Wl WtSW WL „ - , „ , , , _ , , „ , , , - ' • " ' " ' . . * : - T- : Rr- * * .r- t • i \W \ * Mr. ana 31 if. Bowser. | | Y I don't want to bo complaining of Ifl Mr. Bowser nil tho t me , but some of il- liis doings ought to bo held up to tho IF public gaze. Ho came in from tho barn If tho other day in a great hurry and call- Si cd out : m % "Mrs. Bowser , whore's tho screw- 1 driver ? Hurry , now , fori want it right I ? away ! " J fiVhy. T don't know wliero it is. I , doVt have charge of your tools. " • 'Look hero ! I left that screwdriver on this window sill in tho sitting-room ) yesterday afternoom. " -Well , I haven't seen it. " "Who has ? It's probably been tucked „ * into the stove or given away to some J Polack. It's a wonder the piano doesn't turn up missing some morning. If it's got so I can't leave a tool around the house without its being destroyed , I I want to know it" I was looking around while he stood iu the middle of the room talking , and S presently I found a gimlet bored into • * the wall where he had intended to put § up a bracket , and said : * ' 'There's tho gimlet , and you'll bo f askngfor that next. " 9 , "Mrs. Browser , when I asked you f wliero the gimlet was , why didn't vou \ tell me ? " - - / "You didn't ask. " . "What ! What brought me in from I the barn ? " "You came after the screwdriver. " J "Never ! I came right in here and , asked for tho gimlet , and you know it ! \ Do j-ou suppose I'd try to bore a hole < . with a screwdriver ? " | t "I'm sure you said screwdriver. " | L "I know 1 said gimlet ! " f He was mad about it all the aftcr- r noon , and that evening , as we got set- f tied down after supper , ho suddenly f observed : ' "If you'll hunt up those rivets I'll fix that picture frame. " > "Did you have some rivets around * here ? ! § "Did I ? Didn't I bring a paper of ' 'em home three or four davs ago ! I They've probably gone into the stove ' f or into the cart of sonic peddler. " "Mr. Bowser.l'U take my oath there f hasn't been a rivet iu this house since | we moved ia. What could we use rivets for ? " "Do you remember the night I ' brought home that bottle of wine ? i Didn't I take a small package out of j - my pocket and put it on that tableand. didu't I afterwards get the tack-ham mer and put a strip on the kitchen , window ? " "Oil yes. " "Oh , you remember , do you ! " ! "But you didn't have rivets in that package they were inch brads , and t they are rightln the stand drawer. Why didu't vou sav brads , Mr. Bowser ? " . * / -Who said " rivets ? " [ "Why. you d.d. " ! I "Don't vdu suppose 1 know the dif ference between rivets and brads ? " s "Certainly. " lf l "Then don 't try to make a fool of < me ! When I asked you for the brads , , I didn't mean rivets If jjj'ou don't t , know which from which vou'd better 1 * learn. " / Mr. Bowser was using J his tape-line in the garret the other day , and when l I went up and found it strung about I reeled it up and laid it on a window- sill. About 10 o'clock the next fore- K noon hs came rushing in with the ex clamation : * OCicc neighborhood , this is ! You are bound and determined to locate up here , and iww you must take the con- f * • < sequences ! " * -What is Mr. " \ it , Bowser ? "I left ray tape-line on that saw- borse yesterday , and some human liend . slid in last night and stole it. It was f by your advice that I came up here and invested $10,030 in a house , and this is the result ! " ' • " 'Weren't joa using the tape-line in H- the house yesterday ? | -No. ma'ani ! " 'P J " "Didn't you leave it up in the gar- "Do you think I've suddenly lost my memory ! Mrs. Bowser , you talk to me as if I was a half-idiot ! " ' I went up and got the tape-line and brought it down to him. He was caught , I out what did he do but assume an air f ' a awful dignity and say : "Mrs. Bowser , don't you never dare j ; lo play any such trick on me ajrain ! A Joke is a joke , but when you sneak into j . ; he yard and carry my tape-line up into | the garret it is going altogether too- | jar ! " j I suppose there