III - • * ' ' ' - * " * * 'Ji ' * - V • > - * 'J- - - . / , - , vi - . . . , , , LU @k " - ittrftaotT Sttbtttte.S f % fQ | VOLUME V-H7 " " McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , SATURDAY , JUNE 9,1888. NUMBER 2. ? I if 4 / * - - 'liffl if STERN'S I ADDITION ! If | BABCOCK & KELLEY , KJ SOLE AGENTS. U 1 Lots in this beautiful addi- B j tion lying" west of McCook , R | and overlooking the city and I , ; I the Eepublican Valley , are | • now on sale at our office , and I I are selling rapidly. Come If early and secure the finest r location for a residence in M the city. It - I Bf ill Clanse. Easy terns. I'i ' For full particulars , call at 1jt our offices , over The Frees I ij & Hocknell lumber office. [ I BABCOCK & KELLEY. H BERNHEIMERJ jS , My Spring * styles are now all in , and 4H' ' ali wlio wish to be known as 11 Well Dressed Gentlemen ' I.f I Will give nie tlicir order for their I' § spring clothing * . You will readily ob- I | j . . . serve that my prices are as low as $ j , i j \ is consistent with good goods and 1 I \ first-class workmanship. Complete -f I Suits niade in the best style in two yj days , if necessary. I _ . BERNHEIMER iiMMt MHM nMM " " ' " -"II i w i i icazi . iJ ? ga-CT TTiT 4 Authorized Capital. Sioo.ooo. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. J OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : . , . . , . GEO. HOCKNELL PRESIDENT. B M. FREES VICE-PRESIDENT. . . . . . F. L. BROWN . . , CASHIER. . . . . I " A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. 1 hrnry pennrr • Saddles , Blankets , Nets , Etc. F * * Goods open to inspection and Guaranteed. . Call and see my Patent . Collar it is the Onest thing in the market. Rear of "The Famous. " HENBY PENNEK. f * i _ - - " ' " . . . . . . i . _ . . - . i . . . WThe \ Howard Lumber Co. : J i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN . I El I 1 M & / i 1 I d [ I t _ ill " 111 , OCT _ _ _ _ ( X I Ofl _ • ! f 'dri j3i a ygn m < at v x a L- x X v- ' /ii/a-5f | I / v c , I McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 2 f BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. BVUON JENNINOS. .WUti WILEV. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS • : - AT - : - LAW. Will practlco In tho State and United State Courts , and beforo tho U. S. Land Offices. Careful attontlon Iven to Collections. Office over Citizens Hank , McCook , Neb , TI10S. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Heal Estato Bought and Sold and Collections Mado. Money loaned on real estato and final proof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over Farmers Jc Merchants Bank. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Office at McCook and the department at Washington. nUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practico in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. 1" MONEY 1"TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5 , First Nat'l Bank Building. JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , House and Carriage Painting , ailAININO , CALCIMINING , MAUBLIKO , McCOOK , NEBRASICA. Lea\'e all orders at tho drug store of McMil- len & Weeks. First-class work guaranteed. ; T. M. HELM , * ' C. W. DAVIS. Lata Begister U. 3. Land Late cf Qe = . Lasi OSes , Office , Stwin.Kas. WasMngtca.D.O. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land H Loan Agents. McCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or dofend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ! Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Oflico : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJEIST. McCOOK , NEBRASKA [ "Office in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN , AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. ' i3-Offico at Chenery & A nderson's drug store. L. J. SPICKELMIEE , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Attcitiss Given toFezaale Diseases. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. "Office : Room No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. A. P. WELLES , M. D. , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Office rooms , 1 and 2 , McNeely Block. Spe cial attention given to diseases of women and children. Calls answered at all hours. j A. J. THOMAS , i DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. Gr. W. MINKLBR , 2 FORMERLY COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. f Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering. Residence north of school t house. e THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , - e Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. ot McCOOK , "NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated c and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. " W. M. SANDERSON , * DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , s SCENIC PAINTER , p a Calcimining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. D with neatness and dispatch. PREDMORE BROS. , c Blacksrnithing and Woodwork , h Hokse Shoeing a Specialty.s > Repairs Wagons and Buggies in a Work v manlike Manner. c All Work Warranted. ilcCook , Nebraska " ii SHOP South of Badjter Lumber Yard. a an E. D. BURGESS , J PLUMBING , ntl tl Steam and Hot Water Heatino- & b North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. i is W All work receives prompt attention. A WOMAN'S DISCOVERY. } h "Another wonderful discovery has been s made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests , u but her vital organs were undermined and J ieath seemed imminent. For three months A Bho coughed incessantly and could not sleep. Sho bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New b Discovery for Consumption and was so much i' ' relieved on taking first dose that she slept all * night and with one bottle was miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. . " Thus a writo W. C. Hamrick & Co. . . of Shelby , N. C Set a free trial bottle at A. McMillen's drug P 3torc. li Sjy § _ i , } EVERY THURSDAY AT $ i 50 A YEAR. LIST OF PATENTS. Patents for the following named persons are now at tho U. S. land oillco In this city and will bo delivered to thoso entitled to the same upon surrender of receiver's receipt property endorsed. N. U. Tho number preceding each namo corresponds with tho receiver's receipt number : 900 Jns. S. Ackerson , Oil Jose. Locli' .yood , 889 Nat. Atwood , 505 John Long , 873 Ed. Akcrman , 1MJ ( ! Owen Murpha , 771 Frank Amend , lOJB George I. Morgan. 7.k1 Itoso Ann Adams , 1033 Lorenzo Marr , 453 U.J.Ausbourne , 9G5 Sarah E.McKillip , 274 J. A.Armstrong , 910 John JI. Malcolm , 10CC = Alviij E. Ueatty , SK Owon Murphy. 1040 Herman Hey , 790 James A. Millor , 1025 Thos. H. nritton , 772 Ed. McCandlish , 'J29 C. Ulaeholdor , ( J57 Man. S. Mecham , SKJ3 J. Barraclough , 517 John Matson. 802 Philip J. Bastlan , 501 John F. Miller , 847 Potor Jlurko. 91 Hoaz McNeal , 845 William Bailey , 913 Gert. Newman , 813 Byron H. Barrett , 890 Samuel Norris. 783 J no. P. Ballinger , 884 diet. C.Newman , 759 Chris. Beck , 915 Wm. K. Meyers , 731 Charjes Bee , 809 Dunne Marsh , 725 And. J. Benson , S04 Alico Murphy , 708 Georgo Brezee , 863 Walt. A. Murphy , CG0 Charles A. Bede , 857 Thomas Murphy , 589 Win. S. Britton , 843 Jas. McClanahan , 524 Jcsso A. Barton , 7,58 Milton M. Mack , 515 J.D. Brakeman , 731 Lewis B. March , 420 Frank C. Black , 058 Frederick J. Marr , 204 Gcorso Brezee , 574 Michael Madden , 1005 Valentine Bogie , 871 Samuel Navlor , . 85 Manuel Brinson , 870 El. M. Naylor , 1058 William Colling , 799 Oscar E. Noble , 1045 Alfred Carter , 500 Tyra Nelson , 977 Joseph W. Crews , 700 Benj. F. Olcott , 958 Jer. Chessman , 002 And. II. Orman , 947 Otis B. Coburn , 1044 Lewis F. Pate , 794 Alfred Curtis , 994 Thos. D. Pollock , 782 Allen C. Clyde , oso Carlile L. Parker , 780 Hcnrv Crawford , 807 Win. J. Pearson , 744 Pat. F. Connolly , 853 James Powell , Jr. , 748 Cyrus P. Cabeen , 826 Hcnrv A. Pope , 633 Stillwell Connor , 788 Fred D. Pitney , 603 Win. H. Coburn. 617 Mary A. Phelps. 548 Abner Chase. 952 Alfred C. Itussell , 492 Edmund Cushing , 781 Itobt. H. Rankin , 391 John Cruts , 778 Thos. Richardson , 788 Patrick Callan , 714 Susan Koop. 972 Satnuol Daniel , 567 And. McG. Itobb , ! )53 ) Richard Dunning , 502 Wm. E. Rollings , 868 Solomon Daniel , 494 Wm. M. Reddick , 821 J. Dean Downer , 352 Adolph Rieschick , 776 Nat. Y. Davis , 604 Wm. H. f eugh , 768 Addisdn F. Dyer. 583 John Paxton , 678 K. L. Duckworth , 545 William B.Porter , 539 John Dunning , 455 F. Plasmeyere , 507 Sidney Dodge. 389 W.R.Pennington , 487 Charles Dietrich , 374 Win. L. Pryor , 246 Richard Dunning , 165 James H. Perry , 224 John E.Douglass , 1051 Charles Rich , 25 John F. Dolan , 833 "William Reeves , 207 John A. Dunbar , 709 Mort. Richards , . 791 Morris DesLarzes , 724 Wm. O. Russell , 556 Conrad Eckhart. 