The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 03, 1888, Image 8

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H " S
" ; TT does not matter what prices other people ; ; " _ ' .
T ' ; j ask you for goods ; we will guarantee to ; --j * .
; sell you the same quality at a less figure. > ; -
We never brag but always stand ready to make f 'Y .
I - our statements good. * . , ; . " V
: Dry Goods , Clothing and Carpet :
| | - MRRGHA1SITS. :
I j J
= = = = = = =
I '
- * JEWELERS , *
I '
I McCook , - - Nebraska.
I We have the most extensive stock in the west of
I Jewelry , Watches , Clocks and Silverware.
B Are at the same price of Silver. Watches were never known
III to be so cheap before.
P Good American watches from § 2.50 to $25.00 in gold
| filled cases. A fine line of canes and silk sun-
| i shades. All Gold Heads in 10,12 and 14 carat gold.
If We are offering a line of Cuff and Collar Buttons ,
p Pins and Ear rings , at just half price. Everything
i guaranteed as. represented.
I TIip MpFooIf I oup 311 f Tnrct l\
I Makes &ifsf Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,
I /if S = H
VA. / CAMPBELL , President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President.
S'GEO. . HOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President.
F. L. BROWN , Treasurer.
B fc . . . _ _ _ ' CTWMiiuaajl
fc J M M > wl > > MW > 1T ni iLMnwwiiL'iiijyyfB
l UlllUjJJLI lliUifl UllUIli AS 1 lllJ.LI.uj
li EATON & : CO. , Proprihtors.
| | East Railroad Street - - McCook , Nebraska.
m ' I wlil occupy the store room lately
B vacated by Mrs. T. Nelis , on Main
H Avenue , on or-about AUGUST 1st ,
I ] where I will be pleased to see all my
If old customers and many new ones.
B My stoclv will be larger and finer
I than ever , and my prices as low as
II the lowest.
LI * %
"m , iIMII M ft = . > ' < ' \ _ : _ . , - , . , . imm rir.trrrr rt > rr i
nil i i TiiruTiMTiiiiiiini i iii ii.i ii i ni iii in i i di i i rrrrsr
For First Place.
A great amount of political engineering will
bo done by friends of candidates to secure for
their man the first place on the ticket , audi ho
best man will probably secure the coveted
place. Then if endorsed by the people , the
election is assured. Electric Bitters has been
put to the front , its merits passed upon , has
been Indorsed , and unanimously given the
first place , among remedies peculiarly adapted
to the relief and cure of all Diseases of kidneys ,
liver and stomach. Electric Hitters , beintr
gurnmtccd , is a safe investment. Price , 50
cents aud $1 pcrbottle at A. McMillcn's drug
Do not lose courage by cotisideringyour own
imperfections , but instantly set about reme
dying them ; everyday begin the tusk anew.
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thing has caused such a
general revival of trade nt A.McMiilen'sdrug
store as their giving away to their customers
of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is
simply enormous in this very valuable article
from the fact that it always ct'res rud never
disappoints. Coughs , colds , asthma , bronchi
tis , croup and all throat and lung diseases
quickly cured. You can test it before buying
bv getting a trial bottle free , large size SI.
Every bottle warranted.
Self-made men are most always apt tew be a
leetle too prowd ov the job
The Best Salve in th world for cuts , bruis
es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet
ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail
skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or
no pay required. It is sruatanteed to give per
fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price
23 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen.
I MIM ! I..I.IIMH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . _ _ .
" " - v " • " $ & & ' k : ' $
. . , . . , . . , -
i -V • t - 4n : l'/f f - - - * . J i i
* * • * • ' " * A x
. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . • • ' * 7y. |
It Would Not Do ! - I
_ .
i i
For an Old Established House to indulge in advertising' S j |
sensational Half-off , Below Cost , Take'emawayfor - I !
