B A * 111. u t m t u t > > i t u d 11 > > t it " " > t i m n 111 n > 11 > H * * , * - TT does not matter what prices other people \ { - H ' / ' I as yoiL or goods ; we will guarantee to % H - ; sell you the same quality at a less figure. ; H ] We never brag but always Btand ready to make H * * our statements good. L. LOWMAN & SON , H RELIABLE H 4 Dry Goods , Clothing and Carpet \ H MRRGHANTS , H - H An Immense Stock of Fourth of July Goods. I fi • _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 r 8g8K Jl I . . . - - sT g oggss oS o = a I I I I I I I I I 1 1 | Hi " 'S--e-.ss tn ? I I I I I I I , , ? ? .go * 1 MU ? B - 3s = 3 . cjoffft § : "ifc-s = | = | wa § Sao gag . pgSaS-S'Elo | S3a,5sg-S , S H , _ , b as ? P lg2 . H-wl SrsStf ? 8 : - -om : s : 7 g H t - " § : § • 3W : a. 52S5T : gx : : r : r „ 3a : ? • : " • & : ; : § : : . - ? : : : : o 3 : : : : * S : : - -g&r : : : : J 5p . . . B i o : ; .p.rtM ssv H * • ; : : : o < - • • - • ! • ; - = * < = • • • • • O H i • : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : e + h ULs 1 ISSI 5feSls = I : ft S SSS-8SS irom Cj M fe I J5g § 22 st b * S Srjg 8 S3g § § Former Treasurer pj g _ _ _ _ _ _ . H C * x u w fc w „ rZj t H S : = " 3 35 I * * . O 1 r 2 ! S : i- r ° . = - Jr- „ , . _ -I : Keceipts From | Q. | S. Kj 3 b' SSSall fc'So SS S slJKSfe' S5S1SSSSS 1st SixMos. . 18S3. ; ft fe " " " " b : s S 5i SSS ESS ? 3 qq © < * H -i : " OJDj ? - = | | fH 1 § - ? J K5 : S . _ : _ _ © H-.P' L = J j h-CJ M " sss ? 1 ltg- " r s ' g * . g gg SiiS g2 sK = ss = r2-i " Total Receipts. 5 S . . _ _ . " " " " " w ( J. J &Az ? S Pg " 3 P"Si = S a gil g 2 gg § g Disbursements. S g = , ys csysss s sg gas ss § s S'1 ? y o o o j"I Treasurer's t4 S * ' § S . " ' is a p , S ; Commission. Cj " ! * Tj J J § 3 * 1" s I * S3& ps 5s 1 gii s g 3g a y . Disbursements. V fe 5S- = J S hU SS S 8 lS ? SS S > | - E • & _ _ H 2 'Amount ' > J Z . * - ; _ en o Overdrawn. * * s1- - . " - © ! r. _ : - SX ' " = iaa - . "tija . " & Balaucci _ H * BE _ t H . - S S _ $ S - ? SMSSSsSri t.fi . B I fi g ug y ss25 b s fe j-sss „ - = ? bsSg y. g I EXPLANATORY. _ i a Excess fees from CD. Cramer , Ex-County Clerk. 1 ! b Ain't received from Wm. Doyle , Ex-Treasurer , transferred from i Sinkin Fund. 1 c Warrant No. 4S8. f rom J. W. Welborn. I d Transferred from Sinking Fuud. I e Transferred from Advertising Fund. 1 x Transferred from Interest Fund. I jf G. W. Roper , amount refunded by pauper. 1 h Including amount overdrawn by former Treasurer. i State Apportionment. j Fines and licenses. k Transferred from county school fund. 1 Cash roll. m Cash road. n Cash orders. o Cash road receipts. p Transferred to Village of Indianola. q Transferred from cash road fund. I 1 RECAPITULATION. I ! DR- H j Total am't received from former Treasurer $13,0SC.2iIS ) I ; Total am't ree'd from taxes J an. 5,188S , to I' June3Q , 1SSS.inclusive ( ) 23nS8.13 | > Total am't received from other sources ( U97..Jo H li Total am't received from all sources § 43,271.685 _ CR. Total amount of disbursements $31S53.Sl' _ Treasurer's commissions 636.S _ Total S31.E90.O3J. Balance in Treasury 11,381.63 McCook , - - - Nebraska. We have the most extensive stock in the wet of Jewelry , Watches , Clocks and Silverware. I1 GOLD WATCHES Are at the same price of Silver. "Watches were never known to be so cheap before. Good American watches from S2.50 to $25.00 in gold filled cases. A fine line of canes and silk smi- shades. All Gold Heads in 10,12 and 1 _ carat gold. We are offering a line of Cuff and Collar Buttons , Pins and Ear rings , at just half price. Everything guaranteed as represented. , - - COKSElt SOUTH OF TOST OFFICE. MAIN AVENUE - I jgasisr "THE TRIBUNE , " _ _ _ _ - "J - - - : j B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ Jg5Hi _ _ flB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? _ ! _ _ _ _ _ ' KILPATEICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) c _ f _ > /5y oAj , a c i Rs Sllllllil = i ' Horses branded on lei t 'lip 01 left shouder. jjt"P. . G. address , Estelle * * & % § Hayes count j. and Heat R-3yS'5Fii 3 < _ & rice. Neb. ltanse. Stink- g Sjfe i > l man creeks , Chase Co. S ftK-P * ? Nebraska. X _ _ J 2S- | Bmnd as cut on side of < _ . * _ sv FA ? some animals , on hip and w c SJ &aJjUvb sides of some , or any- " * sv2iSMi ! , _ { M wucl-p on the animal. JOHN F. BLAOlv. Breeder of Improved Sheep. EATON BROS. & CO. Mpfr P. O. address , ilcCook , Kje wgHa _ & . Ncbraska. Range , south VWK _ _ _ i _ i Cattle branded on left N lhip. Also , 10 , 5. A and - _ aT fji Horses branded same mm j i "I It Would Not Do ! I < j For an Old Establish eel House to indulge in advertising * ! 3 I sensational Half-olf , Below Cost , Take'cinawayfor - \ 1 * . I f nothing Sales. j Our reputation for selling- 3 RELIABLE , TRUSTY , = SERVICEABLE GOODS. ' , H Is quite sufficient to draw people to our store , and when I I we have somethingbelow ordinary prices , we can al- 1 ways give g-ood reasons for it. We arc selling : I \ Dry Goods3 Hats and Gaps , I Groceries , Boots and Shoes , Motions , Etc. , I At the lowest prices made by any fifin in S. W. Nebraska. I j Call and Examine Our New Goods. I 1 CHAS. H. ROGERS , j Established in 1882. THE PIONEER MERCHANT. I li . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ [ _ ! - - - - ' irilimgimn I I - * ttmi tw i % mTii I fii-HYMH n-1 I " r - * " ' ! * ifn 11 Ml HI IHilni wlilii iwn mii l wi. ! < > ! r - - " rf mrrrnrTimi ir n n n - n w in i > i im n- i i i ii n-iBir- ! _ _ _ ru mi nl ill Resolutions. Adopted by the Red Willow county teachers' . institute , July , 1SSS : ItF.sor.VED , That this institute extends its hearty and sincere thanks to the newspapers o the county for their kindness in publishing Eundry notices , and lor their cordial and i hearty support of the schools in the past. J Resolved , That this institute conveys to ; the school board of McCook an expression of its gratitude and appreciation of its kindness , shown by allowing the use of the building. Kesot.ved , That this institute acknolwedges with gratitude the kindness of the trustees of the Lutheran church and its pastor , in allow ing the use of the building for o\ening lect ures. Kesolved , That to the Kev. Mr. Kelsey are duo the thanks of this institute , for his able , eloquent and scholarly lecture. Kesolved , That to Mrs. Day , Mrs. Keisey , Miss Hollister , Miss McKee , Mr. Nettletoti , Mr.Kimmelland Mr.Lewis this institute is very gratetul for excellent music rendered on the i occasion of the lectures. Kesolved , That this institute takes this opportunity to convey to Mrs.C. L. Nettfeton , county superintendent , an expression of its deep regard for her personal worth and char acter , and its appreciation of her services to i the cause of education iu this county. Be it further i Kesolaed , That a copy of these resolutions ' be furnished to each or the county papers. P. G. STILGEDOCER , ) ! HELEN A. DAVIS , J-Com. | MINNIE BOLYE. ) I A BAD CASE OF FLUX CURED , j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] My little boy about eight months old , was taken with llux. After several days , we comj j menced giving Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy according te directions , j We were very uneasy about the child , and j sent for a physician. I told him what we had [ been doing , and showed him the medicine , j He examined it , and told us the best thing we \ could do , was to go ahead and give the remedy , j We used about half of a small bottle , and cur- . ed the