1007 John L. Sollers , 464 John W. Enyeart , 1001 Zac. Stratton , 861 Lydia M. Force , 1042 Sam. Sanderson , 810 John B. Foster , 1032 George W. Scott , 701 Jno. M.Ferguson , 1028 Geo. H.Starbuck , 518 Abraham Faust , 948 John Snydor , 649 Frank Feure , 939 Geo. M. Smith , 56 Geo. J. Frederick , 924 Charley L. Smith , 460 William Fruin , 903 Sarah E. Smith , 948 Alfred B. Fuller , 902 Wm. H. Smith , 510 Eliza Ferguson , 803 Homer Smith , " 899 John F. Glcnnon , 798 S. Lizzie Shaw , 697 RobertE.Grindol , 722 G.A.Simerman , 642 John Gmahle , 735 John C. Sargent , J 493 Sabin M. Gray , 654 Huld. Scholield , 439 H. P. Groesbeck , 578 Leand. Starbuck , 407 Alva Gamsby , 533 Laura A. Smith , 322 Daniel Gurnsey , 589 Noah Sawyer , 133 Georgo Gowing , 503 Sam. J. Stockton , _ 111 Jacob Goll , 497 Duncan Sinclair , * 103S John Hummell , 491 Nicholas Sauer , 932 John Houstein , 408 Jos. L. Springer , 926 Chas. S. Harding , 187 Maria Smith. 923 William Hicks , 984 John Teeters , 831 Win. S. Hop pock , 8S7 John M. Thrash , 828 Luman N. Howe , 852 Ed. S. Taylor , 814 Millard Horton , 784 Rebecca Turner , v 811 SpencerE. Hager , 736 Alex. C. Towne , 806 Wm. T. Higgins. 737 Wm. M. Towne , " 804 C. L. Humprey , 715 Robt. H. Thomas , 764 Sereno L. Hall , C3S Jere. P. Thomas , 728 Al. H. W. Hotz , 501 Ammi C.Teel. Jr. , 695 Chas. E. HInnian. 399 G. W. Tompkins , 652 Mill. F. Horrell , 323 James Taylor , 620 Wm. H. Hudson , 881 John Unzicker , I 619 Alice Hnverty , 1041 William Vest , u 594 Robert W.Hume , 914 Sarah Van Aisdoi , 508 August C. Hoge , 880 Ira A. Vore , 200 Geo.Hocknell.Sr. , 727 Eliz.Van Uuskirk , 378 Hans H. Hoiigon , 770 Ed. W. Van Horn , 412 Anna Hcberllng , 1029 Otto E.Wagner , 101 Is. E. Hickling , 1000 Thos. E. Webster , 320 Washing. Kenna , 99S Fred A. Webster , 1024 Vassal A. Kelley , 720 Samuel L. Wra/ , 830 William H. Kelly , 719 James T. Wray , 795 Jas. A. Krutsou , 035 William Wight , 743 Bertha Kleven. 433 Silas C. Wolf , x 684 A. Kleinschmidt , 414 Wm. A. Wishon , 569 Chas. B. Knobbs , 205 John T. Wray , A 992 Nels. J. Johnson , 917 Band. Ycaisley , 918 Rachel Jackson , 519 August Zilko , • t 885 Alex. D. Johnson , 900 Ed. M. Williams. 730 Chas. M. Johnson , 897 Conrad Wacker , l 405 Mat. H. Johnston , 896 Walt. S. Wheaton , " 438 Harry C. Jones , 796 W. E. Windhurst. 7 2S9 Robert Johnston , 757 Louis H. Winter , r 279 Perry Jones , 750 Arthur A. Winter , 1053 Thomas J. Jones , 512 John S. Wise , Q 1049 John A. Lynch , 490 Geo. Wacker. Jr. , 1027 Eliza W. Light , 450 Gus. E. Wallin. = 878 George Lodgo , 419 Maria Worrell , _ 723 John J. Latnburn , 392 Aaron Woodson , \ 718 Elbr. G.Lefller , PERSONALS. j Attorney Selby of Cambridge had business in tho city , Saturday. Henry Baxter oflndianola , ex-county judge , v was in the oity Saturday , shaking hands with friends and acquaintances. L. H. Lawton , of Grand Island , largely in terested ( in stock in this part of the state in early days , was a city visitor , Saturday. j H. C. Rider came in from Denver , Friday p svening , spending anumberof days in the city q on business associated with his extensive inC terests of a real estate character here. P PL Wm. Schoeneman , a homesteader of the county of Chase , was convicted of petit Iarce- ( ny , during the last week of District Court in that county and received the extreme penalty in such cases mado and provided. _ Geo. Paxton of McCook was in the city , Saturday , representing his cigar factory. Mr. Paxton was formerly a resident of this county md the business men of this city could do no better than patronize his establishment as he _ makes a fine cigar. Hayes Centre Herald. T J. P. Hebard , of the State Journal Co. , Lin- soln. 'arrived in tho city , Friday afternoon , on in 's way to visit a sister who resides in south eastern Hayes county. We acknowledge a short , pleasautcall ; also upon his return trip , Monday evening. Mr. Hebard had mauy good woids for McCook. A lady named Cooper living in Hayes county lame up from McCook. Wednesday , after hav ing a number of teeth extracted. After arriv ing here she began a very severe hemorrhage and ler : husband was so alnrmed as to secure a | medic.tl assistance. At last accounts she was S ettiiig considerably better and no serious _ fears were entertained. Culbertson Reveille. Frank Elledge wont to McCook , Wednesday morning , to have an examination made into the condition of his little girl whohas been E taking treatment for catarrh. An examination * by Dr. Hall developed the fact that she had a steel button nlmost half an inch across in her nose. It was taken out by the doctor and she getting along all rijrht now. Culbertson Reveille. \ F. L. Brown , cashier of the First National ; bank of McCook , was in the city , Thursday. He is authority for tho statement that work has been commenced on the B. & M. machino shops at that place and that the company has | already hauled 175 car loads of stone to