nothing * Sales. I J
Our reputation for selling * 1 L\ \
Is quite sufficient to draw" people to our store , and when I I
have * below , al- 9 'I
; ive something ordinary prices we can -
I ways give good reasons for it. We are selling * : I I
| Dry Goods3 Hats and Caps , ' I j
Groceries , Boots and Shoes , j f |
| Notions , Etc. , I jl
At the lowest prices made toy any fli'in in S. W. Nebraska. I I
\ This is not idle Talk , our Goods end Prioes prove tlie Assertion. I
. j Call and Examine Our New Goods. I I
| Established in 1882. THE PIONEER P ERGHANT. j I
. , , ,
r ? ir - < AMi i < u i An tyA'VT > vtflfl. "iiriihiirr > iriiiiJ fjwirirT irrri TrtinTTTrrnn' rrr * rnrvrrTTTjnTT utti * rivTTr-tr'rrnfimnTrTiiiniiiifc ) ? wihiiitii run irnimi > iiMiai > i'jii immrmt\in \ rwipiwiMiTiiirrti * * iii ifc i'irr > fw i T iM Tw iiMij'WTn MrpiM rMwrwriMWir M
TITTy TA "VTbTT. The arrangements or the 13tTKOPRAN tinrt AMERICAN
othcf I5IG CIRCUS from visiting here this season. Ed.
Royal European Railroad
/ / / fflmSEm
Be Sure and See it ! Ji | &
/ - - - J
We have a { rrand AreniAssembly from \.f.V Yy 0kf ' ' - t h &
all nations. Male anil fem lie eimmpioiH \ "AlA/f / ? t ' . , SSSj -t VX' SS.
of many lands. A cyclone of refined rustM | W " ' ' 1 " f * * & & * &
time. No old acts. No two or three rin s WV ! # ( S ? jP3 § yj
to bewilder you. One bi 'old-time riii aiid 1\ 0 \ iJS0
a first-class rim 'performance. We .satisfy -&i1ft. . 5 i y M mi'd JS f ,
everybody , vouiifr and ol.J. Bvpt-ytliins ? 0J M & % M J l
new , strictly moral and trustworthy. The M 3wliM 0Yw
peoDle's choice. A stnpendoiis nn'tiajrerie. 0 • fdWfe 3fea kv3 3KS li A n. Mi ? .
Trained and educated animals. A $10,033 MV M J \ \ \ / ' >
den of performing lions. Herd of performXM \ Sc ' P : / i\ \
injr elephants. The only educated hippo- < 1iP V ; % - % gN0 M'W * .
potamus on earth. Celelirated American o nTV % % ! J " & # - § $ t//AriY\
and European riders , male and f > m lie , in v i ff. . . CJi .vA - ; ' , ' * '
heroic dteds or darinand rivalry. Aerial n feS # \vfWvVv \ ' ,
sensiitional aets. lofty ladder acrobats , ac- ' S -f 0 Wc i&C > /
tivo voltltfoiirs. Caledonian athletes , won- ' '
S 'HP i r-
derfuljuniors , tightrope stars , oleotno W ! \t ScS s ' - _ z
leapimr and tiimlilimr. high standing wire Ss K& M-V w i'C : : - ' '
slides , quadruple hiah brother acts , cqiiiliS - ftgs Ss " *
brists. herculean feats of strength. Japan- Z si- fpSw fe fes .
ese and Arabian jugglers and aerialists. Lr AwlJ SSSwaMsS i vrSi.
funny clowns , two celebrated clowns , two r S -
celebrated bands Prof. Ward's Lady Hand v'T5v = § 5l s = s = * = * & - - * =
and Armstrong's American band in new and catchy music. A grand street pnrnilc at 10 A.
M. , free to everyone. Everything advertised truthluliy seen with our big railroad shows.
The carnival day is coming. Its equal impossible. Come to town early. Seats for 10 0 < )0 ) peo
ple. See our city of white tents. We have requested tlio authorities of your city to issue no i
} | aWJHWg gSW gS g tg ! J < tgfj | license to people who may attempt to run
B SflBoP S V W Mf vl fi F fstncs of chance in the streets , as we allow I
FB B5Bfi ? p ( WlTA W Hwlr 5 none in or about the showgrounds. Let this !
PMHir/f ' " f . 'tWfJS'ivV ' ' .MW ,0 a trn'11 ' cmj * ° rcfl recreation and innocent
R cSiVjf w 'l y 1 M/iFfi5 ? < WJe amusement. Suspend operations for a day.
