* * • . . . * * " * - : * * Iff • 4 " S ! " I Sn J VOLUME V. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTYNEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 28 , 1887. . NUMBER 48. I h THE CASH Bargain House "AS = The Largest Stock ! The Lowest Prices ! The Latest Novelties ! -ssbbQF THE SEASON. - BIG SALE OF DRY GOODS AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES. ! _ _ _ GROCERIES Wholossb Bnd RGtsiL Well it did drop just the same , as you will notice from our Bill of Fare this week. WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THIS ? ' ; - 20 lbs. Choice Rice § 1 00 [ , 10 lbs. Choice Eaisins 1 00 c 6 lbs. Rio Coffee 100 5 lbs. Arbuckles Coffee 1 00 r - ' 18 lbs. Light Brown Sugar. . . . 1 00 J ' 1 lb. Jack Pot Tobacco 25 I 1 * We call such figures pure , undisguised , christian charity , X y Merchants in adjacent towns should write us for Wholesale Prices. We are as Low as Omaha or St. Joe jobbers , /4 % k 1 i IFsp EI ISP O b J4 * # > * IL * IL11 $ b& % * * % Jm ft " j. - THE LEADERS AND ORIGINATORS OF | LOW PRICES IN McCOOK , ! CASH BARGAIN HOUSR. f < \ W. W. CURTIS , S. S. BURDETT , Formerly Chief Clerk , Formerly Commissioner , r Gen'l Land Office. Gen'l Land Office. It ! CURTIS & BURDETT , I Attorneys in Land Cases. ' " 925 F. St. , N. IV. , WASHINGTON , D. C. ' ; SPECIALITIES : Cases relating to the Public Lands before the Land Department and TJ. S. Courts. Particular Attention to land cases arising under Act of j of Congress approved June 13,1880. f i Practice in the Court of Claims and in Supreme Court of United States. N. -CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. REFERENCE : WM. H. PHELPS , Esq. , Beaver City , Neb. JULIUS KINJI'S c I IJjpnrapkan'Q ' ; $ fflmm -the- | JjBi iSlK Best Place in McCook ' • Si StEH tORflimC Em \ Have Fine Work Done. > lUl ? > \ > * JLi. $0Kt&ttCYKf "Corner North of P. 0. , " HENRY PENNRR , O DEALER IN O L OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Repair Work Done Promptly and Neatly. PIKST DOOIt WEST OF "THE FAMOUS , - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. t • . - i i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S. ? . HAST , Eogistor. JACOB GSEIHMET2 , Bceoiver. OrFici : Honits : From 9 A. M. to 12 M.t and 1 to 4 P. M. mountain time W. S. JIOKLAN. J. K. COCIIIIAX. MORLAN & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , JrcCOOK , NEBRASKA. A. W. AGEK. JOnN VflLZY. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW. Will imtctico in the State : md United State Courts , and uclorc the U S. i.and OIHees. Careful attention given to Collections. Ollice Opp. Fiees & Hoeknoll , Main St. , McCook. THOS. COLKim. J. A. COKDKAI. . COLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARIES PU1JL1C. Heal Ebtate nought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on leal estate and final proof , Thos. Colfer agent Lincoln Land Co. Olliee. over First National Hank , McCook. SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , INDTANOLA , NEDUASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before ihe Land Ollice at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEHUASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Itooms 4 and , " i , First Nat'l Bank Building. t. jr. helm , c. w. DAVIS. Lito Scgistcr TJ. S. Lisd Lato cf Ocs. Land Oficc , OEco , Elma , Ea : . Wahi2stcaD.O. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land ® Loan Agents. McCOOK XEUKASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or defend and want to win consult us. Oilicc , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposi'o Commercial Hotel. HENRY W. KEYES , Real Estate and Loan Broker. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY" . Money to loan on Chattels for short time. Fire Insurance placed in first-class companies. 0 : o Ecoa 3 , Over Citizess Baal : , UcCOOE , 173S. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice at City Drug Store. 32-6mos. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AUEIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA ES OlIice in McNeely Building , Main St. Dr. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. IOFFICE AT B. & M. PIIAISSIACT , ] McCOOK NEBRASKA. , - - . B. B. DAVIS. M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. JS Ollice at Chcnery Ic A nderson's drug store. L. J. SPIOKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Special Attestia Gives to Tesialo Sisoatss. Office hours , from ! ) to 11 A. M. , And 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Ollice , opposite Windsor Hotel , eastDennison Sr. , McCook. Neb. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. "Office : Room No. 1. First National Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , * DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. r3T"Offico over Kendall's. 5-27 W. GEO. SHEPPARD , WATCHMAKER $ JEWELER , 31cCook , Nebraska. Pupil of T. J. Highland. London , England. 17th year at the bench. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. This house has heeu completely reuovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Itates reasonable. 4-JJG W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE AUTIST - : - , SCENIC PAINTER , Calsomining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. w Bailroad advertisements inserted at usual rates : $120 per column a year. Local notices and time tables , ten cents per line each insertion. Crete Vidette. In the state of Maine , under the new liquor law , the payment of a special tax to the United States government is de clared to be prima facia evidence of vio lation of the law , punishable in all in stances by both fine and imprisonment. With United States marshals and state officers both interested , the man who sells licpuor in that state must be assur ed that his customer is dry. Thomas . ) . Potter , first vice pres ident of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad , has tendered his res ignation , which will bo. accepted to take effect May 15th. The officials of the Burlington have had the resignation • I under consideration several weeks and only accepted after having been assur ed by Potter that he had decided to ac cept the office-of first vice president of the Union Pacific railroad , which has been tendered him. The announce ment of Potter to the first vice presiden cy of the Union Pacific is accompanied by the statement that the Union Pacific has finally effected a lease of the Ore- gon Railroad & Navigation company's lines , the details of which were finally settled within the past few days. Vice President Potter will assume control of the allied lines May 15th , the terms of his contract with the Union Pacific pro viding that he is to have control of the consolidated system , which will of course be operated as one com pan } . The headquarters of the company will remain as heretofore at Omaha. It is understood that 0. E. Perkins will as sume the duties relinquished by Potter. and that no other change oa the Bur lington will be made for the present. The lease of the Oregon Railway & Navigation company to the Union Pa cific was signed Monday. The present prohibition party nomin ally dates from about 1870 , but it was subsequent to 1SS0 that it really had a noteworthy existence. Since then it3 growth has been so rapid that the party may practically be said to have been formed between 18S0 andl8S2 , in which latter year it polled 73,303 votes. In 18S4rits voting strength , as is well known largely increased polling , a total vote for St. John and Daniel of 151S09. The campaigns in favor of prohibitory constitutional amendments in several of the states had kept the issue well be fore the public attention , and the very evident unwillingness of the politicians of the deal God-and-morality party to effectively with the question , had con vinced the advocates of prohibition that nothing would be done for that cause. Hence the large vote for St. John. They held the balance of power in at least four states New York , New Jersey , Connecticut and Michigan. Had there been no prohibition ticket in the field , it is more than probable Mr. Blaine igan alone of the number gave a would have received the electoral votes of all the states names ; as it was Mich- small plurality for the republican ticket. In 1S86 the total prohibition vote was 26S,739 , almost double that of ' 8-i , and in no less than eleven states Cali fornia , Connecticut , Indiana , Michigan , Minnesota , New Hampshire , New Jer sey , New York , Ohio , Oregon and West Virginia the prohibition vote was greater than the plurality of the successful ticket. These states have an aggregate of 129 electoral votes. It is therefore made clear that the 'prohi bitionists as a part } ' are each year be coming a more potent factor in practi cal politics. The fact should be fur- • ther considered that the prohibition .party has never aset polled more than a small percentage of what may fairly be called the prohibition vote. The votes recorded on constitutional amend ments in various states and in local op tion contests show that fully 30 per cent , of the people of this country are really prohibitionists and willing to have the liquor traffic declared illegal. In other words , the third party prohi bitionists have about 3,300,000 voters of kindred feeling to recruit from. There is , therefore , a phase of this third party movement which possesses great significance to the politician who is I practical in politics. Omaha Herald. | W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. i ' GENERAL • - - - - . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , * • " - " - - i i * 77 : : ri ; i i oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo HARDWABE ! 00000OOO0O0O0OO0OOO)0OO0)000O000O00O0HOOfJO0OO000O0)0OOOOO O t MAIN AVENUE , MGGOOK , NEB. ! STILL TO THE FRONT > ARM LYTLE BKOS. & CO. h With the Largest Stock of Seasonable Goods and GEN'L I HARDWARE ! AND Lower Pricscs than ever before offered to the people of Western Nebraska. , : o : And please bear it in mind that we handle the best lino of GOOK gTOYES a RANGES To be found in McCook , aud prices lower than the lowest. Wo will not be nndeisold. We compete in prices with the most interior stoves in town , and sell you nothing but a warranted stove. We have a few WOOD PUMPS WE ARE CLOSING OUT I • At priees from $1.00 to $5.00. A few Iron Piunpv , ? . i.00 to SG.00. A No. 1 Hand Corn Planter for S1.00. 6-qt. Pressed Milk Pans , § 1.00 per do/en. A complete stock ot Screen Wire. For Gasoline Stoves we surely take the cake. J5rCall and ive will be pleased to show our jroods and quote ( 3 ou prices whether you want to buy or nol. Itosp'y , j LYTLE BROS , & Op. 1887. SPRING SEASON. 1887. L. BE1RNHBIME1R , , THE LEADING TAILOK. • My Stock of Worsteds , Scotch Suitings and the Latest Styles of Pants Goods have arrived. I take pride in saying that in Assortment and Styles nothing better can be found between Chicago and San Francisco. If you are very . I particular as to style of goods and about your lit , the only place to call is at the TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT q ? L BERNHEIIMER , . Dennison St. , West of TJ. S. Land Office , McCOOK , UEB. I RE1AL ESTATE \ 4SD . UPo" > > < 1 . - LOAHS ! , Csk Purchase and Sale fK e g e aie Deeded Lands a Specialty. \ * > Room 2 , Hockncll Brick , McCOOK , NEB. , prw ! ! w-mt wn i mj if ' * ! i | n\ii 'inij ) tff3 | * TgBT nB | MBBWHBi GEO. W. BEDE , 1 LAiyO ATTORNEY eh rk MW SsF m § 9 b Bill I m REAL ESTATE ANJ ) LOAN Af. 'ENT. I J5FI am procuring LOANS on good farms readily at 0 per cent. Alsohave * special bargains in deeded lands and tree claim ? . MAIN AVE. , - - McCOOK , NEB. &