The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1888, Image 11

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    L ft.
H iroiit e tae niarcantoJe interests of
B sfrttfibHasrtor * . Nebraska. They are
K * mbim © & &ior # , 150 f * tt in
Imgfe fcy 2S i * width , with cdlar ,
T all a Hii dk ipate ife fwWy uiiKztaL
* flk * gfeck tumoieka at dry g ods.
H yi wing. ( rfut > Miigr. frniMifg
B * • gawfcw ftu r. p0ajfc4Me , etc. . nd
H Mk iteyttaii it k Call unci cum-
ftate ; wiall a M t Murtflfeiit class
H # Cy ls. Lit ih * gtfwr > nn.l pro-
H HfcftilH dwyMffotfr-frfc , mm * xtiitft\e
H vHtkmg kmim-m m awudwartcd. u
H wrtnw ttoai in • # * > ) in * * | or-
B tea * * ftnNM Mwktk to miik. . The
B IfeMWi is al m tk * OMJoyuttmt of
H * tt * fe f nttaal trs fo , < ? xUtiding
B AmtmAm a&ummi. Ta * eaeh sys-
V Mmm is ft { jomohKh featare of the
H m&HUIbtmfMt , mm I wren * body
H teaww llbai mrajw kv prieuti. Mr.
B AXiatt is # at * * f Wag spori * ii < : u ,
H aW wom t r rly for tfight years
idlwwtitftfil wsiik tk * * dH4le tr de -
B * f l&aa > twii > , W-iag connected with
B ftLiMwrfm > r taHiiwi iwifhL T1mit -
B > via * tf Imcht or ike r a arc re-
B fyawatl m aal Wtt tke establish-
B niC mUA k ib # largest ami
B waat taimafcfr ffeaftral store in the ! |
B iiiiiiiiiittt > iiifaftiiijteuf31cC Hk
Vf -JET m i. to iW feut , Wtik as reirttrds -
{ iipdbrity | aimI es.toi t , oihI charac- ,
I tor f toiutoi-sg tra > i6aclk > i5. Tltis
B Immk m ur Mdtlljr aanguritc4 J
B rtiiirtifciiij v r futar years ago , i
B mulwr tlto st W of IViJcos Bros. ,
B ami eimmQmito febepresent about ,
B tlheM ymm go. TLhb stock car- j l
L io mI ttM wto t dry goocle. cloth-
to * ME * rir . boots , skoes , lints ,
B tap * , eie. , MhJ ail tke various de-
B jtoufcnuwto re re4be { witk a most
B mtelbmL ekes of gootls. They
B mm iM oecHpftHie of a building SO
B Imk m Ir tk W 22 foot in width ,
B -mkk rl r. ail of t * kick space is
B fiJI } ' itifatd. mhI comprising one
B mimiil ike longest general stores
B in BUd WiMw - eoKtty * . ilessrs.
B "W'iteaE A F < rfler are formerly
B' &amm Oito , IUi tots , both arc cs-
B j rij l Ute wess men , 3Ir. Wil-
B mc towing Wea engaged in mer-
B wmiilc j # wv its fvr tke past 21
I ymm. 3 t. Fuller is tke present
I Tfk * p si l * > it of the MvCook board
© f tesMk ; a * l no men or firm have
Imch mme aetive or [ orsistent in
B l wuV (84T < rt& to advanee the inter-
cats f tike Www , rm < 1 none enjov a •
k-itor eommcrcLil .
standing. Ap-
W tvpos of tHtfeiness matters , th y
beep & store fur tko people , carry ,
eo l ad honest goods which are | i
5 kl t a reosonablo profit , and ,
' toir Bt honorable methods has
gftiead for tke establishment a
jpMttijgd and popularity second to '
p j * ® otiidr simikr concern in this
W * It v or cottiitv.
V d lor in dry goods , clothing , hats ,
wnps , boots , shoes and groceries ,
toie been located in this city over ,
, four years , coming hero from Chij j
s go. 3Ir. 2 > L is the owner of tho i
3dnard Opera Honso bloclc , 100
toet in length by 50 in width ; ono
k lf of the ground flour , together
with basement , is devoted to his ,
mercantilo business. The opera
kail is 50x70 feet , provided with
good stage , scenery , etc , seated
with chairs , and contains seating.
capacity for about 500 people As
regards tho mercantilo business ,
ALr. M. carries ono of tho largest
and most complete general stocks
" * in Southwestern Nebraska. All
the various departments are full
and completo with a most oxccllent
class of goods , and that the estab-
| lishment has always maintained a
place well to the front in business
I matters is a fact well known to all •
' • old residents of this city. Tho
t store is conveniently located and is
> a popular trading place. 3Ir. 'blc-
> nard has been engaged in the
' mercantile business for the past
20 years , ho is an honorable , fair-
dealing man , and has done not a
J little to advance ATcCook's advon-
Jeges as a trade centre , and mar-
ket place for a large area of the
\ sarroandiD • countrv.
