sssiw iia j.r i rSSripJWfc Bwy < iim a < asfaepiw x s a B fj T"B f7 HP * ; Pl JaiP iyr - - - * wi , l re xl IK A Successful ilan. K ( CstX raff [ 2 fKaV'S r * Tlie Warner fam ily originated In KiijliintJoUii ) War ner , Bishop of Rochester In tlic eevcuteeuth cent ury , beiue one of the mo t promlucnt members. Col.Beth Warner of Hf toIij- tlounry fame In thin country , and CapL. Scth Wuruer , aTl- . ant man in tUu 'war of 1811 ? , and eluli tills tlnjulahe < l puralclaur , mark I l the II. IL Warner linn in Atiier-cn. U. IL | | S. Earner was born lu Van Burcn , Ouondaca 111 ! Co. , N. T. , Jan. 191b , 1842. After an tduca- Ell tlon at Dr. Wrleht'a Academy at Elbrldife , II and acquiring the tinsmith' * trade at Mem- Icl phis , N. V. , be went went for nvo jetra. Iu III 1870 he returned to Rochester a * General If Agent of the Moaler Sj/cb of Cincinnati , O. , I ] ' and for ten jeara was the mostiucceieful aafe I. dealer in the countrr , and amasaed a foi tunc. It Iu 1S79 he irai prostrated by a revere dls- I ] ease. The best plijalclans Rare h'm ' no hope If of recovery. It was at thta time that he used 1,1 what Is now known aa Warner's safe cure and ' [ \ wo * fullrestored to health Ihrrehy. KraU | > J lalnc that the world needed anch a apeelllc I ) for Iclduey disease , he inude a von * nben aide l | ' that if it cured hlui he would spend hi * Umjb I'i proclaiming Its meilU to tbo iroild. On his tl-5 recorarr be becan at once its manufacture. Wk ! a ° d to-dar Uicre are seven Iaboi < tloric auti l' § the branch homes in Keren UluVreut quarters J of Iho trlobe. In 1SS3 , the Warner Astrono Iv mfe I Obaeivalory elected and endowed If ! ] Jlr. Warn r , w aa coin pic tod at au esllmHted | | expense of $60,000. It is located on Eust Wp Avenue , aud is tbe finest private Astrononl- II . eal Obscrrclory in the world. The telescope Biff cost $13(10. ( Since 18i9 , astronomical prizes f to tbe axteut of J5,000 luve been awarded by Mr. Warner for scientific discovery , lu 1SS2 If he wis elected a member of the Am < r > cau II Association for the Advancement of Science. W * In 16SC U. II. Waruer & Co. , put Warner's L Safe Y aU upon tbe maifcrt , aud iu 1E57 F Warner'a Los Cabin Kemedle * , designed to BA reach diseases for which Warner'a Safe Heine- B" dies are not specifics. Bik The Safe Remedies building on N. St Paul B > , St. , with its four and a quarter acres of floor- B' Injj Is oar of the mot imposlnc ; slrucliirrs of B > the kind la the world. In 1887 H. II. Warner Ht was unaulinously elected President of the Bj Kocbtster Chamber of Commerce , a cotnpli- Bj ( ment that the cltv and all who knew hlmcon- BJ fetsed was more than well deserved. Ills In- H . augural address to that Chamber was notable K ) for its radical view a aud thorough-going sen- Bj * sible recommendations. Bj Be Is about six feet high , ha * Iron grar hair , Bj aplcudld physique , U a wan of ereat eneriry , Bj and la oua of the most thoroughoing and Bj nubile-spirited citizens of Rochester. HI The boa constrictor might bo put on tbo lb list ol seat contractors. U WORTH KNOWING. R\ The worst Scald or Burn can be cured wlth- BJLl out a scar if Cole's CarbolUulvc Is prompt- HP lyused. It instantly stops the pain. Sold by BFj Drngglats at 25 and 50 cent * . Hf Mnry W. Whipple Hucreeds Marin Mitch- HP ell as professor of astronomy at Vasaar. BJk Geuitluo Ifloxle , One Cent a ElrliiU. Hi The Company are now selling a 73c. bot- H | tie of rich Moxie Syrup at the druggists' , H ! that with ice or soda water makes seventy- Hl five half tumblers of Moxie equal to their HI singleX. Now every overworked servant Bj and mill zirl can get its remarkable sus- H taining poners at a cost of three cents per H day , aud keep it upwithout more harm H than from beefsteak. It is the richest nnd H most luscious drink oa the market. Tlio H I bottle label tells you how to mix it. The H chemists say it is harmless as gruel , and H contains no alcohol. H , Botanic Blood Balm. H B. B. B. is the only Blood Purifier that Bj makes positive and permanent cure of ail H Blood DiReases. For females , troubled with Hi painful menstruation , ovarian tumors , uterine Bj ulcers , and chronic troubles , its action is speedy and effectual. One $1.00 bottle will Bj convince anyone. 6 bottles $5.00. All Drug- H. gists. Blood Balm Co. . Atlanta. Ga. H If you never saw n salt-cellar walk , watch H your grocer use his legs. Hi When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castoria , H i When she was a Child , bhc cried for Castoria , BJ When she became Jliss , she clunj to Castoria , H When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , I , Silk and Safin Riitas PpPP < - lu * Bj' Br ritilck tbaj w uU N wBllotioi f MofInfct.llcfor tin Ufr cti t < rth ireo t1 Hj [ toi yooi Mj > U fp < T iiiii UrtIjw la Ulmt 4ai Jcli , | ttMltiap im aar obtaiatiKC < a < > ndr l k t bilk , ul H [ Satis Rlktion Ji t n iit of itTaralsr HiI.rj s f | r B > u kHM , vrh * io > | wrtnl tXta Suiat f-ooif. TV i euJi mty K V * p aa ] 4 nt nmj a ) ii rto nujUiiNi ; lo L fofcnd , zMpt H | , fat tk * T 7 fc t Kor of JlurWca. Ttt Uicrtre tlrra w y H | tr * | * UJafIikalt * • * • U mh. A ( t m4 C B St foridl tko | . WAi * * ; * ir il. l e iit , jKi4 < j traodi kiolut'Iy fre. Wo H | ' Vat * • K > * so a tlio aoaiU of awiUn inthl * 4Ur t6auid out B DffvrfcoimiBtMelv.vArte'l , utla o t complete t 4rtunt of lO- H1 l > om . la Of7'a i Wko ] * lid'an ridthMla'aUef ' • ccllvmt H | Qmtil7 , * Uf * * & forn k-iNrlM > nart iUiunliot tncuolar , B e wff aoufe , tr * + a tritnmi