JL I * Fill DAY EVENING. JULY 13. 18K . "I f y Beiucmber Noble Tor groceries. ' f * Sweet cider at the City IJalcery. , ' 1 y * Noble for .superb hanging lamps. . t Fresh candies at the City .Bakery. I Fine enss punts and .suits at ' - I Til JO FAMOUS. J tV3TDr. . IlallV cilice , over First Na- f tioual bank. - V Another tumble in gold watches at' V McCrackcn' . • S3rFrcsh sausage wit the B. & . M. I I' ' Meat Market. / j J Boys , buy one ol those § 2.50 watches 1 * V at McCracken's. J f Quccnsware and glassware at Berry's K r Grocery House. W Everything in summer underwear and I' , hosiery at THE FAMOUS. : Use Paxton's Jlavana cigar scraps. I : V They are all right. ' V All kinds of chewing tobacco at Pax il * ton's , Main Avenue. Banjos , accordions , guitars , etc. , at i McCracken's Music Stork. I | Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds I \ at the B. & M. Meat .Market. I | B i ftS.id cra „ i „ the H. way of groceries at Noble 's store. H k Everything usually kept in first-class I ; establishment at Oswalt's restaurant. H J1 Cash paid for live stock , poultry and ' hides at the B. & M. Meat Market. I if. Unlaundried Shirts , all sizes , at j ? _ Tiib Famous. I f There is no other way. Buy your B ? groceries , queenswareetc.of Noble. I * You must not fail to read the new I ! ' advertisement of THE FAMOUS. I Plumbing m all its branches prompt- H jj ly and skillfully performed by F. D. B i ! Burgess B | The latest from the strike is that II. B * II. Berry has reached bottom prices in B v Groceries. B v B5p Tlie price of liberty is eternal B ' vigilance , but Noble 's prices on groceries B l are sure to catch you. B * You will find one of the finest assort- B [ ments of fresh candies in the city at B j Oswalt's restaurant. B ' For an easy , clean shave drop into B Simpson fc Ja's new shop in the Citi- H zens bank building. - B An immense line ot silk , pongee a\- \ B 1 paca and flannel coats and vests. B * THE FAMOUS. H . A shipment of fresh candies just rc- H ij ceived at the City Bakery. Call while H ] } they are fresh and nice. H j. The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by B , . Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons , H | buggies , etc. Al > very cheap. V ' ; H ] Blue uniform suits , pants and caps H ' for conductors or brakemen at J THE FAMOUS. F This weekLeland , & Morrow have re- B , ceived a car-load of fall and winter H-j < wheat flour. They carry the best grades. H | if you want nice tender beefsteak H give the B. & M. Meat Market a call. R | They butcher none but the choicest of H ] beeves. H If 3'ou contemplate building be sure H > to consult M. A. Libbee. He guaran- H * tees his work to be the best and his HjV prices the lowest. Hi Leland & Morrow carry a complete HM stock of cornoatschop feedand , in fact BA of everything belonging to a first-class. m ' \ flour and feed store. 3if The school building , city hall , bridge , HJ and other local projects should not draw H. your attention from the fact that Berry f sells groceries at bed rock figures. r Of fine residences M.A. Libbee makes B a specialty. Don't fail to sec him if m you intend to build. Good workman- B\ | ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest. M ' The Building and Savings Association B J is a great money making scheme , which Bt can only be discounted by buying your B1 groceries and queensware at Berry ' s. Bl The Board of Trade has taken the K matter under consideration and decided B * unanimously that Bern ' s is the place B to buy Groceries , Queensware. etc. m We have a No. I carriage and wood B workman in our wagon shep. Fine car- B riage work a specialt } ' . Give us a trial. H | Phedmohe Bros. B ) A complete line of drugs , tobacco , 1 sundries , fancy articles , perfumes , and B ) in fact of everything usually kept in a m first-class apothecary shop at the City H ] Drug Store. j I have secured the exclusive right of B „ McCook and will handle nothing but the H [ | celebrated Cozad flour. Full roller pro- K [ cess.and every sack warranted. Car lot H just received. Try it. H. H. Berry. m If you want something handsome in 1 the way of a hanging lampcall on C. M. H Noble. He is just in receipt of the H largest and finest stock of hanging K lamps ever brought to southwestern Hi Nebraska. HI Genuine California Claret , for H' summer drinking , at Strasser 's. M glOQQQ.OO B To loan on deeded lands. Money B advanced to make final proofs. Also , m 50 choice farms for sale. Office op- B posite Arlington Hotel. C. J. RYAN. B > Imported Ale and London Stout for H family use at Strasser 's. Deliver- B edfreo to private families. BBi i B BBBBBBBnNBBB BPBiBIBnE | lp . . & * ! - > * Hit & - * * * + -i- : i ii. 3j ; < r i. • • a jSZ 4izai + iia ; . SPECIAL. Our stock of the following seasona ble goods is com plot o : Hoso , Noz zles , L 'w Sprinklers , Lawn Grass , Garden V ids , Tools , Refrigorators and Jewel fapor stoves. W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. ' "Pioneer Hardware Storo. " Go to Noble for your family groceries. Soirsojj & Jay. 1'opular Barbers. Musical instruments at McCracken ' s Musijj'Storc. /"Leave your order for suits or pants at . Til 