H By F. M. KIMMELL. H Official City and County Paper. REPUBLICAN TICKET. H FOR PRESIDENT , H BENJAMIN IIAlilUSQN , H OF INDIANA. H FOR , VICE PRESIDENT , H LEVI P. MORTON , H OF NEW YORK. H FOR MEMBER OF CONGRESS , H JAMES LAIRD. H Benjamin Harrison , Levi P. Mor- K ton and the platform "arc all right. " H Three cheers and a tiger for honest H manly Ben Harrison , our next pres- H dent. H The first republican gun of a victori- H ous and glorious campaign , to-morrow H evening. H The republicans stand for a free bal- H lot and a fair count ; and one of the mis- H sions of the republican party will be un- H fulfilled until that condition of political H % affairs is come to pass. H Mayor Hewitt is reported as say- B ing that he would neither vote for Cleve- H land , make a speech for him , nor spend B a dollar in his campaign. ' And Abram H is a wise and influential New York city M democrat at that. B Rousing ratifications of the Chicago B nominations arc being held all over Ncb- m raska , McCook will cover herself with B glory to-morrow night , when the grand- B est ratification in Western Nebraska m will be held. B Of the tribes of Benjamin and Levi , B the republican candidates may be con- m sidered sure of the "Hebrew children's" H support ; and with the mantle of Eh B gracefully resting upon them they will m l 'get there" with both pedal extremities. I FROM HAYES CO. HERALD. B J. C. China goes to McCook to work at Lis B trade , this weolc. B Prof. Kelloggwill go to McCook to spend the B fourth , where in compliance with a special in- B vitation , ho will assist with the music. B MAitniED. At the residence of tho bride's B parents , G miles southeast of Hayes Centre , B Mr JllsATight and Miss Inez Dunham , Rev B J. B. Howard officiating. Mr. Tight is an en- B er etic young man in the employ of tho B. & B t. at McCook. Miss Dunham is the accom- B plished daughter of Mr. Dewitt Dunham , and B possesses a fine quartersection of land near B lier father's claim. They will make their home B in McCook. They have our best wishes. I WATER TAX ! B Waier tax will be due July 1st. 10 Hi per cent , will be added after July 7. B C. H. MEEKER , Supt. 1'I. Hi Red White and Blue Streamers , Hi Flags , and Buntings and Ribbons. Hi L. LOWMAN & SON. I . Horses For Sale. I 100 fine Oregon mares , from 3 to I 6 years old , for sale cheap. Call at our barn and look at them. LINDNER & ERMAN. I BALLOON ASCENSION. B On the evening of the 4th of July we B will send up from our store1 large B balloons to each ot which will be attaoh- Ij ed our business card. For the return B of theseif found out side the city limits , B we will give prizes as follows : B For 1st card returned , 1 set History B of England , cloth , 5 vol's. B 2nd , 1 vol. of Poems. B 3rd , 1 year ' s subscription to any Mc- B Cook paper. B 4th , 1 copy Birthday Book. Bj McCook Book and Stationary Co. I HORSES FOR SALE. Bj 100 head of extra fine American Bj horses and mares , from 3 to 7 years B old. Many of the mares have colts , by Bj a fine Hambletonian horse , running'with B them. Will sell cheap for cash. Will B take bankable paper or will trade for B | cattle. Call at Olcott's livery barn , B McCook , and secure an early choice. S D. P. Rogers. < FARM LOANS. i o | Cash Down. No Delay. j o \ No need of waiting to send off appli- ! cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad- j dress , Red Willow ' Co. Bank , I 43-tf Indianola. Neb. FOR SALE CHEAP. Any person desirous of obtaining Ap- pleton 's American Cyclopedia as good as new and at a greatly reduced figure , should call at this office at once. The sixteen volumes complete. All in ex cellent condition. At a sacrifice. WAGONS ! WAGONS ! ! WAGONS ! ! ! " ' Hall & Cochran have just received a large shipment ot the celebrated Mil- I burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , which j they are ready to sell at fair prices. \ ATTENTION , FARMERS ! I can make you farm loans at lowest rates. Office 1st door west of Citizens bank. H. Gr. Dixon or Chas. H Boyle. FOR SALE. : A spring wagon , nearly new , a good carriage and single harness. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of Coleman Bros. FOR SALE CHEAP. Good heavy team work horses. J. B. Meserve. r Imported Ale and London Stout for f family use at Strasser's. Delivered l frBe to private families. t Genuine California Claret , tor ! I summer drinking , at Strasser's. 1 1I I ' ' 'I. . , J.1.C * , i ALLEN & CO. , . 1 * A SMASH M PRICES ! - = FOR THIRTY BAYS YOU CAN BOY e = - > DRY dOODS flliOTHINfi Ukk A VIVUAlJAiv A AAAAlU At almost any price. We believe in placing new goods on our counters every season , and selling them the same season , in order to do this , we shall offer for 30 days every thing in our \ Dry Goods and I Clothing Dept. at Ridiculously Low Prices to clear TnEM out at once. , : * We are going to make such Low Prices for the next 30 days that no matter I'whether it rains or shines , the people will be out in force. They will not be dbjle to re sist the great temptation to bpy goods cheap. All sensible people kpow that before July 4th , there will balenty of weather of the red hot sort , a ' nd now is the time to get ready. [ ' SPECIAL SALE X every day at our store will make things lively for 30 days. ; "A Whack at Calicos. " We will sell at 5 cents per yard , the Best Grades op Calico. We will sell Genuine INDIGO BLUE CALICO at G cents per yard. Gyclone--Torn--Prices : : ON GINGHAMS. 