The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 20, 1888, Image 5

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    I *
I Fl * MtCisk IVihft
n | FKIDAT EVEX fC. JULY . I3 < .
Ku : -
K Remeiafear Xftfcle fr { "ftMieiries.
lWtr [ ii
i Swwet mtler ai tke (3ty Bakery.
' * XcW/t fr up rb " sampi * kunpa.
H Fn k aS < w at tke City Bakery.
| | | STOr. HoTs * m Wrest Xa
| j § ticBai ba k.
[ I Aimth&r tnmVU m ' pM. wat luk > a
II JUCradams.
| W & Wmk fuxaaagt at tint B. & . 31
IB 3 ! pU Morbst.
IS 2 # j < sr * * t b frtmaur bet * at
I & * F * ktf * bb * i > .50 woUihtt
If Qp * M-KUi ai -fcware at Barry *
Br Co P"30i < M ' * Homaa gar Mtapt
II Tksy aedl : e * wt.
Ef All Jtiw4w * f b - * ig t hnn * at Pas
J & # * * * , > oivt Atcmhm.
| S9& "benowm fi r fca4kinih + f& .
mS Bua - aamtmlkm * * , gwitons , Ut , a
Bj E"Wk * ml ammhtil wmote f all kitnl
1 t lktK.4Jt Mm * Maekwt.
m Jtbmij&mtQ fumk whI fc m th-
B < * aj • pwwwiiM at 2 W * ' s fe F * .
W fe3 < TIKK FAMOt'S.
V , Hmtpllmng mwiimWj ; kpt m lastrcdue
B ii.lLiMfcifciiniira * Qwwtlt' * MttatHuL
B- QuAfor fc < * * * wk , fttitzj aw
B MA * LAMi Kn t MaUc
B' jpw inriw qtunnTiTrm . eft.r f > • * * .
B IP > iii > fcwil * atnwt > ! bawk f
B- fce& a * TREK PAMOl'S.
K nbmfcuig M 3 * iftf Wt MlMd # Mpt
B If ai aMKii ; cfi e W. fcy I' . E
B TW kwc fiawd riW omit * w bbat H
B EL Jfctmkwf wiJ > < * g liiWwBt pcMtK k
B- ' Pcuhk Imm * a * t per * • . 4 niffet
B IxyNHr f W. 3C Aw fc > m Wir Pta *
B * Sf IW fMt rf Wktnf ii ttame
B. Mr a * t aA jk.
B auwat C fiwtefc w lin k rf afar a
B Q yaiifs imnimiK.
B IW a * Mf , dba ; * * • A f M ti
B i * : i * * & 9 BMUhv. OlAwtHl
B > W3C Aw'fawnw w W * t T > K.s.l * ai
B 4NC J04MT iMHt a MM fT < M OtaB gt t
B tTagnf.i'T AJI m j cJUofu
B tki-x + Jkyl. ihmt iM aw fca < m
B artunrrfamt ; Jhtf mwtf Ww fc iwc ga fas
B | fpc mm mm imfcr k * & iaJ
B g M * rfU JR. 4 JC. Xmk MndUc a wJ !
B TlNJf WmVc wmnt het mmc dkMMet • ;
B m mmviK X A. f.gai. Kb sjwto * )
B cm U Ttmk W A * fctetawiki
B ? limf Jc y wir aamtj x mwifimt *
B < f t fAi g btftMgpw : • • a. &etfcie <
B Tai r iwi t Mt.
B . 1W jidUtt hMH ; dif mB , Imitfe *
B' ai tdl * c fcwl jmtjmt * Amukl lit m. < w
B yam : HMm teM At fa 6 * t B cr ;
B - - ' v * ra"1' * ' -
B a. pMftifey , Sa t AmI fe > r him
B yt mammI a hwU. C i wrkmaa
B * . - - - - - Jt fefba Akd . - - +
- a
B * Bt * BteMfagaMt > wiily | A * iittM i
B • xgjwtt miiy mnti m.mfc Hia , wtwd
B 1& * Bifrf f T mW ku tofcB t
BBC " iw acd i K L - a mJ s Ad HUMJAi
B 9UMMM % AbK KtBty S kJ Bitt pfe *
B % ffciiiW ' , ijfiumn nmna , tx.
B W * W t x X . 1 M iag smJL w *
B V | bMMi iKiflMriM0Mjft ffk. Ftatwu
B m r Mt a. , f wwily 6w s & tciej
B " * ' FWBWWBK BftOis.
B A mmAh * Sh # f * ws , ttkpfa
B riwrflrii > ' , fiitif a ! ! : , foicfiiHna t a
B JM : futf • iiiiti Aiiinir bk m % k t m ;
B i H if < Aawry m sttfceCfc
B 9m BM * *
B ham - i n < iiii rite mm ngfct •
B lOAa vilbMmMdM ktifc
B eJmml Owotui aaar. FmK Mlbr pm
B < 6ce aoi MCY S *
B j ec juiiriiif Try itU. . BL 8 &r.
B Bf iw * wst iwriiiwg kaB m
B > fee Way f x hnrngpiz hif , K h C. 31
E N Mt. ' Mm i& J * * i wmeift. • A
B fefg * * sw &ntert s * k • ba gia
B k fe * • " h ttgjbt S S BlA > 7 Stdr
B j oS s cs.
