The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 21, 1888, Image 8

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* * J * * i w < * wwi iii i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . * - * * . _ . - . _ _ = py _ } _ _ _ :
The Only Store
THE only place where you can find what you want
in our line.
H rpHE only place that sells goods on their merit.
13 WE make our own prices. We sell at a profit.
WE have bargains in surplus stock. We guaran-
b- tee every article as represented.
WE are establishing a trade for the hereafter , not
only for to-day and to-morrow , but for years to
: I come , by conducting our business in a straight , legiti-
1 mate manner , giving full value , dollar for dollar , and
| | backing up just what we say.
If ' \X/E have one of Dr. King's celebrated Optometer's
Jjl V V and can fit your eyes with spectacles correctly.
| | "XKT ® cuarSe nothing for piercing ears with a new
| | " painless process , its very funny ; makes any
JJ one laugh.
| | Vt7E ] are having a big sale on Gold Watches , which
m\ \ V we sell same price as silver.
IB sT" It will be impossible to describe all we liavc for sale , so drop in am
IB convince yourself that there is no place like it on earth.
R L Mctti & Bro.
H I am now located in the store room
11 lately vacated l > y Mrs. T. Nells , on
I Main Avenue , wliere I Tvill Ibe pleas-
I ed to see all my old customers and
I many new ones. My stock will ! > e
I larger and finer than ever , and my
I prices as low as the lowest.
I 1888. - : - Fall Season.1889. : .
B The fact that my efforts in the past to produce
B none but of the highest standard of excellence
B | have been appreciated by friends and customers ,
B as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi-
I ; ness , has encouara ed me to still greater exertions
Bi for the Fall and W inter season.
I Mf Collection iif Fine Fabrics
l ! For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will
B give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which
Bj is as large and handsome an assortment of new
B goods as can be shown by any of the best houses
B in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe-
B cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl-
Bj ish and perfect fitting garments.
I MttLillTiiCl
I Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,
B A CAMPBELL. President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice Preside
B ° - HOCKNELL. Secretary. S. ! _ GREEN , 2o Vice President.
B r- BROWN , Treasurer.
_ _
r 'ja * SlB B B B B B B B B BW I' - T * * ' *
I EATON & CO. , Proprietors.
I East Railroad Street , - - McCook , Nebraska. J
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MWMM-MM---W---WM
I * * * * * F t "JHE TRIBUNE , " si-50 * year- |
bbbbbbbbbB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fT _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ BI 8 : "W" j | _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ * m
BE _ _ _ - ? . .r. , .r : . * . ! . : !
Is This a Christian Nation ?
"Righteousness exultutli 11 nation , but sin I
n reproach to any people. " Wo call tills i
Christian nation , midget wo see thoplnlnce
precepts of the divine law Klren by our Lord
violated by our law makers. The foundatioi
of the law of Jesus , the Christ , is "Peuce 01
earth , nnd good will to man. " Any law or en
actuient that docs not rest on this us a busi
principle is not a law of Christianity but Is i
sin and n reproach to any people , and mud
more to these peoplocallln tbuiusolvcs ClirJ ,
tlnns. Ienluh 5S3. God has declared "Woe unti
them that nrumighty to drink wine and met
of strength to miiiRlc strong1 drink which Justl
fy the wicked for a reward , and take away thi
righteousness of tho righteous from him. '
That is just what our rulers do when they II
censo tho saloon keepor for a reward to taki
away u man's righteousness from him. Tha
is the only business tho saloon keeperhas ii
any community. Think of it Christians , jot
who think it .acrilego to bring politics luti
religion. Is not politics the science of govern
menr , and if this is a Christian governmcu
should not Christians study its science ? I tel
you my Christian brethren herovohavemad <
an awful mistake. Our blessed Lord did uol
give us one law lor our conduct in church am
private , and another for public life , hut th <
ouo law of supreme love to God and man is t <
guirio us nt all times , and into all truth. "Al
things whatsoever yo would that men shouk
do unto you , do yo even so unto them , " Nov\ \
there is not u man in the world who has tlu
InstinctB of a human being who wants a saloon
to corrupt his family and destroy his home
