Hi . By F. M. KIMMELL. , . , . ES iiwmwm\ „ - -i i i , i L. K Official City and County Paper. B , .1 11 ! . . . . I . , , - . , , | . , „ B REPUBLICAN TICKET. R * FOR I'EESIDENT , H BENJAMIN HAllUISON , B OF INDIANA. B FOB. VICE PRESIDENT , H LEVI P. MORTON , B OF NEW YORK. B FOE MEMBER OF CONGRESS , JAMES LAIIiD. B Call far Republican Primary Election. H The Republican electors of Red Willow B countr , Nebraska , tire hereby requested to B bold their primary election on Saturday , July BS 23. l&as , for the purpose of electing Ueli-ifiitea Bh to a convention to b held in the Court Houso B ia the city of Iudlanolu , on Saturday , the 4th day of August. 1N4 * , at the hour of 11 o'clock. m a.m. BV Said convention will elect seven delegates BbB to the Republican State Convention to be held BbB in tbeCityof Lincoln.on August a , 1888 , seven BbB delegates to the Republican Senatorial Con- BVB vention. and put in nomination one candidate m for representative , one candidate for county B attorney , one commissioner for the second BBB district , and to transact such other business a3 BBB may properly come before said convention. B AFWUmOKJIEHT. H The several precincts ore entitled to ropre- BBB sent&tion as follows : t Indianoio. 1- L WWowGrove 18 l ttedwmow. a M\ Box Elder * H ; Coleman - BBJ | Valley Grange 4 H Driftwood 3 ' ? v © r * * h - • * * • • • * • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • H Banbury.--- 3 BBb Uondvine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BBl Beaver. 3 BjB Lebanon. 0 m Missouri Ridge - BBl Tyrone 3 BB | East Valley 3 M North Valley 1 H Total 82 H Ako Whereas , At the republican state con- BB | vention held Octobers , YtXl. at the city of Liu- BB | i coin , it was directed that the republican voters BBJ * at th < > republican primaries should vote upon BB | i the question of the submission of prohibition BBJ : as a constitutional amendment , and the same BBJ . having been directed by the republican state BBJ • • central committee the said electors will also BBJ ' rote upon suid proposition to be submitted as BBJ f follows : "Shalt there be a submission of the B t constitutional amendment in this state , pro- BBJf hibitlngthe sale and manufacture of iutoxi- 1 eating Hfjuors ? " All those who favor this E proposition will vote "yes" and all those op- BBJE. ; KM > edwiU vote "no" on tbelr respective tickets P ni such primary elections and make a return BBJ * thereof to said committee. BBJPr Done by order or the Republican County BBJ Central Committee , this Iitb day of June. 1SS8. : WILLMcCOOL. : C A. FREDERICK. Chairman. BBJ i Secretary. \ ANNOUNCEMENTS. BJ : B i FOK COOTr ATTOUXEV. B | At the solicitation of many leading republl- BBJ cans of the county to become a candidate for BB ] re-election to the office of county attorney. I BBJ : hereby announce myself as a candidate , sub- 1 ; j et to the choice of the republican county con- BV > rentloo. tt. M. Ssavklt. B I lTOR COCSTT ATTOIO'EY. B r I hereby announce myself as a candidate for BB > county attorney , subject to the decision of the m i repcMUna county convention. : . H. W.Cole. • - BBBBj H i coLTrrr xttouszt. B [ We are autberteed ta aaneunce the candl * Bjf t iacy of W. K. STARR. E u of Imlianola. for BJl t&ee < S eef cu ty attorney , subject to decls- B iuaef-republican county cobveBtlon. H reKSEFttCSESTATIVK. H At soKokatfes of many friends I hereby BB r BaswHCfr myefetf as a caadidate for nomiua- BB ttest to the elfice of representative for Red BB T9tow euusfy. subject to the decision of H the resebfteas couaiy coaventien. J. A-WILCOX. BB ' r tt lOEPKE ESTATIVE. H > I hereby announce myself as a candidate for BB * * mrtoitiun u the ettce of represeutuUve in BJJ aarf Cor Kd Wtltow coanty. subject to ( be de- cbioa f tfcerepuMksa eoMHty eon vention. GBOUGBILGRL'UR. i . \ Ozs. UARKiSON is SHfferiug from too B week c gratHiati8. Lie Is worn out B vkk a5 soetal a a ties since lib nouiina- B t # a a d is b w ea r a physicians * care. B Tie treWe ia very slight and a few B iaj * f febt w M Sa4 tb general res to r- B tduUs Boesl robust beakh. B | Illustsateb papers should remeui- B feer that pietores maj be reckless , ex- B traT2ga t aad usbeeoniint ; as well as B wrds. Pack aad Judge are offending B geod taste , and possibly good art , in B laatiag their political cartoons exeess- B ivefj gretetqee. 