The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1887, Image 7

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    ; _ _ - Jf/ r * r
. _
• A lucky limn in rarer limn a vlilto
) wl | vBiiya Juvonul , nnd wo tliink lie
ew. Howovor , wo have hounl of Umu-
ndu ol lucky onos and we propose li let
sir pncrot out , Thoy were puojilo broken
wi in liealth , Hulferin ; , ' with liver , blood
d i Id i discuaus , Bcrofiita. dropsy , and
nBUinption. and wero lucky uiioiiylt to
nr of and wIho enough to uso Dr. I'lorco'n
loldcu Medical Diacovory , " tho Hovoroijjn
3od purifier , tonic and alterative of the
( l scholar haB no cnnul. [ Jean Paul
A Slonnnza initio
health bo found in Dr. R.V. „ Pierco'8
favorite Prescription , " to tho raeiitH of
lich as a remedy for female weakness and
id red affections thousands testify.
3ara Bernhardt drinks a bottlo of stout
r lunch every day. Extremes still meet.
* * Decline of man or woman , pro-
iiturely induced by excesses or bad prac-
' f ticca , speedily and radically cured , llook
* ( illustrated ) , 10 cents in si amps. Con-
\ „ Btiltation free. World's Dispensary Mcd-
, * / * ical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
lv l
Lojjal lender a lawyer's clerk. [ Pretz
el's Weekly.
, " • All disorders caused by a bilious state of
. { • tho system can bo cured by using Carter's
\ Littlo Liver Pills. No pain , griping or dis-
j , ' comfort attending their use. Try them.
Great hearts aloncunderstand how much
glory there is in being good. 31iehelct.
j . "Whan Bbywas sick , we gave her Cutoria ,
W When alio wo * a Child , alio cried for Cosroria ,
i f TThen she becomo Miss , sha clung to Cajtoria ,
v : l TThsn she had Children , oho gavo them Castorla.
, / ,
' , J J. E. Cabot's authorized life of Emerson
{ is now completed.
fV A Protttjible Investment
> \ can bo made in a postal card , if it is used
• i to send your address on to Hallett & Co. ,
Portland , Elaine , who can furnish you
/ work that j'ou can do and live at home ,
1 wherever you are located ; fow there are
i -who cannot earn over § 5 per day , and
jfl some have made over § 50. Capital not re-
| quired ; you arc sfartcd free. Either jbsx ;
I i all ages. All particulars free.
I It is wise stock that knows its own par.
1 A Htubauil'H ( JrcntcHt Elrsslns :
I I is a strong , healthy , vigorous wife , with a
1 clear , handsome complexion. These can
f l JJ J acquired by using Dr. Tfarter's Iron
M } Tonic.
B I HaudtfOino men are not objectionable
I when Hicy have good sense ; but there is the
M\ . , trouble.
B [ [ Bond 10 cents to tho PihckiaAsh Sit-
H | tans Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , and get a copy of
K ' . "The Hoksc Tkaixek. "
It A complete sj'slem , teaching how to
H break and train horses in a mild and gentle
H 'way , requiring no elaborate apparatus ,
B nothing more than can be found in any
B Btablc in the country a rope and a strap.
B Every one handling horses should have a
V copy.
Bt The crematory is the burn from which no
K ' traveler returns. Pittsburg Dispatch.
H In General Debility , , Emaciation ,
B | Consumption , and Wasting in Ciiiuhien.
B. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Ofl
B with Ilypophosphites , is a most valuable
B /m food and medicine. It creates an appetite
Wg 3 for food , strengthens the nervous system ,
M .and builds up the body. Ple.cse read : "I
m tried Scott's Emulsion on a young man
> , whom Physicians at times gave up hope.
JE ' Since he began using the Emulsion his
BE- Cough has ceased , gained fleshand strength.
H and from all appearances his life will be
H . prolonged many years. ' 1 John Sullivan ,
B [ Hospital Steward , Morganza , Pa.
B | He does a driving business the cabman.
B ? The Omalia Typ.s foundry can furnish
K jiew newspaper outlits on short notire.
B' Prices same as in Chicago and freight
H. -already paid to Omaha.
B Raymond Ferguson , of Utica , Ind. , is the
B father of a baby that weighs just one pouad.
B A CougU Cold , or Sore Throat
R should not be neglected. Brown's Bron
H I chialTkociiks area simple remedy and
B S ve prompt relief. 25 cts a box.
B Senator Ingalls is engaged upon a novel.
Spiritual aovice Take a drink.
ji Free Advice on Family Soap-ITInlcIng.
Send your address for 4S page book. Red
( Seal Lye Co. , 248 N. 3rd St. , Philada. , Pa.
