R R RjR R R R R R R * * * BSifiJtt5 ' * * ' * ' * ' * ' " * * - awnK. * - j- * * * - _ p i r | | M | | | ) | | [ IB WHAT'S IN A NAME ? . { I < • - * • MV It Im j ot lho Jjonst Important Factor IB In a Man'a Career. IM A immo is cortainly not tho least im- | a port-in t factor In a man's career. How kiB ' much wore difficult would it be for a 1 Muggins or a Finigan to gain accept- H inec us a poet , however great his tal- nfl ; nt , than for a Tennyson or Milton. W o in atter how groat a man's energy , [ fl . alent or courage may be , an odd or Am 'idiculous name will be a clog to him H hrough life , and add immensely to his mm % Hfllcultics in making his way upward , IB ' 3f what avail is a man's aristocratic ap- W icarancc , correct dress , coat of tho I- nost fashionable cut and sa tisfactory I > alanco at the bank if his visiting card I : oudemns him to pity or to ridicule ? iVhat a consolation it must be to a lady afllioted with a disagreeable name m ; o know that she may have an opportu- ! Vity of changing it for a better in a way B9 it once gratifying to her pride and her MM affections. This privilege of the ladies X aas been assumed by the popes , who BV ulmugo thoro names when they arc H 2hosuu as successors to St Peter. The M tntrodueer of this papal custom , Sergius BH If. , may well be excused for the in- Bm novation , seeing that his own name sigt HS ailics hog's mouth. MelaKCthon was nut HI above this weakness , and he adopted H , the Greek form of his pro ] > er name , B which signifies "Black EJirth , " and. the H-JfL * learned Erasmus made a similar trans- B formation of his Dutch name Gerard. H In the time of Louis XLV. a dislin- B guislied writer , who was a member of K the academy , a councilor of state and a B friend of * 'chelieu , had tho misfortune B to bear inappropriate name of B Gueux (1)6ar ( ) . Can wo wonder at B his adopting the name of his patrhno- B nial estate and calling himself Balzac ? B * Many other instances might bo quoted B of men of talent and eminence being m " Jissntisficd with tlio names that were t borne by ihuir ancestors. K Some people in their anxiety to com- B pensate their children for the vulgar H or ridiculous family names which they H have inherited couple with them what H they consider aristocratic , ouphonious H j > Christiannuncs. : Hence wo have.such B " combinations as Gladys Beatrice Higgs , B Constance Aurclia Smith , and Victor H Augustus Jones. One can sympath ze K with the fact that mairy pleasing hours H of consultation and discussion are giv- B en to the young * mother and her busc B band in deciding what name will sound B most melldluously and assort most B fittingly with the sterling and attractive fl qualities whicli are so percortibly paek- M ud up in that little cherub , their first- B born. K The ancients had manv superstitions 1 as to names , and even elevated the B study to a science under the title of m ononmantia. When the Romans raised B . an army or numbered the citizens they H were always careful that the first name B taken should bo an auspicious one. m More than one emperor owed his eleva- M tion simply to his name , and Cassar in m his expedition to Africa gave a com- . M mand to obscure Scipio because the M f people believed that the Scipios were m invincible in Africa. Similar influence M weighed with the French envoys who B went to negotiate a marriage between M y one of the Spanish princesses and H Louis Till. They rejected Urraca , tho * M elder and more beautiful princess , who m was intended for their roval master , H and preferred her sister because her T H name , Blanche , had a more musical ; L sound , r M A Spanish ambassador to the court B of Elizabeth considered his dignity B slighted when the queen appointed a B wealthy citizen to receive him because 1 iiis "host bore the very short name ef j B John Cuts. He soon found , however , K- thfrt if Cuts had -short name , he bad H a long purse and a right ro\al way-of H dipping into it for the sake ot up- H holding the English name for hospitsl- B itfr. All the Yc ir Round. r mt m B Untimely Visitors. x B 'There are somepc ° ple in the world B who seem to havebeen born withithe B idea that visiting is one of the fund a- 1 B mental rules of living , and with itiiis B , principle firmly fixed in their miads B live up to it accordingly , without .any t B ihought