The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1887, Image 4

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    II fit jfljcfo1 * ftfap.
I ] t31. . AND E..M. KUIMELL.
B | FHitors and Publishers
B | McCook , Neil , April 20.18S7.
K i To the Citt Council a.nd Fellow Citizens
K I ob-KcCook Gheetikg :
B J I bclteve the circumstances under which I
B i ester upon the discbargo of the duties of the
B | | oSceof Majorarosuch aa tolngpirehopeful-
B Ij Bess for thefuture welfare and continued
B j prosperity of our city. I but rciterato the
E | opinion of many people abroad , aa well as at
B S home , when I statothat McCook. havingout -
B I stripped every rival of its ago in tbo state ,
B I baa prospects of a grand future.
B I In 1852. the Lincoln Land Co. laid out tho
B | town. The B. & M. R. H. came , making this
B f the division between Hastings and Denver ,
B j establishing official headquarters here.
Hi I In 1663 , the U. S. Land Office was located and
B a graad system of waterworks was furnished
B tho city , affording a bountiful supply of water
B ; for all purposes. Around this nucleus from
B J time to time , men and women havo gathered ,
B I built comfortable homes and engaged in the
H [ , various business enterprises and industrial
K i pursuits , thus materially aiding in building
m I up our marvelous young city. Itarely has the
Hp growth of any town or city been more rapid
K | ( or substantial , than that of ours during the
Hj first four years of its existence. McCook is
B distinctively a western city , inhabited chiefly
B • by young men of brains and energy , who are
S active , industrious and enterprising just tho
S class to take hold an 1 pu. h the car of progress
S on and up tho * = < * eniilnjr grade.
C To all such. r e extend a hearty welcome ,
and should strive by every means In our pow-
> er to encourage and induce many more to
Hi j come into our busy bee-hivo and become co-
S I workers with us : letting Idlers , croakers and
S j § drones find homes elsewhere , and those wlio
P * I flaunt the robes of idleness and vice , should
• j be niiule as few in number as possible , in our
B I midst.
R ( I To the City Council. I will say , as I learn
B more of the wants and necessities of our city.
B I will bo pleased to advise with you In relation
B thereto. At present I will venture to state
B that in my humble opinion , the license paid
B- by the saloons , should not be less than S1.000
PJ | i ; each , and such portion of the same , even to
B | If the extent of the total amount , if necessary.
Br 'I should be used for tho purpose of defraying
B I expenses of our public schools. For tho pur-
B i I poso of coming to a proper understanding of
B if the matter , I invite the hoard of Education to
B meet with us as soon as convenient. That free
B i schools are essential to the perpetuity of free
B | institutions , is a belief that grows with the
B growth of our Nation. In estimating the im-
B portance of education , this city is not behind
B the age Concerning the ordinance providing
B foran , occupation tax , I believe that such
J mode of taxation in a general way , should only
PJj be resorted to when the ordinary means of
PJ taxation are insufficient to provide funds for
J the payment of the necessary expenses of the
J city government. I am of opinion that the
; ordinance could bo amended laying the heav-
i Jert burden of taxation upon thoso doing the
t most lucrative business , thus relieving , as far
t | as practicable , ordinary manual labor trom
' 1 taxation. Great prudence and care should bo
I used in the management of tho financial af
fairs of the city , in order to avoid bo-
' i coming heavily involved in debt , and nt the
JI same time carry forward the necessary im-
I provements and public enterprise. In my
I judgment , the police force should consist of
two honest , efficient and sober men. one of
whom should at all times be on tho alert and
ready to act when his bcrvlces may be requir
ed. Wo invite every resident'and property-
f owner of our city to encourage , countenance
\ • and aid us in our efforts to furnish a good city
! government , and to promote all needed re
forms tending toward the general welfare.
Remembering the great motto. "United we
stand , divided we fall. "
Last , but not least , wo wish to call attention
to the fact that Arbor day is near at hand.
and to the Importance of planting trees , not
only on that day. but at all times in suitable
seasnns. Nothing else that we can do will be
mor * profitable or so much enhance the value
' of real estate in proportion to the expense
btsidei. it would be impossible to build a
beautiful and attractive city here , without
, planting trees. Plant trees , everybody and
j everywhere , throughout the city. PJant them
for fruit , for profit , for comfort , for ornament.