12 cent styles go at 10 cents per yard. Staple Apron Ginghams , S c. per yard. t Opposite XL S. Land Office. THE CASH BUYERS AND SELLERS. * • I' ' ' - - , - - - . _ ! - I „ . , . , . , - * - OreatClosing Out Sale t t OF WALL PAPER , t AT DR . © . La. GREEN'S MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. I incoffi Sanitarium Dk. J. RICHARDS , Prop. , 238 SOUTH 11th ST. , - = LIJfCOLJtf , jVEB. In submitting the following considerations to the afflicted , our aim is to place before them information that may save them time and money by informing them of the different health and mineral spring resorts of our country : Sanitariums and Water Cures may be found at Colorado Springs , Colo. , Los Vegas , New Mexico ; Hot Springs , Arkansas ; Waukesha , Wisconsin ; Col fax , Iowa ; Battle Creek , Michigan ; Cincinnati , Ohio ; Southwestern Dakota ; a number in New Hampshire , and a few in New York and Pennsylvania each possessing advantages peculiar to themselves , and worthy of patronage. But these resorts are remote from your homes , requiring time and outlay of means to reach them , while the expense at each is necessarily large. Our own establishment possesses advantages equal to any of the above , and in some respects superior ; while in the matter of expense we can offer induce ments surpassing all. The Mineral Water from the Artesian Well of this city , which analysis shows to be equal to the finest mineral water anywhere for bath ing and medical purposes , is utilized here for diseases of the kidney and bowels , as well as in diseases of the skin and blood , and chronic irritations and ulcera tions of the mucous membranes for which it cannot be excelled. Every variety of Bath is given , including the Turkish , .Russian , Steaji , Electric , ( Hot Air , Steam and Water , ) Shower and Swimming Bath. We use all forms of Electricity , generated from the finest batteries and electric machines manufac tured. We use the Massage treatment , and will use all the Hygienic appliances and apparatus of the larger institutions. Our Bathing Parlors are 25x100 feet on the hrst floor ; 43 rooms on the second and third floors all heated with steam. Water in all the rooms , with closets on each floor. We have some very fine rooms , and some cheap ones. We will use every effort to make it home-like for our patrons. For lady patients we have lady attendants and nurses. Our fa cilities are and will he all that can be desired for the treatment and cure of the sick and afflicted. Those diseases which we can greatly relieve or cure , are Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Liver Troubles , Diseases of the Uterus and Kidneys , Chronic Cystitis , Anemia , Chlorosis , Nervous Prostration , Epilepsia. Syphilis , Dropsy , Scrofulous Diseases , etc. Our terms are reasonable. We only charge for baths and services rendered , from one week to one month in ad vance. In serious cases we have counsel from experienced physicians. Incura ble and offensive patients are not received. Boom and board , $5.50 to $9.00 per week. Baths and treatment included , $9.00 to $18.00 per week. Send or call for pamphlet on diseases cured by Electricity and Electro-Thermal Baths. Address , 23s south inn street. JUI& . el • JlvCHA1 ! DS. SUBSCRIBE FOR " J [ | TRIBUHEs $1'50 A YEAR- " " ' " "LADIES' HOSE. Lisle Thread , "Solid Black" and as sorted colors , 25 cents per pair. They are sold by others at 45 cents. We have them for you and at prices that can't be duplicated. Don't be de ceived. This is your opportunity. CASH DOES IT. Wholesale Groceries ! Retail. "Oh My" plug tobacco , per lb. 25c. "J. T. " " ' • " 40c. 3 lb York Tomatoes , 10 cans for $1.00 2 lb York Corn , 10 cans for - $1.00 embrace mis chance AND LAY IN A ST0GK , i ( MnMNMaaiH Hii HiHHHHaBaiBnHHa HiHHMnBMMI AM Still at tlie old stand , I and here I am to the front "f • ' again with the latest styles in Men's , Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes. I have just received an elegant line in Ladies' Fine Shoes. Great many changes have been made in wearing apparel in the past year , especially in ladies' fine shoes. Prices have "been re * duced to such an extent that a nice pair of fine shoes is with in the reach of every one. Come and see for yourself. These are progressive times , and so it keeps moving. Trade with P the Old Keliable , where you can always find what you want J.F. GANSCHOW. Opposite U. S. Lnnd Office. L . . . TM FIDOS CLOTHING CO. J TRUEMERIT. . r | We do not depent upon extrava- ' gant statements to do business ; " > we rely simply upon facts. ) Over , fl Thirty Years' j Experience. \ I ' - ! ' i . . . . . . | I . ! . We guarantee every article we m sell to be exactly as represented. 1 a Treat All 1 Alike. I We show the Largest and Finest stock of goods for men's and boys' V wear. fl l | TB We allow none to go away dissatisfied. jH We Have flj 'One I Price. " 9 . , . , . , . H - - • • ' ' fJ1 - i. i iti-i im TJTTrrr- . 1 We have all the Latest Noreltie3 , H and are constantly receiving addi- jH tions to our immense stock as de- H sirable goods come out. H VeMarkAU fl Goods in , 1 'lain Figures M Those who buy of us once always | come again and bring along their j H friends. You will do likewise. ' H Sefamdus CLOTHING CO. 1 JONAS ENGEL , Manager. k sCook , Neb. , May 31 , 1SS8. H