p J w ' L * " i _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! SS L E iniP * _ &l * s Tiarai * * " " * * " _ Hr * * 1 I • IfaJ9@m& fnkie. ? H By F. M. KIMMELL. Official City and County Paper. I REPUBLICAN TICKET. H FOR PIIESIDKNT , BENJAMIN HARRISON , H OF INDIANA. H VOR VICE PRESIDENT , LEVI P. MOllTON , H OF NEW YORK. H FOR MEMBER , OF CONGRESS , JAMES LAIRD. I REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTIOT. M Tho republican electors of tlio btato of No- m braekn arc icqucstcd to send delegates from M their several counties to moot in convention B at tbo city of Lincoln , Thursday. Aummt 23 , M 1888 , at 2 o'clock P. M. , for the purpose of plao- H | ing in nomination candidates for the following B state ofllcos : B Governor. M Lieutenant Governor. H Stato Treasurer. M Secretary of State. B Auditor of Public Accounts. B Attorney Goneral. m Commissioner of Public Lauds and Build * m And the transaction of such other business I as mar como beforo tho convention. H • THE APPORTIONMENT. S * > COUNTIES. VOTER. [ COUNTIES. VOTES. B i Adums 14 Johnson . ' .8 I Antelope 9 Kearney 8 1 Arthur 1 KeyuPaha 5 B i Blalno .2 Keith. . 4 * i Boone 8 Knox 7 I i Box Butto 4 Lancaster. 25 * > Brown 0 Lincoln 8 I I Buffalo 14 Logan 2 . Butler 0 Loup 3 Burt 9 Madison 8 1 u CasB 16 McPhorson 1 M Cedar 5 Merrick 7 I Cbaso G Nanco 5 1 I Cherry 5 Nemaha 0 1 I Cheyenne 11 Nuckols G f Clay 11 Otoe 12 1 & Colfax 7 Pawnee 8 H # Cuming 7 Perkins 5 B Custer 17 Pierce 4 I Dakota 5 Polk 6 B I Dawes 7 Platte 10 I Dawson 8 Phelps 7 1 f Dixon C Richardson 17 I Dodgo 12 Red Willow 7 M m Douglas 37 Salino 13 1 ft Dundy 4 Sarpy 5 ! Fillmore 10 Saunders 12 li Franklin 7 Seward 10 ft Frontier 10 Sheridan 7 Furnas 9 Sherman 7 Gage 19 Sioux .2 2 Garfield 3 Stanton 4 9 Gosper 5 Thayer 7 m Grant 1 Thomas 2 B M Greeley ± Valley 0 Hall 11 Washington 9 k Hitmilton 10 Wayne 5 S Harlan 8 Web6ter. 9 Hayes 4 Wheeler. 3 B Hitchcock 6 York 11 I Holt 14 Unorganized Ter. 1 9 m Howard 7 I Jefferson .9 Total 671 M H Tbe several counties are entitled to repre- Hj S scntatien as follows , being based upon the H . | | vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell , judge , in B S 1887 , giving one delegate at large to each H § county , and one for each 150 votes , and major H fraction thereof. M It is recommended that no proxies bead- Hj mitted to tho convention except such as are H held by persons residing in tbe counties from H | which the proxies are given. H To Chairmen County Central Committees : H Whereas. At the Republican state conven- tionbold atLincolnOctober5,18S7the follow- Hfl ing resolutions was adopted : Resolved. That the state central committee I be instructed to embrace in its call for the H next state convention the submission of the prohibition question to the republican voters at tbe republican primaries. Therefore , in accordiance with tbo above Bj | resolution , the several county central commit- I tees are hereby instructed to include in their I call for their next county convention the sub- IB & mission of the prohibition question to tho re- ! publican voters at the republican primaries. 1 Walt. 21. Seely , Geo.D. Meikeuohn , Secretary. Chairman. I | ANNOUNCEMENTS. M { TOR COUNTY ATTOHNEY. M , At tbo solicitation of many leading republi cs * cans of tho county to become a candidate for HB * re-election to the office of county attorney. I BB hereby announce myself as a candidate , sub- BB Jectto thccholco of the republican county con- BB vention. R. M. Skavelv. B FOR COD.NTV ATTORNEY. B I hereby announce myself as a candidate for BB county attorney , subject to the decision of the Bfl republican county convention. B H. W. Cole. M COUNTY ATTORNEY. m- We are authorized to announce tho cacdi- BJj dacy of W. R. STARR Esq. , of Indianola. for B' the oliice of couuty attorney , subject to deeis- Ba ion of republican county convention. BJI FOR REPRESENTATIVE. m i At the solicitation of