child , although the child was so slow , that he had no use of himself. We thought so ( much of your Remedy that we would let no ' one else have it. I told my wife a few clays i ago that I must write , and tell you what your ; medicine had done. G. W. Lugak , Zion's Hill , j Virginia. Sold by all druggists. East Valley Primary. The republican primary for East Valley pie- cinct , to elect tlnee delegates to the county i convention , at Indianola , August 4th , will be , held at Clark school house , July 18th. 0:30P.M. i ARTHUR MILLER , 1 Committeeman. II I I Cure of Cancer and Ulcers. • Judjro T. C McLondon writes to tho Bwift Specific Co. : "About three yeara ago , Jerry Bradley had a cancerous soro on his face , near the right eye. It caused him a great deal of pam , and ho lost the sight of the eye , but was finally cured by the usa of Swift's Specific. This case iswell known in Wilkes Co. , Ga. , where he lives. " Mr. L. Cox , of Arkabutla , Tato Co. , Miss. , writes : "I suffered a great deal j from old ulcers for years. Yourmedi-J , erne was recommended , and after using j six bottles I was completely cured , j | Your medicine does even more than you ] i claim for it. I havo known it to cure , cases which were thought hopeless. " ' Mrs. A. _ 1. Goldsmith , No. 074 Warren St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. , writes : "I com menced using S. S. S. about threcyeats ago. I had suffered from a sore throat for over a year. 1 used a great many other remedies with no good results. My little girl , also , had soro lingers ; it commenced from the quick , and then the nails would come off. We doctored her for over two years , and when I com menced using S. S. S. I thought I would see what it would do for her. 1 am thankful to say that it entirely cured her. It is the "bcst remedy I know of for the blood. I really believe it was the means of saving my life. The doc tor told me I had a throat disease simi lar to Gen. Grant's. I cheerfully rec ommend it to all suffering from dis ordered blood. " Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga- ? ; ; : . _ _ _ . niji i.mwiii. iii ii i i _ _ - pii ihhii .1 i. iii i ii -i ininpinniiinaiiii in i ii mi _ ! ! _ ii i , i _ > _ iim ii miih iiMii - wiii aw ! irrn i-nfij n r in-rr-THTMimTar . rarw _ _ ] i _ H m . - - . . . | I S THE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS • &u'//l\nllum'v announces the reduction .of its price from Two M \ y i wL Jr cents to ONE CENT Per c ° py- I It is fitting that the pioneer of low-priced journalism in the West should lead in placing the American newspaper of to-day upon the basis of the lowest unit of American coinage. Twelve years ago that unit was the nickel in Chicago and throughout the Northwest. The founding of The Daily News at a lower price was regarded by the journalistic profession as inviting certain failure. But they were wrong. To-day there is not a nickel paper in Chicago , and the circulation of The Daily News averages , as shown by its pub lished sworn statements , 175,000 copies a day with a single exception the largest daily circula tion in America , and greater than the circula tions of all other Chicago dailies combined. The Daily News has prospered beyond the most sanguine hopes of its founders. For this it has more than once made its grateful acknowledg ments to an appreciative public. It believes , how ever , that the time lias now come when , acting entirely within the limits of a wise commercial progression , it can give its thanks more practical expression. It proposes henceforth to " divide " as to its friends and to multiply as to its circula tion. To-day it reduces its price to One Cent and expects to double its circulation. And anticipating the questionings of the