3Iederation in artist as desirable as censenratism in language. BbB HsaHaaBB BB waMam HaBiM BaB BHBM w I S 3I # RH.L # f Ka sas , Monday , report • z ed fav raWy to the bouse the senate m VA t © pescWB ex-eon federate soldiers B S -h fcare had their dbabiiitles removed S aad wh # have received injuries while S sersi fr is the United States navy. BBJJ B ? w * m Sock mea are entitled to the pension to B Z which this bill seeks to open the way , I S asd it shakl become a law. There is ' li bo daBger f as executive veto on this i I m peBsia bSL B 9 T&0&E vh said this was going to be IB aeieaa campaign , free from mud-sling- II * Bgmethodoa dpers03flities. } miscaleu- B B iated the r s e tte of the Democratic B fi cajspaigsers. The "d lar-a-day" in- B jB -e tsoa a Ae Chiaese rubbish prove B S ik2 > t More-y k stiM on the pay-roll of the BB DeBM tatte Committee. There will be BB sore Eae.d projected from the batteries BIB * b that side thaa Bormim ' s seven mulis BB eaa draw or a down grade. B "B Se > at0& Suermax's resolution pro- B B ridisg for aa inrjairy concerning trusts , B B cBiHttatioss , coatracts or agreements B B that tead to prerest full and free com- B B petitsos w maaufaetures , or in the inter- B m change of imported goods , is a movei i B B metst in the right direction. If there is M aaj prebabSitj of devising any legal I B methods for the effectual suppression I § of that growing evil the remedy ought II te be speedily applied. m The President's right-hand man and m general manager in Congress , Mr. Will- m iam L. Scott , of Erie , is one of the B Best pronounced of free traders now , asd succeeded at the late State Conven- jB tion in Pennsylvania , by the use of Pres- B dential patronage , in securing a vic ar tory ever the liandall protectionists. fi Bat eighteen years ago when he was en- B gaged ia making iron in the Shenango i M YaMey , he was a stiff protectionist. j B The Terk Times says of the efficient B Secretary : * * Gilbert L. Laws has ; fi served one term as secretary of state to fl the entire satisfaction of the public. B He has not been noisy and ostentatious , I B feat he has veted and acted steadily in ' I the interests of the people regardless of far have beard I consequences. So v e B of no opposition to him , ana as the con- * vention is near at hand , it is reasonable < to suppose that he will be renominated ' H wiiLcat oppositlco. ' BaaBaaBBaW' iBBaBaBaBaBaHBBBB Ba BB B BanBW * REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. The republican lc lorsof ihi' fltuto of N' - briMka are n. < | ti -i u-d to b < rtd dM < j'atiw from tbeiri e\eral counties to meet in convention at tlio city or Lincoln. Thursday. AUKiista ) , 1883 , nt 'i o'clock P. 51. . for the purpose of plac ing iu nomination cundlduNH for the followini ; state oHlccs : Governor. Lieutenant Qovcruor. Stuto Treasurer. Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Huild- lugs. And the transaction of such other business as may come before tho convention. TUB AI'l'OKTIONMK.NT. HO UNTIES. VOTKK. | COUNTIES. VOTKa. AuamsV.V.1" 14 Johnson " . " . . . " . ' . ' . . % Antelope a Kearney 8 Arthur 1 Keyul'uhu 5 Blaine 1 Keith 4 Uoono 8 Knox 7 Rox Hutto 4 Lancaster. 25 Rro rn 0 Lincoln 8 UutTiiIo 14 Imuran 'Z tSULf Cl * s • • • • • • • • • • • • • J IOH Jl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ! > Hurt a Madison 8 Cass 10 McPherson 1 Cedar 5 Merrick 7 Chase 5 Nance 5 Cherry 5 Nemaha 9 Cheyenne 11 Nuckols 5. (5 ( Coltax 7 Pawnee 8 Cumiutr 7 Perkins " Custer 17 Plurce 4 Dakota S Polk ( > Dawos 7 Piatto 10 Dawson 8 Phelps 7 Dixon 0 Rlchurdson 17 Dodtro 12 Red Willow 7 Douglas o7 Sallno Vi Dundy 4 Snrpy 5 Fillmore 10 Saunders 12 Franklin 7 Seward. . . , 10 Frontier 10 Sheridan. . 