many friends I hereby Bm | announce myself as a candidate for nouiina- BXi tion to the oliice of representative for Red BJi ! Willow county , subject to the decision of BJ m the republican county convention. I J. A. WILCOX. B'f FOR REPRESENTATIVE. U I hereby announce myself as a candidate for BJ { nomination to the office of representative in BJiH and for Red Willow county , subject to tbe de- BJfjf cision of the republican county convention. | | GEORGE H.GRUBB. HJ | In the immigration question , the Hff statesmen of America have a very se- w rious matter to deal with. It should M % be met promptly and vigorously. B J The surviving widows of tbe ex-pres- B idents are permitted to send their mail if matter without paying postage , tbe If franking privilege being granted to Bi | them by act of congress. Big The Stratton Herald is camping on Kg Bill Brown's trail like a remorselessin- , WM satiable Nemesis. Asbwill "roasted" B3 | Brown to a turn , last week , and we Bli await with suppressed emotion the re- BEf joiner. Hitchcock county politics al- WM ways is a mite "riley , "anyhow. g George Hastings , Esq. , of Crete , Hg has gone into the lightning rod business , BS in the hope of political preferment. Be George , in other words , is a candidate BI for attorney general. He is an attorney B I of splendid ability and the people of Ne- B | braska will not do ill to elect him to that B ! office. B E. D. Einsel , of Holdrege , is being ' B coached for the race for nomination to ; B to the remunerative office of State Treas- , B J - urer. He is in hands of able grooms and < is heavily backed by influential and ; wealthy parties. He will be heard at E the state convention. Mr. Einsel is B prominently connected with the First , m National bank of Holdrege. , Perhaps our democratic brethren . have not noticed that the administra tion is travelling about on revenue cut- I ters. There is so much on their minds now , that they haven't time to notice c anything. But time was when if it was i rumored that a president or a secretary \ had been putting the people to expense 3 by riding for pleasure on a revenue cut- } f ter the clamor that would arise from ! c democratic press would deafen a e camp meeting. Times have changed. Lthe Washington is again on the qui vivo anticipating an early eruption of Lngalls on the fishery treaty It is believed that the projected yachting'trip of tho ml- ministration liantnrith purpose the pru dent withdrawal of Grover from the vicinity when the shell is about to burst. Otherwise it is believed he would stay at homo and make a pretense of work ing on his letter of acceptance , which 88 being prepared for him by British members of the Cobden club , according lo rumor. That letter will have to come out , sooner or later probably , hue if it could he postponed until the latter part of November , the democratic public would breathe easier. The longer it is delayed the bijr jer the straddle will have to be , to prevent the party going to pieces. The matter of still greater reduction in freight rates is agitating the Nebras ka mind ; and the existing uncertainty and the prospects of a still greater re duction of rates below what roads claim to be the prone markare perhaps more • ban all other influences responsible for the stoppage of railroad building in the state , this year. This fact has had a paralyzing effect on Western Nebraska beyond a peradventure. More roads are needed and wanted bore and the people are opposed to any course that will pro hibit or retard. The great pipe line which is to carry petroleum from Ohio to Chicago is fin ished , and that city is to be supplied wish 10,000 barrels per day after tins week. The substitution of crude petro leum , for coal , will revolutionize the fuel problem , especial ! } ' in the found ries and large manufacturing works of that vicinity. The republicans of the Sixth con gressional district of Tennessee , the old