Very respectfully your obedient servant.
T. 31. Helm , Mayor.
TllE Omaha Bcc has a curious pen- *
chant for puncturingbaubles. In its late
resume oF our assemblymen it perpe
trate * this terse treason :
"MrGreen. . , as his name implies , was very
verdant and easily Influenced in tho wrong
direction. " *
Not satiated with having lain upon
BiiN rj mwre than > he can bear , it thus
apologetically tn * uj t * th brui.ed aud
ber ! Wnc ami hnttere 5 form of our i\s-
tefitne < Lk t sufFermjr cmiteniporary.niid
exacts the extreme penalty :
The editor of the McCook Democrat has been
rrested far the gravecrime of treating a friend
to wine. Served him right. Any man guilty
of such a rash breach of professional etiquette
deserves ninety days on pretzels and Missouri
water. • • • A Nebraska editor has been
arrested for givinjc a friend a drink of liquor
on election ct y. This shows the advantage of
attending strictly to your own business. Had
I the editor drank the liquor him elf. tbehumll-
iatlngarre&t would never have been made.
We feel constrained to interpose in
this behalf.and like informing our friend
Rosewater that anj further penciling
on thb wise will call down upon his de
voted head the ponderous weight of our
severest displeasure.
ATWOOl > r Rawlins county , Kansas ,
though she fails to fully appreciate the
fiat , u doubtless in the toils of the
Lincoln Land Co. . and her citizens will
eTentnallv have to take up their beds and
follow Ben. Bird to the "forks. " May
the Lord have mercy on their souls.
T E appointment of J.E. Co ; hranas
jtidfia of the Eleventh judicial district ,
wiH be favorably received. Mr. Coch
ran is an old resident of MeCoofcengag-
tBjr in the praotice of law at that place
several ywars ago. Bee.
fiiE annuo ! announcement of the state
fair has been definitely made. It wilt be
held at Lincoln , September 9 to 10 , in
clusively. Premiums to the amount of
will be offered.
i .125,000 *
' " *
r % ,
r Ww W snoteatACPV - . ' ft. e , *
Nellie Lee , Bektha. Davis ,
Editor. Assistant.
Encouraged l y the cheering words of tlie
retiring editors , we venture to assume the
plaee fdled in turn hv some of the master
minds of the age. We therefore sharps the
exceedingly dull soissors , and announce our
determination now f-oniewhat stereotyped ,
: ts our predecessors have apparently all been
actuated by the same angelic spirit of charity
to dedicate tlds column in the interests of ,
peace and good will to men ; aud lost , but
not least , to the cause of education. *
There are twelve colleges in Pennsylvania
which admit both sexes into equal standing.
A number of tiie pupils trom eacli depart
ment are absent on account of measles , a
prevailing sickness.
a Prof. Francis M. Burdick , of Hamilton
college , has accepted a professorship in Cor
nell University's new law school.
At the last session of the legislature , four
new counties were created , namely : Grant ,
Thomas , McPherson and Arthur.
Quehy We wonder if the lesson assigned
to the physical geography class for Friday
was not much easier than to spell up.
We are pleased to note the improving
health of Miss Murphy , and trust that she
will soon be able to attend to her duties.
Judge Albion Tourgee thinks the present
generation has had three great apostles of
the beautitul Carlyle , lluskin and Beccher.
In Illinois , there are more colleges than in
the whole of Europe , and one college in
Europe has more students than the whole of
It is predicted that there will be 15,000
teachers in attendance at the meeting of the
National Educational Association , in Chica
go , next summer.
We congratulate Mr. J. E. Cochran , presi
dent of the board of education , upoi his ap
pointment by Gov. Thayer , as judge of the
11th judicial district.
Dr. Coggswell proposes to found a poly
technic school in San Francisco , that shall be
open lo any boy or girl in California ; he will
endow it with property worth 31,000,000.