7 Furnas 9 Sherman 7 Guje 19 Sioux 2 Garlield ' • } Stanton 4 Gosper 5 Thayer 7 Grant 1 Thomas 2 Greeley * Valley C Hall 11 Washington 9 Hamilton 10 Wayne 5 Harlan 8 Webster. 9 Hayes 4 Wheeler. a Hitchcock C York 11 Holt 11 ( JnorgnnizodJTer. 1 Howard 7 Jefferson 9 Total. : 071 The several counties aro entitled to repre- sentutien us follows , being bused upon the vote cost for Hon. Samuel Maxwell , judge , in 1887 , giving one delegate at largo to each county , and one for each 150 votes , and major fraction thereof. It Is recommended that no proxies bo ad mitted to the convention except such us are held by persons residing in the counties from which the proxies are given. To Chairmen County Central Committees : WiiEHEAS.At the Republican stute conven tion held at Lincoln , Octobers , 1887 , tho follow ing resolutions was adopted : Rusoi.VEU.That the state central committeo be instructed to embrace in its call for the next state convention the submission of the prohibition question to the republican voters at the republican primaries. Thkukfoue. in uecordiance with the above resolution , the severul county central commit tees are hereby instructed to include in their call for their next county convention tho sub mission of the prohibition question to tho re publican voters at the republican primaries. Walt. M. Seelv , Geo. D. Meikkutohn. Secretary. 'Chairmun. The campaign of eviction has taken a new lease of life in Ireland in county Clare. There are over one hundred families or more than a thousand per sons against whom warrants of eviction have been issued for uon-payment of rent. The overdue rent of over four hundred thousand dollars dates back as far as 1874 , when an arbitrary increase was made on the Yandeleur estate. As only a small number of the tenants have been able to meet the terms set by the land owners , the harsh measures of turning these helpless people out of house has been resorted to. The set tlement of the Irish laud question seems in the light of these facts far from be ing accomplished. Mr. Charles S. Higgins , a prour- nent Democrat and a leading citizens of Brooklyn , has come out squarely against the Democratic ticket , andsays that the election of Cleveland would be the great est calamity that ever happened to the country. He has been a life-long Dem ocrat , and is head of one of the largest soap manufacturing firms in the world Charles S. Iliggins & Co. He is a member of the Board of Bridge Trust ees , appointed by a Democratic adminis tration , a leading man in the Brooklyn Club , and is well known as a man of vast wealth , whose contributions to the campaign funds of the Democratic party in the past amounted to a fortune. The Italian societies of the eastern cities are very much exercised over the pauper immieratinn bill introduced by Congressman Ford of Michigan. They propose to go before the congressional investigation committee appointed to take evidence in the case and protest against the charges made that the re cently imported Italians are paupers , working under the padrone system. The factsneverthelessshow that 35,000 Italians were landed in a destitute con dition in New York during the last three month , and that hundreds of them are now in a starving condition. The Canadian Pacific , which has been playing smash with American railroads , will have a thorn stuck into its own side , The Northern Pacific is at once to invade its rival's tarritory and extend its system through Manitoba. For a long time the people of that pro vince have been subject to the extor tion of the Canadian Pacific. As a re lief from that monopoly the Manitobans are to build a line of their own connect with the Northern Pacific , which virtu ally gives the American railroad a foot hold in the queen's territory. A great cut has been made in rail and lake freight rates between New York and Chicago , first class being re duced 30 cents per hundred and other classes smaller