P By.F. M. KIMMELL. Official City and County Paper. REPUBLICAN .TICKET ! NATIONAL. For President. • • BENJAMIN HAUUISON , of Indiana. I , For Vice President , . I LEVI P. MOltTON , i of New York. CONGRESSIONAL. s For Member of Congress , < I JAMF.S LAIUD. - I STATE. * • > For Governor. JOHN M. THAYEK. f For Lieutenant Governor. \ GEOUGE D. ilEIKLEJOHN. \ For Secretary of State , [ GILBEKT L. LAWS. r For State Treasurer. J. E. HILL. For Attorney General , WILLIAM LiESE. For State Auditor. 4 THOMAS H. KENTON. 2 For Superintendent of Public Instruction , I GEOUGE B. LANE. Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings , JOHN STEEN. COUNTY. For Representative. JUSTIN A. WILCOX. For County Attorney , It JL SNAVELY. For Commissioner. 2nd District , C. T. BLACKMAN. Republican Senatorial Convention. The Republican electors of tbe twentyninth senatorial district of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of McCook , Thursday , September 6th , 1888 , at 7 o'clock , P. M. , M.T. for the purpose of placing in nomina tion on candidate for state senator and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the convention. The several coun. ties aie entitled to representation as follows , beingbased upon tho vote cast for Hon. Sam uel Maxwell for judge in 1887 , giving one dele gate at large to each county and one for each 150 votes and major fraction thereof : Red Willow 71 Frontier. 10 Hitchcock 6 I Gosper 5 Hayes 4 j Furnas 0 Chase 5Dundy | 4 T. E. McChacken. Chairman pro tern. McCook , Neb. , Aug. 21,1888. It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from which tbe proxies arc riven. The state republican ticket is a win ner by enlarged majorities. The bourbons and union labor people have alove feast atIndianola , to-morrow. I At the head of our editorial column will be found the names of the next state officers. All good men. | The Nebraska federal court bill , last ! Friday , became a law. Omaha , Lin coln , Hastings and Norfolk are the fa- | vored points. j 1 The Chase County Reporter has been i purchased from W. T. Lindsay & Son j by Chas. W. Meeker and P. W. Scott , and the Eeporter may be expected to improve materially. - ! "American women have the reputa tion of wearing the prettiest bathing i suits in the world. " This is not difficult § to believe , considering that American 1 women have the reputation of being the I prettiest in the world. A FEjv solicitous aud panicky papers I are descanting on the dangerous tenden- dencies of lynching , apropos of the re- i cent occurrence in this state. What I sort of tendency is the failure to hang i more thdn one murderer in ten ? The failure to iron the Frenchman line is being sadly felt b } ' the little burgs that sprung up along the road in ; view of the prospect Wauncta Falls ; has recently lost a number of her mer chants who found existence there a fi nancial impossibility. m m I Death is ylaying havoc in the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. Since the 1st of January over four thou sand members have joined the silent corps. The old soldiers of the rebellion will soon be as few and far between as I the veterans of the Mexican war. ( * * * " * * " " * * * " " * * " It is a stroke of good lor tune when a man knows enough to cry thold. " A Georgia editor makes the following | plaintive , but decided announcement : , 1 "We do not want any more watermelons ' i at this office. We are not a railroad ] k company , and enough is enough. " . i = = = = = = , m The brotherhood of locomotive engi- ( E neers celebrated the quarter-centennial , If of its organization , last Friday , at Be rn troit. Upwards of 2,000 delegates were ( 1 presentincluding delegates from nearly } 1 all the states in the union. Chief Ar- i thur and many other high officers were I in attendance. - < m. It IS estimated that the total area of < B agricultural land in this country devot- < m ed to wheat , corn , oats and other cereals ] is about 220,000 square miles. As this < is not much more than the area of Texas , i the probabilities are that America will < not be exhausted for some time by the i heavy drains made by Europe for our breadstuff's. . I The congressional committee investiI I gating the importation of foreign con- • tract labor closed its session at New • ' York , Wednesdayand 'will open next in c Boston. Some startling statements t r have been brought out which show the n s need of more strict legislation cr