The teachers and pupils are busily engaged
in clearing away all debris on the school
grounds , preparatory to tree-planting on Ar
bor day. A part of the grouudson tin * MtUlh
side will be prepared for a llower garden.
Fifty years ago two-fifths of the public
school teachers in Massachusetts were men ;
now about one-tenth are men. The average
wages of men then were § 25.14 per month ,
and women S11.S0 ; now men average 5111.23
and women $43.97.
At St. Petersburg , Russia , an institute for
the higher education of women has been
closed , and tho rector of the university
threatens to discontinue his lectures. All
this has grpwu out of the recent plot to as
sassinate the Czar , in which many of the
students were too deeply interested. Abso
lute mnuarchism will not long be sustained
by an educated people.
A gentleman in Worcester , Mass. , has giv
en 51,000,000 to found a university in that
city. lion. Aaron Sibley gives Cornell 5250 , -
000. Williams College gets 5. "A000 from the
estate of 3Irs. McCoskery. Brown Univer
sity has received 545,000 or 550,000 from a
friend in Providence. Wake Forest College
in X. C , and Richmond College in Ya. , each
get 525,000 from Mr. Bostwickof New York.
An "Ohio man" has made a donation of
510,000 to the Wabash College.
In the recent apportionment made by the
last legislature , we find the following chang
es : The 55th representative district is now
the 05th , and is composed of Bed Willow
county. The 30th senatorial district is now
the 29th , and comprises the following coun
ties : Furnas , Red Willow , Hitchcock , Gos
per , Dundy , Hayes , Frontier and Chase.
TheSth judicial district has been divided ,
and the 11th organized and comprises the
same counties as our senatorial district ;
therefore , we are now in the 11th judicial
district , the 29th senatorial district , and the
65th representative district.
The Catholics of France are solving the
educational question in their own way. The
government withdrew from the theological
faculties of the Catholic church , all financial
aid , and the latter thereupon at once began
to establish universities of their own , over
which they could have absolute control. In
the last ten years no less than five such
schools have been organized and all are in
Kood working order. They are situated at
Paris , Lille , Toulouse , Lyons and Angers.
The Protectant faculties are still supported
l y the state , but it is every year growing
more and more difficult to persuade tho gov"
irment to grant the meager pittance.
KEsur.T of "fiie thought. "
"A doubting doubter doubted long.
His doubts at first seemed very strong ,
But soon he doubted of his doubt.
And then a host of doubts broke out :
Could he these doubts his own doubts call ?
Had he felt any doubt at all ?
Was his first doubt a doubt or not ?
Were all tho rest trne doubts or what ?
So mid these doubtful ins and outs.
These doubts and doubts about his doubts ,
Doubt upon doubts his doubts did shake.
Fresh doubts dfd doubtful answers make ,
Till this was all he could find out :
That hp undoubted did doubt. "
The school of the city recognized in the
tallowing manner Gov. Furnas' acceptable
? ift of trees for planting on Arbor day :
• los. IL W. Fcusas , Brownville , Nebraska ,
DeakSik : Tho following resolutions wore
manimousljr adopted by the High School Do-
Kirtmeut. Wednesday morninsr , April SO , 1SS7 :
Wiiekkas , The school having received an
ippropriate gift of some forest trees for orna-
uentation upon ourscbool grounds , bo it
itK.sot.vtii. That we unite most heartily in
endering our thanks to ex-Gov. Furnas for
ho trees , which wo fully appreciate. Be it
tl > o
oResolved. . That tho same , to be called tho
'Furnas Collection. " shall be planted on Ar-
Kir day , April W. with appropriate coremo-
ties. By order of committee.
llACHAEL It. BEnilV ,
Helex A. 1)AVI3 ,
Mat N. Claiik.
A committee , consisting of Edna Meserve ,
iellie Lee and Elmer Helm , was appointed
o present the resolutions to ex-Governor
'ttrnas , Wednesday afternoon. Thiscommit-
ee waited upon him before he left the city.