B Genuine California. Claret , fa
B sxusmar drinking , at Strasser 's.
I $100,000.00
B 7saw o/T deeded lands , Mane
B edvancsd ta maka final proofs. Also
B 50 chaic * farms far sola. Qttfca op
B psiU Irfinqtaa Hotel. C. J. RYAH
B Imported Ah and London Stoat fa
B /Sur/iy ffff Strasser ' s. Deliver
B tdfrt * U private fsMtlfos ,
BBBW l * ii | iliiKgwiKfiii i imi wjfii/w > ii' ' iw""i" -iww'I'liyni'ijfMpinii ' ' ' wh
0tfr t/oci o/Mo following seasona
bfe goods is complete : f/oso , Noz
zles , Lawn Sprinklers , Lawn Grass
Garden Seeds , Tools , Refrigerator
and Jewel Vapor stoves.
"Pioneer Hardware Store. "
Go to Xoble lor your fainib groceries
Simpson & Jay. I'opuiar Barbers
Have you road the new advcrtisenicn
Musical instruments at McCrackcn '
Musie Store.
Regulation campaign badges at Mi
Craekeiis * .
Try McMilluit ' s "Ketch 'Km and Kee
'Bin " fiy paper.
S/"An excellent time piece for $2.5
at McCrackou ' s.
Try Paxtou ' s cigars. He carries th
finuetlinu in the city.
For all kinds of campaign badges am
pins go to McCrackens' .
llemember that Leland & Morrow sel
th rultable Olds wagon.
Stock full and prices away down a
Barry ' s Grocery House.
Smoke Faxton's "I'almetta" ban
made cigar. None better.
20 per cent , off on thin coats an
r sttf at TUB FAMOUS.
N thiug but freshest and pures
drugs at the Qity Drug Store.
Go to Leland & Morrow for every
thing in the flour and feed line.
On 3Ionday , C. W. Faine and hi
bt divorced wife were re-married.
City Hotel & Star Restaurant
The place for a good meal and clean bei
SiiupsAu & Jay have the finest barbe
abp in the city. Give them a call.
Farmers , the place for you to stop a
id tb City Hotel & Star Restaurant.
Best brands ol tobacco and cigars a
the Bon Ton bakery and confectionery
Five quires good note paper for 3i
mb > at
3IcCook Book and Stationery Co. ' :
George 31. Chenery at the City Dm ;
Store umke a specialty of prescriptions
Kailreod men will find the City Hote
& Star Restaurant the place for them
Remember Faxton 's cigar store , Mali
Avenue , next door to 3Ic31illeu 's drill
Just stop to think of it. 20 pe
< Bt. ff en summer suits at
2fobl , the leudiug grocer , carries th
ra et complete line of queensware in th
ity. Inspect it.
Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs
K rdo and music , 45 cents at
j * * Ib the line of plain and fane ;
gwaarks , C. 31. Noble will fill you
every waat satisfactorily.
If y u. are in search of a really deli
ewe * drink of soda water wander inti
the City Drug Store.
Hair cutting done in an artistic man
Mr by Simpson & Jay , ucvr shop ii
CStt2 n bunk building.
J e&T Received ! Two barrels of ex
tm. sweet eider at the City Bakery , whicl
wiH be s hl at 50 cents a gallon.
Fruits , candy , ice cream , all kinds o
temperance drinks at Clark & Dietrich'
Box Ton bakery and confectionery.
Hammecks and Hammock attach
Bteitte , croquet and base ball supplies a
3IeCQ > K. Book and Stationery Co. ' s
at office of
Furnished Room Wantsd.
A krge , well furnished room , eithe
wick , er without board , where there ar
few er no boarders. Address "X'
Tmbcne © fiice. S-2ts.
The Bfaek Arrow by R. L. Stevenson
La T rre by Emil Zola.
A Strange 3Iauuscript.
The Lady and The Tiger by Franl
K. Steokton.
AH in cheap editions at
McC&ok Book and Stationery Co. 's
Cash Dqwn. No Delay.
No Beed of waiting to send off appli
oati ns. 3Ieney paid over as soon a
papers are completed. Call ou or ad
ire , Red Willow Co. Bank ,
4t-fcf [ ndhinola. Neb
Balloon Ascension.
HaviHe. been unsuccessful in sendin ;
Kf mar balloons on the fourth of July
we have © rdered a new supply from thi
BKumfticturers and on the first favoi
able eveaiBg after their arrival we wil
saml them up as advertised. Watch fo
them and secure a prize.
3IcCo k Book and Stationery Co
$5,000.00 !
V/e have $5,000.00 to place oi
good farms during the next 20 days
Mo delay if security is approved.
Hocknell Brick Upstairs.
My entire stock of farm machinery
buggies , wagons , etc. , at absolut
cost for cash. Going to build pump
and will sell at ACTUAL COST.
. .
i i .i - i i - - i iT
mmmmmmm * * * * mBmamyamm0BMa * * * * mmKeuNUBmmmi
Watch the moon being eclipsed iSuudn
nlRlit , July S2nU.
Don't hunt happiness do honest work nn
happiness will limit you.
Love a as you judne him , but do n <
judge a man as you love him.