10 FAMOUS. Regulation campaign badges at Mc- Craekens ' . . Try McMillen ' s "Ketch 'Km and Keep 'Em" fly paper. JSjfAn excellent time piece for $2.50 at McCracken 's. Try Paxton ' s cigars. lie carries the finest line in the city. For all kinds of campaign badges and pins go to McCrackens' . Bemeinbcr that Leland & Morrow sell the reliable Olds wagon. Stock full and prices away down at Berry 's Grocery House. Smoke Paxton's "Paimetta" hand made cigar. None better. Nothing but freshest and purest drugs at the City Drug Store. Go to Leland tc * Morrow for every thing in the flour and feed line. On Monday , C. W. Paine and his late divorced wife were re married. City Hotel & Star Hestaurant ! The place for a good meal and clean bed. Simpson & Jay have the finest barber shop in the city. Give them a call. Farmers , the place for you to stop at is the City Hotel & Star Kestaurant. Best brands of .tobacco and cigars at the Don Ton bakery and confectionery. Linen collars , cuffs and summer neck wear. Patent styles at TH13 FAMOUS. Five quires good note paper for 35 cents at McCooic Book and Stationery Co. 's. George M. Chenery at the City Drug Store makes a specialty of prescriptions. Railroad men will find the City Hotel & Star Restaurant the place for them. Remember Paxton ' s cigar store , Main Avenue , next door to McMiHcn's drug store. Noble , the leading grocer , carries the most complete line of queensware in the city. Inspect it. \ The late night policeman , Mr. Dewey , has been removed and W. D. Paine now wields the mace at night. Campaign hats. Another lot of three cases received this morning at THE FAMOUS. Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs , words and music , 45 cents at McCook Book and Stationery Co. ' ? . JgHPln the line of plain and fanc3T groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your every want satisfactorily. If you are in search of a really deli cious drink of soda water wander into the City Drug Store. Hair cutting done in an artistic man ner by Simpson & Jay , new shop in Citizens bank building. Just Received ! Two barrels of ex tra sweet cider at the City Bakery , which will be sold at 50 cents a gallon. Fruits , candy , ice cream , all kinds jof temperance dtinks at Clark & Dietrich's Bon Ton bakery and confectionery ; Hammocks and Hammock attach ments , croquet and base ball supplies at McCook Book and Stationery Co. ' s. Woman's Relief Corps. There will be a meeting of the Wo man 's Relief Corps in Masonic Hail , Saturday afternoon , Juty 14th , at 3 o' clock , mountain time. Mrs. Emma Man chester will be present on that occasion for the purpose of reorganizing the corpp. All members and all who desire to unite themselves with the corps are urgently requested to be present. Nellie Lee , Secretary. * THENEWEST BOOKS. The Black Arrow by II. L. Stevenson. La Terre by Emil Zola. A Strange Manuscript. The Lady and The Tiger by Frank R. Stockton. All in cheap editions at McCook Book and Stationery Co. 's. SELECT SCHOOL. Next Monday , July lGthI shall open , a select school for firstsecond , and third 1 grade pupils , in the high school build- jing. Tuition : $1.50 for the term of five j weeks , payable the second Monday of I the term. Helen A. Davis. ; FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. I ° No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , Red Willow Co. Bank , 4.tf Indianola , Neb. SPECIAL. Gents ' black silk and fancy hosiery. New styles and qualities. THE FAMOUS. AT COST. My entire stock of farm machinery , buggies , wagons , etc. , at absolute cost for cash. Going to build pumps and will sell at ACTUAL COST. C. P. RINKER. ? ? a' i isasaiBSBaHfiHHttHHSIiBB9Bi Hoard of trade niectinj , ' , .Monday evening , at7J0. : : o'clock , 11. T. A select .school will be opened in our city , next .Mon.lay , by .Miss Helen A. Davis. An increase of pension has heon fpanteJ Henry Walker of this place , this week. The street spi inkier is temporal ily being inn by E. C. ( iaston. ( .let theie , Ephraiui. Work on the Harvey and Davis residences in the northeastern part of town is progiess- hig rapidly. The contract for the erection of the new First National bank building has been seem ed by John Lewis. An infant child of one , May While , a wo man of the town , was buried in Longview cemetery , Sunday. If you want a really handsome door call at Milliard's lumber yard and see his stock. He carries a "dandy" line. Ilev. Iviniincl recently received , direct from the Lutheran mission in Africa , a sack of 2T lbs. ot pure coffee , fresh from the trees. Mr. Bailey , the sprinkler man , is having two dwellings built in West McCook. They are located on " south side of railroad track. A small time book , evidently the propcily of some railroad employe , has been lelt at this ollice. Owner can have same by calling. It. It. Woods' building on Marshall street , north of Arlington House , commenced this week , is being rapidly pushed to completion. A special carrying California tourists homebound passed through this station , Wednesday morning , glad to return to "Cod's country. " While sinking a well for C. A. Clark , on his place near town , the men dug up poi