At home orabroad , no person can afford to
ie without Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
) iarrhcea Remedy. 25 and 50 cent sizes
old by Willey & Walker and McMillen &
Just think how you treat us poor settlers ,
O Lincoln Land Company great.
Just think how you pile on the prices
At such an extortionate rate.
That all of this world's filthy lucre
That stIckB to our fingers must go
To pay water-tax on our houses ,
And lawns , and tho gardens , and so.
What then is there loft for our clothing ,
And food , and such trifles as these ?
You know we're not fed by the ravens.
Nor clothed like tho lilies , and please
Consider tho need of improvements ,
Jf fences , treo-plantlng , and "such , "
But after we've paid you our tribute ,
Do you think there's loft very much ?
Now , you know that we never rebel ,
Oh Lincoln Land Company bold ,
Though you exact tho last pound of nosh ,
Or stand for our last piece of gold.
You know we'd refuse to a neighbor
Tho "cup of cold water" he'd crave ,
Bocauso you havo Issued tho mandate.
Oh Lincoln Land Company brave.
Ono day a new settler fired with zeal
For an Arbor day of his own ,
Asked for "water to sot out some trees , "
As his lot was now and had none. •
Self-preservation , as wo all know ,
Is tho first great law of our race.
And thero surely was no exception
Made in this particular case.
So we sent at onco to headquarters
To avoid all chance for a fuss ,
For we knew an infringement of rules
Would turn off the water from us.
Instead of "yes" to our meek request ,
" " " . "
Your"JIoekor" agent said "no.
Sadly tho stranger within our gates
Had lo take his bucket and go.
Enterprise was drenched with cold water ,
But never a drop had the trees ,
And perhaps they were nipped in tho bud
In compliance with your decrees.
You have only to speak and wo hear.
Wo bow to your slightest behest ,
Wo grovel , wo are down in the dust
And never or seldom protest.
O , surely such gentlo submission
Would soften a heart made of steel ,
And now perhaps yours grows less callous
For even Land Companies feel.
We have hoard it frequently said , though
We think they mistake , on the wholo.
By those who havo studied it , that
Corporations are minus a soul.
So to provo you're not made in that way.
With the soul omitted in you.
Just drop on the price of the water.
Do , Lincoln Land Company , do.
Or in the fifth chapter of Proverbs ,
From the fifteenth to eighteenth verso ,
Read the counsel to us thero given
Iu language emphatic and terse.
Praying that you'll do unto others
As you'd have them do unto you ,
With profoundest respect we bid you
At least for the present adieu.
Young Master Robin Early Bird
And Susy Scarlet Feather ,
When'er tho day was warm and fair.
Would take a walk togeter ;
Ho took along his poodle small.
And she her three black kittens ,
They wore not those three naughty ones
That used to wash their mittens.
"I cau not quito persuade myself , "
Said young Mis Scarlet Feather.
"That kittens should remain indoors
And miss this charming weather. "
M. D. Fcnner. in St. Nicholas for May.
A few observations from abroad may
not be regarded as fulsome or inapropos :
Tho voters came nobly to tho front and
elected Hon. T. M. Helm mayor of McCook.
No bettor man for the place could be found in
that city , and wo congratulate the people of
that town in their wiso judgment. Hayes
Centro Times.
* *
Hon. T. M. Helm was , last weok , elected may
or of McCook. He was run on tho Citizens
ticket , according to The TniBOXE , and that
paper says tho entire ticket mayor , council ,
treasurer , engineer and members of school
board was elected , save two. We rejoice
with our neighbor city that hand in hand wo
walk together the road to virtue and morality.
Oberlin Eye.
1 hereby fix the times of holding regular
terms of District Court in and for the coun
ties composing the Eleventh Judicial District
of Nebraska for the year 1837 :
Chase County. May 4th ; Sept. 20th.
Dundy County. May 2d ; Sept. 27th.
Hitchcock County. April 29th ; June
21st no jury ; Sept. 13th.
Hayes County. April 27th ; June 28th
no jury ; Oct. 4th.
Red Willow County. May 31st no
jury ; August 9th ; Nov. 15th.