bo used in tho construction of tho big buildings. / McCook is elated , while the citizens of Hoiz drego , who have been banking heavily on the shops , are correspondingly depressed. HastT ings Gazette-Journal. x Whooping cough is attended with but little danger when the cough is kept loose and ex- - pectoratlon easy by the free use of Chamberai Iain's Cough Remedy. Sold by druggists. M. A. LIBBEE , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. SSB' ' " A specialty of flno residences , school houses , churches , etc. All'work dono with dispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , corner Dodgo and Manchester Erects , : t. e. Mccracken , . The Insurance Ag'f McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light ning r , Tornado and Hail Storm. New I Shop ! : New Goods ! AND MODERATE PRI0ES. Will ' do all kinds of Tailoring in a First Class Manner. Call and sec prices and fits , and then you will know for yourselves. R. A. COLE , McCook , Neb. - GEO. PAXTON , Uaanftetsrcr and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SEAL33 III CIGARS. Fine Havana Cigars. A specialty of the brands , "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and "OUR CHOICE , " tho peer of anything in the market. McCOOK , . - - NEBRASKA. THE B. & M. Billiard 1 Hall , PHILLIP WEICK , Prop. First-class tables and conveniences of a well equipped ball. Choice lino of Cigars al ways on hand. Lemonade and all temperance drinks. WEST DENNISON STREET , McCOOK , NEB. DRYSDALE , . "njiLor Has just received an Elegant Line of Spring Goods , and he kindly returns his most sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he ' has received in the past , and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. \ We are agents for the following reliable companies. Note date of organi zation and splendid assets : Etna of Hartford. Conn. , 1819 , . . . .S9o6S,840 insurance Co. of N. A. , Phila. , 1704 , 8,474,352 iMienix of Brooklyn , 1& > J , 5,397,025 Connecticut of Hartford. 1S50 2,139,742 Continental of ] STe\v York , 1852 5,239,9S1 Pennsylvania Fire of Phila. , 1825. . . 2,710SS5 jancshire of Manchester , Eng. , 1S52 , 1,49S,1S7 DOLYIN & DEMPCY , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Herian & DesLarzes , Proprietors of the McCook rransfer City Bus Line. Bus to and from all trains. Coal hauling nd general delivery. Three drays. AH vork promptly attended to. Leave orders at frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. Allen's Transfer , Bus , Baggage % Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3f"Best Equipped in the City. Leave orders Commercial Hotel. Good well water furnished on short notice. . . \ - fc' JBOTEMlf S : M ! 1 GEAND OPENING j MM MJPABTHBBTI i We have opened the doors of our new Mammoth -fi If Boot and Shoe Store , which is attired in a new \ 1 ; and elegant costume of progressive raiment from i front to rear. • | , . fi ' MANY THANKS ! W Permit us to thank our friends and patrons for favors ex- r / ' < tendedfduring our fourteen months of prosperity in McCook , j | and rest assured that the many kindnesses will always he held I i in grateful remembrance. } I We extend a cordial welcome to friends , patrons and the ' | public. We will show " THE LARGEST , THE FINEST , • THE CHOICEST , • * " THE BEST AND * { f THE CHEAPEST Stock of Boots , Shoes and Slippers , between Omaha and Denver. Call early. r y , * BOWEN 9 LAYCOCK. J 1 "Boston Bargain Shoe Store. " Opera House Block , - McCook , Nebraska. C ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) H Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. JH = DOES a fl General Banking Business , M Collections made on . all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal H cities of Europe. Taxes for . H paid Non-Residents. Money to loan on fanning lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. C M Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , \ H CORRESPONDENTS. j V. FitANKLiHPresident. V H First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. V Johk B. Clark , Vice-President. | The Chemical National Bank , New York. J A. C. Ebbrt Cashier i M C i I I CITY BAKERY. | I j FRESH BREAD j M l DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE.S I -PIES-CA1CES-CANDIES-NUTS- < . \ J H 5 - OYSTERSCIDERCIGARS1 1 . M t TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- ; \ M _ _ • • n 1 I LUNCH R00SV1 IN CONNECTION. I Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. : H i A. PROBST , PROP. I I iDEALERS IN ' H Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , M HARD MB SOFT COAL. M