the t better enforcement of the laws now on > t - the statute books. = ' \ A Democratic contemporary sneer- \ ' . ingly remarks : "Benuy Harrison goes a r a fishing ba-ba , " Well , one Grover jb i Cleveland left Congress in session , boardjj jj " ed a special car and a millionaire's yacht , a ! • and went a fishing for a whole week , \ \ I while his $50,000 salary went on , and C I called it " much- ° the same organ "taking a - 1 , needed rest , " and did cofc "ha-ha" once. tc - . . . ' * ' r St SS irr i-11-r.m I I M III IK. f Tf i + * A A 4 - The barefaced effrontery and false hood of tho Clevulnnd Plain Dealer are apparent to intelligent readers , it as1 sorts that "Mr. Harrison's aristocratic birth and life associations have warped his mind in favor of the trusts and rail road syndicates and blinded him to the real wants and needs of the people. " General Harrison's grandparents lived , in a cabin in the woodsand the General began life a poor boy with scaroely the comforts of life about him , and since that time to the present , he has been in direct contact with the masses of peo ple. The thousands flocking to hh doors to congratulate him is answer suf ficient for all such slanders. The P D. proceeds to say that "General Harrison has been driven to seek counsel of Gould and Carnegie. It is this class of men , the chief , promoters of trusts , who sur round and give aid and comfort to Harri son , and would , in case he should be elected , Be ? his chief advisors. " Mr Carnegie has for months been in Europe , and it is a matter of doubt , whether General Harrison evar met him , or had any communication with him. Gould is an avowed advocate of Cleveland's election , and at no time and no place have "the promoters of trusts , " been called "to aid and comfort Harrison. " Possibly such methods of falsehoods and slander are invoked , to blind people to the notorious character of those in' charge of the Democratic campaign. Frank Hurd , who is now in the northwest doing missionary work for the Democratic ticket , is credited with this frank statetneut : "New York is gone to hell. We can't carry New York , New Jersey or Connecticut , and our on ly chance is to make a fight for the North western States , where the free trade sen timent is strong among the people. If we can't do that we're licked. We're licked for sure in the East. " In the main this statement does credit to Frank's judgment. But the hope of creating enough free trade sentiment in Republican strongholds to offset the loss of New York , New Jersey and Con necticut , is a forlorn hope , indeed. When the returns come in Mr. Hurd will know more about the sentiment of the Northwest than he does now. The third party prohibitionists have placed the following ticket in the field : For Governor George A. Bigjow , of Lincoln. Secretary of State John E. Hopper , of Clay. Auditor of Public Ac counts John F. Helin , of Omaha. State Treasurer J. N. Stewart , of Washington. Superintendent of Public Instruction Rev. 'Horatius Hilton , of Merrick. Attorney General Jnhn J. Barnd. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings A. Robert , of Lincoln. • United States Senator William G. 01J J linger , of Burt. Electors-at-Large U. C. Crowel andR.A.Hawley. Electors From First congressional district , S. D. Fitchie , of Weeping Water ; second dis trict , Judge E. S. Abbott. James Laird is expected home to take part in the campaign soon , says the Harvard Courier and then ' * , g e-e w-h-i-z" how the fur will fly. Able , apt and zealous , with confidence born of experience , he is indeed well qualified to hold aloft untarnished amid the impas sioned criticisms of debate the glorious banner of republicanism , and when the verdict of the people shall be rendeied on next November , the effect of his ag gressive work will be again made mani fest by an indorsement of the principles of which he i3 the leading exponent in these parts by a larger majority than' ever. • The raising of beet sugar undertaken by the government in order to introduce i that industry into America has not been encouraging. The last report to the agricultural bureau comes fiom the ex- ' perimental station in Kansas where a fair trial was given to the industry with indifferent success. The attempt to in troduce the culture of beets for the mak- ing sugar will in all likelihood be aban- ; i doned by the bureau as one of the costly : hobbies of that department. Another