. II . cam. The . work < naa . < . * , . .1 kcU aifr.n ! Ms * lies . „ "one 1. . . any more. daily paper at cent it day. 4 ' &mAl / % iM5 ' i pfv VvW I ' /l \ I ( - - \\\W \ \ filhw i ! Grandfather reads the Chicago Daily News Mothcrreadsilic Cljicago Daily Nev.s because Grandmother read * ti. ! C 4ao i..i..ly News , i > \ because it gives all the news , and yet so condensed fhe wants to keep up with her husband in general l > ccause she Mill want , ktn w wh.itKtim ; on. . that it doesn't tire hira cut to read it. And then , information , and then she particularly enjoys the And it's a comfort to see a dailv paper in tin. family . . • X \ the print is ro clear. household hints and things of special interest to tint's clean and pure , un < * rlie * * r > t < t afraid t have { women which arc in it every day. " the ciiiidn-n sec. " " " " * * / d S ftP I ii il f K i ffl&fewfonjo \ MmMw t/ % wf m Um0/i Pa • i I . „ ? I L S L JiSi 1 1:1 : The Hoys all want the Chicago Daily Ne.vs Ihe lo1'1"3 * } always reads the Chjcago Daily , _ „ . . , , . . . ) because it gives the base ball news so fullyto say " s b ecausT c is " impartial paper , and whether bc ° ' " " , , T iu"Zi 7ZZ \ ' f T " „ c * iu- • > nothing of all the other things boys enjoy. Arid > e likes its independent views or not , he wants to . | , $ ? v.J Zi * - , V , " " ' " { d year even the boys don , skip the poHtical .i Sd t ' ' . . . reads the Chicago Daily News. running. \ The l\xt Office Review , says : " Nearly everybody who reads the English in , " language around and about Ciiicago , reads the Chicago Daily Hew * • • t < Do you ? Its a "short and to the point paper , " made particularly for busy people , and it costs one cent a day. All newsdealers sell it , and all . . • -i- . I master ; .vardsubscn iiticns for it at $3.00 a year , or S1.00 for four months. Address , | VICTOR F. LAWSON' . Publisher The Chicago Daily MenC , - - , - , ij ! t. e. Mccracken , Tho Inonirs-fiiftQ Mfi'H filcCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light ning , Tornado and Kail Storm. = Allen's Transfer , . Bus I , 8aggage % Dray Line. 1 \ F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. g -Best Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders it Commercial Hotel. Good well water f urnished on short notice. Herian&DesLarzes , Proprietors of iiie ifcCook rransfer City Bus Line. Uus to and from all trains. Coal haulmc- nii general delivery. Three drays. All rprl * prrtinptly attended to. Leaveordersat "rees & Hooknell Lumbi-r Yard. KILPATEIGK BROTHERS. ( Sucppsgprs 10 E. D. Webster. ) . > Horses branded on left hip or left shouder. Aacfj * P. O. address , Estello t - ' L Hayes county , and Ileat- rv. . aMS5SS5 riee. Neb. Kanje. Stink- Ig Sin ? Water and French- / - Wz tlV&vM man creeks , Chase Co. * 3 M Nebraska. SS& - f Brand as cut on side of x K-S"5 = * , _ jfJi \ some animals , on hip and Jg'lJlSSggJ ySi sides of some , or any- " fc flwawiuu- flwawiuutvhere on the animal. JOHN F. BLAUiv. Breeder of Iiiproved Sheep. r S S ® Southdown frS5 w * % i Persona' in- * ? 5 'sSSr ' Ssa' ' rorrespond- eWfg Mt $ ? Z3 * & & ence solicited. a rj wa ! e * S5 # ' Address him at llod WiHo-v , 5 Nebraska. feS r EATON BROS. & CO. bS S ? P. O. address. 3IcCook , % 'fi& ? * nc-Ki3r"PK3""vNebraska. Kangesouth l5 k. < S' f if cCook. E Sta Stf Cattle branded on left _ W 'i'P ' ' * A Is0' 10 , 5. A and F ET' gB > 11 lirandson lerthip. ' * jKfasj , JmI Horses branded same jfcdBali flMrea * on left shoulder. i ' ' • - < ] " ' • • 1 • * f • • J * ] Hi iluff tJoulio < IiUWuuL fllbuij ; ii J Ii ; - # IN THE CITY.4"i : | | I : • ' ' . ' . \ . . ' ' " * * 4 1 j ' * , • 4 ' • | ! : * Have .just received a heavy stock of new ; : - : / j ; < CLOTHING wliicli makes our stock com- ; • : ' ii i plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business - : : i ii I Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. : ! : f. . , ' .I * ll 1 • 4 • • i t • • 4 • • : | : A COMPLETE LINE OF : ! ! : ' , .v . . . ' : : • : : | | : bKUu mty9.rLuUn9 OILS ; ETGi : | l , _ _ , , " • • • < _ • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : : i jjjl : : : 1 We received this week , from Chicago , tlie : : ; ; j largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , : Ih 5 : . : : Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , ' : : / ! ; i i Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , 'Z * \ * ] j Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. > : : * : : - : : " * > * * < 4 ji : A $3,000 STOCK OE : II " ! : : a ! : : ' ' ' ' • ' : : ' : : < , : : I " I . - - - - • j - - - = = = : * * * : < ii 1 We have § 15,000 in Merchandise to sell I : \ 1 ii i for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price I : : : * J . : ; j as any house can sell. Doift pay more for : ' . : : \i \ goods than we pretend to ask , thinking [ ' : : i ; < ii j you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ; : ' [ j : : 3 some of our competitors advertise. it ii A. ' : : ; L'f I - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! : ] j j ii . - X : : : : | If ; . t . , . . . . . , . . . _ . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • > • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' < i * oLtoiii xi ices : - ox - . it i ' t - PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY , ! i Blank Books , Legal Blanks , • * : . Land Blanks , . j Inks , Pens , Pencils , Tablets , Etc. . ; AT THE j miBUNE - OFFICE. • " j .i