The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1887, Image 11

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P" * PAIN in the BACK & SIDES
' i The Centime his Trade Mark and crossed Red
i Lines on wrapper.
< &g . & ? . jig. jt u m- at4K. .
Is a Positive Cure
VarFciuI * CcnpUIiU ami TTttlneiux
M < aEuaoato nrlMttre uIipap > KUeB.
It • will euro entirely tho worst form of Female Com
plaints , all Ovarian troubles , Inflammation and Ul
ceration , Falling and Displacements , and theconse
quent Spinal wexknoss , and la particularly adapted
to tho Chanco of Life.
It will disEolvo and expel tumors from the Uterus in
an oarly ctico of development. Tho tendency to cancer-
• oua humors thcro is diocked very speedily by its use.
4 It rrmoTcs falntne-M , flatulency , destroys all craYinjr
J ror stimulants , onrl relicres weakness of tho stomach.
' "CJT. 0,1 l ! ! ° atinf , HeadachesNerrous Prostration. Gcn-
* J llebUlty. Sleeplessness , Depression and Indigestion.
That feclliurof bcwrlnc down , causing pain , weight and
i tactache.isalwayspermanentlycuredbyiisuse. Itwill
f at all tunes and under all circumstances act in liormony
i withtho laws thatgorern tho omalo system.
For the euro of Kidney Complaints of either sex this
Compound is unsurpassed. Trice 31. Six bottles for $5.
I Ko family should bowithout LYDIA E. FIKKIIASra
* ZircnPILLS. Tlicy euro constipation , biliousness and
torpidity of the liver. 23 cents a box at all druggists.
il&S B 311 0HLY TRUB
Mv _ wai& 'Will purify the BLOOD reculste
\BBaWR tho LIVER and KIDNEYS and
K _ _ _ 3a KESTOnE the HEALTH and VIG-
Wpl OR of YOUTH. Dyspepsia.Wont
B Ssk * of Appetite , Inilicestion.Lnckof
wWa Strength and Tired Feeling ab-
Wj * 9 solutoly cured : Bones , mui-
VcSSfS cles and nerres recsive new
VrJJKBItv . force. Enlivens tho mind
Ssssk. and supplies Brain Power.
I L _ _ , . Suffering from complaints
LADIES K s 'ffi
ZONXOn safe and speedycure. GiTesaclear. heal
thy completion. Frequent attempts at countrrleit-
Ingonly add to th popularity of the original. Vo
not experiment cot tho OniorSAi. and Best.
Z - jjCuro Constlpation.Ltver Complaint and Sick ft
Bt. HTfe'daoh * . Sninplo Dose and Dream BookM
/ l aUed on re-- ' ' * • " " > cento in postaco. y
Address : DR. HARTER. Medical Co. , St. Louis
Cures Neuralgia , Toolhache-
Hcadache , Catarrh , Croup. Sore Throat ,
Lamo Back , Stiff Joints , Sprains , Bruises ,
Burns , Wounds , Old Sores and
AH Aches and Pains.
The many testimonials received bv us more than
\ prove all we claim for this valuable remedy. It
, not only relieves the most severe pains , but
\ If Cures You. Thai's the Idea.
/ Bold by Druccist * . i 0 ct . Soxo Book mailed free.
ely's CatarrH
Cream Halm. lAadW WlLfr M
catan-h for 3 tjcars.lWfWZHMg &M
JTyuose icoitld bced.m , B
c <
1 thought the fumHf / j&afiPs
trould iuivr heal. &A&ms / j3 i fra
Kiy's Cream Balm K 0 3
hascttred w-S
tnc - V 1
-V. A. JacksmirorU-Wx&r \ - U-&A' 1
4 mouth , x.m AV FSVER
Apartlclel ipplIcdlntoeaCi nostril and Is aprce-
nhle Price ffnU at Drue- ! mill , reels-
tered.nocents. Circulars free. ELY BROS , Drus-
Cists. Oweg-o. N. y.
One acnt ( Merchant only ) wanted In every town for
My retail sales of vour"Tnn8ill's Punch"
5 cent cijar for last year (1SS2) ( ) were 182 , -
000. This j'ear I expect to sell at least
250,000 ol this justly popular brand.
Ciias. S. fitowiTT , Druggist ,
Denver , Col.
Address R. TV. TANSIIili & CO. , Chlcaco.
The Original and Only Genuine.
{ Safe and always Keliabls. Beware ot worthless Imita-
1 Itons. Ladies nsk your KruccUt for "Chichester's
, Kncllsh" and take no other , or inclose 4c. ( stamps ) to
{ us for particulars in letter or rrturn me.IL Nuie
* rxrEE. CllIOlIIISTEff. chiiiicai. CO. ,
\ S81S JIndl.on Square. I'liilnda. l'a.
| | Boldhy ruecl.f. everywhere. Ask for • 'Chlches-
H ter'a Encllsh * * Pennyroyal Pills. Taieno other.
Wanted in eyery County. Shrewd men to act undsr cur
instmctiunsla our Secret Serrice. Experience not neers-
sary. S nd stamp for psrticulxrs. GRANNANDETEC-
TIVE BUREAU. < i Arcade , Ciscinnati , O.
1 sfCstSOIsDSsJ& Officers' pay , bounty pro-
X cf ss or no fee. Write for circular and new laws. A .
"W. KcCormiclE & Son. "WasiinBton. D. C and.
Cincinnati. O.
1/ / ESTAB.i8BB.W.H.FAY&G0.Camien.NJ.o ! j
hi * *
THE TENTH OF $50,000.
How a Colored Boy Became Rich , and
tho KflVct Situ Wealth Has Had Upon
Slim-One Hollar In The Louisiana
State Lottery.
Of course a majority of our citizens
are opposed to gambling , but there is
considerable i > len.sure when you try it
to know that you are going to play a
game that is fair. Clifford J. Tweedy ,
tho colored boy who was tho lucky
holder of the one-tenth of ticket 23-
809 tho second capital prize of $50-
000 received about a week ago his
one-tenth , or $5,000 , and our readers
wOuld perhaps like toknowsomething
of this colored boy's life , and how he
won the prize , and what ho has done
and intends doing with his money.
Clifford is a likely colored boyabout
twenty-one or twenty-two years of
age and was raised by Mr. Henry T.
Peay , with whom he has been for the
past sixteen years. At the time of his
drawing the § 5,000 ho was in the em
ploy of Mr. Peay , gotting$8 per month.
He has retained his position with Mr.
Peay , and does his work as faithfully
as ever.
After receiving his $5,000 he depos
ited $4,000 in the Georgia Railroad
Bank and took one thousand dollars
and divided a portion of it amongst
his poor colored relations. Bo it to
his credit too , ho did not forget his
employer , Mr. Peay , to whom he gave
a present of fifty dollars.
He says with tho four thousand
dollars that he has deposited in tho
Georgia Railroad he intends to buy
Augusta real estato , another sign that
he has a level head. In answer to tho
question how much ho had invested
before winning , he replied that he had
bought a ticket regularly every month
for the last fifteen months , and it was
tho fifteeenth dollar that did the
work. Augusta ( Ga. ) Chronicle , April
Tho boy who sprained his ankle has a
very lame excuse for not attending school.
Whnt Would the World Do
without woman ? asks the essayist who
starts out to say something new on the oft-
treated subject. 01 course , the hum an ele
ment - of tho world would not
exist without . woman , so the
question is gratuitous. It would
liuvo been far nioro scnsiblo to ask : What
would the world do without tho salvation
of woman , without , a panacea for her phys
ical ills and a cure for herpeculiardiseases.
In a word , what would the world do with
out Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription , "
the great remedy for female weaknesses ?
It is iudispenuablo for tho ills of woman
The roller-mill atMillbury , Mass. , burned
with a loss of SGO.OOO.
Nightmare ,
Bick-lieadache , depression of spirits , and
want of ambition are symptoms of a dis
eased liver. The lungs , stomach and bow
els are all in sympathy. Life is only a liv
ing death. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical
D'scovery" acts upon the torpid liver , and
effectually removes nil thesediflicultics and
disorders. Nervous feelings , gloomy fore
bodings , and irritability of temper all dis
Bnse ball men are all on a strike now ,
and yet the business is nourishing.
Young or middle-aged men suffering from
nervous debility and kindred weaknesses
should send 10 cents in stamps for large il
lustrated treatise suggesting sure means of
cure. World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation , Buffalo , N. Y.
MrsCrabtrce , Lotta's mother , is said to
be a bold financier.
When Baby was sick , we gave herCastoria ,
When she was a Child , she cried forCastoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Cas-
toria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Cas-
When justice is doubtful , I should lean
to the side of meny. Don Quixote.
Carter' * Little Liver rills Are
Exceedingly small and sugar-coated. One
is a dose.
John T. Raymond's wife and child will
only get about 53,000 from his estate.
As a raindrop foretells a storm , so does
a pimple upon the human body indicate
health-destroying virus in the blood , which
can be neutralized and expelled only by
Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic.
A man's home and fireside are the sweet
est of all human possessions. Xxenophbn.
Delicate Children * NurMng.
Mothers , Overworked Men , and for all
diseases where the tissues are wasting away
from the inability to digest ordinary food ,
or from overwork of the brain or body ,
all such should take Scott's Emulsion of
Pure Cod Lfver Oil with Hypophosphites.
I used the Emulsion on a lady who was
delicate , and threatened with Bronchitis.
It put her in such good health and flesh
that I must say it is the best Emulsion I
ever used. " L. P. Waddell , M. D. ,
Hugh's Mills. S. C.
An obituary notice the other day record
ed a death from "failure of the heart. "
In another column of this issue will be
found an entirely new and novel specimen
of attractive advertising. It is one of the
neatest ever placed in our paper and we
think our readers will be well repaid for ex
amining the supposed display letters in the
advertisement of Prickly Ash Bitters.
Martyrs in the olden time were burned at
the stake.
If i'ou Do Not Get Proper Strength.
From your food , use Carter's Littli
Nerve Pills.
The paths of fame are always open to
woman , say what you please.
Best , easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's
Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c.
Colonel Ochiltree now says : "Tho more
I know men the better I like dogs.
The Omaha Type foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
% BI FftESaHI m Ifrou-frantrellef
&J ? 11 mm in I Etf k and curo at y ° ar
Wtk HI m I Dl ssTl F home , send for
BlWl 1 Wfllllsl Dr.J.A.Sherman's
Circular Ol Instructions. 294 Eroadwaj , Kew Yorlb
ttf\f\ less will start you In a well-
$ -Tll JI J paying manufacturing basinets ,
* VW protected by patent. Article re
quired everywhere. Address : THEODORE HURTZ ,
12th and P streets. Lincolx , Neb.
rHsflslHBIBHB IBCluu'lestown , Ms&s. *
rllrNI V ° rt Patents. Watlilagtos ,
I H I kll I Ql.C Send far Circular.
f E to 93 • day. Samples worth IIM FREE. Lime *
% n not under the horse' * feet. Write Brewster
IffU Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly. Mich.
sTbHHIU Morplilno Habit Curedla 19
II I * IIIM to 0Uj . Ho pay UU Care J ,
• * * ! ob j , SrruK2 < 3. Leuanua. Unit.
m * & mmmmmam mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm
A Series of Careful nnd Successful Ex
periments Extondlng Over u l'erlod
of Ten Ycnrs.
Rev. Dr. Dnllingcr , presidonfc of the
Royal Microscopic society ; recently de
livered an address in which he described
: t series of experiments which he had
conducted for nearly ten patient and
faithful years. II.s project was to place
and keep under li s lens several varic- ,
ties of those minute monads which aro
incessantly multiplying by fissure or di
vision , and which arc nearly at tho bot
tom of animated nature.
The generation of these creatures
succeed each other about every four I
minutes ; so that in tho course of aii hour
he can view the passage of fourteen or
lifteen generations , which would an
swer to semething like 450 years of hu
man history , while a day of monadic
existence would represent more than
10,000 of our years. These monads
live in water. And by connecting the
drop that serves tiicm for a habitable
anil roomy ocean with an ingenious ap
paratus the temperature of this drop
can be cither kept constant or raised
very slowly and with absolutely steady
precision. To carry out so very delicate
an investigation , however , it would
have to be prolonged for months , and
even years , in order to imitate the im
mense deliberation with which nature
herself accomplishes every substantial
change in her highest productions.
Night and day , winter and summer , the
patient gaze must be kept lixed on
those merest specks of silvery lifo ,
which had to be nursed into new condi
tions of existence. The slightest acci-
dent to the apparatus might in one mo
ment render the whole experiment void ,
and leave the drop of water as lifeless
as these islands would be if another
glacieal period suddenly arrived.
The only reward , on the other hand ,
lor successful and almost inconceivable
perseverance would be the discoverv ol
truth and the re-enforcement of Dar
win's generalization , liut. for the sako
of these , which always satisfy the noble
ardor of science , Dr. Dallinger has giv
en as many years of his life as was spent
by the Greeks in the siege of Troy , and
lias apparently won a sc.entilio victory
the value of which is as signal as his in
genuity and devotion are adm.rable.
We will endeavor very brielly to de
scribe the method and the outcome of
his most remarkable experiments. Tho
groud of m.croscop.c monads were put
under the lens in a well-fitted water-
cell at their usual temperature of 60 de
grees Fahrenheit , the apartment , the
apparatus , and all around being careful
ly kept in precise unison. The doctor
then spent the first four months of his
observation time after time by stages
less than one sixth of a degree until
his new swarm of protozoa had reached
the new and advanced reading of 70
degrees Fahrenheit.
The change , nevertheless , had no
more disturbed them than that Experi
enced by a British fani ly when it mi
grates from London to Cape Town ; the
life history of each group remaining
unaltered ; they moved , gyrated , fed ,
and split themselves into new individu
als in just tho same manner and w.thin
much the same periods as before. When ,
however , three more degrees had been
added to the 70 , the monads showed
signs of being decidedly inconvenienced.
Thoy were neither as lively nor as pro-
productive as formerly ; yet , by keeping
them exactly at this ranga during twe
quiet monihs , they regained their for
mer vigor , and might be compared to
emigrants who had become seasoned by-
surviving the first hot spell in a tropi
cal country. They could now stand
by-gradual steps of increase tho en
hanced heat ot 78 degrees , which was
reached at the commencement of the
twelfth month.
lret here , again , a long pause was
found to be necessary ; the new genera
tions of those silver specks of life un
der the glass were not all alike strong
enough to live and thrive. What
answers to sunstroke and lever with
us had caused vacant spaces to appear
in the water-drop , and it ' was only when
the monads showed theuiseives once
more lively and prolific by a long era
of repose that the careful doctor ad
ministered a further dose of caloric.
During eight years and a half did he
thus slowly ami unweariedly proceed
in the same course , augmenting the
heat of their surrounding element now
and then by slow and slight additions ,
pausing afterward for months to give
the minute creatures time to accommo
date themselves when signs were visi
ble that they were under difficulties ,
and : ilwa3's going forward to now trials
of endurance when they had recovered.
In this manner , after all tiiose years.
Dr. Dallinger brought his smai !
patients to the astonishing range of
157 degrees Fahrenheit , at which the
latest generation appeared "as jolly as
sand boys. "
Jt is not possible to say how muck
farther their tiny constitutions could
have been trained to defy increasing
warmth , because the research was at
this po.ut ace.denlly terminated ; but. it
will be seen that the doctor had
brought the little people of his drop-
world to sustain a heat nearly 100 de
grees h gher thr.n the flourishing point
of their ancestors , andspecies of which ,
if taken at the beginning , would have
been completely and instantaneously
killed in water of 140 degrees.
When we have added that these
minute salamanders perished directly *
they were put back into their ancestral
medium of Go degrees it will be mani
fest that the indefatigable doctor had
by the magic of scienco , effected a
miracle of nature. London Telegraplu
"Jess So. "
TI1C3were conversing together in
the Baltimore depot , and one of
them remarked :
"I shan't 30 into Wall street blind.
I have friends who will give me point
ers. "
A man who was wheeling a baggage-
truck overheard the remark , stopped
short to look at the speaker , and then
spit on his hands to renew his grip of
the handles and said :
"Jess so. That's the way I went
there with $30,000 in my pocket , and '
them pointers brought me here. Bet- '
ter get your application in for a job ,
mister. " Wall Slrect Daily News ,
i . _
i . . j Bfl
Fate of * Cow That Ate Soap.
Mention was made in thin paper a short
time ninco about a cour in Montgomery
county eatinjBevcrnl bars of soap , nnd
iiIbo the fact that the coir died and that
the owner of tho animal had sued for dam
aged. Jlov. 13.V. . Lmvbtirn , of New Itlcli-
niond , wliilcon IiIh way tonn appointment
tit Jituietitown , purcliimed boiiiu Houp and
' placed it in a nlei li owned by Gonrjjo Deihl ,
who wiih to deliver tho Honp at the minis
ter 's I1011H8. Afterward Deihl met a man
named Howard Dewey ; they cxrluuigi'ii
l-orfles , and Deihl went home in Dewoy'n
, buggy , whilo Dewey went to boo a girl at
the residence of George Snxc , with tho soap
under the sent , not knowing it was in the
Mleigh. The cow of Saxo ate the soap nnd
died , of course. An examination wuh held
and the Hoap found in the cow'h fltomnch.
Mr. Euxu linn sued all three of tho above
I porsoiiH , ko as to bo sure of getting dam-
agea from Homebody. Tho cow belonged to
Saxo , the uoap to Liiwbiirn , the sleigh con
taining the soap to Deihl , tlie horse hitched
to the sleigh to Dewey , and Dewey was the
porsou who went to see the girl of the man
whose cow ate the soup. If tho man had
included the young lady whom Dewey went
to sco as a party to the suit , then it might
be easier to tell who damages could be re
covered from , for surely tho girl had nH
much to do with the death of the cow nn
lomo of tho other parties. Indianapolis
Where Is Heaven ?
This singular question was put to Sam
Touch , the ovangelist , by one of his wealthy
; liurcli members in Georgia , whose cotten
: rop yielded him Home twenty thousand
dollars last year. "Where is heaven ? "
jaid the rich planter.
"I'll tell you where heaven is , " said Mr.
JoneH. "If you go down to the villnge and
buy fifty dollars worth of groceries , put
them in a wagon and take them to the
poor widow on the hillside , who hns three
of her children sick. She is poor and a
momhor of the church. Take with you a
nurse and someone to rook their meals.
When you get there rend the twenty-third
psalm , and kueol by her side and pray.
Then you will find out what heaven is. "
Kext day as the cvngcnlist was walking
through tho village , he met the same
wealthy planter , his face beaming with joy.
fie spoke after this manner : "Mr. Jones , !
I've found out where heaven is. I went
ind did as you directed me. We took up
the wagon load of groceries , and the widow ,
> xpressed her thankfulness. " As I read her
tho twenty-third psalm my heart was . lied >
with thankfulness to God , and when I
orayed the angels came down and I thought.
t was nearer heaven than I had ever been
aefore in my life. I left tho nurse and tho '
:00k in her humble dwelling , and promised
lor she should never Buffer as long as I
: ould help her. "
How to Preserve the Hair. , -
A gooil supply of oxygen is necessary for' '
; hc healthy growtoof hair ; the head should ]
De well aired. The hat has made sad havoc
with many a caput. Endeavor to go bare-
leaded as often as possible. When walking
ift the hat from off tho head frequently ,
ind , if the sun is not too strong , hold the
tint in your hand awhile. The bluecoati
schoolboys , formerly of Christ church ,
London , who wear the costume of Edward
IV , go bareheaded the year round. They
wear no hats in the coldest days of winter.
They are remarkably healthy and have a
redundant crop of hair , which lasts them
a. lifetime.
If we must wear a hat. let it bo light in
texture , and well ventilated from the top.
One reason that women keep their hair
longer than men is that their head gear al
lows of better ventilation. Business men
sometimes wear their hats in their office , or
some have a special hat which they put on.
This is very injurious. The brokers on
Wall street are noted for wearing their hats
indoors ns well as outdoors. They are no
torious for having bald heads. This may
account for it. When the head is well
shorn of its locks this does not apply.
[ Now York Medical Journal.
A Pica for Pie.
It is the fashion to cry down pie and ac
cuse it of causing all the dyspepsia in tho
country ; but there is pie and pie , and good
pie does not cause dynpepiia. It is , more
over , one of the most palatablodishes that
can be set before a true a ml patriotic Amer
ican. Emerson ate pie for breakfastallhis
life , and Carlyle never ate any. Yet , which
was the dyspeptic ? Go to , ye imitators of
English clothes and French dishes ! Ye can
not abolish pie ! The rich gold of the pump
kin , the bright canary ol tlie custard , the
carmine of the cherry , peeping through tlie
dcmi-lunes of the flaky top crust , will still
cheer the eye of the true American epicure
when English and French fashions are gone
out of style and though every bill of fare in
the country should btcome 11 carte de menu.
Cotton Mather Smith in the Epoch.
From Phillipsbiirg , Pa. , Mr. S. M. Cross
writes briefly and pointedly , thus : "Your
St. JacobB Oil has cured me of neuralgia ,
of the face and head. " Price , Fifty cents.
A Sample ol Philadelphia Journalism.
The proposition of tho Society for the
Protection of Cross-eyed , Knock-kneed
and Freckled-face Girls to found a college
for type-writers , to which none but its pro
teges shall be admitted , commends itself ,
to every benevolent mind. It is time pretty
girls , who can get plenty of husbands to
earn their livings for them , stopped tres
passing on the perquisites of their plainer
sisters. And masculine human nature can
but be grateful for this merciful provision
against the temptation every man feels at
some time or other in his literary career to
kiss his pretty type-writer when she laughs (
at just the right moment. Philadelphia
Mr. H. Carl , 139 Fourth street , Troy , N.
Y. , says : "My daughter had a sprained
ankle ; St. Jacobs Oil cured her in a day or
two. My son had rheumatism about nine
years ago , St. Jacobs Oil cured him ; he has
not been affected since. " Price Fifty cents.
This World Not so Ijazy After All.
There is not so much laziness in the world
as people want to make out. Weall work ,
but it's always the other people who are
lazy. Now take the case of that wealthy
traveller who lived at one of our hotels.
He did not need to work. He did not work ,
but what do you mean by calling a man
lazy who could be the hero of this story ?
He had a most expensive suite ot rooms ,
and no end of extras. A friend went up to
call upon him in the forenoon and found
him just at breakfast. He was drinking
tea and eating toast and things. His man
ner was easy and deliberate. San Francis
co Chronicle.
We have just issued our 1887 Catalogue.
It tells all about Binders and will be sent
free to those who mention this paper and
send their address to Aultman , Miller &
Co. , Akron , Ohio.
Imgard's straw-board mill at Wooster ,
0. , was burned. Los , 530,000.
You hardly realize that it ib medicine ,
when taking Carter's Little Li vgr Pills ; they
are very small ; no bad effects ; all troubles
from torpid liver are relieved by their use.
Bret Harte was a very active book agent
in 1849 and 1850.
Desekvinq of Confidence. There is no
article which so richly deserves the entire
confidence of the community as Bhown's
Bronchial Troches. Those suffering
from Asthmatic and Bronchial Diseases ,
Coughs and Colds , should try them.
John L. Stoddard , the lecturer , will spend
much time this summer in Spain.
j 1
mmmamm * mmmmmmmammmmmmmmammmmmrwmmtmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmi mmmim
Ki asssssssssisS JmJ iVftp BBSssssssk Ba mBP fl'X"C Vssa H Br HPr asW sT s a asss aBu assssssssV
Thin represents a healthy life. Juusuchallfe an tlier onloj I
Throughout Its various scenes , Who nao luu bulth's llllo llcans. ' I
Smith's BILE BEANS pnrlfy tho blood , by aellnu r 1 I
directly nnd promptly on tho.JLlver , SUln and KIUTha . ° in , a } } , } } ° t0Jlf ' \ ' I
noys. They consist of a vegetable combination that f " r " ' 0 * u 1Sc ? , rn or foe. IS ! I
has no equal In medical selcnco. They curo Co stipaIf mS < Adftros I
tlon , IQalarla , and Dyspepsia , nnd aro a. safeguard jtll.K HIIAN'R , I
against all forms of fevers , chills and fover , gall stones , HU Lotiis. Mo. I
and llrlsht's disease. Scud 4 cent * postage for a um- * * I
pie package and test tho TRUTH of ivhat wo enr. Price , 25 cents per bottle , I
mailed to any address , postpaid. DOSE ONE X1I2AN. Sold by druccl t * . I
" " " - * . * - • < - _ 1'wnptlIF.TOim. R9P. XiOTTXS , MO. I
B The best and surest Remedy for Care of
jail diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick'Headache , Constipation ,
Bilioas Complaints and Malaria of nil kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent Influence of
It Is pleasant to tho taste , tones up the
system , restores and preserves health.
It Is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
prove beneficial , botli to old and young.
As a Bfood Purifier it Is superior to all
others. Sold everyvrhere at $1.00 a bottle.
Stomach , Urn
If and Bowels
Curk Constipation , Indigestion , DTsr-ErsiA ,
Piles. Sick UEADAcnE.liivEU Complaints. Loss
> r appetite. Biliousness , nervousness , jaun
Dicr. Ktc. PRICE , CS een a.
B Pumps , Pipe ,
/Jem ! I Brass Goods ,
Migfflb % WELL POINTS ,
1\ H Steam Pumpe
* J8ftgial > M&Send for Catalogu.
a . RS3B > niosx reliable and dura-
Stg/w frraB tK f fW neck ho ses or mules.
waSSwKgS jwS' Weather orwearhas no
Rg apg > Ti a'go < wg3 effect on their curative
II&5B' o * w properties. Our new
wSSSr ? i loops with strap * make
E7 & vf tliem self-adju stlnsr.
Qr We solicit a. trial.
Tor sale hr all Eaddlerr .lobhers. Ask your harness
makers for them. ZINC COLLAE 1AI > CO. ,
Buchanan , Jlich.
for ' .ay kind of Cltr or Farm ItulldlnE * .
"Write for testimonials from your State. Address
POJCTTEtt IUOX KOOFIMi CO. , Cincinnati , Ohio
Do you feci dull , languid , low-spirited , life- • I
less , and Indescribably miserable , both physl- I
cally und mentally : experience a sense of I
fullness or bloatfag after eating , or of " gone-
ness , " or emptiness of stomach In tho morn- I
lug , tonguo coated , bitter or bad tasto In I
mouth , irregular appetite , dizziness , frequent I
headaches , blurred eyesight , " ( loating specks' *
before the eyes , nervous prostration or ex-
haustlon. irritability of temper , hot Hushes.
alternating with chilly sensations , sharp.
biting , transient pains liero and there , cold
feet , drowsiness after meals , wakefulness , or
disturbed and unrcfrcshlng sleep , constant.
indescribablo fcoling of dread , or of impend-
ing calamity ?
If you havo all , or any considerable number
of tiieso symptoms , you aro suffering from
that most common of American maladies
Bilious Dyspepsia , or Torpid Liver , associated
with Dyspepsia , or Indigestion. Tho mora
complicated your disease has become , the
greater tho number and diversity of symn-
toms. No matter what stage it has reached.
Dr. l'icrce's Golden medical WlHcovcry
will subdue it , if taken according to dircc-
tions for a reasonable length of time. If not
cured , complications multiply and Consump-
tion of the Lungs. Skin Diseases , Heart Disease.
Khcumatisin , Kidney Disease , or other gnivo
maladies arc quite liable to set in and , sooner
or later , induce u fatal termination.