Now is the time to introduce the Egyptia
form of salutation , "How goes the perspin
tion. "
The brotherhood men now hold their dnil
meetings in the room in the rear of the li
S. land ofllce.
If you want a really handsome door call n
liullard's lumber yard and see his stock. JI
" " line.
carries si "dandy"
. . , one of mos
popular jomiK men , was here again on
. This lets us out of a hole.
TlieU. L. brethren held a meeting , Sat
unlay ninht , at the olliee of Helm & Davis
as per announcement by dodgers.
With the arrival of the joists for the same
this week , operations were inaugurated o :
the Xational-B.ibcock-Morlan biicks.
Note J. 11. Dennett's business card in thi
issue. Tarties having brick and stone wor ]
to do will find him a competent workman.
We aie under obligations to County Cleil
J toper for the statement showing assesses
valuation of the county for 1888 and 1887.
The base ball game of tho season will b
played , next Tuesday , when the "Fats" am
"Leans" will cross willows on the diamond
Preaching at the Lutheran church , nex
Sunday , lUiliO , A. M. , and 7:00 , P. JI. , Jl. T.
by the pastor , J. W. Kimiuel. All are wel
An addition being made by llev. Win
Suess to his residence on North Jlacfailani
street is rapidly Hearing completion , thi
This week , W. 0. LaTourette is addinj
improvements and conveniences to his JIai
shall street property in the way of substantia
The list of secret societies in this city ha
been augmented by the organization of i
camp of Jlodem Woodmen of America , thi
week , Tuesday.
The Prcdmore Bros , will extend their sho ]
sixteen feet on lot 7 , block 20 , to give then
more room to enable them to handle their in
creasing business.
Precinct committeemen will please seiu
us in their precinct primary election an
liomicemeuts , slating hour and place of hold
ing such primary.
The lire laddies were out , Tuesday evening
limbering up the "old machine , * ' and engag
ing in their regular practice of running , mak
ing connections , etc.
Contracts for wood work on First Nationa
bank and Stern-Strasser buildings have beei
secured by John Lewis , also , on theUabcocl
and Jlorlan structures.
Don't fail to see liullard's fancy Iron
doors. They are elegant and licli just tin
thing you are looking for if you want a hand
some , ornamental door.
Leave the thermometer and the fan alom
and yon will be many degrees cooler than tin
fellow who swings the palm leaf , and standi
guard over the mercury bulb.
It is hinted that the "medics" and wate :
melons , cholera morbus and cramps are qui
etly conspiring against the peace , comfor
and happiness of this community.
The latter part of last week , E. C. Gastoi
was the delighted grantee of an original in
valid's pension. Ephraim perches on tin
street sprinkler with more of grace than ever
See C. (1. Potter & Co. 's new adv. The ]
want it understood that they carry the bes
of everyt'iing in their line. Call and se <
them at Thompson's old stand on Jlain
The Masonic brethren indulged in a ban
( piet , Tuesday evening , on the occasion o :
the "elevation" of Messrs. Fowler and Ellis
Probst was the caterer and an elegant spreat
was prepared and enjoyed.
The Scientific American says that copa
varnish applied to soles of shoes and repeat
eil while drying until the uores shall liavi
been filled up and tho surface shall shim
like polished mahogany will make the sole ;
water proof and last as long as the uppers.
Says Sam Jones : "Tnank God it is n <
crime to be ugly. When God wants i
good woman He makes her as symmetrical a !
an angel , but when He wants a good man Hi
makes him as ugly as a mud fence. 1 nevei
saw a pretty man yet who was worth killing. '
The Woman's llelief Corpa of the city was
re-organized , last Saturday , by Mrs. Manches
ter. A number of new members were takei
into the corps , which starts out on its gooi
work stronger than ever and with renewec
courage and enthusiasm. Speed the cause
Wednesday was the anniversary of Jlis :
Lulu Nerval's ninth birthday , and the oc
casiou was commemorated in an enjoyabh
maimer by the young Jliss who made a part :
for her young friends , which the childrei
will long remember with sensations of pleas
A gentleman by the name of Ellis , fron
Hastings , has been awarded the contract foi
the brick work on the FirstNational-Babeock
Jlorlan buildings. These stiuctttres will bi
faced with St. Louis pressed brick , insteai
of Colorado red sand stone as first contem
Perspiration is a sign of health. It tell :
that the pores are open , that the blood v.
moving freely , that the organs of the bod }
are in working trim , and that many of th <
impurities in the system are being throwi
out. This remark is made incidentally as f
little drop of "Halm of Gilead" this ho
County clerks are requested to make ai
abstract of the assessment returns of their re
spective counties and report the same to tin
state auditor on or before July 10 of eacl
year. This has been done , this year , by al
the counties in this state except Chase
Dawes , Grant , Harlan , Howard , Knox , Itet
Willow , Sarpy , Sherman and Thayer. Lin
coin JournaL
"Advertise by the year , " said an old ex
perienced business man. It is cheaper am
yields a better return in proportion to tin
money invested. An advertisement sliouh
always be before the public in some shape
If it disappears it is soon forgotten , am
those that remain have the superiority am
advantage of the competitor. There Is onl :
one excuse for the discontinuance of an ad
vertiseinent that of retiring from business
A broad-minded man is one who thinks fo
himself , and arrives at his conclusions am
recognizes that every other man has tha
right. He does not take it for granted ever :
man is wrong who does not agree with Inn
nor have any less respect for a man becausi
he differs from him. He recognizez the fac
that no one has a monopoly of the kitowledgi
of this world , that we are liable to be mis
taken , and that upon the great ocean of doub
we all have a right to guess.
