• -i' < * * , rfJ-p-TT . ' . / > ' . itT - r . * yr • * - ' < r4-Wt ' WTJ " , , , * Xi , < : . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . , . . , , . . -e - „ - ! < > < , . y . . TJ < < - fc' n < "nH < ' * . n , s .j * : . . . . „ - i.imv > ' i.f .i.fi.i ! .i/ SvJiff ; . . . . . , . , . > .i , , . „ 7 „ , ' JIF'WJP * _ Pvr YE • > . > -i * IB V * I ' . - , 1 j I VOLUME * ? tt' MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JULY 20,1888. NUMBER 8. . j i I Great Closing Oat Sale I bv I WALL PAPER , I ; J 5 K < I DR . B. Lx. GREEN'S I MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. I OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. I Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. . , . . . . A.fcAMPBELL President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President. . , . . . , GEO. HOCRNELL Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President . . . F. L. BROWN , Treasurer. " " 3 EATGN Se CO. , Proprirtors. EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. East Railroad Street , - - McCook , Nebraska. Famotrstocked With a Fine Line lit' ' /T / TTTETSTTIT Pi fi "PITT iTTSY ( Hi ITT f TiTI T117 iH ! lf And am bound to close them out INSIDE OF SIXTY DAYS At Lower Figures tlian ever Tiefore. L. BERNHEIMEB * Toe Leading' Mercliant Tailor. _ . . , m - - „ - - - = 1\1 ItfPHW ' IftHtlte- Md3Kc 8MB. Authorized Capital , Sioo.ooo. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. F. L. BPOWN , CASHIER. A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. HRNRY PRNNER : AfflL K SPRING STOCK Saddles , Blankets , Nets , Etc. B iSF" Goods open to inspection and Guaranteed. Call and see my Patent % Collar it is the finest thing in the market. I . Bear of "The Famous. " HENRY PENNER. ] I - The Howard Lumber Co. = WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN i * At I I ! I 11111 rkAT AO f- I ill III IIP ; ( \i l/itii.L / . p' MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. . 1 . . - tmi i ci II I IMI'IUM Ii i-nm BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. 1IYI10N JENNINflS. .101111 Wir.UV. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW. Will practice In the State and United State Courts , niid before the U. S. Lund Ollices. Careful attention given to Collections. OHico over Citizens Bunk , McCook , Neb. . TLIOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ileal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and Jinul proof. Agent Lincoln Lund Co. OHice , over Farmers lc Merchants Bank. E. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , TNDLVNOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all tho State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Oilice at McCook and the department at Washington. : HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5 , First Nat'l Bank Building. A. J. KITTENIIOUSEV. . It. STARK , McCook. Indianola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys UM Law. OKFICKS AT McCOOIC AND INDIANOLA. T. M. iiKr r , C. W. DAVIS , LatoBcBirtcrU.S.Liad Lato cf Ges. Lasd OSe , OSec.EirTis.Ea : . Vfccfcfcgtca.D.C. nELM & DAVIS , Attorneys i , Land W Loan Agents , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to piosel cute or detend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office : Bear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. MeCOOK NEBRASKA JSr'Oflicc in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAArIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. , ? Officc atChenery's drug store. L. J. SPIOKELMIER , M. L\ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. : Special Attcatija Givea ta Fcaalo Discisss. Office hours , from 0 to 11 A. M , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN ] AND SURGEON MeCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. r-Office : ltoom No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Besidence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. " "Office over Scott's brick. a. W. MINKLBR , ] FOKMERLY COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering' . Residence north of school house. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. ! MeCOOK , "NfEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Bates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTEE , Calcimining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , ] House ] and Carriage Painting , ' GKAIXIXG , CALCIMIXIXG , MAnBLIXG , MCCOOK , NEBRASICA. Leave all orders at the drug store of McMil lan & Weeks. First-class work guaranteed. , J. H. BENNETT , GONTRAGTOR \ OF BRIGK AND STONE , MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA.l PREDMORE BROS. , Blacksmithing and Woodwork , House Shoeing a Specialty. ] Repairs Wagons and Buggies in a Work f manlike Manner. ( All Work Warranted. McCook , Nebraska f SHOP South of Badger Lumber Yard. { ] F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , ] Steam and Hot Water Heating , * ( North Main Ave. , McCook , Neh. ( E " All work receives prompt attention. ( FRIDAY EVENING , JULY V.i , 188S. Commissioners' Proceedings. Couxtx Clerk's Office , ( Ixdiaxola , Neb. , July 2 , 1888. \ Uoartl of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Bolles , Hrnry Orabtree , com missioners , and Geo. W. liojier , clerk. Minutes of lait meeting read tvud a- proved. Hoard ] > roceeded to settle with coun \ ty treasurer and continued during the day.On On motion board adjourned to meet July 3 , 1S88. Indianola , July 3 , 1888. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Stephen ' Bolles and Henry Orabtree , commissioners ! , and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous met ting read and approved. On motion the following claims were audited , and allowed and clerk ordered to j draw warrant on county general fund i levy 1887 , as follows , to wit : Mrs. ] M. E. Spain , care of pauper , R. H. Crisswell $ 10 00 Stephen Bolles , serv. as com'r 10 30 Henry ] Orabtree , " ' ' • J ) 00 On motion the following claims were audited and allowed and allowed and clerk ! ordered to draw warrant on connc ty general fund levy 188S , as follows , to t wii : John Young , board and care of pan- per , T. J. Maloue 21 HO Settlement with county treasurer continued during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet Julyu , 1888. Indianola , Neb. , July 5 , 1888. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present. 1 Stephen Bolles and Henry Orabtree. commissioners and Geo "W Roper clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion it was ordered that Steph en Bolles , acting chairman and Geo W Roper , , clerk , issue a quit claim deed from Celeste McCartney of St. Louis Mo , for the west half of lots Thirteen j (13) ) , Fourteen (14) ( ) , Fifteen (15) ( , Six- } teen (1G ( ) and Seventeen (17) ( ) in block Thirty-four (34) ( ) in Indianola , Neb. , all of which was done as set forth above. Settlement with county treasurer continued during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet July 6 , 1888. Indianola , Neb. , July G , 188S. Board of county commissioners met pursuant I to adjournment. Present , Stephen Bolles and Henry Crabtree , commissioners , and Geo "W Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion the following claims were audited and allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrant on county general fund levy 18SS as follows , to wit : F AV Eskv , medical services , pauper , . Mrs. Piekeral $ 10 00 Nels Soreuson , board pauper , Dortha Skow 30 00 Mrs 3 M E Spain , care pauper , RHCriswell 8 00 Watkins Bros. , printing no- tices 2 00 Duncan Bros. , sivpplies , jail. . 1 90 R ] M Snavely , salary , Co atty , second quarter 1G2 50 G ' AAr Roper , postage and ex press paid , 2d quarter 27 GO G S Bishop , stationery , dist. clerk 15 00 Gibson ( , Miller & Richardson , blanks prec't bridge bonds 20 00 AV H Powell , supplies for jail G SO On motion the following claim was , andited and allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrant on county geueral levy 1887 , to wit : AVm McCool , sheriff fees , prisoner , Jas. Garrett 4 00 On motion the following claim was , audited and allowed and clerk ordered 'c ' J to draw warrant on county road fund l as follows : j AV S Fitch , removing fence on road 151 claim $15 00 , allowed 10 00 On motion the following claim was v audited and allowed and warrant or- n dered drawn on county general fund ti levy 1S8S , as follows : t F AV Eskey , medical services pauper , p Mrs King , claim $14 00 , allowed 8 00 On motion board adjourned to meet s Julv 7 , 1888. n Indianola , July 7 , 18S8. * Board of commissioners met pursuant q to adjournment. Present , Stephen t Bolles and Henry Crabtree , commis- sioners , J H Goodrich Go treasurer v and Geo AV Roper , clerk. 