The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 28, 1887, The Tribune Supplement, Image 9

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McCOOK , NEBRASKA , APRIL 28 , 1887.
Our state fish commission has sent for
25,00 0,000 more eggs of wall-e3'ed pike.
Our prairies will be alivejwiths'em by
next fall. : . *
Fee , fi , fo fum , I smell'the blond of
a Bohemian Jew , is the song of the daily
papers of the state. In the meantime
Rosewater continues in business at the
old stand.
_ Dr. Lyman Beecher once replied to
* . an inquiry of Dr. Hawes , "How are you
"getting along ? " * "First-rate ! first-rate- !
first-rate7Vrecrsince I stoppe JBkng to
run this world. " W'T'
Mrs. Yeast This is veryxnice caB-w "
' Did you get 'the receipt out nf a cook
book ? Mrs.Fussanfeather No ; I made
it out of my own head. "You don't say ?
It is certainly very light. "
, On an orchard of Italian chestnuts ,
near Los Gatos , now coming bearing ,
§ 300 is said to have been realized this
year per acre. The chestnut is said to do •
well generally ; in the foot hijls of Cali
fornia. ;
- Woman is working wonders in Kaqsas. ,
A judge who no doubt was captivateclby
- the sirenical blandishments of a woman
suffragist , recently decided that a wo- g
man does not change her name by mar
rying , but that she retains what is gen- '
t eral known as her maiden name through
- life.
* . • The Salvatiotfarmy parades the street
I of Peoria , 111. , and defies the. chief of ,
-f police. A town with thirteen distiller-
| - . ie . s running night and day and a Salva-
JT" tion army running at large should re- ,
| ' - pose in the arms of haDpine&s tind be
ft " . " oblivious to all the struggles of the out-
lE side bustling world.
6 ; ' " The wife of an Illinois man did not
' - , - - _ want her husband to vote for a certain
[ - ' x measure. "So she talked him sick and '
r'\ . . , then covered him with mustard plasters
t , - "v - ; till he could not turn over in bed much
% ; , • less go to the polls. She kept him blis- '
fe > ' : - ' , tered till the crisis was past. Some
| 7 - women have great heads.
i. *
Oberlin-Eye : J. IS. Cochran , of McCook ,
"has been appointed judge of one of the new
districts , the llthJ > in 'Nebraska. Judge Coch
ran iswell known here , having practiced
law in this'city , and served as county attor
ney of this county. Our acquaintance dates
back ten years , when lie was county superin
tendent of York county , Neb. , and we were
doing educational work in that state.
Keveille : The appointnieht for Judge of
tliis district was made this week , the same
being received by J. E. Cochran of McCook.
.From considerable acquaintance with Judge
Cochran , we have confidence that the district
will have an honest Judge and one who will
dispense justice impartially. The appoint
ment was made in accordance with express
ed will of a large majority of the district.
> i2jnbridge Kaleidoscope : Gov. Thayer ,
onMonTTft > appoii " TJSIr. Cochran of Mc
Cook , as Judge W - gyenth judicial
district Judge CMH teg t gr of abili
ty and we believe his appo , ' 'Jl ] * " -
almost universal satisfaction throuprfei l
Bartley Inter-Ocean : Gov. Thayer ap
pointed Mr. Cochran.of McCook as judge of
this , the Eleventh Judicial District , Monday.
Judge Cochran is a lawyer-of ability , and we
believe his appointment will give almost uni- ,
versal satisfaction. \ - • "
i f (
The girls that are wanted are good girls , *
Good fromthe heart to the lips ; ' "
Pure as the Illy white and pure
From its heart to its sweet leaf-tips.
The girls that are wanted are home girls ,
Girls that are mother's right hand.
That fathers and brothers can trust to
And the little ones understand.
Girls that are fair on the hearthstone.
And pleasant when nobody sees ;
Kind and sweet to their own folk ,
Ready and anxious to please.
The girls that are wanted are wise girls.
They know what to do and to say ; ,
That drive with a smile or soft word , i
The wrath of the household away. (
The girls that are wanted are girls of sense ,
Whom fashion can never deceive ;
Who can follow whatever is pretty
And dare what is silly to leave.
The girls that are wanted are careful girls ,
Who count what a thing will cost ; j
Who use with a prudent , generous hand , -
But see that nothing is lost.