I W &H < y < SXU i % - " : w * ! ' Close up shop. Stop the plow , Hnnsruptlic
J { i iia V i * ? WsS > vW'J : scythe Kc < ; t yourfcelves : rest your families :
S lWst i M ' 'ttii give the children a holiday ; we want to see
MSHv Jl Reft1 ! ! ftHBsWjSaM.wSfl > " ° " " " • We travel on our own train of 22
l rV / W Z novel nml aut'l" ! flftv foot cars built for
rtj { Sv y „ J ! va this enormous World's Iair. .
H5ffiil S SW ! S
ADMISSION. - - - - 50Cts.
V s f f M CHILDREN UNDER 9 Yrs , 25 Cts.
McCoot lei ) . , Ttaflai , Ail 14
' Two exhibitions daily , nt 1 ami 7131. . , sharp , one hour later.
93BS5Wi r „ * r * - - - - - - • • - - X - . . tahaw * * . " ' -
$ i liAA an f < h PriT F0R THREE BEST ]
The Chicago Daily News has reduced its price from two cents to One Cent per copy.
For its sales have been "a-million-a-week " and it believes it the lead in ideal
a year past over - - - , now sees way to safely placing an H
American daily paper upon the basis of the lowest unit of American coinage one cent , *
To successfully accomplish this end two things are essential : fl
First To make as good a newspaper as the best , if not a little better ; second to let every man , woman and child in the H
Northwest know it's being done , and done at cne cent a day. The Daily News believes that it is competent to take care of H
the first named condition , and knows of no better way of meeting the second than by general newspaper advertising. To do the * H
latter most effectively it here solicits the co-operation of all who believe themselves competent to write an effective newspaper H
advertisement. To induce the best effort in its service in this matter The Daily News will reward the writers of the three best B
advertisements submitted , with three cash prizes , aggregating Fifteen Hundred Dollars , divided as follows : S
First Cash Prize For best advertisement , - - - - - - - - $ iooo.oo
Second Cash Prize For second best advertisement , - - - - - 300.00 'M
Third Cash Prize For third best advertisement
, - - - - - - 200.00
Total , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,500.00
The advertisement may be a single announcement , or a series of announcements not exceeding six in number. The space I
required must not exceed that occupied by this advertisement eight inches deep , six and one-quarter inches wide. 9
For the general guidance of all who enter the competition , the following ten points are briefly stated as being those which The I
DAILY News will require to be most prominently brought out. The advertisement must emphasize : -9
l That The Daily News is first , last and all the time , a r.r-paper. ness , but it has a very positive conviction that it is entirely practlca- H
Because that should be the first and controlling consideration in the ble , and altogether desirable , to legislate saloon-keepers into their > H
production of an American Daily paper , and it isn't always so. It proper place , as being engaged in a traffic vhicli everywhere H
costs money , enterprise and hard work in unstinted measure to else in .the civilized world , is only tolerated as , apparently , a neces- Wk
make a genuine rt tir-paper. sary evil.Thoe must be no uncertain soundon thisoint. . ] • fl
3 That The Daily News is a daily paper for busy people. Because this is 6 That Thc Daily News is a happy paper. Because it believes in the . * * - rf "
a country of busy people , and the North-west is the busiest part of practical wisdom of being good naturcd ; of being generally satisfied ' H
it. Most people haven't the time or patience to read a "blanket- rather than everlastingly dissatisfied. The chronic fault-finder is a .fl
sheet , " they absolutely haven't any use for it. Newspaper reading , nuisanceand Tits Daily News uill have the least possible of him. fl
after all , is but an incident of life , not its chief business. Therefore The world is better than it used to be.and isgetting Letter every day. M
The Daily News is a short-and-to-the-point-paper It's a good place to live in let's make the best of it. | H
3 That The Daily News is an independent , truth-telling newspaper. 7 That Tun Daily News costs a great deal of money to make. Because H
Because the American people arc intelligent enough to prefer honest , there is sometimes no way of demonstrating tlie value of a thing to H
impartial journalism to the misleading , truth-discoloring dishonesty some people , so conclusively- by showing , even in part what it H
of the regulation political "organ. " Everybody really wants to costs to make it. There are 02 people on the regular weekly pay-roll H
know thtruth in political matters ; the most violent partisan doesn't 0f Tnn Daily News , and their salaries ranee from 45,500 to $6 000 V
want misinformation for a daily diet. And as to editorial expression , per week , aggregating J oo.oco a year. 'J he white paper costs ' |
even the most unreasonable partisan will rarely take lasting offence another J300.000 a year. The aggregate expenditures of The Daily ' 9
at an adverse opinion , so long as he is confident of thc honesty of News for 1SS8 will vary but a trifle cither way from ooooco. And 9
purpose back of the opinion. It's not the mere fact of disagreement yet J9
that makes trouble , it's the suspicion of insincerity. I Make this _ , _ . . . , , , H
Point very strong and char. It's because The Daily News/ ; , : * 8 That The Daily News now costs the reader only Qaj Cent a Day.