amounts. The reduc- < tion is general on all routes and the • opinion seems to prevail that this is but the beginning of a long war and that rates will go much lower before the end lomes. These rate wars do much to ward unsettling the business of the country , and are noted by commercial . reports as important factors in causing measiness in business circles. i Montana is turning from her evil I vays and proposes to vote the clean re- ) ublican ticket , this fall. She does his because she is a sheep raising , wool J growing territory. She cannot get into e he union as a republican state until the fI lemocrats are hustled out of the lower j l muse , but she prefers to run her | ihances and take her punishment if the j- : ountry is foolish enough to return a najority of democrats to the next con fess. , Mr. Cheneyof Red Cloud is also nftor Mr. Lease ' s scalp. At tho pre- f ! it rote the as pi rants for tho attorney generalship will soon be ho numerous that Lease won't have enough hairs to go around. ANOTHER dynamite plot lias been dis covered in Chicago. It is inclined to be quite chilly when they don't bring to light a plot of some kind in tho "City on the Lake. " The federal court bill has passed the senate and drops Kearney from the bill as passed by the house. The measure will now go to conference committee and a lively fight is expected over the omission of the town on the canal. Secretary Bayard says it is un wise to agitate the matter of Harrison's Chinese record so early in the campaign , because the more it is agitated the more it suits the people. Mr. Bayard's plan would evidently be to wait until a cou ple of days before election , when an in vestigation would be impossible and then spring a cock and bull story about his antagonism to American labor. The democratic party wasn't very cute in its prematureness. Dr. O'IIeiley , treasurer of the Irish national league of America , has sent funds across the water to carry on the investigation into the death of Mande- ville while in prison serving sentence for violation of the crimes act. The doctor cabled : "The league is not dead. " The tory government of England wishes that it were dead and will doubtless wish so more heartily after the Mande- ville inquest has been completed. Col. "William. It. Morrison per emptorily refuses to be a candidate for congress this fall against Col. Jehu Baker. He prefers to see some other statesman collide with the locomotive this time. He has a good position and a comfortable salary as interstate com missioner and it is likely to be a perman ent "sit , " as the law provides that the commission shall be composed of mem bers from each party , and the colonel is the only distinguished democrat on it. That is better than running a losing race with Jehu. H. P. WAITE , Contractor ® Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. o C2 ? Estimntcs on buildings carefully made. Give mo a call. Shop on Marshall St. , north of The Frees ii Hocknell lumber yard. 7-2m. R. A. COLE , "The Leading" Merchant Tailor of McCOOK , FOR First-Class Tailoring- . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings and Trouserings , I will furnish them cheap for the next GO days. New Store ! New Goods ! About APRIL lO we will oc- -A * cupy our mahsioth New Stohe , TSu corner 16th and Curtis Streets , Gf with an entire new stock of [ B Dry Ooods , 15' \ Dress Goods , Fancy Goods , Jer- Bp04soys. . Wraps , Suits , Millinery , WeiRto Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings , irt/Pm A Bors' Clothlnp. Corpet , Cur- lllllv- \ > fl taln , etc. , making it the Gem f/l/M Vw'-v Dry Goods Storein tho West. De- Vr/l \ VN i pend upon latest styles and low fi/llA / Y * eastern prices. Absolute satis- III I ? \ \ * fiction Guaranteed to all mail or- * ill IS kK.ders or money refunded. Hand- II11 n\ 100-pace Catalogue and sam- n\ . ' / some - . . li 1 I A tJll e pies sent free on application. J. / / / l&rtiulllA ? 