Dr. Pierce' * lioldcu Medical DI > - .
covery acts powerfully upon tho Liver , nod B
through that great blood-purifying organ.
cleanses the system of nil blood-taints and im-
purities , from whutcver cause arising. It is I
equally cllicacioiis in acting upon tho Kid.
neys. and other exexctory organs , cleansing ,
strengthening , and healing their diseases. As
an appetizing , restorative tonic , it promotes H
digestion nnd nutrition , thereby building up
botli tlesh and strength. In malarial districts ,
tin s wonderful medicine has gained great
celebrity in curing Fever and Ague , Chills and
Fever , Dumb Ague , and kindred diseases.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Die- •
from a common Illotch , or Eruption , to tho
worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum , "Fever-sores , "
Scaly or Rough Skin , in short , all diseases
caused by bad blood are conquered by this
powerful , purifying , nnd Invigorating modi-
cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under
its benign influence. Especially has it mani-
fested its potency in wiring Tetter , Eczema.
Erysipelas , Doils , Carbuncles , Sore Eyes. Scrof-
ulous Sores and Swellings , Hip-Joint Disease ,
"White Swellings , " Goitre , or Thick Neck.
and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents In
stamps for a large Treatise , with colored HJ
plates , on Skin Diseases , or the same amount
for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections.
Thoroughly cleanEe it by using Dr. Pierce's H
Golden JTIcdical Discovery , and good
digestion , a fair skin , buoyant spirits , vital
strength and bodily health will be established.
-which is Scrofula or the ILuiigB , is arrested
and cured by this remedy , if taken in tho * BJ
earlier stages of tho disease. From its mar-
veious power over this terribly fatal disease , BJ
when first offering this now world-famed rem-
edy to the public , Dr. Pierce thought seriously BJ
of calling it his "Consumption Cuke , " but
abandoned that name as too restrictive for BJ
a medicine which , from its wonderful com-
bination of tonic , or strengthening , alterative. BJ
or blood-cleansing , anti-bilious , pectoral , and . sjBBJ
nutritive properties , is uncqualed. not only ' BJ
as a remedy for Consumption , but for all BJ
Chronic Diseases of the S
Liver , Blood , and Lungs. I
For Weak Lungs , Spitting of Blood , Short-
ness of llreath , Chronic Nasal Catarrh , Ilron-
chitis. Asthma , Severe Coughs , and kindred H
affections , it is an cllicicnt remedy. Bl
Sold bv Druggists , at $1.00 , or Six Dottles BJ
for $5.00. _ .
53T" Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce s BV
book on Consumption. Address , j" BJ
World's Dispensary Medical Association ,
6G3 IUain St. , BUFFALO , N. Y. H
Leadin Nos. : 14,043,130,135 , 333,161. ,
For Sale by all Stationers. ' H
Workj ; Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , Hew York. .
Hh CURES WHERE Alt else fails. @ 2
§ 33 Best Cough Syrup. Taster good. Use Si 1 BH
Sy in time. Sold by druggists. W t Bl
- - - - - - - - - -
p pa -i Mb M
W. N. U. , Omaha 3C4--22. H
Tle < k , J1 . • Rt Shepparton , Victoria. Australia. The Bnckeve was given a perfect record , having cut BB1
its heldot two acres , without a single stoppage , in 1 hour and 10 minutes , with two horses , beating the BH
Hprnsby ( English ) with three horses , bv 9 minutes , and the McCormick. also with three horses , by IS BBJ
mutes. All other machines on oxhibition declined to enter the field trial. The Buckeye is a
Wood Frame Machine , lisht. ctrong. durable and the lightest running Elevator Biuder in tho BBJ
world. > or Catalogue , address , mentionins this paper. BJB
AULTMAN. MILLER & CO. Akron , OhiO , U. S. A. \
Si Vnns _ eenalna nnlesn Don'twa'teyonrmon'r on a frnm orrnbtercoat. The FISH BRAND SLICKEB H
Igstasiprd wij the . sLore fa absolutely irnt'r and ton-JrEOor. and will keep you drv in tho hardest storm BB1
Hj trade mare. A k ( or tiie "Fisil BRAND" sucKZRand UVeno other. 1 ( jour storekeeper doe * BBJ
jgnni have the "r.'UBEAXPsend forde TiPtivernt logu to A J. TOWER. 20 Simmons St. Boston. Ma" BBI
Why did the Women v I
of this country use over thirteen ? nzttioi cakes of H
Procter & Gamble ' s Lenox Soap in 1886 ? H
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. |