ir v ftUV qutlt woric , 4 rtc. Sokao K | of tkM r EiButs cwgro tlit o tu 1 jlb4 spnaxtl In iMiftJi. H [ ' Thoaxa fmmooutslt& rtalt ros areBtwondUle > tylM. * ui HJ | may so apoo4 d oa at I > au4jftxl. rrAat J. < &hlfruall am tl * j ; futH vTtatetniwi.caa ( lalest'on < plai ei .Aajurtanemt of the * * * ? Ieeatutrlba > * H fr * . Hf | Tho PraWUcttl ilautckrfBcr nHal X.mdlc * Hl | I'lroaicloi C ; n pnnl u , p tlulj * jatoltily bra > , Uio- H ; know Icacaa 07 Uwaa rMUfHiaot to Judgr , to lw tk w ct acrl- [ ' edSaal ofUa kind U tha worij. Vary larj aaa kaaOuaxli- . H | SaslaatW : rocalarpTl a75cta.rycar ; mb < ! & .c ci < u4n H [ Trill uai M to 70 * far a tKal r • • < - , aaa will alto una free * H | k-axoftka rtkIoaa ; S5 aaWcdotiaDiaad 2 bexra , Cia rta.4 Hjj tabtcrlfHoaa aaMf boxa , t > X. Ooo-ccat p4tar/e tam * war HV | baaaat for l aa ta n31. titlti frlradala joinriia thtrrfcj irtt- H | | tlay 4 aaa rifiuoa and-4 boxaa fwranlr $ lraa dolt la a ftw HL ralnaJoa. Tl a abore oifar ll b * * d en tLiafact : tbo # Tkalva4 HH tka oonadKal refcrrad ta , fer one ) aar. v > a t It tbmaAtr , and Bl r j as Uta foU ariea for it ; It l ta aflar yrara. and not avrr , Bf tit w * "aka auoner. W aake ilua rnsx offer in order to H | * fttoaoa aaeara 3w6W0 new * uo * nl re , vbo , aotnor . but next HL Tear , aad lay vara thereafter , ball reward ut vrttb L aaaaa tka awjeity of tbean will wUlt torenvw tLnr fubarnp- Hil tiaat aadwaidoiO Tlie w ney required la butasmallfracti * * Bi cf ' * * " * * TM1 waald bare to jurat any ( tare tor a Muck H [ axiallar ataaruuent of far luOenor nbbons. B t barfala ever H | kaawa ; yaa wiU not fally appreciate it null ! afteryaa aee all. BI aafa deliveey j-uaranfeed. iloney rcfuuded toauy ouenet per- Bl iactly aatIlS > d. Better rut thwoat. or aendat cact.fur picb- M aiJy U oaitav > aracaia. Addrraa , . f 1 -a. UliieiT & CO „ lllUJSUaXS , POBTtAXD , ILaUTE. ' I uew englandIraN ATQRY " • I' lloPMliS.CSostor. Mass. ' . . , . TUB LAXCEST r i OCtest 3J rtxrpi e S ta ' - & Vr S l K Inafnietari.SailcucieofjUetyeal- - BI c k Xaacrottiaat ia Tawal /narrvmrxfal JtSmm , PUmt B a2 Oroo > i | . 7i t Jleta , Oroleey. Jur * rtV -cA , | en-nail ojad Xakca Xaayrv et. X-olf * Sra aaa. Omw. , tvc . aaa. Tw.Uoei , Ci to iS : board rri Tuvat ltU S < > aaa ! H E x * * XUa Tictt. 5XO toVMpu y k. P l , T > r > i Urlii Sept. iS. IdtC > or DliWrtl.d Ctlmdir , j Trullut Ctuut , 1So8TO i. UxU . . . H ISKVKKJX B THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY H O ' JS. 'Jal'CVYORK. . Bj Th L rt ' . Chexpci ; saJ Iu ; In tbe H'ort4. B CASH ASSISTS S130,000,000. H BIUOKCOETZ. Tril. F. ALLK.V. j Special Aceat Qeneml Agent. r > Botj3acA a > - arjsrB. B saBBfaT" UAUEP Atth raLetiyl > a.Te 9eafr9- H Fnhc HisPtbT * * • i011110 d jjxtiu Bj ' i b' ' " "Whw - " ' - KowU Hf uMuann ulutlo < uiuiMi > MHuSi.talcr eere. | Wbat rattae nalS WMIlit CJaW * ITkera live Iaaia am aero-M B lUa.meluUaLciawa' luUiui Tur < > M.inJ UrtaM H aad aaaalia tia aaSBal laeaae. * * . a Pl ara ai Paaaraaia ec * ta < * * & Bj aVsaiaa. AoiMC XUET bTX2U * WUKI.I > , Oklam o , IU. I Aa * Tfl"WAXTKmo eltherEaXSOXAf. I Memoirs of Gen. P. H. Sheridan H Outatu atr ready. A enU are surpntintheir rcroril BI oa CJraJit'a Memoir * . Ch&oce > of a Iife-tlmo to aaako H tasaAddreta C B. BEACH & CO. , Chicago , IU. H IfllQCI'S DlCTtl I Cft Price35cu.ASlitlAa H fJlatZn 5 rKv i iLLCo.brmmi. stoTreiiiCo. Ht aHHHHaaaHaHHHBVeS 'tnu'iestown.Kus. H ' Paifap By retarnmall. Fall Description f IbHN t > o ya * New Tailor Hyate-JO r Ortu Bji Elbbi OnttUc. 2E00DY & C0 Ci&ciuuiti. a ail Ji 11 11 • iiiaaaaaaeaotnaaiMBiaaaaaMajnajBfa . _ ITTirfarri " ' ' nii aa a aa jMOjaaiaaaa aae aa aaa aa a aMoa l OLD HR.jHeKLEPODT" 1IY KhIJASOn KIRK. "I haven't thy slightest objection to .Trie ! : , uiy ( .cnr.uiid when Jio has saved money enough to provide for you in cne of sickness or misfortune I will gladly sivo my consent to your mar- riuue. " • • How much monoy , papa ? " "IJcally , Flossie , yen. aro incorrigi ble. Say $0,000. " "And that , -ith hi. ? present salary would take live years at least. " "And you would have reached the advanced ugetof li. " "Pretty old , papa. " "Yer > : n the neighborhood of the'sore and yi'dow. " "I've a good mind to mjarry Mr. NicKIepod. " "Excellent idea. Ue would doubtless settle a million on youand be accom modating enough to die in a month or two. " "lie's most old enough to die , isn't he ? " Judge Somerton looked up from his pile of papers and gave his daughter's speaking countenance a quick exam ination. There was something in her manner of asking this question a little different from usual , and the judne was an expert in detecting shades of this kind. "Mr. Kicklepod told mo one day that he would izive anything if he could have me about his house all the time , " the girl went on , half laughing and half pouting. "You would make a splendid trump eter , Floss. " The Judge's suspicions were quite allayed now , and the easiest way out of these annoying complications was to treat the matter as lightly as possible. "Oh , my lungs are good , " said Flos sie ; "and I wouldn't mind singing into the trumpet. Papa Somertonwhat a lark ! Think of how many edifying things I could nay with my back to the poor old gentleman. I could abuse him to all the furniture in the house , and he'd never be the wiser. I'll con sider it , papa. " "When a woman considers , she is generally safe. " At this point the Judge resumed his search among the intricacies of chiro- graphy , and his daughter went on with her dusting and putting to