lB " * * MF ° * I YOLOM'E ' Vn. McCOOK , RED WILLOW' COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , AUGUST 24 , 1888. NUMBER 13 , * I IT'S ' TOO BAD ! 1 Bnt It Mittet h& diiev Time does not stand still ; sea- 1 &tm& da wot wait , , and we must keep up Tvith the pro | 2 * _ § ! # at arivr aflet , or J _ irow Up The Sponge. m Wo fusafiar t feu p rap , rather than throw up , and in 3 msfar fa * ok * s # # eeiilyr we are going to lighten our load fl # stfeMUH r3i < sciI& 1 lull hIIii ! M nullJlilullIjlJ ! ; I Am. a * * t hkp fodiiftg delighted at the bargains we \ I jmrmtimzimg • & J&srattM. Doors , Refrigerators , Gasoline j SImm * Ito * C&mm Froesecs , Water Coolers , Etc. If mm * iwi nifitft r feeto ? k > meet our prices , we will 1' 1 MAKE--HIM--SICK ! . - > .j Slwr p&Seos I * art eiwirtt for much with us at tills giiu. W # manMMa. . © r our fall stock. We are KiiMMliwt lp. a rr < warajiir summer goods and will - Mmtoti&m&naiti > zMmgly. ! Its money in your purse fa # > frEMe _ a- * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tl he Pioneer Hardware , ' , ' W „ C UTOURETTE & CO. F HtSfciwt , ft < h _ * * . C JL C. AAtn & C . McCOOK , NEBRASKA , b . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KM -wm- " - - - - - " " - " * - - - - - - ' - • • - .i i- m n "i ti-r tm irTTBrr -T" r 1 -i 'r wr-rfTiitiiiii--i ihi i j < ! - - I The Howard Lumber Co. I 1 UP1CSA.LE MID RETAIL DEALERS IN j- jE ! WcCOOK , NEBRASKA. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j pmoir i cn-ittciiLiiin 3LirrT tti tr n niirr ' * r - - * • - t r Mbhmirqar rmvriJifi 3 y3rXfa73a& * " " C. G. POTTER & CO. , \ iTHOMI ON' S < iLD STAND 1 i { I Mmi' ) Feed and Baled Hay.i1 I lipst Market Price Ux Chkkens , Eggs , Etc fgjE" Ar _ _ • _ _ > frerli sMi rlcan : tiw-re are ho iiie on it and it 13 not likely j = _ WMt vM In * ijf t _ M i * * r. ( rive us a cull. I ' _ [ ttJCOBPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) ; j Bsad ifp Capital , - - 350,000.00. * If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DOES a- General Banking Business , f ( XMaatoms mnu. * mt aS accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal t ( _ _ es-f E vfw. Tac _ > Id for Non-Itesidents. Money to loan on farming j I fca _ * _ _ ge MHt ) wisoosi pfopurty. Fire Insurance a specialty. j i ckets For Sale to and from Europs , _ - _ . . _ = COFaH PCMs-BMTS. i T. yasjcLLf , President. ? _ * SijrMu _ Baak. liwaoln. Nebraska. V Johs B. Cijuik. Vice-President - * fill l IJJ8 > M &Bwl4i It ft M * 3 C\ jl " iIC5BSc ( Heb. i Aeteorized Capital. $100,000. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. c • OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : , GEO , HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. V F. L BROWN , CASHIER. ; A. CAMPBELL. JC. . ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. _ _ . ' _ fc'wimit jKSlffliilwuiS ! 1 ' t ! ) iirin ' inniiiii BUSINESS DIRECTORY. j. nynoN jennikos. jonn wilev. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT - : - LAW. Will practice in tlio State and United State Courts , nnd before tho U. S. Land Oflices. Careful attention given to Collections. OUlco over Citizens Hunk , McCook. Nob. TUOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - . - LAAV , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ileal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money louued on real estate and final proof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over Farmers & Merchants Bank. 11. BI. SNAVELYi ATTORNEY - . - AT - : - LAAV , 1NDIAN0LA , XEBUASKA. Will practice in nil the State and United States Courts. Also , before tiio Land Office at McCook and the departmental Washlngtpn. iiugii w. colli ; LAWYER , McCOOIC NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law * a specially. MONEY TO LOAN. Booms 1 and 5 , First Nafl Bank Building. A. J. ItlTTI'MIOUSi : , "W. . STAItH , McCook. lndianola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at t Law. OFFICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. M. HEWr , C. vr. DAVIS. Li' 3 .o Segisicr U. S. Lii Lato cf Gen. Lmi OEoo , OSc , rxis , Sis. Washiagtcn , D. 0. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land § Loan Agents. McCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose- cute or defend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base- merit of tho Citizens Bank. ! H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. ] Office : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURI3T. McCOOK NEBRASKA C3 "Offico in McNcely Building. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN ' AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. t& Office ntChenery's drug store. L. J. SPIOKELMIEll , m7b PHYSICIAN l AND SURGEON. Spoial Attestija Ohc : to FoaalD Disoasss. Office hours , from 0 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & Merchants bank. - Dr.rA. . L. KAY , PHYSICIAN ' AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. es Office : Room No. 1.First National Bauk Building. Residence , on Marshall street. - A. J. THOMAS , _ _ _ DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. Jr"OHico over Scott's brick. G. W. .MINK LB K , KOUMKIILY , COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 1 Will do all kind * of Siirvcyinj. . Orading and Civil Engineering. Residence i.orth of school ' house. ; ! " THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Gko. E. Johnston , r op. v I McCOOK , NEBRASKA. C This hou e has been completely renovated i . and refurnished throughout , and is tlrst-class 1 " in every rvjieet. Rates reasonable. | ' = = b W. M. SANDERSON , tt DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTEK , tl Calciminintr. Graininff , Paper llanjrinjr. etc. w with neatne.-s and dis-patcli. tl tlo JOIIN G. W. F. FLEEMIXG , tjc House and Carriage Painting , . 0 GltAlMNG. CAI.CIM1NIN0 , MAKBLISG , ' „ MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. : Leave nl > orders at the drujr store of McMIS " len ic Weeks. Firht-clitss work uuaranteed. a ahi hi J. H. BENNETT , GONTRAGTOR in „ OF hII II BRICK AND STONE , li McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. h his is PREDMORE BROS. , Iit it Blacksmithing and Woodwork , \ a Horse Shoeing a Speclm.ty. J , Si Repairs Wagons and Buggies in a Work t ' manlike Alanner. o oo All Work Warranted. ilcCook , Nebraska titi ti tiQ SHOP South of Badcer Lumber Yard. u _ _ _ _ rrn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , c v Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. gT * All work receives prompt attention.A * _ _ _ _ _ k - _ _ A ; _ _ _ _ _ -l mmBmmK mmmmmmammaKHmmmummmmmmmmaKmmmma MaammmHm To the Women of the United States. "The flrst concern of all good government is tho virtue and sobriety of the peoplo and tho purity or the homo. Tho republican party cordially sympathizes with all wiso and well directed clforts for tho promotion of temper ance and . morality. " Republican Platform , 1888. Responding heartily to these noblo senti ments , and to other enunciations of political truth concerning social , economic and moral questions contained in tho \ comprehensive declarations of tho NATIONAL UEPUBLICAN I'LVTFOKM , adopted bj tho recent convention at Chicago , wo send greeting to tho women of the United States , and ask them to make utterance of their devotion to home and country by giving nctivo support to tho Republican party in the pend- ing campaign. We who send you this call , do not claim pre-eminent devotion to home and country. Wo know that everywhere in our land are patriotic women ; they love tho Hag ; they waved it In holiday splendor under the blue sky of natioual prosperity ; they revered it when its brightness was dimmed by tho smoke ' of war. It Is precious as the blood of kindred , sacred as tho shroud of beloved dead. To all who believe that the ilrfg is worth all it costs j to all loyal women this address comes. The Republican party is notasectional it is a : national party. In its counsels are wounded veterans of the Union army , and soldiers of the late confederacy , and enfrauchisod slaves ; the party knows no east , no west , no north , no south. Eastern culture nnd western enterr prise have nurtured a conservative-radicalism as contiguous and contiuuousas is the Conti1 uchthl , railway system which the Republican policy j of internal improvements made possi ble. ' Across the "Bloody Chasm" a part of our historic i past are the clasped hands of grow- ing industries , sensitive and responsive with nerves , of trade , steam and smoke and lluuio from 1 f urnace.faetory and mill are the eloud by day and the fire by night , renewedly attesting republican principles , and guiding the country out from the wilderness of sectionalism into the promised land of a perfectly icstored na tionalism. In the ranks of the Republican party are many i citizens of foreign birth. In America they are Americans : they do not forget \ the mother country nor the father landj but here they are loyal to the stars and stripes : their loyalty was tested even to the shedding of blood in war ; with whatever makes for good