W \ . > . * 3 I I McCOOK ! * - * • WILL BE A. CITY OF ! " . 10,000 People _ Even then , no one will show you a better assort- . ment or sell goods for i , " Less Money Than We Do. E It is very easy to put prices in a paper and then | e • sell shoddy goods. We guarantee all mefchan- | * - dise sold "by us. Come and see the W.f ' , RELIABLE DRY GOODS , CLOTHING AND CARPET MERCHANTS. L , „ - . _ , \ VISIT OUR DRESS MAKING DEPARTM'T. \ . i L. LOWMAN & SON. 1 GET ON TO THIS ! J * | I : H v j j ; ' This year , we will give away to ij y ® I OUR .GASH GUSTOMRR8 , | @ \ | j - * - A FINE 6 = f-- ij f TOP BUEEIWDRTH $14D.DD $ [ \ jj Call and learn Particulars. j ! S l VjA ® I LARGEST STOCK IJV THE COUNTY , ! j ® r \ II .MD JtEVE R UJfDERSOLD. fj Is I - 1 ) W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. , , . . . I Brick Store 4 doors south of J. C. Allen & Co's. j MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. | . ' F. L MCGRAGKEN & Sfifl , THE OXLY f STTf-l = In S. W. Nebraska that carry a com plete line of Fine Goods in Gold Wales , Jewelry , Slwnrm AND CLOCKS. We Guarantee our Prices to le the Lowest. Particular attention given to repairing of .Fine Watches & Jewelry. AlUdndsofMusicandMusical ) pj rf Q Instruments kept m stock. ) & _ _ _ _ _ . $ * MAIN AVENUE , iMcCOOK , NEBRASKA. f J. K. OSWALT , . I M Has Opened a First-Class | Restaurant fg Confectionery . I IX THE BUILDING OXE DOOK XOiJTH O ? THE FKEES 4 IIOCKXELI. E. IOJMBEK YAKD AXI ) J SOLMTS THE PUBLI0 PATRONAGE , FRUITS IN SEASON. TOBACCO at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. \ DAY BOARD AND LUNCHES TO ORDER. L Give roe a Call. J. A. OSWALT. * " a. rinkreET MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOR ill MlFh Wilis , WAGONS , BUGGIES , ETC. Tareestami # esfc Selected Stock of Farm Implements . in the Republican & - & - l iio • Lihv'the Manufacturers of the different . lines of goods. Prices always the 25 S3i& & • Cull aud examine. J CORNER MARSHALL & DENNIBON STS. , - McCOOK , NEB. i BOX ELDER BERRIES. J. A. Pinkerton returned from Hayes Co on Sunday last. The festivo rattlesnake , with nine rattles and a button , is being killed daily. The mother and sister of Mrs. Brower from Iowa , are visiting friends at Box Elder. The usual crop of mangled horses and colts is being harvested from barb wiro fences. Miss Eva Dole , one of Bartley's students , at tended church in Box Elder , on Sunday last. A smart young hail storm passed over Bos Elder , Wednesday morning , doing very little damage. Wo understand Mr. Brower and A. W.Camp bell are going into the sweet potato business on a large scale. A. W. Campbell has rented hisfarm to Mr. Abbott of Frontier Co. , and will devote his en tire time to his farm and garden. We are having fine weather for growing crops , and both corn and small grain are look ing well , despite the cool weather. There is complaint of great scarcity of money among the farmers , but with the pros pects of good crops better times are looked for in the near future. Fishermen on the Willow are complaining that somebody has a soin in the creek below here , in consequence of which no fish are caught hereabouts. We have some very old people around here , too old to attend Sunday school and church * yet they are on hand bright and early to go to town or to engage in other business , and they are church members too. The 3rd Quarterly Conference of the Box Elder charge was held on June 2nd , Rev. I. N. Clover , presiding , who preached an excellent sermon on Saturday afternoon , also Sunday morning to a crowded house. Bkevis. BANKSVILLE and VICINITY. o A typographical error occurred in last week's items , wherein George Eckley was sub stituted for Gus Eckley. Please notice. Mrs. Jacob Williams anticipates a trip to Ohio , to visit relatives there and take a much- needed rest and regain her declining health. J. B. Farnsworth has just finished cultivat ing the trees on