1r : LOUD WICK & TROWBRIDGE : : \ * THE OLD RELIABLE | - FURNITURE DEALERS , i , I , HAVE THE I Finest Assortment ! • rf . .Tj - . , - Largest Stock ! p. Lowest Prices ! IN SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA. MAIN AVENUE , J 1 MeCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. | The First National Bank , . OF MCCOOK NEBRASKA. I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , - $100,000.00. , PAID UP CAPITAL , $60,000. II I OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : J GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. 1 F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A.CAMPBELL. R. . O. PHILLIPS. ij KILPATKICK BROTHERS. "f 85 ( Successors lo E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. I tv- P. O. address , Estcllc , "frgfejC Hayes county , and Beat- KgjQHEIflSJB&rice , Neb. Knngc. Stink- I ai MK Mfi Pinff Water 1U1(1 Frcnch- I RBSSmmSS * * ! ) * man creeks , Chase Co. , II jiil Brand as cut on side of Jj jgggl B PT--- , fB " some animals , on hip and ( J where on the animal. J JOHN F. BLACK. ' J Breeder of Impjioved Sheep. I STOKES & TROTH. j EATON BROS. & CO. ua jy P. O. address. McCook. j Nebraska. Itange , south m KSWlOB 0' ' ' Mccook. EUSfeM&hflS Cattle branded on left * P f | [ | 11 brands Qn left hip. \ S&tBtB JBL Horses branded the j iiESePPSIB 'same on left shoulder. I t. e. Mccracken , Thfi limiirniinR M i no iiiuuiuiiuu ng i MeCOOK. NEBRASKA , Is prepared to write Policies on short notice in the followingstandard , and old reliable companies : German American , of New York. Commercial Union , of London. Hartford , of Hartford. Conn. Orient , of Hartford , Conn. Spriiurlleld P. & M. . Springfield. Mass. Washington V. &c M „ Boston , Mass. FiremanFund. . Sun Francisco , Cal. The American Fire. Philadelphia , Pa. , " | { Ludwick & Trowbridge ! if } . MeCOOK , XKB. s Money Is No Object. The lives of your children are of priceless value. Every child is subject to sudden at tacks of bowel complaint during the summer months. It is always alarming and often fatal , the only rational plan is to be provided at all times with the safest and surest reme dy , and promptly treat the disorder in its first stages , and before the vitality becomes exhausted. Unexpected delays so often occur in sending for a physician or medicine , espec ially during the night or from a distance , , that no one can afford to risk such uncer tainties when life depends upon promptness , keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand for instant use , it is made for bowel complaint only and is unquestionably the most reliable medicine ever brought into general use. The price is no object compared with its value in saving life. Sold by Willey & Walker and McMillen & Weeks. The talk of France whipping Germany has assumed the dreary and bearded aspectof the ordinary French joke. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup. Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts simul taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by removing the cause. One trial of it will convince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and colds. McMillen & Weeks have secured the sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to give satisfaction. "They talk about a woman ' s sphere As though it had a limit ; There's not a place in earth or heaven. There's not a task to mankind given. There's not a blessing or a woo. There's not a whisper , yes or no , There's not a life , or doath , or birth That has a feather's weight of worth Without a women in it. " is warranted , i3 because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively cure all Blood Diseases , purifies the whole system , and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Remember , we guarantee it. Mc.Millen & Weeks. Mrs. Sarah D. Locke , of the class of 1S. )9 , lias written a history of Mr. Ilolyoke Semin ary , which will be issued June 1 , on the semi-centennial of the institution which has furnished so many missionaries' wives. ALLEN'S TRANSFER. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , MCOOK , NEBRASKA. Bc t Equipped in the City. SPOTTS & STLMSON , FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard. MAIN SI'UKKT. - MeCOOK. NKBKASKA. VViLLLUl JJciNTYltK ! CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished if iltirel. . Work ilo.iton short notic- . , . , | jji.ihiiWMHHiITTT r Iteh. Mniigiand Scratches of every kind cnied in oO Minutes by Woolfonl's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Wan-anted by S. L. Gieen , Drugsjist , McCook. ' " " " " * • • " " " ' " " * - * • * i - • * - i i in 11 iiiiii l llnKI TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30. Sam McLaln is whopping tho sod ovor at a lively rate. W. J. Snokes of Hayes county is assisting P. Groves on his farm. T. J. KIckards