citizenship they are welcome in the party : J their rights under the Hag command respect , The achievements of this great party have made luminous this century's history. Under God's < blessing It rescued the imperilled nation. saved the government our fathers left us. aud maintained the institutions which assure to American women tho exalted position they now enjoy. The Republican party has always been the party of protection ; protection to the citizen , protection to the negro , protection to the ballot box , protection to the wage-earner , protection to the wage-payer , and now in line \ with past professions and performances it dep clares for photection fok the "iiome. " Can American women fail to respond ? This party is not a party of unskilled , unf trained recruits , reckless to attempt , and helpr less to secure political defense ; itis not a troop of detached soldiery out on picket duty ; it is THE IIKGUCAIt AHMY OF AMEItlCAN PROGRESS , It was raised by the firesides of the people ; its ranks are kept full by the farm , the shop , the school , the mill ; it is sworn to champion aWhe command of the sovereign people "Whatsoever things are pure , whatsoever i things are lovely , whatsoever things are of ' good report , " in government. j American women , ibis is the parti * to whose i service we call you. What position will you ' take and hold during the month of the coming campaign ? Do you realize the moral side , the ! 1 heart-side of the economic questions which are t e being discussed in the campaign ? Do you reA' ! member that when labor is degraded , woman ! > is degraded ? The shopgirl , tlis factory operaU ' tive. the sewing woman , indeed every working p woman whether she toil in homo , or shop , or G school , is interested in the maintenance of the ! o American standard of values In labor , and its return to tho home. In November next , it twelve millions ot voters will o to the polls w and deteimine who shall receive the highest ft honorinthegiftof the American people. Its lliis f anything to you ? Does it make any difference to you who this man is , and for what set ot j" principles he stands ? Would not thechoieeof > 1INJA3IX HARRISON AKI ) LhVl V. MORTON , | J as chief tweet Ives of tin s great nation , tend to establish a popular standard of private morals • fj and public service which any mother might present to the aspirations ol Iiersons ? Do not' ' p heir lives illustrate that purity in peisonal' character which is consonant with the highest' ' j worldly success ? That the dealings in the | q heart of trade , the court of justice , the legisj j lative chamber , or the camp of war need never • j blush in the home ? Is it not vital to the ua- j ri tion's life that these truths be emphasized in • fc the : characters of the people's chief representj atives ? j g Young women of the land have you no debt ! to established onierof tilings which ' E we call christian civilisation ? Do you realise that Republican Institutions are the material organism tlnougli which this spirit of civiliza tion breathes ? Will you not in tha'ikful appro j ciation of the inheritance into u hicli yon have j entered , pledge humble fealty to the republi can party , whose standard bearer wears the q white flower of a blameless life ? Beyond the immediate demands of the present campaign j lies the broad Held of political ethics ; women are equally concerned with men in the seed j q sown and the harvest gathered there. ' KilKPEUS UKTIIK NVT1 > N' .S l ! . > MiS : , nlueatviis of tne nation ' s children , shaiers W its industries , and guardians of its shrines , will you not also give your best brain and j heart to a study of the principles of govern ment nnd their application in practical poli- / - , tics ? This giving shall not impoverish , its withoiding has .not enncned the hearts and [ homes of American women. j „ The state is not less a divine institution than ! the lamily where > our l hi one is. the church I where you andj-our childron worship God and | SI study His laws. Under our s.stem . of govern ment , the state is that great temple which the , . people are forever buildmand n-huililing. " * If they build well , the structure shall endure and safely protect our sacied interests from \ vandals without and traitors within. If they build recklessly or wickedly , the structure shattered and destroyed , will full upon our Si heads , and we. defencelesss. shall vainly seek jj the foundations where our homes were , where our altars stood. Let us , therefore , in this as in every relation re of life , do