tions of a skeleton of an unknown animal , at a depth of 90 feet. Don't fail lo see Milliard's fancy front doors. They are elegant and rich just the thing you are looking for if you want a hand some , ornamental door. The business card of II. P. Waite , con tractor and builder , , will be found in this issue. Peisons having work in his line will do well to give him a call. Under the new arrangement W. D. Paine is chief of police and street commissioner , while Joe Wilcox wears the night police man's insignia of authority. Itegular services will be resumed in the Congregational church , next Sabbath. Morn ing subject , "The Sciiptural Church , " in the evening , "Words of Cheer. " Work is progressing on the Stem-Strasser brick , south of this office. It will be one of the most ornate business structures in the city , to which it will be a credit. The elocutionary entertainment at the Methodist church , Monday evening , by Miss Dora Moore , though not numerously attend ed was well received and fairly enjoyed by those present. In our account , in last week's issue , of the 4th July trades' parade , we inadvertently failed to mention the displays made by the llowai d Lumber Co. and Messrs.Eberhardt & Hart. Moth were noteworthy. The line rains of Saturday night and Sun day have renewed and strengthened our con fidence in and respect for the weather clerk. His judgment so far has been as commenda ble as his execution has been effective. The writer of the article in Harper's Maga zine treating of the west is a great admirer of the Nebraska sunset. It is quite evident that he is a fellow of most excellent fancy , and a poet and artist withal. State Journal. The Lutheran social which was announced for last Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hunt , was postponed one week on account of lecture by Prof # Valentine. All are invited , next Tuesday evening. For mosquito or gnat bites an experienced traveler writes that he uses a solution of alum water as' strong as it can be made , adding one-foiuth ot aromatic vinegar and one-fifth of glycerine. Shake well before using. It will instantly cure the bite. The "Famous" boys have received and ac cepted a challenge from the Ilaigler club to play a match game of base ball , for from $ . " > 0 upwards. The game will occur here on Thursday of next week and its dollars to doughnuts that the local club wins. In the death of their little boy , which oc curred on Sunday night , Conductor and Mrs. C. M. Sackett have the profound sympathyof this community. The remains of the loved one were tenderly consigned to Mother Earth in Longview cemetery , Monday afternoon. Under the intelligent and personal direc tion of Street Commissioner Paine , some needed work is being performed on Upper Main Avenue. The rough places are being made smooth and the high places being brought low. The driving public will appre ciate. ciate.A A large force of men are now busily engag- ek on the stone foundation for the ten stall addition to the round house. This will al most complete the circle. The M. & M. yard here , with the various iniprovments under way , presents a busy scene of activity and life. On Monday , Geo. E. Johnston of the Com mercial House uurchased John F. CoIlin& ' right in the lathers claim , about a mile north west of the city , paying for the relinquish ment the neat sum of § 1S00. Mr. Johnston at once filed homestead papers on the land. This gives Mr. Johnston a half section of val- ! uable land in a body and near the city. Nebraska , the poor man 's home. She is but twenty years old and more people have risen from poverty to affluence in this state in this short time than in any other state in the union , and have lisen honorably and by ! their own exei tions. She has acquired a pop ulation of 1,000,000 and an assessed valua tion of § 250,000,000. Cause : Uich soil , pure water and good climate , favorable location and plucky people. In this week's issue of The Timbuni : II. W. Cole , Esq. , of this city , formerly an nounces his candidacy ior the states attorney nomination , subject to decision of republican county convention. Mr. Cole has been en gaged in the practice of law here for a num ber of years , devoting his energies particu larly to commercial law. If the choice of the republicans of lied Willow county for that ollice he will fill the same to the best of his ability. During the rain , Saturday night , the dwell , ing of John F. Collins * on the claim about a mile west of the city , was struck by lightning and the same , with almost entire contents , { was destroyed. The flames originated in the kitchen addition and iiad gained consider- , able headway before the family all were sound asleep were aroused by the roar of the burning structure , and they had barely time to escape with their lives and a few ar ticles of wearing apparel. The organ and one or two other articles were saved. There was no insurance and the loss falls heavily upon Mr. Collins , especially when considered with his other financial misfortunes. - THE GOUNTY INSTITUTE. The Melons or county teachers' institute Unit have been held in the high .school build ing of our city dm ing two weeks past , closed to-day. Without going into non-essential de tails we have to slate that they have been brim full of interest and instruction. Valu able : suggestions and ideas have been gather ed fiom them by the teachers present , and much of piofessional enthusiasm and zeal in spired. The supciiutcndcul of public in- sfmotion has aimed to make this summer's sessions of unusual interest and value to the teachers of the count } * . In this endeavor she has been ably assisted by Prof. Valentine , of Nebraska City , already well known to teach ers of Red Willow county ; Prof.lleltinan , of the city schools , and ( . ! . W. Minkler , of this place. The attendance on pait of teachers was not what it should have been , however. These yeaily meetings arelield specially for the teachers' benefit and they should , in so far as it is possible with them , take advantage of the information and inspiration therein to be secured. Tin : Tiuijuxb notes with pleas lire and satisfaction the growing interest be ing manifested in these occasions. The reg ular teachers' examination is being held to day. day.AN AN UNANNOUNCED DEPARTURE. Mrs. T. Nelis , who has been conducting a millinery business here for three or four years departed on Saturday night for Denver her ul timate destinationit is thoughtbeing Califor nia. Mrs. Nelis was involved in debt at the time of her departure to the amount of over 51.000 , of which aiiioimtEuglehart , Winnings & Co. , of St. Joe , were creditors in the sum of S700 , having a chattel mortgage on the stock to that effect. There are other bills aggre gating about § . " )00. What was left and to be found of the goods , perhaps § 150 worth , were attached by Sheriff Mussel ! , Monday , what became of the remainder of the stock , which is estimated at betweed S. )00 and 81,000 , is not known. It is rumored that they. are stored somewhere is this city , it is stated that Mis. Nelis carried quite a sum of money with her. LOOK AT McCOOK , NEBRASKA. We excerpt the following paragraph from Frank II. Spearman's article on "The Great American Desert" in June Harper's maga zine : "Or look at McCook , Nebraska , one of the newest and faithest west of all desert towns an infant of live years , for there was nothing but a sod house live years ago where the town of ' ,000 people is now ; nearly five hundred miles west of the Missouri river , in the midst of a fertile fanning country , posses sing everything necessary in the line of chiu clies , schools , and social advantages to make any one content witli a habitation in tiie desert , and Avhose founders had confidence enough in its future to supply it with a sys tem of water works equal in extent to that of Lincoln. " A GENUINE CORKER. The republican ratification at Indianola , last Saturday night , was the largest and one of the most enthusiastic political demonstra tions of the kind ever made in this part of Nebraska. Large and demonstrative delega tions from McCook , Culbertson and Cam bridge , each headed by a band , were in at. tendance. There was a monster torchlight procession. Log cabins , coons , banners , transparencies , etc. , were there without stint. Stirring speeches aroused the multitude to wildest enthusiasm. Our county-seat neigh bors can congratulate themselves on the un qualified success of the affair. The republi cans of Southwestern Nebraska are wide awake and will roll up an increased majority for the gallant Men , this fall. A FAREWELL "SURPRISE. " A company of young people quietly and unannounced "dropped in upon" Miss Ollie Hannah , at the residence of her sister , Mrs. It. It. Woods , Tuesday evening , and enjoyed an evening ef unalloyed pleasure on the eve of Miss Ollie's departure for her home in the Muckeye state. The friends present were : Misses Louie Starbvck , Maggie McAlpine , Matie Knights , May Clark , Julia and Celia lleiter , Mayme and Elva Hunt , Anna Forbes and Maude McConnell. Mcssr.s. O. M. Merry , Norman Foibes , It. LVMell , J. F. Forbes , A. C. Ebert , J. D. McAlpine , F. W. Vore , Albert McMillen , Ernest Menedict and J. D. Hobb. All of whom and many others wish Miss Ollie a safe journey and a quick return. ALL ABOARD FOR TRENTON. Arrangements and rates have been made with the railroad'company whereby all who desire may go to Trenton , to-morrow ( Satur day ) evening , to the grand republican ratifi cation meeting to be held there on that even ing. The rate is one fare for round trip. The Indianola people who contemplate going can come to McCook on tiie evening freight and here take the special , on which accommo dations will also be provided for those who may want to go from Culbertson. Passen gers from Indianola can return home on tiie flyer. Mates will be from Indianola , 51.00 ; McCookG5 cents ; Culbertson,50cents. Every body go. go.CHURCH CHURCH CONSECRATION. The German Evangelical Lutheran church at Ash creek , about S miles southeast of Mc Cook , will be consecrated , Wednesday , July lSth. German service will be held at 950 , M. T. , in the morning , by Mev. C. Mrauer of Orleans , Ilev. F.Dueverof Kenesawaud Mev. C. L. Orbach of McCook. Afternoon service will be held at ! J o'clock. M. T. , in the Eng lish language , by Mev. E. Flach of Minden. All are cordially invited. Those who wish lo stay for dinner will be kindly accommodat ed by the membeis. C. L. Oijijach , Pastor. "OUR NEIGHBORS. " The lecture entitled as above delivered in the Luthenu church , on the evening of Tues day , by Prof. Valentine of Nebraska City schools , combining excellence as to subject matter and a pleasing , easy manner of deliv ery , was withal instructive and entertaining and enjoyable. A comfortably filled house greeted the professor , who repaid his audi ence many fold for their attentive presence , despite the midsummer heat. HOCKNELL H0SE C0. Thellocknell Hose Co. held their annual meeting for the election of officers , Tuesday evening. My a unanimous voice F. D. Mur- gess was re-elected chief of department , M. A. Libbee and J. II. Bennett being elected first and second assistants respectively , E. C. O'Donnell , secretaryand J. A. Wilcox , treas- u i er. er.BOARD BOARD OF TRADE MEETING. There will be a meeting of the board o trade , Monday evening , at the offices of Bab- cock & Kelley in the Hocknell building , tor consider a number of propositions to build a grist mill at this place A full attendance of the board is urgently requested. A CARD OF THANKS. To all kind neighbors and frielids who as sisted us during the illness and after the death of our dear one we desire to return our heartfelt gratitude and thanks. Mit. axd Mrs. C. af. Sackett , iiii I | | mi l mill niiwii ii ii i ii in i j mi hi il "HiBJjg'L1 * . ; ' ; _ Tl SPECIAL MEETING. The city council met in special session July Clli , rnlLlmanl pi-mml , ami dloposcd of Imsl- note us follows : I11M.S ALLOWED. A. Dewey , police flfi.M ) I \ Kiiif-sluy , " 4.00 W.n.I'ahiu. " t.00 O. Lander , " 4.00 .las. Hnzlett. " . ( W R. A.MuAdiims II.OO (5.V. . Nlckvlson , a.00 romiintr , " 't.00 J. I' . .Tny.lur , " 2.00 FreesHocknelllumber. IW.OO A.J.Uittcnliouse. prof.acr.l)0 ( ) Frees & Hoeluielllumber , l:5j.ij : J1H.70 1III1 orV. . C. LaTonrutto & Co. , $8.75 , In Id on on tabic , Trcasuicr'a report read na follows : onxniiAT. FUND. Receipts ? Ua.\83 K.\pcmlitiirc3 , 'i.OO-fl.lGO.SS OCCUPATION FUND. Receipts ? - \01G.37 Expenditures 11S.75 * MSG7Ki WATKIl h UNI ) . Receipts , SlaT. 'K ) Expenditures • JlCit $ IX.4T ) UOAI ) FUND. Itecei ved $2C2.C8-iG2.c8 ? 3..rl.J7 ( Itestenation of A. Dewey , night policeman , accepted. ' { estimation or J. H. Dennett , chief of police , accepted. Did of E. C. Gaston , for street sprinkling ; laid on table. On motion E. C. Gaston was cntrascd tem porarily at $ : J.r > 0 a day to sprinkle streets , under instructions of chief of police. Mayor McEntec presented the name of W. D. Paine for ollice of chief of police , which ap pointment was confirmed. On motion it was decided to build a stone gutter and coping ; on the west side of Main Avenue , across Donnison street , provided Mr. V. Franklin build gutters in front of Ins two buildings on corners of Main and Deunison. On motion the streets and niiejs committee was instructed to secure figures for luying above. Adjourned. EXCITING AND CL OSE. Quite a crowd braved the sweltering heat of yesterday afternoon to witness the ball between the "Famous" " galne and "Arapa- hoes. " The game was hotly contested and was one of the most exciting and interesting ever played on the home diamond. Moth clubs played good ball. The score was kept down to one figure , and at the close the "Famous" boys had seven tallies and an unfinished in ning to their credit , the visiting club six scores. Republican l/a/ley Medical Assoc'n. A meeting of the association was held in this city , Tuesday , the regular business being disposed of. The attendance was small , Drs. Giinn of Arapahoe , Ctirfmanand Shaw of Indianola , and Kay , Spiekehnier and Hall of our city being those present. Drs. Shaw and Spiekehnier each read papers , which were afterward discussed by members of the asso ciation. The next meeting will be held in Indianola , on the second Tuesday in October. Ciumsy and Ineffectual. A clumsy , ineffectual attempt at train wrecking was made on this division of the M. &M. , tne other night , at a point about three miles this side of Culbertson. All the bolts but one in a fish plate had been removed and an excavation of two feet deep made under a number of ties. Fortunately the dastard ly work failed of its mission and section men promptly repaired the track tampered with. A PROFOUND SENSATION. The recent arrests of Chairmen Hoge and Murphy of the general giievance committee , charged with conspiracy ; and of a number of prominent Illinois brotherhood men under the more sennits charge of being dynamiters , has occasioned a most profound sensation on all hands. The charges are appalling. What the trial or examination will bring forth re mains to be seen. Our esteemed and well-to-do farmer friend A. X. Hyatt of Lima , a former assessor of that thrifty town , ventured over the line into the wealthy town of Lyndon , last Monday , June 2. 5th , and made a heavy assessment upon one of the most worthy families of the county. In short he took unto himselt a bride in the person of Miss Laura Graves. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride , by the Mev. Mr. Spain of the Unit ed Miethren chinch , of Cascade. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt took the afternoon train , Monday , from Waldo , for Chicago , on a brief wedding tour , and the News joins a host of friends of the contracting parties in wishing them the the full quota of happiness. Sheboygan County ( Wisconsin ) News. The Burlington wili put on a new time card , next Sunday. There will be no change of time in this city , but trains No. 5 and 0 will carry through sleepers between Denver and Chicago , eacii way , via Kenesaw and Oxford Hitherto the sleeper has gone from Hastings to Med Cloud and been dropped by the west bound train to be again picked up by the one * going east. Theie is sorrow and gloom in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mahaua of South McCook over the death of their little boy of about twelve months , which occurred on Tuesday , of chol era infantum. The burial took place , Wednesday morning , in Longview cemetery. Mr. Mahaua is employed in the round bouse here and * a itli his family has the sympathy of all. . Seven Pullman cars , containing teachers bound for the golden shores of California , passed through this station , Tuesday morn ing. Such an aggregation of loveliness and blooming dudes , fresh ( ? ) from the effete east the average "wild and woolly westerner ' " seldom sees. An ineffectual attempt was made to secure a real live dude for the city park. Tiie republican club of the city held a meet ing , Wednesday evening , at tiie offices of Helm & Davis , to complete arrangements for attending the republican ratific.ition meet ing at Trenton , to-morrow evening. E. E. Lowinan was elected secretary of the club to succeed John Wiley. This coimmmy has had a sufficiency of this this slugging business and is in about the proper mood to see such unlawful procedure punished without favor. The day of the bruiser is over. The Frees & Hocknell 'Lumber Co. con template building an addition 100 feet in length to their coal sheds east of the Eating House. They are also providing more dry shed capacity. A. J. Itittenhouse is laid up with a dislo- \ cated ankle caused by being thrown out of a [ buggy , the other day , while returning from a business trip to Henidon. To the members board of education cor dial greeting : You are neglecting the high school grounds and the trees are dying for 1 want of attention. The room on Main Avenue vacated by Mrs. T. Nelis will be occupied by 11. II. Mer ry , the Dennison street grocer. The sheriff spoiled a promising "mill , " last Friday evening. And perhaps it was for the best-for all parties concerned. WWP WW IW " i . W "I1WJLIIIUI | EBi3'5iSTr r.rSr ! * iii * ifipf ffy ? .8BBjBKB " " " " * " " " " " * " ' " " " * * * " m m < tjmmm < "MM'8" mWC3 C"MBK PERSONALS. U. O. EiTunbrnek went cast , Monday niorn- Injr , on biiHiiicss. Finnic Harris of the .Supcilntcmloul'H ollice. is in Denver on a hliort visit. DcisJ. Dlrd of lleukclmnn iiad business in I he city on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. M. A. Spalding or Viimii Is visiting In the city , guest of Mrs. J. K. Kelley. .1. V. . Kelley is in Atwood. Kansas , on busi ness. Is expected homo to morrow. Ellas I'eternuin of the county capital brent li ed the air of metropolitan life , Tucsdiiy. M. Stern was tip from lloldrcgc. Tuesday , looking lift crEome business matters here. Postmaster C. V. Ridley of Blratton was a business guest of the metropolis , Momlar. Mrs. J. F. Ganschow's In-other deimrted for home , Wednesday , after a ehort visit lit the city. Mrs. J. II. Rums enjoyed a visit from her mother , Mrs. N. L. Croukhito of Hustings , this week. C. N. Rutchellor is building another dwell ing house which will be for rent , when com pleted. Miss May Keller came up from Hastings. Sunday , on a visit to her mother and sisters In ourclty. Mrs. E.J. Merrill ofStrattonlms been spend ing the week visiting friends In McCooic and vicinity. Superintendent Campbell is out on the road with the pay car , which is expected here in a day or two. Prof. C. M. Charles of the Indianola schools was in attendance upon county institute , Tuesduy afternoon. TomMcInroy lelt. Saturday , Tor Trinidad. Colo. , where lie will probably go to work for tlio Fort Worth road. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Doian were up from tiie county-seat a few hours , Tuesday atternoon , on a business-picasuro pilgrimage. Geo. G. Eisenliart , the Culbertson banker , was a Commercial guest , Tuesday. Ho was down on matters of business import. Messrs. S. E. Solomon and W. II. Heeler of Culbertson were interested spectators of the base ball game , yesterday afternoon. Prof. C. C. Hcitmau ofthe city schools re turned , Tuesday morning from a short visit to his old home at Superior , this state. Dr. IJ. IJ. Davis went down to Lincoln , Mon day evening , to attend a meeting of the board of university regents , on the lOtli Instant , It. IJ. Wahlquist or the Hastings Democrat spent Friday and Saturday last in tiie city on matters and things personal and political. Mrs. Udell , niio lias been visiting her daugh ter , Mrs. II. F. Olcott , for