but he knows that this Is just what it will d (
to his fellow creatures , to his nolghboia , anc
perhaps , to some dear friend. Cuti he thun 'bj
the law of love Impose it upon him by his vote
and can a Christian vote for a man who nil
porpetuato this infamy ? Can a Christian praj
to his Lord , "Thy kingdom come , thy will b (
done on earth , " nnd then voto for an institu
tiou to be legalized and authorized to take
away a man's lighteousness from him. withou
being a hypocrite or an unbeliever ? "The time
of this ignorance God winked al , but now Ik
commands Christians every where to repont. '
Now w o ask is thei o any reason why this crime
should ' .o perpetuated ? And while awaitint
nu answer , wo will give a few reasons why ii
should be foiover banibhed from a Christian
government. Science teaches that alcohol it
u poison , and the law of nature teaches thai
poison kills. Johnston in his chemistry says ,
all ardent spirits is little less than alcohol di
luted with water. Then the legalized work ol
the saloon keeper is to deal out this poison
which robs a man of his righteousness. Now
a man is never ashamed of a righteous act ,
but when he vibils a saloon to drink , immedi
ately he will act a lie. He will take cloves o
coffee or something which is ready provided ,
to conceal the fumes of the liquor on his
breath , and if he has taken enough to unsteady
his step the very effort that he makes to walk
straight so ho may conceal the fact that he is
drunk , betrays him. His righteousness Is tak
en away from him , he isnowon thedownwaid
road , but it is not the purpose of the liquor
power to kill him until he has robbed him of
his money as well as his ligliteousncss. And by
ill is league with death and this covenant with
hell , tho liquor dealer gels his money , and tb i
Master gets his soul , for it is written , "No
drunkard shall inherit the kingdom. " Lot
every voter beware that he does not justify
this unholy traffic , by voting for an institution
which will 10b a man of his righteousness , for
against such. God has pronounced a woe. Lot
nil Christians gurd on the swoid of the spirit ,
the times is at hand when you can do valiant
6ei vice for the cause of truth. "Is not this
the fast 1 have chosen , that ye loose tho bands
of wickedness , that ye undo the heavy burdens
and that ye let the oppressed go free. "
"Then shall 3 our light break forth as the
morning , and your righteousness as the noon
day sun. " "Heboid I will make them of the
synagogue of satan who say they arc
Jews but are not. but do lie , behold I will
make them bow at thy feet and acknowledge
that I have lovtd thee because thou hast kept
my word. " "If je love me , je will keep my
commandments. "
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thing has caused such a
general revival of trade at A.McMillen'sdrug
store as their giving away to their customers
orso many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery lor Consumption. Their trade is
simply enormous in this very valuable article
from the fact that it always cures and never
disappoints. Coughs , colds , asthma , bionchi-
tis , croup and all throat and lung diseases
quickly cured. You can test it before buying
by getting a trial bottle free , large size SI.
Every bottle warranted.
Harrison for our next president.
Chas. Houchin his left for the east.
Jlrs. H. Marshal 1 has gone to McCook to work.
Fiank Cain's brother Edwaid is visiting him.
Will Tuttle had eight teeth kicked out by a
'bucking broncho , " the other day.
The dance at Itider's was enjoyed by one
girl , four married women and twenty boys.
Eugene Marshall has returned from the R.
It. Hesajs he has enough of it for one year.
'Harry Henjamiu wus over here Sunday and
Monday. He purchased JakeVilliam's tree
The Holiness meeting nt Cedar Bluffs has
broken up. The boys threw too much corn
md cobs.
Jacob Williams has sold his pioperty , pre
paratory to going east to his wife who is not
.xpectcd to live.
There was a mistake iu the date of the ball
ramo between the Uidge and Banksville. It
vlll be theJth. Cyclone Jim.
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy is the most successful preparation
sver produced for Summer Compluint , Cholera
lorbus , Dysentery. Diarrhoea , Bloody Flux
md Chronic Diarrhoea and thousands of per-
ons will certify that they believe their lives
lave been saved b3 * this great remedy. It is
he one pieparation that every family and
ivery tracling man should be provided with ,
'specially during the summer months. Many
jises of Chronic Diarrhoea that had resisted
ill other treatment and baffled the skill of
: ood physicians have been permanenly cured
y it. fcold by all druggists.