doubtful let it be brieflv said that the tiling can be done. The Daily News all that it has been in the past , as well as all that is rightly expected of it in the future as a leader in progressive Ameri can journalism can be produced and sold for one cent a day , and this by reason of those com mon principles of trade which make possible lower prices just in proportion as the aggregate volume of sales increases. The Daily News now sells over a million papers a tveeh , as shown by its published sworn statements of circulation , and it can afford to sell at a smaller profit per paper than other Chicago dailies , no one of which has as much as one-third the average daily circulation of The Daily News. The large addition to its H present million-a-week circulation , which will > fl surely come with its reduction to one cent a day , 9 will fully compensate for the reduced profit at M which each paper is sold. All this concerns the H reader only as assuring him that The Daily News can reduce its price and at the same time maintain H its high character as the foremost newspaper of the fl Northwest that a million-a-week circulation _ B makes the otherwise impossible entirely possible. B The present is peculiarly the time to inaugu- rate this popular departure in American jour- B nalism. The approaching Presidential election fl widens immeasurably the field and opportunity ' for The Daily News as an independent , impartial , _ fl fearless newspaper one free from all the entangle- M ments of mere partisan allegiance. The demand | H is more and more for a newspaper which shall . M give all the political news free from partisan color- M ing , and which shall tell the absolute , unvarnished H truth about things , regardless of its effect upon the ' , | H fortunes of this or that political party or candidate. fl This demand The Daily News aims to meet , and fl at its reduced price it combines all the elements fl which should make it literally everybody's paper. S To the thousands of new readers whose atten- fl tion is now for the first time directed to The Daily H News it is proper to say that they will find it | complete in all the essentials of the best Ameri- M can journalism of to-day. Its quality as a nezvs- M paper proper is best indicated in the fact that it is M the only low-priced paper in Chicago or the M North-west , which is a member of the " Asso- 19 dated Press. " The other " Associated Press" * jH papers in Chicago , the Tribime , the Times and M Inter-Ocean all cost three cents. The Chicago M Daily News prints all the news and sells it for j | 07ie cent a day. Sold by all news dealers. Mailed , | | postage paid , at S3.00 per year , or 25c. per month. ( H Address VICTOR F. LAWSON , Publisher , > The Daily News , Chicago , jH - 1 ' ' ! i ' M i i W M Iflflflfl IID \ IT P UI ! e n & DesLarzes , School Books % Supplies , III reliable * TanSTei h\Vj \ dUS Line. S We reagents for the following - | 3 ffl - < companies. Note date of organi- , . _ = S tFl i M J l zation i splendid assets : urtlJps | &gfefftg pl § ' M Phenixof Brooklyn , lb ? ; vHTo / PS fefe jfe n1 1 n 1 rk. , - 3 1 Connecticut of Hartford , 1W0 . "H lr S SsRank BOOK0 , StfltinriPPV if l Continental of New York , 1SB .V2 , S1 P OlcUIUIieiy , | Pennsvlvania Fire of Thila. , VssX. . . 2,710SS5 = " :1H Lancsfiire of Manchester , Ensj. , 1S32 , l,49&l&i " " ' m , . . , . , - Bus to and from all trains. Coal liaulintr at the"T H - COXA IN & I > EMPOY , and general delivery. Three drays. All • 'jH \j\s ± j * jlxh tv i . , " " " workbpromntlvatteniClto. Leave orders at- jH promntlvatteniClto. T"RTT5TI"Nr"R . OPPTPP \ AJ.VLL > U-.Ei KJJ2 J2 JLKjIj. Yanl. - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. , Frees & Hockiiell Lumber | - B M im ? § W B