Kp iltiii _ | i l.iiiii in y-jumyii i i i . ! j i nn m . _" "j ? l ! 1 i NEWS FROM AUSTRALIA. United States Ahead Tho Famoub "Buckoyo" Wins a Great Victory. I All patriotic citizens will join with [ Messrs. Aultintiu , Jlillcr & Co. , of Ak- * ron , Ohioin general congratulations over the big victory which their "Light Draft Buckeye Folding Hinder" gained at Shepparton , Victoria. Dec. 14 , 1880 , over various competitors , hy which the great national gold medal was won. The fol- . lowing article taken from the Melbourne V Argus of Dec 10 last , tells how it was done : The Argus says : "The field trial reap- t ers and binders in cennection with the National Show at Fhcpparton was held ' on Tuesday , the 14th instant , on Mr. > Guthrie's farm , about two miles from Shcpparton. Owing to the pressure of harvest work , crops in all direction : "being ripe , the attendance of farmers did not exceed ISO. but great interest was taken in the proceedings. As at the late thow , the judges placed the llornsby machine first. McConnick second and the Woods third ; the "Buckeye" represent ative disliked being left out in the cold , and demanded a field trial a3 provided by the rules , the MeCormick also sharing in the protest ; so the prizes were held over I pending the field trial. The crop was ripe wheat , and the land was so rough that none of the machines could show very low cutting , and the jolting over I the bard clods was tolerably severe on b rscs , machines and drivers. Two o'clock was the hour fired for the trial , but as the "Buckeye" was the only machine then read } * , a _ delay was caused by the llornsby and ; MeCormick experts giving their machines a preliminary run in the adjoining block of cr p , and a start was not made until a / quirtcr past three. The five judges gave J great attention to their duties , and were * ubly seconded by the sub-committee ap- Sminted by the society and the secretary , [ r Harold B. Turnley. About two acres w ? re allotted to each machine , and they tintebed in the following order : "Buck eye. " lh 10 min. ; Hornsby. lh. 19 min. ; I MeCormick. lh. 26 min. The two latter * machine * were drawn by three horses 1 each , while two lighter horses worked I , * * "Buckeye" binder with equal ease. ! " Th ifaokion of the judges was based on * the fallowing scale of points : J k • = • 5 • * u . S3 a I S I H I * - = ° g s - 5 - 33 = i. a 1- Haxkrmm Mtats 15 15 10 5 5 50 Btifiat r. 15 15 10 5 5 50 Hentefey 15 15 5 3 5 43 yChiwhlk 10 15 5 2 5 37 Th juOges ( Messrs. A. Kinkaid , II. WMartfion. J. Grieve , J. M'Intyre and J. M'GtMMiess ) thus awarded the "Buckeye" th # Mr t ynrhue. with the maximum number of points ; Ilornshr second , with 43 , and I MC < r ick ti ird. " with 37 , adding that the i work performed was the best they had I owar sch. mh ! their decision was cheered F Ik * lfc burners oresanL 3 ( rvn * f * * n\n \ are nutti to liud comfort m mUm * ? ewlery Uo ltl in milk. SUDDEN IIICII ES. II on' a. ClotIi i I eilill r Brousttt UVatlh to n < 'a | ttnli t. a VrmdMw • • ! i ClH ! c.e , March Z. CJiiferittJ Kr. < ky rantthe hell. His bmiwiLO ? wn6 that of a second-hand I tiitthe * droieraiwl the bell was that of No. It ) Lib cty street , where David I Cokm , aKi > itiiIfctT resided. Karsky , k frt h. KfcrJe stuffy shop at . ' 33. ) Si.cth isCrttot MMd often in the pursuit of his crttJKitfr it * took & turn in the fresh air * m4 s ri < * r l up old garments to be JkmMu i p as nmr. Gabriel had of- twi mag thi Uel at No. 10 Liberty tenant iXMil wUen he did so this rainy aJwimooii , about a month a o and MoC } mw cutMti to the door ske said , ytwcwnfciy , "Xothing to sell to-day , if * * I luLVt * though said Karsky , tlraw- > ing * ermitpted * M4 > er from his pocket , ft * * I'ves > * Louisiana lottery ticket h * r * &ml thU k > a coupon of ticket I 7X3Q7 d I want to sell it. " Mrs. % Cv&Ht * . however , would have nothing to f dm wi2t the coupon. Karsky in > isted * ami. tke &rg i ient went on until Mr. [ QmkvoL impatiently shouted from the I sttUBtf room to take the coupon , give I tktt nttm. a dollar and let him go. The I ticktti ; a d Mrs. Cohen's dollar changed plaras and. Gabriel pocketing the piece \ w-w t on h4s way in the quiet content- : ' mtfnfc ot t-mtill profits. i On the l 5th of February the list of prisMS wttto puMkbe < I in the Qtrcnicle , tmA Mrs. Cohen , looking over it with lititil euriosky , saw with amazement tfetbt ticket No. 73,987 had drawn the I lest otpitttl prize , a4ui that iier cou- V eon ws worth $15,000. She col- 'Mt hetoi the raon y through Wells , Fargo < Co's bunk , juhI. remembering thecir- euH # tMewo of her purchase , sent KiMeby ? L00. i- , Tkit wm-s not the only sudden for- , _ tHM tiuftC auH8 to San Francisco fro m > Nw OritMkH htot montli. Another % * mth < U thw first capital prize was : 4nufM here ; $2T0OO can > e in a lump tc jmi M. w < MUi who hdd a coupon of 2s . 14,106 , a tl two young men with Mwryhy. Gr nc Jk Co. have become $ S,0fM3 richer by holding a coupon of tiektft 4.5,151 , Hhich drew theecond cafKUi pr . Tbe UfXWct of Captain Ead'i Death. ; WlnUi fect tb dw tii of Capt. James B. - Jtmtio wiM k tv ta tfce Tehuuu tepee ship CTMhrmy proaet , f wkiah he vrua the - n Ifiar a ni htsdfng ntpm > 6Rtitive , in a 1 wntjr f a. wownt. The plans are all , / ainiiin'ii. ' h mI the n t misiitje detail. * us to : immutraction a 4 * hh ration of the road j I ; Wis Ihimi HHtMterwd by thone as.sociateil I f- null mmA vtJm * nr rketl KM ler the yieat en- ' r- jnaiiir Jtei it h s naaie and fnmetliat i jyuw We to tdt mov rtN nt and warranted . . y tiie rxi * rta < ttwit tfc tt almndMitt capital to . v 4Nf4ete tfw itrpr e woukl be forth- it be . tkeruf-jre whether i ebmkumii U * e , W Hmt twk g * of the head > f the enterprise P wilt kepa r e Hlidiwe in its successful in- K. n alMi. Xewr York Star. | p A fwctfost man id Hke a pin , his head ! M7 paMXHii * htm from sning too far. To pre. H | vw t a. eoa-Ii freru going too tar. we sliould B Bagr : lf e Dr. Bull' Cou h Svrup. m Tkena.ntlZO.iiOO.OQO men in India , of f& vltom sixrat 7,000,000 can read and i E write. E | L000 $2 WASHING 31ACHINES FREE. b- To introduce tliem. If you want one K B < i at ones to M-uarnh Laundry Works , ' g 62 Warren SUIL i. I 111 imm mi I I Mill 11 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Rye Muilins Onu pint of flour , on. pint of ryc-inuul. too laulujpoonfiil yeast ; milk unongh to make u thick bui ter. ter.Oil Oil for Red Furniltirn Tnko linsuc oil ; put it into : i glazed pipkin with a much alknnct root as it will cover. Lc it boil gentand ! it will boconio of strongred color ; when cool it will b lit for use. Good Suet Pudding Chop finely sii ounces of beef suet , add to it one poun < of Hour , half a saltspoonful of salt ; mi : with half a pint of milk and water ; til in a well floured cloth and boil t\v < hours and a half. Polish of Mahogany Color Tw ounces of beeswax cut fine , spirits o turpentine , one ounce ; one dram pow tiered resin. Melt at a gentle heat , an ( add two drams of Indian red to givo i a mahogany color. Fifteen Minute Cake Two cups sn fZ'M % three eggs , one cup of milk , thro cups of Hour , three tcaspoonftil of bale ing powder , one teaspoonful flavoring. 13ako in four layers iifteen minutes ani use any kind of icing you desire. Curried Kidneys Make one tea spoonful of curry powder , one of flour a little pepper and salt , into a smootc paste. Split the kidno3'S , spread tin pasto over thein , and fry in as litllt butter as possible. Serve hob on frioj sippets. Steamed Xudian Pudding One and one half cup sour milk , two eggs wol beaten , one scant teaspoonful of sodi dissolved in a little warm water ; stir ill meal until the mixture is a littli thicker than for griddle cakes ; then adi. fruit of any kind desired , ami steam o ; boil one hour. Use sweetened crean for sauce. Baked Indian Pudding Boil twi cups of corn-meal in a quart of watei till it is almost like hasty pudding. Adc. one tablespoonful of butter , two cups of sugar , three eggs , and spice accord ing to taste. Bake one hour in a sIom oven. Breakfast Fritters One cup of colt boiled rice , one pint of Hour , one tea' spoonful of salt , two eggs beaten light ly. two tcaspoonsful of baking powdc ) stirred into the Hour , and enough mill to make a thick batter. Fry light grid ' die cakes. Potted Finnan Haddies Cold boile < baddies , of any that is left from had- dock at dinner , must be pounded fine , with a little butter , cayenne popper salt and an atom of mace , 0 : sprinkle of curry powder. Serve in mound , with hot. dry toast. Graham Pudding One cup graham Hour , half cup milk , half cup molasses , half cup raisins or currents , chopped line , one teispoonful soda. Stean three hours and serve with eitheij cream sauce or one made by crcaniinp butter and sugar , ami iiavor witl " vanilla extract or wine. To Bake Chicken Dismember the joiuts in the same manner as for stew ing ; lay the pieces in a shallow dish , and pour over the meat sweet cream ir proportion of one-half cup to each chicken ; season to taste. Baste oel ca&ionally with the liquor formed bv' the cream and juice of the meat , and as fast as the pieces get browned tun them. Oat Meal Gems Take a cup of oal meal and soak it over night in one cup of water ; m the morning add one cup of sour milk , one teaspoon ofsalaratus , one cup of Hour , a little salt , they are baked in irons as other gems and muf fins ; if on the first trial you find them moist and sticky , add a little iuor Hour , as some Hour thickens m < irt than others. Or use sweet milk aad baking powder. Waters One pint of Hour ( prepsrec is best ) , one cup of milk , one table- spoonful of butter and a teaspoonful o : salt. Hub butter and salt into the Hour , wet with the milk and roll out as thin : u possible ; cut into rounds a < jak cutter and roll out again , this time surj passing the former • possible.Thej .should be actually translucent. Trans. fer with care to a lloured baking par. and set in a quick oven until delicateh browned. They will be dolicioushj daintv. Fruit Cake That Will Last a Tear- Wash and drain well ou pound of cur- rants ; chop coarsely one pound of rai sins ; chop , or .slice , one-half pound o : citron. Beat live eggs and two cups o brown sugar together ; then add to then one cup of butter , one cup of molasses one-half cup of sour milk , one teaspoon ful of spices to taste. Stir into thi mixture six cups of flour reserving one half cup to mix with the raisins , to pre vent their aettl.iig to the bottom. Adr. fruits last. Resemblance and Difference A cuh Is like a bank casliier , Not ; only 'cause it ijas its stock. But that it's apt , in going off , To generate a little shock ; Herein , tho' , is a difference. To hch : your reason will assent. The gun is often charged with shot , The cashier with embezzlement. Yunkers Gazelle. iEstheties in Hosiery. There are certain rules about dress ing the legs that must be followed tc secure a good ettcct. Isovr , in fancj stockings the lower 2 > art should be dark and the uppr part light. That gives I the effect of smalluess at the ankle and j j plumpness at the calf. Reverse tho po-1 i sitiou of the colors and the leg will look j as straight and ungraceful as a stick ! j Then if the dark shade does not go all arod the lower part it should bo al • the luck ami not in front , for in thai caso it gives the ankle a Hat look. The hosiery that is figured with an imitatioc boot coming up to the swell of the call gives a leg the best appearance. Iloim Journal. { I Ilia Occupation. "What are vou doing now voun" man ? " asked a gentleman of a person whom ho met at tho theatre. ! 1 * Oh , I have gone into the under- ' taking business , j I "Rather a grave occupation I should judge. " I I "It m ght be so considered , when t man is undertaking to live on twentj dollars a week from ton dollars salary. 1 I tarf rretzePs Weekly. J 1 Pi Ab tho greatest pain-cure , St. Jacobs Oil Is recommended by public mon of America md other countries. Hon. Billa Flint , Lifo-Sonator of the Dominion Parliament , Canada , found it to act like a charm. Too Soon. Ono of the party had been telling how n certain rich silver mine hnd been discovered by a prospector shooting at a man and chipping a piece of ricli ore off a cliff nhen an old fellow in the corner obtierved : "I came within an ace of finding a mine just that way. " "How did you miss it ? " "Why , tho man I shot at turned around and put two bullets into me , and before I : ot out again tho mine was discovered. " [ Wall Street News. Ex-Mayor Latrobe , Baltimore , Md. , says the best cough medicines is lied Star Cough Dure. Dr. Samuel K. Cox , D. D. , of Wash ington , D. G , after a careful analysis , pro nounced ifc purely vegetable , and most ex- : elIont for throat troubles. Price , twenty- five cents a bottle. , The novelist , E. P. Roe , is writing a book in Santa Barbara , Cal. James Ruflsoll Lowell will sail in a few weeks for England. DJiE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. The Ijcader Ca I Word. Contost. To the persons sending to us the largest number of words composed of letters in the 1 sentence , "Subscribe for The Leader ! " j together with one dollar for one year's sub- • icription to The Weekly Leader , before ! , April 25th , 18S7 , wc will give fifty dol lars ; to the one sending the next largest 1 list a prize of thirty-five dollars will bo nven ; to the next largest , a sum of fifteen dollars. Understand , this competition : osts you really nothing , as tho price of . The Leaoer Is § 1.00 per year , and this is ill wc ask you. You get value received for four money and stand an oven chance for I winning one of the three prizes at no addi- I ' tional outlay. ! Those not wishing to subscribe for Tnc ' Leader can enter into the contest by send ing fifty cents cash , which will entitle them to an equal chance on the prizes. Do you want to earn fifty noLL'ARsbyaneasy and I instructive method ? This is j-our oppor- j tunity. Send stamp for circular with lull instructions and rules. Address , THE DES MOINES LEADER , Des Moines , Iowa. Try walking with your hands behind you if you are becoming benb forward. PATENTS obtained by Louis Bagger & Co. . At torney * . Washington , D C. Ksfd 19GS , Adilce fjee. I Try snufling powdered borax up the nos trils for catarrhal cold in the head. , j Harsh purgative remedies are faRt givins imy to the gentleaction and mild effects of barter's Litllo Liver Tills. If you try shorn , they will certainly please you. There are 4U0.000 unmarried men in Paris against 3SO,000 matried men. If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Wator. Druggists .sell it. 25 cents. ' No thrall like them that inward bondage have. Sir Philip Sidney. ; Best , easiest to use. anil cheapest. Plso's Kcmedy for Catairli. By dnigslst3. sec. Try the croup-tippet when a child i * likely to be troubled in that way. When Baby was ckk , wo gavo her Castorls , Wlien eho was a Child , she cried for Castoris , Whon sho becamo Miss , aho clang to Castorii , Whoa the had Children , she gxre ttota Castorfc , AH the way to heaven is heaven. Canon Farrar. important to All who are willing to work for the reward ol sucttess. Iiallett it Co. , Portland , Maine , t will mail you , free , full particulars about ; | 1 work that either sex. young or old , can do , j at a profit of from § 5 lo 325 per day , and upwardtt , and live at home , wherever the.v , are located. All can do the work. Capital ' ' not rccpiired ; Hnllefct & Co. will etarb you. Grand success absolutely sure. Write at , 1 once and see. Rumor eays that small bonnets are to be I even smaller. ' Pernon * SuSTeri : K from Piles ivlil fincl Relief bv " using Carter's Liitle Liver Pills. 25c. Knowing is worth nothing unless we do the good we know. KKAIS a'BSIS. Fifty thousand mamtninothcluster rasp berry , best black , SI per 100 , $ G per 1,000 ; 15,000 Greg raspberry , largest black , 51-59 per 100 , § S per 1,000 ; 10.000 Turner , red , raspberry , § 1 per 100 , $ G per 1,000. Strawberry , Hweet ] K tato , cabbage and tomato plants for sale in season , and a general assortment of green house and bed ding plants. Send for price list. W. .1. Hesier , Plnttsmouth , Neb. Our sorrow is the inverted imago of our nobleness. C.trlj-le. Brown's Bronchial Troches will relieve Bronchitis , AsthmaCatarrh , Consumptive and Throat Diseases. They are used al ways avitii good success. Price , 25 cts. Every thief would like to keep himsell unspotted FARMERS. Send 10 cents to the Prickly Ash Bit ters Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , and get a copy ol "The Horse Trainer. " A complete 6ystem , teaching how tc break and train horses in a mild and gentle way , requiring no elaborate apparatus , nothing more than can be found in any stable in the country a rope and a strap , Every ono handling horses should have a copy. Wrought iron standing lamps are elegant and useful for piano and reading use. Chronic CougliH and Colds. And nil diseases of the Throat and Lungs * can he cured by the use of Scott's Emcl- eiox , ns it contains the healing virtues ol Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their fullest form. Is a beautiful creamy Emul sion , palatable as milk , easily digested , and can be taken by the most delicate. • Please read : "I consider Scott's Emulsion the remedy par-excellence in Tuberculous and Strumous Affections , to say nothing ol ordinary colds and throat troubles. " W. R. S. Connell , M. D. , Manchester , O. Economy is of itself a great revenue. Ciciro. W1ANCE , Galls , Scratches , Cracked Heel. Thrush , and all diseases of the feet and Irrita tions of the skin of horses and cattie qulcklj and permanently cured bv the use ofVeterl * . nary Carbolleal ve. 50cl and $1 at Druggists. fate * „ - . - - W : < & ; k .feq . . . . . . 11. . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 rn 1 ryn 1 -r it' 1 " " * " ' i r.-in. . i i 1 . , _ . s * • * Justly Indignant nt tho Charge * Wifo "No need to nsk John anything about the merits of Somcrville ministers. I haven't been ablo to get him insula of a church once since wo were married. " Husband "Why , Mary , you know better than that. Your sister Belle and Fannie Hartley were both married in church , and you know we went to both weddings. " Quick work. To do a thing quickly nnd at the same tirno thoroughly will unfailingly secure attention. This is said of Salvation Oil , tho great rheumatic remedy. Black broadcloth jackets appear among those prepared for spring trade. Tiie Causo of Consumption. Scrofula , manifesting itself in blotches , pimples , eruptions , salt-rheum , and other blemishes of tho skin , is but too apt by and by to infect tho delicate tissues of tho , lungs also , and result in ulceration thus ending in consumption. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" will meet and vanquish tho enemy in its stronghold of the blood and cast it out of the system. All druggists. Richnrd R. Bealcy , the Lancashire poet , died at Nottingham lately. A Flat Contradiction. Someone has told you thntyour catarrh is incurable. It is not so. Dr. Sago's Ca tarrh Remedy will cure it. It is plcasunt to use and it always docs its work thor oughly. We have jet to hear of a case in which it did not accomplish a cure when faithfully used. Catarrh is a disease which it is dangerous to neglect. A certain rem edy is at your command. Avail yourself jV > f it before the complaint assumes a more J ; Beriotis form. All druggists. Mark Twain is , in Germany , the most popular of till American writers. "Little , but Ob My ' Dr. Pierce's "PlcasantPurgativo Pellets" are scarcely larger than mustard seeds , but they have no equal as a cathartic. In all disoi-ders of tho liver , stomach and bowels they net like a charm. Purely vege- table , stmar-coated and inclosed in glass t vials. Pleasant , safe and sure. By drug gists. Senator Spooner and wife are to sail for Europe in May. Vitality of Great Men is not always innate or born with them , but many instances are known where it hns beeo acquired by the persistent and judi cious use of Dr. llnrter's Iron Tonic. The Abyssinian chieftain , Ras Alula , is 35 years old , and is the son of a slave. If Ton HJso Tobacco or Stimulants You certainly should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills. The man who is not. content with little is content with nothing Epicurus. The Omaha Typs foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. I n aMM powpi I hum n LYfflAE.Pli ArYTS If ESFOiBLE ® n OFFEB3THE SUREST REMEDY rOUTHE PAINFUL ILLS AND DISORDERS SUF FERED BY WOMEN EVERYWHERE It relieves pain , promotes a rcgnlar aad healthy Tccnrrcncc of periods and is a great help to yonr.g girls and to women past maturity. It strengthens the back and the pelvic organs , bringing relief and coiafort to tired women who stand all day In home , shop and factory. leucorrhoca , Inflammation , Ulceration , aad Dis placements of the "Uterus have beencured by it , as women everywncre gratefully testify. Ee ular physicians oftenprcscribe it. SoMfoyallBrassists. Price < $1.0G. Sirs. Pinkham's "Guide toUealth" mailedtoany lady Bending stamp to the Laboratory , Lynn ilass. PS KHg Sffl HiHE-OPlUM SlaWt PalclesMj ? & § enwr" * Oured at Home. Treatment imt H * a sent OQ trlal tnd iio PAY"ted Srjc 'US' until you are benefited. Terms Low y SB Haraaae Kciaedy Co. , XiSvFayette , I-ad. KIDDER'S FASTILLESi a towelSco : Ituatlorrr. procured H popii when compcttnt. . cadcr c.c _ _ _ . - . V. ' . G. CHAFFEE. Oswtso , X. 5 . ta S c5 , ' * : & 3cEPir' A' f'EfTU.iNX , Sollclt- rfl PA ra S * fcv ? % i 'r or Patents. WasBlnston , IT fl Uoil _ _ | JJ. C. Send for Circular. fiEl 5" to SS a day. Simples wortti 51 60 rRE& Lines fe" " not im.ler tue hor-c'i feet. Write Brewster w Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. nj)3P ) tR