his timber claim , and to say that they look fine is a mild way of putting it. .Mr. Joe Dodge has fitted up the old Winsor house and gone to housekeeping with his osti- mable wife. He is farming the Winsor place. Farmers are cultivating their corn in good earnest. The crop is a good stand and is in a thrifty condition , with promise of an abun dant yield. After the hall game , the afternoon of the 2nd , a horse race was participated in ; and in consequence one of the boys is § . " i poorer. There ai-o suier investments for loose change than risking it on the precarious issue of a horse race. Don't do it boys. The longevity of the lepublican party de- jends upon how well the men who compose it post themselves. If they are reading , think ing men ; keep well informed of current issues ; they will always remain republicans. Thebet- : cr informed upon the political icsuos of the lay a man keeps himself , the stronger a re publican he makes , from the simple fact that he republican party is the only one that vorks iudefatigably for the benefit of the crican people. It is a deplorable fact that here are more illiterate , immoral men in the lemocratic camp than in any party in exig ence. Don't take the word of republican ournals for this , but read their own , make a ipecial effort to inform yourself on this point tnd you will arrivo at the same conclusion , hat wo have , viz : Thatthc democratic party s sincere in neither thought , word or action. Sivart. Care of Cancer and Ulcers. " ' Judge T. C. McLondon writes to the Bwift Specific Co. : "About three years ago , Jerry Bradley had a cancerous sore on his face , nour the right eye. It caused him a great deal of pain , and ho lost the sight of the eye , but was finally cured by the uso of Swift' * Specific. This case is well known in Wilkes Co. , Ga. , where he lives. " Mr. L. Cox , of Arkabutla , Tate Co. , Miss. , writes : "I suffered a great deal j from old ulcers for years. Your medi- } cine was recommen ieJ , and after using six bottles I uhs completely cured , j Your medicine does oven mora than you J claim for it. I have known it to euro cases which were lliouirht hopeless. " ! Mrs. A. M. Goldsmith , No. 674 Warren ] St. , Biooklyn , N. Y. , writes : "I com- i monced using S. S. b. about three yeai a i ago. I had suffct cd Irom a sore throat ' for ovor a year. I used a great many ' other remedies with no-good results. ' Mylittio girl , also , had soro fingers ; it ] commenced from tlio quick , and then tho nails would come off. Wo doctorod her for over two year * , and when I com- 1 menced U3ing S. S. S. I thought I would see what it would do for liar. I am thankful to say that it entirely cured her. It is tho best remedy I know of ( for the blood. I really believe it was j the means of saving my life. The doc- tor told me I had a throat disease siml- i Jar to Gen. Grant's. 1 ehcerfully reo- 1 ommend it to all suffering from dis- crdoied blood. " Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases niaded free. Tnu Swift Specific Co. , t Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. : c Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone I P tha digestive organs , free the system of . ormB , si vo tho horse n good appetite , causing icm to shed freely and putting them in good v lapo for hard work. For ' salo by druggists. r I , ii I fJ It Would Not Do ! M For an Old Established House to indulge in advertising * ; % sensational Half-off , Below Cost , Take-'eni-away-for- JJ nothing' Sales. I . ; I Our reputation for selling * RELIABLE , TRUSTY , • ' SERVICEABLE GOODS. Is quite sufficient to draw people to our store , and when " we have somethingbelow ordinary prices , we can al ways give good reasons for it. We are selling * : \ Dry Goods , Hats and Caps , j Groceries , Boots and Shoes , i Notions , Etc. , \ At the lowest prices made by any lii'ni in S. W. Nebraska. " This is not Idle Talk , our Goods and Prices prove the Assertion. - I Call and Examine Our New Goods. 