are men who keep I some track of their hats , gloves , rub- l oers , etc. . when at home. butMr. Bow- f ser isn't of that .kind. Each morning L t after breakfast I .am prepared for the I ' exclamation : P "There ! Some of you have been I fooling with my hat ! " F "Isn't it on the hall-tree ? " I "If it was would I stand here asking I for it ? I don't thiak I've gone blind | fet. " \ "Didn't yon leave it in the sittzng- f " room ? i "Of course I didn't ! I hung it up Jgr here as I came home , and some of you K • y have probably been using it to store L potatoes in. " j | The hat is found on a chair in the sit- K timr-room. just where he had placed it , * and after more crumbling he goes into # • the hall for his rubbers and shouts H back : & "Thev are gone ! " * "What ? " ft v "My rubbers ! I'll be banged if 11 / , stand this much longer. You or the | F cook have got to let my rubbers alone flu or I'll know the reason why ! " K ' "Are you sure you left'em there ? " jr "Am I sure I'm alive ! You've prob- i * ably cut 'em up to make door-hinges p | or some fancy nonsense ! " P "Here they are , Mr. Bowser. You * " & remember you took * em off by the radi- St , " W -w1 * ator J3 Jou stood telling mo about the W < -4 * | railroad accident. " , f ' "I don't remember anything of the < m sort ! I suppose mv gloves are down * . in the coal-bin , and my scarf lias been ps given to the bojs to play horse with. I& . 111 come in by way of the barn after Wt this , and when I take my things off I'll • fi | lock * em up and slip the key down my K boot leg. ' J/ra. Bowser , iti Detroit JHp Free Press. r 7 - ' ' - ' • ' • . . . • . " . . ' , - . ' i . " urn- - " " * i . r.iV , , . ' " ' ' ' - ' ' I iti ii i.w'iim.ih ) i m .1 i 1 i tfirtml GIRLS TAUGHT TO BOX. Hilly Edwards Tells of a Now Tush- lOiiablo lllvorslon Por Young Wo luon. Billy Edwards has a number of girls as pupils in boxing. He said to a Suv reporter : " 1'vo just now coma from giving a lesson to a girl ten or twelve years old. She is the daughter ol wealthy parents , and they are having her take boxing lessons on account ol her health. " "Is that the motive that inspires most of your pupils ? " I asked. • No ; they have a good many differ ent motives. Those among tho wealthy people of leisure and I have a number of these learned to box for the sake of tho exercise , or because they want to know how. Then I liavo some thcatieal ladies wiio go into it as a matter of business. They learn to box because it will make them more grace ful , and because as a matter of business it will be profitable. " "What do you think of boxing as a means of exercise for women. " "Unquestionably il is the very best thai a man or woman oither can take. " "Bettor than fencing ? " "A great deal better than fencing , because that onlv develops the right side of the bod } ' , wh lo boxing brings into play every muscle from the loes to the brain , for you havo to keep on the alert , w th you eyes on your op ponent and your thoughts concentrated , so that your brain , as well as your body , gets stirred up. " t "What kind of a pupils do you find the girls ? Do thelearn as easily as men ? " "I find them quite apt , but they do not learn as quickly as men , because it hasn't been bred into llicm. Blows come kind of natural to men , you know , but girls have never had anything of this kind before , and so it takes them lon ger to learn. " "Which do they learn quickest , to guard or attack ? " "Well. I generally find that my pu pils are a good deal better at attacking than guard.ng. They arc not so qu ck about guarding , but attacking seems to come lo them naturall } " . But , then , there isn't much to box ' ng , anyway. You teach them how to lead out and stop , and after they get the hang of th.t once , that's about all there is in it except to keep up the practice. It's the constant practice that makes per fect. " "Of course .you use soft gloves with your girl pupils ? ' " 2o , for the most part we don't use anv , because I don't intend to hit them hard , but just