home of Jackson , have nominated W. H. Young , a negro lawyer , of Nashville , for congress. This marks a new era in the politics of middle Tennessee , as it is the first time that a negro has been thus honored in that district by the re publican party. England is sending over Cleveland's campaign buttons and campaign hats by hundred thousands , wherefore , there fore , should he not send over Cleve land's campaign letter of acceptance ? Nobody but a bloody protectionist will have any objection to this cheap labor. Honest newspapers in southern Cali fornia are imploring the owners of pa per towns to allow their laud to go back to acreage , where it belongs. If advice in this line had been given to the tender- feet a year or two ago many lives and fortunes would have been saved. Inherited Diseases. Kb fact of nature is more pregnant With awful meaning than tho fact of tho inheritance of disease. Modern science , which has illumi nated so m ny dark corners of nature , has shed a new h ht on the ominous words of the Scriptures , "The smsof tho fathers shall be visited upon tUe the ch ldren un.o the third and fourth pcneration. " Fifty per cent , of cases of consumption , cancer and scrofula , run in families through inheritance. Insan ity is hereditary in a marked degree , but , fortunately , like many other her editary diseases , ton Is to wearitsalf. out , the stock becoming extinct. A distinguished sc ent tt truly says : "No organ or texti'rt. of tno body is exempt from the chan. of boms : the subjec-t of hereditary dissaso. " Probably more chronic disca os , waica permanently modify the structuie and functions of the bo dy , arc 2iore or less liable to bo Inherited Tho itmortant and far- reaching practical doi uctions from such factsare obvious to reflecting minds , and the best rn2au3 for preventing or curing these diseases is a subject of in tense interest to alL Fortunately na ture has provided a remedy , which ex perience has attested as iufallible , and the remedy is tho wo'-ld-iamous Swift's Specilic , a pure vegetable compound- nature's ant.doto lor all blood poisons. To the afflicted it is a blessing of inesti mable value. An interesting treatisa on "Blood and Skin Olseases" will bo mailed free by addressing Tub Swikt Specific Co. , , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the most successful preparation ever produced for Summer Complaint. Cholera Morbus , Dysentery. Diarrhoea , Bloody Flux and Chronic Diarrhoea and thousands of per sons TV-ill certify that they believe their lives have been 6aved by this great remedy. It is the one preparation that every family and Bvery traveling man should be provided with , especially during the summer months. Many cases of Chronic Diarrhoea that had resisted all other treatment and hauled the skill of ijood physicians have been peruianonly cured by it. Sold by all druggists. Strive to be correct and truthful in jverything you say , remembering that a little lie or a little uncharitableness is no better than a little theft. Never use jy-words , they will add nothing to the Tuth , and will disgust well-bred people. He knows what he is writing about. Mr. R. HcLeod , druggist. Hemingford , Neb. , says : "I : eep in stock a great variety .of 60 called cures Tor diarrhoea and cholera morbus , but from i personal trial of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol- jra and Diarrhoea Remedy , I regard it as the aest of any medicine in the market , for diar rhoea and all bowel complaints. It saved the ife of our banker here. " Sold by all druggists. One of the greatest frauds and nuis ances in modern journalism is the al leged "special" telegram , is it appears in the average daily. Western Nebras ka seems to be unduly afflicted in this • egard. Sensational , unreliable and jhimerical , they do more harm than good. A merchant , after selling and using an arti- : le for years , knows something of its merits , ilr. W. D. Haller. druggist , Blair , Nob. , says. • I have used Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera md Diarrhoea Remedy , and do not hesitate to ay , that I think it the best of all medecines or diarrhoea and bowel complaints general- y. " Sold by all druggists. Emmons , the Pawnee City murderer , ras lynched by the people of that city , ' ' m Tuesday of this week. The murder' ras a brutal affair. Road Notice to Land Owners. 