5AY JOSXilN. ICth and J3JylH / > | icg * Curt If , Oi p. Tabor Opera " PHoiiie. UEXTJEJK , COLO. Blue Front Livery Stable D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn outs in the city furnished. Bam , rear Mc- Entee Hotel. Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGENT FOU The Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. ALSO A. full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. Money to Loan on Ileal Estate Security. EtOO.MS : OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. THE B. & M. Billiard Hall , PHILLIP WEICK , Prop. Tirst-class tables and conveniences of a well equipped hall. Choice lino of Cigars al ways on hand. Lemonade and all temperance drinks. VEST DENXISON STREET , JlcCOOK , NEB. A HOT CAMPAIGN ! rhe NATIONAL CONTEST. HE ONLY RELIABLE AND OFFICIAL CAM1 1 PAIGN BOOK PUBLISHED , ( fITII THE MOST AUTHENTIC AND COMPLETE ( BIOGiCAl'ItlES OF Cleveland & Thurman , Harrison & Morton , 'ojrether with the plntfonns of both parties ; c 'aritr by Kelley and Carlisle ; President's Mes- n e ; Blaine's Koview of President's Message ; llection. statistics. Etc. , 5,000 AGENTS WANTED to supply mil- ons of intelligent voters. TIME IS SHOUT ! STRIKE QUICKLY ! how tho hook nnd it sells itself. Write at nee for Illustrated circulars and terms , free. AddrCM , LW.DICKERSON.Pub. , ST , LOUIS , MISSOURI.r mi jL4ncofti anitariutn Dii. J. RICHARDS , Pkop. , 238 SOUTH nth ST. , - - LIMCOLM , JVE ® . In submitting the following considerations to the afflicted , our aim is to place before them information that may save them time and money by informing them of tho different health and mineral spring resorts of our country : Sanitariums and Water Cures may be found at Colorado Springs , Colo. , Los Vegas , New Mexico ; Hot Springs , Arkansas ; Waukesha , Wisconsin ; Col fax , Iowa ; Battle Creek , Michigan ; Cincinnati , Ohio ; Southwestern Dakota ; a number in New Hampshire , and a few in New York and Pennsylvania each possessing advantages peculiar to themselves , and worthy of patronage. But these resorts are remote from your homes , requiring time and outlay of means to reach them , while the expense at each is necessarily large. Our own establishment possesses advantages equal to any of the above , and in some respects superior ; while in the matter of expense we can offer induce ments surpassing all. The Mineral Water from the Artesian Well of this city , which analysis shows to be equal to the finest mineral water anywhere for bath ing and medical purposes , is utilized here for diseases of the kidney and bowels , as well as in diseases of the skin and blood , and chronic irritations and ulcera tions of the raucous membranes for which it cannot be excelled. Every variety of Bath is given , including the Turkish , Russian , Steam , Electric , ( Hot Air , Steam and Water , ) Shower and Swimming Bath. We use all forms of Electricity , generated from the finest batteries and electric machines manufac tured. We use the Massage treatment , and will use all the Hygienic appliances and apparatus of the larger institutions. Our Bathing Parlors are 25x100 feet on the farst floor ; 43 rooms on the second and third floors all heated with steam. Water in all the rooms , with closets on each floor. We have some very fine rooms , and some cheap ones. We will use every effort to make it home-like for our patrons. For lady patients we have lady attendants and nurses. Our fa cilities are and will be all that can be desired for the treatment and cure of the sick and afflicted. Those diseases which we can greatly relieve or cure , are Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Liver Troubles , Diseases of the Uterus and Kidneys , Chronic Cystitis , Anemia , Chlorosis , Nervous Prostration , Epilepsia. Syphilis , Dropsy , Scrofulous Diseases , etc. Our terms are reasonable. We only charge for baths and services rendered , from one week to one month in ad vance. In serious cases we have counsel from experienced physicians. Incura ble and offensive patients are not received. Room and board , $5.50 to $9.00 