what we can. Enlnrged opportuni ties impose commensurate obligations. The . united influence of Republican women will 'C conserve moral power in society , utilize dorin maut political forces for the public good , and aid in . THE DOMINANCE OF RKPOI1LICAN PHTNCirr.ES.le We , therefore , ofTerforyourapproval the acA companying plans aud suggestions for organ. , ized work' Wo ask all persons , men nnd women , who approve these sentiments above expressed to communicate with us at the oflice of the . , WOMP.N'S NATIONAL REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE , 'M No 34 , West 14th street , New York City. ki Mits. Ellen J. Foster. Iowa. Chairman. ff Mk s. Thos. W. Chase , Rhode Island. Sec. Mrs Schuyler Colfax , Indiana. a Jilts. IIknkv S. Lane. Indiana , ei Mrs. H. B. Spkllman. New York. i „ Mrs. Henry K. Carroll , New Jersey. t August loth , 1888. { j j * j _ nSSr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 t Commissioners' Proceedings. Ofeice or Coukti Cleek. \ ' Indianola. Neb. , Aug. 15,1888. f Board of county commissioners mot pur. suant to adjournment. Present Stophon Bollos nnd Henry Crabtreo , commissioners , and Goo W Ropor. clork. Minutes of provious meeting read and ap proved. Petition of G L Clark. H E Crosby , et al. read : nnd considered. The board finds that all i requirements of law liavo boen complied with , on motion snmo is granted cstablish- inc i a public road ti9 follows , to wit : Com mencing : nt a point 48 rods w of SE cor sec 2'J and ; running thonco in a n n easterly direc tion i nnd gradually turning to tho NE and thonce 1 E N E stopping nt tho NW cor SEJ * of i S\V „ soc 23 , all in town a range 23 w. nnd that i the following road bo vacnted : Com mencing i at a point 48 rods W of SE cor ec 22 : , thonco east to SE cor SWH of SWH sec 23 : , thenco north to NE cor of S\V qr of SW qr i of sec 23 and stopping thereat , all in town 3 : range 28 west. On motion the following claims wero aud ited i and allowed and clork ordorod to draw warrants on county road fund levy 1883 be ing i for damages on account of tho estab lishment 1 of above road : J ; W Dolan , claim $200. allowed by apprais ers $110 70 G ( W Minkler. com'r to viowroad 5 00 ED ] Akcrs. ehainman 2 00 John F Black , appraiser 2 00 Willis Gossard , " 2 00 Jesse Wolborn. " 2 oo C B Hoag , team for appraisers 3 50 On motion tho following claim was audited and allowed and clerk directed to draw war- ant on county general fund levy 1888 a.s fol lows 1 , to wit : John Young , boarding pauper. T J Malone 22 BO On motion tho following claim was audited and and allowed and clork directed to draw warrant on county bridge fund levy 1888 as follows : Walter Hamilton , gVading Bartley bridge 20 oo On motion board adjourned to moot Aug. 1C , 1888. Stephen Bolles , Attest : Acting Chairmani G W Ropeb. Clerk. Ivdianola. Neb. . Aug. 16,1888. Board of county commissioners met puri suant to adjournment. Present Stophon Bolles and Henry Crabtrec , commissioners. and G W Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap- proved. Commissioners Stephen Bolles and Hen"j ry Crabtrec made their report that they had on tho 16th day of August. 1888 appraised certain school lands oh the application of Win Doyle as follows to wit : NE qr NE qr NWqr , and NWqr NEqr NWqr , andSWqr NWqr NEqr and SWqr NEqr and SKi SEqr NEqr and NWqr SEqr NEqr and N.4 NEqr SEqr sec 1C twp 4 range 2a west at $8,00 per acre. On motion the following official bonds wero approved , viz : A. V. Olmsteadoverseer district 14. R S Cooley , justice of tho peace Beaver precinct. On motion annual settlement was made with Arthur Miller , overseer district No 32 for < year ending January 1.1888. and clerk di- rected to issue certificate for balance due 14 32 Potition of C S Quick. G W Burt , et al road and considered. On motion same was granted as follows , to wit : All of tho bridge and approach thereto across the Republican river south of Itidinnoln be taken from road district 11 and added to road district No3. On motion county troasuror was ordered to refund to Anton Probst $7 30 being amount of tax paid by said Probst on the undivided half of lot 5 , block 2f McCook , er roneously. On motion the following potitions were laid over to next meeting for furtherconsid- eration , viz : Petition of Henry L Tallmadgc William Hall ot al , asking that road district No 1 be rcdivided. Petition of John Real , U F Olcott et al. asking that Willow Grove precinct bo divided , and petition of Geo R Gragg , E F Quigloy et al.asking that lndian ola precinct l > o divided. On motion the following claims were aud ited and allowed and clerk directed to draw warrant on county bridge fund levy 188S as follows : Frees &HocknclI. bridge material for dis trict No 0 ? 