whatever of those they annoy ] B * by so doing. Thoy come in at any B hour in the day , usually in the tnorn- B ing , that most precious working-time B for women , just to chat about soiao- B tiling of not .the slightest importance B to the person visited"Oh , weare B Qot going to detain you ; we won'c stop B a moment , " ithey say. While the B. hostess listens and replies courteously B to the conversation of her guests , her B ear catches the sound of her clothes , B • : hat she had placed in .a boiler on the B stove , boil ng oxqv , and , with a hurried * B apology , she hastens to the kitclien , B adds more cold water , leaves tiie cover * B of the boiler ofi"and is quickly baek E Mj again with thevisitors , who remark on a H the loveliness of the day. and what a - -pity it is for anj * one to stay in the ' 5' Bf iiouse such weather. • t B The hostess makes some polite reply . I B Agreeing to tiie statement made , but B | .hinks of her washing in the other B ; room waiting for her , how she would | Bv iiave had it on the lhae but for her un- c B timely visitors , who , though having re- B mained fully an hour always going , yet secTi not any nearer to it than when lirst seated. After another hoar spent f ia the same way , during whieii time q the has made nervous housekeeper g many journcj's to and from the KiLehen , the guests leave , remarking that they , 1 couldn't possibly remain any longer , . and the weaned woman goes back to c her washing and with nervous haste " ! tries to make up her time wasted. The slothes must all be out before noon , and ! [ dinner for the husband and children on ° the table at that time. Why such peo- Cl * pie if they must visit , should choose the ai busiest part of the day to call upon wornP1 h 2n whom they know to have all they H f can do , toil as hard has they may , to * \ et their work well done , in preference fa \ , to those having more leisure at their L . disposal , like the riddle of the Sphinx , n , f is hard to answer. It does seem as p : " r , though these people had missed their ai vocation and book canvassers lost a ] § ? valuable acquisition. American Culti- I . vator. > * I , ; - - • - " - Yf- 1 t t . . ! ' ' _ .T _ _ . _ An Unbiased Verdict. Tliat uetiBiblo iroman , Queen Elizabeth > i ( Roumaniu , bos managed to sccuro an opportunity i of hoaring pluin and whole- 'oinc ' truths about hernnlf after a fashion iBunlIy denied to royalties by the cringing ' ourticrB who surround them. Her majesty , * ho devotes much of her time to music , \ van no pertistently assured by her attend- mts , that hor voice was more than equal ; o that'of any prima donna that she began ; : o consider whether she was justified ia : : onccaling such a talent ia tho napkin. But before displaying her gilts coram pop- alo she wisely resolved to obtain tin un biased opinion. This she got from tho eminent Professor Dumanois , in Bucharest , J to whom she went incognito , and who , after , trying her powers , Informed her bluntly | that she had , perhaps , just suffici ent i voice to qualify her for a chorus girl in operetta i , to which , however , her face and figure ' were unfortunately not adapted. London ' Special. AVhnt II Co tK to Go to College. A German , returning from a visit to America , writes to a German paper the following ' charge against our colleges : "In America , in this land of the free , it is tho sad fact that university culture is a prize which i only accessible to the sons of rich men. " His inquires are very exact. "Among the t 140 students who had completed their studies at Yule college this year (1880) ( ) I obtained answers from 100. According to their reports the average cost for the four years' course amounted to 55 > GO. There were great differences in individual cases ; one had succeeded in getting through at an annual cost of 5150 a year ; another needed ! no less than § . ' 5,500 annually. I know a German porter in tho states whose eldrst son passed a brilliant examination at Princeton ; but father and son agreed that it was impossible to pursue his studies thero on account of the frightful costliness. Study at an American university is a most expensive luxury. " [ Boston Journal. Tommy Knew. In a Denver Sunday school , a few weeks ago , the superintendent was talking to the j1 little ones about the plagues of Egypt. • 'Now , " said he , "can you * tell me what the plagues arc ? " There were prompt answers , and all but one of the plagues were named. The last one was too much for the school. ThinkI ing i : to help out the children by suggestion , the superintendent said : "Don't you remember the other ? Of course ycu know what Job had ? " A little hand went up. "Well , Tommy , what was it ? " "Patience ! " piped Tommy. He was given a reward of merit. [ Den- ver Republican. The Small Girl' * Precocity. The precocious small boy finds a rival in the small girl who figures in the primary department of the Canajoharie academy.f A teacher asked a small girl who had i " " "skipped school : Where have you been and what have you been doing all the morning ? Small Girl ( working the heel of her shoe into a. crack in the floor ) Part of the time riding down hill. Teacher ( with an encouraging smile as a recognition of veracity ) And what were you doing the rest of the time ? Small Girl ( naively ) Walking up ! AN bany Journal. Men , such as U. S. Senator Voorbecs , of Indiana , are loud in their praise of St. Jacobs | Oil ss an instantaneous cure for rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica and < > tlier bodily painn. Extraordinary Cavalry ISidcs. General Luck's experiment in ' 1jlie long distance rides with two entire .regiments has , turned ont a 'complete success. The . Firth cavalry and the Belooch sorse ar rived at Jacobabad recently : , having marched from Slbi in thirt3fe hours. One troop belongimg to the Filch cavalry m5rched-along the railway line , a distance of ninety-three luKes , and the remainder went by the Bagli bashvi ro ' % e , distance 123 miles. The 33eIooeh horse inarched via Mull and Shalrpur , distance 107 miles. The Fiftih cavalryiosl twrf horses and tbe BeloochSiorse one. Pall Mall Gazette. Everybody's companion "is nobody's friend , bat Red Star Cough 'Cure is every body's Iriend. Prcf. Grothe , oT the Brook lyn Board of Health , endorses-itasprompt , safe , and sure. Twenty-fiva cents a bottle. Can Kok Solve * E"iis ? ejlhtkxdek. 0 _ > S S g 5- There trero twenty-one riixidents at taMe , and , after each or them had treated , they resolved that the expenses should be the bartender ' s. They all agreed to comt menco at cue side of the table and count around ; every time seven wns > counted , one the seventh to go out. tho man left last inside ' to settle. From which man must they have commenced to count in order to leave the ba-rtender to .pay the bill ? Cease your coughing and enjoy refreshing slumber , which Dr. BulPs Couuh Syrup , will s insure , youby promptly 6to _ pping the cough. Price 25 cents. The buckwksnt season : is aboutover , n Suspend your griddles. ig Ici General Debility , Emaciation , 1 Consumption' , axd Wasting in CuiLnnEN , * Scott's Emulsion of Pur * Cod Liver Oil , with Hypophosphites , is a most valuable Food and medicine. " It creates .an appetite a lor food , strengthens the nervous system , S * and builds up the body. Please read : "I - < tried & .tt's Emulsion on a young man rrhora , Physicians at times gave up hope. Since ' he began using the Emulsion his Dough has ceased , gained flesh and strength , IB md from , all appearances his life will be prolonged many years. " John Sullivan , h hospital Steward , Morganza , Pn. The husbandman rs soon say that his , arm is all broke up. ? ' lc The Omaha Typa foundry can furnish lew newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight fc ilready paid to Omaha. - _ _ A crying eril is a baby with the colic. In Jeff Davis is now 80 years ol age. g / " : w W _ . FORTUNE'S FICKLE FATOBS. Showered Down on To Chicago Youug Men. The last list of numbers which drew prizes in The Louisiana State Lot tery brought a welcome surprise to two persons in Chicago. Only a poor man can appreciate the feelings _ of Peter M. Vermaas when upon looking tho list over discovered that he held one-tenth of the ticket which drew tho capital prize of $160,000 at the draw ing of March 15th. The ticket was numbered $00,551. Vermaas did not go crazy as some men might when he reflected that he was the happy pos sessor of $7,500 , for although thoone- reiith ticket drew $15,000 , the ticket was the joint property of Peter M. Vermaas and his brother Cornelius , and each received $7,500. Peter M. Vermaas is superintendent of the advertising department of