lights. After a while the silence was again broken by the latter. "You were poor when you married , papa ? " "As a church mouse , Flossie. " "Why did you do it ? " "Because I didn't know any bet ter. " "But you and mamma were verv happy ? " "Florence , " and now the kindly , middle-ased man brought his hand down hard upon his desk , "if I had waited until I had saved some money your mother would be alive now. It was hardship and poverty that sowed the seeds of a fatal disease. In three years , Flossie , there were two childern born to us. My salary was quite in adequate for all the added expenses. Then came frettinjjs and heartaches , and a six months' illness of my own. We suffered as none can understand save those who have had similar ex periences. Your mother was IS Flos sie. She should not have married at that age. Our love was all right , but our marriage at that time was a fatal mistake. Now you know why I advise you as I do. " Long after the Judge had left the house thesaddeningeffeet ofhis words remained , but youth is unable to re main very long in the shadow of an other's grief , and so after a while Miss Florence doffed her sweeping-cap , put awtiy her sad thoughts and went out into the garden. It was a warm April day , and .shrubs and grass were responding in their brightest manner to nature's caressing invitation. Such a day was too much for Flossie. She could scarcely have been sad under any provocation , but a look at the bright , sunny face and the sparkling brown eyes was enough to convince one that the spirit of mischief was ex ceedingly strong within her. Her co quettish garden hat was posed at the exact angle for becommgness , and her plump little figure , arraTed in a dress she had cut and madewith her own fair hands , was one to be looked after and admired by every lover of harmony. There was a gate leading from the Judge's garden to that of his million aire neighbor , the latter being posses sed of that genial " and generous dispo sition which" likes to share his pleas ures with others. Mr. Nicklepod , who was fond of working with his flowers , spent much of his time in his large hothouses , and thither the young woman , humming and smiling , betook herself. Mr. Nicklepod's ear-trumpet reposed by the side of a bed of carna tion pinks , while its owner busied himself with some orange trees further on. on."I wonder how long I could stand it to yell into an ear-trumpet ? " the visitor soliloquized. "Of course I could hide it when I didn't feel like talking. But then I suppose he'd be mat ing signs and faces at me.and I should have to make faces and signs at him , and that would be worse than the trumpet. " With this the judge's daughter seized the somewhat formid able looking instrument and went to meet her friend. "Why , Blossom , good morning , " said the millionaire , heartily. "No body but you ever thinks to bring me my trumpet. " "And nobody but me would ever think of hypothecating your trum pet , " said vhe naughty girl under her breath. "How's your pa ? " Mr. Nicklepod continued. "Quite well , but a little cross , " said , Florence bending the " ' . , over "porring- er' as she called it. "I hope you are not cross , Mr. Nickelpod ? " , The smile deepened about the girl's mouth as she wondered what must have been her expression of counten ance when giving utterance to these ' words. She felt it to be the most de- ! signing speech ot her life. "Cross with you ? " protested the old man. gallantly ; "Impossible. I ' can't believe the Judge is ever cross , Blossom ; but if he "is , you can run 1 right away to my house any time , and you shall have everything you J want as long as you live. " i "I seem to be travelling by lightJ J ning express ; and on the locomotive 1 at that , " said the minx , sotto voice. "But what would papa do ? " she askJ J pA of th trnmnoh- i ' BHBaJBWJaffasBSHBPMK * a "You will bo leaving him soim time , I sunposo Blossom ? " "Yes , in about fifty yearo , " eaid the girl to herself. "And you see , nhild , " Mr. Nickle pod went on , "it would be "ery handy for your pa if ho only had to come next door to see you. " "I never { bought of that , " said Flossie : "and I guess I'll come. " said she aloud , and then to herself , "I wish I dared ask him how long he thinks ho is going to live , " "I'voagood mind to take you at your word , Blossom. I'm a pretty old man , but heartv yet , and there is one thing I haven't forgot , and that's how to treat women folks. I'm a very lonesome old duffer , too , with all my money , child. " "The back cato would bo real con venient for papa , wouldn't it ? " said Flossie into the trumpet , and in a tone which was just on the edge of a sob. "But by what gate could Jack come in ? " was the next thought , and now theob was softly shattered , and the April tears fell in a b'inding ' mist. "Blossom , what's the matter ? " snid the old man , with real concern. "It can't bo possible that the Judge has really been cross enough to make you cry ? " "Oh , no , indeed ! " said Flossie. "I was thinking how nice it would be to have all the flowers I wanted. " "You could have had those at any time , " was the somewhat disconcert ing response. "Yes , Mr. Nicklepod" Flossie was determined to be honest even in the hour of her greatest deceit "and all the money. " The seamed and wrinkled face took on a grave expression , and the old head shook a little at the mention of this word. "Money isn't everything , Blossom , " he said * "Money won't provide mo with ears , or keep the rheumatism out of my knees , or the loneliness