0 Minnies of previous meeting read and r approved. ic Settlement with Co treasurer cony tinued the . during day. r On motion the following claim was b allowed and warrant ordered drawn on i > county general fund levy as follows : a Henry Crabtree. com , levy 'S7 0 00 e Mrs M E Spain , care pauper , ( R. H. Criswell , levy ' 88. . S 00 On motion final settlement was made with : J H Goodrich , Co treasurer , from Jan 5th , to June 30 , 1S88 , inclusive. On motion board adjourned to nicet ( i July 9 , 1SSS. Stephen Bolles , c Attest : Acting Chairman.h Geo AV Roper , Oo Clerk. S Indianola , Neb. , July 9,1SS8. ° Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Bolles and Henry Crabtree , commissioners , and Geo W Roper , c clerk. ' ; Minutes of previous meeting read and v approved. On motion the following claims were c audited and allowed and warrants or- p dered drawn as follows , to wit : R H Thomas , worn on bridges , levy t 1S87 Co bridge levy 1SS7 > ' Co bridge fund $ 2G 00 s B H Thomas , Co bridge fund c levy 18SS 29 87 * being balance due said R H Thomas | for building six wooden bridges as per contract made July 11 , 18S7. Board proceeded to make settlement with County Glerk Geo AV Roper , and s continued examination of his records J during the clay. rnniii i iiiiininriiiaiiiwwimi mien " t On motion board adjourned to meet July 10 , 1888. Stephen Bolles , Attest : Acting Chairman. Geo AV Roper , Clerk. Ildianola , Neb. , July 10 , 18S8. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Bolles and Henry Crabtree , commissioners ' , and Geo AA7 Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ' approved. On motion the following claims were audited ' and allowed and warrants or dered ! drawn on county general fund levy . 1S88 as followsto wit : AV S Phillips , services iu settle ment $ 5 00 Harlow j W Keyes , postage , 2d , quarter 4 00 W O Russell , quarantine glan- dered horse for A Jones. . 14 GO AV R Starr , services attorner " for Jas Garrett . 10 00 The board having completed the ex amination of records of Geo AV Roper , county clerk iind the following fees col lected ! by him for the six months end ing j July 1 , 1S88 , as per report duly filed by him : First quarter $ 817 85 Second " 890 GO Total G months $ 1738 45 On motion tho following claims were audited ! and allowed and warrants or dered drawn on county general fund lew 1887 as follows , to wit : J AV Dolan & Co , desk for Co. judge 19 00 Stephen Bolles , serv. as com ' r 15 00 Henry Crabtree , " • • ( ; 00 . On motion petition of E F Qnigley , G R Gragg and others , for new voting precinct was laid over for further con- sidoration. , On motion board adjourned to meet August 15 , 18SS , Stephen Bolles , Attest : Acting Chairman. Geo W Roper , Clerk. BANKSVILLE and V1GINITY.J o A largo herd of cattle passed through here , bound for Idaho , on the 17th. Tho U. B. church held their quarterly meetJ ing . at the Dodye school house , on Satin day and Sunday , the 14th and 15th insts. Geo. Lincoln went for a load of wood , and during the trip he ran two or three tires off1 broke his ax and didu't get any wood cither , He got home with the team , however. Samuel Ellis and W. H. Benjuinin went to Indianola , on Saturday , the 14th , to represent Gerver ami Grant precincts , respectively , at the meeting of the republican committee men. A sister of Fred and Ed Benjamin ( our esti mable cousins ) is on a visit which she expects to prolong four or six weeks. We trust fahe will carry a good report of our country to her home. The republicans of Gerverpiecinct wi'l ' meet on Saturday night , at the Dodge school house , and , organize a republican club. We propose to make this campaign a success. Grant pre cinct will follow with an organization. On Saturday last , Mr. Joe Whittaker was called upon to bury his child. Mr. Whittaker has the symapthy of the people. It was only . last October that he buried his wile and now comes another allliction and another bond is established between this world and the future. Miss Lincoln and her sister , Mrs. Frost , were the heroines of quite an interesting event , the Orst of the wcok. It seems that a raccoon , for some occult leason , had strayed on their plnce and the ladies , armed with a spade and other deadly weapons , attacked this diminutive member of bruiu's family , and dispatched him without quarter. Bravo ! Some men seem to imagine they can say or do anything they choose and yet their party will be unable to exist without their saving presence. A short time ago we remember a man , who was canvassing for the nomination to the oilice of county treasurer , who said that J if the party did not nominate him , he would . "bolt the tiekef'aud now he wants the republi can party to overlook