D. B. Fisk & Co. , Wabash avenue and Wash ington street , and lives at No. 379 South Robey street. Cornelius Vermaas was until re cently ' a pressman for Rand , McNally & Co. , but is now employed by Apple- gate < t Bush , corner Van Buren and Clark ' streets. To a representative of the Merchant Traveler Mr. Peter Vermaas said that he and his brother had been investing a small sum each month for two years in The Louisiana State Lottery. The only prize they won before this was one-tenth of $300-$30. In February they contributed $3 between them with which they bought three , tickets. Two of the tickets were blanks ] on tho drawing , but the third was the goose that laid the golden egg and drew $15,000 , as one-tenth of $150,000 j , the capital prize. The tick ets ( were taken in Peter's name , and on i discovering that one was a lucky winner , ho turned it over to the Amer- ican i Express Cpmpany which collected the 1 $15,000 and paid it to Peter M. Vermaas in gold. Peter immediately turned j over half to Cornelius and it was placed in bank. Neither of the brothers exhibit any symptoms of big head as the result of their 1 enviable luck. They told the Merchant 1 Traveler that they would continue ( in their present occupations and let the money lay in bank until they I find a good real estate invest- inent ] , when thoy will convert it into land and build homes for themselves. [ Chicago (111. ( ) Merchant Traveler , April 2. W. W. Cole , the young showman , neither drinks " , smokes , chews nor swears. The huge , drastic griping , sickening pills arc fast being superseded by Dr. Pierce's • • Purgative Pellets. " Sold by druggists. King Milan is much subject to toothache and neuralgia. * * * * Young or middle-aged men suffering from nervous debility or other delicate diseases , howovcrinduced , speedily and permanently cured. Address , World's Dispensary ] Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. Some men's heads are bald by nature , olher.i have theirs snow-balled. "The light that lies. In woman'seyes , " is i a. vay of heaven's own brightness : but it is ' , alas ! often dimmed orquenched by sonic wearing disease , perhaps silently borne , bub taking 11 comfort and enjoyment out of , life. Thrtt light of the "household can be rekindled and made to glow with its nat ural brigWineah. Dr. II. V. Pieree'fc "Fa vorite Prescription. " is a potent specilic for most of the chronic weaknesses and diseases ' { peculiar to vremen. Many business failures are reported among ttJie Western stage robbers. If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac ] Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25 cents. Mr. 'Tennyson persists in being an excess- 1 ve-cirfisuincr of ksbacco. 'Every Nerx-ons Person Should Use Cakteu's Liitlu Nekve Pills. 25 cente. There are 812 missionaries iu-China , 142 of wbom are Preebytcrians. ? 7nen BabyrrEraick , wo gaTe her Caatoria , ; YTxion she was a Child , sho cried for Caatoria , Whan eho boc&mo iliss , she clang to Castoria , Whsn oho had-C&ildrcn , she gave them Castoria , " "Keither wine , ale , porter or rorandy has ever been manufactured in Japan. ; Ko one fcne-rs better than those Who have used Carter's Little .Liver Pills what .relief they have-given when taken for dys pepsia , dizzinesB , pain iu the side , cotstipa- tion , disordered stomach. &c. Try them. ( EL C. Stedman at the age of 26 , got 55 for his first literary effort. ( PATENTS oblRtacd by Louis Bncger & Co. . At toraey < < , Washlcstcn , V C. Est'd ' 854 , jLdvice free. The mother's heart is the child's school- roam. Beecher. An Extended Popularity. Brown's Bronchial TnaciiES have been before the . ' public many years. For relieving Coughs , and Throat Troubles they are superior to all other articles. Sold only in i iboxes. Aforward hatch the early hen. A red-faced tramp is a "ruddy goer. * Jfo rIoro Sielc Headache if You Use Carter's , Little Liver Pills. No purging. 25 .cents. Bachelors' wives and old maids' children are always perfect. Cham fort. Fortune * * Favorites Are those who court fortune those whe are always looking out for and investigat ing the opportunities that are offered Send your address to Hallett & Co. ; Port land ; , Maine , and they will mail you free , full ' particulars about work that you car do while Jiving at home , wherever you art located , and earn from § 5 to $25 per day and upwards. Capital not required. You are started free. Both sexes. All ages. Some have earned over$50 in a single day. All is new. Gen. Boulancer's wife is a rabid hater o ! England and everything English. Plso * * Krmcdy for Catarrh is agreeable to use. II not a liquid oratniKT. 