I will offer for sale at my farm at Box Elder
iost-ofSce , on Saturday , September 29 , thefol-
owing described stock : 12 head of horses nnd
olts. 30 head of cattle , 1 feed mill and horse
io -horsestirringplow. . Terms : Twelve
souths' time at 10 per cent , interest on
mounts over S3. Sums under s5 , cash. Pur-
hasers to give approved , bankable paper or
hattel mortgage. I will also sell SO acres of ,
11 smooth land adjoining Box Elder. Terms :
200 a year at 10 per cent , interest until all is
aid. Subject to a mortgane of 5300. due in
years. I also have 100 acres of land to rent
ar cash , to the highest bidder , for a term of
years. House nnd firewood furnished. Free
inch. A.Y. . CAMPBELL ,
Box Elder , Neb ,
Tho Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis-
i. sores , ulcers , ealt rhoum , fever sores , tct-
• t. ishnppoel hands , chilblains , corns , and ail
rin eruntlmis. and positively cures piles , or
a pay required. lti guaranteed to give per-
• ct satisfaction , or jn "oy refunded. Price
1 cents per box. For salo by A. McMillen.
Dr. C.\nV5 . niUltkin Powders. Thoy toifo
l the digestive organs , free the system of
orms. give the hor o a good appetite , causing f
icm to fiied frenly hikI putting them in good
ispo for hard work. For sale by druggists. \ 1
V . \ _
' _ , • ' 1 ' . . , . ' " . 1 1 1 rrrrz ! r
llW9 W W W lM'UJ'-W ' • ' " - - .
mbSb bbbbbbbbbbbBbBHBbbbI
' ' C' , " ' ' ? t V2 , jMii MiB BMiBBlBBBBBiM
Miss Josio rtlackburn arrived here , lust Men
Mr.O. Frost hOfl gV1 * * " • -m.,1i : on a V- '
ness trip.
There were many tf , v faci it ut rlnipel strv .ee
this morning.
Mrs. J. C. Scurr n : 1 MKs Llzzio Scurr are
attending confeience
Miss Cora Bailey. te > u-Ikt in tho nrt depart
ment , arrived , Wednesday.
Miss Lena Beck who has been visitina
friends in York returned , yesterday.
Prof. ffm. Smith has chargo of the college
during tho absence of Chancellor Thomson.
Our town presents a lively appearance , since
the arrival of tho students for the fall term.
MissAnnaKingof Benkclmnn , one of there
turning students , arrived here , last Wedues
daj" .
We nro having pleasant , cool nights , while
Iowa nnd Illinois are having their corn nipped
by Jack Frost.
Numerous land seekora haves been in town ,
lately , looking for chances to invest in Red
Willow county soil.
Many farmers are taking adrantage of the :
generous prices offered by our shippers and
are hauling their wheat to Bartley.
Mrs. Allen Bartley. Mrs. R. C. FieHur and
Mrs. Wm. Johnson took the train , Wednesday ,
for a trip to their former home in Illinois.
He knows what he is writing about. Mr. K.
McLcod , diuggist , Hcmingford , Ne-b. , says : "I
keep in stock a great variety of so called cures
for diarrhoea and cholera morbus , but from
n personal trial orchamberlain's Colic , Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy , I regard it as the
best of any medicine in the market , for dial-
rhoea and all bowel complaints. Tt saved the
life or our banker hero. " Sold by all druggists.
The refusal of the senate to recon
sider the passage of the Chinese bill
places that measure in Mr. Cleveland's
hands. There is no doubt but that the
will the bill for the
pres-ident sign ex
clusion of Chinese from our shores. The
bill was rushed through the house by a
l.irge democratic majority , and Mr.
Cleveland at thin juncture is bound to
stand by his party. He will not in all
probability await definite information as
to what the Chinese government pro
poses to do with tho treaty regulating
emigration to America. The Chinese
embassy has not yet informed Secretary
Bayard whether the treaty has been ac
cepted or rejected by his government.