tins and make him rep resentative. Oh , consistency , thou art a virtue. Harry Benjamin is over from Cornell run ning the binder for his father. Apropos to harvesting , we must say , that there is a good crop of small grain in every instance where it was farmed in a workmanlike manner. All that is necessary to raise good crops here , is the same that is necessary everywhere , viz : A thorough cultivation of the ground and planting of the grain. You can't raise good crops and slight your work any more than a mercliant can st in his store with his feet on the counter and without paying any attention to ( his customers , expect that liis business will prosper. "Coal Baron"and "Iron King" Scott.of Penn sylvania : , democratic member of congress and member of the committee that prepared the so-called ' Mills tariff bill , advocated with much enthusiasm the placing of wool and divers other "raw materials , " as he termed them , on tho ] free list ; but did he place iron ore on that list ? Oh , no , this embryonal cabinet officer , virtually said , with Pccksniflhin candor , to other producers , "Freo trade is good enough for , you , but I am an iron producer and don't long for free iron ore. " This bill created , as Mr. Mills stated , to "destroy trusts" fails to reach < King Scott , who isamember of thecom- bination in Pennsylvania , to limit the coal out put and connol prices. A small amount of consistency would form an excellent ingredi ent ; to stir up with democratic statesmanship ? ) we apprehend. SivAirr. OCCASIONAL BUDGET. o County Clerk Koper , having made final proof It was a five-year one ) on his Brush cieek claim , last Friday , on the following day moved his family aud household effects to the county- seat ( wheye they will reside during his tenure of office. We regret to note that Mrs. Roper's health is anything but robust and vigorous. Tlieir neighbors will miss them sreatly. tt Mr. acd Mrs. William Brunner of Brush S creek gave a dance , last Friday night , to a large company of neighbors nnd friends. A very pleasant eveningwas spent in dancing and in disposing of the delicious ice cream and cake that occupied an important place in the program. Boyd's park at mouth of Driftwood has come to ( be quite a popular Sunday resort by tho young of the city. Some antidote for this poi soning business ought to be discovered , how ever , or its popularity will become greatly im paired. BUCKLEY'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , nnd ail skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or . no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen. * " * A TEMPESTUOUS BURST OF TRADE FOIl TUK GltHAT - , j ] | Low Priced Leaders , | | Has lcen tlic result of their Special j il Sale. They have decided to continue 11 The I Slaughter I During * the months oi' J uly and Aug * . I - " ] J Worth of Summer Goods must he 1 sold before starting * the Fall and I Winter Sea son. 1 " * Ladies9 kid button Newport's , only $ .90 I Ladies5 J giove syrain button Xewports , .05 I Ladies' ] wigwam slippers , tap sole , - .85 Ladies' J kid opera slippers , from ( > Oc to 2.00 I Men's canvas base ball shoes , .S5 Men's ] solid bull railroad shoes , - 2.50 Men's solid kip plow shoes , - - 1.00 I Men's solid oil grain plow shoes , - 1.10 I Men's j one buckle brogans , - 1.15 The iinest stock of Ladies' a nil Gents' 1 shoes west of Hastings. More bar- 1 gains next week. I - * * - -X * y * * -a a I I "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE/7 1 ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS , ) I Paid up Capital , - - 350,000.00. I General j Bankiag Business , I Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes for . H paid Xon-Iiesidcnts. Money to loan on farming lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. H Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , I CORRESPONDENTS : V. FkankunPresident. H j First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. V Jons R. Clark , "Vice-President. | The Chemical National Bank , New York. 3 A. C. Ebzet , Ca3hter. M ; I CITY BAKERY. | I [ FREShf BREAD j I I DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. \ I . * .0' * H jj | I -PIES-CAKES-CAXDIES-XUTS- \ -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS \ I \ -T0BACC0-ETC-ETC- % I j LUNCH BOOM IN CONNECTION. 5 I ; Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. I H j A. PROBST , PROP , j I VI iDEALERS IN = Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I HARD AM ) mm COAL * I '