from my heart. But you shall have money. Now go and tell John to cut all the flowers you want , and then run home and tell your pa of my oiler ; I think you had both better come in and take dinner with me to night , and we'll talk it all over. " "He doesn't act particularly hilari ous , seems to me , " said Flossie , as she turned away. "But I'm engaged , anyway plighted to anoctogenarain , or a centurion , or something of that kind. Jack'U hate me , of course ; but when he finds I have done it for his sake he'll have to relent. If I don't have but a million , that will be better then scraping and twisting tor years to save five thousand dollars. Papa always said that riches would be very becoming to me. Poor papa ! Poor Jack ! " When the Judge returned to his home , about 3 o'clock that afternoon , he was much surprised to find his daughter reclining upon the library lounge with her head tied up. "What's the matter Flossie ? What is it that smells so ? " "Vinegar , papa. I've hadhysterics , and this is the reaction. " "I hope you are not getting cranky , and weak , and nervous , like the girl of the period , Floss. " "I'm not getting anything , papa ; I've got. I've got all I want , and more than I want. I've got old Mr. Nickle pod and his ear-trumpet for my fu ture husband , papa , and there's mill ions in it ; but where oh , where is Jack ? " For a moment the Judge stood as if petrified and then burst into a perfect fit of laughter. At this point the vinegar bandage was discarded and the prospective millionairess came to a sitting position. "Isn'titfunny ? Isn'tit very funny ? " she remarked , with flashing eyes. "But you are responsible for it , with your talk about § 5,000. I went de liberately into Mr. Nicklepod's and made him propose to me. I was bound to settle it to-day. And now , papa , will you break the news to Jack ? We are to dine with the ear trumpet to-night , and then exeunt parties and dances , with Jack so handsome and lovely in his full-dress suit , and enterlong-sleeved gowns and old age without ears. " "You'll have ears enouah for both , " said the Judge. "They seem to have grown longer since morning. " "But , papa , Mr. Nicklepod is cer tainly over 80 , isn't he ? " "Flossie , what have yon been do ing ? " "Truly , papa , just what I said. O , dear me , how my head aches ! Mercy ! how my heart aches ! " "Upon my word I thought better of Nicklepod , " said the Judge to himself a while afterwaid. "But I pity the man young , old or middle-aged who gets my Floss ! " and then the Judge laughed again , though there was a touch of something besides merriment in his heart. That evening the millionaire was at his best. Carefully dressed and "val eted , " as Flossie remarked , he looked much younger then when in his garden or on the street. "Good for forty years , I should say , Floss , " whispered the Judge , wicked- "He is real handsome , ' was the as tonishing reply , "and I shall live to be proud of him. " "I suppose Blossom has told you of our compact , " Mr. Niklepod began , when at dessert , the servants having left the dinning-room. The Judge nodded , the ear-trumpet being on Flossie's side "Are you agreed ? " was the next di rect question put by the old gentle man. "Nod up and down , " said Flossie. "Don't you dare do it sideways. " The Judge reached for the trumpet and yelled into it. "We'll talk about that later. " "Very well , "said Mr. Nicklepod ; "I am , as I told Blossom , an old man , and perhaps not very good company ; but I Know how to treat women folks let 'era have their liberty , and give them plenty of money eh ? " and now the millionaire's face was fairly radi ant. ant."That "That ought to be satisfactory , " said the Judge ; "but there are those who would abuse such broad privi leges and one of them is not so very far off , either , " he added , under his breath. "Perhaps , but Blossom wouldn't be one of that kind. No , indeed , I am sure of Blossom. " The Judge shook his head "side ways" that time. It seemed an invol untary movement. "Can't you circumlocute to how old he is , papa ? " said naughty Flossie. "I was telling Neighbor Davis this morning , " the host began , as if in an swer to her question , "that I really look older than I am , being only 72 last week. " "You are in for it , " the Judge re marked , as the speaker paused a mo ment to fill his class. "Feel of vnnr 4b. - , + -rSwf. . _ , - , . , - wrffti > in > * aj , t ears , Floss , and learn for youraolf il they haven't grown. " "My father , "Mr.Nicklenod resumed , ' "lived to bo 06 and then died from an ' accident. My mother was in her 90th j year when eho passed away. In fact , j we are a very long-lived race , though we seem to age early. " "According to precedent twenty years at least , " said the Judge. "The reason I haven't married again , " the millionaire went on , "is because I could never bring myself to believe that any one whom I cared for could ever care for me ; and to have a wile whoso constant wish was for my death would bo rather hard lines eh , Blossom ? " "Blossom" managed to nod her head , but her face was turned away from her host , and her father was sur prised to soe how pale it was. "Why aro you like Cicsar's wile ? " the latter managed to ask , in hi3 old joking manner. If Flossie lost her grip at this crisis the consequences would be more dramatic than he car ed to comtemplate. But hapyily the change from the dinning-room to the beautiful library caused a change in the conversation , and the victim of her own folly had a chance to recover