per week. Baths and treatment included , $9.00 to $18.00 per week. Send or call for pamphlet on diseases cured by Electricity and Electro-Thermal Baths. Address , 238 SOUTH 11th STREET. JL/R. el . RICHARDS. HRNRY PENNER J BL I SPRINGSTOCK w / / tl3 > v > * il r * ffrn , IH C © © Saddles , Blankets , Nets , Etc. EiP Goods open to inspection and Guaranteed. Call and see my Patent Collar it is the finest thing in the market. Rear of < < The Famous. ' ' HENRY PENNER. The Howard Lumber Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lumber & Coal , McCOOK , NEBRASKA J. H. OSWALT , lias Opened a First-Class Restaurant § Confectionery IN THE BUILDING ONE DOOR NOI' .TII OF THE FREES 4 HOCKNELL LUS1BEB YA1JD AND S0LMTS THE PUBLIS PATRONAGE , FRUITS IN SEASON. TOBACCO at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DAY BOARD AND LUNCHES TO ORDER. Give me a Call J. A. OSWALT. O. G. POTTER & GO. , ( THOMPSON'S OLD STAND. ) Hour 9 Feed and Baled Hay. Higest Market Price for Chickens , Eggs , Etc. 32F * Our stock i& fresh and clean ; there are no flies on it and it is not likely that there will be any this summer. Give us a call. , . , . , .11 . . . . . . . . i „ . . . . . . - „ , . , , . . 'gmmim imi'n i iiimmiiiuiji mn imiiiii GEO. PAXTON , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEALZB IX CIGARS. Fine Havana Cigars. A specialty of the brands , "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and "OUK CHOICE , " the peer of anything : in the market. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. M. A. LIBBEE , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. IST" A specialty of fine residences , school louses , churches , etc. All work done with lispntch nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , : orncr Dodge and Manchester streets , t. e. Mccracken , rhe Insurance Ag't McC00K : NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light- i ling , Tornado and Hail Storm. A 1 * E. L. SMITH , LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLES , Evcrt's Old Stand , Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. GOOD RIGS. FLEET HORSES. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Allen's Transfer , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. [ SPBest Equipped in tho Citv. Leave orders it Commercial Hotel. Good well water furnished on short notioe. * " * * 'i ig % jff&v - SI . , . * , j.ijmSMMHw 1 1 1 1 1 i' ' 11 it i i j.i " - ( | 1M FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. j | ' " " ' ' : ! WiV-M + + + - MH H < - * • + + + + - H H STRICTLY ONE PRICEt ' ' 4 : Our Regular Semi-Annual Clearing Sale is now taking place. { . , 1 , 1 . . , . . , . - . . - - - mt- . t I 20 Per Cent. Off. ] ON ALL SUMMER SUITS. • \ j . We never carry over goods from one season to another. We must have room for our Immense Fall Stock now being made for us. Our ji Stock is already Marked in Plain Figures at Low Prices. This Big { Discount from these , makes an in- j ducement seldom offered. Don't I fail to take advantage of this Great j Clearing Sale. j ' i ! All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. ' • * Ha | | [ * I , , , I , niJUt | , * | | _ | ULJ.n | _ , * - - , 1-in-uT.r. j JU * . u.i-i.n.1-1. * L L 1 ri _ iiiiuiri * * 'l r - • • - • THE FAMOUS CLOTffll CO. JONAS ENGEL , Manager i McCook , Neb. , July 31 , 1888. n AM still at the old stand , I I " and here I am to the front "Y again with the latest styles I in Men's , Ladies' , Misses' and 1 Children's Fine Shoes. I have 1 just received an elegant line m in Ladies' Fine Shoes. Great many changes have been made I in wearing apparel in the past m year , especially in ladies' fine " 1 shoes. Prices have been re- 9 duced to such an extent that a nice pair of fine shoes is with- I in the reach of every one. Come I and see for yourself. These m are progressive times , and so it keeps moving. Trade with the Old Reliable , where you M can always find what you want J. F. GAITS CHOW. 1 Opposite U. S. Land Office. ' flj I ' ' -Ml ' # j