The girls that are wanted are girls with hearts ; ]
They are wanted for mothers and wives ;
Wanted to cradle in loving arms '
The strongest and frailest of lives. ,
The clever , the witty , the brilliant girl.
They are very few , understand ;
But , ohI for the wise , loving home girls.
There's a constant and heavy demand.
v 'x
> -
? 0
* - APRIL 21.
U. S to Andrew J. Reeves R.R. .
N.E.Ji 3 * and N.H N.\V.i ! 35-2-37 $ 150 00
U. S. to Nicholas Colling-R. It. , S.W.
12-2-28 , 4 00
Ira J. Miller to Ellon N. Combs W. D. ,
' S.E.K S.W.J4 and S.W.K S.E.M 6-3-28. . l qq
Ellen N. Combs to Ira J. Miller Q.d > . ,
E.S.E.J 0-3-28 1 00
Allen Bartley to W. T. Benham W. D. ,
lots 3 and 4 , block 25 , Bartley 120 00
apiu& 22.
U. S. to John D. Pearson It. R. , S. E. Jf
20-1-26 200 00
U. S. to Richard G. Mitchell , W.J5
S.W.J 12-1-30 100 00
F. H. Spearman to Mary A. Loncrgan
Q.C.D. , lot 4 , bl'k 30.2(1 add. McCook. . 1500 00
Mary M-Clyde to Brewer & Wilcox W.
D. , lot 8 , block 21. McCook. ( Subject
to mortgage of $3700) ) 5500 00
Augustus S. Boughton to W. O. Bond
W.D , N.W.J4 11-2-20 1000 00
Ai'im , 23.
Esther L. Wilcox to AIfred.T. Wilcox
W.D. , S.W.J 6-2-20 1000:0O :
William Fruin to Rebecca Walrath W. . -
D. , N.W. & and N.H S.W.J4 23-3-30.
( Subject to mortgage of $30m 700 00
Adam Walrath to Wm. F nn and C. P. I
Rinker W.D. , lot * . > lock21.1st add.
McCook. ( Suhj a to mortgage , $100) ) . . 800 00
U. S. talr5Mji' - Carl-It. It. , N. W. u
u.JM j K . . . . . loooo | p - *
n.s./towrmH " - *
. . / loooo *
U. S. to James Littell B Nr'HfcttiJ5
2-2-20 . : , : . ifTTT. r S qfi
APiur-2a. 'Il ' i .
Marellis E.Patterson to Geo.E.Eifert " > *
W.D. , Iotl2block20.1ndianola 70 00 1
Wm.O. Norval to Jeremiah H. O'Neal H .
lots5 and 6 , bl'k24.2d add. McCook. . . 800 00 fc fci.
Chas.Nothnagel to Lindner & Erman M
• E. H N. W. and E.J S. W. X 34-2-29. ;
( Subject to mortgage of $450) ) 700 00 X ,
APHii. 27. I
Wm. D. Bradley to Chas. H. Oman W.
D. , lots 13.14 and 15. Indianola 800 00
Andrew J. Reeves to Wm. Murphy W.
D. , S.E.X N.E.U34.W.JJ N.W. 'i 35-2-27.
( Subject to mortgage of $500) ) 800 00
Allen Bartley to Wm. J. Thompson W.
D. , lots 4.5 and 6 , block 47 , lots 1,2 and
3 , block 52 , lot 19 , block 63 , Bartley. . . . 940 00
o I
1 hereby fix the times of holding regular I
terms of District Court in and for the coun- t
ties composing the Eleventh Judicial District
of Nebraska for the year 1887 :
Chase County. May 4th ; Sept. 20th. I
Dundy County. May 2d ; Sept. 27th.
Hitchcock County. April 29th ; June
21st no jury ; Sept 13th.
Hayes County. April 27th ; June 28th
no jury ; Oct 4th. _
Red Willow County. 3Iay 31st no
| ury ; August 9th ; Nov. 15th.
Fbontjeb County. May 17th ; August
23dNov.22d. ;
Gosper County. May24th ; August30th ;
NTov. 29th.
Fubnas County. June 9th no jury ;
Sept. 6th ; Dec. 13th.
J. E. COCHRAN , Judge. I
McCook , Neb. , April 21st , 1887.
Try ihe Commercial House , when
> n McCook , Just once/ I
, ' - -I I