paper will be launched in Lincoln , next Saturday. It will be a , weekly paper called "Nebraska Labor" i and will be backed by the executive com- \ mittee of the Central Trades union and [ edited and managed ) by Mr. T. E. Rey- \ nolds * Mr. Reynolds is a bright young : newspaper man with a thorough practi- < cal knowledge of the business and will ] be able no make a newsy aud readable paper. The London Times , referring to this the number.The country , uses plural J United States are. " It cost many J lives and billions of treasure , fighting | ajjainst Confederate and Anglican foes , ( to establish and make perpetual the idea tJ J t : of National unity expressed in the sing- j ular form , and one of these days John r Bull and the rest of mankind will recx ognize the fact that the United States is. Senator Reagn calls a trust "a J combination of capital or skill by two or more persons to create restrictions of J : trade , to limit , reduce or increase proc auction or prices of commodities , or to j ] prevent competition in the manufacture s or sale of anything. " The senate will Ji in all probability take up the discussion * of this all-important question , if not durp ing the present session , at an early date. „ > 1 . d The national bureau of statistics re- j ] ports that the exports of beef and hog c products for the seven months ending b > July 31 , 1888 , from the United Shite- * aggregated nearly five hundred thousand lollars more than the exports for the " jorresponding period of 18b7. The un-1 I isual European demand may have some- ' | hing to do with the high price of beef' ' f which the east complains. Road Notice io Land Owners. ? 0 AM. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : The Commissioner appointed to examine ind locate a road commencing at South West ornerSec. U.T.2 , It. 30. in Driftwood precinct , ted Willow county , Nebraska , running thence forth to N. W. Cor , Sec. 11 , thence East tcr- ninatimr at N. E. Cor. or N. V. U S.1I. T. 2. It. 0 , has reported in favor of the establishment hereof , and all objections thereto or claims , or damages must bo filed In the County • Ilerk's ollico on or before noon of theSOth dttu f September. A. D. , 18SS. or said road will by . stabli8hed without reference thereto. ) j GEORGE W. HOPEIl , f % lWtfl. County Clerk i Sk M s Sr iSiMiL Inherited Diseases. No fact of naturo Is more pregnant with awful meaning than tho fact of tho inlioritanco of disease. Modorn science , which ha3 Illumi nated so muny dark cornora of naturo , has shed a now ll-jlit on the ominous words of the ( Scriptures , "Tho sins of tho fathers shall bo visited upon tho the children unio tho third and fourth generation. " Fifty per cent , of cases of consumption , cancer and scrofula , run in families through inheritance. Insan ity is hereditary in a marked degreo , but , fortunately , like many other her editary diseases , tends to wear itself out , the stock becoming extinct. A distinguished scientist truly says : "No organ or texture of tho body is exempt from tho chance of bcniR the subject of hereditary disease. " Probably more chronic diseases , which permanently modify tho structuro and fuurtiors of tho body , arc moro or less liable to bo Inherited The important and far- reaching practical deductions from such facts-are obvious to reflecting minds , and the best mearts for preventing or curing these diseases is a subject of in tense interest to alL Fortunately na „ ture lias provided a remedy , which ex perience lias attested as iui'alhble , and tho remedy is tho world-famous Swift's Spccilic , a pure vegetable compound nature's antidote for all blood poisons. , To tho afflicted it is a blessing of inesti- I mablo value. An interesting treatise . on • 'Blood and Skin Diseases" will bo mailed free by addressing ; Tnu Swift Si'nciric Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Go. , About September 1st , Col. T. E. McCrack- 1 en and Councilman II. G. Dixon will go back into Illinois and Iowa , properly provided with advertising matter setting forth the ad- j ' vantages of lied Willow county and McCook , I for the purpose of inducing immigration to this section. Over a hundred dollars have been raised among our generous business men to defray their expenses. IJoth gentle men will operate in fields with which they are familiar and remunerative results may be confidently expected from their efforts. The move is a good one