1 CHAS. H. ROGERS , " I Established in 1882. THE PIONEER MERCHANT. I - A Plea for the Boy and the Home. TO THE VOTER : I do not know what you think of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union , but if you want to know what a boy is worth , go an ask his mother. By the time Bhe goes into the very jaws of death to give him birth and then puts him into her days of love and nights of care , and he stands before her strong and clean and tall at 21 , she can tell you what he is worth from the crown of his head to the sole ot his foot ; and when the legalized dram shop takes hold of him and tears him down fiber by fiber , and put1 * oaths upon the lips she used to kiss , and crushps out his mother's hopes , it is no wonder she makes an outcry. If you want to know what a home is worth , go ask a loving woman , who has kept herself pure as God's lilies for her marriage day , when , with a great shine in her eyes , she puts herself over into the hands of one man for better or for worse , for richer or for poorer , until life's end. And when the dram shop , with its fearful curse , crosses the threshold of the home they built together , and takes down her strong tower of dope , stone by stone , and dogrades the father of her children , it is no wonder woman makes an outcry. "What is the "Woman's Christian romperance Union ? It is a long smothered sob breaking into a cry ; it is a midnight prayer coming abroad at noonday. You men sometimes say to us , as we stand in places like this , "Home is your kingdom. " We do not dis pute it. We know it better than you know it , but it was our "kingdom that was outraged. STou say to us , standing ballotless and defence less before this vampire of our civilzation , 'You do not need the ballot , we defend you by love and by law. " Do you , when for eighty- ive years of well defined license legislation , motherhood has been uncrowned and her jhildren slain by law and you have mado no Drotest against it ? You have prayed about it n prayer meeting , but when It came to the sweep of the empire in the ballot box and in jolitical organizations you have made no pro- ; est. 0 ! men , do not believe a civilization is vorth much that cannot protect its woman and mbie3. And grand as you are , and strong as rou are , you will never be ablo to protect your voman and children and the dram shop at the amo time. Oh , in shame , in very shame , sither get up and strike down this enemy of he home and of wifehood and of childhood , or : lse put the ballot into the hands of your voman for their own protection. Mary T. jfltlll'Op. THE VERDICT UNANIMOUS. W. D. Suit , druggist , Bippus , Ind. , testifies : I can recommend Electric Bitters as tho very iest remedy. Every bottle sold has given re let in every case. One man took six bottles , , nd was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years tanding. " Abraham Hare , druggist , Bellville. hio , alhrms : "The best selling medicine I ave ever handled in my " 0 year's experience , a Electric Bitters. " Thousands of othei s have dded their testimony , so that the verdict is nanimous that Electric Bitter3 do cure all iseases of the Liver , Kidnejs or blood. Only half dollar a bottle at A. McMillen'sdrug tore. It is mind , soul and heart not tasto or art liat makes men great. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis- 3 , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet- : r , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail dn eruptions , and positively cures piles , or o pay required. It is guaranteed to give per- > ct satisfaction , or money refunded. Price i cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen. The next eclipse of the moon will be atmid- [ ght on the 22nd of July. ltcht JUanee , and bcratches of every land ired in 80 Minutes by Woolfonl's Sanitary otion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. rarruntcl l > y S. L. Green , Druggist , JlcCook. Most solf-mado men seem to go through this orld as though following immediately in the arofa brass band. . * lv I The many cases of rheumatism cured bj j Chamberlain's Pain Balm during the past few , months , have given tho people great confl. dence in its curative properties , and have shown that there is one preparation that can be depended upon tor that painful and aggre- vating disease. Mr. Geo. C. Davenport , one of the leading retail druggists of St. Paul , Minn , , says : "In regard to Chamberlain's medicines , I am pleased to say that I can recommend them with confidence , that they will do as much for a person as anything in the market. Especially am I pleased with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. " No one afilioted with rheuma tism can use it without benefit. For sale by druggists. New Store ! New Goods ! About AFKIL lO we will oc- * * cupy our mammoth : New Store , T2- corner lCth and Curtis Streets , GTJ with an entire new stock of fit Dry Goods , \ f \ Dress Goods. Fancy Goodt , Jer- jMKvllseys , Wraps , Suits. Millinery , ladies' and Gents' , • mmMkM Furnishings IfffftW 'A Boy3' Clothinsr , Carpets , Cur- lflnX A tnlnn , etc. , making It the Gem f/f/A Vvv i DryGoodsStoreintheWest. De- n///\ / VN' ; pend upon latest styles and low / / \ veastern prices. Absolute satis- III I iR \ \ ' faction guaranteed to all mail or- FllSvVdersor money refunded. Hand- ///InS / \n\ . ' somelOO-pageCatalomieandsam- . . III \ yiHivV ! piessentfreoon application. J. IllM \ liJAY / J08LL7. loth ana AJ I Iftmc&i Curtis , Opp. Tabor Opera • tat mtmm * Home , JMENVEK , cojlo. School Books % Supplies , Blank Books , Stationery , AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. E. Ii. SMITH , LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLES , Evert's Old Stand , Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. GOOD RIGS. FLEET HORSES. 10UR PATKONAGE SOLICITED. Blue Front Livery Stable & D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Lively , feed and sale stables. Finest tum ults in the city furnished. Barn , rear Mc- Sutee Hotel. * \ a- : - H , bmbliij PfllF Idflml I oiAdIjIi , I I RATON 8c CO. , Proprietors. I . H EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. East Railroad Street , - McCook , Nebraska. fl O. S. TORREY , I Furniture Undertaking I GOODS SOLD 02s THE INSTALLMENT : - PLAN. 'I ' " - a ' - - | I I WON'T BE UNDEHSOLD. . . H WEST DENNISON STREET. - - McCOOK , NEB. mi iaff n i t jmin I 11 illll lillllil ID 111 10 , I OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. B Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , I . H OFFICE IN first national bank building. . , . . . , . H A. CAMPBELL President. B. M. FREES 1st Vice Prmiockt. . , . . . , . H GEO. HOCKNELL Secretahy. S. L. GREEN 2d Vice Presideht. . . , . F. L. BROWN Treasurer. . - | H ' ' 'I ' ! ! ' " JOHX F. BLACK. Breeder or Ijipiioved Sheep. B S Merino Sj & Sg ! tfy L. and Q Southdown feFa SWj y Personal in- U Mufi S S fspcction and SSS ffiftg ? correspond- J aE Ki ! ? S 3Jr ence solicited. l&2 2& & Y&ii& & & Address him a S 1 Nebraska. EATON BKOS. & CO. &tP P. O. address , IcCook , Vg to MoaikXcbraska. Range , south VD H ESof JlcCook. H > X Cattle branded on left HHHHHVl PAlso , 10 , 5. A and THil brands on left hip. - k l * Horses branded same tJH HHpioa ft shoulder. j ( ( KILPATHICK BROTHERS. H ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) M Horses br.ui'Iwl on left hip or left shoulder. H -cscrs-'r- PO. . address , Estelle , H Kl Hayes countr. and Beat- M vU 3S2Sarice'Neb- . Stink- H I SpiggKSingr Water and French H Ws bii ii lit man creeks , Chaso Co. , H g/Ssfef Nebraska. H etifefi Wi Brand as cut on side of 1 s -Jbf * ' : . . $ $ X some animals , on hip and H < is % 3s ! > Xi > wL.sides of some , or any- M - " sj8ft ii i iimnrjjoro on { n0 animal. animal.V \ I - H \ 1