If | W * HcCrofc BVffltqp. H | By F. M. KIMMELL. I [ Official City and County Paper. H | REPUBLICAN TICKET. H ; NATIONAL. ' For President , H DENJAMIN HAUlilSON , H or Indlimn. | For Vice President , H LEVI P. MOUTON , H of Now York. H CONGRESSIONAL. H > H For Member of Congress , I JAMES LAIUD. H | STATE. H For Governor , H j JOHN M. THAYER. H j For Lieutenant Governor. H GEORGE D. MEIKLEJOHN. H ' For Secretary of State , H J GILBERT L. LAWS. B ' For State Treasurer , H ! J. E. HILL. * H I For Attorney General , H j WILLIAM LEESE. B | For Stato Auditor. H J THOMAS H. BENTON. M I For Superintendent of Public Instruction , H I GEORGE B. LANE. ft Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings , jvj JOHN STEEN. I m COUNTY. 'if - H ' SI For Representative. 1 JUSTIN A. WILCOX. ' M For County Attorney , 3 R. M. SNAVELY. B a For Commissioner. 2nd District , H 1 C. T. BLACKMAN. H jl Republican Senatorial Convention. j if The Republican electors of the twenty-ninth B jS senatorial district of Nebraska nro requested to w send delegates from their several counties to 8 meot in convention at the city of McCook , B ffl Thursday , September Oth , 1888 , at 7 o'clock , P. B M. , M. T. for tho purpose of placing in nomlna- Hi tion one candidate for stato senator and for the f _ transaction of such other business as may B Jp come beforo the convention. The several coun. _ _ gll tics atu entitled to representation as follows , _ _ If being based upon tho vote cast for Hon. Sam- _ B9 | uel Maxwell for judge in 1887 , giving one dele- _ B ffato at lar e to eacu county and one for each _ B _ | 150 votes and major fraction thereof : Hj Rod Willow. . . . . ' . . . 7 Frontier. 10 _ HI Hitchcock 6 Gosper G BB Hayes 4 Furnas 9 _ H1 ] Chose 5 Dundy 4 _ H H It is recommended that no proxies be admit- _ H B tod to the convention except such as are held _ _ B | by persons residing in the counties from Bl which the proxies are { riven. Bl TE * McCracken , Chairman pro tern. Hi McCook , Neb. , Aug. 21J8S8. HI AGAIN have the republicans of Ne- II braska in convention assembled declar- II ed for submission. Shall we have it ? IE "The only time England can use an HI Irishman is when he emigrates to Ainer- Hfj ica and votes for free trade. " London Hn Times. HI ' 'Grover Cleveland has done more HS to advance the cause of free trade than HI any prime minister of England has ever Hi done. " London Spectator. HI * Charles W. Meeker , Esq. , of Im- Hl perial , has secured the Chase county HI delegation for representative , and his Hi friends regard his chances for raising HI Mr. W. D. Wildman's top knot as really HI roseate. HI Senator Allison will take the stump H | for the national republican ticket. The HI senator has made a national reputation H * as a clean , conservative , able , republican H | statesman and his speeches will be lis- Hi tened to by the people with profit and Hs interest H * -"Babbling" Brooks - , prohibition Hi \ nominee for vice president , in a recent Hi public speech , made the boastful asser- HJj tion that he "thanked God that while Hf he had been a democrat , a slave-holder , I and a rebel , he had not the sin of being IS a republican to answer for. " II The announcement is made that more If than fifty of the best known ladies of II Battle Creek , Mich. , have formed a lb Dress Reform club and declared them- l | selves against bustles , high heels , tight II shoes , stiff corsets , etc. Ladies one reform | at a time. The world can't be changed at i one • 'fall swoop. " II . B | With the nomination , Tuesday , of B | Warner Miller by the New York repub- | lican convention , the last hope that the Blj democracy cherished of carrying that | state for Cleveland and Hill died out. : If The combination is too strong to be , II beaten. Without New York , Clcve- ; J land's chances are not worth a picayune. ; I No wonder the democrats are more disj j ! heartened than ever. - ; _ _ " - - - - You will perhaps observe , gentle J reader , that the most radical opponents 1 of capital railroads and so-called ; , - mon- ( ; | opnlies are generally that class of indi- , J viduals who do not own a dollar's worth \ ii " of property themselves except it be cov- i . ered over with a mortgage or else they § transact what little