'O ' ALL WHOM TT MAY CONCKKN : The Cominiasion < 'r appointed to cxntnino nd locate a road commencing at South West DruerSec. UT. , U.IW.mi Unttwoodprecinct , " led WHIotv county , Ncbr.ista , runningthence orth to N. W. Cor. Sec. 11. thence East ter- ltiiatinp at N. E Cor. or N. W. } S.ll. T. R. ' J , has reported In favor of the establishment icreof , and all objections thereto or claims r damages must be tiled in the County Jerk's ollico on nr bofoiuuoon of tho29thdny f September. A. D.lg6S. or said road will be itablished without reference thereto. GEORGE W. ROPER , < NMts. County Clork , s y ft , * 1 NOTICE. Tholqaso contracts to the following describ ed educational lands in Red Willow county , Nebraska , liavo been declared forfoitnd Tor iion-pnymontof rental and will bo subject to lease at the ollico of tho county treasurer of km Id county on tholth day of August. 1888. at 10 o'clock. A. M. . of said day and so continue lrora dav to day until leased , viz : huU of nwK and nwfci or li"- * * of 30-.ls8. eJ-i of se.Mor ac ! of 10-4-2U. all of 10-2-23. lots 5 and 0 In 30 4-20 , 6wJ of 30-2-HO , soK of iiwj and sHS ne } of nw& and w'/J iiw4 , sw > nnd wy of sf'i and seJi of sei ! and w4 ! of neM of soU. and noli of ncH of 8 J4 of3U20 , nndlot7inao-4 2a. Provided tho owner of a lease contract to above land uiuy redeem the same by paying delinquency and cost of advertising tit nny time before the land is subject to l"aso and until a bid or ap plication has been made to lease tho same , but said owner will not bo allowed to redeem ar- ter a bid has been made. A bid or application from tho owner of forfeited sale or leaso con- trlct will not bo considered orecelved JOSEPH SCOTT , Com. Pub. Lauds & Buildings. J. II. GOODRICH , Jn. , County Treasurer , Agent. 8-3w. mrrnm mmmmi m H. P. WAITE , Contractor ® Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. o { "Estimates on buildings caiefully mndf. Give mo a cull Shop or Marshall St. , north of Tho Frees & llocknell lumber yard. 7-2ns. R. A. COL.E , "The Leading" Rflerotianf TefSor op McCOOK , for First-Class Tailoring- . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings and Trouserings , I will furnish them cheap for the next GO days. New Store ! New Goods ! About APJCITi lO we will oc cupy our MAMMOTH NEW STORK , corner ! Gth and Curtis 8treots , with an entiro new stock of Dry Goods , Dress Goods , Fancy Goods , Jer seys , Wraps , 8uits , Millinery , Ladles' and Gents' Furnishings , J Boys' Clothing , Carpets , Cur * taln , etc. , making it tbe Gem Dry Goods Storein the West. De pend upon latest styles and low eastern prices. Absolute satis faction guaranteed to all mail or ders or monoy refunded. Hand some lOOpace Catalogue nnd sam ples sent freo on application. J. ilAY JOSLIA. lOth and Cnrtls , Opp. Tabor Opera Home. DENV.EJS , COX.O. Blue Front Livery Stable * D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn outs in the city furnished. Barn , rear Mc- Entee Hotel. Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. ALSO A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. Money to Loan on Roal Estate Security. rooms : over first national bank. A HOT CAMPAIGN ! The NATIONAL CONTEST. THE ONLY RELIABLE AND OFFICIAL CAM PAIGN BOOK PUBLISHED , WITH TOE MOST AUTHENTIC AND COUPLE : E BIOGRAIIUESOF Cleveland & Thurman , Harrison & Morton , Together with tho platforms of both parties ; Tiirilf by Keller nnd Carlisle ; President's Mes sage ; Hlaine's Review of President's 3Iessaje ; Election , Statistics , Etc. , 5,000 AGENTS WANTED to supply mil lions of intelligent voters. TIME IS'SHORTl STRIKE QUICKLY I Show tho book and it sells itself. Write at once for illustrated circulars and terms , free. Address , L. W. DICKERS0N , Pub. , ST. LOOTS. MISSOURI. KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shouder. . -jMETiv ; P. O. address , Estelle 5K Hayes county , and Beat- ' 5JSU * < § a59gkrice , Nob. Range , Stiiik- wSgjSwgpSs5 J3in Water and French- BBa g g jV/rnan [ creeks , Chase Co. wBjfefil&gfeg Nebraska. ' ° " * kI i Brantl fis cut on side of ! > SSQ tBsaJsS' 60mo animals , on hip and taggggggjygfgggl . sides of some , or any * * " - - • " • where on tho animal. ' JOHN E. BLACK. Breeder of Impuoved Sheep. tij \ Merino pgpa f g , AND " ajgs lltllif Southdown c fc ! nS L' ? gv J WgrigW crsona' ' > n- 3aaa f3 rfeMS ! alHi > ection and = CgeT3agiSffiQ'M ? XDr COIrespond- K S yprS S WW ence solicited. jKS isS Swiirfejar Address him \3SlHrisRfeslsr at Red Willow , T/mSuMM Mr Nebraska. EATON BROS. & CO. $3 & ? P. O. address. McCook , clvl ! S M Ps& l'rnBkl1Range ' , south g P 5 B ) f McCook. HS2 ? $ S vSj ! Cattle branded on h ft KT g h'p. ' Also. 10 , 5. A and * " • ' * * brands left . y gae 11 on hip. f Mlk2 ji Horses branded eaiao Ift0gE9IHi * ou laft shoulder. n. X iuoofu Sanitarium Dk. J. RICHARDS , Pkop. , nth ST. LIJfCOLJtf JtfE < 8. 238 SOUTH . , - - , . In suhmitting the following considerations to the afflicted , our aim is to place before them information that may save them time and money by informing them of the different health and mineral spring resorts of our country : Sanitariums and Water Cures may be found at Colorado Springs , Colo. , Los Vegas , New Mexico ; Hot Springs , Arkansas ; Waukesha , Wisconsin ; Col fax , Iowa ; Battle Creek , Michigan ; Cincinnati , Ohio ; Southwestern Dakota ; a number in New Hampshire , and a few in New York and Pennsylvania each possessing advantages peculiar to themselves , and worthy of patronage. But these resorts are remote from your homes , requiring time and outlay of means to reach them , while the expense at each is necessarily large. Our own establishment possesses advantages equal to any of the above , and in some respects superior ; while in the matter of expense we can offer induce ments surpassing all. The Mineral "Water from the Artesian Well of this city , which analysis shows to be equal to the finest mineral water anywhere for bath ing and medical purposes , is utilized here for diseases of the kidney and bowels , as well as in diseases of the skin and blood , and chronic irritations and ulcera tions of the mucous membranes for which it cannot be excelled. Every variety ot Bath is given , including the TuitKisn , Russian , Steam , Electric , ( Hot Air , Steam and Water , ) Shower and Swimming Bath. We usu all forms of Electricity , generated from the finest batteries and electric machines manufac tured. We use the Massage treatment , and will use all the Hygienic appliances and apparatus of the larger institutions. Our Bathing Parlors are 25x100 feet on the farst floor ; 43 rooms on the second and third floors all heated with steam. Water in all the rooms , with closets on each floor. We have some very fine rooms , and some cheap ones. We will use every effort to make it home-like for our patrons. For lady patients we have lady attendants and uuvscs. Our fa cilities are and will be all that can be desired for the treatment ai.d cure of the sick and afflicted. Those diseases which we can greatly relieve or cure , are Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Liver Troubles , Diseases of the Uterus and Kidneys , Chronic Cystitis , Anemia , Chlorosis , Nervous Prostration , Epilepsia. Syphilis , Dropsy , Scrofulous Diseases , etc. Our terms are reasonable. We only charge for baths and services rendered , from one week to one month in ad vance. In serious cases we have