and the work in excell ent hands. The. McCook feed mill and elevator is be ing put in excellent shape by the new pro prietor , A. J. Thompson , for effective work , lie is and will continue to handle all grain that conies , at the best market price. It is peihaps no more than justice to Win- Coleman to state that an article that appeal's in a local city paper , this week , on Southwest ern Nebraska , without credit , is from his pen. Contractor Frank lless is building a resi dence for Mr. Stock of the B. & M. meat mar ket , in the northeastern part of the city. This week , W. C. liullard & Co. have plac ed a pair of improved scales ofthe .Buffalo make in their yard at this place. Miss Mary Leonard has.sold her millinery store on West Dennison sheet to Mrs. E. Simpson , who is now in charge. Mccook suffered an invasion by a detach ment of the salvation army , yesterday. McCook is enjoying a very substantial building boom , I thank you. 100,000.00 To loan on deeded lands. Money advanced to make final proofs. Office opposite Arlington Motel. 0. J. RYAN. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S. ? . EAST , Eesister. JACOB STSI1TMST2 , 2seiYer. * Land Ofhce at Mccook , Neb. , i August 8th 18SS. f Notice is hereby sriven that the following- named settler has iiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made beforellegib- ter or Iteceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September 2urt , 1888. viz : Columbus B. How ell , H. E. No. 05 , lor the E.i ! S.E.J4 , section 10 and W.li S.W. 1 ! . section 11. Town a. north of range 2 ! ) W. 6tt P. 31. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Mi chael Houlihan , Thomas W. Ititchey , Smith Gordon and John Williamson , all of McCook , Neb. S. V. HA11T , Kegister. 11LA LA D Office atMcCook , Neb. . I JuueStUh.lSSS. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Kegister or Iteceiver at McCook. Neb. , on WednesdayAugustl5.l8S8.viz : ThomasL. Eide P. E. D. S. No. W.)0 , for the northeast } i section 5 , town. 5. range 29 west , ( ith P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ot , said land , viz : Milan W. Quick , Colben P. Viland , Nels. C. Dueland and Christopher C. Dueland all of Quick , Nebraska. 6. S. P. HA RT , Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , j JuIySTith. 188S. j" Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said pioot will be made bororo Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb , on Wednes day. September 12,18S8 , viz : George S.Cundiff , H. E. 4,095. for the S. E.J4. . N. W. U , E. } . S. W. la , and S. W. U , S. W. > i. Sec. 28 , T 1 , N. Range 30 W. 6 P. M. . He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Edward L. Walker , Abraham Peters , Andrew N. Allen , Howe Smith , all of Banksville. Nob. S. P. HART , Register. i Land Office at McCook , Neb. , July 23rd , lfeSS. j" Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , mid that said proof will be made belore the Kegister or Receiver at McCook Neb. , on Mon day , September 10th , 1888 , viz : Sanford M. Mc- Sritf , D. S. No. 5,147 for the S. W. U , Sec. 17. rown J , N. , Range 30 , west , 0 P.M. He names he following witnesses to prove his continu- dus residence upon , and cultivation of , sad land , viz : Harrison Wcrley , Wilson H. Hart- nan. James D. Dennison. Sanders R. Sea- nands , all of Banksville. Neb. S. P. HART , Register. | Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. \ Notice is hereby given , that by virtue of a hattel mortgage dated on January 30th , 1888 , md duly filed and recorded in the office of the MHinty clerk of Red Willow county. Nebraska , , ind executed by C. H. Applegate to H. T. An- lerson , to seeuio the payment of the sum of ? SK)00 ) , upon which theie is now due the sum of " 590 00. default having been made in the pay- nentof said sum and no suit or other proceed- ng at law having been instituted to recover aid debt or any part thereof , I will sell the iroperty t herein described : One red ox , a years ild , brand O or D , left side ; one led and white x , 6 years old , brand O or D , lclt side ; one lark bay mBre , 6 years old. 2 white hind feet ind stripe in face , ntpublicauction atOlcott's Ivery barn In the city of McCook , Hed Willow ounty. Nebraska , on the 15th day of Septem- er , 18S8 , at one o'clock. P. M. Wm.M. ANDERSON , iveoutor of tho estate of H. T. Anderson de ceased mortgagee. Dated , August. 24th , 1838. 