50c The president is an expert inrosegarden- ing. Envied by Her Sex , the fate of every lady with a bright flowing countenance , which invariably fol lows the use of Dr. Ha iter's Iron Tonic. Mark Twain talks of endowing a home for pumped out humorists. "I WS * " I could find something thai would cure galls and prevent the hair comlnc white , " is an expression frequently heard Veterinary CarbolInalre will alwavsdo it Eold by DrujEists at 50 cents and 31.00. . A Reasonable Query. One day Norah was away and mamma had the ironing to do. Nelly watched hor with much interest. "What makes 'ou do vat ? " bIio asked after a time. "I iron the clothes to take tho wrinkles out , " mamma answered. Three yearold Nellicsatsilcnt a moment. Then sho burst forth , "Well , veil , why tan't 'ou iron out drcat-dramma'H face ? " Bid mo discourse. I will enchant thino car uith remarkable and astonishing tales of ri'innrkable and astounding cures of all HortH of suffering by .Salvation Oil. Sold for 25 cents. Itather than drown your sorrow in rum , you might better go and drown yourself. In cocaine society has an intoxicant that an be used without making one's nose d. Tlio Omaha 'lypj foundry can furnish netnewspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same us in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. in 1 imrrwTTi-itirwmnm ! ! iirniwimiiwn Vor Wealc Women. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhani , Lynn , Mass. : "About the first of September , 1881 , my nifo was taken with uterine hemorrhage. Tho best styptics the physicians could prescribe did not check it and she got more and more enfeebled. She was troubled with Prolapsus Uteri , Leucorrhiea , numbness of the limbs , sickness of the stomach and loss of appetite. I purchased a trial bottlo of your Vegetable Compound. She said she could discover a. salutary effect from the ( iisl dose. Now sho is comparatively frco from : the Prolapsus , Stomach sickness , &c. The hemorrhage is very much better and is lesd at the regular pciiods. Her appetite is ; restored , and her general health and btrcnglh , are much improved. We feel that we have been wondctfully benefited and our hearts are drawn out in gratitude for the same and in. sympathy for other sur- , ferets , for nhobesakes we allow our names to be used. " C. W. EATON , Thurston/ . Y. The Compound is put up in Pill , Lozenge and Liquid form. All sold by druggists. | The Pills and Lozenges pent by mail on re- ceil ' > t of price. , jfP lL Biliousness , pllillil ( ' Sick Headache , m dm Constipation , /m@f Dyspepsia , Xi v. - vhen ( lie buds besin to liow , "I'ls Uiiip for voiiii , . ami ol < I < ° know Tii.t I'tTfrs/l.nskitude and all The ills hi Indlges.ion's call , AVirii cvt-ry tri'iil UhcIio or pain. I TIi.lt follovE i'l Hie ISiIIoih tialli , l AVilWcattiT. like Hie tliievcs of ulclit , Before it draught < if SBL-TZEK bright. B' TREATED FREE. H Uaietrented Dropsy mid Its coniplir.itioin with the mootttoiitli-rful mui-css : use \ cEctabUremiMlicseiitiie - lyhnimlf-s. Kcuioio nil symptoms of < liop < y in tiffht to tv t-nty days. Cure patients pi oiiouuii-d lioin-Iens by U'ehe-torpliyi-iciariS. Kiimi tlif lir > tdi > i'llie : < yiiiptoms rapidly disappear , and in ten days ai. least two thlid of all lyinptuiiiaaieroinowi ! . Some may cry luiintiujr without knowing anything about it. Remember it doM not cost you anjthinjrto realize the Merit of our treatment for j oimclf. We aro constantly curinp ; trflsps of lo > iT utandinic eases lliath.ivebeen tapped ft. number of times and the pa tient declared unable to lie a week. Give a full history of cv-e , it/ime , aKe. er.hov. loutafflicted. < ve. Send for Ireo pamphlet , containing tebtinionials. Ten days t reat- ment furni > hcd FREE by mail. If you order tiialsend IO rents in ktaiups to pay poita e. Kpilepsy ( Kits ) posi tively cuied. ( rWMcMioiitkupjpcr n. h. nnEHN" & s-oss. si. nv , 2Mr $ Marietta Sti eet , Atlanta. u p * i vH Wk c 5r4J3 * % ? 