As a matter of diplomatic courtesy , to
say the least , it would only be proper
for Mr. Cleveland to withold action on
the present bill until he heard from
China. But political considerations at
the present moment far outweigh ques
tions of inteinational policy , and Mr ?
Cleveland is playing for piace regard
less of consequences. Bee.
Du. H. S. Storrs , the well known
divine , says in the New York Indepen
dent "Practical results the
: are impor
tant things in politics ; and amid the
currents and counter currents of trade
and politics whirling around usremem
bering that platforms exercise no des
potic control over the intelligent life of
a part } ' , I am still earnestly disposed to
feel that the national warfare will be
more likely to be adyanced on the lines
which commend themselves to me , if
republican candidates shall be elected in
Has any Democrat ever heard of an
intelligent workingman hesitating to
come to America because of a protec
tive tariff , or wanting to leave after get
ting here because of protection ? Give
list of these ' -tariff-rid-
us a persecutedtariffrid -
den" people in any locality.
MPM ? QiW'P V [ . j \m ; $ i
Blyy ? Qitoi b .1 ; ' ; . > ; , • _ _ , : , • 0 :
.A oHt ; i ' .u'v. . . , : ii.
? % Clip" OUI.Tl. . , lli.-i . . . \ , V | llt
' " • 1 coi"r ' • ' * • " ! • • • " : ' "
fAVi &a 2 X * 4 is > Xf i2 WU
\ - > i\\ r > res fJoouXpry Gootl * . .Tor
y HF * * , * * : < . • > . , Wrsbint ; ? , aiillrurv.
/jfffftlk mIod' .es' j'Ji-l e' .essli' I-iriii'Jhisijr- .
ffffftm A iJ > " * O'tfcin. , t'mpoti , Cks-
llJlliS 'i ts,5u * < 'i < - ' „ ! ! > -Haih ; < ' it ihe Lieu :
Uilikvv Vi i'ryViO < . .i' . - fjisiliV " eM. lv-
lillIKV f Pei'rt ' UJW Ifttett-tyr | > saiiil Jo ,
, . ' .
. . .
SllflX ' > lantern pr cs. 'm.jiute < tt.
p//ia\ \ ' ' lartion 'innmippil i-oll issml o-
l/lJor\ / ! v 1 iters it ism.iori'Jfni < : nl. iian.
II11 & ! ' 1\ ! : -v > C . . • . ; < > 'ii n-tl ar.
/7/M'1'U / > l l-V . .irr.l..vl. . . if.- -
The Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Che Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co.
full line of Fire and Lightning Ins.
tfoney to Loan on Ileal Estate Security.
looms : over first national bank.
R. H. COLE ,
"The Leading"
Merchant Tailor
of McCOOK , for
? irst-Class Tailoring- . -
Having a large stock of Fine Suitings
nd Trouserings , I will furnish them
heap for the next 60 days.
Jlue Front Livery Stable 4
D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. '
Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest tttrn-
its in the city furnished. Bam , rear Mc
atee Hotel.