barely touch them. And if they do gee a little tap on tho cheek , it just hardens the ilesh. " "How long does a girl stand up at boxing ? " "Oh , that depends on how severe I am. If I go about it very gently they can keep up for an hour or more , but if I am a little bit severe they will get winded in a quarter of that time. " The dress worn by the girls in their contests with this very mild-mannered boxer is not always the same thing. Some take their boxing lessons in their ordinary attire , but that puts them to a disadvantage. Others use a sort of blouse and knee skirt , or the fencing costumes with Turkish trousers. Sew York Sun. Driving a Sleigh Along a Bailie j Ahead of a Train. A thrilling sceno was witnessed on Saturday at Hazleton. Near Allen and Co's foundry aud machine shop is a road which crosses the Lehigh Vallev Railroad tracks. About noon Charles Herling , a somewhat eccentric char acter ot tue town , drove p to tho crossing in a sleigh , to which he had hitched a fiery team of horses. Herling turned the horses onto tire railroad bed , and lashing the animals furiously , a mad race up the track was begun. The employes of the foundry were ter ror-stricken when they saw a freight ! train rounding the curve , and running at the rate of about eighteen miles an hour. They rushed out on tho railroad track and signaled to stop. The engi neer saw nothing ahead of him , and was at a loss to know what the signal ers meant As he cleared the curve he saw the madman and the horses. He whistled down brakes and reversed the engine. The man in the seleigh heard the tooting of the locomotive and turned back to ascertain the distance between himself and the train. The an ' maltore down the railroad at a terrific rate of speed , but the locomotive sras gaining fast. When the engine was within fifty yards of the sleigh one of the runners broke and the speed of the horses was considerable lessened. When within ten feet of the sleigh the train came to a dead stop , The horses' feet were badly cut up and they were ready to fall from exhaustion. The sleigh was also wrecked and would not have pul led its freight much fartherA largo crowd collected. Herling took things eoollj * . He said : "By thunder ! that was a big race , but I think I won. " Mauch Chunk Gazette. He Resembled a Tree. "I have about come to the conclusion that you are a certain kind of a tree , " said a creditor to a man who presist- ently refused to liquidate a small bill. "Indeed , " replied the creditor. "Is it because 1 appear to be pine-ino awav. " "No. sir. " "Is it because Td just ash leave re fuse to pay it , as knot to do so. " "No , sr. " "Then what kind of a tree am I ? " "A will-owo tree. " "Oh , that's a chestnut" "If that's so , I guess I will be leafing. " Carl Pretzel's Weekly. A Hqspitahle Eeception. Householder to burglar through key hole Good evening , sir. Make your self at home ; don't mind me. I must apologize for the thinness of the larder , but my wife is down with the small pox , I have the typhoid fever myself , and the girl has a little touch of diph theria. Sew York Morning Journal. 7v * i- --lhi ' r riiivl , iit i ai- i fVflfa's' i & . . , * . . . ii hi * in i M i > " • 'jg-f etogf * " * * ' i " > - * * * • . ' _ . . . . , . . , * , v _ , , - i > h- o Hereditary Inebriety "This is no wholesale liquor store , " said tho bartender , indignantly , as ho snatched tha bottle away from a tough-looking citi- ten , who had culled lor a drink ol whisky and filled tho tumbler to tho brim. "Don't get mad about a littlo thing liko that , " said tho customer. "But it is too big a drink for anybody. " "Not for me. Seo horo , do you believe in hereditary inebriety ? " "What's that ? " "Appetite for drink handed down from generation to generation. " "Shouldn' .t wonder. " "Well , I'm one of them victims. " "Needn't try to drink it nil at onogo il you are , growled tho bartonder. " 111 tell you why I have to take a big drink , " Baid the tough citizen. "My grand father was a big drunkard , and his lather , but the hereditary appetite skipped my luther and struck me. " "What's that got to do with that big drink ? " "I havo to drink for ray father , too. " Texas Siftincs- TJic Sneezing Spot. As a Journal representative sat in the chair of a Maiden Lano barber the other day , tho genial artist of the brush ob served that the journalist sneezed when his hair was combed. "Did I touch the sneezing spot ? " inquired the barber. He then proceeded to explain that the "sneez ing spot" was a sensitive place to tho left of the middle of the forehead. "Why , " he said , "there are men who Bneezo regularly every time I comb their hair or shave them , just ns soon as tho comb passes over that spot. I had a man in here yes terday who ' sneezed three times just as hard ns ho could , all because I touched the 'sneezing spot. ' It must be a very smallt nervo that tickles the nostril. " Albany Journal. Victoria at I5er Coronation. Her fair hair , in plaitH , was simply folded and arranged at the back of her head in a Grecian knot. She wore the picturesque garland-shaped diadem of the Plantagenet sovereigns , only in a lighter form , com posed of very fine brilliants set transpar- ently , which , from their absence of color and pellucid brightness resembled a wreath ot hawthorn blossoms covered with trem ulous dewdrops. Surely never did British sovereign receive inauguration under cir cumstances so auspicious and imposing. Yet Bhe appeared serene and self-possessed when she arose from her private devotions and seated herself camly in her recognition chair , round which her lovely train-bearers were grouped in their perfect costumes ol white satin and garlands of blush roses. Life of Agnes Strickland. You will never succed in finding perma nent relief from rheumatism until you have used St. Jacobs Oil , the great pain-cure. Price fifty cents. A Joyful Sight. A light rain , which had fallen during tht night , had frozen on the trees , and thej gleamed and glittered in the morning sun Molly , who had crawled out of her crib tc look out of the window , came running bacli to her mother , calling excitedly , ' ' 0 , mama mama ! dress me quick. The leaves have all turned to candy. " [ From Babyhood If you hnye a cough or cold , do not dost yourself with poisonous narcotics , but take Red Star Cough Cure , which contains no opiates , and is safe , prompt and sure. Price , twentj'-five cents a bottle. Hoiv Fcrttlan Jewelry Is Made. As goldsmiths and jewelers the Persians are experts , and jewelry is by no means tho exclusive luxury of the rich. In the first place it is cheap. The most skillful jewelers are glad to work for two shilling ! a day and the profit they can make on tht very small amount of solder they are per mitted to use. The Persian seldom buys his jewelry ready-made ; he orders it. When the various pieces have been cast 01 cut out from the metal supplied by tht customer , they are brought to him for in spection and carefully weighed. Then tht article is put together , cither iu the custom er's own house and under his eyes or undei the supervision of his servant. Then it if again weighed , then chased and finished , the filings and waste being collected and credited to the customer. Geo. W. Earliart , Captain of Police , Bal timore , Md. , said : "Ihave used Salvation Oil and found it a most excellent remedy. It has my hearty recommendation. " I believe that tho first test of a truly great man is his humanity. Victor Hugo. Invaluable for all Forms of female weakness , Carter's Ikon Pills. Love never faileth. 1 Cor. xii. 8. Senator Ingalls is engaged upon a novel. In General Debility , Emaciation , Consumption , and Wasting in Children , Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites , is a most valuable food and medicine. It creates an appetite for food , strengthens the nervous system , and builds up the body. PleaBe read : "I tried Scott's Emulsion on a young man whom Physicians at times gave up hope. Since he began using the Emulsion his Cough has ceased , gained flesh and strength , and from all appearances his life will be prolonged many years. " John Sullivan , Hospital Steward , Morganza , Pn. A wonderful gold mine has been discov ered in Sonora , Mexico. Endurance of Society. 1'oople. A prominent society ludy of Washington being asked by the Prince of Wales , "Why is it you people here mauHest so little fatigue Irom dancing , receptions , etc ? " re plied , "Why , you see , we Americans re gain the vitality wasted in these dissipa tions by using Dr. Harter'e Iron Tonic. " A man's boon companions are seldom his best friends. Free Advice on Family Soap-Making. Send your address for 48 ptigebook. Red Seal Lye Co. , 248 X. 3rd St. , Philada. , Pa. Spiritual advice Take a drink. The apples core many innings. Prompt In Action , bnt no Burning from Red Pepper. Carter's S. W. & B. Backache Plasters. " * During the year 1886 taxeB rere paid on 3,510,898,588 cigars in this country. Tho Omaha Type foundry can. furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid toOniaba. * - nrT--T f * A-a-fc- ' rr-m i i i M - * - ' - - ' * " . n i A Glasgow physician reports a curious experience of a ' patient of his who was troubled seriously with foul eructations from the stomach. Early one morning he lighted a match to seo the time , and in blowing out the match his breath caught fire , burning his lips and giving him terri- blo surprise. Probably tho gases formed iu his stomach were chemically analogous to tho inflamable gases formed in coal pits. Prom Dr. Footo's Health Monthly. Never "bull-doze" a man , but if you meet a human being suffering with a bad cough you may "bull-dose" him to advantage with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Neither wine , ale , porter or brandy has ever been manufactured in Japan. i How to get Strong. Dumb-bells and horizontal bars , Indian clubs and the trapeze ate valuable under certain conditions , but they are detrimen tal rather than beneficial if the blood is poor and thin and poisoned with bile. Use of the muscles necessitates waste as well as induces grow th. If the blood does notcarry suflicient nutritive material to repair the waste , loss of strength necessarily follows , and growth is out of the question. Purify and enrich your blood with Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" and then ex ercise will develop and not consumo your physique. They are never alono that are accompa nied with noble thoughts. Philip Sidney. I A Pcclc of I'eao ( P'a ) . ' Hero are a Peck of Peas , sweet Peas , if you will. Perseverance. Patience , Prompt ness , Proficiency , Push and Politeness. Add to these Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purg ative Peliots" and you will get well through the world without much trouble. The Pellets prevent constipation and surplus of bile which lead to many different com plaints. Enclosed in ghiss , always fresh , entirely vegetable , prompt , and perfectly harmless. Any druggist. The husbandman will soon say that his farm is all broke up. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy surpasses all. Life is a quarry , out of which we aro to mold and chisel and complete a character. FARMERS. Send 10 cents to the Prickly Asn Bit ters Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , and get a copy of "Tue Horse Trainer. " 1 A complete system , teaching how to break and train horses in a mild and gentle , way , requiring no elaborate apparatus , nothing more than can be found in any stable in tho country a rope and a strap. Every one handling horses should have a copy. | Love may ho blind , but marriage is a very successful eye doctor. ( j Carter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed "Perfection. " Their gentlo action and good effect on the system , really make them a perfect little pill. They please those who UBe them. Let patience have her perfect work James 1. 4. 3 months' treatment for 50c Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. Sold by druggists At a recent rotten egg soiree two men were yolked together. "When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castorla , "WTien she was a Child , oho cried for Castorio , When she becamo Kiss , she clung to Castoria. When aho had Children , she gavo them Caatoria , What kind of footwear does the horse shoes ? Copyrighted all rights reserved. 1 " Something New and most important. Hallett & Co. , Port land , Maine , can furnish you work that you can do at great profit and live at home , wherever you are located. Either sex ; all ages. Asa P. Rand , Westboro , Mass. , writes us that he made SG0 profit in a single day. Every worker can make from 55 to § 25 and upwards per day. All is new. Capital not required ; you are started free. Pull particulars free. Send your address at once. True eloquence I find to be none but the serious , hearty love of truth. Milton. Coughs. Brown's Bronichial Troches are used to advantage to alleviate Coughs , Sore Throat , and Bronchial Affections. Arizona stage robbers only realized § 1- 000 last year. Tho Omaha Typs foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. , liij cijRESnffHEREALt USE FAIIS. Efl 1 fegj Best Cough Syrup. Testes good. Use § 9 | g 3 in time. Sold by druggists. ffij 3 FACE , HANDS , FEET , fgr sSk and all their imperfeclion3 , including F ffJIsftSSj cul' Development , Hair and Scalp , Super- 5WT { n fluous Hair , Birth Marks , Moles , "Warti , i\5.V& " Moth , Freckles Red No o , Acne , Black > I < gvO > iik HeaiLa , Scars 1'ittins' and their treatment. * Z3kr > I wwSend 10c. for book otSO parres , 4th edition. Br.J.lLWoodbarjEN.FcarlSt.Alt > anylKY.EEt'b'dlSo. iafiSfi F&BHIKE-OPIUM na1 It Palnleaslj "SncSBHBfftr" Cured at Home. Treatment ' s&fSilil" • * sent on tnal cntl N0 PAY asied B gn tP nntil you are benefited. Terms Low Ef Ed HBiaane Sesaedy Co. , XtoFaxette. lad. ' • | -VT-7M yj * l * lt'j * ' ? 'narig3tawn. . JIajS. Ifl 1 Fr K3 R § 5 or ot Tatenti. TVashlnstoa. M I tinCy El jD.C. ) Bead for Circular. ? to 38 a dny. Samples worth 8LM FREE. Line * $15 | not under tlie horse' feet. Write Brewster VPSafoty Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. ES gSTRIMONIAL advertisements printed free jfuj | 4 In oui neit issue. Send them to CLIMAX , Cs3fica Chicago. This mammoth paper , by mall.lQc PEN'ICK'S CORN" EXTRACTOR cures fin DUO BUNIONS. Drmjststa sell It , or by mall bUlillO > c. of "W. R. PEN1CK. St. Joseph. .Mo. fflHlifllEUB aiorphlne Habit CaredlalO UfflUHl toSOdayg. No pay till Cured. WH IV161 ua J. Sxtpurss. Leuanoa. Ohio. ' W. N. U. , Omaha - 358-1G. I - s - - . - - - , vsr- The best and surest Remedy for Care of all diseases caused by any derangement of tho Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Billons Complaints and Malaria of nil kinds yield readily to tho beneficent influence of mtm It is pleasant to tho taste , tones np tho system , restores and preserves health. is purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. J lff l PINKHAWTS * Sm ISs VEGETABLE mW Mm C0MP0UfiD' "i a * < PP 2JB S ffiirlIs a Positive Curo I dCifOtf4riff'or ' ° ' 'ln0S8 Pa'nfu' ' ' 3 v5f0l Dolicato Complaints and 1 n . • VSE ? ' * > ' li T Complicated troublos and Vg JSk U . - X ? ? ijm Weaknesses so common a te.iV xC i lVil'7lls among our Wives , Mothers , i SvAlisd bsjft wiJl eure entirtJn ft\7j ! ' ftSiS&&vSsSb allovarianorvaglnal rf * f f/ilWv J yS tton and vtcera' \ J7 rJn ' / & iton' • FaHn" and XiJriiAr \ * yDisplacements ; tt 1 _ * yvxiyyj * y5r consequent spinal ' v j4' Weakness , nnd is yy y ? jZs/sSJl , > < KjCij s particularly y Tho Woman's Sure Friend change of life. Ladies , it vnii not rraroKM sunoicAT. orrnATioxs on CUBE CAXCElt , BTJTrr WJliUXDEB ALL CIBCVMSTASCEB , API EfHARXONTWmiTnELAVrSOlTS'ATUBE. tB"TUATJTMJ ! > a OF BEAEINO DOWN , CAVSIXQ PACT , 'WKianT JlXD BACEACBB , 13 ALTVATS rEBSAyENTLT CPD BT HB USB. 3 SoId by Druggists. Price 91.per bottle. Mrs. Pinltham's Liror Tills cure constipation. 25c Hlcliost Awards of Medals in Uurono anil America. The neatest , quickest , safest and most powerful remedy know n for Rheumatism. 1'leurl.y. Neuratsla , LumbARO. Bai kache. WeAtnens. colds In the cheat and all acl and pains Endorsed by 5iid ) Physicians and Drueglsts uf the hlzhcst repute. Benson's Pias ters promptly relieve aud cure where Oilier piasters and creasy salves , llnlmen's anil lotion * , are abso lutely useless. Ueware of Imitations under similar soundlnE names , such as "Capsicum , " ' -Capucln , " "Capslcine. " as they are utterly worthier and In tended to deceive. Ask port Bwos's and take xp OTnKRS. All dWslsts. SEABUUV i JOHNSON. Proprietors , New York. % JONES JrllkW 5 Ton 'Wagon Scales , m3E&iJ&y Iron Leters , Flel Keirlogs. Brut Sw5SJKrt. Tue Beam and Beam Box for ffggJSt V'BSIaWl ETery tire Scale. For fr price list tr 7 Vdai&'ct * i mention th ! p pr and address & " v v L * a jokes or bihghamtom , y SjgS" * * BINGHAMTON , N. Y. For f 197.50. Elecant Organs for SO 00. Ho not fall to write us for catalogues and prices. Hoyett llitos , St. Joskph , Mo. 1 he oldest and larcest Music House on the Mlsslourl Rlrcr and cheapest In America. ZIG.C COLUR PAD.hSvTi ffS'ftS sc * 2s + most reliable and dura- . ESSk / ! i&3gSJ&Si Die PA I ) for Soro S P i SS S W eck ho scs or mules fca& fiMS& ggKsr Weatherorwear has no * SSSSBS5KS ? ? $ effect on their curative V Sr 8K 23 properties. Our new WSr 8 § li ' ° ° P3 with trapmake ykr y We solicit a * traf. For sale by all Saddlery .Jobber * . Ask your harncs maters for them. ZINC COLLAK PAD CO. , Buchanan , 3Iicn. 3Iicn.rtPSS , -rtPSS CAT A R R H , ggl pgligSS HEADACHE. = = - J cs ? ASTHMA , V ifcs ! < j J NEURALGIA , Quietly relieved by uslnp Cnihnian'i Menthol Inhaler and by continued use efTect a cure , batis- faction guaranteed or money refunded. It lats from six menths to one year. Price 50 centi ; by mail or at drugtrist. Circulars mailed on application. H. P. CUSHMAN , Three Rivers , Mich. . " , * SaQ ? KSP3S rA & % iFft n ft % c = jpai torn a Erf LeadingNos. ! : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO. , Tories : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , New York. SSOO REWMRD " 8W.5P t < sl' to any person that can furnish an gisgsr Automatic Swinginp Straw Stacker W&iB/l that can do better iork than the WM IMPERIAL STACKER jgsSgteHfx tnat - g are bnildintr. Send for fSJgSg - gia55lrtgg % circnlarand price list which will mm nrt-i it- be majej free. All are war ranted to do good work or no sale. HEWABIC MACHIHE GOu Columbus,0. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS' The Original and Only Genuine. Safe and always Kehable. Beware of worth I c * Jmltn- itons. Ladies. n k your IlrucaK for MCIiIehe ter' Enell h" and take no other , or incloseic. . ( staiiu- ) tc us for particular * In letter by return mull. Viv ? FAPZB. CHICHE.STEIE CHEMICAL CO. , 2S1S Madloon Square. J'hllndn. I'n. Bold by I > meel t ci ery where. Ark for 'Chkhe - ter' English" IVnnyroyal 1'lllt. Take no other. lKlE3BG5B link Sf3 If yon trnnt relief RIR ma I Rh fee fin and .cure at jour BLB m B Hq Wm Ir home , send for va B * & BGlH Dr.J.A.Shermaa'3 Circular o lastroctlona. ZH Eroadr/ay , Seir Yori. Kcn eenotas nnicas Don't waste your money on a sum or rubber coat The FISH BRAKD SLICKE2 stamped wita the abore j , absolutely traler and tfindraoor. and will keep yon drv in the hardest storm H3 TRinc UARg. Ask lor the "FISH BRAND" sliccxs and take no other. If j oar storekeeper doe- EnotTiave the "mn bkjitd" . send for descriptive catalogue to A. J. TOWER. 20 Slmrnon < St.Bn'loii j1 ? ! ? Why did the Women of this country use over thirteen million cakes of Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886 ? Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. 5 r v ' 'f ' ' f * > f * ' : ' % T'V . . . 1 ' * * * . ' . . * - , r i < _ < , * * # ? ' v - ; * . , • f r V % * * r 4 ! WZARPQIL tlare been enjoyed by tho citizens of nearly every town and city In the u. S.and thousands or peopl * can testify to tho wonderful healing power of i Hamlin's Wizard Oil. I It Cures Neuralgia , Toothache , Headache , Catarrh , Croup. Sore Throat , I RHEUMATISM. Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Wounds , Old Sores and AH Aches and Pains. Tho many testimonials recolved by us mora than. proTO nil we claim for this valuableremedy. . It not only relievos the most severe pains , but If Cures You. That's tha Idea. For salo by all Drujmlsta. Price. fiO cent * per . bottle. Our Sono Book mailed free to ovcrybody. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY , CHICAGO A THE ONLY TRDB OTONIC 5 M Will purifr the BLOOD rcculatu \MPE the LIVER nnd KIDNEYS ami < a ItrSTOnrtbn HEALTH and VIG- W ft OK of YOUTH DjM > e | ia\Vant K BA of Appetit * . lndiietlon.l.mckof L Strength and 1 ired Feelinc ab. PWjPfK solutely cured : Hones , mus- I tSfcis. clos nnd nerves receive new S S V force. Knlivens th mind " 53 . and suppllM Brnin Power. , _ _ _ - - _ - , Suffering from complainto • LAOIES ! 88&v * * rONIOnsnfeand speodycurn. Giveaaelear.heal- thy complexion. Freauent BttemptH at couuterlelt- inif only add to the popularity of the oricmal. IX > not experiment cat tho OnioisaL AND DEBT. A Dr. HARTER' 5 LIVER , PILLS V ZfCura Constipation.Liver Complaint and Sick 11 t Uotdacbe. Sample Doso and Droam DookJf * "Hiled on receipt of twoccnta In postaco. y Address : DR. HARTER. Medical Co , ; St.Lool3 PERCHERON AND FRENCH COACH HORSES. REPUBLICAN "LgCTMKFIiMt [ ble men , with establishMCfl 'WBMaSHH HH | | trs. Our Imported Stock all registered In the Percheron Stud Books of Franco and America. We guarantee all Stock Breeders Just as represented. Send for catalogue SumberSfrte. Address , AVERY & COLEMAN , Props. Wakefield , Clay County , Kan. OIAHA TYPE E01MY NEWSPAPER OUTFITS FiiiiiihIiccI on SI ort iVotic Prom OmaEia at Cliicag'o Prices * \ If OR SEMAP GOODS : CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OMAHA TYPE FOUNDRY. Omaha , Neb. . 12th and Howard. CREAM balm ly's | ' i rf1 " when applied Into thc Pr iLt * rn\ra nostrils , will be ahsorb-Mf 5 / > J * CURrr C0 j cd. effectually clean ? E5.fr0/ > , n/32jC"Ilv.il ! Ins the head of catarrh | 3H3Ss * " / -ntflni il virus. causiny 'OZO/0 5 VJVi i healthy secretions. Ii \/CCUrnvSllti * &Mf allays inflamma'lon f nAri tVttm Qv protects the membrane | fi ly > r " /B of the nasal pas aK < ' flBk , wtTBal from additional coldj IHf / vsy B completely heals tht V / > $ B5 EoresandrcstoresscnseB * ' sV& Stt of taste and smell. EUS art5 Q > H Not a Liquid orSnuffjj B l L mrW > " - " - ] A. Quick Tfrliri fiPosiUveC .re.HAY-FEVER A particle Is applied Into each nottrll and Is agree able. Price 3) cents at Drupi ' < tby mall , recli- tered. 00 cents. Circulars free. ELY 1JR03. Dru < - " gists , Oweso. N . Y. fUnateBgei Mcllonary. a DICTIONARY , . 118,000 "Words , 3WW Kneravings , a gazetteer of the world , . , " * of 25,000 Titles.and a u i BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIOfiARY , Sthooiaa * 0f nearly lO.noo > oted I'crsons , | rlHul. ALL 1H OHE BOOK. | Contain3000 more "Words and nearly 2000 more > Illustrations than any other American Dictionary. G. tc C. MERRIAK & CO. . Pub'rs. Springfield , Mass. Engines , Horse Powers. JOED' S. AVBS * SOJXS , MaXCPACTURERS , ( Send for Catilojrae. ) DAVENPORT , IOWA. Oae ajent ( Jlerchaat onlyj wanted In every town for We think "Tnnsiirs " * " your Punch" 5c ci- sar superior to most of our $53 cijjara. They are the smokera' delight , and nearly all of the drummers use them when they can be obtained. C. U. Ciialmeks. Drusdst.SmitLHeld. Va. ' Address K. XV. TANSILIi & CO. , CUlcnzo. ' AGENTS WANTED fo7ihe " AUTH0RIZED 4 life of imm 1 With Introduction by MRS. LOGAN. 1 The most thrilling military and civic bloprapny f ever written. Splendidly illustrated with portraits * and battle scenes. The success of agents who havo Z besnn work on thi < boot has had no parallel except ' in case Of Grant's "Memoirs. * ' It U < i Jinrutnza. For terms. Address C. II. 13EACH & CO. , Chicago. IU. { DETECTIVES Wanted in every County , f hrewd mm to act trader oirr " attractionsin oarSecretSemce. Kipen rcenotnec s- sary. gendstamoforparticnlars. GRAXNANDKTXO riVK BUREAU , Area ir , Ciacuiaati , O-