1 W5v" ' i W § & 10 * * CaT" rcoriJ7' A fill I /5 oJy $ TltenmatlJin , Ltunbaco , Olfrfyt 3 r I & 3SS5S. Dtck clie , VTi-ctneis , Colas ia Sii J Ljy.j . , tho Cheat aed ell Achu aid&tr.ioa. jnijmat L B Trar of imitations nndernlmtltr " " ' S r SSl W • ocndinenmiM. Ate rou S * i S liSXSOS'B ASD TASS HO IST pA 1 * f Wi ] l _ W OTUEE. < , 3 f wV , ' iCTi i i i i i tm win i i i i gj pa ra o BCT ir. a. r.KIf .UAXN . Solicit- K BPia Sfewot Patents. W'ashinztoa. ETot fl Eahy E 4 U.C. Send for Circular. to S8 a daySamples worth $1.50 FREE. Lines SfS l not under the hors < - ' * feet. Writs Brewster § ? Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. & " Morplilue Ilnblt Cured In lOto eF&BRRnS GO days. Refer to 1O0O patient ! cured 0 Sk&SIS Jnallr irts. Dr.EXarshQuincy.BIich. ' ' ? A PosIUtb cure. No Knlfo. eflSBffs''fJ ia y < > P' ' * ter. Xo I'ain. K. C. ifSSlllfti/iSaSBB 2"ayiie , llanhalltown.Iowa. raS3jaij Morphine Iialiit Curcdlu 10 § K RpLySSa toaotUys. KounytUl CuraU si U SbC l iak J. SrEi'KK.vs..euaaoa. Olilo. The Oroat fiuraory ol PEee Eeosa hoeses. I ! ' 300 to 400 IiTIl'OnTEIJ ANNUAIir.Y fromFranre.allr cordad ltbextended pedigreeIn the rVrchtron Stud lioolci. Tlio IVrclieron Istha only draft breed ot Franc * poMctsing a. tud book that has tht rapport and endorsement of the French GoTerninent. C nd for lSO.pago C talOKU3 , llluitratlODS by Uhi U.oieur. M. W. QUNHAM , Wow.o , DuPago Co. , Illinois. 1 TflE ONLY TRUE j 1 V-jCZwjS ! Will purify the BLOOD resnlato \ .WR tho LIVER and KIDNEYS and > KS1 ltnsTOUEtiia HEAMH and VIC X& KS-A OK of YOUTH. Dyiperfcia. nnt j \JPQV . of Appetite , Jndieestion.lJtckof t y&S iWk Strenetb and Tired Feelinsab- i x tlt iSi. 8 : > lutel7 cnr d : Bonos , ciuk- SSfe v . clos and nerves recsiTO new < Q98fcjiV force. Fnliveus tho mind SaSj. and anpplies liraln Power. , J angerini ; from coniplaiuta n m- - H A E H poetiliar tnthsir fexnill bnd JL * & 6LBEgiS ? In DR. 3IAKTER'8 IBON TONIC a saro and speedy euro. Gives a clear , heal thy complexion. Froquent attempts at counterleit- inconly add to th popularity ot tha oricinal. iJo nut experiment est tho OitiarSAI. ant > Best. 1 Dr. HARTER'fS LIVER PILLS \ flCure eonstlpatlon.Idver Cemoiatnt and SIcxa t'llo dache. Snmp' .e Doso and Dream JSooHfj y alic-A en resell' if t-woceatsln postasa.l Address : DR. HARTER. Medicaid ) . , St. Louis Fori9r..V ) . Klesant Orsans forsSKX ) . Donotfallto write us for caialo 'ites and piicc . Hcytrrr nwx. . Sf..IoSKl"if. Mo. ' 1 he oldest and largest MuMc Hoimc on ; the Mlsslouri Ulver and clicapu t iu America. J0SEPHG.LL0TT5 i | I > STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1S7S. Noa. 303-404-1 70-604. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. | CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PMTOSY&l PILLS Th © Original and Only Genuine. Safe and always Reliable. Beware of wortble Imita- itona Ladies , axle your I rucil t for "Chichester's KnclUh" and take no other , or inclose lc. ( rtainps ) to us for particulars iu letter by return mull. Name PAPEK. C'HCIllISTEf * CIIKMICAI. CO. , S3IS jlinll.on hquurc. I'lilindn. I'a. Bold by T > rncnl t cctj where. Ask for • • Clilelir- ter's Cnzlti * * 1'eiiiiyroyal I'HIs. Take no other. 51honmatl ra , JfenrnlEln , Bladder and Kid ney Ilt.en e-i mretl 6Vll A. V. L'AXXSRUM - MATIC SPECIFIC. Oiiarantecd to CCIiRor tnonev refunded. Tate no other mcdiiine. For tal by all Diuysists. One Dollar for lai-ye bottle. Rcfeience , any one in St. Joseph , Uli-souri. Information Tree. 2Jr. A. V. Biineh JIc < I3cInc Co. , Saint .Toseph , JIUioUrl. CHILD'S HOSPITAL OMAHA , NEBRASKA. This home for tiie sick is open both for adults and children. Is < en rally located In a pe. : s.n' and quiet neighborhood and rurnishes excellent Hn < p'ti ! facil ities for Sur h-at snd Mcdlcnl taes. . Address CHILD'S lIOSi'ITAL. Omaha. Ncbr. feS Piso's TJeracxly for Catarrh is tlio K E3 Best , Easiest to Ute , ami Cheapest. B ? N a [ VqW a \ fi rW Xa ? \ < ? a m SSin Bf % Sold bvdniKjdfitsorPpnthymail. § & 5 & & 50c. E. T. Htizeltine , Warren , I'a. | PRCC a SAMPLES , also linndredi of BnnVQ rnuC MiiRazineI'apcr * . Works of Art. CaaIogic ! < ! . etc. guanmtP'-d to every oncsendinj ; S. , cealsforl'av'njnsme and adeir ss Inserted In our KEAUElV DIUKCTOKY. Published month ly and used by all thJ leading publisher * , booksellers and dealers in the world. Yon Trill set o\er * Z3. < f v-oTih of choice readlns KIJE2. Copy