business they may I have in their wife's name. While this i a class is always on the market for sale , < I there seems tope no demand for it. i J : 3 | Another ocean horror , Wednesday , | illustrates the old saw that misfortunes ; never come singly. Beports from 'Fris- 1 g cothe scene of Wednesday's collision , i are meagre , but it is feared that sjreat ] 1 los3 of life has resulted. These two • ' i collisions , coming so close together , emphasize the need of some system of signals for use in the fog and darkness , 1 whereby such catastrophes can be avoid ed. Accidents of this kind on the ocean are particularly horrible , and it seems that some means should be devised for preventing them. _ _ _ There is likely to be no surplus daring the current fiscal year. The lav ish hand of congress has appropriated for one thing and another four hundred millions of dollars , being an increase of sixty millions over the appropriations of o < last year. The prospective revenue from " all sources is estimated * as not 'much more than four hundred millions. The democrats evidently are willing to clean o " * " out Uncle Sam's vaults and leave them b as bare as Mother Hubbard's cupboard r . when they turn the treasury over to the fcrepublicans March next , f • I 5 j > - ! ' > inuw4 * " > "J' ' u > J ' " " " ' ' " ' " " " ' 1JT. " ' -J1 ' - l - - v * • " UmmmmmmmmmmmL m mMmmMr SiH m9 Bp Bk kmWSBS S i H V M I HS BBP Kiil BiVISwH Mw wu - ) * If Not , Why Not ? Nebraska needs a law authorizing tins investment of the permanent school fund under fewer restrictions than the statute now in force. That fund lias already reached tho enormous sum of over $500,000 and is rapidly increasing. The same , so far as the state is concern ed , lies in the vaults unproductive ; at the same time , precinct , city and school district bonds are being negotiated in eastern markets. Why not buy these bondB and keep the interest at home ? The income to the state would be con siderable. Her idle money would be come productive. The amount subject to the semi-annual state school appor tionment would be largely augmented and the school tax , of necessity , mate rially decreased. There seem3 to be absolutely no excuse for allowing so large an amount of state money to re main idle , when the state taxes are so burdensomely high. And again. The total of other monies held by state and county treasurers , from which the state realizes no revenue is doubtless im mense. Would it not be more business like lor the state to loan out these mon ies to the highest and best bidders , on approved security , as is done in some states ? The advantage of these sums properly belongs to the people , and not to their servants , who are supposed to receive remuneration in prescribed and stated salaries. If these are inadequate and The Tribune considers them too low by half as to state officers they should be increased , so that perquisites are not necessary. Many advantages , financial and otherwise , would accrue to the various counties and to the state , were such a law in force. The incen tive to bankers to dictate state and county nominations would be gone ; as each would have an equal show to ob tain such funds in an open market. Other good and sufficient reasons exist ; but we will not enter into a fuller dis cussion , deeming the above altogether important enough to call for such legis lation. " Grovt.r is getting anxious and ex cited. Under the pressure he has given up more money to help re-elect himself than he ever spent in his life before for benevolencereligion and pol itics. He has sent his check to'the democratic executive committee for $10,000. One can imagine the thor oughness of his scare from his phenom- inal liberality. His other contribution for the public good since he was presi dent was $20 to the Charleston earth quake sufferers. As he remarked in that first letter of acceptance of his , the chief curse of official position is that it demoralizes a man and he wants to hang on to his office forever. Probably the committee will draw on him again inside of a month and yank an entire year ' s salary out of him before it gets through , for democratic campaigning has been terribly expensive of late. Even Thur- man had to advertise a barbecue in or