Fhontieh CountyMay 17th ; August
23d ; Nov.22d.
Gosper County. May24th ; August30th ;
Nov. 29th.
Furnas County. June 9th no jury ;
Sept. 6th ; Dec. 13th.
J. E. COCHRAN , Judge.
McCook , Neb. , April 21st , 1887.
The most painful case of rheumatism may
be relieved by a few applications of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm ; its continued use will
2ure any case , no matter of how long stand
ing. The record of this pain-relieving med
icine is wonderful. It is equally beneficial
Tor lame back , pain in side , shoulder lame
ness , and in all painful ejections requiring
in external remedy. A trial will convince
my person that the above statement is cor
rect. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is sold by
Willey & Walker and McMillen & Weeks.
An idea of the extent of the pass busi
ness may be derived from the astound
ing fact that the Pennsylvania railroad
: ompany alone called in $60,000 passes
perforce of the inter-state commerce bill.
I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
n fact , will now use no other kind ; it
iromptly relieves coughs and is unequaled
tar the throat and lungs. Robert A. Neff ,
: omedian , with Peck's Bad Boy Co. , Den- :
, * er , Colorado , March 1 , 1887. Sold by Mc- '
yiillen & Weeks and Willey & Walker.
ii' ' . . ! . , . * f. ! .r' w * iinln i i ii pTi i i wwan M ftW MBMS
Or you will bo lato. WIMMX
& FOWLER will sell FOtt SPOT
CASH , Clothing , Woolen Hosiery
and all Winter Goods at
All other goods at the Lowest
Living Prices.
If you want a Farm Loan on short
notice and favorable terms , or money
for Final Proof , call on
Henry W. Keyes.
Room 3 Over Citizens Bank.
The Bissell No. 5 Carpet Sweeper.
Sold only by Torrey & Co.
If you desire to borrow money , call
and see Helm & Davis.
Our stock of Dry Goods are first-
class in every particular.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
Notice of Application.
Clkhk's Office , McCook. Ned. , !
April 0th , 1887. f
Notice is hereby jrivon that Willey & Wiilker.
a Arm composed of Aud. J. Willey and David
Walker , have tiled in this offlce their applica
tion for a druggist's permit to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors for medical , sacra
mental and chemical purposes only , in their
druj , ' store , on lot V3 , block 20. in the City of
McCook. Red Willow county , Nebraska.
J. E. KELiiBY , City Clerk.
CrauK's Office , McCook , Neb. , I
April 6th , 18S7. f
Notice is hereby given that Samuel Strasser
lms filed , in this office , his petition for license
to sell malt , spiritous and vinous liquors in
his saloon building : on lotlo , block 27. McCook ,
Nob. , for one year from May 2d , 1S&7.
J. E. KELiiEV , city Clerk.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between Wiley & Bede ,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent ,
John Wiley retiring from the firm and Geo.
W. Bede continuing at the old stand , to
whom all accounts are payable and by whom
all bills against the firm will be paid.
John Wiley ,
Geo. W. Bede.
McCook , Neb. , April 11,1887.
Came to my place in sec.27-3-30,2 miles west
of McCook , April 10th , 1887. one bay pony mare.
Had a halter on ; has a brand something like
an anchor. Owner can have the same by prov
ing property and paying1 charges.
Land Office at McCook. Ned. , I
April 20th , 1SS7. f
Notice is hereby jriven that the followingr-
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of Ins claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
May 27th , 18S7 , viz : Sidney T Smith , Home
stead Entry 5753 , for the east Vz of northeast
Ya. section 22 , and west i' of northwest J4 tec
tum 23 , town. 6 , ranjje 30. He names tho fol
lowing : witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Henry C Rcuport , Ans. Wagner , Henry Pen-
ner and Henry Tilner , all of McCook. Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Lano Office at McCook. Neb. , i
Aprill4th. ISbl f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Hied notice of his intentiou
to make final proof in bupport of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
May 2Cth , 1887 , viz : John E. Koonse , D. S. No.