37 1G Frees & Hoekncll , bridge material tor county 12U2 2J W Dolan & Go , hardware lndian ola bridge 18 3 * > Howard Lumber Co. bridge material for Bartley 0 7G Frees & Hoeniiell. bridge materia ! j for district l 13 ? u | LaTourette & Co. hardware , bridges 51 93 ' Geo Yungers. worn on bridges to 50 On motion the following claims were aud ited allowed and clone directed to draw war rants on county general fund levy I8b8 as follows to wit : LaTouiottee _ Co. hardware for Co 3 75 tJ Teeter , washing for pauper. It H , Criswell 2 zs D Akers. of pauper R H Cria- weH. claim SG5 , allowed 37 25 k Leander Starliuck. jailer fees pris oner James Garrett 7C CO Lee Starbuck. bailiff D. C 6 00 . W Dolan. • ot for pauper. RHOris- | Geo Burns , keeping pauper , Dorolha 1 Skow 3 iO A Wilcox , groceries for pauper. • V Mrs Stafford 3 35 f Cha F Wnehner. medicines for pan- I per R II OtKsweil. cl.iim J2-5 53. 1 allowed at 15 00 I O Russell , examining glandered ' . . . nor ' u * * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • * • • • • • > * > JW Dolan. 2 scrapers for road uist if 13 0) Gazette-Journal Co. supplies for county 21 00 Howard Lumber Co. coal for jail 4 73 Omaha Republican Co.stationery for county l oo fj State Journal Go. publishing Mc Cook bridge notice 3 00 p Mrs M E Spain , board and care or i pauper. R H Criswell 53 20 \Ym Coleman , apportionment for ag- rienltural society 2-17 73 P Stephen Bolles. services as com'r. . . 22 30 Henry Crabtreo. 18 00 Claim of J W Dolan & Co for mattress was referred to Mike Adams for payment. Claim of G W Curfman. M D. medical at tendance for pauper. R A Orfcswell. was on motion laid over for further consideration.- On motion board adjourned to meet Sep tember 14.1888. Stephen Bolles. Attest : Acting Chairman. G W Roper. Clerk. He knows what lie is writiinr about. Mr. R. McLeod , druggist , Heiniugford. Neb. , says : "I J keep in variety of so called cures for diarrhoea and cholera morbus , but Trom personal trial or Chamberlain's Colic , Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy , I regard it as the best of any medicine in the market , for diar- \ rhoea nnd all bowel complaints. It saved the lifoof our banker hero. " Sold byall druggists. J r j A TEMPESTUOUS BUEST OF TKAJB KOIt TIIK GREAT I Low Priced Leaders , Has lcen the result of their Special | Sale. They have decided to continue i The j Slaughter During * the months ot July and Aug' . J , Worth of Summer Goods must he j sold before starting * the Fall and J Winter Season. * 4j j . • . kAw SHl > \ - HiKIIIiy\i { § f nnm Iulql DMiiofllflOi Ladies' J kid button Newports , only § .90 Ladies' ] glove grain button Newports , .05 Ladies'wigwam slippers , tap sole. - .S5 Ladies' J kid opera slippers * , from 60c to 2.00 Men's ; canvas base bail shoes , - - .85 Men's J solid buff railroad shoes , - 2.50 Men's "j , solid kip plow shoes , - - 1.00 Men's solid oil grain plow shoes , - 1.10 Men's "j one buckle brogaus , - - - 115 - The finest stock of Ladies' aiul Gents' shoes west of Hastings. More bar gains next week. BOWEty I ' § LAYCOCfC. "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " ' , , , _ . , . _ _ _ _ _ nrrrvrTtTTT _ 'TTW * * ygTe J i"iM * * ' -tt" t * * tii > iie-t. iJSS ciiiJTMvraBiitrnrsvzxtoxzaxBviac < nxxj tftri " nirm nt i. ma a-gnegijB - - - - - - 3 i 3 * * 5 i CITY BAKERY. \ FRESH BREAD I 5 DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. I : I : : o : $ \ -PIES-CAKES-CAXDIES-XUTS- \ ' l -OYSTEHS-CIDER-CIGARS- ) \ T0BACC0ETCETCI I 5 : o : t I LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. I ) Cakes Made to Order. SI. Paul Patent Flour. I a \ A. PROBST , PROP. ! _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ " 2x - - - " " f m jr iiw jr > i. aXll .T * * - # - fc i _ ' * _ * m C _ M S _ _ _ _ C - „ ; - * r - - = - HRNRY PENNER I - mf \ r fX iSfe V 8SJust rece'ved h'5 IjBL i I KPKIXG STOCK Saddles , Blankets , Xets , Etc. 13 ? " G'X'iIm . 'j-oii to inspection and Guaranteed. Call and see my Patent fJoliar it is tho finest thing in the market. RearoF-TlieFaiiiniw. " HENRY PENNER. s TIip Bfppc % Hfiphpll I flmlipr Po II f lolifl & flolull LOUl Ul. _ = • - = DEALERS IN = = LUMBER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HAED AND SOFT COAL. _ _ - i . - . x _ _ _ _ _ -taB-frt ' 'm f r • 1 ifn - " f iflffi lfi--auxr iniii riiiiiBfiiu. - - MC „ < iMijit x j f-W