* " " * ' " * T • • - - . - i I HMk ilkCook fJribttttc. • I f A , . > ' • - . • , , , , , . . > \ : VOLUME V. MeCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY MAY 19 1887. NUMBER 81. I ' FIRE , SMOKE AI1TER V- : : AT : ; GANSCHOW'S | " OLD RELT&BLE r BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! DO NOT MISS THIS i Great Reduction Sale ! . : OF : if I BOOTS AND SHOES ! I COME ONE I COME ALLI fi < No cheap slioclcly goods. Everything- r ordered direct from Manufact urers and guarantee them. ! NO FRAUDULENT DRIVE ! } I am liere to stay to back all I say. Can give you I BETTER BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES I than ever offered before. Will give • , Special Reduction Hadies' fm Shoes , - . Rush in with your dollars and get bargains. : J. F. CANSCHOW , \ OPPOSITE U. S. LAND OFFICE. i The First National Bank - * . ? ensk fto . ' OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , - $100,000.00. f ! Paid up Capitax , $50,000.00. • < > , ! OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. \f \ | F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A.CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS. ; i HENRY PRNNER , I O : DEALER IN O | OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. , j Repair Work Done Promptly and Neatly. ! 1 FIRST DOOU WEST OF "THE FAMOUS , - MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. FINE FARM FOR SALE j K. 160aeresall smooth land ; two nilles from if Bartley ; 35 acres iit crop , rest fine hay land ; ( f 2 acres of fruit trees from 2 to 6 years old , in 'f ' fence ; sod house , stable and granary ; water If at depth of 10 ft. Soil black and rich to depth ff of 2 to 0 ft. Crops raised during past 7 years. I -v Wheat 25 to 31 bushels. Corn GO to SO bush- v els. One of the finest quarters in Hed Willow Hi county. Address or call on STANTON llOXXEY , McCook , Neb. Land and Legal Blanks , ! r ! i : School Books and School Supplies , I I Blank Books and Stationery , t . • j AT TRIBUNE OFFICE. > I J . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0. F. HAST , Begistor. JACOB GTEIHUETZ , BoecWor. Offick Houits : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. inouutuin time y. S. .MUJM.AN. . ) . K. COCJIKAN. MOIUjAN & COOHBAN , ATTOKNEYS - : - AT - : LAAV , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. A. VT. AGEE. JOHN 'VVILEY. AGEB & WILEY , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW. Will pructlco in thu Slate ami United Stnto CoiirlH , anil liuforo the * U. S. Land OHices. Cureful attention id vim to Collections. Olliue over Citizens Iiunk , McCook , Neb. TIIOS. COLFEH. J. A. COItDEAL. COLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAAV , AND NOTAItlES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Tbos. Colfer agent Lincoln Land Co. Oflice , over First National Bank , McCook. R. M. SNAVELY , . ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Office at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEYTO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5 , First Nafl Bank Building. T. M. HELM , C. W. DAVIS. Lito Begistcr V. S. Land Lato of Gen. Lasi OSco , Ofise , Kitwin , Ka : . Washisgtcn.D.C. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , land $ Loan Agents. MeCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or defend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. HENRY W. KEYES , Real Estate and Loan Broker. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY. Money to loan on Chattels for short time. Fire Insurance placed in flrst-class companies. OEco Hcoa 3 , Over Citizens Bank , HcCOOE , NEB. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted. Of fice at City Drug Store326mos. . T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJEIST. MeCOOK , NEBRASKA Oflice in McNeely Building , Main St. Dr. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. LOFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] MeCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. J5 ? 0ffice at Chenery & A nderson's drug store. L. J. SPICKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Attention Given te Fecalc Bisoases. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office , opposite Windsor Hotel , east Dennison St. , McCook. Neb. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. " "Office : Room No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. JSyOffice over Scott's brick. 5-27 W. GEO. SHEPPARD , WATCHMAKER f JEWELER , McCook , Nebraska. Pupil of T. J. Highland. London , England. 17th year at the bench. . THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. MeCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in everjvreE ft'ix. Rates reasonable. 4-36 W. M. SANDERSON , ' DECORATIVE ARTIST - : - , SCENIC PAINTER , Calcimining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. Soft words may turn away wrath , but they won't better a parsnip. The railroads announce a two cent rate for "barn stormers. " Editors will walk as usual. . There are worse things in this world than small pox. The common , every-day street loafer is one of them. Topics. The Supreme Court of Kansas has decided that when a woman marries she need not take her husband's name un less she choose. The Gazette-Journal seems to be in some doubt as to whether Hastings is slumbering or not , and in the agony of its pent up doubt inquires , "Is Hastings asleep ? " Pinch her and see. An exchange 'solves the labor prob- J lem in these terse words : ' 'The only way to abolish poverty is to dig for yourself , or to get some one to dig for you whose work is worth more than his wages. " Mrs. Grant has just received from the publisher a check for$33,384.53 as additional profits on the sale of "General Grant's Memoirs. " She has thus received to date a total of $394 , - 459.53. The financial success of Gen. Grant's book is unprecedented in the history of literature. The Holdrege Democrat is defunct. A chattel mortgage and an editor in clined to over pungent paragraphing were too strong a combination for its tender build. Friend King makes a racy rustler in the journalistic harness , but lacks judgment. Rushing in wfrere angels fear to tread , he has reaped a fool's reward. The bucolic press of the Republican Valley properly objects to unjust dis crimination as against them and in favor of the more pretentious daily press of the larger cities of Nebraska. We hope the boys will soon arise into the full , manly dignity of the profession. They will then command and demand consid eration. Colonel Yule , in his Anglo-Indian Glossary , says that"Dont care a damm" comes from the Hindostan. In that country the "damri" was originally a copper coin of very small denomination. Damri became the common expression for the infinitesimal in coin and a Briton in India often says , "I won't give a damri" without understanding what a damri means. The New Orleans Times-Democrat makes the following observation apro pos of the phenomenal building activity of the time : "There is now little doubt that 1SS7 will be the biggest building year that this country has ever known in railroads , factories and other houses. It is now estimated that 21 , - 000 miles of new and 19,000 miles of old rail way track will be laid this year thus afford ing the iron furnaces and steel rolling and rail mills an abundance of work. The cost of these railroads is estimated at 5o33,00C , - 000 for the new and 5100,000,000 for the old roads or say $0o0,000,000 of capital needed for the railroads alone. " The consumption of distilled spirits in the United States has increased from 40,000,000 gallons in 1S40 to 72,000 , - 000 gallons in 1886. In the interval the consumption of wine has run up from 448,000 gallons to 22,000,000 gallons , and that of malt liquors from 28,000,000 gallons to 642,000,000. Everybody in the country , therefore , male and female , child and man , drinks ten gallons of stuff a year ; the Germans drink about twenty-five gallons , the English over thirty-four gallons , and the Freneh about thirty-eisht gallons. The printing press has made presi dents , killed poets , furnished bustles for beauties and polished genius with criticism. It has made worlds get up at roll-call every morning , given the pulpit lungs of iron and a voice of steam. It has set the-price of a bush el of wheat , and made the country postoffice the glimmering goal of the rural scribe. It has curtailed the pow er of kings , graced the pantry shelves and bursted ; it has converted bankers into paupers and made lawyers of col lege presidents ; it has educated the homeless and robbed the philosopher of his reason. It smiles and kicks and cries and dies , but it can't be run to suit everybody , and the editor is a fool who tries. So says a contemporary. W. u. LuiUUiUHlij a uU. I GENERAL I 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000 M HARDWARE ! oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo M MAIN AVENUE , I MGQOOK , NEB. I STILL TO THE FRONT I ARE I LYTLE BROS. & CO. I With the Largest Stock of Seasonable Goods and I GEN'L HARDWARE ! I AND I Lower Prices than ever before offered to the people I of Western Nebraska. I And please bear it in mind that we handle the best line or H GOOK STOVES'SRANGES I To be found in McCook , and prices lower than the lowest. We will not be unilercolil. We compete in prices with the most inferior stoves in town , and sell you I nothing but u wnrranted stove. We have a few H WOOD PUMPS WE ARE CLOSING OUT I At prices from S4.00 to $3.00. A few Iron Pumps. $5.00 to $0.00. A No. 1 Hand Corn | Planter for S1.00. C-qt. Pressed Milk Pans , $1.00 per dozen. A complete stock of Screen Wire. For Gasoline Stoves we surely take the cake. I "Call and we will be pleased to show our goods and quote H you prices whether you want to buy or not. Resp'y. I LYTLE BROS. & CO. I 1887. SPRING SEASON 1887. L BERNHEIMER , EI LEADING TAILOR. My Stock of Worsteds , Scotch Suitings and the Latest Styles of Pants Goods have arrived. I take pride in saying that in Assortment and Styles nothing better can be found between Chicago and San Francisco. If you are very particular as to style of goods and about your fit , the only place to call is at the TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT If L. BERNHEIMER , Dennison St. . West oftT. S. Land Office , MeCOOK , HEB. > REAL ESTATE LOANS ! < C < 2 - < S . 38 = * * Li > D Purchase and Sale v / 6 Deeded Lands a Specialty. • Room 2 , Hocknell Brick , MeCOOK , NEB. GEO. W. BEDE , LAND ATTORNEY , REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. ESPI am procuring 'LOANS on good farms readily at 9 per cent. Also , have special bargains in deeded lands and tree claims. MAIN AVE. , - - MeCOOK , NEB. \ m 1