1042 , for the northeast quarter of section 27 ,
township 5 north , range 21) west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Owens Kippenbrock , Edward A.
Rink and George Koonse of Indianola , Neb. ,
: inrt fifu ' iiSon Long , of Box Elder , Neb.
4G. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neil , i
March 7th. 1NS7 . *
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thurs
day , April 21st , 1887 , viz : Otto Karthauser ,
who made Pre-emption D. S. , No. 3373 , for the
southwest H southeast % . section 10 , town. 2
north , range 28 , west 6th P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of. said land ,
viz : < haries Wentz , Perry Meyers , Ernst Ful
ler and Henry Hesterwert , all of McCook ,
Neb. S. P. HART. Register ,
Land Office at McCook , Nim. , i
March nth. 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proor will he made before Reg
ister or Receiver , at McCook. Neb , on Thurs
day , April 2lst , 18S7 , viz : Richard G. Mitchell ,
D. S. , No. 344 : . for the west ' 5 southwest J
section 12 , town. 1 north , range 30 , west fith P.
M. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said land , viz : Francis Cain
and James Hill , of Banksville , Neb. . DeLoss
Griggs and Jacob Williams of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neil , i t
March 7th , 1887. I
Notice is hereby given-that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , Wednes
day. April 20th , 1S87 , viz : John T. Foley , D.
S. , No. 3502. for the southeast J4 section 7.
town. 5 , range 20 , west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res
idence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz :
Joseph Driseoll. of Uox Elder , Neb. , John W.
Bennett and Enoch E. Osvog. of McCook ,
Neb. , A. C. Harlan , of Osburn. Neb.
S.P.HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neu. , I
February 25. 1887. f |
Notice is hereby given that tho following- |
named settler has filed notice of her intention ,
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Fri
day , April 22d , 18S7 , viz : Eliza C. Withrow ,
formerly Eliza C. Pinney , on Homestead 303i ) ,
for the southeast section 31 , town. 3 , range ,
ft ) , west. She names tho following witnesses ,
to provo her continuous residence upon , and j
cultivation of , said land , viz : T. J. Pate. Mrs. I
Eliza Stone. William Bertram and Poloxonia j
Bertram , all of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register. ,
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , I I
March 11th. 1887. I j
Notice is hereby given that the following j
named settler has filed notice of his intention j
to make final proof iu support of his chum ,
and that Paid proof will be made before Regis- ,
tor or Receiver at McCook. Nebon Friday ,
April 22d , 1S87 , viz : Daniel Fry. on Homej j
3tend 4079 , for the southwest Ji southeast & , |
southeast | southwest H , section 31 , town. 2 ,
and northeast H northwest H. northwest J *
northeast \ , section C , town. 1 , range 30 , wust. (
He names tho following witnesses to prove ,
liis continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : Geortro S. Myers. B. F.
Headloy , of .McCook. Neb. . Enoch M. Matson ,
3r. . of Cottonwood , Neb. , William H. Sprague ,
af Vailton , Neb. S. P. HAUT , Register.
i i wiiiiMiwmiAinmwMiMiirtiiiw *
* S '
SPRING : - 188Y. X. .
Clothing , Furnishing Goods , :
' '
Hats and Caps , . • $
* '
It is Superior in everyway , and Compares ? * . '
very Favorably with any House . : ;
west of Chicago in
Qualify , Styles Low Prices. T
"All Goods are Marked in Plain Figures ; * * J .
Sold at Strictly One Price , • , " . * * L
And are Guaranteed to he in every way . ' „ \
as Eepresented. " |
Wedding Outfits , Suits , Pants , Shirts , t i
McCOOK , NEB. , MARCH 23d , 1887. !
T T TA/D17D I '
J V n H K'J
'J '
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , |
The Howard Lumber Co.
1 11 iny w \ fT4 m t f / - \ * \ 1
Mffluer & i/0ai /
[ Smie Largest and Best Selected Stock of Farm Implements in the Republican I
Galley carried by tiie Manufacturers ot the different lines of goods. Prices alwavts ti/n *
. .
owest and always Regular. Call and examine. J ° f
. (
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , !