The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1887, Image 8

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    B I f
H r "
- * j > - *
H [ t
I ' | \
B ! \ Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. | v
li * j.A. j. . PROBST & BRO. I
I F. if. tffl77S , 5. S. BSRDETT ,
B Formerly Chief Clerk , Formerly Commissioner ,
Gen'l Land. Office. Gen'l Land Office.
I Attorneys in Land Cases.
I 525 F. St. , N. W. , WASHIMGTQN , D. C.
I SPECIALITIES : Cases relat ing to the Public Lands before
If the Land Department and U. S. Courts. Particular
B Attention to land cases arising under Act of
I of Congress approved June 13,18S0.
I Practice in the Court of Claims and in Supreme Court of United States.
. .
I - BEFEREIiCE : Wm. H. Phelps , Esq. , Beaver Giiy , Neb.
I Iff HURT Mil ; Will IlD'fFF •
' Pflijilillfj . . iuuuuuM . _ . , Diliyll
ff-JE v * f. r- - * - -Em h * " - 5 * .n * T " -T I' * tpi r - aA - J aUliiUibA
I flie Frees & Hooknell Lumber Co. ,
' , ( Successors to E * DWebster. . )
Horses fcraflf Ctlra left hip or left shoulder.
' I 0 ft7 Faddress. . Estelle ,
TM i.-r . , * * i'1couny.and Beat-
ayOPPC nSnce , Neb , Range , Stink-
HMSfsESsj'f Wing Water and French-
E BK § i ! i man creeks , Chose Co. ,
I Ktcl E SFI Nebraska.
i " >
| > gai Brand as cut ou side of
.s HBr iCur- e' some animate , on hip atid
jWjS'i of some , or any
whenon the animal.
Bree4e- Imfulivkd Shsep.
• UH P. 0eiidrass. . Carrico ,
K Bata te.Hayes count } * , Neb.
9V H Ranger Bed Willow
K ! , $ B U ieek. above Carrico.
b- * V Stock branded as abovi
HHfcV V VI Use run the following
H ' Mt > randsr s , J-T , U , X
| HHtaM-Ul Hors * " brand. lazy tfl. J-
a& * P.O address. McCook.
Bfcii * f' * > 1" * kM. RantfeSi > utb
i < ! >
T KKftW Cattit branded on left
Mmgmhlrt. Also , 1(1 5 a and
P - jKI II brands oa left hip.
„ 23jH | 0.Horses . branded the
< M 0HPSIHBB aameon left ghoul ! er.
5potts & sthisox ,
4b Gjjhw * * C3 e SO Lumber Ya-fl ,
instrumental Music
illaHalieu University ,
will besiu teachinjf inMcCook , about April 1st.
Will give Private Lessions and teach in Class.
Three to Five pupils in Class.
Class Lessons especially recommended and
rapid progress guaranteed.
- * - TERMS : - * -
Private Lessons per term , (20 ( lessons ) . . . $10.00.
Closs Lessons per term , (20 ( lessons ) 5.00.
Those desiring lessons or wishing lnforma-
tioion , address
Bartley , Neb.
1 1 . n ii i i
t , e. Mccracken ,
Is prepared to write Policies on short notice '
in the following standard , and old reliable
companies : j
German American , of New York.
Commercial Union , of London.
Hartford , of Hartford , Conn. (
Orient , of Hartford , Conn.
SpringQeld F. & 31. , Springfield. Mass. 4
Washington F. & > ! . . Uostou , Mass. li
Firemans Fund , San Francisco , CaU
The Amci lean Fire. Philadelphia. Pa.
= = D
Ludwick& Trowbridge I
. ir
\J * J ai
McCOOK , NEB. \ \
" T * * .
, < r > jiff. V * jr
May fifth is "Arbor day" in the
"land of the Dakotas. "
The Omaha World has carefully can
vassed the field and reports prohibition
on the increase everywhere.
Ey-Senator Davis of Virginia , now
worth $20,000,000 , was once a railway
brakeman. It is notable , however , that
in that capacity he never slammed the
car door or called out the names of stac
tions in Chinese.
Our ! of 306 indictments .found by a
Chicago grand jury 200 were against
county officials and 106 against em
ployes. These men may all be honest ,
but it will be surmised that such a vol-
ume of smoke is indicative of fire.
McCook's goblet of joy is overflow
ing with satisfaction. Hereafter the
defunct of the town will be ferried over
the range in "a gold-mounted hearse
with handsome fluted columns and
plate glass sides and dashboard , " which
will enable the guest to view the pro1
cession. Bee.