cunta'nius your name Irec. Fendatonec. Ad < ! rcS I'OPL'LAP. CniTIC , Box 123. itrijritton l : irlc , 111. FIRE , WISD. .rATCnanai.HJnTING PROOF for any kind of City or Farm Hulldinc * . Write for testimonials from your State. Address PORTER IKON KOOFINtf CO. , Cincinnati , Ohio g j 7 .f 2i ± gaja j-nf.ri.if if - Sure relief i crrrraTi KIOOER'S PASTIIJ , & 5acaii5R J > aK > s : -T sy > f < v,3g3Charle3to 7n. Muz. Mim & * 4fw fe W1.fell Coat. Hf t w H > * ' * , A TheFISHBEAKDSI.lCSERIstrarrfintedTrtTrroof , and-Rill l- p JOtt dry la a A'ffP " < n Vl S , he hsritst stira. Tiis new POMMEL FUCKESls a prf.ct ridmr coat , and S * * /i * ) f-3 O \ ? a V4"covers tteentlra saddle. Beware of iirltitioBf. Ko5 cmiine'withonttb "Fljli 3 * * & ti l.tC * B trad-snart. . Uln.tratcd Cataloroo rres. A. J. Tower , Eo.toa , Mass. S3C33I35S55agSj iSa'Sgrf _ PAINT YOUR BUG6Y > 0R Hi DOLLAR ! ? ir BSS0ir . . S ° . 55-CJrT BKCCY . VAI.vr Taint Friiiy. rua it to Church Sunday. 3ir Faskionable sS"r KUc " . MAnmn. Ou I-ake . erai.inn. e Kre. and - er Haj n Crecns. No Varnishing necessary. I > ries hard with a hizh Cloal Tip top for Chairs rurni ure , aby CarriaEes , Front Dosrs. Store fronts , etc. Will send enough to paint voor BnSry tecept of Oae Doltar , aid warrant it to wear. Sueosat ts lis Tra4e. COIT H CO. . 20S riacio SU Chiea/o , fit for gnfants and Children. j ' ' ° * } * * to&Ztea ± X | Castorfa cures Colic , Ccsstfpatloa. iroconunenditaasupenortoaByprescripUoai Sour Btomacfa , Diarrho9a , Eructation , kaoimtoice. " H.A. AacnrE , 3LD | KQ13 Worms , gives sleep , and prcaiotea dX 2118 * . Oxford St. , BrockljB , N. Y. j WitoSlnjurious rawlication. The CcrTAro CoMpjurr , 183 Fulton Strett. H. Y. Why did the Women i of this country use over thirteen million cakes of Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1SS6 ? ( Buy a cake ol Lenox and youwill soon understand why. ? T - , > v TUB Original i H lti # uvfeatwe LIVER mmmm OGiike\\e % & pklls. H JimVARB OP I311TATIOXS. AT.1TAY8 WmWM a.iic roil mu rimtCE's fjilzets , on l p p H LITTLE St/OATI-COATED J'JLLS. p p p H ISoIurr entirely vegetable , thor op- J entto without dlstiirnnneo to tlio svatPin , diet , ; | | | | H or occupation. Put up In plnsa vials , hermotl- * * | | | H cnlly scaled. Always fn > sh nnd reliable. Aa * * | | | H n Iasntlvo , alterative , or purgative. ( * | | | | H theso little Tclleta give tho most perfect p p p p H f.Htlsfaction. p p p p pj SiOa SIEiOiOUE , g % 111 ! II B • M0MMMM.MMMM ' < T flK1WVW& . J H E2ilioiift ZSoadncIic , [ 7 * L " * H Dlzzliio s , ConrtlpnrfiX. . . y1&N * i P i ifl tion , liitTitTOMtluii. VW / > * , ) * P P P pi IltlloiiK Attaclc , nndnll IV TJptf it i t I P P PH dcrun ctnctits of the atom- JpmjJP ' - ' Ia Ia H nch nnd bowels , are prompt- * mt X ' H H HH ly relieved nnd pennunently .T V * * H I I IH cured by tho use or Dr. * * I * I * IH Pierre's Plcn niu IMtr.taJIvo Pollotn. * * p p p H In explanation of tho reniediu' power of these i P P P PJ Pellets over ho irrrat a variety of diseases , it P P P P B may truthfully be said that their action upon ' * p p p P pj the system Is universal , not u aland or tisatin P P P R PJ escaping : their sanutivo inlltience. iold by p p p p pi drujrKl6tB,23 cents n vial. Manufactured at tho f R R R PJ Chemical Laboratory of Woitr.o's Disi'OSAUV R Rj Rj PI Medical Association , lUiflulo , N. 1 * . R p p p RJ - EftraBFHilfflW Iwftl ? ' * Is offered by tho niaiiufacttir- R H Vy JM S trsof r. Sncc'H Catarrh R R R R R RJ [ > / a. . . Itciuedy , for a ctusu of R R R R Rfl IVsX\ • . • \y ' Chronic Nasal Catarrh which t R R R RI • > N ' S vv'i y they cannot cure. R R R R RJ SYMt'TOHIS OF CATAKnni.-Dtill. H heavy headache , obstruction of the nasal R R R R RJ passages , di eliarges fuliintr from the head R R R R RJ into the throat , tiomctiincu profuw , v/atery , R R R RH and acrid , ab othcrtthick , teuacioud , niucouu. R R R RH purulent , bloody nnd putrid ; tbc eyea arc f R R R R RJ weak , watery , and inllamed ; there is rinKing R R R R RJ in tho ear ? , deafuesi ? , liacklnp : or cou liinir to R R R RH clear tho throat , expectoration ol offensive Rl R R RB matter , together witii ecslw from ulcers ; the * R R R RH voice i.s changed and lias u iniBtil twansr ; tlte J R R RB breath is offensive ; smell and taste arc im- paired ; there is u eensation of tlizzinfts. with IJ R RJR Rj mental dcpres. 