won it's way to the confidence of Us readers of every political faith Because this is the most wondcrfvl thing in modem journalism , and 9
that it has a circulation cfovcr"a-i > : illior.a - -Mcek\ \ deserves telling o'er and o'er. [ There is little darger of making 9
4 That The Daily News is a family paper. Because this is the age cf ' ' " ' jH
the newspaper , a time when everybody reads it. and it is allimpnrg That The Daily News is now literally everybody's paper. Because 9
tant that the newspaper should be made with direct reference to tlie heretofore metropolitan daily papers have been too expensive , both 9
needs of all the members of the family. Woman and her interests in price and in time required to read them , to make it practicable for |
never occupied so large a share of the world's thought as to-day a the farmer or the mechanic to take them. Now this is changed. Tha j |
fact not to be overlooked. The moral tone and influence of a daily farmer particularly should take a daily paper now that it costs but |
paper must also be constantly watched , for children read it. The little more than the old-time weekly , and is condensed so that he can H
Daily News is for the home , and therefore it follows also afford the time to read it. He'll save its year ' .y cost over and j |
5-That The Daily News is against the saloon. Because "the liquor overagambyknowingthemarket pricescve0-c ynsteadofweekly
interest" arrogantly assumes to dominate in American politics , and * H
The Daily News believes that it is not for the country's good that 10 That The Daily News now inaugurates a newspaper revolution. Be- M
any one interest should thus over-ride all others , much less one which cause such a combination of values as it now ofTcs the reader is M
stands asthe representative of all that is most un-American amongus. absolutely without parallel among American newspapers , and it is
The Daily News is not thc organ of prohibition. It is not sure that bound to make the dry-bones rattle. The result of tliis rev olution is %
prohibition is the best thing. Good people who have made this sub- that every I-Jiglish reading person living within daily newspaper dis- 9
jectalife-longstudydonotagrcexstotheremedy. TheDailyNews tance of Chicago can now atTord , both as to priceand time , to have ' 9
has no eutopian hope that it is possible to legislate men into His city daily
Other points will suggest themselves to the regular reader of the paper itself , ar < l may be introduced according to the judgment of j9
the advertisement writer. Outline illustrations and poetry maybe introduced if desired , but they are not necessarily essential to success in (9 (
the competition. The prizes will be awarded to the three most successful advertisements thc publisher of Tun Daily News being | 9
the sole judge , whatever may be the absolute grade of their merit. AH advertisements mut be received Lefcre September 1st nest , 19
and the awards will be made at the earliest date practicable thereafter. Intending competitors must apply for the paper's complete pros- 19
pectus , and advertisements must be submitted under the conditions therein named in detail. 19
VICTOR F. LAWSON , Publisher The Daily News , Chicago.
We are agents for the following reliable
companies. Note date of organi
zation and Fplendid assets :
iEtna of Hartford. Conn. , 1S111 59,508,840
Insurance Co. of N. A. . I'hila. , 171M , S,4742 : !
Plienix of Hrooklvn , 1 S" . : J . i,397l" (
Connecticut of Hartford , 1-S50 2,139,742
Continental of New York , 1S.72 f > ,239,9Sl
Pennsylvania Fire of Phila. , lS-r . . . 2,710,885
Lancshire of Manchester , Eng. , 1852 , 1,49S,187
MHHi 91H99
Herian&DesLarzes ,
Proprietors of tlie McCook
Transfer City Bus Line.
Bus to and from all trains. Coal haulm ?
and general delivery. Three drays. All
work promptly attended to. Leave orders at
Frees & lloeknell Lumber Yard. ,
n jwjpij"jjuiy nu i ui * * ' J " " " " ? T * il-- " * / 'jy ' Tff
School Books % Supplies , 1
Blank Books , Stationery , % l II