If a man publiphes a libel in the
state of Nebraska without justification ,
his chances are good to go to the peui-
tentiary. But an army of men can
circulate slanders on an honest man
and as long as they only circulate them
by word of mouth no penalty can be
The Cincinnati Enquirer says that
the inter-state law comes particularly
hard on the circus people , and it is ren
ported that the managers will raise a
purse of $10,000 to test the constitu-
tionality of the law. It is proposed to
engage the lion. Allen G. Thurman to
look after their interests.
The Omaha Herald "complains that
the signing of the anti gambling bill will
throw 250 men "outof employment"in
that city , and intimates that it will be
bad , very bad , for the business of the
town. The Lincoln bureau of the Omaha
Bee is sad and despondent , because in
Lincoln the same act will deprive fifty
stalwart citizens of their means of liveli-
hood. Upon the whole we had better
run the risk involved and support the
poor fellows at the public expense if
they can find no other work to do. It
will cost the community less in the end.
The introduction of a police force that
could be fairly efficient in the two cities
could perhaps throw a large number of
able burglars out of employment and
yet we should not be porry to lose their
valuable services in building up the busi
ness interests of the capital. Journal.
The farmers of Upper Uriftwood prev
cinct , Hitchcock county , Neb. , have
formed j themselves into an associationj
called ' the Mutual Protection and In-
struction society , articles of incorpora-
; tion of which were received by the seci
retary ; of state for record , recently.
The objects of the association are the
mutual , protection of its members in all
their 1 legal rights and also to dissemi
nate i information relating to agriculture ,
horticulture j , forestry , stock raising and
everything < of interest to farmers. Mer
chants , lawyers , bankers , land and loan
agents , and others "pursuing vocations
not consistent with regular farming" \
are not eligible to membership. The s
names of thirty-one substantial farmers 1
of Hitchcock county are subscribed to
the i preamble. Lincoln Journal. !
_ ai
Articles of incorporation of * the
Cheyenne ( & Burlington railroad comtl
pany have been filed with the secretary dl
of the territory. The Colorado & Wyn
oming , recently incorporated in Denver tl
provides for the extention of the Bur-
lington & Missouri from some point pi
along the line probably Cuibertson *
to the junction of Crow Creek and the 01
territorial line , which brings it within f1
a dozen miles of this city. The Cheyin
enne & Burlington is to continue it sc
here , and the indications are that it
will be pushed in a northerly direction. 393
General Manager Holdrege was in
town , recently , in consultation with the
leading citizens and the city will prob
ably deed over to the road such land as
may be required for their plant. The
announcement that the B. & M. is pos-
itively coming here has very materially
stiffened the boom that has been in pro0r
gress for about two weeks past and a st
season of unprecedented activity is now
looked forward . on
to. Cheyenne Special. to
The most painful caSe of rheumatism may
relieved by a few applications of Chamj
berlain'sPainEaim ; ite continued use will ,
cure any case , no matter of how Jong standjjg
ing. The record of this pain-relieving inedch
icinais wonderful. It is equally beneficial
for lame back , pain in side , shoulder lame-
ness , and in all painful effeclions requiring
c ] (
external remedy. A trial will convince Ki
any person that the above statement is corra ]
rect. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is sold by thi
Willey & Walker and ilcMillen & Weeks. j
, , , _ . - - , ; JSs 4fi
I I I I -
TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30.
That rain , Sunday night , did good.
Sir. Boyd had eight acres broken on his treo
Mr. Summers is cultivating the Eastcrday
farm , this season.
John McCotter is planting flvo acres to trees
on bis tree claim.
F. Nichols of Adel , Iowa , is assisting Geo.
Coleman on the farm.
Will Smith Is having Ave acres more broke
out on his tree claim.
Wo noticed In the door yard of Wm. Coleman
an apricot in full bloom.
J. W. Corner was in McCook , Monday , after
trees to plant on his farm.
J. W. Corner had the misfortune to loose a
colt on Sabbath morning last.
It appears "Hi" is forcing tho season , as ho
was out picking corn on Monday.
Health is good. Wo don't know of a casoof
sickness in this town. Everybody happy.
M. F. Horroll was elected treasurer of this
school district at annual meeting , last week.
H. Thrailkill went down to McCook , Monday ,
and brought out 14,000 forest trees to plant on
his treo claim.
John Coleman and H. Thrailkill , of Hayes
county , came down to McCook , last week , to
lay in supplies.
We understand Mr. Frame of this town , went
down to Hartley and woke up the county
While in town , Friday , H. Thrailkill had a
sick horse which detained him until Saturday.
The horse got well.
John It. Coleman purchased a span of horses
on Saturday. Thoy are threo and four years
old and said to bo daisies.
We are informed that school in district No.
Co , in this town. , commenced last Monday , but
did not learn tho teacher's name.
M. H. Colo and family visited in Hayes coun-
ty on Sabbath. They renewed old acquaint-
anceship with the family of Thos. Martin.
They returned home , Monday.
That pie plant pie we assisted in hiding
away , last Sabbath , was jnst splendid , but
with all our efforts we could not get away
with inoro than half of it , and wo can't be in-
duced 3 to givo it away in to whero we enjoyed
In the absence of Mrs. Wm. Coleman , who
is : visitingin Iowa , Miss Gertie is loo'cintr after
the poultry. She has taken off over two hund
dred young chicks already , and has about
twenty-flve more hens setting. That boats all
the iucubators there are in the town. Toss up
your bonnets girls.
During the high wind , Saturday afternoon ,
tho out-bouses at our school house , started to
ward North Platte. We noticed tho director
and F. Amend gathering up the pieces , Mon
day , and by night the director had one in place.
It is supposed that soiuo of the lumber was
carried entirely away , in a wagon that came
by that afternoon , as somf of it can't be
When we need rain again , wo will just send
M. H. Colo and family off to Hayes county vis
iting. He stated to us , yesterday , that for the
past two years it had either rained or snowed
every time , without a failure , that he had
gone up there on a visit , and staid over night ,
He went up last Sunday and it rained before
Monday moniug , and then on Tuesday it com
menced before nine o'clock in the morning ,
and kept at it almost incessantly until after
ten > o'clock at night.
What have become of those dry weather
prophets ? Not one to be found. You speak
to one of them and he will say , "I told you we
would gcti-ain. " It is almost eightyears since
we came here and during that time we have
had little or no rain during the month of
March. One time there was no rain from Octou
ber Hth to May ICth , yet fair crops were raised.
At our farm , there has bean no rain to do tho
soil any good since the 28th of July last , and
very little snow during tho winter , yet the old
land i has been in excellent condition for tillage
all spring , especially where it was plowed deep
last season. We favor early and deep plowing.s
rather ; than fall plowing , for corn. Put the
plow down , I mean in old land.
April 13th. Giunger.
A Popular Cyclopedia.
A Cyclopedia which presents concise and
readable biographical sketches together with
choice and characteristic selections from the p
writings of eminent authors of all ages and
all nations , surely ought to bo in great popu
lar demand if its cost were not prohibitory.
Such a work is Alden's Cyclopedia of Univerj
sal Literature , Volume VI , of which , nowpubw
lished ; , contains 479 pages , largo type , beauti0j
fully printed and bound , and includes within ai
it tho names of eighty-two eminent authors , a
among which are : Dana , Dante , Darwin. Jefn
ferson | Davis , Daudet , Sir Humphrey Davy , a
DeFoo ( of Itobinson Crusoe fame ) . Demosp
thenes , DeQuincey , Descartes , Dickens , Dodp
dridge , Disraeli and Douglas. It would seem a
hardly possible to plan any literary work
more ] eminently readable and interesting , if
the compiling and editing were well done e1
and tho nearly universal verdict seems to be "
that this IS very well done indeed. And the E
price ! Only the Literary Revolution could tr
have accomplished such a wonder 50 cents a 01
volume for these beautiful cloth-bcund-books "
60 cents for half-Morocco. The publisher ct
effers a sample volume to any one with priv- 20
ilege of return if not satisfactory. Anyone
interested in high class literature ought to pi
send for Mr. Alden's (54 page catalogue of P.
Standard Hooks , which is free to any appliP
cant. Address. John B. Amiex , Publisher ,
Pearl St. , New York ; Clark and Adams
Sts. , Chicago : or 430 Yonge St. , Toronto.
Mr. Brower's store is nearly completed and
will soon be filled with goods.
A large amount of prairie is being broken , In
this spring , in this vicinity.