der to draw a crowd. The third party in Nebraska , known as the prohibition party , is not satisfied with the submission plank in the repub lican platform. No sane man ever ex pected that it would be. The third party has not been pacified in Maine , where prohibition has been on the stat utes for over thirty yeans. It is not satisfied in Iowa and Kansas , where prohibition amendments have been sub mitted , adopted and reinforced b } ' iron clad laws. The third party does not propose to be satisfied with anything short of the breaking up of the repub lican party and a divibion of offices and patronage among the third party agita tors. Loud Brassy , a prominent member of the Cobden club in England , has con tributed $5,000 to the democratic cam paign fund. And yet the democratic papers of this county are trying to make us believe that England isn't interested in this campaign and doesn't want free trade in the United States. The fact is ; that Englishmen who are interested in ; securing an open market in this country \ recognize who their friends are and are : coming down handsomely for the demo- \ cratic fund.It was very bad policy , ' however , for the English papers to give the fact away. j The Nebraska democrats in conven- ' tion at'Lincoln , Wednesday , named the ] following lambs for the slaughter : Gov ernor , John A. McShane ; Secretary , ; Patrick A. nines ; Lieut. Governor , i Frank Folda ; Attorney General , W. H. Munger ; Auditor , W. A. PaynterSupt. ; Public Instruction , W. G. Sloan. "The negro , " said Judge Thurman , 30urbon candidate for the vice presi- lency , in his Port Huron speech , "is i very prolific animal. " Whereat , ; he report says , there was "great laugh ter and applause. " As A token of his belief that Eli is a more , euphonious name than Dennis Mr. Cleveland's $10,000 contribution co the national campaign fund and his fisher- ' ies message are not bad. ! The ticket put into the held by the late republican state convention meets irith the unanimous approval of the j ] press of the state. I Ir A Fable. J * r iZ I 31 o I ) e C 0 " y- The man who advertises in The Tbibuke. % . \ The man who thinks advertising is no good. Moral. Send in your advertisement at nee. Iff ill Receive Tribute. -j I will be in McCook , at jewelry store f F. L. McCracken & Bro.on , Septem- ier 19th and 20th , for the purpose of eceiving taxes. • J. U. GooDRicn , Jr. , a : County Treasurer , c' ' " ' " " " " " " jMBttHaojjiTfffg Pg , , " . ' * * * * * * * * ? C j. T ft i * 'tlTf UftIrf 2Lzfi' - lyw r * - * 4K " " j * \ \ \ % Purify Your Blood. . . Bodily and mentalUunltli dewend upon A healthy coudit on or llio blooJ. i'lio blood particularly in t.io spring and summer mouths. • • orucs dajgod witn unpui jtiestWlm-li l > o son it umlKt'nraio diBCiso. A lir.i'ituoaH uloy.l puniior is nci'ossjiry to H'Moro a hoaHuy tono. The bcal purfllrsr and ton.i * Known Is Kwirt'o bpisciiiu ( ri. H. S. ) . Of ts won derful purlfy.nfj and tonic powers wo give a few testimott als : Mr. Win. A. Siouold , with George P. Rowcll & Co. , 10 Spruce Street , Now Yorlr , writes : "I feel it my duty , for tho benefit of others who may bo af flicted as 1 was , to write you this letter , which you ran uso in any way you chooso. 1 suffered great pain from boils , all over my neck ; I could not turn my head without acute pain. After trying all tho usual remedies , and find ing no l-clief , 1 used ono bottle B. S. S. , and very soon I was ontircly relieved of my Mob's Comiorters. ' Uow not a sign of my uffl ctlon can be seen. " Mr. M. S. Hnnihn , Winston , N. C , writes : " 1 uso it every spring. It al- wavs builds me up , giving nie appctito nml digestion , and eu.1bl.n3 mo 10 stand the hot summer days. On U3ing it I noon become strong of boJy and easy of mmd. " Jlr. C. E. Mitchell , West 23d St. Ferry , New York , writis : "I weighed lit ) pounds wlien I began taking your medicine , and now LTi pounds. I would not be without S.i3. S. lor several times its woight in j 'oU1. " Treatise ' on Blood and Skin Diseasa mailed free. Tin : Jwirr Specific Co. , Dr.uvor 3 , Atlanta , Ga. _ t $100,000.00 To loan on deeded lands. Money advanced to make final proofs. Office opposite Arlington Hotel. C. J. RYAN. > jmii i 111 1 una om UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S. P. HA2T , Eeelster. JACOB STEIKMETS , Receiver. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i August 8th 188S. f Notice is hereby jfiven that the following- named settler has lllcd notice of his Intention to make Until prool in support of his claim , and that said proof will ho made before Rejjib- ter or Recoiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September 22nd. 18SS , viz : Columbus B. Row- ell , H. E. No. 95. for the E. & S.E.li , section 10 and W.J $ S.W.Ji , section 11 , Town. 3. north of range 20 W. Otb P. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Mi chael Houlihan , Thomas W. Ritchey. Smith Gordon and John Williamson , nil of McCook , Neb. 11 S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i July 23th. 188S. f Notice is hereby given that the following- nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proot will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb , on Wednes day , September 12,18S8 , viz : George S.Cundiff , H. E. 4.095. for the S. E. U. N. W. J4 , E. V . S. W. U , and S. W. % , S. W. U , Sec. 28. T 1 , N. Range 30 W. 0 P. M. . He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on , and cultivation of. said laud , viz : Edward L. Walker , Abraham Petei s , Andrew N. Allen , Howe smith , all ot Banksville. Nob. S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I July 23rd , 1S83. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to mako final prool in support of his claim , and that said pi oof will lie made before the Register or Receiver at McCook Neb. , on Mon day , September 10th. 1S88. viz : Sanford M Mc- Grilf , 1) . S. No. 5UTfor the S. W. H. Sec. 17 , Town 1 , N. , Range 30. west , 0 P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Harrison Werley , Wilson H. Hart- man , James D. Dennison. Sanders R. Sea- mands , all of Banksville , Neb. S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , 1 August29thlS88. j Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday , Oct. 23rd , 1S8S. viz : William Kings bury upon H. E. No. 6,028 for the S. J4 N.W. U and W. y2 S.W. } , Sec. 24 , Town. 6. N. Range 30 W. 6 P. M. He names the following witnesses to piove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ot , said land , viz : Milan XV. Quick , William H. Ackerman , John A. Miller , W. B. Wilkio , all of Quick , Neb. S.P. HART , Register. Land Office at McCook Neb. I August 20th. 18n3. ( Notice is heroby given that the lollowing- named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made befoie Register or Receiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook. Neb. , ou Wednesday , Oct. 10th. 1SS8. > iz : Nathaniel A. Frame. H.E. No.5Gl8fortheS.E. U Section 30. Town. 4 , Range 30. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Charles S. Squires. John N. Smith , Andrew C. Modie. .ill of McCook , and Walter K. Forsey of Culbertson. S. P. HART , Register. Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. Notice is hereby given , thatb3' virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on January 30th , 1888. and duly filed and recoided in the office of the county clerk of Red Willow county , Nebraska , and executed by C. H. Applegate te H. T. An derson , to secure tho payment of the sura of S90 00 , upon which thei e is now due the sum of S90 00. default having been made in the pay ment of said sum and no suit or other proceed ing at law having been instituted to recover ; aid debt or any part thereof , I will sell the property therein described : One red ox,5years aid , brand O or D , left side ; one 1 ed and white dx , 6 years old , brand O or D , left side ; one dark bay mare , 6 years old. 2 white liind feet md stripe in face , at public auction at Olcott's livery barn in the city of McCook , Hed Willow county. Nebraska , on the 13th day of Septem ber , 18SS , at one o'clock. P. M. Wm. M. ANDERSON. Sxecutor of the estate of H. T. Anderson de- censed mortgagee. Dated , August 24th. 1888. 13-3ts. New Store ! lew Goods ! : About A PESTIO wo will 00 < < ja capy our Jlam moth New Store , if. " * corner ! Cth and Curtis Streets , ? with an entire new stock of Ly \ Drefs Goods , Ttircy Goods Jer- { j6w > 5 jiFcys Wrap * . Suits , Millinery. awtxStC jfa Ladies' and Gents' FnrniMiinci , ffilsCm A ys' Clothfcc. Carpatu , Ctu- ifltKw0" fK t ! > in t cio. , making It tle Gem ' /////l / W > 4 > { Ury GooiKStoreln tho West. De- / / / / / \ \ / pend upon latest styles and low ailll % . vf ea t rn prices. Absolute sntis- r/7J\ / \ i Jartlon guaranteed to all moll or- f/JfArX / > - l demrr money refunded. Hand- /iiin\l" / il\ . A someHfl-pasTPOntaloeneandsam- Jl I. i .Hi A.41 pii" m ii iriw on applkatloa. J. ' * / it * , I'It'tM ' JKW . 7Cih and JJJ I'tr ' * 3 ) . : riSv. C - _ * . Tahor Opera Road Notice to Land Owners. CO ALL WHOM TT MAY CONCERN : The Commissioner nppointed to examine , ind locate a road commencing at South West - : orner Sec. 11 , T.2 , R. 30. in Drittwood precinct , led Willow county , Nebraska , running thence forth to N. W. Cor. Sec. 11 , thence East ter- ninatinp at N. E. Cor. ot N. W. 14 S.ll , T. 2 , R. * 0 , has reported in favor qf the establishment hereof , and all objections thereto or claims or damages must be filed in the County ! lerk's office on or before noon of the29th due f September. A. D. , 18S8. or said road will by stabhshed without reference thereto. GEORGE W. ROPER , 10-4ts. County Clerk. R. A. COL.E , "The Leading" Vlerohaof TailorJ op MoCOOK , for ? irst Class Tailoring . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings- ntl Trouserings , I will furnish them heap for the nest GO days , j 22I < ifif Goods 1 Lowest Prices I ! ; j ! : < - IN THE CITY. sh > . ! . ! . : : - - ' : : : - 1 : : 4 * • * • • : • < Have just received a heavy stock of new . • • j ; I CLOTHING which makes our stock com- ; \ \ i ! ; plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business ; • • ' : i. Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. - Ii : : ' : : • : : • - - F' ' - - - - - - . . . . . 1 1 1 . - - . . - . . . . ' ' ' * ' " • • • • 4 I | | : A * COMPLETE LINE OF : j ) I GROGERIES , FLOUR , OILS , ETG. ( ' • . ' . 4 . ' : : , . . . : = = • • • ii - : ii ii i We received this week , from * Chicago , the ' ii ii - largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , : ii : j : Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , : ii i : ; Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ; ii ii J Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. t > j ; • . • . * 4 . : . ' : . - : . * ' • • * • : : - - : : ii ! A $3,000 STOCK OF \ ! | . ' ' ' , • - ' ii % Boots and Shoes , Bobbers , Etc. % • . . • . . 4 , . ' , : . . • * . * • " r • i ! ' We have § 15,000 in Merchandise to sell : I ! \ \ < for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price ; j ; ii - as any house can sell : Don't pay more for ; ii ii ] goods than we pretend to ask , thinking ji ii - you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as I ii ii. some of our competitors advertise. I ii : . : . < ' i f ; ; ; ] ; i ; . ii - ' ii : : - > : : jTtMH' < vnMnm viivTt > nnilitt vvnvln > innnn : ' y inil _ ! _ ' 7 _ _ r f' i in _ yj nn-i < i I * - i GEO. PAXTON , Hhe : _ ni WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEALSE I1T CIGARS. Pino Havana Cigars. A specialty of the brands. "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and "OUR CHOICE , " the peer of anything in the market. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. M. A. LIBBEE , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. iT" A specialty of fine residences , school houses , churches , etc. All work done with dispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , corner Dodge and Manchester streets , T. E. McORACKEnT McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light ning , Tornado and Hail Storm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f t WWi Mi lM WMC MM M E. L. SMITH , LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLES , Evert's Old Stand , Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. GOOD RIGS. FLEET HORSES. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGENT roll The Mutual Life Insurance Co. OP NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. also A. full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. Money to Loan on Real Estate Securii } ' . IOOMS : OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. r Wl i ! r imi iIM i _ _ H _ _ mIHI Mu MCiwinum H. P. WAITE , Contractor & Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. o j E33 Estimates on tiuildinps carefully mtde. Give me a cull Shop on Marshall St. , north of . The Frees & Hocknell lumber yard. 7-2m. Allen's Transfer , Bus , Baggage % Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. J2T Best Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders at Commeieial Hotel. I Good well water furnished on short notice. KILPATBICK BROTHERS. ( SuccessorstoE. D.Webster. ) -5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sf _ ls ! _ - Horses branded on lelt hip or left shouder. _ v _ j3lvj P. O. address , Estelle " Kp SSl Hayes county , and Beat- S S * % 5 rice , Neb. Range , Stink- Ys SS ? ? * ? ? 511" w ter and French- f _ | 2vJA'lman creeks , Chase Co. m-f&BZtMgm Nebraska. > Sv - - - - - - - y 4 Brand as cut on side of " B -i- _ _ _ _ S ? * _ _ i - . sides _ of some , or any- were on tho animal. JOHN F. BLACK. L Breeder of Improved Siieep. EATON BROS. & CO. S lP P. O. address , McCook , g | _ _ _ MWj _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska. Rangesouth h ] Bt _ _ B _ f _ S _ l Cattle branded on left _ _ _ gj ffe | 3n _ . ' ! > • Also , 10 , 5. A and P * 9 ° s-"Wig11 brands on left hip. • < * * * y3rii Emn /I Hoiges branded same nt .iuii n j p nia a ir m MiMvi\fi r T wiw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1888.Fall : Season.1889. : . • Tlie fact that my efforts in the past to produce none but of the highest standard of excellence have been appreciated by friends and customers , as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions for the Fall aud "W inter season. ft Collection of Pi Fabrics 3 For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which is as large and handsome an assortment of new goods as can be shown by any of the best houses in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl ish and perfect fitting garments. I _ . BERNHEIMER , loCook. Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR ° ! i 1 . - * l H FAMOUS CLOT ffl OUR FALL STOCK IS COMING IN. u It is Immense in Every Way i > | / Our HAT STOCK is com- / * I / plete. It is Grandest Col- / . . ; j / lection ever shown under / * " ' • • / one roof. No other house / / in S. W. Nebraska can / / show you one-half as / I / many styles as we can. / jl CLOTHING ! J / We are prepared to dress / i ! 1 / / ' 1 / the Male Sex from the / rm / Tiny Boy to the Mature / fm / Man who wants a forty- / ; / six inch breast measure / , " ' / to satisfy Mm. Call and / < I | / convince yourselves. / \\M \ \ Plain Figures ! - > One Price Only ! I , . i I + _ H + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - + - + + + • * - + + + + + + + + + + + 4-f * > H Itlii MiuUHLUlnllllb bl ) . I JONAS BNGEL , Manager. , I ttcCook , Neb. , July 31 , 1888. ; I THE OLD RELIABLE : j Has a rousing speech for Cash ( Buyers and ( Bar * * \ H gain Seekers. August is the usual wind-up ' / | r _ i month on Summer Goods , and to make it inter = < \ M esting to all concerned , I will offer the ! M ' _ ! BIGGEST--BARGAINS : 1 On all Summer Goods that has ever been known ' H to the ( Public in this western country. Look at M it for a minute. You will think I have gone - ' 9 crazy , when I offer t j M _ l - - _ _ _ H . t " * " "M" A * * * " ' " * ' * - * * + * - + -n- - • * | ladies' good kid toe slipper , GO cents. i | A better one , for So cents. j A And a bouncer for $1.00. M Ladies' Newport tie , solid , 85 cents. H Ladies' Newport button , solid , $1.00. M A good kid shoe , solid , $1.75. _ _ | A still better one , for $2.00. * _ H _ H o make it interesting for men as well as ladies , I will sell a ' H l _ l j _ _ l ood calf tap sole boot , for $2.00. _ H A better one for $2.50. j H A 'rood "rain boot , solid , for $2.50. _ _ H l A good grain plo r shoe , solid , $1.20. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ H - ' • . , . , . . . . . . f j m The above are only a few of the many bargains. _ _ _ _ _ ! ( Do not MISS THIS CHANCE. Come early. iH _ i / must make room for the immense stock of _ | > _ _ _ _ i Winter Goods purchased. t | J. F. GANSCHOW , ' I ' - _ ! The Old Reliable. B fi _ _ l ) Posite U. S. Land Office , McCOOK , NEBRASKA- _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ ! _ J _ H