, New York City has 30,000 landlords ,
" . J who collect $40,000,000 rem *
, Itching or BleiMlinor. relieved and
PILES cured by Cole' * , Carboli-
, M salve. Get the Genuine. 25 and 50 cents
j at di-uucisrs or by mail. J. W. COLE & CO. ?
i Proprietory , Black Uiver Falls , Wis.
\ \ Eelision is the best armor in the world ) i
f > but tho worst cloak. Newton.
J If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
/ Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sel it.l
\ 25 cents.
{ There are 490,000 men in Paris against
I 380.000 married men.
' \ PATENTS obtained by Louis Bag < T&Co. . At-
, j torncj > , Vr ' Slihis'oi , li C. i : t'diSSl , Advice fiee.
? \ With time and patience , the mulberry
* I leaf becomes silk. Chinese Proverb.
t To Keculatc the Stortfcli , liiver
, l And bowels , take Caiiteii's Little Liven
* Pills. 25c.
f ' Eorgiveness is raiely perfect except in the
' breasts of those who have suffered.
i *
No opium In Piso's Cure for Consumption. Cures •
k , where otlier remedies fall. 2Jc.
i. , Ex-Secretary Windom is president of the
: * j- Eads company.
.p j * The Omaha Type foundry can furnish
& ? new newspaper outfits on short notice.
f \ Prices same as in Chicago and freight
? fj already paid to Omaha. , '
a"H tb treated Dropsj and Its complications ths i
jsl , most wonderful f access : use vegetable remedies entire-
ra1 , / Jy harmless. Keaiovo all symptoms or dropsy in eight :
§ fc' V * -to twenty days. Cure patients pronounced hopeless by |
* | F the best of pliysicians. From the firstdoseUiesjinptoms
w rapidly disappear , and in ten days at leait two thirds of !
J jUl symptoms are removed.
' " * Some may cry humbujcwithout knowlnff anything
r about It. Remember it does not cost you anythimr to
k realize Iho merit of our treatment for jours-elf. wo
It aro constantly curing cases of long ; standing cases I
t that hare been tapped a. number at times and the pa
7 tientdecIaredunabietoIiTeaweck. Give a full history
f Send for
! } " free pamphlet , containing testimonials. Ten days treat-
1 , xaent furnished FREEbymaiL lfyou order trial send
\ IO cents in stamps to pay postage. Epilepsy ( Fits ) posl-
f. tirelr cured. ( tyMentiontliis paper. ) .
[ ' .H.H. GREEK & SONS. 31. D * . , j
I 256 iiariettaStreetATLiSTA.J * !
f. .AEEWA D !
| . A Eeward will be given to anyone .knowing
Jf * VrfuaeSco b ? , , HrOFGE H. KLtM .
J JOUX KIiEMM. ilaple Parle lUInoIt
A Young Mnn'8 Terrible Adventure
lxi Dakotn. .
Tliorc passed througli St. Paxil Sun-
ila-y , on route to the cast a man whose
uppearunuu ' was loathsomo in tliu ex
treme , and whoso life in the future will
be a burdent to hmi. As a reporter
was walking about the Union depot ho
came upon a man his faco wrap
ped up .so that nothing but his eyes
were visible. Thinking perhaps that
some ace dent had befallen him iho re
porter , accosting him , was lold that as
boon as an eastern train could bo board
ed he would let the reporter ascerta a
for himself as to whether an accident
had occurred. As soon as the sleeper
was reached the man took from his
head the many bandages , and the sight
that met tho reporter's gaze was a
shocking one. The nose and left ear
was entirely gone , and the other ear
looked as it it hail been slit with a knife
.n a dozen places. Great pieces of
lli'sli had been torn from each check ,
ami taken altogether the man's face
little resembled the features of a human
being. The man gave his nanus as
John C. Ilaz/.ard , and his story , which
was toh ! with many painful halls , was
as follows :
• • If you want it 1 will give you the
circumstances of an adventure wheh ;
has left me in tli s conil tiou. 1 am a
young man of considerable means , and
name from southern Ohio last winter to
invest in Dakota lands. I was in St.
Paul about the 1st of December , and
left over the Northern Paeitie for Knife
river , Morton county , Dakota. After
reaching there 1 learned that an old
friend of mine was living some twentv-
five miles from there , and started to
pay him a visit. Taking a horse 1 start
ed out early one morning , thinking I
would get there along .n the afternoon.
r had traveled probably fifteen miles ,
ivheo one of those terrible blizzards set
in. It turned cold suddenly , and the
wind cut like a knife. The snow fell so
fast that it was impossible to see but a
short il stance , and losing niy bearings
I was soon riding around the open prai-
r.e , completely lost. I did not stop for
a moment , hoping lo come acriLs a
house or at least some place whei'fj
shelter could be found. It it d not lake
long | to become thoroughly chilled , and
jn i > horse began to show signs of ex-
uausHcii. ' Night came on , and I had
made up my mind to kill the horse , and
, seek shelter beside his carcass , when I
heard a sound which did not by anv
means raise my spirits. It was noth v.
less than a pack of wolves following tho
scent of our partially covered tracks.