Morley Pipor , who has been in the employ ' 01
lioyer & Davidson , the past winter , is now
at home.
the )
M.uumn At the residence of Win. Doyle
Sunday , Aprii 10th , Mr. Montgomery ioj : e j wj
Miss Mary Alexander , JnsticChrysler !
j co
Notwithstanding the church 1ms ; > "oi ei - 1
largcd to twice its former srimg v.i : wiry , it ; _ •
crowded to its utmost , last Sunday , to i
listen to & very interestiug sermon from lie v. ! ua
Chapin. t
At a late meeting of the Sunday School tJ
Board at Box Elder , Mr. Win. Hanlein was llis
elected to ofiico of Superintendent and Frank 3
King as AssiOtaut. We hope the people will gtc
rally around and suport tho Sunday School in nn
future as they have in tho past. as
April 13th. Semww. ' J
- - .
A sickly smile lemonade.
The old , old chestnut kove.
Old salts Epsom and Ilochelle.
Try not the pass , the old man said.
The sampler has a trying time of it.
Never abuse a mule behind his back.
The crab is always trying to catch on.
Counter charms new spring bonnets.
The vice precedent of our society Eum.
The short haul winning a 10c. jack-pot.
Life is real to a hose man and a drunkard.
If hens were human they would striko at
caster tide.
You can't tell anything about a man by
his tombstone.
Placard for the busy man "I'm in some-
what of a hurry myself. "
If every judge were just , there would be
very few cases to be tried.
Society ladies can always get into print ,
They ] can give a calico ball.
There is one consistent thing about a bachj
elor he rips what he sews.
If the kangaroo is a success , it is probably
because he stoops to conquer.
The farmer who raises a glass too often ,
isn't i likely to raise much else.
A woman's character is like a postage
stamp. One black mark ruins it.
A Rochester baby has been born with two
tongues. Feminine gender , of course.
Every man hews his way with his own
acts , and adze lustre to his character.
They had a german at Hans Schmidt's
house ] , the other night. It was a boy.
Strange that a little piece of white paper
should be more powerful than a dynamite
Der pasport to der tuyfels boarding-house
vas rum , und vhen you go dhere he gifs you
a subber of misery und such tings.
A mantle of charity , that is not woven
with threads of gold , is not recognized by
tho individual who never lias had a set-back ,
Habbiness vas a rose bud , dot growed it-
self ub out of the ground on der shtreet , but
der bloom dond come , oxcept vhen der local-
idy vas poor und held } ' .
= = = = = = = =
Some miscreants seem to have taken a con
tract to destroy this country by prairie fire.
Miss Flora Bell was over from her school
visiting her many friends on Saturday and
Sunday. j
The hitherto hard-hearted heavens were at
last , J caused to weep just a few drops , on Sun-
day evening.
Wallie Cieager , son of Pete Creaser , has
been ) very ill for a week or two , but is now
thought to be convalescent.
Miss Sallie Goodwin has also been quite sick
for somo ' past , but thanks to the eflicicut
care of Dr. DoMay , is at present improving.
Quite a "scrap" occurred between two of
of the residents of Cedar Bluffs , the other
day. Cause a man with too long a tongue.
Mr. J. L. Woodburn , special agent for F. U.
Insurance Co. , and a former pedagogue in
this vicinity , is sojourning at John Winsor's.
Ed. Walker , "than whom thei-e is none bet-
ter , " has been at McCook for some time , with
his wife , who has been lying at tho point of
A. Olmsted's family was called upon to
mourn the loss of their little babe , on last
Saturday. The funeral took place from tho
school house on Sunday , Rev. Kennedy
preaching the funeral sermon. Thus the
grim harvester does his work , taking the roses
as well as the thorns.
As to the articles written by us under the
bead of Banksvillc , we will say that we make
it a point to chronicle any news wo may bo so
fortunate as to find , without regard to locali
ty , in fact our territory has no specific boundl
ary lines. There is nothing small about us &
but our salary , hence we have not felt com
pelled to place a very small environment
around our place of selecting news.
Lem. Cross and Eugene Marshal suffered se
vere losses in tho fire on Friday. W. H. Ben
jamin also lost about § 300 worth of property ,
while severalother parties lost all or a part
of their property. This blow comes with dis
astrous effect on most of our citizens , as there
are ) very fow of us who arc Vanderbilts , hence
not , able to sustain these severe losses. Wo
do ( not think it would be advisable for the °
parties ; who started the fires to make their aprj
pearance , in this community , unless they want 2tf
free pass to glory.