herself. It was a longstrance evening , and one to bo remembered while life lasted. The two men played check ers , while the girl guest wandered about among the books and pictures , stealing occasionally into the great drawing-rooms , and coming back again as white and scared as if she had seen a ghost. "Will it be lonely for you , Blos som ? " the old gentleman asked , as she returned from one of these excur sions. "I've been thinking , " ho add ed , without waiting for an answer , "that it'll make things about right if I can persuade your pa to come , too. Ho has no one but you , and then I need some business help , and it would be a heartening thing to have a true friend at hand. " "Oh , dear ! he is going to marry us both , " muttered Flossie. "What do you say , Judge ? " Mr. Nicklepod went on. "Suppose you try it for a year ? There is no reason why this house cannot be a home to you both in the truest sense of the word. Do take pity on me. neighbors , for I believe I am the lonesomest old vagabond in the whole world. " "Judge Somerton , I wish I was dead , " said Flossie ; and then , seizing the trumpet , she said in broken tones : "Mr. Nicklepod. you are an angel , and papa don't know what to say , and I am in just as bad a state. I'd love to live here with all these beautiful things , and with you so kind and generous , and so would papa that is , if he has a single sense left. And I made up my mind I would live here , just because I lov6d Jack you know Jack and he hadn't any money , aud he couldn't marry me in about ten ages. " "For mercy's sake , Floss , " the Judge | ) iit in , imploringly , "don't be a siniDleton. " "It's begun , and ithasgotto come , " was the girl's quick answer. "And , Mr. Nicklepod , I thought some time I could take Jack a lot of money that is , if he could wait for me and I didn't see how I could really do you any harm that is , if you were truly fond of me. " "You are an honest , blessed girl , " said the old man , brushing away a tear , "and I am truly fond of you , and truly desirous to promote your best interests. But , Blossom , I would no soouer marry you than I would kill you. Such a wicked thought has never crossed my mind. You shall have two fathers , Blossom , and you shall have Jack , too ; but not to marry him now , because you are not old enough , and Jack hasn't had a chance to show what kind of stuff there is in him yet. Five years from now , if he proves worthy , you shall go to him with a dowry. Then we will have the jolliest wedding that ever was , and I will dance with tha bride. " For a moment there was utter silence in the room , and then Flossie lifted her right hand , a" .d with a characteristic movement of her little fiorefinger , said into the trumpet : "You two men have had your heads together. That is as plain as the noso on your face , " giving her father's nasal organ a little tweak. "But , Papa Nicklepod , Judge Somer ton and his daughter will be with jou anon , and the way you will have to stand round and mind the housekeep er will be a caution. " "AH right , " said Mr. Nicklepod ; "give me a kiss ; and I do wish I could tell you how happy you have made me. " The kiss was given , and it was no disgrace to Flossie that her eyes overflowed with tears. A Wonder in Industry. Some faint idea of the enormous proportions to which the canning in dustry has grown , is given by this clipping from the Commercial Enquir er of New York : "A man who conveys the impression that he knows what he is talking about , estimates that 'the packers of food in this country use in their busi ness some 1,000,000,000 cans annu ally. A box of tin plates weighing from 10S to 112 pounds provides about 8 cases of cans. A case con tains one dozen three pound cans , or two dozen one pound cans. ' There fore , according to his figuring , a box of tin will make something like 100 cans , so that it requires something like 10 , - 000,000 boxes of tin plate to make the cans used yearly. The weight of the metal alone is about 110,000.000 pounds , and the cost , our informant tells us , is in the neighborhood of $15. - 000,000. " Champagne Seasickness. Chicago Journal. When Mr. Lincoln made his visit to General Grant's camp at City Point , Va. , in 1864 , he was met by the Gen. , eral and his staffand upon being ask ed how he was , said : "I am not feel- ' ing well. I got pretty badly shaken up on the bay coming down , and I am ' ' not altogether over it yet. " "Let me send for a bottle of champagne for you , Mr. President , " said one of the staff officers ; "that is the best remedy ( I know of for seasickness. " "No , no , my young friend , " said Mr. Lincoln : "I've seen many a man in my time ' seasick ashore from drinking that very article. " o An engine coming east on the Baltimore tfcOhio railroad burst her boiler when midway between Keyser aud Cumberland , . killing Engineer Woodraff , or Martinaburj , W. Va. , and his fireman , Miller , of Cumber land . f r . • * -V * i0 > ' * * ' * * K • * K rp Uir. Fir * Out. It in "lly time , " as tho tormented house-keeper well known. And hon the suggestion mado by n writer in the i Cougrogationalist in reasonable. The j * secret of success , sho says , is iu begin- ning the battle early in the season. Gc over the Iiouho in the morning : , and with u wet cloth kill every i\y \ which is cer tain to seek the warmth of the sunny window-panes ; this will prevent the hatching of hundreds later on , foi naturalists assert" that COO ure only the average brood from n binglo fly. The other places where they are