1 R. DRYSDALE , J McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' > I I desire to inform the public J that I have received my stock 1 of Spring and Summer Suit ings , and that I am prepared to do work in the merchant tailoring line in a satisfactory J manner. I guarantee a nice fit in all cases. Call and he con vinced. First door north of Commercial Hotel , Main Ave. STANTON ROLLA -FOR- KANGAROO , ALLIGATOR , FRENCH PATENT LEATHER , FRENCH CALF SKIN , ! $ ounce * ) \ ANDfffififF1 ? BfiiY -AND- t3T Prices from $1.00 to $1.50 lower than formerly. Courteous and fair treatment. He- pair work expouted neatly and promptly. KILPATUICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) I l Horses branded on loft hip or left shoulder. ! dCKH p- address , Estello , oS'S Hftyes county , and Beat- wK MBKSp5&rice , Neb. Kange , Stink- ; mt Rm i lng Water and French- | Wfj 9l9styC& mnn creeks , Chase Co. , I V * * l Brand as cuton side of 5 5fc5 ? SS3 ) i a' some animals , on hip and g gg lfjgfggffl. sides of some , or any a where on the animal. I JOHN F. BLACK. I Breeder of Improved Siikep. J STOKES & TROTH , I la iSSfo jfSfeljpacreoIcrabovo Carrico. il % S ? 2 luSl ! Stocl : branded as above ra 2sAso , run tue following | | / $ J&m&cSF 8ttMa3 Horse brand , lazy CO.L § EATON BROS. & CO. I -MMjjiri P. O. address , McCook , R " "IfcjjS a Nebraska. Range , south * | iBKHm * Cattle branded on left I d & i IIoree . s branded the I "Madam. " said he , turning I To the lady at his side , | While his face was filled with burning 0 Blushes which he strove to hide ; 1 "Madam , pardon my intrusion , M But you see the fact is that H Pm oppressed by the csnclusion m That you're sitting on my hat. E Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup. Kj Will relieve that cough almost instantly M and make expectoration easy. Acts simul- K taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , j thereby relicvinjr the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling | H sensation in lie ! throat by removing the Bf cause. One Iritil of : t will convince Any one | Kj that it Li u > ( qii' 'Loii tuuthlor coughs and H colds. Me.Millon te Weeks have secured the K sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to S give satisfaction. S McCook is the most enterprising city in X the state. It has twelve miles of water M mains , has employed Gov. Furnas to plant " w the public park witii trees and "its detunct § citizens go abroad in "a gold mounted hearse m with iiaud > ome fluted columns and plate M glass sides and dash-board. " Lincoln Demo- Hj Salt Rheum or Eczema. K Old sores and ulcors , v S Scald head and ringworm , Jj Pain in the back and spine , E Swelling in the knee joints , B Sprains and bruises , 8 Neuralgia and toothache , 8 Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and chilblains , I warrant ] 3igus' Tkopicai. On , 8 to relieve aiy and all of the. above. S AIcMlT.IT3N & WeKKS. K Tiik " 'wild west" has reached London , j and the cockneys are just beginning to un- M dersfand this beauties of tlie jubilee year. H Purify Your Blood. H If your tongue is coated , J If your skin is yellow and dry J If you have boils , J If you have fever , J If you are thin and nervous , x J If you are bilious , j If you are constipated , j If your bones ache , J If your liead aches , If vou have no appetite. If you have no ambition , one bcjttfu of Bkggs' iir.ooo Pujhfikk axd J ' JJj.ooj * yiMif.ii ill rdii-vf any ami all of the jiiujvc. ' wimnMsuls. Sold and warniiited by ll Woiunn lwv more strcnqtli in their looks ; than we i.ivi ! "ur laws.and ; morn power : by their tears than we have byourargu- , I njents. SaviHa. I Itch. JIaum. - , and Scratches of every kind 1 curedin30MImitisbyoolfnnls baiutary , I I otion. A sura cure and perfectly harmless. I Warranted by S. L. ( ireen.Dmggist , McCook. M Try the Commercial House , when I in McCook , just once' ' i * _ ' Va " * 2t i t > * t.fc .m i # , . . WW t ll imiH MWWWiK fcwmimMKi # iliWjWlllfDf I BUSINESS * DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3. F. HAET , Eczietcr. JA30B BTSmuSTZ , Bosolvo : . Offiob Hours : From 9 A. M. to 13 M. , and 1 to 4 P.M. mountain time W. 8. MOKLAV. J. E. COCUIIAN. MORLAN & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. A. W. AOEE. JOnN WILEY. AGEB & WILEY , ATTORNEYS • : - AT - : - LAW. Will practice in tho State and United Stato Courts , and beforo the U. S. Lund O/Iices. Careful attention given to Collections. Oflico Opp. Frees & Hocknell , Main St. , McCook. THOS. COIiFEU. J. A. COUDEAL. COLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Ttios. Colfor agent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over First National Bank , McCook. ' SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS - : • AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all tho State and United States Courts. Also , before tho Land Office at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5 , First Nafl Bank Building. t. sr. nELST , c. w. DAVIS. Late Segister V. 3. Lui Late of Oss. Lasi OSco , Offlso , Eiiwia.Eas. WaUagtoaD.C. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land & Loan Agents. McCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or defend and want to win considt us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. HENRY W. KEYES , Real Estate and Loan Broker. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY. Money to loan on Chattels for short time. Fire Insurance placed in first-class companies. OSes ca 3 , Over Citizoc : Bank , McCOOK , USB. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and notice.'i MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice at City Drug Store. Si-Cmos T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , oculist and : atjeist. McCOOK NEBRASKA "Office in McNeely Building , Main St. Dr. A. J. WILLEY. SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. THARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. B. B. DAVIS , M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. "Office at Chenery & A ndorson's drug store. L. J. SPIOKELMIBR , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Attsztica Gives to ? eaalo Dissases. Office hours , from I ) to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office , opposite Windsor Hotel , east Denni&on St. , McCook , Neb. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. e 'Oilice : Room No. J , First National Bank Buiidine. Residence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas ifNdesired. E3 ? Oflico over Kendall's. 5-27 W. GEO. SHEPPARD ' , WATCHMAKER JEWELER , McCook , Nebraska. Pupil of T. J. Highland. London , England. L7th year ut the bench. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK. : : KEDItASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , und is first-class in every respect. Itates reasonable. 4-Ctf W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , Calsomining , Graining' , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. SPOTTS & STIMSON , i'ASHIONAULE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lninbur Van ) , J .IAIN STREET. - McCOOK. MKHKASKA. WILLIAM McINTYRE , :0NTRACT0R AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished f desired. Work done on short notice. ' ' - * " " ' ' 'i [ - . . - .ii ii ii 1 1 r i ! ii 1 -1 J , . ' _ " ' • , / r S i Commissioners' Proceedings. County Clerk's Office , Indianola , Neb. , April 12 , 1887. Tho board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment of March 15th , 1887. | Present , Henry Crabtree , chairman . and Stephen Bolles commissioners and 0. D. Cramer county clerk. Minutea of last meeting were read and approTod. On motioD tho county treasurer was directed to correct an error in equaliza tion of assessments in the personal tax of L. B. Stiles on the tax list of 1886. On motion olaiiSB were audited and allowed and tho clerk ordered to draw warrants as follows : 1886 LEVY GENERAL FUND. Adolph Bieschick claimed $15 39 allowed $11 55 same claimed $11 97 allowed. . 9 00 Jurors March 1887 Term District Court. Wm A Vincent GOO John Beal 5 80 J C Ashton 6 00 James E Dolph 5 60 Wm Murphy. : 5 00 H BEPicKens 5 50 Samuel Pramer 4 80 John F BlacK 4 50 Alex W Campbell 5 20 John D Gt-rrer G 70 C F BabcocK 5 20 Bichard Johnston 5 80 George Burt 4 30 Bobert Moore G 00 Joshua Gerrer 6 70 JE Berger 3 20 B E Sibbett 4 70 Boyal Buck : 4 50 Abraham Utter 4 SO Nicholas Colling - 4 80 Henry Crabtree bl'ff. Mch. term 4 00 J W Welborn sheriff " . . . . 4 00 J \V Welborn serving summons Jury 27 00 J W Welborn sheriff fees 5 00 W S Wheeler Co. Supt. postage 23 42 JjW | Welborn Jailor feos 30 00 Omaha Bepnblican office supplies 8 50 same 22 00 SuIuC jO1) * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Smith & Untied , claimed 813 00 allowed 11 00 EmniaBodenbaugh attendance & care of pauper. 7 00 Joseph Menard supplies pauper. 2 50 McMillen & WeeKs , same 9 GO John Young , boarding paupers. . 39 00 Frees & HocKnell Lumber Co. . . 4 23 Page T. Francis Co. Surveyor. . 