The correspondent from Pleasant Prairie is
evidently a stranger in this community , as
the question in regnrd to the location of
Eanksyille would seem to indicate , so we will in
try to enlighten him. Banksvillc is situated
on the Southwest Ji of Section 23 , Township 1 , f0
Range 30 , about 99 rods from the southwest
corner , Cl rods from the southeast corner and
" rods from the south line of said H section. - . ,
The ' population was never very large , and at
present is less , on account of the loss by the
. M. , of a cow and calf by fire. "For further cii
particulars see small bills. " L
Sivaut. W
0 in
The new hotel is nearly finished.
W. S. Wheeler has moved into his new house.
Ye editor of the Inter-Ocean drives a 230 nag.
Chase ( Knowles has sold to W. Rolling's of
Indianola. _
Miss Scanlan has gone to Texas , and John ia fi
lonely now. t
Ilev. j Allen Bartley has bought a library for |
University. J.1
\V. , Gossard's little boy has been very sick j
with the measles , but is improvingat this date.
Jlfcs May Conklin , living north of Cambridge ,
committed suicide , last week , by takingpoison. til
J. W. Maiken's new hcife is up and enclosed , pf
Wl.ile ' it is being ouiit if r. Maiken lives in his •
barn. 1D
R. H.Chnier is planting fruit and ornamen-
trees , a. • making other improvements on t&
property on Walnut street.
Messrs. Clark and Bartlet's new hardware •
store room , on Commercial Avenue , is nearly • * • • "
finished. They will build two dwelling houses y\ \
soon as the storeroom is finished. Rex. / t
April 11,1837. \\j \ (
, ij
aprii.0. , , . . . km
rj. S. to Stephen B. Lyon Jt. „ . . lot 0 |
and 7 , sec.21-3-23 * " ' * , -J §
AFKIL 7. , . , , j }
L. L. Co to Wm.Hogoboom-W.D.lot 1 , * > \r
block33,2d add. . McCook . . . . . i > w if j
Jas. A. Davids to J. F. Welbprn-W.D. , J1
lots 10.11 and 12 , block 37Indianola. . 225 00 \r
Alvin Z. Davids to Jos. McGee W. D. . , < Jr
N.Jllot2S ndlot9.blkl9IndIanola. . 250 CO 4'
Vocances Franklin to Andrew J.Pate JI
W.D. . lot 10. block at. McCook. . . . . . . . V$0 00 r If
A.J.PatotoV.Franklin-S.KN.W.Ji 1T .VYd
17.S.k S.W.M 8 and W. / N.W.K 17-3-29 i&fc 00 \ - . JJ3
U. S. to Frank G. Lytle-R.R. , B.H N.W. ' * Ai
U8andE.tfN.E. 4-2-29 • • • " M9 23 jj |
F.L. Brown to George Wookey Q.O.D. , -M
N.W.i 2-3-29 10 ° < {
John H. Evert to William Lowia-Und. | |
K of E.W S.W. H11-1-29 20O0O - If
Clinton P.Rinkor toPheme Rawlings I
W.D. , lot3 , block24McCook 500 00 Ji
Robort H. Thomas to Margaret I. Wy- ,
rlck-W. D. , S.W.K 29-4-27 . 800 00 | |
Lincoln Land Co. to C. F. Babcock W. i |
D. , lot 11 , block 1 , McCook. . . . . . . . . . . . 115 00 . *
Wm. Crookford to Gottlolb P. Welck * ?
W.D..lotsl0andllblkl0 , > ? - .McCoofc 2S0 00 <
Gottleib P. Welck to Leander H. Trot- . J
man W.D. , same property 23o CO i
Pheme Rawlings to Clinton P. Rlnker f
W.D.lot9. block2 , McCook 500 00 *
Jennie VanDuson to Eunico M.DoIph *
Q.CD. , right of way for O. & K. iUt. i
through S.W.J * 17-1-27 100
J.E.Dolph to same Q.C.D.samo land. 100
J. B. Dolph to same Q.O.D. . same land. 1 00
Delila Annis to same Q.C.D..same land , 1 00
. . " " 100
G.W.Brothoratosame-Q.CD. ,
H.A.T.Walter8tosamo-Q.C.D. . " " < 100 ,
Jane Ziramorman to Oxford < fe KnnBaa
R.R.CO.R.W.D..through W.H N.W. j ' > . •
ii 33 and E.JJ N.E.J $ 32-1-28 < 7o 00 > / > John W.Relph-K.R.S.E.K 30-1-29 j
APmi. 11. i
Joseph Miller to Chas.W. Angel WJ ) . , J
S.HN.E. & 23-4-30 500 00 1
Pauline Downs to Johnlmol W.D. , E.