Council Doings.
Iloaul met in regular session , Wednesda
night ; present Cotiucllmen Dixon , Allei
Kay ; Dixon , ehaliinan. Minutes of prevlou
meeting approved. Following bills nllowe
on occupation fund :
Joseph JIcBraver , dravlng 3 1.00
Jlethut & DesLarzes , draying. . : ' .2. i
E. C. Gaston , street .sprinkling , 2:5.00 :
JIartin Yager.streot sprinkling , 75.00
J. 11. Hennett , police , 10.00
T. JI. Phillippi , police , ' ! .00
JIartin Yager , street sprinkler , 08.70
11. P. Bailey , street sprinkling , :
Mayor JIcEntee , salary , S37.W )
Councilman Jlclntoy , salary , . . 12.50
Councilman Allen , salary , 12.50
Councilman Dixon , salary , 12.50
Tieasurer Lawson , salary , 25.00
Clerk Anderson , salary , ' 57.50
A ttorney Lucas , salary , . ' 17.50
* T. JI. Helm , law book , 3.50
Lincoln Land Co. , hydrant tax. 150.00
ioai : > FUND.
JI. Williams , labor , 0.75
N. A. Bird , labor , IS.75
J. E. Walters , labor , 7.50
Charles Overman , labor , I. ' 55
I. Carl , labor , 3.75
Jas. Carl , labor , 7.50
The following bills were referred to fin
ance committee :
Joseph JleBrayer , 5 0.75
W. 0. LaTourette & Co. , 8.75
The following bills were laid on the table
Lincoln Land Co. , 5 31.00
Joseph JleBrayer , 10.00
Heiian & DesLarzes 25.00
First National Bank , 81.00
A permit was granted William Fruin ti
erecta bowery for dancing purposes on lot
10 and 17 , block 9.
A permit was granted Predmore Bros. t <
extend their blacksmith and wagon shop V
feet on lot 7 , block 20 , original town.
Kepoit of Albert JlcJIillen , druggist , pre
sen ted and referred to ordinance committee
Fire committee instructed to procure am
erect an electric bell for fire purposes.
Streets and alleys committee authorized t <
investigate the ad visibility of erecting ashet
in which to keep the street sprinkler am
tools belonging to the city.
It was decided to meet in the city clerk' :
office in the future. Adjourned.
That Flag Episode Again.
Perhaps more rot and nonsense has alreadj
been written about the "JlcCook rebel lku
episode" than the public can stomach with
out feeling of uneasiness in the gastric region
But an article appearing in the Omaha Her
aid of a few days since , and copied in a meas
ure from the JlcCook Democrat , deserves ;
passing notice , because of its villainous mis
representation of the facts in toto and of ifc
outrageous insults offered to the republican !
of this city. We append the contemptible
and malicious diatribe. Tjik Tribune i ;
not a champion of the "bloody shirt" idea
neither does it brook insult to the old soldiers
which the Herald pleases to style , " mercenary
spoilsmen , " ' 'sutlergang , " "partisans of free
whiskey , " "drunken bums , " "loafers , " etc ,
Here is the bilious prevarication :
The ready malice of republicans flndsan out
let daily in the invention of bloody shirt yarns
As usual , these villainous concoctions of mer
cenary spoilsmen travel a league while trutl
is pulling : on his boots. The story telegrapher
from McCook that Jake Steinmetz , receiver ol
the land olliee there , had hoisted a rebel Has
on the Fourth of July , turns out to be a malic
ious lie , manufactured by a partisian of free
whiBky. Jlr. Steinmetz was himself a unior
soldier and fought from purer patriotic mo
tives than the sutler gang who now work theii
jaws for pelf. Steinmetz was unable to obtain
a regulation Hag to decorate hisoilicc on the
natal day , and instead secured three strips ol
cloth , red , white , and blue , and suspondei
them across the street. A drunken bum gath
ered a number of companionable patriots ,
who could not distinguish between the union
and rebel emblems , and threatened to teai
down the streamers. To avoid the loafers Mr ,
Steinmetz took down the emblems of I03 alty
From this incident the free wnisky advocates
and practitioners manufactured afresh tunc
for the organs of gore and gush.
A Rousing Ratification.
A special train load of citizens of JlcCook ,
both ladies and gentlemen , went up to Tien
ton. Saturday evening , to participate in tin
grand republican ratification meeting thai
occuired in that burg on that date. Our del
egation , which numbered about 200 , was
headed by the two bands of the city , besides
were supplied and equipped with torches
transparencies , etc. Other delegations fron
Indiauola , Culbertson and Stratton swellec
the ranks of the multitude. Speeches wen
made by Judge Cochran of our city , State's
Attorney Snavely of Indianola and others
The procession was the most imposing evei
witnessed in Hitchcock county. JIusic , botl
instrumental and vocal , added its inspiratioi
to the overflowing enthusiasm of the partici
pants. It was a notable event in the politics
of that county and an eye-opener to the de
The Mill Meeting.