5 00 E. Peterman , sundries for jail & court house 10 30 G S Bishop stationery 33 50 1886 BEIDGE FOND. W T Hcnton 4 00 Free & HocKnell Lumber Co. . . 50 70 W C LaTourette & Co 42 35 W C LaTourette & Co 6 75 E Peterman 16 00 Frees & HocKnell Lumber Co. . 28 15 same 1 25 B F Sibbitt 12 00 Howard Lumber Co 3 20 On motion the clerK was ordered to draw duplicate of warront No. 122 , 1885 levy general fnnd amount $4 70 to John D Gorver. Claim of C L Knowles $8 G5 for house rent for Mrs. McDaniel disallowed. Petition of J. A. Cordeal and others asKing the appointment of Joseph Spotts to the office of constable in and for Willow Grove precinct , granted. Consideration of claims of physicians L. J. SpicKelmior and T. B. Stutzman postponed to next meeting. John Francis , was appointed overseer District No. 4. OFFICAL BONDS APPROVED. James H Everist assessor Danbury Precinct. Adolph Schmidt overseer District- No. 2. Josejh Spotta constable Willow Grave precinct. On motion commissioners Crabtree and Bolles were designated as the com' missioners to appraise Si SE section 36 , township 3 , range 30 , as per appli cation to purchase same by W S Fitch Lessee. On motion the county treasurer was ordered to transfer forty-nine dollars from tho district bond fund of school district No. 1 to the district levy fund of said school district. On motion the board adjourned to met April 13th. Attest C. D. Craster , Henry Crabtree , County Clerk. Chairman. County Clerk's Office , ) Indianola , Neb. , April 13,18S7. t The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment of April 12th. Present. Henry Crabtree and Stephen Bolles , Commissioners , and C. D. Cramer , county clerk. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. On motion C.V. . Beck was appointed Jus tice of tiie Peace in North Valley precinct. On motion the petition of Josiah Moore and others , was granted , vacating public road No. 0. from the northwest corner of sec. 25 , township 4 , range 29 , to the east line of said section 25. On motion the petition of C. D. Cramer and others , was granted , and the west 33 feet of public road No. 85. from the north end of1th Avenue in Indianola , to the north east corner of Lot 1 , in section 7 , township 3 , ransre 27. Oh motion the petition of J. C. Mitchell and others , was grantedestablishing road No. 85 , along the east side of lots 1 and 2 , of said section , the west side of said road being the east line of said lots. Claims audited and warrants drawn. IS80 LEW GENERAL FUND. Henry Crabtree , county commissioner , $12 00 Stephen Bolles. " " 10 20 Sibbett & Green , supplies for pauper , It ) 67 COSTS IK CRIMINAL CASES. State vs. Fetters C. D. Cramer , clerk's fees , < ? 3 28 State vs. Woods & Patterson C. J ) . Cramer , clerk's fees 4 73 II. M. Ashmore , countv judge fees 2 79 J. W. Welborn , sheriflfs fees 12 00 State vs. H. B. Ennis C. D. Cramer , clerk's fees 2 53 State vs. S. A. Daniels and H. B. Ennis Claim. Allowed. C. D. cramer , clerk's fees. 2 OS 1 34 S. II. coiviu , justice's fees 5 55 2 7S J. w. - welbornhuiir's f ss , 1 00 50 J.H.JJenuett , " " 5fl 25 , J. II. KMim-tJ , v.iniw , 1 00 50 Mrs. M. Paul , • • 1 CO 50 B. 15. Duckworth. " 1 00 50 P. H. wilkes , • • 3 00 150 Isaac Brown , " 2 20 1 10 Frank Everist , • ' 215 1 22 C. SolJers , " 3 ( a ) 1 50 K. II. criswell , " 1,00 50 L. Daniels , " 1TO • 50 A.c.EberU ' • 100 50 State vs. S. A. Daniels J. H. Bennett , sheriffs.fees , 5 00 2 50 C. D. cramer , clerk's fees , ' 5 C8 2 84 Joseph Furlev , 5 00 2 50 David Eoyce , 5 00 2 50 L. Daniels , 4 tso 8 40 \ - - - riirinrfirrtriigirrlT ! i i- i . . / Wm. A. Vincent , assisting county sur veyor on public roacf. 3 00 On motion , c. w. Beck's bond as justice in North Valley precinct , was approved. On motion , the clerk was ordered to deliv er to the county Treasurer 18S0 levy general fund warrants , drawn in favor ot E. S. J welch , Nos. 87 and 174 , for S2.75 and $2.78 , ; and the Treasurer authorized to apply same on delinquent tax of E. S. welch. countv clerk and county treasurer submit ted reports of fees received for lirst quarter of 1887. county clerk's receipts Sl,205.58 county treasurer's receipts 557.28 county treasurer's supplemental re port of fees received for 1880. . 