informed us that lie would finish planting corn , Wednesday. C. S. Squires was in McCook , Saturday , and not having much to do there , ho bought a windmill and brought it home. Tho friends and neighbors met at the resi dence of O. F. Cain , last Sabbath , and organ ized a Sabbath school. A. B. Davis was elected superintendent. That is right , keep it up. "Undo Billy" was around , this week , and ho seemed unusually inquisitive. Ho was asking everyone how many horses , cattle , mules , snoops , " hogs , etc. , they had and how much they were worth. E. Popejoy raised 2'A acres of onions , last Reason , which he sold for $400.00. That don't look much like starving. He stated to us , Tuesday , that lie never tilled soil that would produce like this soil here. Ho thinks this beats Iowa soil. We called on our friend and neighbor A. Modie , one day this week , and we found him and N. Frame so busy listing corn that they hadn't time to stop in tho middle of tho Held to take a chew of tobacco. That's right , neigh- bore , now is the time to bo at itcprly and late. It does look as though W. K. Forsoy has solved the fuel problem. He is an A No. 1 farmer , and raises corn. He shells tho corn and uses tho cobs for fuel. In the beginning of winter he bought $4.00 wortli of coal and he has near half of it loft , and enough cobs on hand for fuel the most of tho summor. If wo wero Irish we would lose no time in .ocating in tho western part of tin 's town. Cause : E. Popejoy has six acres planted to potatoes , while T. J. Kickards and W. K. For soy have seven acres each , and S. Schlegel has eighteen acres. That looks as though a goodlv number would receive invitations to a "dig , * ' next fall. That immense mound near S. Schlcgel's resi dence , that somewhat resembles sand hills , is only a pile of cobs that he got by shelling l.IJOO bushels of corn that he raised on his farm , last season. It is said he used cobs for fuel all winter and has enough on hand to last about all summer. So there is no use to worry about fuel in this country. That was a very pleasant party that gather ed at the spacious home of N.J. Frame's on Friday night last. The occasion was tho birth day of Mr. Frame , and was greatly enjoyed and wy.1 long bo remembered by the partici pants. Mr. Frame and his excellent lady proved themselves equal to the occasion. Refreshments in abundance was served , to which ample justice was done , we should judge from tho fact that we heard Andy say , Saturday afternoon , that ho had not been hungry since. There were twenty-six that partook of refreshments. Wo like to hear of these gatherings among the neighbors , and we wonder whose birthday comes next. While in the discharge of our duties in the western part of the town. , last Tuesday , we were invited by a kind neighbor to share a spring seat , which we accepted , as wo had been riding horse backall day. Will appeared somewhat anxious to get home , but we didn't know whether he was hungry , or had the liver complaint , until he blurted out , "we've got a boy at our house , and its Ave weeks old to day. " After learning this , we wouldn't blame him if he had wallowed around worse than a colicky horse : but we did feel like pounding him for not sending us word at the time , and we will let him off on condition that he send its word next time as soon as he is able to be about. The angels came to earth one day , Sent by a Father's love. And bore our darling child away , To the bright world above. To us its little life was sweet , * We pressed it to our hearts ; But soon again our child we'll meet , And meet , no more to part. God sent to us a treasure rare , Which gave us great delight. He took it to that land so fair , 'Tis clothed in garments white. Its smiling face we hope to see , When life with us is o'er ; A happy meeting that will be , Upon the Golden Shore. Tho days are long and lonely now. We miss our little one ; Yet we in calm submission bow , And say , "Thy will be done. " Original by H. M. and W. C. The above is written in memorial of tho in fant of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan , which died January 30,1S87. GnANGEit. ( The above was sent us at the time the deatli occurred , but by some means became mis placed. Ed. Tiubcne. ) fA andreliableMedicinesarethebest V/tAX. to depend upon. Acker's Blood El ixir lias been prescribed for years for all im- puritiesoftlieBlood. IneveryformofScrof ulous , Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases , it is invaluable. For Rheumatism , lias no equaL McMillen & Weeks. BARTLEY BOOMINGS. Measles are quite numerous around town. Jack Brock is getting the brick yard ready for active operations. The new hardware store will open in a few da3-s with a complete stock. Wolf & Long have closed their meat market and retired from the business. The