most likely to deposit lheir eggs are iu tho dual which gathorn , even in most cleanly houses , behind books in book-co-sen , ic the space between double window8 , and behind tho weights and cords of win dows. These are places , too , where the buffalo bug and various other insects are apt to lurk , r > o that itwill pay to keep a sharp lookout for every kind of possible pebt while in search of tho harmless bid annoj-ing fly. Foi tlinnto IHI s Floreuca Itajard. Miss Florence Ba3'ard was quite fortu- nato lastA eek in canyingr off prizes , winning iirf.t prizes herself at the tennis tournament , and her dog , Deny , bring ing homo a third prize to his mistress from the dog show. Miss Bayard's &uc- cess is the more remarkable since she has been devoted to tennis but a short time. In addition to Derry , Miss Baj-ard owns another pot dog which it is said would have surely Avon a first prizo if exhibited , but Secretary Baj'ard thought if the animal did win it would take a fair part of his time and means to keep rescuing it from the hands of the professional dog stealers. Washington Post. A Very Sluipl lliir < > iuot r. One of the simplest of naturo'sbarome- ters is a spider's web. When thero is n prospect of wind or rain , the spider shortens tho flaments by which its web is sustained and leaves it in this state as long as the weather is variable. If it elongates its threads , it is a sign of fine calm weather , the duration of which may be judged by the length of which the threads aro let out. If the spidei remains inactive , it is a sign of rain ; il it keeps at work during the rain , the down-pour will not last long , and will be followed bj' fine weather. Observation has taught that the Bpider makes changes in its web every twenty-four hours , and that if such changes are made in the evening , just before Buuset , tho night will be clear and beautiful. St. Jamee Gazette. Allen Head * the IIeHVena. % Little Allen , twenty-two months' old , is standing in the door looking towards the eastern sky about sunset. Some thing attracts his attention. "Up-a-dar , " he says , pointing to the nearly full moon , "Papa's money dodder" ( dol lar ) . A few minutes later he sees tho clouds "cars smoke" is his verdict. We told him the moon and clouds were in the sky. Next morning he went out to see them as soon as breakfast was over. Ho could see neither and ho says : "Sky gone. " Babyhood. Wliy Baby Kicked. "Oh , I had such a lovely dream , " said Mamie to her little brother Bobby yes terday' morning as they were going down stairs to breakfast. "Did j'ou ? What did yon dream about ? " asked Bob , stopping on the landing and ej'eing his sister suspicious ly. He was an only son among five daughters and never had dreams. "Well , I dreampt thatl was in a candy store , and that I was eating caramels and taffy. " "And I what was I eating ! " cried Bob , getting red in the face at the thought of it. "You ? " "Yes , I. " "Why , you weren't there at all. " "I wasn't there at all , and yott went and dreamed that you were there doing that without me , " and he burst into tears and went down yelling to his father. Philadelphia Ledger. "Yes ; I shall break the engagement , " she said , folding her arras and looking defiant ; • 'It is really too much tiouble to convetse with him ; he's as deaf as a post , and talks like he had a mouthful of mush. Besides , the way lie hankB and spits is disgusting. " "Don't break the engagement for that ; tell him to take Dr. Saje'a Catarrh Remedy. It will cure him completely. " "Well , I'll tell him. I do hate to break it off , for in all other respects he's qiiite too charm ing. " Of course , it cured his catarrh. Sarah Bernhardt recently beat the bank of Monte Carlo to the tune of $1,000. Kciiiarlcable Surgery. The pcience of surgery has made such wonderful progress in modern times , that the most intricate and delicate operations are now undertaken and carried to a suc cessful ipsue. There are now several well authenticated cases of what is known as jineumotony , that ib to say , the remoTai r > f diseased portions of the lungs in cases of consumption. While , however , this del icate operation ban sometimes been suc cessfully performed , the risks attending it are so great , and the chances of recovery so slight , that it is seldom resorted to. The safest plan in constitutive caB s is to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Mo 'dical Discovery. t This will always cure the disease in its ! earlier stages , thoroughly arresting the I ravageB of the terrible malady , by romov- j ing its cause and healing the lungs. Mies Eayard , of Baltimore , a niece of the secretary of state , is six feet tali. Tlic View Prize Story is eagerly sought for , read with pleasure or disappointment , is then tossed aside and forgotten. But ladies who read of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription , read it again , for they discover in it something to prize a messenger of joy to those suffer ing from functional derangements or any of the painful disorders or weaknesses pe culiar to their sex. Periodical pains , in ternal inflammation and ulceration , read ily yield to itB wonderful curative and healing powers. It is the only medicine for wompn , sold by druggists , under a pos itive guarantee from the manufacturers , that it will give satisfaction in every case , or money will be lefunded. This guaran tee has been printed on the bottle wrap per , and faithfully carried out for many years. Ex-President Hayea is teaching one of his sous the trade of carpentering. Speaker Carlisle's wife is five feet nine inches tall. The farms of thc'United States aro val ued at $10,000,000,000. Tho man who says "I cant"is in want of some support to lean upon. Don't monkey with a pole-cat. If you do the chances are you'd get skunked. Connecticut claims a parrot sixty Tears old. Indians and Chinese pluck the beard out by the roots. Every minute GOO pounds of wool gro.v in this country. A bridge that has no pier A floating Lridge. Eve was the first woman to want a nude dress. Go on a still hunt if you want to catch moonshiners. If your boots have holes in them , hav bh m fixed it might reynard. Judge Allen G. Thurman smokes about ten cigars a day. An electric light within a jolly mold is a new banquet idpa. Four teaspoons are equal to one table spoon. A man of mark Bismarck. A LlYE POUHTir. GrMnrt Doiucn In tlm Norllnvpal. "Xono to do it reverence" cannot bo said of the Pouvth of July , 1883. Tho whole Not tlm est commenced on that tlato n jubilee , the like of which has never been known in this country ; aud to the general patriotism excited by tho occurrence of tho "Declaration" anni versary , is added the special influence of the fact that 1888 marks tho first century of the existence of the Northwestern portion of tho United States as a civil ized communitj' . Only ono hundred years of time separates the eras of tho wild beast and Indian from that of the arts of peace , aud the white man's cul ture ; but tho path of human progress expands liko a fan , and it may bo truly said that tho work of the past century has been tho utilization of the experi ence and labors of all previous ones. In no place has this bceu more conspicuous limn in tho West , and proud of their record , its denizens , through the "hun- ' dred day" Centennial Exposition inau-1 unrated at Cincinnati , Ohio , on tho Fourth of July , are commemorating tho lapse of au oven century since the whito ' man began to redeem tho wilderness , and substitute his peculiar institutions and define its methods for the haphaz ard ways of poor Lo. A frying basketof galvanized vrirc is some thing new. Every ono should have a practical bus iness education. Many of our boys ap preciate this and aro taking a course at Elliott's Business College , Burlington , Iowa. A Cincinnati hoy has oyc which can sco in the dark as well au the light. Scandal-mongers beliovo in the cawh sys tern. Thoy give no credit to any one. A llice-bird Tho Heathen Chinee. . . . .imii MiMn.aa w a * wnw ' NERVESNERVES / / What terrible visions this little word brirf ! before the eyes of the nervous. Headache , Neuralgia , Indigestion , Sleeplessness , Nervous Prostratioa , All stare them in the face. Yet all these nervous troubles can bs cured by using / IFaine's For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TON 10 Also contains the best remedies for diseased con ditions of the Kidneys , Liver , and Blood , which always accompany nerve troubles. It is a Nerva Tonic , an Alterative , a Laxative , and a Diuretic That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $1.00 a Bottle. Send for full particulars. WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. . Proprietors , BURLINGTON , VT. The best Blood Purifier and Tonic , B. R B. , Botanic Blood Balm. Absolutely the quickest , cheapest and most effectual Blood Poison Remedy on Earth. B"NM yQ B Thoroughly tauplit S ud tor Catalogue. Itemiiiytuu Mtnitluitt T > n > - Omaliii , Neb. 'WELLS © * B Send for our rataloinip. he , in Well KorluC and ( "na.1 ProMicrtinir : • hi • . . < fcc. LOOW1IS & NYFV3AN , TIFFIN. OHIO. ns > ( T3 ft R f * "ctse : the eest. ITy' J t'XBVStationerakecp'liera.Standard quality BS ia jjvltj ? all styles. Sauiplc doz.10 cents by mail. CLVVKLiWD & TIIl'RttAN , 1 CampalBn 1IAKKSSOX ii MOKT-OV , ( McJ.ns now ri'id. . OuraK nts are inaklnK bjmoicv. ! J different eainples ami aseuts" termSfic. . Tlie Soliuaal ) > tiii jt&bealCo.ClilcaiuUI .and Milwau i'e.WIs A- ' * J'A.ii7 e S lyHr1 - - • ' vSm. n H Sa H & Patent Attorney H.V.ash.m- < ro a lJ Hsau il ton.D.C. Instructions and W opinions on patentability free. 20 yr . experience. C4 gtoS8 perdav Sample * worth SIJlOFItmLines siBljiiot under the horsa' feet. Vint * Brewster C ptUSafety * Rei'i Hold erCo. , Holly , .sucn. Purity and Strength J The former tn the h'o-xl unit th I t * T thrmieThoia 9 the uratem. arc r.ece < iirr to Ilia cnjornwnt ot p * * * " m ( ec * h • tilth. The bent w r lo secnrobotUU tot * ' a HooiVa Hariaptrlll" , whichfTpela/iUlmptir / llrf/roK" ] th * MooJ. rou < s the kidney * nn l I'ter. ' 0Tfro > * * tlist tircl ten In ; : , ami Imparls ttiat lr nline to-U - - whole body , wh'ch makes one fcrl perfect y well. "I have taken rut qulto l > otil jf > loo < r * * • - • , psrllls , and inuit tty It li one of ttui best niatcfo * • , for Ktrlni ; aa aptetllp , pnrlfylnir tho Mo f , * resnlMlnj thndlgeitlrn orpans that lever heard ot. It did me a yre .t deal of ko il. " Un. K. A. bXA * LXT , Csnnstots , K.T. I 1 Hood's SarsaparUIn i Fold by all druffslsts. ns MxforlV rrr rri ! Mijjyr ( by C. I. HOOlJ & CO , Aputhecurlrs. MwitU. XIaa * . IOO Doses Ono Dollar "HADWAY'C * ! I * * ' fitiTiS. ; _ _ . j | Tie Brat layer an ! Stomach Reiefj I 1 For the core of all disorders ef th i Momsch. Ure * : ' I Huweli , Kidneys , l.Udatr. Karvuui Ul etuca. JLcai * I of Apaethe , -adirhe. . Rustlveness , ladl < rito ! a. , Hl.lousnri" . fever. Inflammation < > ( tlie Ifcjfrrtsv l'lles and all drrameinrnU of tbe Internal Vl > jcrra _ I'urely vccetatilp containing no mercury , minerals , , • r deleterious drujt * . Perfect Digestion ; Will hr accomplished by taklns Itadway's rilU. Ev { * so doing f j Sick Headache ? . Fonl Stomach Hlllonin Bn will be avoided and tbe- food Is eaten conlrlMit- nourt ulnr rrofrzr- Uoa for tbe support or tu natural naate of tlurUadj . DYSPEPSBA- I > Tt. KADWAY'H . . , T T r..IJ - am a cwr- for Mils complaint. They restore strength to iha stomach and enible It to perf inn Its fauctlon.4. T * > e ivnij.Unn f Jjjr.pcritn dl appeirr ami w > tlj Uiein the I anility of the ayatem to contract Ulsaae * . Take tlie medicine according to < ilr : tjnu aud t - serve what e ay la "Fl e and Tr e" rcsprctlsc diet. A few eitr icts from the many letters we are constantly rfce-"vl ( r : Dr. X. C Mlddlrbrook. Doravllle , Oa. : " 1 oic ihrjt.i In my praottce aad family In preference te all otiits- ' " I'llls ilr . Caroline Montrlth. Deer Creefc. In t ; "I "bi lleve my lire has bern saved by yournf-illclne. Ha-rxr lonr been suffering with Dyspepsia and Liver Caca- plaint. " 11. A. Carr. P. M , Escambia , Ala , : "Beat Kris tas has ever used. " E. Iluin-nel , Boonvitle , Mo. : Cured aim when aCT" . others failed. Alice K. Ohaver. MU Storm. "W. Va : "I poeltlrt r- ray that Kadway's arc the bast Mils I ever l aiw Dvsnepsli. " Pf-Send a If tier stamp to DK. KADTf AT & CO , No. SJ Warren St. , New York , for "False and Tni * ' 3 > jj saajEs. : . .siF = T , * > , NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS" The Western Newspaper Uuiou- "Whenever needing anything in tray of job stock , print paper , outfits osr printing material of any kind , ink , rol lers or stereotyping , don't fnil to ; cfc our prices. You will save money l > y bc * doing. Our Rcaily Print. , arc tli UScst If you are contemplating stai ling to. new paper you should not fail to Bee n before closing n deal. If you are not receiving Tun PitiNr- ers' Auxiliary , our monthly , send for- it. Free to every printer or publisher ; Address : WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIW , - 0.13ABIA , IVKB- > egS52&i" . e5 * prc'crlneand folly aa j&jfw * * * * * * * - * * dono lli r O aa th ooly igafcu Onreila sJH specificforthecertalncure- /g& l 70 6 DaTS.\rf „ f this diaeasn. flE .aT. t . n u'tl a g.H.INGKAHA3i " .3I P- _ BiiSl * " " * " " " • Amaterdact. N. V- feS Oirdeolybytta Wo baro sold Big G ta V&STilSTisieiiahilt : * many years. ? .nd it S r V2fSCiaclnnatlS * = 3 laetlnn. T&Sav Ohio , fca D. K. dyciti : A CO. . * < $ ? ChicaEo. 11/ - TtsiV * iSaiafe aaTkV81.0Q. Sold by DrustTista. * A § P ! MSGOOD _ rt rr : ! ' ' icSBi' * * ! * en' ° n triai. { reijlrr j gg222i 5 L 2S3g jaid. ruUy Warranted. % | | | ppp # 3 TON $35. -i . , .it. " * " ' Other sizes propcjtioo- ately low Ag-nts well paid , llhutratcd Catalogmr free. Mention thi Psft JSGCOD k TE0HTS02I , Biagiienton , IT. T WjffiENS-fsj fS SfT ? CORSETS. ei i g22 Js5ic" ' lioi e At s ! ! it fy ur- * 7 7 * * breakabv vt. l4s- i .JV2n' _ ! at" * 'orr ofFeitliertxirie freUkfr - J < "iEA.TIlKiillOSi : . " ii Uaas , illehl a. . HJflnn r.iUN ! " . < . ra ! lr Ieirn'd N" < * Che-ip- wt" > pr < • i ReM" I h fiillliih'nif'lte-iixpri * for Si DO''J < r > ' * > • > . .SI7ti ! > • IW. Drim-r. C > Xo. rlTif n I Tetk ° * neaBrtm--TnoreDonf/r'HkiB f rafluTT UCHOIat anTthinrrL" n11i worM FltVr i T < o ttr offiS rKLL. l < nn Il-t.t , ltl-/l. loAupuUkua < CI sVPr'Ti TreatKt and cured wl'noar te rjme- I & IV ! M lBoot on treatment snt fire Adrtnil l/ullUljllF L. roM > .l ! E > . Aurora , SCaneCo. 1U. nnin Is worth * O0 per In. I'ctlt's Eye alve- } * . UULUwortu St.GMJbiit .tsold at " ci hex oy uunlttrs / W. N. U. , Omaha. 42' 2 ° . ToJTou < rfccper3and • OT TB . carbonatoofsoda. One H ITarmrrs. Itis impor- 2 * * S ® a v&Orii v. s tea.vioonfiiloftbe"Arnx M > tant that tho Soda you / ! ? 1& jJU JSffi .viTS * v A : Hammer" brand ol usa slMUld be White and .i i Ltf ? r i i r -ir . tSJt tTj. Sod * mixed wit li * onr M Pure same aa all similar > ® yj ? j& > ' " sTifSi V mi' e'lal" , tonr tea- H Bubstinccs used for /&tWs / ? ! Yv * J > * ' V spoonfuls of the best H food. To insuro obP&f Js Twl -rr T sQ v$7/ 32SiBaiing 1'owder. aarinff H taining only the "Arm & la i yF * * / "Tifel Vv OSJl twenty time * ita cost , Hammer" brand Soda , IL * f/ ) Xa2fl7 tM beside * V ing much H buy it in "pound or i&fSS l / " J * \ lE 13 8s ? l healthier , because it M half pound" cartoons , | l § bl [ / f'A idS \ ll jfc ? ! ! < * oe"1 not coalsm * n7 H which bear our same Ik Jl / \ / \i\ \ I MAl injurious substances , H and trade-marl : , as intfltoaflV l jfY&n I3eB&I auchaB alum , terra alba H - - -Y&n & * * ferior goods aro someWrl3 \ V y ) ) gffilJkSJbIJ etc. , of which many Eftlc- H timesaubstitutedforthe Y@jj25fX\ \ _ rJiiJOkjgEi ing Powders are bs < ! . H "Arm t Hammer" brand KSkJ Dairymen and Fanners' M when bought in bulk. v vgllaf < svS& _ - j e aMBPy ahouIdusoonlythe-Ana M Parties using Baking vJOaV bJEP' ' w 11 9t l PT & Hammer" brand fotr M Powder should rem em- * SXwk9i Sal jt&y cleaning and Vecpinjr M ber that its sole rising H. 7 | 'iiil'lc Fans Sweet uut H v HB | property consists of bi- &Saa Saaa Clean. H Cincinnati \ JULY4 I * &r • • sr e > y 'fi ii ! ssfc-JBS- * - H 8BM.B JUBILEE jeleJirating the Settlsment of the Northwestern Territory I UNSURPASSED DISPLAY. I EXCBJeSS © RATE ® FRQ83 ALL POINTS. I * s CaW WsT s 'S ra P3WPa rn g Mi . ! ll.i raaoii stwsjsssgy. H . . , M " ' - i a i i a I a - - I I m TO MAKE I Yumwsvi A DELICIOUS BISCUIT I SyS L ASK YOUR GROCER FOR • JIB DWiSHT'S "DOW BBAND" SODil I AND TAKE NO OTHER. I 'I > sH -I ilM l aaaai