Under tliis head we are pleased
io re&r to the largo and finely
' stocked establishment of L. Low-
man & Son. This house was es-
taklisked here about tliree years
| ag * . I a4 tlie firm have been doing
y l u6i ess in tho state for the past
15 years. They are the occupants
( f a well locatetl store , 100 feet in
length by 25 fcet in width , with
| bafl iutit 25x70 feet , all of which
L - space is fully utiliEed. As above
JF * iiMMoateih tlie stock consists of dry
} v g < fw di5. notions , clothing , genfs
Pmnuelwtg g'xxl * hats , caps and
car } te. The l as * nicnt is devoted '
to tk dfcijJay of carpets , and tho :
S stock carried is bv fur tho larijost :
and mu t complete hi the city. All , ;
dcjtartuifid.s are distinct and sop- ;
n niMto. awl tk guotls carri l aro of ! , '
it a NiivMjri > r character. As a result ,
\h \ ihc beuer cla ? s of patrons have' ' i
r. Irceu se rctL This house enjoys
v a torge city trade , residting from , i y
II tho snperkir liiu of dress gc ods I .
X and notions always found in stock. ! i
I & important feature of this estab-1 j > j
! ; iisilmont. J is a complete clret-siiink-
ing i deprrtnifwt. This featurez \
untU t r tk < * t \ inii \ k u f nn rv\ -
ienced i niuHf > i \ mid the fiuuliios
for j the | reduction of ladies * gari
niiite i > of every description , rro
e < pial to tke bebt similar concerns
of < the large cities. Messrs. Low-
nian ] A : fc'on arc • • xpcrionml mer-
chnnt . and knowing what i.s iv-
, [ iiir > d in stu-li a bi ine s. tdwau ;
stri\t to merit the approbation of
patrons j , by keeping the latest and
uiobt j desirable goods , and soiling
the j same lit reasonable prices.
c. n. KOGEItS ,
general iiicrchaut.coininencedbusi-
ness } in this city in JSV2 , and his
i& the oldest e > tablishment in Me1
Cook { at tho present time. Mr. 11.
is j the occupant of a store DO feet
in j length h21 in width , all of
which bpace is filled to tho utmost
capacitytith gn ds. As above
indicated , the > tock carried is of a
geii * ntl character , that is , consist-
ing f dry ti > ods. clothing , gro- i
Ceri . * • . . h s- l -j. ' caps , etc. ,
and all the unions iteparlinents ,
an * well and coiuphitely repre.ejit •
• hL This h u.e Jias always b.ei . • *
[ M pidar trading place and h1- ; i-
mays muuttainett a position wt II . • •
the front in business uiattei : : . ' . ! • .
Uogel-s pi > .si-d thronirh all tin. ,
hunl tiiiu s incident to the piom- . r : '
days of thi * & 'ction. and if . i/ :
tnau in the place d i-rves i-tuv- •
it is h \ He has always I < ept . .
store for th peopl.and alwa. . I
tried to merit tho * ipprobation • .
those A\ho have for years bee
numbered among his patrons. II-
has always maintained a system o-
prices as low as is consistenti' *
a safe business , and in the futti-
is hi the past , will strhe to nn > ii
the good will of the people of Mt
Cook , and surrounding country. | '
n. L.VWLER !
of the general merchandise tntlo
is located in tho McEntee hotel
block , and during the past three
years that he has been doing bus '
ness in the city , has gained host =
of friends , and a position in busi
ness matters not far from the front '
Mr. Lawler is tho occupant of a
handsome store room. 2-lxiU ) . witl >
cellar , all of which spnee is fuli\
occupied , aud with a stock so com
plete as to enable tho establish-
ment to meet every legitimate com-
petition . , either in goods or prict s.
Tho stock embraces dry goods. .
; clothing , groceries , boots , shoos. ,
hats ! , caps , and everything in fact
that : pertains to a first class general j
stock ! , and low prices has secured
a most satisfactory patronage. Mr. \
Lawler came here from Peoria ,
Illinois ; he is a man of experience.
and alwavs strives to merit the i
good will ot patrons by keeping. \
such goods as the people want , and j
selling : at live aud let live prices , j
the famous cLOTnixr : ro. . l
Jonas n < rol. manager. Avas rstab- ,
lished ' January 1st , 'i > 7 , and studs J
to-day ' , in the front rank ofFe1 ] \ ,
Cook's ' mercantile interests. Thisi I
establishment ' is located or. ono of
the most eligible corners of the
city ' , in a handsome 1 rick block.
bO feet in length by 25 in A\idth.
and ' filled with a stock that v.ould
be ' a credit to any city hi w ver •
great. Tho Famous is i\u \ > < nlv
exclusive ' clothing house in South-1 i
western ] Nebraska , atui as ; ; icMdt. I
it ] has secured a trrde ixi rdirg
througln ut this and adjoining
counties. ' The stock omlii.os ,
evervthing ' in tho line of men ' s' I
and ' boys ' clothing. furnishir g
goods , hats. captnniks and - . - j
liso . The stock is i.ntde up ftiin I
the ' best fabiios r.nd in the Lit > i :
stvles ! , man , " of llt liner . . - be-
; ing cq'ial in shle ana finish • > the
best tailor n.ade gainif nts This
[ company came here in m ? • i • ) : * in
Indiana. \ .lore. f > r nunth. . - .n JO
years thty Avere engagoc 1 In btiri-
ness. ] 3Ir. Engel. the manager.
formerly from New York Ciihits
been ' identified with the clothing
] trade for a fourth of a < vniurj.n1
has made a succi ss w Iicjca i r h ca I -
ed. He is a firm believer in tit.
eilicacy i of printers ink. and is out-
of tho heaA'iest adveirisers in the ,
! state. As a result Tlie Famous has
become well known throughout ail
SouthAvestern ' Nebraska. : : s oinot
the best stocked , best coiulm-ted
one priced clothing houses in th.
state outside of Omalui and Lin-
coin. ' The Famous is iv. .lly a
metropolitan ; feature , and an honor
to . the business riicles of the city
in which it is located.
, Tliis department of the business
interests of McCcK > k is unusually
well supplied , and as one of the lead
ing representatives of tho above
line , we are pleased to refer to iho
large and well slocked establish
ment of Lytle Bros. ACo. . This
house , established in l s 1. \t once
assumed and hasalwiysinaii.t. : e.ed
a foremost place in business mat-
iami i > i > ne of the Jai i. ; ! s lui
m. rt cnni | > leely { stocked in ! • * u'h-
u..Miiii Nebraska. Tlie film : .ie 1
owners of a similar redeem in
Cenkelman , this state. This house
is under the management of A. i * . J
Lytlo ] , who has beoQ a resident of
tho volley for tho post 10 years )
and i is ono of tho oldest pioneers
in ; this part of tho stato. They
aro i tho occupants of a stor : 1-10
feet i in longth by 25 in width , all
of ( whioh spaco iB fully occupied
Tho ' store embraces shelf and
heavy hardwaro of ovory descrip
tion I , tools , cutlery , barb-wire , wood
stock i , cooking and heating sto\cs ,
tinware 1 , etc. A tin shop is a fea
ture i of importance , and tho facili
ties I for all kinds of job work aro
first-class. 1 This house is centrally
I located , is a popular trading place.
• and the best similar concerns ( f
J tho ' larger cities cannot offer belt or
'opportunities ' < to tho purchasii./
public. 1
? ' . C. LaTOUUETTK A CO. ,
I dealers < in hardware , stoves iid
t tiinvaro , commenced business in
McCook about six years ago r.i • !
aro i the pioneers ir. their lino in 11. *
place ] , and ono of tho oldest l.u. i- |
ness ; nouses of any character. Th. y ,
are i tho occupants of a substanti- !
brick storo , 00x25 feet , well fill , d j
with goods and comprising one of J j
the best and most comph-t. ly
stocked i general hardware ston > • ir : •
ttio valley. Tho stock embi.u.s
shelf i and heavy hardware of ev < j \
description i , tools , cutlery , cookii g .
and i heating stovesbarb-Avire , guns ,
pistols , ammunition , and e\ciy-j j
thing in fact , that pertains to a !
first-class : hardware establishment.