a N.w.34. s.yr.a 21-2-28 1935 00
Chas. Knipping to Hugh W. Cole W. '
D..N.E.U 1-3 0 jl00
U. S ! to Henry Galo-R-R. , W. tf S.E. Ji. I
S.E. S.E.Ki23andS.W.iiS.W.K24-2-30 i 4 00 '
U. S. to Theophilus J. Richards R. B. , S.W S.E. & 19-4-30 SOO 00 . ,
APBII. 12. > "
U. S. to Chas. Weintz-R.R. , S.E. il2-2-29 4 00
aprii. 13.
Stephen B. Lyon to Stephen Lyon W.
D. , lots 6 and 7. sec. 21-3-28 EO0 00 Patent , N.E. !
H 32-4-27 i
D. S. to Leonard Hilton-R. It. , N. W. J
33-2-30 200 00
Leonard Hilton to Nicholas Marcy W. j
D. , N.W. & 33-2-30 1000 00
G. A. R.
- < :
Past National Commander , Gen. Paul
Vande vooit , of Omaha , will deliver an
address under the auspices of Indianola Post
G. A. E. , at McCartney's Hall , Indianola ,
Friday Eve. , April loth , at 7:30 o'clock , P.
31. General "Vamlervoort is one of the ablest
orators in Nebraska , and the people of In
dianola that listen to him will receive a treat.
A general invitation extended to all. Mem- j
hers 1 : of the G. A. II. and their friends at Mc- \
Cock , Cambridge , and other neighboring
towns ' are especially invited to be present.
Admission free.
Ena , the aged Indian woman , mother of
Mrs. M. II. Clifford , died at the ranch of her
son-in-law , near this place , last Wednesday
morning. Siie is supposed to have been
more ; than a hundred years old and was re- >
niaikably active even in her old age. Her a
history ] i is of peculiar interest , and at some
future time the Faber will endeaver to pub-
libh some of the most interesting facts of her
life. 1 Faber.
Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup.
Will relieve 'that cough almost instantly
and make expectoration easy. Acts simul- _ .
taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , -
thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness \
and pain and also stopping that tickling
sensation in the throat by removing the
cause. One trial of it will convince any one
that it has no equal on earth for coughs and
colds. ] McMillcn & Weeks have secured the
sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to
give satisfaction.
Full . many a coat tail that is long and wide
Does from the public gaze , two monstrous
patches hide.
, * r
Salt Rheum or tczema , i
Old sores and ulcers ,
Scaldhead and ringworm ,
Pain in the back and spine , r
Swelling in the knee joints ,
Sprains and bruises ,
Neuralgia and toothache ,
Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and
chilblains , I warrant Beg as' Tijopicax Oil
tc relieve any and all of the above.
McMillex & Weeks.
Iiiches will never take wings and fly away f *
if you sprinkle the salt of economy and pru
dence on his tail.
Purify Your Blood.
If your toneue is coated ,
If your skin is yellow and dry ,
If you have boils ,
If you have fever , - ' ,
If you are thin and nervous ,
If you are bilious , " * "r * '
If you are constipated ,
If your bones acne ,
If your head aches ,
If you have no appetite ,
If you have no ambition ,
one bottle of Beggs' Blood Pukifier and
Blood : Makek will relieve any and all of the
above complaints. Sold and warranted by
McMilIen & Weeks.
When the devil is after a man the man * f
cannot have much regard for his following. •
I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
fact , will now use no other kind ; it
promptly relieves coughs aud is unequaled
for the throat and lungs. Bobert A , Neff ,
comedian , with Peck's Bad Boy Co. , Den
ver , Colorado , March 1 , 18S7. Sold by Mc-
Millen & Weeks and Willey & Walker.
Itch. Mange , and Scratches of every kind
cured in SO Minutes by Woolford's Solitary
Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless r * \
WarrautedbyS.L.Green.Dmggist.Sgk :
Try the Commercial House , when (
McCook , just once !
. MTdUALfc ,
I desire to inform the public j
that I have received f *
my stod vf
Spring and Summer Suit 1
Ings , and that I am prepared 1
do work in the merchant 1
tailoring line in a satisfactory 1
manner. I guarantee a nice fit 1
all cases. Call
• and be con- 1
rinced. First door north of r 1
Commercial Hotel , Main Ave. ' 1