A meeting of the board of trade was held
Jlonday evening , in the secretary's office , as
announced. The attendance was small , bul
a number of letters received by the secretarj
relative to the mill project were perused and
it was decided to prepare a circular letter tc
send to writers of the communications , set
ting forth in full our proposition , the advan
tages of our city and country , etc. , and it is
expected that a definite reply will be received
from some of them at an early date , when
another meeting of the board will be called ,
and the matter settled.
That "Write Up" Of McCook.
Jlr. JIcTJmber is diligently gathering dats
for the "write up" of JlcCook which will ap
pear in a special edition of The Tribuxi-
at an early date. With others we have read
portions of the article ; and its thorough ex
cellence will cerlainly meet with universal
commendation. It is accurate and graphic ,
If the matter meets with the approbation of
our citizens , the special edition will appeal
in illustrated form. This , however , will de
pend upon the generosity of our people , whe
will be approached later in this connection ,
A number of thousand copies will be issued ,
Attempted Suicide.
Last Friday , a young daughter of Abrani
Hammond , who resides about 12 miles south
east of the city , took blue vitriol with suicidal
intent , but was deterred from thus foolishlj
shuffling off this mortal coil by the prompt
administration of an effective emetic. It ij
stated that the girl , whose age is about fif
teen years , has not been entirely herself since
having a had fever , some two years since. Slit
had received a scolding at the hands of hei
father , that morning before he departed foi
the city. No other cause for the strange act
is known.
Prohibition County Convention.
The Prohibition county convention for Bed
Willow county is called to meet at the Court
House in Indiauola , Friday , July 27 , at'
o'clock , P. JL , instead of Aug. 3. This change
is made to meet the demands of thesecont
congressional convention called to meet a
Hastings , Aug. 2nd. The members of the
central committee are earnestly requested te
be present and bring as many lovers of the
cause with them as possible.
W. 0. NORVAL , Com.
A Magnificent Sam pi0.
Wo have tit thlsofflcen nuigiilll-'lentsaiup
of corn from the farm or A. N. Neltletmi <
the Driftwood. The stalks stand 10 feethlgl
strong and vigorous , with two lnrge mi
well developed ears to each slnlk. Jlr. Nc
tleton has a largo Held equally ns fine as tl
The game between the "Famous" of 01
city and the Arapahoe club , yesterday afte
noon , on the hitter's grounds , resulted in
score of M to 5 in favor ot our boys , wh
playcel a strong and faultless game. A coi
siderable company of JlcCook people wei
down to witness the game- .
Willow Grove Precinct Primary.
The republican electors of Willow Grov
precinct will hold their precinct primary
Saturelay , July 28th , 1SSS , in tho olliee 0
Francis & Bennett , JlcCook , between th
hours of 1 and 0 , P. JL , for the purpose < i
electing 18 delegates to the lopublican count
convention to beheld in Indianoln , Saturdaj
August 4th , 188S.
Grant Precinct Primary.
The republicans of Grantprccinct will hoi
their piimary election at the school house ii
district No. 51 , Saturday , July 28th , at
o'clockP. . JL. for the purpose of electini
four delegates to the republican county con
vention , and for the purpose of disposing o
such other business as mny come up befor
the republicans of the precinct
Muzzle or Slay.
This city is cursed with an uniiecessaril :
Iargesurplusofwoithless curs that are mor
or less dangerous , as the attack made by i
large and vicious canine , Wednesday , upoi
Jlrs. John Steinmetz , goes to corroborate
Fortunately the lady .sustained no greater in
jury than a terrible fright and shock. Th
animal showed unmistakable signs of mad
ness and made a determined , savage attack
This hot weather such beasts should be muv
zled or killed or kept in captivity.
Modern Woodmen of America.
A cam ] ) of Jloelern Woodmen of Americi
was duly organized in the city , last Tuesda ;
evening , by Deputy Head Consul D. II. Caki
well. The followingollicers , etc. , were elect
ed : Consul , J. F. Foibes ; Advisor , T. B
CampbellBanker ; , C. G.Potter ; Clerk , Geo
B. Berry ; Watchman , C. JI. Noble ; Escort
J. W. Campbell : Outer Sentry , C. B. Gray
Trustees , A. J. Thomas , (3 ( years ) ; E. E
Lowinan , (1 ( year ) ; Dr. B. B. Davis , (2 ( years )
Delegate to grand campatDes Jloinos.Iowa
in December , J. F. Forbes ; alternate , A. J
Thomas. The next meeting of the camp wil
beheld in JIasonic hall , Tuesday evening
The camp enters upon a promising existence
with a good membership. The insurance
phase of the order is an important feature.
State Holiness Camp Meeting.
.The Nebraska State Holiness Associatioi
will hold their annual camp meeting this yeai
at their grounels at Bennet , Neb. The meet
ing will commence August 23 and continue
ten days. Two members of the national as
sociatiou will be present and have full charge
of the religious work of the meeting. The
association has a limited number of tents
bedsteads , cots and chairs to rent at reason
able rates. The boarding house will be ii
charge of a competent man and better ac
3ommodations will be provided this yeai
than ever before. There will be three dif
ferent lodging tents provided this year foi
ministers and ladies so that those coming foi
two or three days can find lodging on tin
grounds. There will btj the usual reductioi
in railroad fares. Complete circulars givinp
full information can be had by applying te
W. II. PBESCOTT , Lincoln , Neb.
The pay car arrived in the citySunday , am
dispensed the usual allowance to tho tailroae
boys here.