'sioii , u backing courIi and gen- R R R R RJ oral debility. Only a few ot the above-named R R R R RJ symptoms ure likely to be present in any one R * R R RH case. Thousands of cases annually , without RJ R R RH manifesting half of the above symptoms , re- R R R RJ suit iu consumption , and end in the grave. pj R R R RJ No disease is so common , more deceptive and R R R R Rh dangerous , or less understood by physicians. R R RHR RJ By its mild , 80otliImr , and healing properties. RJ R R RH Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst R R R R RJ cases of Catarrh , "cola in tho Jicad , " f mmmmmm C'oryza , and Catarrhal Kcndachc. R R R R H Sold by druggists everywhere ; 50 ceutd. p R R R RJ RbbbbbbbSB "Untold AjjO"y from Calarrli. " j * RBR R RH Prof. VT. HAUSNEn , the famous mesmerist , | | of Ithaca. N. Y. , writes1 : ' 'b'ome ten ycara ago r pj R R RH I sufTered untold agony from chronic nasal RJ R R RH catarrh. My family pliysician gave me up an Rl R RJR RJ incurable , and caid I must die. My case was R R R R RJ such a bad one , that every day , towaids sun- / R R R R RI set , my voice would become so lioanjo I could \ R R R R RH barely speak above a whisper. Iu the morning R R R BJH my coughing and clearing of my throat would R RIRJ RH almost strangle inc. By the use of Dr. Sage's a R R RH * ) Catarrh Ttemedy , in three months , I was a well R R R R RI man , and the cure has been permanent. " R R R R RB "Constantly Hawking and Spitting. " J Thomas .T. Kl'siiing , Esq.002 Pine Street , H St. Lttuis. Mo. , writes : " 1 was a great suiterer R R R RH from catniTh for thrco years. At times Leonid p papapapjB hardly breathe , and was constantly hawking R R R RH and spitting , and for the last eight months RJ R R RH could not breatho througii the nostrils. L R R R R RJ thought nothing could be done for inc. Luck- R R R R RJ ily , 1 was advised to try Dr. Sago'a Catarrh p R R R g Kcmcdy. and I am now a well man. I believe R R R R RB it to be tho only sure remedy for catarrh now- R R R R RH manufactured , and one has only to give it & R R R R RJ fair trial to experience astounding results and R R R R RI a permanent p p p p pfl Three Bottles Cure C'atarrJi. | H Eli ItonBiNS , Itunuan P. O. . Columbia Co > R R R H Pa. , says : "My daughter had catarrh when R R R RHp she was Ave years old , very badly. I saw Dr. R R R R RJ Sage's Catarrh Itemedy advertised , and pro- R R R R RJ cured a bottle for her , and soon saw that it Raaaajgaaaa helped her ; a third bottle effected a pernio- R R R R R RI nent cure. She is now eighteen years old and R R R R RJ sound and hearty. " _ _ _ R R R R H " I VS m\\\\\ \ i Ea < -z\ z4 % & i R R Rl QmfA l K&Wv * J&A Rl , " I ' R R R < 4.nm yAtf"Jfl w R R I RH /i * . JS" &z& Rl R R Rl / ffy v & * % : * iVwTT'V * ' f fl R R R R R R R H / fh \ rH Kiv ija / < ? V S&K ? " S ] : / , rs cjieaac LALJf Hr H Ik not a li'iif.d , ntntf or j > oicda : i'wJicd iit < 9M the nostrils us muddy ui'.o Of J. ft cteatw * tin H * head. Allays i jlaiiiiiiation. IlenU the Mm. R H J'eAtores the bensex of taaic and smell. 'U ' M MM JO cents at Drwjaixts ; by mail , re'jiutered , R | H R R R R RB ElY B3BTKEBS , Dfiijgis's ' , Csega. 3. Y. 1 MWU A W/nzummi. WM T y Ir R R H Hare been enjoyed by tha citizens of nesrlr even R R RlR H town and city in the V. S. and thousands of poopl. can testify to the wonderful bealin ? power o 9H _ * in Q BR3a Fl fRci UUUUUi bliifs fhmnl M < H It Cures Neuralgia , Toothache , H Headache , Calarrh , Croup. Sore ThroaL R R H Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Sprains , Bruifes. R R R ll Burns , Wounds , Old Sores and R R R H Ail Aches and Pains. H The many testimonials reccired by ns more than Rllllllll | prove all wc claim for tbl3 valuable remed-y. II RlBlBlBlB ] not only relieves tbe most eevero p ins. boi RIRIRIRIRI Si Cures You. Thai's .he ! dsal k H For sale by all Drnzlsts. Price. SO ccntn pet RlRIRIRIRJ bottle. Our So.vo Book mailed free to ererybodr. Address WIZARD OIL C0HPAHY. CHiCAGQ. H OIAKA TYPE F01MI NEWSPAPER OUTFITS L-U Furiil.cilied on Short IVoilce EVora H Omaha at Cliica o Prices. v H IEW OR SEWANB GOODS . H CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. R H fl R R R R R R H OMAHA TYPE FOUNDRY H Omaha , Nob. , 12th and HowarsU H W. N. U. , Omaha • ' 350-17. | R R R R R R Ll 1 . RbbbbbMbbi L bJr r r r rI