996.00 Amount received since settlement for 1880 for state taxes collect ed in 18S0 397.21 Total for 1880 from all sources § 1,393.21 On motion clerk's and treasurer's reports accepted. On motion the Board adjourned to meet May 10th , 1887. Henry Orartree , Chairman. Attest : C. D. Cramer , county clerk. GLEANINGS. A jubllnto wont up from many hearts when tho "beautiful rain" came Sunday night , April 10th. It was an end to fighting prairie tires borno on by tho vehement south wind. The long drought of months had made every thing particularly inilammable , and in many cases it was a light with fearful odds against the fighters. It had been high carnival with the winds , too. Sand penetrated into every nook of tho house , peppering our food. Ailing our eyes , which we rubbed open to question whether we wore not in the wind-swept Amor- Ican Desert of tho old geography. And there was always the near or distant prairie lire to guard against. Tlie heaven-sent extinguishor came at last , and the "little birds singcuBt , and the little birds sing west , " the grass grows , dowers peep forth , and all hearts re joice. It iB with afeelingof sadness that we record the death of an old resident. April 11th , Mr. John Taylor of ltcd Willow , and father of Mrs. Carson of tho South Side. Tho second death in this community occurred April lUtn , 1879 a little child , Wilfred Kitch. Thore was no minister near and Mr. Uuck conducted tho funoral services. Since then how many have passed on to the other 6ide ? Tho Silent City on tho hill is growing larger. The country itself is losing its newness and strangeness. There are tender associations , suffering and losses that bind us to tho soil. "Here's hallowed ground where mourned and missed , The lips repose our love has kissed. " So many leaving us by the way makes doath close and real and life most solemn and earn est. Tho largest ambition looks petty when bounded by the inevitable limitation the grave. It is only by faith that death may be come to our minds a blessed metamorphosis a gate of life , opening into tho Bculah land of immortal hopes and longings. Our dear , de parted oneslorifled spirits , partaking of a fuller , freer life , may watch our straggles and strivings with "larger , other eyes than ours. " How wonderful tho immigration west. I watch tho covered wagons go by day after day and follow them with a strango interest , as they drift out of sight toward the setting sun. In fancy I see them searching for their "Castle in the West , " which is never to be found. Whero can Californians build their castles can it be on some island of the sea , still nearer tho setting sun ? Writes one of the earliest pioneers , "It is now fifteen years since we toiled over our Wil derness to come to our Canaan which was to How with milk and honey. Tho honey we havo never found. The milk or its equivalent , has been gained by tho sweat of our brow , and I am afraid I am a good deal of a murmuring Irsaelito yet. " Walter Scott makes Jcanme Dean enforco her plea for her sister's pardon , thus : 'When the time of trouble comes to mind or body , when tho hour of death comes , that comes to high and low , it is not what we hae dune for oursels , but what we hae dune for ithers , wo think on maist pleasantly. " One of the greatest writers on ethical ques tions , one of the greatest minds , in fact , of our time , says , "The only worthy end of all learning , of all science , of all life , in fuct. is. that human beings should love one another better. " What is the oidy worthy outcome ot"all this living , but character ? tho something inherent , priceless and in alienable , won through loving , unselfish devotion to the high est and best ? ItUSTICUa. PLEASANT RIDGE DOINGS. We are not all blown away yet , if we did have a young cylcono. The farmers in these parts arotakingadvan tage of the wot spell , and every ono is break ing sod or setting out trees. T. H. Fowler was elected director in Pleas ant Ridge district , at the late annual meeting , and Geo. Fowlor , treasurer. What a splendid good rain , every body says , and we say so too. Red Willow county folks appreciate a good rain when they get one. Wo have heard of no serious damage being done any thing or any body in these parts , by the wind storm which prevailed , last week. Last Friday and Saturday were days of ter ror to people living in the track of that terri ble flro that raged in the Northwestern part of Kansas and Southwestern part of Nebraska. We have seen nothing in your columns from "Your Correspondent , " lately. We did not want to crowd him out of the columns of TnE Tiubune. We did not want so much territory taken in for Pleasant Ridge , that's all. There was a fire broke out in E. Greene's pasture , during the heavy gale or whirlwind which passed over Friday evening. Soino think it caught from lightning ; others that it it was carried from the tiro eight miles south of