-2 _ . -iS -
. , , " ' " " " ' " " " ' -r' "
.Wi ' * JIL , III..J < gtl 3 ' " " " 'r"WT'M'"h"r' ' '
emgUijfrJEZmm * M ± < Jl j iiifcwIinifpWWWtfiWiy y iijiiJhijib li Wi i'lL ' . , at.jjy . 5. - Thniil
" '
• SB
Have You Any Idea What It Costs |
You haveitt ? Well , lei us give yoti just a glimpse into the business , perhaps it will M
' 1
interest you , > |
To begin with , the work of the paper is divided into Seventeen Different Departments , * r . J1
jtoh under its own responsible Superinte7ident. Let us take them in order as Jl
m&v stand on the weekly pay-roll : $ MS fl
i. The EjpqtjaMkepartment. This iucludes managing 8. The Mailing and Delivery Department. "Tho nmil- Ii
crs" and tho clerks handle over a million iM
P\tnidi > my editors , telegraph editors , exchango delivery
Mx H ) * ? 3itorial writers , special writers , and about papers a week. Tho force numbers -5 iM
# | hmfib pbrtcrs. Tns Daily News staff is 9. The Engine Room. To supply the motive power requires ' XM
* adnfitt aly without a superior in the "West , and threosteam boilers of 176 horse-power capacity , and
numbers 50 three engines with an aggregate of 270 horse-power. M
2. The Telegraph Room. To save time special wires are AH departments arc lighted by the Edison incan- *
run into The Daily News building , and tho descent system , which hero comprises three dynamo -
paper's own operators take the messages and hand machines and 500 lamps. Tho employes of this
them immediately to the telegraph editor. The department number 5 I
number of .operators is 3 10. The Circulation Department. Tho paper is now a I
3. The Compositor's Room.When "copy" has passed manufactured article , and it is the business of this
the hands of tho proper revising etlitor it goes to department to develop tho market for it. Tho <
the type-setter. There are a good many of him in % average number of workers is 16 M
The Daily office on an average . . 72 1X. The Subscription Room. All the subscriptions from M
4. The Linotype Room. 13ut the compositor doesn't do out-of-town , whether of individual readers or whole- M
all the type-setting. Tho "Linotype" machine sale news agents , pass through this department , and' M
"sets type" by casting a-linc-of-type , on somewhat this department emplovs on the average . . . 17 ,
the same principle as the type-founder casts a 12 > The Business Office The ' gcneral clerical work of the ? ii
single type. luntrtcen of these machines arc in use papersuch as rcccivingand caringforthe advertise- 1
Tin Daily News office and the number of '
m ; , ments-of which over fifteen hundred aro receivetl
persons required m this department is . . . . 29 and handled oven-day-receiving and paying out jfl
5. The Artists and Engravers Department. But the tjc general bookkeeping of the business , m
metropolitan daily now gives its readers not only requires a counting-room force of 27 fl
raiding matter , hut also illustrations. By the aid I3. The Care of Building requires the constant service of .fl
of good artists , zinc etcJiers and photography by three janitors * ' ' ' ' 3
electric light Tub Daily Km is now printing The Watchman.T ; iMuro p erfcct prote et ion against 1
% & ? sr Nfkoffi J
5 * Th Office. This engages tho entire time of a , M
number of ' ' 7 general manager nnd assistant . . . . . . . 2-
6. The Stereotype Foundo'Tho matter-tvpe and pic .
l6' The Burcau.-In of its M
" " " " ' Washington - chargo own special
locked in the forms" the
tures-bcing now up"
next Jnsliingtonstaff correspondent . . . . . . . 1 fl
work is transferred to the fonmlrv. A metro-
politan daily no longer prints from its tvpe. In x7Thc Milwaukee Bureau. lo facilitate Northwestern U
order to print a large edition quickly it is neccs- newsgaiheringoncman 1 (
sary to multiply the printing surfaces , and this is From which it appears that tho number of regular employees Jfl
accomplished by casting duplicate stereotyped iy 302 * Jfl
plates , from which , after they have been fastened And the pay roll runs from § 5,500 to 56,000 per week , aggre- ifl
to the presses , the printing is done. Of stereo- gating during the year $300,000. | l
typers The Daily News requires 8 Then there is even a larger annual expenditure for while fl
7. The Press Room. The Daily News uses six double paper , and telegraph and cable tolls sometimes run fl
perfecting presses , capable of printing 100,000 com- nearly a thousand dollars a week. Take it all fl
* plete papers per hoar. To run these there are together the expenditures of TnE Daily News for Jfl
required men to the number of 26 tho year 1888 will vary very little from $900,000. jfl
The foregoing takes no account of the special correspondents at hundrctls of places throughout thc country ; of European jfl
correspondents ; of fifteen hundred news agents throughout the Northwest who distribute The Daily News to its out of town • " {
readers ; of two hundred city carriers ; of forty-two wholesale city dealers with their horse3 and wagons ; of one hundred
and fifty branch adveitisement offices throughout the city , all connected with the main office by telephone , nor of the about jl
three thousand newsboys who make a living , in whole or in part , selling The Daily News in Chicago. This is what it costs | fl
the publisher to make a Chicago Daily News. It costs the reader to buy it one cent a day. Measured by the cost of its ( fl
productionThe Daily News is worth its price , isn't it ? The Chicago Daily News is sold by all newsdealers , or will be jl
mailed , postage paid , for § 3.00 per year , or 25 cents per month. Address jl
VICTOE R LAWSON , Publisher The Daily News , Chicago. M
6 * ww M * 1 1 " ' ' hiiimh [ hiiiimiibm [ i !