a number of weeks , returned to her home in Urooklyn , Iowa , last Saturday. John Lewis has been absent this week , in Exeter , Ucatrico and other points in the east ern part of tiie state , on business. He return ed , to-day. Miss Celia Grier , superintendent public in- , struction Hitchcock county , was in the city , yesterday , returning west on this morning's passenirer. Postoilice Inspector Drown of Omaha was in the city , Monday , on ollicial business. Of course he found allairs in tiie local ollice in ship shape. County Clerk Roper made a live year's proof on his Brush Creek claim , before the local land ollicers , this morning , as&isted by the re quisite witnesses. Walt. Mercer lcftouTuesday for i4. Cal. , where , we are credibly informed , he . has secured a job as locomotive engineer on one of the California lines. Miss Etta Smith who lias been visiting her uncle , Carl Clark , and famifoduring tiie past week or two , departed on Tuesday night for her hoaie in Sun Diego , Cal. Mrs. John Gordon of Arapahoe is in tiie city , the guest of J. F. Forbes. Mrs. Gordon came up to witness tiie ball game , yesterday , and will stay the remainder of the week. Miss Delia Stratton of Ashland , this state , arrived in the city , Monday afternoon , and will visit two or three weeks here the guest of her former schoolmnte.Mis. IJ. IJ. Davis. John F. Collins and family took their de parture , Tuesday night , for Denver , where they will reside in the future , Sir. Collins be ing engaged in contracting and building there. Dave Abbott , the postal clerk , shipped his household effects to Falls City , Wednesday eve ning , where he will hereafter make his head quarters , though continuing his ruu west from here.W. . W. C. Bullard and James McAdams drove up to Culbertson , Wednesday morning , to note progress on the bank building they are erect ing there , but which they have sub-let to other parties. Mrs. A.M.Xiles and daughter. Miss Hattie , of Ulysses , this state , were the guests of J. IJ. Meserve and family , the lirst of the week , at the ranch on Brush creek. They returned home on the evening train , Wednesdiiy. \ I Miss Olliellannah , who has been visiting her sister , Mrs. It. It. Woods , for a number of months past , depattcd , Wednesday , for her home in Paulding , Ohio. Miss Ollie's many warm friends regret her leaving and bid hc-r farewell witli the wish for an early return. Misses Julia and Celia Reiter , who have been assisting their sister , Mrs. Jack Luughlin of the IJ. & M. Eating House , since the Mr. Luugh lin has been manager , loft for their home in Wisconsin , yesterday morning , a fact their many friends in McCook sincerely regret and deplore. Editor Smith oE the Pioneer and Manager Idle of the Howard Lumber Co. , made us a short call , while in town yesterday. Doth are clever gentlemen and play good ball , all of which , however , was incompetent to save them from defeat at the hands of ourownest "Famous. " J. Q. Potter and Henry Bossmcycr , of Frank lin , were in the city , Wednesday. Mr. Potter is a mill man and while here made an examina tion of the river and announces that a good and sufficient wa'er power can be secured ata point near the river , bridge. He thinks of putting in a mill here. Squire W. J. McKiliip of Thornburg , Hayes county , rode down to the city , Monday , to con sult with local professional talent , feeling somewhat uneasy over the elTeets of a bolt of lightning that prostrated him a few weeks since. The Squire expects to be all right in a week or two , though still a little sore. He left for home , tiie following afternoon. IJ. II. Vincent , countyclerk.MichaelO'Mera , county treasurer , and W. A. Cole , ex county clerk , of Franklin county , were up from IJIoomington , Tuesday. They were shown the city in all its beauty and the glory thereof by Tom Colfcr. and departed for home on the evening train genuinely astonished and de lighted and determined to return and invest in citj * realty. Mrs. C. L. Nettleton , superintendent public instruction , and 5Hss M. E. McKce.teachercity t schools , departed , yesterday , for San Francis co , to attend the sessions of national teachers' association to be held in that city , next week. The ladies will be absent a number of weeks and will visit many points of interest along the routes and on the Pacific coast. They go over the Rio Grande and Central Pacific , re turning over the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe. A grand trip Is in store for them. . \ + _ , _ , . _ * , „ L . i * * * -4. * * TiiTwR ± S& * ifni ? ,1'ij • ' ! • W i ftf Mwd iWMMBCT . * - 'Kil * BflHB * * E lBlflnHISdiM9MHBHHMBHii HR * w * 3pija * P vj * - • fBI fBIm UNIVERSAL I ISMtfg \ . * . f AW AIL 1 AND fv' VJ ) . -&v . . - * * < • * * " : CUTS. 11 commonfeK. . v : Itg ] 11 -vifSS * m $ & I Tom Itlss * tt Joined the sick list , this morn- a lug. i Miss Lcouiud , the Went Deunison street 1 milliner , is seriously ill with cholera morbus. m J no. Moore and wife , who wore hero on a | j visit to relative * , returned to their home in 1 McCook , last Friday. Mr. Mooie runs the llycr S between McCook and Akron. Crete Vidolle. S VAILTON NOTES. 