his place. It was put out and no damage done. There was a Sunday School organized at the Pleasant. Ridge school house , Sunday , the lOrh inst. The following ofliccrs were elocted : Superintendent , Mr. Snyder : Assistant Supt. . Rev. Kennedy ; Sec'y , Miss Nellie Kanouse ; Treasurer. Geo. Zimmerman ; ChoristerFrank Calkins ; Librarian , Eph Greene. Hour for school , 3 o'clock. P. M. , prompt. Guess. SOUTH SIDE LOCALS. Wm. Bertram returned east , last Tuesday. Will Long rides in a bran new wagon from now out. John Stone , from tho Medicine , was down , last Tuesday. T. T. Birdsall , we note , is having quite a strip of breaking done. George Dillon's children have arrived from Burlington , Iowa. This kind of weather would dampen the ar dor of any prairie fire. Plantingpotatoes. sowing millet and making garden is the order of tho day. We had the pleasure of witnessing that little rumpus , the other day , in town. W. M. Crafty and wife from Iowa , aro hore looking after their land interests. W. T. Stone started , last Wednesday , on an eastern trip , to be gone a few weeks. We hear that Messrs. Dillon nnd Cratty are having some difficulty over land business. Mrs. C. H. Jacobs had a birthday. lastSatur- , day , but it. was rather a damp one , however. I.T. Birdsall has quit cooking at the bachel or's ranch. By the way , we believe ilcnry Earon and family are staying with the boys now. That flic on the south-side , latTliuivday. wa ? thi' wcr.t we have expem-iivod ir. ! • : j cars. Vuscribt' fought nil day arm M ' jjht at it. It 1 damaged Tun liamt'i in or CO del lure worth , j burning up his stable , hay , corn , part of his harness , etc. George Dillon lost hi. * corral.c stable , hay , eta C. ii. Jacobs lost from S100 to S-fn ) by the burning of his fence , pasture and limber. Uxo. We will show an entire New Line of Lawns and Organdies about May 1st. Ho last year's stock on hand. L LOW MAN & SON. it TAKE YOUR CHOICE. % Everybody is anxious to sell Spring Goods and it only \ jjj remains for you to decide where jH YOU CAN GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY. | HERE'S OUR CLAIM FOR YOUR PATRONAGE IN A NUTSHELL : , • I | j Perfection in Style and Assortment. j jj Satisfaction in Quality and Price , j jj "We back this claim of ours with positive proofs in 1 shape of High-Grade , Low-Priced ; I BOOTS AND SHOES j FOR LADIES' , GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. \ 1 Examine the stock on its merits. Look well to the " ZPrt 1 make and finish of our goods , and then you I can fully appreciate our v m I WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. - Stopping at nothing to become the leaders in our line - I we put in a bid for patronage which 9 WILL STARTLE AND DELIGHT YOU. j 1 PLRASH GALaLa , ' BOWEN k LAYCOCK , 1 Citizens Bank Building , - - McCOOK , NEB. " ' ' "JoXTBApRYTf I i FRESH BREAD j - 1 \ DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. } I | -PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-NUTS- ! jl 5OYSTERSCIDERCIGARS - 5 ; \ -TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- | " M | LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION , j 1 ; Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. \ > ! A. PROBST & BRO. | I , l _ _ _ _ ' " l ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) | fl Paid up Capital , - . 850,000.00. I General Banking Business , ' I Collections made on all accessible . I . points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes for . fl paid Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. I Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , I CORRESPONDENTS : V. FrankiikPresident. II First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. J. j Johk B. Cx . . ' ( rk. Vice-President. The Chemical National Bank , New York. ) ± a Ebebt. ashTe M . . . . , , H - JHH IU < ' - - - ' " ' * JH i - ' jfWWMuyj ; .t'Ml-H- ) mi HI | | | IJ'"J1' ilJlJ-li .ML'J.Hf ! ! ! tp'till ! I I - _ _ t m I FOR SALE RV = file Frees & Hocknell Lumber Go , , I MeCOOK , „ NEBRASKA. < ] t. e. Mccracken , 8 8 _ iS IJL Tli6 InsurfliiGB As * McCOOK. NEBRASKA , is prepared to write Policies on short notice n the followingstandard , and old reliable iom panics : German American , of New York. Commercial Union , of London. Hartford , of Hartford , Conn. Orient , of Hartford , Conn. Springfield P. & M. „ Springfield , Mass. Washington F. & M. . Boston , Mass. Piremans Fund , San Francisco , Cal. The American Fire , Philadelphia , Pa. Ludwick& Trowbridge 1 P ' BEJJTMEij } I , . ' McCOOK NEB. \M \ i