The storm had by this time partially
ibated. The horse heard the
iowl of the wolves , and made a
struggle to increase his pace ; but t
i\as no use , for the beast had become
so ch lied and tired that he couldscarce-
y movo. Coming to a little ri. o in the
Drair.o I saw , a short distance awaa
light shining through the window of a
shanty , and I thought I was safe. 1
leani tho wolves coming nearer and
learer , and was congratulating iny-
clf that I would not be the means of
giving them a square meal , when my
lor'-c stumbled and fsdi , with me part
ly under him , my head striking . - > ome
jard substance. That is the last I
• emember until the next ( lav. I was
ifterward told by the man who lived in
.he shanty wh ch I was trying to reach ,
ind to whom 1 dwed my rescue , that
.he howl of the wolves had attracted
.hi' attention of his dogs , and together
.hev had driven the beasts oft" , but not
int 1 1 had been almost k lied. 1 was
.villi n ten rods of the shanty when
: ound. T will > top in Chicago to see
f something can not be done for me.
ind if not will go to Europe. At first
I fear. 'd hydrophobia , but the wounds
ire healing ami I may escape that , i
have had the wounds cauterized. I
lave heard of instances where an arli-
Jcsal nose has been mad from flesh
.aken from f-ome portion of a person ' s
oody , and this is the relief I will try to
3bta.ii. "
The ca e no doubt will at tract con-
j'derablo interest among mod cal men
vhere the operatou w 11 be performed.
St. Paul Fio ecr Press.
To My First Gray flair.
I look on thoe , thou hair of gray ,
And sinlc into a reverie ;
For thou prociaimest ucarins day
To linal rest R/avo certaiuty !
Ah ! thou art born of sorrow , true ,
An > I when thy brothers gather fast ,
May I b" able to review ,
Without roDeistanciall the past.
Jf. . / . AdamThe Current.
* * "
Weather Errors.
Pew erroneous notions arc spread so
readily and cling so tenac ousdv as
those respecting the Weather. h\
noticing common errors of this kind ,
Prof. Cleveland Abbe , the distinguished
nietoorolos : nt , urges attention to tlvse
facts : That while the moon might
well be expected to influence our
weather , scientific evidence shows
it does not ; that there is o sound rea
son for that sun-spots have
any appreciable effect in producing
storms , or other local changes ; that
animal instinct ranks greatly below
human intelligence as a guide to future
weather ; thatthc indications furnished
by plants are due to the hydroscopic
condition of iho air , as are also other
"signs , " and are less del.oate and reli-
able than the accurate instrumental !
tests of meteorolog sis ; that electricity *
and ozone do not produce the effects j
often ascribed to them ; that thunder
storms do not cool the air. but the cool
inrush results , 1 kc the storm , from the
r se of hot a r at least in many cases ;
that it has not jet been proven that
the removal of forests and the cxten-
sion of ra lroads and telegraphs have
influenced our climate ; that the weath-
er s niateriallv the same as n old-fash-
ioued times , scientific records disprov-
ing the faulty recollections of tho old-
est inhabitant ; and that severe storms
are no mors liable to occur at the date
of the equinoxes , or on certain days of
the week or month , than at other
His Mistake. *
Aunt Why have you broken off your
engagement ?
Niece Because he got it into hs
head that L intended to marry him.
. ' • •
Life. ,
Pretty Washington Tricyclic * . J
Two very * Btylishdooking Washington
young ; ladies havo been making n decided
Herniation , on tho avenue by their dexterous
riding : of tho tricycle. Holh aro roinarka- ,
bly pretty and wear handaomo street cos 1
tumes. Ono of them wears a gentleman's
high silk hat , tho only difference being that
it : is turned up on ono side and has a little
black feather in it. Her cloth dress fits her
trim figure exquisitely , and she wears long
hootsJikeabaclcwoodstnan. The top of the
boot liideM her pretty aiikle , buo tho con1
venieuce obviates many of tho objections
raised to ladies riding trieydes. Her com- '
pnnion wear * a Tani O'Shanter cap , which
falls prettily about her head. They each
own a single tiicylc , and use these in tho !
morning , but in tho evening when tho j
avenue is crowded they ride a double 1 1
tricyle , and cauoes many of the congress
man's heart to go pit-a-pat in unison with
tho girls' dantily booted feet on tho pedals.
[ Baltimore American.
A SJtrowd Buyer of Coin.
A quiet , sedate young woman , who wears
glasses ' , always carries a couple of books
and ; looks as if she was an admirer of
Browning , is ono of tho characters who
haunt tho New York hotels. She is a
shrewd ' young .Teness , in spite of her Bos-
tonian appearance , and makes a good liv
ing by buying tho foreign coins ,
which is picked np at the hotels from
travelers who exchange glittering foreign
gold ] for the cartwheel American dollars.
The hotels got the coin at a discount , she
buys it at a slight advance and disposes
of it in Wall street. Her friends say there
isn't ; a coin struck but she can tell its value
at ; a glance. She piths up valuable pieces
once , in a while that go to numismatists at
a i handsome premium. [ Kansas City
Times. j
TJio Mlill-.t'jr Acted. I
It was announced that the Christmas
"Cantata" given at our Methodist church
would represent the birth or Christ. Our
minister appeared in a frock of white bear
skin , , his faco blackened , an enormous wig
of ( crimson wool on his head , and a large
flowing heard of the same. IIo marched
up and down tin stage , uttering frequent
deep ( , gutteral sounds resembling tho noise
of ( soitt.6 wiid boast ; then he would crouch
down ' and give a sudden spriag at some of
the 1 young girls. This we are JoJd , was a
representation ] of the birth of our Savior ,
Cor. Cliristinn Advocate. j
Commissioner of Deeds for all the States ,
Mr. G. E. Reardou , Baltimore , Md. , writes
that he suffered for a long time with rheu
matism which yielded to no treatment
until he applied St. Jacobs Oil. j
Orlgiu of Verdi's Masterpiece. I
' • Verdi was first induced to undertake
tho composition of 'Othello' on the occa
sion of the performance of his 'Ifassa da
requiem' at the Scala for the benefit of the
sufferers by the inundation a Terrard. The
next day he gave a dinner to tho four prin
cipal solo singers , at which were present
several friends , among thorn Signor Faccio
and Signor Iticordi. Tho latter laid siege
to the maestro , trying to persuade him to
undertake a new work. For a long time
Verdi lesisted , and his wife declared that (
probably only a Shnkespercan subject j
could induce him to take np his pen again , j
Afewhouis later Faccio Ricordi went to'
Boito , who at once agreed to make the
third in the generous conspiracy , and two
days later sent a complete sketch of the
plan for the opera , following strictly the
Shakesperean tragedy. Verdi approved ot
the sketch , and from that moment it fell to
to the part of Giulia Ricordi to urge on the
composer and the poet by constant re
minders. Every Christmas he sent to Ver
di's house an Othello formed or chocolate ,
which at first very small , gtew large as the
opera progressed. Ccrriere del Malino.
Ex-Congressman Weaver , Postoflico De
partment , Washington , D. C , considers
Red Star Cough Cure a remarkable re-
medial agent. It contains no dangerous
narcotics and costs but twenty-live cents.
ISitjt Young Women. 1
The three richest young women in Amer
ica are the Misses Drexel of Philadelphia.
Their fortunes aro not less than § 4,000 , -
000 each. They are all young the oldest
2S , the youngest 22. Their home in Phila-
delphia is a big , plain , four storied brown
stone front , and when thoy are in the coun
try they spend most of their time at their
farm house , an old colonial brick mansion
sixteen miles out in yie country from Phil
adelphia. Their home is very singularly
free from the fancy work and the iwial brie
a brae truck with which women ordinarily
love to surround themselves , and the chief
amusement of these healthy young Ameri
can girls is horseback riding and the groom
ing and curry-combing of their thorough
bred steeds. These girls have no nonsense
about them and are as charitable as any '
women in ths world. Hundreds live on
their bounty. One supports entirely a
home for orphans and they are now build
ing a protectory for boys , where 200 boys
aro to lie generally modeled , in its manage
inent , aHer the Girard College , but will be
under tho direction or the Catholic church.
The entire total of the Hebrew race on
the surface of the globe is estimated at C- ,
Marv Anderson is said to be worth
§ 000,000 and Lotta only § 400.000 poor
A Michigan school teacher punishes the
big girls by kissing them when they mis-
You can't keep a dead level long , if you J
burn everything down flat to make it.
Pleasant to the taste and surprisingly
quick in relieving Coughs and Colds , it is }
not at all strange that Dr. Bull's Cough j
Syrup has displaced so many other Cough j
remedies. _ |
There are 10,000 women in Cincinnati i
who earn their own living.
A Pain In tbe Side Often Comes from
theLiver , and is relieved by Caktek'sLittle
Lives Pills.
Disparage and depreciate no one ; an in-
sect has feeling , and an atom a shadow.
The brain is the palest of all internal
organs , and the heart the reddest. •
C. H. J. 1 aylor , tho new minister to
Liberia , is only thirty-two years old.
Senator Warner Miller will visit Alaska
the coming summer with his family.
Ex-Governor Curtin is said to be an ap
plicant for the Mexican mission.
M rs. Beecher is about to take a trip to
- * i .ir i- : * * s " " * - " " - -s * \ * . -
* . • " _ • - . , * ' '
' > s - < -v ? * ; , -x
[ A man's accusations of himself aro al
ways ] believed ; his praise * ; ndver. Mon-
The noontide sun is dark , and music dis
cord ( , when tho heart is low. Young.
Pleasure iu tho llowor that fades ; remoin-
branco is tint lasting perfume. Boufllers.
Unless the habit lends to happiness , tho
best 1 habit is to contract nqrie. "
"For those that fly may fight again , "
Iho'really | if the cause of the trouble is
headachu 1 or neuralgia , there'll bo no more
fuss 1 after using a bottle ot Salvation Oil ,
" 25 cents.
God had but one son and ho was a mis
sionary. ' [ David Livingstone.
Ji\Bug \ WiaiooiL
Too much effort cannot bo made to bring
to tho attention of suffering womanhood
the great value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound as a remedy for tho dis
eases of women. Such an one is the wife of
General Barringer , of Winston , N. C , and
wo quote from tho General's letter ns fol
lows : "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : Please allow
me to add my testimony to the most ex
cellent medicinal qualities of your Vegeta
ble Compound. Mrs. Barringer was treated
for several years for what tho physician
called Leucorrhoea and Prolapsus Uteri
combined. I sent her to Richmond , Va. ,
whero she remained for six months under
the treatment of an eminent Phyaician
witiiout any permanent benefit. She was
induced to try your medicine and after a
reasonable timo commenced to improve
and is now able to attend to her business
and considers herself fully relieved. "
[ General Barringer is tho proprietor of the
American Hotel , Winston , N. C , and i3
widely known. ]
I i
Tho best and surest Remedy for Cure of |
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent influence of
I It is pleasant to the taste , tones up % he • '
system , restores and preserves healtlK
It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
provo beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all I
d others. Sold everywhere at S1.00 a bottle , jj
Highest Awards of .Medals In Europe anil
The neatest , quietest , s.ifesi and moat powerful
remedy known fornheiimaNin. rieurisv. Neiira' ta ,
Lumbago. Ba.-kachc. TVcahne-s colds In the cheu
and nil aclie-aud pains Endorsed l y5,001 ?
andDmsxi-i''he highest repute. Ben-on's Plas
ters pruiiipilf relieve aud cure where o her plasters
nnd creasy - < . .lve8. liniments and lotlonu. arc abso
lutely useless. Beware ot" Imitation' * under similar
sounding names , such as "Capsicum , " * Canucln , "
"Capsiciue. " as they are utterly worthies and In
tended to deceive. A-sk for Benson's > take no
OTIIKRS Ail rtrujr'lsts. . SEABUBr & JOHNSON ,
Proprietois , New York
tab RJ3B85ra& > ! r ! ? 581 ? ? B
CX K ? 2T Bcuiea uiilljlavi
Fruits Trees and rinnts for the Xorthwest. Home
Grown Healthv , CHK.ll * . Catnl'igue and price list
VltEE. C. . . WATltOUS. Pes Moines. Iowa
ring R israKTOCS avaluahlcfruIttOErow
. fey $ ( LKiJSiKSt-rSs ? B furPIeasureandl'roflt.
"feffj Price-list free to all. Agents Wanted to sell
wwp'au . Outlits fr c. Addrecss at onre.
Willow K d-jcVruit Farm , Portland.MIcli.
Sg33SS3aSa5E332S3n3a Sure relief • orivrrui
KIDDER'S PASTlLlf&gfficg ilSH :
t S i igSSSa SSC arJsstown , Mass.
- verv IntcrestintrSO-Dase hook on Deaf
PEAF-A In the Head , 4c. How relieved. Sent
free. Addic-s Nicholson , 177 McDougall St. , N. Y.
I ? to S3 a daySamples worth J1.50 FREE. Llnej
$5 > > not under tlif hor a' feet. Write Brewster
js Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
rfS3f ! H3 Morphine H-tblfc Curedlu 13
§ SpHRiinBa toMOiUys. Nou ytlll CttMd.
li ESiSUfla ok J. SfEfUENS. Leliaiion. Oalai
s = nCTpi n i5vF. A. LEH.UAN'K. Sollclt-
F i | StnTSorot Pa'cnts. Washluston ,
Jp& Q SuSS a % $ V. V. Send for Circular.
W. K. UM Omaha - 351-15
By usiag COIT'S ON3-COA2 ? BUGGY ? AINT. Pilot I-ricUy
Maroon , Vcnmhon , OIitc Lake , Brewster and Wagon Greens.
Tip top for Chairs , Furniture , Baby Carriages , Front Doors , Stc
receipt of Oae Hollar , and warrant it to wear , fiuttaal t * ( bo
ii ii i wn i iim imi tm IMI" i'll iW W Himain
3 Will rurifr tbs BLOOD rccnlita
WH the LIVER and KIDNEYS find
M HcdTonic thn HEALTH and VIG-
V B OR of YOUTH. Uy por ia.\Vant
A of Appetlta. lniIlBe. tion.IJickof
Bm StntnKtb and Tired Feelins b.
Bm oolutolr curid : Bonci. xnui-
K L. cles and nerves recolrt new
H Ww force. Enllrent th mind
fc. andnnppliet Brain Power.
. _ ' Hufferlng from complaint *
m - , - - -
B A tllCg peculiar tothelrwxvrlllflnd
IONIO a safe nnd speedrenre. GlTe acle r , heal.
thr complexion. Frequent attempt * at counterfelt-
Ineonlradd to tho | < opularit r of tho orlclnal. U9
not experiment cet tho C-Riaixix. AND Bkbt.
SCure Constlption.I.lvnr ComDlalnt and Siekjl
ilHeidache. Barap' Dose and Dream BookJJ
"fit on r- " * ' -oeentaln postaxo. Jf
Address : DR. HARTER. Medical Co. , St , Louis
Tho Graat Murcory ol
li 200 Imported Brood Mares
ftu fefc. Of ChoicoitFamllios.
fc fcjfeKSriKt y All Ages , both Sexes ,
from France , all recorded with extended pedigrees In the
Perchcron Stud Books. Tho Pcrcheron Is tho only draft
breed of France possessing a stud book that has the
support and endorsement ot tb.6 French Government.
'Bend for ISO-page Catalotfuo , Illustrations hy Kosa
V/av- , DuPago Co. , Illinois.
With Introduction by MRS. LOGAN.
The most thrilling military and civic biojrraphy
overwritten. Splendidly Illustrated with portraits
and battle scenes. The success of n eius who havo
begun work on this book has had no parallel except
In case of Grant's "Slemoirsit in a Jtnminza. For
terms. Address C. 11. BEACH & CO. . Chicago. HL
Tha Original and Only Genuine.
Safe and always Reliable. IJewareot worthier * Imlta-
Itons. tAdiei , a k your DrugcNt for "Chlflientcr'o
EniHIsh" ancl tako no other , or inclose 4c. ( stamps ) to
tis ft > r particulars in letter by return mull. ItuiE
SS18 MadNun hquarc , 1'lilludn. I"n.
Bold by l riiKKl t e cry where. Ask for • • Chlolie-
ter'a KnsU h" I'eiinj royal Pllln. Take no other.
For sI97.M ) . Ele r.nt Organs for & 9 ( V. Do not fail to
write us for ca alo ues and price * . IIhyett linos. .
St. .Toskpii. JIo. * 1 he oldest and larRC't Jluslc House
on the Missiouri Itlver and cheapest In Amerlci.
Khcnraatlmn , XcnralBt . Bladder and Klil-
nev HI ertse currjt by Dll A. V. JiAMHtltllbL-
J/ATIC Sl'KUIFW. Guaranteed to CURE or monev
refuuded. Take no other mediunp. For sale by all
Drusrff'tsOa ° Dollar for lanp bottle. Keference , any
one in St. Josej-h , Mksouri. Information Free.
Dr. A. V. BanoH medicine Co. ,
f * Saint .Joseph , Missouri.
Nos. 303-404-170-604.
This home for the alcfc Is open both for adults and
children. Is cen'rally 1 > eatei In a pie-is-uKA-id qul-t
ni'ishhorhood and rurnishci excellent Ho pt l iacil-
Utes for Sursleal and Mt-dlcil ; a e . Addre-.s
CHILD'S HOSPITAL. O.naha , Nchr.
Plso'a Kemetfjr for Catarrh ! tho FS5 |
Best , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. S3
Also cood for Cold In the Hstd , jy
Headache , Hay Fever. &c. cents. jKH
G ffaffSJvHIHE-OPSUM HnWt Painlessly
SSjra M % % * " Cured at Home. Trpatmenl
hK&mSS" ' * sent on trial and NO PAY a'Wed
BwB until you are benellted. Terms Low
BH Ed Uaaaae Scmedy Co. , JLaFayette. lad.
P 5 rT > Kr * P A positive enre No Kni'r.
A"j5tSSninE,5 , No PUs er. X < > lain.V .
i\iSB O Ex8 2Q Payne , Mirshahtowa.Iowa.
irfna iMnas rHwiaaBHXHi MiMsMHWiiannB saMK M arMi sw i
, run it to Chjrch Sunday. Six Iasl onabIe SliadrHbck ,
No Varnishing necessary Driss hard with x lugjh Gioss.
tore Frontr , etc Will send enough to paintour Bujy upon.
Trad. ? . COIT & CO. , 203 Kinzie St. , Chicscs , 111-
L f Be fei lIlllfiFffi TIibBest |
& - I \4 N " TheFISUBKAKDSLICKEBia • warranted B-iHrpreof , sadBQl fc p yO dry In
9 / T V < ? t-w B a\S tho hardest storm. Tho new POMMEL SLICKER la a perfect rMlnE coat , and
a4/Vkj B l ! Rl coxers the rati saddle. Beware of Imitations. NcnoEtnnlie V7lthrnt Urn "Fiaa
3 > > JAA AJtlt * Brand" trade-mark. Illnatrated Catalogno free. A. J. Tovrer. Eoaton , Man.
for infants and Children ,
"Castorla is go tteII adapted to cMdren that I Cuterla cnre3 Colic , Constipation ,
[ recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation.
fcaoira to rae. " H. A. Arche * , JI. D. , jj KaJt ns , deep * * ad Prosaota * " *
UlB9 Os ordStBro < ilyaN.T. | Wuio u 1ajtiiioB3 raedicaticn.
Ths Cxhtaub CoarjtsT , 182 Fulton Etreo H. Y.
Why did the Women
of this country use over thirteen million cakesof
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886 ?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
t • I f * > ,1' * * 11
' * ' 'LI
* I
Do you fool dull. Innpruid , low-eplrltcd , life
less , and Indescribably mlsentble , both physi
cally and uiciitnlly ; exporienco a bcthm ot
f ullneaa or bloating after cutlnj * , or of "gono-
ncss , " or emptiness of fitomaeh In tho morn- .
in ? , toniruo coated , bitter or bad tnsto In t i
mouth , irrufrulnr appetite , dizziness , frequent. '
headaches , blurred eyesight , " Hoatlnjf specks"
beforo tho eyes , nervous prostration or ex
haustion , irritability of temper , hot Hushes * ,
alternating with chilly sensations , sharp-
biting , transient pains liero antl there , coiu
feet , drowsiness after meals , wakefulness , or-
dlsturbcd antl unrcfrcshlnir sleep , constant ,
indescrlbablo feeling of dread , or of impend
ing calamity ?
If you liavo all , or any considerable number
of these symptoms , you aro BUlTerinjr from i )
that most common of American maladies f
Hilious Dyspepsia , or Torpid Liver , associated. '
with Dyspepsia , or Indigestion. Tlio moro • i
complicated your disease has become , tho i
greater tho number and diversity of symp- i
touts. No matter what htaure ft has reached , ' ,
Dr. i'icrco's Golden lUedlenl Discovery I
will subdue It if taken according' to direc- i
tlons for a rciisotmblo length of time. If not ,
cured , complications multiply and Consump- f' '
Hon of the Iungs.Skln Diseases , Heart Disease , |
Ithcumatlsm , Kidney Disease , or othcY gruvo j !
maladies aro quite liablo to set In nnd , sooner
or later , induce a fatal terininatlon. I '
IJr. I'lerec'H Golden ITIcdienl DIs- !
covory acts powerfully upon tho Liver , and |
through that great blood-purifying organ , , ,
cleanses the system of all blood-taints and im- |
purities , from whatever cause arising. It ia
equally ellicacious in acting upon tho Kid
neys , and other excretory organs , cleansing , '
strengthening , nnd healing their diseases. Aa '
an appetizing , restonttivo tonic , it promotes
digestion and nutrition , thereby building up
both Hesh and strength. In malarial districts ,
this wonderful medicliio has gained great ,
celebrity in curing Fever and Ague , Chills and
Fever , Dumb Ague , and kindred diseases. '
Dr. I'icrcc's Golden Medical Dis
from a common Blotch , or Eruption , to the
worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum , "Fever-sores , "
Scaly or Rough Skin , in short , all diseases
caused by bad blood aro conquered by thia
powerful , purifying , and invigorating medi
cine. Great Rating Ulcers rapidly heal under
Its benign influence. Especially has it mani
fested its potency in curing Tetter , Eczema ,
Erysipelas , Boils , Carbuncles. Soro Eyes , Scrof
ulous Sores and Swellings , Hip-joint Disease ,
"White Swellings , " Goitre , or Thick Ncot „
and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents In-
stamps for a largo Treatise , with colored'
plates , on Skin Diseases , or tho same amount ,
for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections.
Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. PIcrcc' j
Golden Medical Discovery , and good I
digestion , a fair skin , buoyant spirits , vital
strength and bodily health will bo establfched.
• which is Scrofula ortlio Lung * , is arrested'
and cured by thin remedy , if taken In the
earlier stages of tho disease. From its mar
velous power over this terribly fatal disease ,
when first offering this now world-tamed rem
edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously
of calling it his "Consumption Cdue. " but
abandoned that name as too restrictive for i
a medicine which , from wonderful com- i
bination of tonic , or strengthening , alterative , . j
or blood-cleansing , anti-bilious , pectoral , and
nutritive properties , is uncqualed. not onlv J
as a remedy for Consumption , but for alL
Chronic Disease * of tbe
Liver , Biood , and Lungs.
For Weak Lungs , Spitting of Blood. Short
ness of Breath , Chronic Nasal Catarrh , Bron
chitis , Asthma , Severe Coughs , and kindred ,
affceticus , it is an efficient remedy.
Sold bv Druggists , at $1.00 , or Six Bottles
for $5.00. .
C Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's
book on Consumption. Address , (
World's Dispensary Medical Association ,
663 Main St. , BUFFALO , N. Y.
I have used Ely's Cream It wai so much troubled
Halm and consider mjstlf with catarrh It aerlnuslv"
cured. I Buffeted 20years affected my voleOn *
from catarrh and catarrhhottle or E y'a Cream
a ! headache , and this N Halm did tliu work. My
the tlrst remedy that : if- .
, 8 riilly rc < .tored.-l\ .
" ' Vi ' F. Liepsner.A M. 1'jMtor-
. .
u t.
T.IIIgsinson , lljLakefat. of „ Je olivet Baptlit
t-hcaS ! ° - Church. rtilla _ I'a.
For 13 years I was an- ,
For cllt ] ycars Uave
noyed with catarrh , aebcen a guffcrer , rom , - , _
vere pain In my head , dUarrh After UjthlK g ,
into throat .
charges my t.rcaH1 Balm for sIi
and lireath. _ . .
" „ .k , T ie'i.Vc mvself
UTr X.dmC " ' "eJS'
much 1m aired. I Have _ . , , . .
„ rPIneiiv .lo.i-nli
, , lLeie trouWe. . 'Artf
§ ifrand ? .
oMrome WI Av ,
. . . .
with Cream Balm. J. U. -
ilrM1V „ , xv .
fatSt. . in-nU Hotel ,
Broadway , X. T. _
- I wa3 cured hy Ely's
1 have been ft great oufream Holm ; was trou- .
fercr from • 'ry catarrh Ued with ohrunlocatarrh , i
for many years. Ely's natherlsgltirrr ? In-a < jdlf- -
Cream IJalm completely tlculty In IireatttlUK and
cured me. JI. .1. Lally. K ) diharsts frum my * rs -
Woodward Avenue. BosC. . .1. c'orliin ! tt ! Chebt *
ton , Mass. nut St. , i hlladcli li a.
is riot a liquid , snuff or ] x > uxler. Applitd into
the nostrils us quickly absorbed. It cleansex the
head. Allays injlammation. Jfenls the bores.
Jieitores the bcntes of taite and smell.
SO cents at Dntyuistx ; by mail , reyislercd ,
CO cents.
ELY BROTHERS , Druggists , Owego , N. Y.
Have been enjoyed by the-citizens Qf nparly every
town and city in tho U.S.and thou inds of people -
can testify to the wonderful healinjr power ot
Hamlin's Wizard Oil. \
It Cures Neuralgfa , Toothache ,
Headache , Catarrh , Croup , Sore Throat ,
Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Sprains , Bruises ,
Burns , Wounds , Old Sores and
AH Aches and Pains-
The many testimonials received by us more thaa
prove all we claim for this valuable remedy , ic
not only relieves the most severe pains , but
If Cures You. That's the Idea !
For sale by all Drujrelsts. Price. CO cents per
bottle. Our Song Book mailed free to everybody.
Furnished on Short IVoticc BVora
Oiualin. ict Cliicn o I'rlccM.
Omaha , Nob. . 12th and Howard.
% rd Korpnlne Ilnbtt Cured In 10 to-
0R8S31S so dRefer : • > IUOO patlentr rnred >
3 H i& Wii In all parts. Dr. Karsh , duias .Kuiu.