Arm of H. H. Hines & Co. will move into the brick block , this week , where an elegant double front room has been fitted up for them. Our townsman W. Gosard had the pleasure of welcoming an elder brother , who arrived from Iowa , si few days ago. He will stay in Bartley. Rev. James Leonard of Beaver City was in town , a few days of last week , planting trees and making other improvements on his prop erty lie re. Miss Lizzie Schur , who has charge of the primary department oi the school here , has been very sick during the past week. During her absence Ch.is. Byrkit held sway over the rising generation in her department. Yarger& Raines have sold their meat mar ket to Fred. W. Rolafuego , who litis had long experience in the meat business : so Hartley will enjoy all the advantages of a first-class meat market. Max. A3VJVV % Lung Disease. If you have a Cougli . or Cold , or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough , use Acker's English Remedy and. provenS further trouble. It is a positive cure , ' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c McMillen A : Weeks. SOUTH SIDE LOCALS. o John Whitaker has about gotten rid of his pets. Thermometer , 9S. Pretty hot tor this time of the year. Tim Hanan has moved his house and pone to hoincsteading. Will Long drives a four horse team nowa days two line colt ? . • lamp's 21 ill and his "purd" have gone over into Kansas to plant for st trees. We forgot to mention the return. ! a' t week , of W. T. Stone from lite eastern trip. Tim Hanan. although a rather ( small ) man. is getting too large to ride in a wagon , so has treated himself to a shiny , new buggy. C.H. Jacobs had a little smash up. last week. In crossing the creek in Mime way the buggy tongue came ( town , caught and smashed one of the whiffle trees. He was driving a colt who immediately stopped at a word of command. C. H. thinks that not one colt in a dozen would have left much buggy. Uno. Av * rvVvV always have * \ v VU t\v l Acker's Baby Soother at hand. It is the only safe medicine yet made that will removeall infantile disorders. It contains no Opium or Morpliine , but gives the child natural ease from pain. Prico 25 cents. Sold by McMillen & Weeks. In We'iiiuton. South Africa , a .school pat terned'after Mt. Ilolyoke and called Hugue not Seminarv was founds ! thirteen years ago by the Dutch Ht-foimed church. Tiiepiinc 'r- pal is Miss M. L. Cummin s , of Woicester , and the school has 250 pupils. i J J nti-r-r- n n "irnni1 i. . . ' r . n ( | | | , / II I 1 Commissioners' Proceedings. County Clerk's Office , ) May 10,1887. ) Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Messrs. Crabtree.Duckworth and Bolles , Commissioners , and C. D. Cramer , Clerk. xMinutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion the following claims were allowed : 18S0 COUXTY OEXKItAI. FUXD. Ballew&Dotkl S60 00 .1. W. Welbom 4'2 00 Wahlquist Bios < * ; 00 Howard Bros 1 45 Omaha Republican 19 50 L. J. Spickelmier i : > 00 L. J. Spickelmier 7 50 Boyer & Davidson 11 50 L. J. Spickelmier 0 50 Wahlquist Bros 8 21 McCook Tribune 8 Si M. II. Cavanauyh 4 00 ( J. S. Bishop X 00 Omaha Republican 2 25 188(5 ( COUXTY ItKIDUK KUXI ) . Howard Lumber Co 3 20 1S85 COUXTY ( JKXEKAI. FUXD. Stephen Bolles 4 20 Henry Urabtree 0 00 On motion the following lload Over seers were appointed : Chas. Colling , Hoad District 3. Gustav Raeilel , Road District 15. Clark Ward , Road District : K5. Joseph A. Carter , Road District 22. On motion Austin B. Wilson was appointed Constable for East Valley precinct. On motion the following official bonds were approved : Ciias. Colling , Overseer Road District 3. JohnM. Francis , Overseer Road District 4. Chirk Ward , Overseer Road District : . J. F. Boyer refunded § 3.00 poll tax for 187G and interest to date and inter est on balance of tax from 1S81 to date. Public lload established as follows : Commencing at the northeast corner of section 34 , township 2 , range 28 west , thence west on section lines between sections 34 and 27 and 33 and 28 to the northeast corner of N. W. N. W.j of section 33 in said township and range terminating thereat. Public road established as follows : Commencing at the northeast corner of section 22 , town. 4 , range 2G , running thence south two miles to the southeast corner of section 27 , thence south 6.50 chains , thence south 20o west G chains , thence south 11 chains , thence south 3G ° east 3.47 chains , thence due south 14-27 chains to the southeast corner of the N. E. 4 ; of section 34 in said town , and range , terminating therein. Consent road established as follows : Commencing at the southwest corner of the N.W.4 of section 1G , town. 1 , range 2G , thence north on section line between sections 1G and 17 to northwest corner of said section 16 , same township and range terminating thereat. Commissioners Henry Crabtree and Stephen Bolles , he reto 'fore appointed to appraise certain school lands of W. S. Fitch for the purpose of sale , filed their report , made under oath , appraising said lands as follows : S. S.E. - section 36 , town. 3 , range 30 , at $9.00 per acre. G. L. Clark having made application to have certain school lands appraised for the purpose of sale , Henry Crabtree and Stephen Bolles were designated as such appraisers. And said appraisers having on the- 25th day of April , 1SS7. carefully ex amined said lands , filed their report in writing appraising said lauds as follows : South iof section 1G , town. 2 , range 28 , at $7.00 per acre. North $ of section 16 , town. 2 , range 28 , at $7.50 per acre. On motion , resignation of John Wiley as Justice of the Peace for Willow Grove precinct , is accepted. Petition of A. J. llittenhouse , C. F. Babcock atid others asking that Geo. \V. Bede be appointed Justice of the Peace for Willow Grove precinct , on motion same is granted and Geo.Y. . Bede is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace for Willow Grove precinct. Purify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated , It your skin is yellow and dry If jou have boils , If you have fever , If you are thin and nervous , If you are bilious If you ate constipated , If your hones ache , If your head aches , If you have no appetite , If vou have no ambition , one Dottle of Bbgos' Blood Puimfiki : axd BloodMakkk will lelieveany and allot'the above complaints. Sold and warranted by McMillen 6c Weeks. Courier : Over eleven hundred dollars has been subscribed by the citizens of this place toward making the county fair a success. There is now in process of organization a joint stock company whose object is the pur chase of suitable fair grounds , etc. Salt Eheuin or Eczema Old soies and ulcers , bcaldhead and ringworm. Pain in the back and spine. Swelling in tue knee joints , Sprains ami bruises , Neuralgia and toothache * Tender feet caused by bunions corns and chilblains , I warrant Bkuos ' Tioi > ical Oil to relieve any and all of the above. McMillkx & Wkkks. TinDenver & Kio Grande has dvcldnl to change its road to standard gauge. The D. & ll. H. has already the name of doing busi ness on broad-gauge principles. Tin : Nebraska State Pharmaceutical Asso ciation has been in annual session at Omaha , this week. A line display at the Exposition building was a leature. The Cherokee Female Seminary at Tale- quah , Indian Territory , lias been burned. Loss , § 250,000. PLOWS ! PLOWS ! I have on hand a lot of Gra.ss Hopper Breaking Plows that I will sell at the exceedingly low price of $9. Call at once before the } " are all gone. Charles Noble. Try the Commercial House , when in McCook , fust once ! GLAD TO GET AWAY I From tlie clutches of the high-price Merchant , are , you not ? Now that you are free just call and examine our goods and get prices. Here's a fact , t rjk not a fancy ! Here's a reality , not a false promise ! m IHOlilli 13 1 of any house in the west that deals in BOOTS AND SHOES , SLIPPERS , RUBBERS , ETC. I "VVe have the Qualities and Prices ready , just now , m To Demonstrate the Fact ! I Don't imagine you can do as well elsewhere. An fl ounce of hard fact is better than a pound of soft fl talk. Our bargains will convince your judgment jfl that we are right. fl First-Class Repair Department in Connection. I PLRASR GALaLa , B B0WEN & LAYCOCK , I CITIZENS HANK BUILDING. ' I : : I 'I CITY BAKERY. | I I FRESHBREAD I I I DELIVERED EVERY DAY EREE OF CHARGE. | \ : o : \ { -PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-NUTS- \ ' I | - GYSTERSCIDERCLGARSI I jl I TOBACCO-ETC ETC. $ M I : ° : s : r * H LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. \ I : : Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. \ m m I A. PROBST & BRO. | 1 il \ \ : ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for on-Kesidents. . Money to loan on.farming lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : j V. Fkankm.vPresident. First National Dank. Lincoln , Nebraska. I John B. Clank , Vice-Prealdent. The Chemical Natiouul Bank. New York. J a. C. Ebert. Caahier. The Superb Lamp Filler and Oi ! Can Combined , Hi A new and useful in- liSi ? ? - ' - * • ( vention. No spilling or M S \ ( TJSS' % \ dripping oi oil on floor , tggyi * J lygg Jyj table or outside of can. jjsJJ V ifg Use it once and you will g ffiHS 1 S\ 110 3e without it for 5 • Jl = " \ " g ffifl" * 8lP * times its cost" j I Ssffi lIF ' - Gallon Complete $1 25 _ Wmj " JiS - 'I'1"011 Complete i ru If W : ' : r * jil ' Wholesale prices to dealer A M BJ < a i yl T feg tB ry-ri Ti i fr-i. ! , given on application to LYTLE BROS. & CO. , Sole Agents for Red Willow Co , : PnR SALE BY = - * Tlie Frees & Hooknell Lumber Go , , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA.