The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1887, Image 7

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Atiiuvcrt nrv of/tho Buttle That Vrooil
• ( " Tcxiim from .Mexico A "Mont Kvont-
! * * . " . - - 1 til Victory
4 , - Tliere occurs tliis week the anniversary of
j ? j- one of the most IntorcntIti uudeyeutTill bat
' s * • ties hi American history , though one but little
| , J remembered. It is un anniversary that recalls
& ' ' the strtiirKlu at races of which the southern
'p x < Dortlon of this continent wits the scene from
lr,7 the days of Christopher Columbus down to
jjJjT' our own time. Spanish settlements were
jjpV made In Texas as early as 10'J2 ; these , how-
lJ. " " ever , were merely lrailine ; establishments.
7 % * Texas was formerly claimed by both Spain and
WfP J the United Slates , and became the subject of
' lone ; negotiation between the two govern
ments , which resulted in u relinquishment on
the part of the United States to the territory
in question. President Jackson made an at-
i , " tempt to purchase Texas from Mexico , but
t , failed. The proposition of Jackson to pur-
lite' . . chase wus opposed by many of our citizens ,
$ ' • , ' . whp viewed a further extension pf territory as
if , dangerous to the Integrity of the Union.
mjh ( Texas had rather been a curse than a blessing
; ( py * to any of its numerous cla'mauts being lirst
\jsr ( ' t H wrested from the natives by Spain and re-
&T' ' gained by the Mexicans.
i < IV In the year 1821 Stephen F. Austin , a native
hr ' of tiic state of Connecticut , appeared on the
j u. . Brazos river in Texas to fulfill and carry out a
jT.L contract of his father , who had obtained a
it , 1 r , grant for a large body of land which he was
* * " ' to colonize. Mr. Austin planted his first colo
ny ou the Brazos river , and belmr a mau of un
common fidelity and enterprise , his inter
course with the Mexican government being
marked with a rigid compliance with his cn-
tragement , for a number of years he had the
unlimited confidence of the olllcersof the gov
ernment , from whom he could receive any
favors , and In return received the unlimited
confidence of his colonists , and Texas was fast
becoming a valuable domain. The colonists ,
with the intelligence , energy , and thrift bo
I iharactcrlstic of their race , were making rapid
advances in wealth and comfort , but a crisis
arrived , aud war with all its fury and horrors
San Antonio and Goliad were in the posses
sion tjf the Texas troops , and a large Mexican
force had been ordered to operate airaiust
thsm. On the 21st of February , 1S30 , the Mexi- Gens. Sessma , Filasola , and Cos were or-
Jcrcd to lead one division of the Mexican army
an San Antonio , Gens , fjnea and Garory a
Second division , commanded by Santa Ana in
person , was to move as circumstances might
The first division of the Mexican army ap
peared before San Antonio on the 22nd of
? cbruary , and of the progress of the sieirc of
; he Alamo Col. Travers' last letter was on the
Jrd of March. He says : "I am besieged by
.housands of Mexicans , and with 140 icon I
save defended the Alamo for ten days against
t force of 3,000 , and unless I tret relief I will
Derish in its defense. " Col. Travers and his
rallant band did perish , as they fell to a man.
Their lives , lioivever , were dearly sold , and the
yletorv gained over them was little better than
i defeat.
Santa Ana. flushed with his ill-cotten stic-
? ess , believed that Texas was in his grasp ,
tnd with his remaining force advanced upon
Huston's small force on the Colorado river ,
tlusten fell back to the Brazos river , and from
hat stream retreated to the San Jacinto river.
He was unwillimr to hazard a battle so long
is hopes were entertained of gaining tiny ad-
7autage by retreating. He intended Tetreat-
ng to "Nacodoches , where he knew of Tein-
! orcements , and it was not until after loud
complaints from every quarter he decided to
stake his'reputation ami the fortunes of Texas
• ) n one decisive effort.
L Tie'was commanding a most determined
I 'et of men.who \ earned to retaliate for the
* % y , shameful butchery of their friend's at the
i ilamo and Goliad. An hour before sunset on
\ : he 2st ! of April , IS i , Huston with his 783
lien all told , attacked Santa Ana with his
1,500men , advancing with the war cry "Ke-
licmtier ibe Alamo. ' ' The Texans advanced ,
• eceivinir the Mexicans' tire , to within point-
| Dlank shot before they fired a gun. In less
l : han two hours a vanquished foe lay bleeding
[ jn the battle-plain. A few uukille.I men
. were victors over nearly double their number
3f well-skilled soldiers , who were surfeited
, vith treasure and human blood , and their
' % " oroud and hauirhty chief a prisoner , begging
• ' " or quarter ami mercy , both of which were
rk. 'foreign to his own heart and his own mode of
m i
( * - ' * * - . . , ' arfaie. Santa Ana , the captured , was a
r | ' leartless demon. The world in all its rounrt
' \ % _ if brutality iias no other sight so bloody and
l i irutal a < the slaughter of Col. Fannin's hand
, ' ; * , , . it Goliad. Some faint exeaise miglit bgiven
. ? - ' " ortlie savagerv at the Alamo while the
Ml- jlood was lior , but the pavagerv at Goliad has
is * - ill the horrors of cold , calculating , pitiless
tfe T JUtchery.
\ % l The victory at San Jacinto is rrulv one uf
\ & \ " die most splendid of modern or ancient times ,
isf' * ' , indwell deserves to ba ranked among the
\i \ * * * lecisive battles of the world. Its results arc
raT * wonderful. It established the independence
' /k'l ) f Texas ; the cstablishingof it into a republic ;
: Ek " die annexation of it to the American union ; a
fjpT" " A-arwitli Mexico , the consequence of which
\ * * * * ' ' • ras"theacquisitionof XewMexico. California.
] if' Utah , Nevada , Coloradoand "Wyoming ; the
} Pji . S 'icquisition of the greatest gold and silver
' * * * jelds in the world ; the extension of the
f • ! boundary of the United States from the
'Atlantic to the Pacific ; the securing of ports
tF , " > n theTacific coast invaluable to defense and
i5i ; : ommeice with China and the East Indies ;
; * . * securing over our ground from ocean to ocean
| r the means of railway connection , and over
• V * * .vhich-sevcral great railroads have been built
if * . greatcontinental railroads besides railroads
% eading'tlirough Texas and the acquired terri-
\ - r 5orv to the Citv of Mexico. The map of the
- ' • anion changed , and with it the commerce of
\ \ . the world.
i * _ - Such are the results of the Tictorr won at
L' Jan Jacinto fifty-one years ago. For all time
f ; -o come will the 21st of April , 1S3G , be regard-
ft . d as the birthday of Texan independence , the
. & " lav on which Texas was delivered from Mexi-
pir ; an bondage. In the magnitude of its results
fcj" ' . : he battle of San Jacinto is without a pnrallel
E- " p the history of the world. In a very few
- % " ( ; cars tliere will be nothing left of the heroes
f'i 3f the Texan revolution except the record of
fr .heir aets aud the memories of tneir appear-
S mcc. The record of their acts will
jj' nstiuetirelv < cirry the mind back to
K . .he records of Marathon. Salemis , and Ther-
p. . nopylai. No other known historic records are
'St- ' ' 3t comparlons. V. ' ell mav the citizens of
Dorsicana weleome the few remaining veterans
J * of Texas this llfty-lirt anniversary of the
j battle of San Jacinto. "Well may they weleome
g | the few men who remain of those who threw
ji ; hemselve3 into the breach and saved the m-
W ; > ire state of the union. Ere long the last f
' jF-- ; ihe veteran guard will be under the sod of
, g5 * he land they redeemed and of which their
g-\ posterity now have the occupancy. Philadd-
' * aWo Times.
W .
pV The biggest man in Congress is Reprcsenta-
[ \ tlve George T. Barnes , of Augusta , Ga. He
K tips the beam at a trifle over three hundred
[ g ' & ' pounds , and is one of the most popular men
'fij ' ic the state. His constituency is proud of him
pr5- , * and lie will probably remain in Congress as
p , long as he wants to.
f - Uncle Elijah Belflower , of Dawson , Ga. , fail-
, ed to attend a recent meeting of the Masonic
ffi Lodge and the members were so surprised at
Wi " . his absence that a committee was sent to see
g& if be was ill. This was the second time in
BF " - that Mr. Belflower has
[ forty-eight years mis-
I4y sed a meeting.
jff In the lower part of Coffee County , Ga. ,
lives Mr. Stafford Davis , a relative of the er-
g L. President of the Southern Confederacy , who is
p& " now one hundred and six years old. He ser-
< red iu the war of 1S12 and the Mexican war ,
t bat tss never received a pension for his service
. . . . ,
" . _ _
fc ii ' - - • " - - > „ -
r i
and hnfi never : i kcd for one. When twenty
lime yearn of nge lie married a MIhs and
now has children ami grandchildren am'
grcat-giaiiilchililreit to the number of - 7i. Ii
1872 his wife ilieil after sixty years of miirriei'
life , tiud recently he led to the alter a lilushiiic
bride of fifty Miinmcr * . Mr. Davis has been
Htroug and hearty until tills year , but is non
quite feeble.
Perhap * the smallest man of lils age now
living Is James Iloag. of Cedar Springs , Mich.
He was bom in 1815 and was one of the smal
lest babies known , weighing only nine ounces.
He now weighs but sevent . v-slx | > ounds , and
is only forty-live Inches iu height. One of the
the largestinen of modern times was Samuel
Murfitt , who died In England a few weeks ago.
He was 0 feet 1 inch high , and weighed 50(1 (
pouuds. Th rt of his waist was nearly 10
feet , and It U.oti a tape-line 20 inches long to
encompass the calf of his legs. No hearse
could be found large enough to carry his bodv ,
and it took twenty men to lift the coilln
through the window to an open wagon. He
was a native of Wimblingtou , Cambridgeshire ,
and was fifty-five years old.
John Tipton , a sexagenarian resident of
Taylor County , III. , has just begun the stud-
dy of Greek. Hislife has been one of inces
sant toil on a farm , with scant opportunities
for study , but every year he put aside a small
sum of his earnings , and think * he has now-
enough to keep him in comfort the rest of his
days. He never went to school iu Ids boy
hood , and did not learn to read and write un
til well ou in life.
Washington Countv , Pa. , has a veteran of
three wars iu Ishani White , who says he was
born iu Southern Georgia iu li < 0. He was
one of those who fought behind the cotton
bales under Gen. Jackson at New Oilcans ,
and thinks it was a bullet from his musket
that killed Gen. Packenham. the commander
of the British forces on that occasion. He
served against the Indians iu Florida iu
183(5 , and was a volunteer under Gen. Win-
field Scott in Mexico. His love for "Old
Hickory" amounts almost to reverence , and
he says that he votes for him at every Presi
dential election.
The shortest reigning monarch is the Em
peror of China , who is only 5 feet high. Em
peror William , of Germany , is the tallest , be
ing just G feet in height. Prince Albert , of Ger
many , nephew of the Emperor , is G feet C
inches high , and the Emperor of Ilussia S
feet 11 inches. The tallest man among
Eastern nations is Chang , the Chinese giant ,
who is 7 feet S inches high. The tallest Euro
pean is Winckehneier , a young Austrian , who
measures S feet 0 mch'cs iu stature. Xcw
York World.
' Murray's Tribute to Beech er.
Lincoln emancipated men's bodies , Beecher
emancipated tlieir minds. The one 'delivered
them from injustice ; tlie other from super
stition. The ona was buried amid the tears
of his countrymen ; the other with the ad
miring tributes of mankind. Both were the
gift of God. T he one that America might be
free. The other that Christendom might be
enlighten cd. I mourne.l over Lincoln's grave
as over t he savior of libertv dead. I mourn
over ttie goi ng of Beecher as at the depart-
urcof a seer of God.
To Beecher were given eyes that were not
born of the flesh nor limited as to { their pow
er by the capacity of the senses ; eyes that
saw through and within the circumference even
to the center of things ; that saw the long
parallels of truth without contraction aud so
ever beheld unfolding before them the wide
horizous of God and not a mere point of hu
man determining. He looke 1 and saw. lie
gazed and beheld , and what had been hidden
to others to him was revealed. For he saw-
as none ever saw , save the seers of God , the
hidden aud the sweet things of life overlast-
And to this power of vision was added a
voice. A voice that said to the eyes lI will
tell what you see whether men bear or for
bear. " Aud it did. And for years it sane
and thundered , and nun hearing trembled
or wept , laughed or cheered the voice which
none might resist , for the power of judge
ment , of honor aud tenderest loving was
in it
I say not farewell. For thou art. not ? rone ,
only vanished. Ami our eyes shall see thee
again and our ears shall hear the songof tin-
lips , even wiser than ever , and our hearts shall
hear the beating of thine aud glow as of old ;
for thou art a teacher and prophei ot God
foiever and ever ; and we are all nieu and thv
So 1 say not farewell , as do maiiv , but rath
er , ' 'Good speed and far going ! " Thou art liv
ing a new flight , and with wings that tire not.
Tliou art speaking and looking and learning.
Thou art seeing strange sights and wide views ,
and ever deep depths thou art. poising and be
yond these are heights thou shait reach
them ! And with tliee fly manv who are wise
aud far sighted the seers of all aes and the
prophets of all peoples , and by tbum thou art
taught and them thou art teaching , of God ,
many named , but one only.
Good speed ! Good speed ! Say we then.
Thou art gone but we follow. For by and by ,
toiling onward awhile and then mounting up
ward , we will come we with manv and then
thou shalt tell us of all thou liast seen and
ieach us again of meicy aud truth aud the
"Way of Life Everlasting.
Good speed ! Gooil speed ! Great soul ! Go
on and go up , ever seeing aud learning. We
will join thee anonl "Adirondjicli" Murray ,
iu Texas Hiftint/s.
The Paris Cocotte Dyitiff Out.
In a countnlike France , where fathers and
mothers are too apt to hoard up.for their chil
dren , the brilliant coeotte was useful ; she
pulverized fortunes and scattered them broad
cast. The rich families were kept by her from
becoming too rich , aud trade csoved faster be
cause of her prodigality. Indeed , she was tlie
motive power which kept workshops going in
which sumtuary articles ot a iuxurious kind
were made. The Ungcret aud ihe bla ichis at-
scs de Jin flourished during herceign. I recol
lect a suit against Blanche d'Antigny ( the
original of Nana , and for a time the brightest
star of the Khedive Ismail's .theatre ) which
bears out what I now say. It was about < a
la undry bill which Blanche contended ought
to be cut down. One of the items was , 1 re
member , for the doing up an uiidcr-garincitt
which Lady Harberton , perhaps , would not
object to name , or to see worn jis an outer
garment. This vesture was the finest cam
bric and Valenciennes laee. The getting-up
of it , with a few darns in the Jace , came to
133 f. ! The judge declared pocr man ! hs
incompetence to tieciue between the claim of
the plaintiff aud the contention of .the defend
ant , although the counsel of the latter offered
to produce the gaiment in question ; so an
expertise was ordered , and the expert reported
that the laundress was really moaerate in her
charge. Fancy boot and shoemakers also
mourn for the disappearance of the-iirilliant
Lais who brought the high-heeled boot with
twenty or thirty buttons into fashion. She
never meant to walk in it , but only wanted to
display , sitting in a victoria , her foot encased
in this piquant and very troublesome kind of
ehaussure. Paris Letter to London. 1'ruth.
The Queen as it GirL
Fifty years ago we had the Queen , .a dain6y
little maiden , only 4 feet 10 iuches Iu. height ,
with a delicate figure , a flower-like face , s
slender arm and an exquisitely poised head.
The face was a little pensive , but nevertheless
mirthful , the corner * of the mouth turning up
as decidedly as they now turn dowu ; the
tendency of the upper lip was to curl , allowing
a mere suggestion of white teeth To appear.
A simple gown of soft white India muslin ,
bound round the small waist with satin rib
bon and embroidered with field daisies , string ) !
of pearls wound round the white throat and
tapering arms left modestly bare , complete the
picture of the youthful niece of George IV.
And now the enemv of womankind has stolen
a triumphant march upon Victoria. But ont
thing neither time nor flesh has deprived th
Queen of , and that is the really regal bearing ,
the erect figure , uplifted head and firm tread
which in her triumphal entry into Westminstei
Abbev fifty years ago led the beholders to de
clare that she was a tall woman. Troy Tiw.
Lotdon Letter.
Naming < uo Baby.
In the old town ol II , in Vermont ,
lived a mun to whom the unique idea had
occurred of following the order of the
ulphnbot in naming his children. In ac
cordance with this pluti , No. 1 , a boy , was
iiuincd Ashley Brighnin. The brief exist
ence of No. 2. whh short by her name.
Death-born Epitheniu. Then followed
Fonter Gilliam , Hilarity Juno , Katliira
Leloiin , Molina Nolilla. Obiulia Polander , |
Quiretta ICoHcnn , Scrvia Trusty , mid when l
this point wan leached the old gentleman
( iied , leaving a girl without a name , and
his widow finished the list by nkippiug the
intervening letters and calling the un I
named baby & .
Gen'I Samuel I. Gi von , Ex-Chief of Police ,
Philadelphia , Pa. , writes : Years ago I was
permanently cured by St. Jacobs Oil. I
have had no occasion to uso it since. My
family keep it ou hand. Its healing quali
ties are wonderful. Sold by Druggists and
Dealers everywhere.
AH the Din'crcncc Iu the World.
"No , sir , " thundered the old gentleman ,
"I have made up my mind that my daugh
ter shall never marry a man who plays
poker. "
"She might do a great deal worse , sir. "
"Impossible. Poker has proved the
ruination of thousands of men , and its vic
tims never recover from the infatuation. ,
She could never do worse. "
"Excuse me , sir , but I'm sure she could.
She might marry some follow who thinks
he plays poker. "
The old man thought it over. Washing
ton Critic.
The proprietor of the ' "Plain Dealer , " |
Fort Madison , Iowa , Mr. J. H. Duffus , [
writes : "Two years ago I was cured of
rheumatism in my knee by St. Jacobs Oil ;
have hud no return , two applications did ,
the work. "
Prcervlii s AVcddiug ; Mementoes.
At a recent New York wedding a tin box
was provided in which were placed a sheet
of paper containing the autographs ol all
present , a list or the gifts received , photo
graphs of bride and groom , a piece of the
wedding cake and the bride's dress , one of
her gloves , some of the orange blossoms , !
and everything else of interest ; the box to
be securely fastened , not to be opened for
twenty-five years. The mother of the
bride had had a similar box prepared , and
found the opening of it twenty-live years
after an event of such interest that she ad
vised her daughter to do the same.
You can hit : rnni : a five hundred page
Conic Book of original and thoroughly test
ed recipes , iryou send ten (10) ( ) two (2) ( ) cent
stamps (20c ( ) to pay postage and 15 top
covers or "Warner's Sai-'k Yeast packages ,
to "Warner's Saw : Yeast Co , , Rochester , N.
Y. The book , in cloth , will bo sent , post
paid , for § 1.15. The paper bound books ,
will not be sold , they can only bo had as
above described. It is a wonderfully fine
book. "Every woman will want it , " says
Harper's Bazar.
A Lively Place.
Valley , Douglas Co. , Neb. , is without
a doubt the liveliest little town in the
state. C. E. Mayne , the boomer of
Omaha , owns the most of the town
and is offering every possible induce
ment for people to settle there free %
lots to those building houses. Big
bonuses to those starting manufac
tories of any kind of business that
gives employment to a number of peo
ple. The population of Valley has
more than doubled in thirty days. It
being the junction of two railroads
and situated in the finest and most
densely populated part of Douglas
County , and having C E. Mayne for
her godfather , Valley is bound to make
a city. Any one desiring information
can write to the Bank of Valley , Val
ley , Douglas Co. , Neb.