The denial of the report that H. B. Stone i :
to resign from the management of the Bur
lington is now made oflicially.
Purchasing Agent Weed of tne B. & M. a
Plattsmouth was at these division headnuar
ters , Wednesday , on railroadcbusiness.
Among the passengers on tho B. & M. llyc
east , Friday , was Prince Barnard of Saxc
Wekner , duke of Saxony , accompanied by hi ;
friend Baron K. F. Nordhofl"and servants.
The running of the pay car to all stations 01
the Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy lias beei
discontinued. The paymaster makes the divi
sions and sends checks from there both ways
by express.
The place that knew Fireman Jeffers know !
him now no more. Or in other words Jeffers
a few days since , "skipped by the light of the
moon , " leaving several small unsatisflei
ulaims behind him.
Our genial passenger conductor , Harry By
in. has been promoted to a through run , St
loseuh to McCook. Mr. Branson takes hi ;
place and will give satisfaction as he is vouch
2d for as a gentleman in every respect , Ober
lin Bye-
The Burlington system is working hard t (
inaugurate a series of harvest excursions tc
the west. To these harvest excursions , in r
jreat measure , is duo the settlement of the
ivestern part of the state , and every action
tending to continue such good work is certain
ly to be commended.
HAMILTON MOORE-At the residence ol
Judge Keyes , this city , July 17.1SS8 , Mr. Win
P. Hamilton and Miss Mattie Moore , both ol
The groom is a fireman on the B. & M. , and
the bride one of the successful teachers ol
Frontier county. The happy couple will reside
in McCook. Courier.
The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road is
building some newly patented stock cars
which will be called the Burlington Palace
stock car. The company had some of these
jars in Omaha a few days aco. The companj
lias challenged the Street patent stock car foi
1 trial trip , to test the advantages of their cai
aver tho Burlington's , which they claimed ex
isted. The chullenge was acetpted and four
3ars , two of each kind , were shipped. The
tests showed , when the cars arrived at the
union stock yards in Chicago , that the cattle
in the Burlington cars gained forty poundi
more per head than the cattle hauled in the
street patent car.
It was the especial pleasure of the writer te
meet while on the road Mr. Phelan , Superin
tendentof the B. & M. division between Hoi-
Irege and Cheyenne. This gentleman is s
railroad man fiom the ground up. He began
the business in his youth , and has learned the
trade or profession of railroading thoroughly ,
He is perfectly familiar with all details from
laying a road bed to the operation of a line
He took his first lessons in Wisconsin and bj
the force of real merit and ability has passet !
successfully through all the grades by promo
tion to be superintendent of this division. Hf
lias given railroading his entire time and at
tention for twenty years , and has never lost
hut thirty days in the line of duty , which oc
curred when makinga transfer from the Chi
cago , Milwaukee and St. Paul to the B. & . M
The scribe is greatly Indebted to him for hi ;
true courtesy and much information and fact :
about the country. Hastings Gazette-Journal
! Tin . * ' " ' . " " * " ' " 3-
mlm. 1 ML- . . Pr\ -J -
Lutuiiu N. IIowo went up to Denver. Tin *
day , ou bimlnesw.
Mr. JclT. Kills or IIustlngH was u visitor I
tho city , Saturday.
County Trousurer Goodrich wnsln the city
fow hours. Monday , on business.
( J. H. Wnhlrjuistor tho Democrat spent Sin
day with tils parents at Huntings.
C. W. Meeker , E6 < | . , oriinj > erlnlwu8 Intowi
Tuesday , ou land and law business.
It. It. Likes , Ksq. , was down from Huyc
Centre' . TucHdny , em legal busluchs.
W. J. McGlllon of tho Harlem Cattle Co
titration , was a city visitor , Tuceelity.
Chancellor Thompson of Malhilleu Unlvcrs
ty wits married In California , July 7th.
Judge J. K. Cochran went down to Lincoln
Wednesday evening , on legnl business.
Capt. A. L. Emerson eif St. I'miicis was ;
noticeable ilguro on our streets , Tuesday.
M. J. Abbott , county Judge , Hayes Centre
had business in tho metropolis , Tuesday.
W. C. Ashwill or the Stratton Herald ha <
business before tho local laud ofllce , Monday
County Clerk Itopcrwas in tho mctrirp'tilta
Tuesday , on business pertaining to his olliee.
Sipiire Shirey of the 6cat of county nlTalr
transacted business in tho chief city , Tuesday
Deputy Sheriff Leo Starbuek and fainll ;
moved down to the county-scat to reside
Mr. McBrlde of tho Lawrence , lvunsas. Loin
Co. , we understand , has determined to locati
In our city.
Geo. W. Colrln of Arapahoe was in tho city
Tuesday , looking niter valuable laud intoresti
in the suburb3.
Coi. C. I ) . Cramer , ex-county clerk , was ii |
from tho county capital , yesterday , on matter
business and social.
J. 0. Good , or Falls City , an extensive ownc :
of Driftwood realty , was up looking arter hi :
property interests , this week.
Col. T E. McCrnckcn has been ill siuco Sun
day and is still confined to bed. Wc hope roi
un early and complete recovery.
M. Stern , Holdrege , was in town , Monday
on business associated with his brick buiUHnt
now under way , adjoining this olliee.
Mr. C. H. Blackwell , of Trenton , N. J , ad
vertises money to loan on chattels , in this Is
sue. He is oilicing with Colvin ite Dempcy.
Miss Itilla Meeker , sister of C , H. Meeker
arrived from Furmingtou , 111. , Wednesday
She accompanied the Harris-Meeker party tc
Manitou , lust night.
Commissioners Holies and Duckworth wen
in the metropolis , yesterday , giving genuine
ness to the bridge bonds by the addition ol
their signatures thereto.
W. S. Kimmell of the sprightly Hayes Centre
Times spent Saturday in the citon business
and in visiting friends and acquaintances
herein. He drove home , the following day.
Architect C. C. Kittcnhouse was up lrotn
Hastings , Monday , on businesscoiiucctcd witii
a number of buildings in our city for wliieli
he has drawn the plans and prepared the speci
A. It. Nims and son of Humbolt. Richardson
county , spent Thursday afternoon in the city ,
They were en route to Denver and the mount
ains , whither they continued their journey ,
this morning.
A. M. Webster , an immigration agent oi
Washington , 111. , is in the city , arranging tc
run a harvest home excursion from tho cast
to this point. He is an old time friend of dipt
J. A. Wilcox and family.
Dr. B. B. Davis went down to Lincoln , Mou
day , to attend 11 meeting of the board of re
gents. He returned home , this morning , the
Investigation having been concluded and the
offending chancellor flred.
Jlrs. W. E. Dauchy and sister-in-law , Mrs
Dungan or the Empire state , are spending to
day in the city , guests of Mrs. Dr. Stutzimui
Miss Gracie Dauchy lias been spending the
week with the doctor's littlo girls.
Messrs. Lippencott and Mickei of the State
Journal Co. wero in the city , Monday , in the
interests of that well known company o :
the state capital. The boys , like many othei
sensible and appreciative knights of tho grip
spent Sunday here.
H. L. Morriman , Esq. , of Stockville , while ii
the city , Wednesday , on land and legal bus !
ness , made this office a pleasant call. Mr
Mernmau is an old Iowa newspaper man an <
has latterly performed good service on tin
Fauci * , at odd times.
O. C. Gaston and wife arc in the city , the
guests of Dr. Stewart. They will to-duy leave
for Oakland , their old home , nnd will visit it
that vicinity for two or three weeks. Mr
Gaston is now official court reporter at McCooL
Neb. Omaha Bee , July 17th.
Last night , Fireman and Mrs. Meyers were
bereft of the joy of their household , a little
girl of about months of age , by cholera In
fantum. The funeral occurred this aftcruoor
ut Longview cemetery. The Tkibunb extends
the heartfelt sympathy of this community tc
the bereaved and sorrowing parents.
J. N. Lucas , Esq. , returned , Tuesday after
noon , from the Arkansas Hot Springs , where
the family have been spending the spring
months. The Judge reports Mrs. Lucas im
proving , although her life was despaired ol
for four or five weeks after their arrival at the
Springs. He expects the family to return ic
the course of a month or so.
Jlr. and Mrs. Frank Harris and family , Mr ,
nnd Mrs. O. H. Meeker , and Miss Rilla Meckel
leparled , last night , for Manitou Springs ,
Colo. , where the ladies and children will make
luite an extended stay , having rented a cot
tage for a number of weeks at that cool and
lelightf ul summer resort. The gentlemen will
return to their duties here , Monday morning.
The publisher of a newspaper has one thing
to sell and one thing to rent. He-has the
newspaper to sell and the space in the col
umns to rent. Can any one inform us why
lie should be expected to give away either
one or the other ? He can do so if he pleases ,
nnd he does , as a matter or practical fact ,
furnish a great deal of space for rent free ,
but it does not follow that he ought te > do it.
It ought to be recognized as a contribution
sxactiy as woultl the giving away of coffee 01
sugar by the grocer. But strange to say it is
not looked upon in that light at all , yet every
body knows that the existence of a news
paper depends as much on the rent of its
space and the sale of the papers as merchants
space and the sale of the papers as the mer
chant's success depends on selling his goods
instead of giving them away.
The republican county central committee
met at Indianola , last Saturdajand the re
sult of their deliberations will be found else
where in this issue under caption of "Call for
Republican Primary Election0. " That the
republicans of Bed Willow are wide awake
uid earnestly interestwl in things political is
iviilenced by the fact that all portions of the
; ounty were represented at the meeting , bul
two absenties being noted.
A bowery dancing platform is being buill
on the hill north of this office by Willian :
Fruin , An opportunity to "rag" will be of
eredthis evening.
f >
9 ijl H
M ' . . . .J _ _ i. : | fl
AHO M-V 0 VV. - . % - * * HJ CUTS I H
DISEASES 'i hirj jAl&\S& \ ' \ !
c . LiBERTY.tlED/ * ' • '
for Sale by A. McMHIcn. |
Shipmates , Ahoy ! k
Allmmstoqmirtc-rH. ! ) Starboard watchinnn M
Hie kuiir ; cast Inoso and pi Into , and bo ready I M
for action. Port wnlch. up anchor and got M
under wny for a cruliw to the portof Coluin- j M
bun , Ohio , for a general reunion or tho "Naval ij |
VeteraiH" of the civil war , diirlngtho week of M
the national oiicauipme-nt or the (1. A. It. All M M
ex-sailors aro requeued and urged to bo prer * , ' M
out. as thoro is business of Importance to to ) M M
transacted then and there. Shipmates , let all il M
who can bo present and renew old acquaint- ; J |
ances , form new ones , spin over old yarns , ! l M
splicu the main brace , keep alivo tho mcmurlCH fl
or tho fnrecastlo and quarter deck , tar down j J M
thu rigging , clean bright work , wipe off tho f M
gnus , and get ready for general miiRter arid H
Inspection and keep a sharp lookout rnrbliicic H
smoke. Navnl headquarters will be in thu H
state eapltol building with board and lodgings H
at "Carrndi HotH , "at 51..7) ) per day , where H
the old "tars" will be supplied with plenty or |
pilot bread or sea biscuit or tiie more sulistan- > |
tial plum duff , and in the language nt the poet : |
' Pour forth a full libation now to Farrugut , |
the brave. H
The Idol or thu navy and thornier oftho wave. H
He's gone amrt lashed In his shroud wheru H
soon wo all must go. H
He's waiting there to welcome us with Penny H
Haveri3. oh ! Etc. " H
" . " " ' . " H
"Pipe down. "Don't give up the ship.
McCook , July ICth , 1SSS. F. j fl
Next Tueselay'sgame between the ' "Fats" M
and "Leans * ' will be the most mirth-provnk- M
ing baseball event of the season. Thenar- fl
llcipants will be practically as follows : M
fats. i.iaxs. 1
Majors , J. F. , McCrackcn , F. L. , M
Noble : , C. M. , Newman , F. O. , H
Colter. Thos. , Wiley , John , H
Steinmetz , • lake , Lewis , .1. W. , H
Brown , W. W. , Kobb , J. I ) . , H
Bnllew , E. C. O'Houuell. k. C , H
Bennett , J. II. , Kerry , U. I ! . , M
Elliott , Trowbrietge , Ll.y H
Huiburd , L. L. , Harper , H
Boyd , C E. Bnbcoclc , C. F. H
The adipose gentlemen will appear all res- |
| ) Iendent in emblematic white. The lean and H
lank Cassiuscs in the no less suggestive red. H
Is ft Dynamite ? H
Yesterday , just shortly before the Hyer H
whirled through Stratton , what purported to H
je a dynamite bomb was discovered on the H
track at a bridge near that station. It is H
) f a piece eif gas pipe about two feet long ; H
! iis ; three ; fuses and is properly capped. It H
nis been sent for ami an examination will be H
made as to its character by competent judges. H
"PARKS" vs. "McCOOKS. " M
The " " " " M
"Siuillowers" "McCooks" game ,
which was to have been played to-morrow H
lias been declared olf , and instead the "Mo- |
"Jcioks" ' , ' ' skill H
and 'Turks will try their ou
the diamond with the > phe-ru and willow. H
Among the announcements , this week , will H
be found that of W. U. Starr of Indianola. H
Mr. Stair is well qualified to till the ollicci |
should the lepubltcaus ot Heel Willow county |
in their judgment nominate him to that im- H
portant oflice. H
Their Business Booming. M
Probably no one thing has caused such a H
general revival of trade at A.McMilieu'sdrug H
store as their giving away to their customers H
of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New H
Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is |
simply enormous in this very valuable article H
from the fact that it always cures and never H
disappoints. Coughs , colds , asthma , bronchi- |
tis , croup and all throat and lung diseases |
quickly cured. You can test it before buying |
by getting a trial bottle free , large size $1. H
Every bottle warranted. |
100 head oi * extra fine American H
horses and mares , from 3 to 7 years H
old. Many of the mares have colts , by H
a fine Ilambletonian horse , running with H
them. Will sell cheap i'or cash. Will H
take bankable paper or will trade i'or H
cattle. Call at Olcott's livery barn , H
McCook , and secure an early choice. H
L ) . P. IvOGEKS. M
Any person desirous of obtaining Ap- H
pleton ' s American Cyclopedia as good H
is new and at a greatly reduced figure , j H
should call at this office at once. The H
sixteen volumes complete. All in ex- H
cellent condition. At a sacrifice. H
All persons indebted to me are re- H
juested to call at once and make H
settlement. I have sold my business H
md must close up my affairs immedi- H
itely. A. J. Thompson . H
Ilall & Cochran have just received a H
large shipment of the celebrated Mil- H
burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , which |
they are ready to sell at fair prices. H
One 3-room and one 4-room dwelling. H
Inquire of W. M. Anderson. H
Over First National Bank. H
Milch Cow for Sale. fl
I have a good milch cow for sale H
sheap. C. H. Meeker. H
I can make you farm loans at lowest H
rates. Office 1st door west of Citizens H
bank. If. ( } . Dixon or Chas. fl Boyle. H
We deliver daily fresh buttermilk H
From the McCook creamery. H
Eaton & Co. fl
I have a few good fresh milch cows H
For sale , cheap. > ich. Sevenker. M
Horses For Sale. M
100 fine Oregon mares , from 3 to M
6 years old , for sale cheap. Call at M
our barn and look ai them. M
Imported Ale and London Stout fcr j H
family use at Strasser's. . Delivered H
free to private families , < M