counsel from experienced physicians. Incura ble and offensive patients are not received. Room and board , $5.50 to $9.00 per week. Baths and treatment included , $0.00 to $18.00 per woek. Send or call for pamphlet on diseases cured by Electricity and Electro-Thermal Baths. Address , 238 SOUTH lira STREET. AjJ.ii tP . JLVrlCIIARDS. HRNRY PENNER l HARNESS , Saddles , Blankets , Nets , Etc. % W Goods open to inspection and Guaranteed. Call and see my Patent Collar it is the finest thing in the market. Rear of "The Famous. " HENRY PENNER. The Howard Lumber Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lumber & Coal , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. J. H. OSWALT , Has Opened a First-Class Sestaiirant § Confectionery IN THE BUILDIXQ ONE DOOB NORTH OF THE FREES noCKNELt , LUMBER YARD AND Solicits the Publig Patronage , FRUITS IN SEASON. TOBACCO &t WHOLESALE and .RETAIL. DAY BOARD AND LUNCHES TO ORDER. Give me a Call. J0 A. . OS"WAXjT. O. G. POTTER & CO. , ( THOMPSON'S OLD STAND. ) Flour , Feed and Baled Hay. Higest Market Price for Chickens , Eggs , Etc. EST * Our stock is fresh and clean ; there are no flies on it and it is not likely that there will be any this summer. Give us a call. GEO. PAXTON , • Uassfactster acd WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. UEALE2 III CIGARS. Fine Havana Cigars. A specialty of the brands , "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and 'OUR CHOICE , " the peer of anything in the narket. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. M. A. LIBBEE , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Elf" A specialty of fine residences , school louses , churches , etc. All work done with lispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , orner Dodge and Manchester ptreets , T. E. McCRACKEnT lio ! Insurance flg't McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light- j ing , Tornado and Hail Storm. -J l-j : . E. L. SMITH , LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLES , Evert's Old Stand , Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. GOOD RIGS. FLEET HORSES. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Allen's Transfer , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 56r Bost Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders it Commerciul Hotel. Good well water furnished on short notice. , fe g , _ _ ii fh mmmwmql f McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. - ] \ ' 4 ? 3 STRICTLY ONE PRICE 1 * . * * * * * * * f'j ' Our Kegular Semi-Annual r i Clearing Sale is now taking place. • fl 20 Per Cent. Off. ; ij SUMMER SUITS. j We never carry over goods from \M \ one season to another. "We must 'I ' ' have room for our Immense Fall Stock now being made for us. Our < ' ' Stock is already Marked in Plain Figures at Low Prices. This Big Discount from these , makes an in- jfl ducement seldom offered. Don't \M \ fail to take advantage of this Great Clearing Sale. ijl All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. m _ _ _ _ : _ , JH IE FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. 1 JONAS ENGEL , Manager I McCook , Neb. , July 31 , 1888. fl AM still at the old stand , H I and here I am to the front jH "Y"again with the latest styles H in Men's , Ladies' , Misses' and H Children's Fine Shoes. I have _ k fl just received an elegant line ' fl t _ i in Ladies' Fine Shoes. Great * M many changes have been made M in wearing apparel in the past B year , especially in ladies' fine _ _ | shoes. Prices have been re- M duced to such an extent that a M nice pair of fine shoes is with- jfl in the reach of every one. Come M and see for yourself. These M are progressive times , and so K it keeps moving. Trade with | the Old Keliable , where you M can always find what you want M J. F. GANSCHOW. . . . Opposite U. S. Land Office. ' H 1 i 1 ' _ l v H > ' _ 1 ( ' _ _ _ s lJi itim&ffi- ? * -f 3 t s B ssis B sf m w * & _ - _ _ _ _ _ H