ClvTJvles E. Crisp. M. C , from Georgia , is
the-son of an actor.
Crhcs of AVenlc Stomach , Intliacsllon.
Dyspepsia , relieved by Caktek's Litti/e
Nkkvk Pills.
"The empress of India has decided 'to"re
ceive salutes this year.
Delicate Children , Nursing : .
Mothers , Overworked Men , and lor all
• diseases where the tissues are wastingaway
from the inability to digest ordinary food
or from overwork of tlie brain or body ,
all such should take Scott's Emulsion of
Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites.
I used the Emulsion on a lady who was
delicate , and threatened with Bronchitis.
It put iter in such good health and flesh
'that I must say it is the best Emulsion 1
ever used. " L. P. "Waudell , M. D. ,
Hugh's Mills. S. C.
Tlie queen of Sweden ha6 undergone an
operation at Stockholm for cancer.
Relief Is immediate , and a cure sure. Piso'sIJcm-
cdy for Catarrh. 10 cents.
The town of Syracuse , Kan. , has five
"lady aldermen. "
Gold Fields ,
that pan out richly , are not so abundant
as in the early California days , but those
who write to Hallett it Co. , Portland ,
Maine , will , by return mail , teceive free ,
full information about work which they
can do. and live at home wherever they are
located , that will pay them from S5 to $25
per day , and upwards. Either sex , young
or old. Capital not required ; you are start
ed in business free. Those who start at
once are absolutely sure of snug little for
Louisville brewers have raised $4,000 i
with which to fight prohibition in Texas.
The removal of Prof. Sanborn , of N. IL.
after being pronounced incurable by a score
of physicians , from Los Vegas , N. M. , to
his home , was effected by a ministering
JDr. Barter's Iron Tonic , which has restored
Jnm to his former good health.
Miss Marie Engel , a Chicago gbS , is Col.
Uapleson's latest protege.
ITIayne Paint ITIanufacturlns Co.
This establishment started'less than
a year ago by C. E. Mayne is now one
of the largest manufacturing concerns
in Omaha. They make paint of all
shades and colors , superior t © any
other kind that is sold , and at one-
half the usual price. We would recom
mend druggists and paint men through
out Nebraska to send for samples and
price lists which are furnished free upon
application. Address , The Mayne
Paint Manufacturing Co. , 2100 Izard
St. , Omaha , Neb. |
Ex-Representative O'Hara , ol North Car
olina , will , it is said , start a newspaper.
That tired languid feeling and dull heaa-
ache is very disagreeable. Take two of
Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring ,
and you will find relief. They never fail to.
do good.
James Speed , who was Lincoln's attor
ney-general , is still practicing law.
The Omaha Typu foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices saine as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
A Few Solid FuctM In Itegnrd to Llfttr >
Itoclc , Arkitimus , th ITItich Talked
About ITIetropolIa of thu
Little ilock city is built ou a high rolling
plateau ou tlie south sido ol the Arkansas
river. It is thu capital ol the state , and in
laid out in broad avenues and substau-
tially built. Most of thestate institutions
unliicated heie , nlno the nited States
court house mid postoflii-e. which is a fino
building , having coxf. $2S5,000. Tliere is
also a United States ur.scuui located iu the
city. The public buildings ate valued at
$2.0G2,000. The public mid private
schools are admirably conducted and havo
8,000 pupils enrolled. The school build
ings are valued at $34:5,925. : All religion-
denominations are pretty well represented
in tiio churches of tho city. Church
property is valued at $357,000. Tho
benevolent associations arc represented by
twenty lodges with property valued at
$110,000. The merchant's exchange
building was built at a cost of $27,000.
Banks , capital and surplus , $713,000 ,
bonds to secure circulation , $280,000.
Loans nnd discounts. $1,070,333. indi
vidual deposits , $2,350,000. Capitaliza
tion city corporations , $ G,20S,000. The
Little 1'oek Oil and Compress com
pany is the largest cotton oil mill in the
south , and it is capitalized at $3,000,000 ;
and it coinprcsbed this season about 100 , -
000 bales or cotton. The business of
this city will aggregate $14,000 , -
000 for tho year 188G. The post-
office business for the yanr 1SSG in letters
and poHtal cards delivered 1,293,5 ( > G , re
ceived 3,707,171 , stamps old 3,518,400 ;
money orders , $1,250,000. Newspaper
ofiices in the city , IS ; value of printing es
tablishments in the city , $143,300. Cot-
i ton received to date. 72,000 bales. Tlie
population of this city proper is 33,000 ,
with about 4,000 in Argenta and the sub
urbs. Manufacturing is represented by
cooperage companies. Furniture factories ,
planing mills , machinery , gin factories ,
foundries , wagon and otherdiversiliod man
ufactories. The Southern Oil company is
now electing new mills. Therenre ten miles
of street railway in operation ; seven miles
of water mains and sixteen miles of gas
pipes laid iu the streets or the city. There
are also electric light , telegraph and tele
phone companies. The city will noon be
paved with granite , and enjoj-s the luxury
of being free from a heavy debt , its entire
indebtedness being $225,000 , with nn as
sessed real estate value of S5.000.GS2 ,
personal property nssessinenit. $2,070,053.
Therenre two line railroad bridges across
| the Arkansas Kiver at Little Rock , with a
1 draw span of 350 feet. The rndroads di-
l verge from this city in five directions , with
several more < n course of construction , to-
| wards the city.
Information in regard to Little Ilock and
' Arkansas will be cheerfully Turnis'ied to all
applicants addressing the Little Rock
Real Estate Exchange.
Mr. Beecher used lo name his .fine cattle
after different members of his family.
Yon Can Seen re Strength.
And refreshing sleep by using Carter's
Inox 1'ii.i.s.
Mr. Labouehese calls it Lord Tennyson's
"Egregious Jubilee Ode. "
Is Heath Painlc s >
A Philadelphia doctor , after years of
careful observation , says that our demise
is as painless as our advent to the world.
This is certainly reassuring ; yet notwith
standing Uic o great inducements , we still
do not court death , and shall continue to
use Dr. Pierce's infallible remedy , the
"Golue-Ti Medical Discovery , " for consump
tion , spitting of blood , shortness or
breath , weak lungs , coughs , bronchitis.and
kindred affections oT the throat and chest.
It is unequaled. By druggists.
'Citizen George Francis Train stopped
• eating meat thirteen years ago.
A Poor , 11'culc Slater ,
"Who is suffering from ailments peculiar to
her sex , dreading to go to a nhy.siciau , but
knowing she needs medical help , will fin ,
in Dr. Pierce ' s " 'Favorite Prescription. " a
preparation which will give lnr strength
and new life through tho restoration ot all
her organs to "their natural ; .id lio&lthy
action. It v % the result of many years uf
study and practice by a thoroughly-scien
tific physician , who has niadetiiese troubles
a specialty. To be laid of all dnm isls.
Russet oranges arc said to bo-sweeter
than other oranges.
To breakup colds and fevers , use early
Dr. Pierce's Extract Smart-Weed.
At PorlL Italy , ; a veryanciont'toinb has
been found under a stresV.
For BuoxnnvL. , Asiumatk ami
xa Y G'o.mi'i.aixt.s , "BrownV Bronchial
Troches" have remarkable curative prop
erties. "Sold onhr in boxes. Price 25 ets.
Cannon Wilberforce , now in New York ,
will sail for home in Ju ie.
V 'nen3aby-T73g , tto gave her Castoria ,
"RThsE she was s. Child , sho cried for Castoria ,
When she hecacio Miss , sho clnng to Castoria ,
Whan fihehad Children , aim gave them Castoria ,
Secretary Tsiircliilri Is-short and stout ,
lie is-an oirtloor man in his tastes.
Tlie Omaha Typo foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices t > ameas in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
World " typewriter
I'rjee , SKI. Rapid. Simple. Ea v to L < * irn On.
and o-ee. A\rifinr poii.iI * g flin ) machine * Send for
circnUrs. DAT.S ; I. "ESTiK.r > TlIi krtS r. Xe - York
Canta crs and Goiinfj Auenti waived. Bib Money.
Sf ciEFP ! S TS Ifjromrnntrpllpf
ESH Ss > K a ! h C P PS an(1 cure at your
tail > 4 as rOI M 85 homo , send for
VS © 32 a 27 HQ EM5 Dr.J.A.Shernian'3
Circular o instructions.Uroid .ray , .New Voik ,
C toSS a day. Samples w-orth 8I.M FREK. XJnea
$ B % not under the horse' feet. Write Brewster
WSaf ty Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
Mi biSa 1 \ D.C. SesdXor Circular.
ftfSlHIiU aioruiilne Habit Coredlo. lo
II Sri OWI toilQdAya. NopaytUl CaraU.
WB IVIla de J. ttrirurss. Lsuauou. UUio. '
reffl j'tfyfy OoltMto Ccmpltifit * nd
fcjpCJSS NM4& Complicated troubles and
V * * * * > d n ) Weaknessej so common
: &J'v * , V5"iiJivi | | ' > 9 amonK ouf Wives , Mothori ,
vy SjSjft lliWr nd Daughters.
S Ulfw ll utl cure tntirtXy
it - Xif T jrWsSkStN { wS Movnrianorxaglnal
ft twGE JtwX V P v , { un a" * ' sierra-
1 < f / i - \ itlon' -f""nf and
L A.V ' s * ccmcquent
J 7.h .yi ( . 0'7 ? , ri r. 0 . tr : . ' , e . n , chenae of life. iwonEEi > woJJuJ. IniKiovn
rAJNTXESS , VLATUI.ESCT , ALL cinTixa lor. snacLiir" " ! ,
connn < s * . Menstrual teiuods PAsn > without rxss.
tar-Sold by Druggists. rrlcoSl.pcrboUlc.
fltKSi IUclicbe , WeiVnen , Cold3 In ' HBB * '
-ijisL-ji. tho Chest and nil Aches aadbtr.lns. f sST f
tjSSjSillewMo ef Imitations und5relmlltr * * =
i 'Svm . sonndlsen m . Ask roB . Gjj3f
[ gPwK JlCSSO > 'S > ? PTAE KO _ ( < SkPISb
One acnr ( Merchant only ) wauled in every tonn for
Our trade on your ' "Tansill's Punch" i3
steadily increasing , taking IiiHt month as a
basis. We hope to handle at least 20,000
per month.
Mooiu : , Ai.MNifcOo. , Dru ists ,
J iilt Lake City , 1'tah.
Address IS. W. TAWIW- < " < > , ( 'Iilcngo.
iiTi2tPMH ] < ll H I II fcfi !
p@yLLHBU.ra !
Engines , g-3orse Powers.
.SOMIS.S. E > AVHS' SiOrs 'S ,
( Send for Catalogue. ) DAVEHPORT , IOWA.
The Original and Only Genuine.
Safeaiidnhvays Reliable , lievvnivot worthless Imita-
itoiu. IjJdif-s n k your UruccM forChlrlicMer'
Illicit * ! : " and tako mi other , or iiu-Io e Jc. ( stamps ) to
Hi for particulars in letter liy return mull. Jfasi :
SRli : MiuIIioti hqtinrc , t'hllniln. I'n.
Bold by llnnrcNt * everywhere. Ai.k for • • Chlrhra-
ter' EiieH ! i" Peimyrojnl l'lll * . Take no other-
i\m \ collar ' mdHss' sjZ1
_ f3S3S-w most tellable and dura-
J&Qh. Sessy&bs xbc : , > AI > f"r Soro
Y oK 7 ? xJw i7 n * ck lio s s or milieu.
B > 5wS > SoSSS 2' Wi.nthcr or w enr has no
lOT 39s * &S TO5f effect on their ciiratlie
WwS < SSbS property. Our niw
li&Sr > & ? S& ( loop * with 'trap' make
lfy § ? 5 them fflf-adjniitln .
HO * Jy We solicit a tr'al.
Vor sale hr all Saddlery .loliliers. A K your liarnu > s
makers for them. ZIXC COL AIt I'AI ) CO. ,
liiifhuiiun , tich.
S35iThe oldest medicine In the world Is prchahlyEK
a 2 Dr. Isaac Thomoson's B = 5
§ JsB.W5tB A'rEB > EYiB VATKgU
ThI' article Is a carefully prepared Phvleian's pre
scription , and has hcen Inconstant use nearlv a centu
ry , ami notnlrhMnndlnfrthe manv other preparations
that hu'been Introduced Into the nvirket. the sale
of th ! art''I ' < : ticonstantly Inereasliifr. If the direc
tions are ft lln * ed It will never fail. "Wo j > articulrrr
lm lie 'he aitc-ninn phyRtclans to Its merits.
LeadinffHos. : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161.
For Sale by all Stationers.
Works : Camden , X. J. 26 John St. , New York.
i > -v if r Too AVason Iwalci ,
Ogg sAjSS' l' n I.e tr , Seel iearlu Ira-
vTi CiSKfi , Tare Beam and Kf am Bik fi.r
gifig VHSiygjaJ. . . if l KreryslzeScale. Fi Trre price list
i"r VJ > ViitT * h. iwentiiin < li * p-ip * . - end aiM-cvi
Forti9T.3) . Elejant Organs for SCI Oft. Ho not fail to
"KTite us for ci'nlo nea and prices. JIuvErr Bros ,
St .Iosepii , Mo. I he oldest and iarse t Music House
• on the Mlbslourl Klver and cheapest In America.
as Be3t Cou li Syren. Tasttssnod. Vie fj
f&l in time , fcold hy druKsists. ' &
Wan'ed in every Cnunty fhrewd men to act ender our
ias'ructions in our Secret Service. Eipenrncnnotnrces-
jtarr Fend tnuipforparticuIar . GRAXSAtf DETEC
TIVE BUREAU. 14 Arcade , Cincinnati , O.
BtS . SfagBRa al KS " - Catalogue tsZ
- HE.zSj. U3 VI Ha < tsamples Free I •
ESTAB.isss. W.H.FAY& o
f ffOr less will start veil In a well-
$ n 15 Jl J raylrs manufacturing huslne < .
xiJ e protected by patent. Article re-
qnired everywhere. Address. LINCOLN STOKE
AXD MARBLE LO. , 12th and P ts „ LiscoLX , Sra.
HfftBJC Offlcera' pay.bounty pro
PCfiSO . cure'I ; deserters lel.ev- .
p , , 21 years , praetiie Suc-
cBS orno fee. Write for circular and newlawv. A.
W. McCormicic & Son , Washington , D. C. and
Cincinnati. O.
Kens genciao nnltM Jjon'tivasteyotirmoneronapnuiorrnbbercoat The FTSfl BRAND SLICITEr
np inpto wita the . store { s absolutely < i/tand 'rt ' n/irKOor.and rrill keep vou drv in the hardest storm
m trade mark. Ask for the "FISH BRAND" slicker and take no other. If vour storekeeper rioe <
Knot have the 'Tish brjixd" .sendI forpf le .f2 ? .Virmi > , , A , jl' , Tn ER- * \Rm"nn ! < * itBoston. . Ma1- '
Why did the Women
of this country use over thirteeti millio7i cakes ol
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 18S6 ?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. [
[ HBHK5s MHsMfrT nriTTrr. < i r . . .r. . ' . -wir'J' ' .Tl lmWiV r ii > * , "
iI I
iI I
Tor tho curoof allillxonloriKif tlioStnmach.I.lvor *
llowoli. Kidneys , llladder. Jfervoun UUmnen. r wii
of Appctlto , Headache. Costlvrtioss. Indl rstioii ,
lllliouitiicsH. Kevur. Inflammation of thn UowoU ,
1'ileH. and all derangement * oftboliitenml viscera.
Purely veuetable.cniiuluiuc no tuorcnry.iutnsrala
ordeletorioiiH rime" .
Price , > S3 cenU | > or box. Sold by all druggist * .
DR. RAD WAT'S VH.US are a euro for
Ibis complaint. They rtstoro utren th to thu !
Htomach and utiablo It to preform it * functIonn.
Tho HymptomH of Dynpepsla dlmippear , and with i
them tboliabllltyof thuHynteintocoutractdlticaMeii. }
Take thu medicine according to illrcctloiui , and i
in • • Pal and Truo " oct-
observe what wuaay c resi > - ]
inn 'Met *
fliJ.Send a letter stamp to DR. RADWAY tfc f
CO. . Kn. ifWarren Street , ScW York , j
for"FhIho and True. ' ' '
\ * He Hiirc to get KAllwAV'S. •
nullds up tho broken-down constitution , purttiui *
tiio blood , restoring heulth and vigor , bold by
drugglislH. 31 n bottle.
For thn relief mid euro of ull pnlns. Congestions
and Intlammatioiis. "jO cts. a bottle.
\K1 ! _ JR Will purifr the DLOOD requUta \
• WSAcPIr tha LIVER nn.l KIDNEYS , 'mil
WtntiK OU of YOUTH lj ieiisia.\V iit
VifH HrV of Apputito. JudiKestion.lJick of
bHHtak Strnnxth and Tired Feelinsnb-
ejSME& uolutely cured : Pone < , mu -
CTEjtra. cles nnd nerves recHivn now
REak. for-o. Knlheni tho mind
* * -a&X . nnd Mippliut Hrnin Power.
j - 3SalIriiie from complaint *
. Oive. a r. l ' ' •
TONIC a Hifo nnd peody cur elf .
. Fraanunt uttemptH ntrointerlMt.
thy complexion. oriBinal. Uo
of the
iitioiilyadJ to tho popularity
notoxperimont-cet tha Or.I' 'IKAL A D l ST.
* Dr. HARTER'5
/JCiiro / Conutipatlon.Llver Complaint and SIckH
f'Hosdache. Sampto Dm * and Dream Book ft
I 'lied on reee • * fts o cents In postaue J
Address ; DR. HARTER. Medical Co. , St.Louls
Greoe Brosa III Co.
Olyr-A-Hik , NEB.
| | Pumps , Pipe ,
J l Brass Goods ,
< L sSS 3sRt * * p fi
flSf IB Fittings ,
- & \ | ) Steam Pump ?
% fsk ENGINES ,
* * ZSfws .i 5g'Va Send for Calaiatjite
p ° Q3H0 RTS
ilbTjvviwD [ oil. 'ti& n&C A
Have been enjoyed . citizens f ficarly every
town and city in the o. Sand thousands of peoplo
can testify to tho wonderful healing power o
ISasiiiisi's Wizard Oil.
It Cures Neuralgia , Toolhache ,
Headache , Catarrh , Croup. Sore Throat ,
Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Sprains , Bruises ,
Burns , Wounds , Old Sores and
All Aches and Pains.
The many testimonials received by u-s mure than
prove all we claim for this valuable remedy. It
not only relieves tho most severe pains , but
It Cures You. That's iha Idea.
For sale by all Drueglats. Price. "SO cents per
bottle. Our Hook mailed free to everybody.
Furnislied on Short IVof ice 7-Voin
Osnulia. at Chicago Prices.
Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard.
ouceW Hl Wi
Gives Belief at
and Lres | ® # 5gifl
OOIJJinHBADK gygg j | gl
Hay Fever. S . i
Xot a Liquid , K/rSS / H j
yrTowder. F tfromWfi Es * &y& '
Injurious Drugs Wj "T _ M
Offensive Odors. tfAT"r fcVEff
A particle IsappIIfd lnt each noit-II and I * acrrf-
'hIerce J . 53 ST. " " . * 1 Drn ' rii ' : bv malL r-zts-
ars frec' ELT BR0SD
Cffif-tJcu ' - D e'
W. N. U. , Omaha - 3G2-.20.