1 The sick are all reported improving or well. ] C. S. Ferris took In Hayes Centre. last week. ! The rain eaiiie at 'ast ' and wo rejoico and give thanks. ) ! i All unlet on the Driftwood. May It ever re- j main so. Wo mean in a soeial sense. \ . The Driftwood shows as good crops as any i • piace within a radius of lirty utiles. * | ; Corn looks well. Ono piece on the Perry ranch is about waist high. Small grain was hurt by the dry spell , more or less. . Rev. Kelsey of McCook spoke , Sunday after noon , to a large audience and it wasonn ofthe best sermons we ever heard. We wish that that sermon could be preached Inevcry pulpit in every clime. K.w.pii. If the Omaha Herald persists in its doubtful state ( Nebraska ) nonsense much longer , a reasonable doubt may safely arise in the thoughtful mind as to the editor's mental condition. HORSES FOR SALE. 100 head of extra fine American horses and mares , from . * > to 7 years old. Many of the mares have colts , by a fine Ilambletoniaii horse , running with them. Will sell cheap for cash. Will take bankable paper or will trade for cattle. Call at Olcott's livery barn , McCook , and secure an early choice. D. P. Hoof.rs. FOR SALE CHEAP. Any person desirous of obtaining Ap- pleton's American Cyclopedia as good as new and at a greatly reduced figure , should call at this office at once. The sixteen volumes complete. All in ex cellent condition. At a sacrifice. COME AND PAY UP. All persons indebted to me-arc re quested to call at once and make settlement. [ have sold my business and must close up my affairs immedi ately. A. J. Thompson. WAGONS ! WAGONS ! ! WAGONS ! ! ! Hall & Cochran have just received a large shipment of the celebrated Mil- burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , which thejare ready to sell at fair prices. HOUSES TO LET. One 3-room and one 4-room dwelling. Inquire of W. M. Anderson. Over First National Bank. Milch Cow for Safe. T have a good milch cow for sale cheap. C. II. Meeker. ATTENTION , FARMERS ! I can make you farm loans at lowest rates. Office 1st door west of Citizens bank. II. G. Dixon or Chas. II Boyle. ' FRESH BUTTERMILK. Wc deliver daily fresh buttermilk from the McCook creamery. Eaton & Co. COWS FOR SALE. I have a few good fresh milch cowa for sale , cheap. Xicil. Sevenker. Horses For Sale. f 00 fine Oregon mares , from 3 to 6 years old , for sale cheap. Call at our barn and look at them. LINDNER & ERMAN. Imported Ale and London Stout for family use at Strasser's. Delivered free to private families. LEGAL NOTICE. Noah Higgins wiil take notice that on tho 2Sth day of June. IPbS , S. H. Colvin , it justice of the peace ot Wiliow Grove precinct. Red Willow county Nebraska , issued an order of attachment for the sum of S'ja.OI in an action pendiuiT before him. wherein C. II. Rogers is plaintiir and Nouh Higgins defendant , to-wit : Money in the hands of IJ. F.Morrison lias been attached tinder said order. Said cause was continued to t'je * 9)t ) ! > rUy of August , IStSS , at J o'cloek.A. M. C. H. ROGERS. Plaintiir. July 6tb , leSS. 7-4tS. LEGAL NOTICE. • lohn S. Humphreys will take notice that on the : wth day of June. 1SS-S , S. H. Colvin. a jus tice of the peace of Wiilow Grove precinct.Red Willow county Nebraska , issued an order of attachment for the sum of $11.50 , in an action pending before him , wherein U. IJ. Davis is plaintiff and J < 5hn ; ? . Humphreys defendant , that property of the defendant , consisting of money in the lialids of tiie C. IJ. & Q. railroad Co. , due and unpaid , has been attached under said order , said cause was continued to the • Mill day of August , ItsS , at 8 o'cloek.A. M. JuIyCth , lfebS. IJ. B.DAVIS. 7-lts. Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Noah Higgins will take notice that on the IStii day of June. IpSS , S. H. Colvin , a justice of the peace in and for Willow Grove precinct. Red Willow county , Nebraska , issued an order of attachment for the sum of $1 .15 in an action pending before him. wherein Thomas IJ. Stutz- man is plaintiff and Noali Higgins. defendant. Unit property of the defendant to-wit : Monoy in the ia.dsof : IJ. F. Morrison has been attach ed under said order. Said cause was continu ed to the 11th day of August.lSSS. at 'J o'clock , A. 31. THOMAS IJ. STCTZMAN. Plaintiff. July 6th. lb."S. 7-4ts. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook , That tiie following estimate is hereby made of the amount of money to be raised for all I purposes in said city during the present fiscal I year for which appropriation is to be made , 1 to-wit - : i For salaries , city ollicers , $2,100.00. For incidentals C0O.0O. ! For water services 960.00. • Total amount appropriated.$3 , " > 0.00. For the purpose of meeting this appropria- . tion the following levy is made on all the tax able property in the citj * of McCook , to-wit : For general fund purposes 10 mills. For water fund purposes as authoriz- ! ed by sub-division 13 , section til * , chapter 14. compiled statutes of Nebraska , a levy or 3 mills. * 1 Total levy made 13 mills. J Attest : James McEstee , Mayor. ' W. M. Anderson , City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of June , 1SS8. * * i