r Tin and job work of ovory elm me
ter is also a feature of importance , •
and i tho facilities in this depart
ment aro also first-class. Tho j
goods ; are all new and fresh look-
ing , and bear tho brands of the '
best makers in the country. No
establishment ' in Southwestern | '
Nebraska is better prepared to meet' '
the wants and requirements of the ,
public , and no house can or will
sell ; a bettei class of goods or at
lower J prices.
dealers i in hardwaro , stoA'es and
tinware , have been doing business '
in this city about tAVO and a half
years , and that they have gained a ,
position well to tho front as regards t
the character and extent of bnsi-
ness transacted , none will deny , I ,
who are acquainted with tho facts , '
This ' firm , Avhich comprises E. E. ,
J. Pi. and Cr. E. Coleman , are also ! ,
the owners of a similar enterprise j I
at Culbertson , and the managei '
ment : of this establishment deA'olA-cs
upon ihc first named. They are , i
the occu ] > ants here of a building , :
130 feet in length by 22 in four'a I
all of which spaco is fully utilized , .
and j comprising a slock that is ]
complete • to the smallest detail. • j
The ' slock consists of shelf and
heaAy j hardware of every descrip- } I
tion , tools , out lory , stoves , ranges ,
tiiiAvare. 1 barb-Avire , pumps , wind-
mills , and everything , in act. that ,
pertains i to a first-vtass establish- ,
ment. J Tin and job Avork is a
specially i and Iavo first-class tin-
nc-rs are kept busy most of the j
time i : : that department. They i
manufacture J nearly all tho tin
stock : 'ohi. Avhicli is superior in
cvorv < Avav to that usualv ! handled
by 1 the trade. The above firm are
formerv J ] from Guthrie countv , la.
They are practical men , always
fair 1 and honorable in business mat-
tors , and as a result , arc doing a
hading bmineis in thiirliuc. '
Thisdeparltiient of tin business ! j
interest. i : of Mi Cook is unusually J
Avell rejavrenlcd. and : s a lea.l-
ing element in that lino , wo are
please ] 1 ( o lefor to Hi1 large.
Avell stocked establishment > > f Pade.
k ' Hon. This firm commenced
business ' here about three years.
ago. ' and to-day avo find them at tho
head of an enterprise that is not 1
only ( a leading feature in the mer-
eantile { interests of this place , but
ono < that would bo a credit to a
much : larger city. They are tho 1
occupants ( of a salesroom. 22xM\ '
together 1 with a ware room , 22x ( 10.
all Avell filled , and embracing
evervthing ' that belongs to the
furniture trade , from a common
wooden seated chair to the elegant
chamber ( and parlor suit , and con-
sisiir.g ! of the bent and most stylish
goods ; made. The sale ot carpels ,
window shades , curtains and fix-
t ] tires , children ' s cabs and carriages.
frames ; and mouldings , is also a
feature : of importance. The under
taking department is no less com- i
plete. It is provided with a good
hearse , and a full stock carried.
Messrs. Pade it Son arc bolh prac
tical men. the elder for many years
engaged ' in the manufacture of fur-
niture. while tho son. H. F. . has
had long experience in both the
wholesale and retail departments of '
the business. Briefly speaking , '
tho establishment is far in advanco
of ' tho similar concerns of toAvns of
this size , and oilers many desirable j
advantages to the purchaser.
are leading representatives of tho
furniture and undertaking business
and wortliv of more than a passing
notice in this connection. This I
house was established about four' 1
a aajii 1 i smfommm
, „ . . _
' years ago , and 13 tho pioneer ot its
class in this plnco at tho present
time. They aro tho occupants of
a store , 100 feet long by 25 wide ,
all well filled with a stock that'
would bo a credit to any town Iioav-
ovor great. Tho slock is completo
* with everything from a common'
Avoodon chair to tho elegant cham
ber or parlor suit , and the goods
are of tho latest and most desirable
styles. The undertaking depart
ment is no less complete , and is
provided Avith a good hearse. Mr. a professional embalm-
er , and no house in southwestern
Nebraska is better facilitated for
' doing business in this particular
line. Tho sale of carpots , window
curtains , frames , children's cabs
and carriages , is also a feature wor
thy of note. They are prepared to do
anything in the lino of repairing ,
! or make uoav work in a most satis
factory manner. Messrs. Luihvick
& Trowbridge aro honorable , fair
dealing men and no furniture house
in th' valley can or will do better
by patrons.
of McCook is unusually well repro-
sentcd , and as the leading feature
in that lino and an establishment
that , Avould be a credit to any city
in tho state , avo aro pleased to re-
fer to the largo well stocked storo
of < Dr. S. L. Green. This house , cs-
toblished about six years ago , is tho
pioneer of its class , in tills place ,
and ono of tho leading elements in
McCook's ] mercantilo interests.
Tho building occupied is a hand *
some i and substantial brick struct
ure , 80 feet in length by 21 in
width , two stories high , the second
floor : being occupied by the Mason-
ic : fraternity for lodge purposes. '
The ' slock is strictly a legitimate
drug i stock , consisting of drugs ,
medicines : , paints , oils , wall paper , I
toilette and perfumery goods , and i
tho thousand and one articles of 1
use and ornament found only in the I
best similar concerns of tho largest
cities. < The interior arrangements
and < fixtures are attractivo , not the
least conspicuous of which is an el-
egant i soda fountain. Experienced ,
druggists < and pharmacists arc cm-
X ] > loycd , making the facilities equal
to \ that of any drug house in the j
state. i Tho special feature of this
house 1 .is purity of goods , the com- '
plelc ] character of stock , and tho !
careful < and reliable methods of do
ing i business.
( ( < ! ueeessor to MeMillonVeel > j
druggist and phrmacist. . has been j j !
doing business in McCook nearly '
two \ years , coining to this county j 1
formerly j from Pennsylvania. Mr. j j
McMillcn ] is tho occupant of a j j
handsome l brick store , 75 feel in j
length ] by .5 in Avidth , all of which
space is full } * occupied with a stock
of ( goods that Avould do credit to a
much \ larger town. The slock em
braces ] pure drugs , medicines ,
paints , oils , glass , Avail papers , toil
ette < and fancy goods and ailists'
materials ] of every description. •
Each ] department is full and com- '
plete. and the goods carried of su-
puvior character. The establish
ment is provided with a handsome
soda fountain , and in its appoint- ; ,
ments 3 and arrangements is first-
class < in every particular. Mr. Me-
Millen ] is an experienced druggist
and 1 pharmacist , and an honorable ,
fair J dealing man , and during his
, career hero has not only gained
hosts of friends , but secured a fair
proportion ] of the drug busines. of ;
this 1 city.
of < the drug trade is next on the list ,
and ) Avorthy of a prominent place in I .
this \ roA-icw. This house , known as
the \ City Drug Store , Avas establishj j
ed < about three years ago. and at
once ( assumed and has ever main- •
tained \ a position in business mat
ters j well to the front. The stock
embraces < pure drugs , medicines , ' ,
paints , oils , blank books , fine sla1 1
tionery. \ toilette and perfumery \
goods , fancy articles and druggists' •
sundries in great variety. Tho '
stock and fixtures embody all the
elements , of a first-elass ding house.
and \ offer every advantage to tho
p' | ' that would bo oui.d in
liu 1 best similar concerns of the
largest ] cities. Mr. Chenery is an
experienced ( druggist and pharma
cist 1 , and no man in BedVille.Av
counk < can or Aviii do better by pa-
trons. '
of ( the drug trade are next on the
list and deseiving a place in this
review of McCook's business inter
ests. , This house was established '
about five vcars ago. and is leallv 1
one , of the pioneer features of this
cifv. This establishment is avoII :
and : • • nipletelv stocked , and A\hile : .
no attempt at sIioav and flourish is j ; 1
obtei\.be. ] the csfablisl ment cm- , .
bodies all the essential requite- j ; -
ments lor successful and reli : i ] o [ < \
businosr. fiairadions. The ' I. k
consists of pure drugs and nidii- :
c ' uios. paints , oils , toilette and 1 ( r-
fumory goods , all of which have 1 1
been selected bvexperienced hands.
and with especial reference topur-
ity and desirability. Vv. A. T.j j
i "QUo , : * i-i ' #
j j Willoy of tho above firm is an old ,
experienced practitioner of 35
yoara' standing , several j-cars an
' ormy surgeon , and for tho past six
years has occupied tho position of
surgeon for tho B. * t M. railway
company. Mr. Walkor is an ox-
' porienced druggist and pharmacist.
Thus it Avill be observed that tho
establishment aboA-e referred to is
possessed of peculiar nd\'niitagcs ,
all of Avhich tend to commend it to
public. faA-or.
Under this head wo aro pleased
to refer to the largo , well stocked
establishment of F. L. McCraekon
& Bro. This house was established
about four and a half years ago ,
and is now not only a prominent
feature in the mercantile interests
of McCook , but Avould be a credit
to a toAvn sc\'cral times larger than
his citv. The above firm are the
• ecupints of a storo 00 feet in I
length by 25 in Avidth , all of Avhich '
spice is fully utilized , making ono !
of the largest and most completo
stocks in tho stato outside two e > r ,
three of the largest cities The
stock embraces gold and silver ,
watches , clocks , jewelry , silver
and plated ware , pianos , organs , (
musical merchandise of every de- j '
scrijilion , including sheet music , j
books , etc. The proprietors aro •
practical and experienced Avatch
makers and jewelers , and they aro
prepared to execute all Avork of a
mechanical nature , that pertains to
such a business , equal to any houso
in the Avest. Tho establishment is •
provided with a water motor for
running machinery used in repair
ing , manufacturing , etc. , and is tin-
doubtedly the only establishment
of its class in tho stato possessed ,
of like facilities. Briefly speaking !
the establishment embodies all the
essential elements of a first-class ,
jewelry and music store , and is a
credit to McCook's business circles.
is a practical watchmaker and jew-
eler of 17 years' experience , and
makes a specialty of the median- '
ical feature connected Avif h the jt av-
elry trade. He also carries a good.
slock of watches , clocks and joavoI-
ry and musical instruments and !
merchandise , making llieEsley or-
gan a sjecialty. Mr. Sheppaid ! 1
learned tho trade in Europe and •
was five years Avith the avoII knoAvn'
jeweler , T. J. Highland , London ,
England. Ho understands thor-
oughly all the intricacies of Avatch :
work , and we do not hesitate to1 1
commend him to all who desire the ,
scrA'ices of a first-class Avatch maker.
and jeweler. .
C. M. NOBLE. j I 1
the grocer , takes the lead in his' ;
line , and is the owner of the lar- ;
gest and best stocked exclusive !
grocery house in Bod AVilloAvcoun-
tMr. . Noble has been identified
AA'ith the mercantile business inter- 1
esls of McCook for the past six.
years. Iavo or Avhich he has boon
engaged in his present occupation. ,
He is tho occupant of a store ( ( ! j
feet in length bv 25 in Avidth.vilhi j
basement of cellar , all ofAvhichls I
spaco is fully occujiicd A\ifh a stock
of goods that Avould bo a credit ir
a much larger city. The stock
embraces staple and fancv giocer-
ios of every description , flour. ] > ro-f I
visions , fiuits.igelables. . china , '
Sw and fjuecTiSAvare. the lattei
dejiartment being a conspicuous
feature , and the stock by far the
largest in the city. Tho stock is ,
not oiilv full and complete in all.
th' ' various departments , butmanv ! 1
goods ; are observed that are rarely ] I
found outside tho metropolitan ! 1
cities. The special features of this' ; '
houso are good and fresh goods
and low prices and A\ith fair and' '
honor. .ble methods , the establish i
ment has not only become a popu-
lar trading place , but is also pre
pared to meet any legitimate com-
petition , both as regards goods
and .
( j
11. n. berry
of ' tho grocery trade has boon a resf f j
ident of McCook for the past four ; ; :
and ' halfoars , the last
' a \oars vear on-
gaged in his present occupation.
Mr. Berrv has recentmoved ! into ,
more commodious quarters on Main ! 1
Avenue , directly opposite f he post- ' I 1
office. ' Avhere Avith enlarged stock ,
and ; improAcd facilities , he is pre-1 I
pared to moot oA-ery requirement of' j
the represented. Mr. Berry | I
is the c cctipant of a store , 25x50 , ' ;
Avhich is filled to the greatest ca- '
pacify with a most excellent class : !
of goods. The stock embraces sta-1 I
pie and fancy groceries , provisions , :
queens and glass Avare , canned
goods , wood Jtml willow work. Iruit-
and evervthing in fact that belong.
to a first-class groceiw establish- '
ment. Mr. Berry isnuAV central I \
icated. and Avith a iioav and fresli
-clock , ho is pro [ > ared to meet any
legitimate competition either as re
gards goodr. or prices. 1
the Avest side grocer , has been es
tablished about fjite j'ear , but he
has been a resident of this vicinity
' *
for tho past night years , was hero
nearly two years beforo tho town
was located. Mr. Thole is tlie only
tJXclusiA'o dealer in groceries in'
what is known os West McCook ,
and as a result lias built up a good
trade. Ho is tho ownor and occu
pant of a substantial framo build- ! '
ing , 22x00 , which is filled to tho J !
utmost capacity with a most excel
lent class of goods. Tho stock em- J
braces staplo and fancy groceries ,
proA-isions , cigars , tobacco , fruits ,
vogotables , canned goeds of every
description ( , wooden Avaro.and ovory-
thing in fact that portains to a
general I grocery business. No sim
ilar : concern in tho valley carries a .
more : comploto stock , or a belter ; ;
' selection ' of goods , and no dealer
tries more earnestly to pleaso pa-
! ' trons , and merit tho good will of
tho public. Fair anil honorable
in : all transactions , Mr. Tholo has
gained 1 tho confidence of n largo
trading constituency , and none can
or < will do better by purchasers.
This department of the business
interests j of McCook is unusually
Avell represented , nud as the lead-
ing j foaturo in that line , wc aro
pleased ] to refer to tho largo and
finely ; slocked establishment of
Bowen k Lay cock. This house
was established about a year and a
half ] ago , and outside of Omaha and
Lincoln ; , is undoubtedly ono of the
largest and best stocked boot and
shoo 1 houses in tlio state. In addi
tion 1 to an oxtonsh'c local retail
trade 1 , this houso has many patrons
in ; the neighboring towns , and also
does ( quite an extensive jobbing
business , a feature that is constant
ly ; increasing in importance. They
aro the occupants of one of the
handsome store rooms in fhoMon-
ard 1 Opsra JEouo block. KM ) feet
in : length by 25 in Avidtli. all of
AA'hich space is fully occupied , and
comprising ( a display that would be j
a credit to anv citv however great. '
There is nothing that pertains to ,
tho best metropolitan shoe house ,
that 1 is not fully represented in
slock. i Mr. Bowen of the above
firm : is a resident of Boston , and !
identified \ Avith the AvholesaletnaK
hence ] the management of the be. i-
noss : hero de\-olves entirely uponi
Mr. ; haycock , a young man of ex-
pi'rience. ; and who during his eaiv.-r
1 _ . . .
here has gained hosts of friends. J
This ' house not onlv offers everv '
oppoiinnity < to purchasers that ;
could 1 bu found in the b.l similar '
concerns 1 of the largest cities , but :
dealers < of southwestern Nebraska '
will also find it to their advantage
to i purchase stock here , as by so ,
doing < they can save enough in
freight i to make a fair profit on
dealer < in boots and shoes , has been >
locat ] < d in McCook for the past : :
three 1 vears. coming here from the. ' I
state * of Illinois. Air. Gansehow ,
lias ; built up a reputation hero for
honesty ] and integrity , and secured ,
a ; trade that might avcII bo envied I
by 1 many more pretentions con-
corns. < Ho carries a large and well '
represented : stock of boots and ,
shoes , onioracing everything in the 1
line ] from tho smallest to the larg
est < and from the cheapest to tho
most ] expensi\e and from D. to ER. j i
His slock bears the names of the 1
best 1 and most popular niannfaetur- i
ers ( in the country , and offers
every ' advantage and opportunity to
the purchasers that could be found
at ; the best similar concerns of tho .
largest cities in the country. Mr. '
Gansehow 1 is a practical shoemaker , '
has been engaged in the business
for the past lb years and is thor- >
oughly ' familiar with its every dc-
tail. Hi. knows and appreciates
the wants requirements of pa-
trons. and Avith fair and honorable
methods in business matters has ,
gained a fooling here that enables ' •
the establishment to meet any le
gitimate ; competition in this section
of the state.
dealer in b > > ' . ; and shoes , opposite
the Commercial House , and al-
though a comparati\'dy a nrw- ; .
comer to the city , is possess * d of
excellent fadlilie' for supplying
wants of patrons in his line. This ,
house was established in October 1
of last year. Mr. Huntington com-
ing to Nebraska from Michigan.
The stock carried embraces cvery-
thing in the line of boots and shoos ,
from the smallest to th'1 largest ,
and from the cheapest to the best.
There is nothing that pertains to
foot wear in fact that is not fully
represented. The goods are not .
only new and of stylish make , but
a system of prices has been placed
upon the same that canuot be dis ,
counted by anv legitimate dealer.
Berry k MeConnell. proprietors ,
is not only a popular feature in the '
basin3 interests of this city , but ;
the support and maintenance of
su.-h an enterprise sp 'ills avoII for
the intellectual stafus of the inhab
itants. This enterprise in
augurated about ono year ago. by.
Geo. B. BsriT. who came hero j
2S22totototo H HI HB HHffiM
* \
4\ \
from Chicago , whoro for sovarnl j
years ho was connected with on ® 1
of tho loading book and stationary
1 houses of that city. In Juno of tho
ptuiunt year , the abovo company
was organized , L. W. McConuoU
becoming a momher of tho firm.
Mr. M. is also lulu of Chicago , and
forntorly identified with tho drug
business. Thoir stock and estab
lishment ombodies all tho elements
of a first-class book and stationery
storo , and as regards tho character
aud completeness of stock , is
scarcely inferior to tho best similar
concerns of the larger cities. * The
stock embraces , blank , school and
miscellaneous books of 6Ai3ry do-
script ion , stationery , notions , etc.
The abovo firm have purchased , j
and will soon occupy the building
now occupied by the postofiice. and
which will greatly enhance their {
facilities for doing business. This '
building is centrally located , 50
feet in length by 22 in width , aud
will be filled up in modern stylo ,
and with a stock materially en
larged , the McCook Book k Sta
tionery Co. will bo ono of tho most
complete establishments of its class
in the state , outside two or throe
of the larger cities.
wh uVsalo and retail , is quite an
imp irtaiit and growing foaturo of
that establishment. A complote
and well selected stock of printer's
goods is carried , envelopes , flats ,
ruled goods , card board , straw
board , etc. Besides their lino of
wedding goods , regret and calling
cards , plai : : and fancy writing pa
pers , blank books , legal and land
blanks , school books and school
supplies of all kinds , writing lab-
lets , inks , files , ink stands , pencils ,
pens , and the like , is among the
eoniploiost in Western Nebraska.
Goodq ndity goods and re isonablo
price 5i-o the. rttlo of the depart
ment. -
McCook" . Mieient postmaster , and
a dealer in hooks , stationery , news
literature , fruits , confectionery , ci-
gai-s. etc. . i.s the next claimant of
of our attention and worthy of
more than a passing notice in this
connection. . Mr. Thompson has
been . : d 'iitif ; " : with the business
interests I of this city for the past
four . and for
vears. a little moro
than two years past has occupied
the position of postmaster TI.i ,
is a presidential oilic1and lie- t. - •
re > " ! gr > wih of the town has made
the position of postmaster one of
more tlau ordinary importance , it is but just to tAale , that un
der MiThompson ' s management ,
the affairs have been conducted i"
a manner highly satisfactory * o
both the people and tho depart
ment. It is conducted on business ,
principles , and wc do not exagger-
ate v.heu avo say that the McCook
post..Iliee is one of the best arrang-
ed and best conducted country of
fices iu the stale. Mr T. Avill boon
oeeepy the neAV brick building
now under course of construction ,
adjoining Iho TRIBUNE office , whu-h
will be handsomly fill. d. . • ! 'n ko
the office woii ' .y of still 0iouter j
dealers in live stock , cut • < t ,
fish , game , poultry , etc. . . - : i' .o
representatives of one of the most
important features of McCook's
business interests. The above firm ,
was organized about two year * . * o ,
succeeding Mr. Brewer , avIio has
been doing business hero the past
five years. They are the owi is
of two large and well equij • d
meal markets in this city , and aro
doing the leading business in the
line represented , in sottthu * ; in
Nebraska. In the butcher busi
ness , there are few. if any. in tho
state that do a more exlcnsht
ness , as they slaughter and d J 1- c
of an average of about 100 cai'le ' 1
per month , to say nothing of the
hundreds of hogs and sheep hilled.
For several years , they haAC han
dled nearly all the live slock mar-
keted. and ha\e done not a littl * to
building pand nviinfaiuinga mar-
ket in this city. They areal-or-x-
tensive pak' . is. A\hich fealutof :
the business will in the future be
materially enlarged. They are pro-
Aided with the most excellent mar
ket facilities , both establislim. ids ,
in this city , being constructed in
the most substantial manner , pio-
rid-Vl with cold storage and all
modern coincidences. They not
onlv ilo the leading local ss ,
Ii-ir At hole-ile and retail all . - - i.s
the { iue ol lieB. . k 31. ntilwav.
THE B. A Jr . 3 'ARRET ,
B. A. Coupe A ; Co. . propiid" ! " ,
are next on the list and avoiUia of
prominent mention in this connec
tion. This firm came here from
Falls Cilw this slale.about one a car
ago. and notwithstanding the com
paratively short career hero , hate
gained a plnco tvell io the fn n < as
regards the character and etnl of
business transr-di-Mis. The pro
prietors arc all jnactical and ex-
juM'ionerd men , and undei fnrd .he
business thoioughk in all its de-
tails They aro iho owners of a