13 3ts. im Store ! In Goods I About APRIL iO kg will oc- . - cupy our Majimotii New Stoks. I ff' comer ! CtU una Curtis Mieets , I f with nu entire new stock ot /3\ B % - 1 § s * 5f iDress Goods. Fancy Goocli , Jer- l ii ys , Wraps , Suits. Millinery. - , /j/SiyK. Ik ! iJitlics" and Gents' famishing ? , | lflii 'Xi. % iJ ° ys' Clothlntf. Cnritot * , CurJ III in V\t.4i tau • otc' niakingit tho Gem UllWyvvj liryOuotuStorein tup West. De- I////A / VN i peart upi'ii latest f > t > les and low alii ( K Y 'i custom prices. Absolute catis- llIJP'I I Jartlon { ninranteed to nil mail or- lll iSi * \ " 1 oor ° " xuoney refunded. Hand- /i/IKs / / jiPv A Roi'iclvO-piiccCataloEuonndsam- / / / it " . v'\i 3 iilimtiro on application. J. „ illH \ , i isAsl .I/i.3l . } OSI.iV. : lUth and a 4Jr. "lWr > Cm-iS * , 0 j . Tnnor Opera n ftMfiT irt-rrng * " b iioute. UEA"VJUH. COLO.b -I * • tUncofft 3anitartiiiit Dit. J. RICHARDS , Pkoi\ , 238 SOUTH nth ST. , - - LIMCOLJf , JfE < B. 1 i.i. - . a . . ' . In submitting the following considerations to the afflicted , our aim is to place before them information that may save them time and money by informing them of the different health and mineral spring resorts of our country : Sanitariums and Water Cures may be found at Colorado Springs , Colo. , Los Vegas , New Mexico ; Hot Springs , ArkansasWaukesha ; , Wisconsin ; Col fax , Iowa ; Battle Creek , Michigan ; Cincinnati , Ohio ; Southwestern Dakota ; a number in New Hampshire , and a few in New York and Pennsylvania each possessing advantages peculiar to themselves , and worthy of patronage. But these resorts are remote from yo ' ur homes , requiring time and outlay of means to reach them , while the expense at each is necessarily large. Our own establishment possesses advantages equal to any of the above , and in some respects superior ; while in the matter of expense we can offer induce ments surpassing all. The Mineral Water from the Artesian Well of this city , which analysis shows to be equal to the finest mineral water anywhere for bath ing and medical purposes , is utilized here for diseases of the kidney and bowels , as well as in diseases of the skin arid blood , and chronic irritations and ulcera tions of the mucous membranes for which it cannot be excelled. Every variety ot Bath is given , including the Turkish , Kussian , Steam , Electric , ( Hot Air , Steam and Water , ) Shower and Swimming Bath. Wc use all forms of Electricity , generated from the finest batteries and electric machines manufac tured. We use the Message treatment , and will use all the Hygienic appliances and-apparatus of the larger institutions. Our Bathing Parlors are 25x100 feet on the iirs t flpor ; 43 rooms on the second and third floors all heated with steam. Water in all the rooms , with'closets on each floor. Wo have some very fine rooms , and some cheap ones. We will use every effort to make it home-like for our patrons. For lady patients we have lady attendants and nurses. Our fa cilities are and will be all that can be desired for the treatment and cure of the sick and afflicted. Those diseases which we can greatly relieve or cure , are Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Parafysis , Liver Troubles , Diseases of the Uterus and Kidneys , Chronic Cystitis , Anemia , Chlorosis , Nervous Prostration , Epilepsia. Syphilis , Dropsy , Scrofulous Diseases , etc. Our terms are reasonable. We only charge for baths and services rendered , from one week to one month in ad vance. In serious cases we have counsel from experienced physicians. Incura ble and offensive patients are not received. Room and board , $5.50 to $9.00 per week. Baths and treatment included , $9.00 to $18.00 per week. Send or call for pamphlet on diseases cured by Electricity and Electro-Thermal Baths. Address , Ull tl . JaiICHAKDS. 23S SOUTH lira STREET. . > GEO. PAXTON , Manufacturer and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEALSH II ? CIGARS. Fine Havana Cigars. A specialty of the brands , "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and "OUR CHOICE , " the peer of anything in the market. MCCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. M. A. LIBBEE , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. JSf A specialty of fine residences , school houses , churches , etc. All work done with dispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , corner Dodge and Manchester streets , T. E. McCRACKEnT The Insurance Ag't McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light ning , Tornado and Hail Storm. E. L. SMITH , LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLES , ! Evert's Old Stand , Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. GOOD RIGS. FLEET HORSES. jI I j YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. " i H. P. WAITE , Contractor ® Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. o "Estimates on buildings carefully huide. Give me a call. Shop on Marshall St. , north of The Frees & Hockr.ell lumber yard. 7-2m. Alien's ' Transfer , : Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , ! McCOOK , NEBRASKA. JS Best Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders at Commercial Hotel. 1 Good well water furnished on short notice. I KILPATEICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shouder. S2 * & PO. . address , Estelle gsJgC Hayes county , and Bat - Wg S riee , Neb. Range , Stink- ffi .75S ft-.Sing Water and Freuch- 1 Wg % s &iLlriman creeks , Chase Co. lsS&fe $ SS # Nebraska. Wjf & -Jji---fcrf j Rrand as cut on side of - -fe Rrrf 8 A ' souie animals , on hip and < * 43Sg 3Sz2i& ! sies of ! ? mc . or , a ° y -T -T- MMteimivheie . ivheie on the animal. JOHN F. BLAOlv. Breeder of Improved Siteep. EATON BROS. & UO. } W KnQM9BBkNebraska. Range , south HnjK | | | jy Cattle branded on left . JKlsajjji * | i Horses branded same I AM OVERSTOCKED With a Fine Line of 5 amies MP TIMES , . And am bound to close them out INSIDE OF SIXTY DAYS At Lower Figures than ever before. L. BEENHEIMEE , The Leading * Merchant Tailor : R. A. COLE , "The Leading" Merchanf Tailor OF McCOOK , FOR First-Class Tailoring- . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings nd Trouserings , I will furnish them heap for the next GO days. o- - > - - ' - . J - . Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW FORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. also A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. Money to Loan on Real Estate Security. ROO.MS : OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ] / • * M IK ! TM FAMOUS CLOTHING LI j OUR FALL STOCK IS COMING IN. J It is Immense in Every Way 1y I I / Our HAT STOCK is com- / I / plete. It is Grandest Col- / * j * 1 / lection ever shown under / ' ; jl / one roof. No other house / ,1 , / in S. W. Nebraska can / . I jl / show you one-half as / * | / many styles as we can. / ' 1 CLOTHING ! I / "VVe are prepared to dress / * B / the Male Sex from the / \M \ / Tiny Boy to the Mature / | fl / Man who wants a forty- / i iM / six inch breast measure / ( / to satisfy him. Call and / j / convince yourselves. / | ,9 Plain Figures ! - > One Price Only ! I " * - . * . - * - - * * . . * . . . * * * . * * * . . * * _ \ \ H " - - - - H - - - -IJ-UI-f-J - -U-LI-LI-LI I-I -l l-l l.il .1 -Ill ri.n.l- I I U-L-LIIJIJ-J-in.qi-1-IJUIJIJ-JLILIIJIJUUUUUI. II I - I-I I f l i THE FAMOUS CLOTHING CD. I JONAS ENGEL , Manager , ; | McCook , Neb. , July 31 , 18S8. f B THE OLD RELIABLE I Has a rousing speech for Cash ( Buyers and Bar = ' i J gam Seehers. August is the usual wind-up n | month on Summer Goods , and to make it inter = ( > | est ing to all concerned , I will offer the ' M ' I BIGGEST--BARGAINS : On all Summer Goods that has ever been known M to the ( Public in this western country. Look at j M it for a minute. You will think I have gone 'j M crazy , when I offer \ M . , / | * - * • + - rM - - MH < -t- 4- + * & , M - -M- * + + + + + + 4 + * - * + - * + + * + + + t Ladies' good kid toe slipper , GO cents. | H A better one , for 85 cents. M And a bouncer for $1.00. M Ladies' Newport tie , solid , . 85 cents. H Ladies' Newport button , solid , $1.00. t H A good kid shoe , solid , $1.75. t jj H A still better one. for $2.00. M Fo make it interesting for men as well as ladies , I will sell a • H rood calf tap sole boot , for $2.00. j H A better one for $2.50. M A good grain boot , solid , for $2.50. 1 A good grain plow shoe , solid , $1.20. ; H 4H . . . . - " + + + + + + + + + HHHH . WHHWrt . . + + H * .J J- l > * WMMM M1ll ! in WIWWIWMWW M. * w HWWWWIWW1VIH. I.H IIM I | | m m l l l l ll The above are only a few of the many bargains. H ( Do not MISS THIS CHAMCE. Come early. H H / mttst make room for the immense stock of v ' ' H Whiter Goods purchased. H J. .F. GANSCHOW , " ; I The Old Reliable. * ; S pposite U. S. Land Office , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. - ( H