nnenrryTrggfnTT r rni "th'it inrii'iirn 1 1 1 m 1 n nwi mi 1 n 1
t.e. Mccracken ,
Writes Indemnity against Fire. Light
ning , Tornado and Hail Storm.
Allen's Transfer ,
Bus , 8aggage % Dray Line.
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
TBcst Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders
at Commercial Hotel.
Good well Wiiter furnished on short notice.
Herian & DesLarzes ,
Proprietors of the McCook
Transfer # 2 City Bus Line.
Pus to anel from all trains. Coal haulm ?
md general delivery. Throe drays. All
ivork promptly attended to. Leave ordeis at
[ Trees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horse1 * brawled on leit hip or left shouder.
jwcgvij V. O. address. Ehtcllc
* trf 5. Hayes county , and Beat-
& $ E&ra 3RSiFe' , : Nob * H nBP. Stink-
wS s &k' .Voing' Water and French-
8 &S SSvraan creeks , Chase Co.
ll | p # M $ Nebraskn.
fyf- Kin Brand as cut on side of
* J feST = - . .fH some animals , on hip and
® % &Ss$3SSS.jL Mps of some , or nay-
where e.n the nnimal.
Breeder or Impkoyf.d Sheep.
M S Merino
jHKb L and
p ag Southdown
Persona ) in-
jwQ BCTi CSiBrireSwjPersona -
Q BBia Kwtili w B Psiiection and
St mP I correBpond-
t/Mm S Mnp r ence solicited.
SmBp tKA M Address him
KWM XST nt Bed Willow ,
BR yigR aJJF Nebraska.
MRfP P. O. address , McCook ,
fntanB gBfcNebraska. Kange , south
H B 9of McCook.
Vl Cattle branded on left
BBHRhip. Also , 10 , 5. A and
T k11 brands on left hip.
ifl fl * Horses branded same
j iif a " a H > on left shoulder.
( i * * * * " " * - * * * " " -1 i
* fl
: "ST fi 1 T 1 Tj fl
' . : < JL V % jy i e 'JJ'S ' vjsJL bS JU U Ii UnIi JL A Jl w U M .V
! : 4 ' fl
! ! ] # - IX THE CITY. # - ' * 1
" 1 " • • Jfl
• • 2 _ ' : ; ifl
ii J Have .inst received a heavy stock of new ' • • II
Wj CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- ; j : I ]
: : j plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business ' \ \ { I
Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. i : 'I
ifl • a
= ' : : fl
' ' '
' ' * , . : : . ; i
I .
. - _ , _ _ _ . • . . • I r
- : : '
: : 2 We received this week , from Chicago , the ' jj • * \
ii j largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , I .l
l : Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , ; \ \ .
ii i • Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , I\Iittens , Hats , \ \ i
: : ] Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. ' : :
• : ' y : :
: : * : : >
: : * - : :
• * i : A $3,000 STOCK OE : j !
' : :
> • 4
* * "
• * 4
llj oOOlS Wm dOOiSa KlIDDBrSi ElCi w
1 7 7 > \ \
H : : 4 _ _ _ _ - . _ _ . • • I *
" " "
: : * -
: : 4 f + Z I
ii J We have 815,000 in Merchandise to sell : : ? / •
jj \ for CASH or PEODUCE at as low a price : j :
• • j as any house can sell. Dont pay more for ; . * ' ,
ii i goods than we pretend to ask , thinking : ; - j '
ii ] you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as 11 I'
• j < some of our competitors advertise. \ • : '
' • • ' 4 h ii t *
: : - : : v
: : -1 I - : : }
. . . .
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