I I Ffc Ulifo Fribnnc. II P. M. AND E. M. KIMMELL , I 1 Editors and Publishers. I OFFICIAL COtfNTY PAPER. I PROGRAM FOR DECORATION DAY. I Meet at Menard's Opera Hall at 1 o'clock , I P. M. sharp , M. T. " ( Music for the occasion will be supplied by tho Juvenile Band of McCook , led by Chas. H. Anderson , and singing by the Choir under ' the direction of C. P. liiuker ; words and music all new and written expressly for this occasion. Members of J. K. Barnes Post will take , seats on tho stage , other ex-soldiers will take tho first five rows , of seats in the middle division. Immediately in the rear of them will be seated the Knights of Pythias , who will dur ing tho exercises of the day act as guard of honor. , In the rear of K of P. will be seated othor organizations. The schools of McCook in charge qt Prof. Webster and teachers will take the southern division of seats. There will be 38 girls from the McCook schools , representing the 38 states , and they will assist the G. A. It. in decorating the soldier's graves. These girls will sit on the first five rows of seats in the school division. The flowers will be brought to the hall as early as 9 o'clock , A. M. , where they will be taken charge of by the following committee : I Mrs. Webster , Miss Murphy , Miss LeHew , Miss McNamara , Miss Berry and Mrs. Smith. Parents and teachers are requested to see that sufficient flowers are provided as early as possible on the morning of Decoration Day. On the line of march each organization will be under the direct command of its own dfli- cers , subject to the Commander of this Post. ORDER OF EXERCISES. Music by the Band. Song by the Choir "Gather Roses of the May. " Opening Exercises and Reading General Orders. I Song "The Glorious Chief. " ( In memory I of John A. Logan. ) Oration By Rev. P. C. Johnson. I MUSIC BY TIIE BAXD. | , Short Address by Mayor T. M. Helm. I " " y Song "The Fallen Brave. I Short Address by Rev. Joel S. Kelsey. I Short Address by C. W. Davis , Esq. I Song "Slumber Long. " I Short Address by Rev. J. W. Kimmel. I Short Address by Rev. A. D. Rodebaugh. \ Short Address by Judge J. E. Cochran. ' _ , J Music by the Band. I ' Form line of march. I DECORATIOX. I Order of march from hall to cemetery : I | Juvenile Band of McCook. I ) J. K. Barnes Post No. 207 , G. A. R. , Depart- , ment of Nebraska , supported by all I i i the ex-union soldiers present. ] i • Knights of Pythias as guard of honor. I ' " 38 girls on wagon. I Secret Societies and Hocknell Ilose Co. ' Public Schools of McCook. I . j Citizens on foot. I | I . t Citizens in carriages. I'j ' | | * " * ' Citizens on horseback. i ll Form line on east side of Main street , be- I I I ginning on Dodge street , fronting west. I • R. S. Cooley , Commander. III EDUCATIONAL COLUMN- I f Mjly O'Brien , Anna Stakbuck , j Editor. Assistant. I { ] There aro 120 school teachers in Brown Co. The school census gives Lincoln a popula tion of 39,310. The school treasury of Fremont is flnancial- I7 well fixed , having $16,000 cash in sight. A movement is on f oot in New York to erect a statue of the lato ex-President Arthur. Br the U. S. census report of 1SS0 , tho value of churches , school houses , and public build ings was placed at $2,000,000,000. The Garfield statue in Washington , erected under the auBpices of the Army of the Cum berland , was unveiled May 12th. Dr. James B. Caywood , who held a positioni i on tho staff of the Long Island College Hospi- ; tal , died April 15 , at his residence in Brooklyn. The school treasurer of Lee's Park , Valley county , has disgraced the defaulting profes- . slon by disappearing with the insignificant ' _ sum of $200. ' A crew will probably come to this country , this summer , from Cambridge University , ' England , to row with the Harvard crew at New London , Conn. Among the passengers on the steamer "La ' Bretague" which arrived at New York , recent ly , was Kev. Brother August Groc , the distin guished deaf mute teacher of the Institute ] desSourds JIuets in Montreal. The first of the Shermans to come to this country left England in 1630. He afterwards j became a Professor of Mathematics at Har vard and published several almanacs. From this brainy man are descended Senator Sher- man and General W. T. Sherman. 1 The graduating class of Bunker Hill school numbers 13 Mr. Bickerdykers eighth class at ( that place. The commencement week includes i I a school entertainment , Thursday evening , ( May 23th , a field day of sports May.TOth , and , graduating exercises that evening. ' The Rev. Francis W. Tustin , Ph. D. , Profes sor of the Greek Language and Literature in , Bucknell University , died at his residence in ' v Lewisburg , Pa. , April 14 , of congestion of the ' brain. He was 52 years of age , and was conI I nocted with tho University for 30 years. j The National Association will hold its ses1 1 alons , this year , at Chicago , July 12 to 15. Full Information concerning program , board and excursion rates can be obtained by addressing President William E. Sheldon , 3 Somerset St. , Boston ; Supt. A. G. Lane , Eoom 57 , Court House , Chicago , and Jerome Allen , 25 Clinton Place , Now York ; jf * Ann Arbor , Michigan , offers its attractions Jm also to tho teacher , this summer. A summer vJP session of the National School of Elocution / and Oratory , Philadelphia , will be held in tho r University buildings , Ann Arbor , from July 5 , _ to August IB. There will be two courses of instruction the short course , embracing voice • culture , orthology , gesture , analysis in read ing and expressive reading. The extended course , comprising a fuller discussion of tho subjects of tho short course , dramatic reading , artlitlo recitation , and extemporaneous ( speech. The instruction will be given with a view to the pupils completing the course at tho school in Philadelphia , but it will be none tho less valuable for those who como only for i C .tho single term. h CLOSING OF SCHOOL The school year of 188G-87 will close Friday , June 3rd. Examinations for promotion in the different grades will begin on Tuesday , and continue through the week ; The pro gram of examinations in the high school department is as follows : Tuesday , A. M. Advanced Algebra. Tuesday , P. M.-Civil Government ; 7th and 8th grades , Grammar. Wednesday , A. M. Philosophy. Wednesday , P. M. Physical Geography , U. S. History and Political Geography. Thursday , A. 31. Geometry. Thursday , P. M. 7th and 8th grades , Arithmetic. Friday , A. M. Spelling. Friday , P. M. General History and Ele mentary Algebra. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present at these examinations , and note the results of the year's work. W. S. Webstek , Principal. Sarents in this city , Wednesday evening , ray 25th , 1887 , Mr. George W. Bede ami Miss Eva J. Nellis , Rev. D. F. Rodebaugh officiating. The Squire and Ills estimable bride are well known to a large circle of friends in this city , whom Tin : Thibunk joins in con gratulations and best wishes. IIARLAN-KELLEY At the residence of the bride's sister , 1007 Water street , Mon day , May 23d. at 4 P. M. , by the Rev. John Gillies , Mr. A. G. Harlan of Curtis , Neb. , publisher of the Courier , and Miss Tillie Kelley of this city. St. Joe Herald. PROCLAMATION. Whereas. The 80th day of May has been recognized and set apart throughout the United States as Memorial Day , and a due .observance has been recommended. Now , Therefore , I , the undersigned , Mayor of the City of McCook , State of Ne braska , do hereby proclaim and give notice of the observance of Memorial Day in said city on the 30th day of May , 18S7 , and recom mend that all places of business be closed from one o'clock , P. M. to 4 o'clock , P. M. on said day , as a fitting tribute to those hon ored dead , who sacrificed their lives on the alter of their country. Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of May , 1887. T. M. Helm , Mayor. June 18 circus day. The young people will participate in a so cial hop at McNeely hall , this evening. The educational column is short this issue , by reason of lateness in delivering copy. A communication from the South Side will have to go over on account of lack of space. Judge Cochran arrived home from Gosper county , last night. His next session of court will be heldin t this county , without jury , commencing on Tuesday of next week. A party of railroad men passed through this station , yesterday noon , for Akron , on a hunting expedition. They traveled in Hol- drege's car he being among the number. A telegram to David Bryan from the groom announces the marriage of William Capps , of the B. & M. water service , yesterday , to one of Parkersburg's (111. ( ) fair daughters. A. F. & A. M. The annual meeting of Mc Cook Lodge , A. F. & A. M. , for the election of officers , will be held , Tuesday evening , June 7th. All members are expected to be present. W. S. Webster , Secretary. A more auspicious time will not soon come for the agitation of the project to build a bridge over the Republican , east of the city. Mr. Hatfield is now visiting on his ranch , and offers to pay § 100 toward the enterprise and to donate the right of way for a road through his lands. Will not some action be taken. Prof. W. S. Webster , principal of the McCook city schools , is rapidly coming to the front amongleading Nebraska educators. Under his direction the schools of the best town in the Republican valley have been rapidly advanced , and The Journal is well pleased to know that his work and worth are attracting due attention. State Journal. Last evening , J. T. Smith , who lives north of the city , was severely injured in a run away by his own team , a spirited span of horses. He was thrown to the ground and badly shaken up and bruised. The injured man was rendered insensible by the concus sion , and was very sick for some time , but finally recovered sufficiently to be conveyed home. The body of a contractor on the Beaver branch ' , named James Keenan , was brought to the city , yesterday noon , from Beaver City , and interred in Longview cemetery by Undertaker Miller , the same afternoon. The deceased had sustained a badly fractured leg , and stoutly refusing to have amputation performed , blood poisoning- in , and caus ed his death. He was over GO years of age. The sum total of advantage gained by the recent confab between the state railroad commission and Kimball of the U. P. , and Holdrege of the B. & M. , . may be expressed in the famous inter rogation of Boss Tweed , "What are you 1 going to do about it ? " Probably the commissioners are unable to answer. The people of Nebraska are eminently qualifledj however , to elucidate the proposition. We will wager a quantity ! of back accounts that they will do so in ' the not remote future. Franklin received a visitation , last ( Saturdayin the shape of a hailstorm of terrific proportions. Buildings were blown down , crops damaged , animals injured , windows demolished , and a j time in had. lively general was j OPTIONAL LOANS I Made on Farm Property by Colyin & Dempcy , McCook , vNeb. j • ] Cabbage , Tomato and Celery Plants - ror safe by John Hansen , Hocknell residence. Try the Commercial House , when 1 n McCook , fust once ! G. W. MINKLER , - FORUERLT ] BOUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. c " Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and / Jivll Engineering. Residence north of school ] louse. ' FOR SALE CHEAP. One fine business lot on Main street. Two nice corner lots on McDowell street , one block from school house. Two more fine residence lots on Mc Dowell street. Six lots ( half block ) east front on Mc- farland street. Good house , barn and lot on Marshall street. No building clause required in any of above , and will be sold cheap if soon taken. 0. F. Babcock. We are Western Agents for Rutter- ick's Metropolitan Paper Patterns. Call and get a fashion sheet. L. L0WMAN & SON. MONEY to LOAN On farms I am prepared to fill all loans from McCook. No sending away no delays. Everything done and completed right here. Do not fail to see me before making application. I. T. Benjamin. Office Over First National Bank. We will show an entire New Line of Lawns and Organdies about May 1st. No last year's stock on hand. L. LOWMAN & SON. TO ICE CONSUMERS. I am now prepared to deliver ice to consumers throughout the city. I havo a superior quality of ice , cut at the Cambridge mill ponds. Parties desir ing to be supplied , the coming summer , should make their arrangements at once. Will also deliver anywhere in the valley. It. H. Williams. Our stock of Dry Goods is lirst- class in every particular. L. LOWMAN & SON. DAY HOARDERS. _ _ I have rented the Cochran building on Main Avenue , north of The Tribune office , and am prepared to receive day boarders. Can also accommodate a few roomers. Rates reasonable. Accom- modations good. Mrs. R. M. Erwin. Everything in our house is marked in plain selling figures. L. LOWMAN & SON. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' REAL ESTATE LOANS. j We have completed arrangements whereby we can furnish those who want : a loan , money on real estate , promptly and without the usual disappointing delays. Call and see us. We are al- ( so prepared to make chattel mortgage ( loans. Citizens Bank. \ t We have the best assortment of Men's Clothing. Gall and get our prices. L. LOWMAN & SON. - ' ' ' | M > ' j FARM LOANS.r o i Cash Down. No Delay. o No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as j papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , Red Willow Co. Bank , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. Try the Commercial House , when 1 in McCook , fust once ! 5 FARM LOANS. , _ If you want a Farm Loan on short = notice and favorable terms , or money for Final Proof , call on Henry W. Keyes. Room 3 Over Citizens Bank. [ Egyptian and Oriental Laces at ( Lowman & Son's. j 1 THIS IS NO SWINDLE. ' J The O.K.Steam Washer is the easiest operated of all washers ever offered for d sale. Will save your clothes , labor and g health. Warranted to wash clean or ° : money will be refunded. For sale by ji Lytle Bros. & Co. d "We guarantee to sell goods lower than any house between Omaha and „ Denver. L. LOWMAN & SON. " PLOWS ! PLOWS ! - I have on hand a lot of Grass-Hopper Breaking Plows that I will sell at the n exceedingly fbw price of $9. Call at „ ' once ( before they are all gone. i Charles Noble , e eS S ( Parasols are one of our leaders this ' season. Gome and see them. ti L. LOWMAN & SON. BALED STRAW. I have a quantity of nice , bright baled straw , suitable for filling bed ticks , for sale at my barn. B. F. Olcott , t < City Livery , Feed & Sale Stables. Neckwear and Hosiery are beyond st competition at Lowman & Son's. SUMMER PASTURE. 0i 0 la I have plenty of summer pasture on T [ , the river bottom , east of the city. Par- ties desiring pasture should make their arrangements at once. S. H. Colvin. p _ _ _ _ ni FOR SALE. oS is A house and two lots for sale in West % [ McCook. Will sell cheap for cash. H ; Enquire at this office. pi . ti FOR _ SALE I f Fine Carriage and Set of Double " Harness. Inquire at office of ' The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co ? ar MONEY to LOAN p We are prepared to lend money on tf < lity property. Chattel loans a spec- ; alty. h , FARMERS & MERCHANTS RANK.nc / i -1 nsroiioiE. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a session of not less than thrco nor moro than twenty days , commencing TUESDAY , JUNE 7th , 18S7 , for tho purpose of taking such action as may bo required by luw relating to equalization of assessments for tho year 1887. C. D. CKAMEit , County Clork , Red Willow county. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To the Citizens of McCook : You are hereby notified and requested to proceed with all reasonable haste and dili gence to the work of cleaning up all rubbish and garbage in tho alleys around the city. The draymen and others are also warned against hauling and depositing any dead animals or refuse within the city limits. The warm season is approaching , and the health of the community demands the utmost cleanliness throughout the streets and alleys of the city. Please give this matter prompt attention. It. II. Williams , Chief of Police. McCook , Neb. , May 19 , ' 87. Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a Chattel Mortgage dated on the 20th day of April , 1887 , and duly filotl In tho office of tho County Clerk of Kcd Willow county , Nebraska , and executed by John Imel and Theodoro PhillippI of said countjto Tho Citizens Hunk of McCook , of McCook , Nebraska , to sccuro the payment of tho sum of Four Hundred and Nine Dollars and Soventy Cents ( S100.70) ) , duo May 20th. 1887 , with interest. Default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof , therefore the undersigned will sell the property therein described , namely : 1 Dapple Gray Stallion , half Morgan and Norman , 9 years old. 1 Black Gelding , 8 yrs. old , native , no brand. 1 Brown Gelding , C yrs.old , native , no brand. 1 Gray Gelding , 7 yrs. old. native , no brand. 1 Dapple Gray Gelding , 7 years old , native , no brand. Said sale to take place in front of the livery stable 1 of W. O. Itussell. in the City of McCook , Hod Willow county , Nebraska , on the 17th day of June , 1S87 , at 1 o'clock , P. M „ mountain time , of said day. The Citizens Bank op McCook , By E. R. Banks , Agent. Mortgagee. : Notice < of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. o Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a Chattel Mortgage dated on the 10th day of February , 1887 , and duly filed and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Bed Willow county , Nebraska , on the 12th day of Febru ary. 1887 , and executed by Edward L. Walker of ! said county , to M. M. Itiley , to secrtre the payment 1 of the sum of $225.00 , duo May 10th , 1887 , with interest , and upon which there is now duo the sum of $225.00. That said mort gage ( and the note which secures tho same , J havo been duly transferred and assigned and endorsed to H. T. Anderson on the 10th duy of Februury. 18S7. Default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding ] at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof , there fore I will sell the property therein described , namely : One bay horse 5 years old , no brand ; one brown mare 3 years old , strip on face ; one two-horse wagon , good second-hand ; one double set of work harness , at public auction in front of the First National Bank building in tho City of McCook , Bed Willow county , Nebraska , on the 4th day of June , 1887 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. mountain time , of said day. H. T. ANDEUSON. Assignee of Mortgagee. RESOLUTION. Be it Resolved , By the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook : That the following estimate is hereby made of the amount of money to be raised for all purposes in said city , during the present fiscal year for which appropriation is to be made , to-wit : GENEUAL TAX. For salaries , city officers , $ 750 00 Incidental expenses 450 00 Total § 1.200 00 Assessed valuation , last year 5211,500 00 Total revenue , ( gen'l fund ) last year 2.2&5 56 Amount expended up to date 2,205 50 Miscellaneous fund 507 70 Amount expended 507 70 SPECIAL TAX. For "water fund" purposes , as authorized by subdivision 15 , section 60 , chapter 14 , Com piled Statutes of Nebraska , a levjr of 5 mills. The following levy is therefore required : For general fund purposes 5 mills. For "water fund" purposes 5 mills. Total levy required 10 mills. And this resolution is hereby ordered pub lished in the McCook Democrat and McCook rmnuNE for four (4) ) successive weeks. Passed this 4th day of May , 1S87. Approved this 4th day of May. 1887. T. M. Helm , Attest : Mayor. L. L. Hulbuhd , Clerk. ESTIMATE OF COUNTY EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR 1887. County General Fund 514,000 00 County Bridge Fund 4,000 00 County Road Fund 4,000 00 County Insane Fund 1,000 00 County Bond Interest Fund 1,000 00 Indianola Precinct Bond Int. Fund. . 150 00 North Valley " Bond Int. Fund. . 100 00 East Valley " Bond Int. Fund. . 100 00 County Sinking Fund 1,000 00 State op Nebraska , . Red Willow County. fss- I , C. D. Cramer , county clerk of said county , lo hereby certify that the above and fore going is a true and correct copy of the record f the estimate of expenses of Red Willow ounty , Nebraska , for the year 1887. as made jy tho county commissioners at a meeting leld January 14th , 1SS7. Witness my hand and official seal this ISth lay of May , A. D. 1887. [ seal. ] C. D. Cramer. County Clerk. 452 By W. H. Dodd , Deputy. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , ) May 20th , 15S7. f Notice is hereby given that the following- mmed settler has filed notice of his intention 0 make final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will be made before Rej- Bter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , uly 1st , 18S7 , viz : Henry Jones , Homestead Sntry No. C040 , for the south 'A southeast } i cction2 , township 1 north , range o0 west Cth . M. He names the following witnesses to " irove his continuous residence upon , and cul- " ivation ol' , said land , viz : Richard G.Mitchell , acob Williams. John Snodgrass and Walter loldrege , all of McCook , Neb. 52 • S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at Mccook , Neb. , i April 20th , 1SS7. j Notice is hereby given that the following- amed settler has filed notice of his intention a make final proof in support of his claim , nd that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , une 10th , 1SS7 , viz : William H. Smith , Home- tead No. 990. for the west $4 northwest ii sec- and west & southwest l4 section 11 , town. J north , range 30 west , 6th P. M. He names lie following witnesses to prove his continu- us residence upon , and cultivation of , said md , viz : Millard F. Horrell , Clark G. Potter , nomas J. Murphy and James Doyle , all of cCook , Neb. S. P. HART , Register. " \ it Land Office at McCook , Neb. , April 30th. 18S7. f Notice is hereby given that the followingfj amed settler has filed notice of his intention make final proof in support of his claim. , nd that said proof will be made before Ilea- - ter or Receiver , at McCook , Neb. , on Satur- ay. June 25th , 1887 , viz : Franklin W. Weaver , C a Pre-Emption D. S. 1777. for the southeast | section 32 , town. 2 north , range 2S west , 0th .M. He names the following witnesses to ( rove his continuous residence upon , and cul- vation of , said land , viz : Fleming M. Gra- am. William H. Allington and J. C. Lafferty Danbury. Neb. , and John w. Tolman , of ondville. Neb. S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at McCook. Neb. , I April 20th , 1S87. f Notice is hereby given that the following- . uned settler has filed notice of his intention * make final proof in support of his claim , ' J id that said proof will be made before Regis- ir or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. • ay27th , 1887. viz : Sidney T. Smith , Home- ; ead Entry 5753. for the east is of northeast j section 22 , and west lJ of northwest h , sec-1 on 23 , town. 6 , range 30. He names the fol- • wing witnesses to prove his continuous rest- : nce upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : enry C. Reuport. Ans. Wagner , Henry Pen- _ jr and Henry Tilgner , all of McCook. Neb. " S.P.HART , Register. mw WW 'JOlf. ' > fe8anrJwyssr y - . - - - - - - - - . " " " " " " " : ' * J"1 ' " " ' w B , _ , , f , . _ y . - > ! Ii i I 1 THESE THREE : KS NEW GOODS ! I B3-FAIREST METHODS ! - S3-LOWEST PRICES ! " * % Tliats the advantage we claim in selling our goods. We guarantee the Quality. We have One Price the LOWEST TO ANYBODY. We mark all goods in Plain Figures , so 1 that a child can read them , from which I THERE IS NO DEVIATION. i WE HAVE THE , 1 LARGEST VARIETY STOCK I TO SELECT FROM , 1 ALL NEW AND THE LATEST STYLES I to which we are constantly adding , M as the trade demands. COMPARE QUALITIES AND PRICES I YOU WILL BE SURE TO BUY AT Jokas ENG-Eii , Majsag-er. 1 McCook , May 19 , ' 87. 1 . LUDWiCK & TROWBRIDGE 1 THE OLD RELIABLE 1 FURNITUEE DEALERS , I HAVE THE 1 Finest Assortment ! J Largest Stock ! 1 Lowest Prices ! I IN SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA. I MAIN AYENUR , I McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. 1 " . - J n wi - in I- . .ii. . . . . - - - - - . - _ _ _ ttt , , H Q. P. RINKER , 1 MANUFACTURERS AGENT FOR I WAGONS , BUGGIES , ETC. 1 C5Tlie Largest and Best Selected Stock of Farm Implements in the Republican Talley carried by the Manufacturers . of the different . lines of goods. Prices alwayg the 9 lowest and always Regular. Call and examine. jfl 30Pw. MAIN AND EATXROAD STS. , - - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. M ft Sill Li ii M ft ] OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. M Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , 1 OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDINd. fl V. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 18T VICE PRESIDENT. fl SEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT fl F. L BROWN TREASURER. ,