Morphine > it Cured in Li ) § -rHfiflEFH tosoituys.Voo yttll CuroO. - 1 _ < VhU. U ; : J. SrrfUKNS. Lcu-uju. OL'lo. S RBTO ra K A pnMtlTa core No Knife. CR Pa K Xo Plain * r No Pain. W C. S-NiaslSti't-aBflC FAjrnc.Marshalltoirn.Iow- . & Pf _ _ iJflOMY Learn hero and earn * TETI - good , i it. Situations Tur- risheJ. Writs Valentine Brat. , Jane Tlll8WIi wmmmm mmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmexmjQmmmmmmmm _ _ mSAPUn-LYYEO-TABLEPR-MRAJKIH MS SEHNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU gSyfAKO CTHEJ1 EHUAUyErriClttTRtUraiES mm It hao stood ths Tost of Years , mJti. in. Curing all Diseases of th v K rv 2L00DIIV It , BT0M- ifc l ACH , KIDNEYS.B0W- CL\Clf/i EIS.&c. ItPnriflesthe irQ a cue < K Blood , Invigorates fad i LAASn . | Cleanses tho Bystom. BITTERS ' K DYSPEPSIACONfiXI- CURES I PATI0N , JAUNDICE , ALLDISEASESOFTHIt SICKHEADACHE.BIL- i I0U3C0MPLAINT8&c . • hvrr > disapp8aratone tinder KJDNEY5I itsbeneflclalinflponca. STOMACH i ItispurelyaMediclxe fci and t as its cathartic propor- \ vsrviuTrrr 5 I ties forhida its use as a , BOWELS heveraKe. It is pleas- J" * " * " ca * * * [ ant to tho taste , and as i i < v5 AS 1 easily taken by child- BY renasodnltB. ALLDRUGGfSTS g fbicklyash bitters co FOM r ER Ulchest Awards of Medals in Kurope und America. The neatett. nulcltest , Hafest and most powerful remedy known forRheumattsm. Pleurlsv. Neuralcta , LumbaKO. Backache. Weakness , colds In the chest and all ache * and paint Ktnloraed by 5.0OJ Physicians and Dmcclsta of the hlchest repute. Benson's Pin ters promptly relieve and cure where other plasters and ereniy salres. liniments and lotions , aro abso lutely useless. Bewnre of Imitations under similar sounding names , such as "Capsicum. " • • Capucln. " "Capslclne. " as ther are utterly worthless and In tended to decetre. Ask forBbhson's and tak xp orniRS. All druwlsts. SEABUHr 4 JOUSSOif. Proprietors , New York. IJOSEPHGILLOTTS STEEL PEMS , ' GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION1S78. Nos. 303-404-1 70-604. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. Bira mmi Khenmsitlsm , Jfenralarla , Bladder and Kill ; ney m e e cured by DIt A. V. JiA > , hSItllKb- HA TIC SPECIFIC. Guaranteed to COKE or money refunded. Take no other medicine. For tale by all DrucKists. One Dollar for large bottle. Reference , any- oneln St. Joseph , Ulbxouri. Information Free. Dr. A. V. Bancs Medicine Co. , Snlnt .Joseph , MltJoUrl. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Genuine. Safe and always Kellabie. Beware of worthless Imita- itons. Ladies n k your l > ruccl t for"Chlchc tcr'a CiislNb. " and take no other , or inclose lc ( stamp ? ) to us for particular * in Utter by return mnll. > "AMC PATE2. CIIICIII&TEI ? CHEMICAL CO. , SS1S .Mi.dlson hdiinrc , Phllndu. 1'n. bold by l > ruc2l t e ery licri" . A > k for • 'Cklchce- ter > a EnctUh" Penuj royal Pills. Take no other * BlgM ® AND ORGASMS HBaiAVaSB AGoodPIanofcr3197.50 BiniiS'sl ' V&Xst AUoodOrganfor GO 00 Write for Catalosue of 10 CENT MUSIC , con taining names of 1KX ) pieces of late and popular music Add * , * , hoyetT BROS. , St. Jonopli , Zt inmoiizrl. F3 Thc largest and oldest Music House on the MIs- sounii\er. --.aI3C33- CHILD'S HOSPITAL OMAHA , NEBRASKA. This home for the sick Is open both for adults and children. Is i en rally l.irate 1 In a p'tastntandqulet n < * Ichliorhood and nirnlshe ? excellent llo p tacll- ttles forSu-ifloiilind MedlcM < 'a es. Address CHILD'S HOSPITAL. Omaha , N'cbr. . - r NTl L-Y-fflAJN'S \ fN \ Patent Gai Siglts I ( f5 I I make TiDtlns and yll \ \Yy J Targetltltlespprfect. 22Miy Send for circulars. > IS i"'n-r SJf jn,2lle2elL Conn. { Si ! CUBES V/rfESE All EtSE FAIIS. E p j Ecst Con6h ; Syrup. Tastes good. Use s tW in time. Sold by draggists. g . B23 P1 P I0"WA SEEDS are THE BEST. wiaPWGSVfiK Complete onruen Uuiiii una ; SS53 ! 5.9tv Illustrated Catilogue of Garden a 1&3 ttfev oS" firais and Field beeds. Plants , Bulb' , Uarden Tools , Ne.v Varieties of I'otatoes.etc.ete. , mailed Free. Oen ral aerents for Strowbridje Broad cast Bovier. Address. IOWA MEE CO. , Whola- taioxsA Retail Seedmen , Du JtOL\t. > , Iowa. * . C . op i&n g\ft ssm jf > & - p fi rf * n C ? C3Xt3 ? " " dwqSwI KkI > vi Fruits , Tree and Plants for the Northwest. Home Grown Healthy , CHE A I * . Catalogue and price list IMiEE. C. t , . WATKOUS , Des Moists , Iowa ? and MorpTiInu Iloblt Cured In 10 to OF3Rf3HBS E0 daJ * * Refer to 1 tiOO patients cured U E W fiSll in all parts. Dr. UTarsli , Quincy.Eicli. PSiIT S1FP PUPPY FOB HH BOLISS By usinc Coirs ONTJ-COAT nur.CY KAIST. 1'a.nt Iri&iy , ran it to Chunb. Sunday. Sis taslnonable hhades. BUct. Maroon , Vermilion , Ou e l ke. Krsuiter and Wagoi Greens. So Varnishing necessary. Dries hard with a high Class. Tip top for Furniture , Bi ' oy Camacjes , Front Doors , Store Fronts , etc Will end enough to p.unt > our Buffgy upon rccapt of One Dollir , ind varrant it to c-r. Diiccut to lbs Trade. COIT lc CO. , 200 Kinzio St. , Chiesco , 111- li ii % I ll _ K p IfWaterprflofCflat pish brrS1 # is 1W UIk 11 Erer Maie. w Nor.o penniae unlesr Don't tvn toyonr money on a frum or rubber coat The FISH BRAND SLICKEE Satamped wita tho jijajj iuteiyjrnt/randiriruJrBOor.andViU keep yon drv m the hardest storm TKing itiag. Ask tor the "FISH BRAND" SLicKirtandtalceno other. If jour storekeeper doe' SSinf ! ntiie "fish m ? > Kn ' , s nd tordccrintiveratalog'ife to A J TOWER 20KimmonSt. Po ton. Ma < . . . . . . . . . - " - raii. inirnii rl-nifiil iiu. - .i. - .u.i iiiwi uiiiii | ) for infants and © hifdreftn • • Cajstoriciscotrcnadapteiltocliildrenthat R Castoria cures Colic , Consttptttfoa , I recommend it es Buperior to any prescription § Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation , kBOTra to me. " H. A. Akciizc , 31. D. , i " prms , gires sleep , aad promotes dl- Ul So. Oz ord S5. , Broohljn , > r. Y. § T7ito 0iajuricus nwdication. Ths Csstaub Coupxkt , 182 Fulton 8trc N. Y. Why did the Women of this country use over thirteen million cakes of Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886 ? Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. ft • Sita. , y r. ' .l. . . * rr.r 7 - M . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - | WIZARD OIL I IlaTo been enjoyed by tho cltlzena or nrarlr overy H totrn nnd city In tho u. S , and thousands of people ) f * B can testify to tho wonderful healing power of H HamSiu's Wizard Oil. It Cures Neuralgia , Toothache , ' 1 Headache , Catarrh , Croup , Sore Throat , 1 HHEOMATSSM. Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Sprains , Bruiles , H Burns , Wounds , Old Soros and \ M AH Aches and Pains. ? The many testimonials rocelvcd by tia more than H prove all we claim for this raluablo remedy. It j H not only rolleres tho most severe pains , but- H It Cures You. That's the Idea ! For aale by all DraitzlsM. Price. SO cent ; per t M bottle. Our Hook mailed f reo to OTcrybody : H Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY , CHICAGft H 31 Will purify tho BLOOD resnlato H MB tho Liver and kidneys ana m 1 " * _ llFSTOBfthn HEALTH and Via- H W tfUa OK of YOUTH Dyspci > ala.Want m y9B mMof Appetite. lndiKe < itionlJict or m SS mfm. Strength and Tired Fe linK ab- H PVAk.solutoly cared : Bone' , mus- H KsK . cl ° and nerves roceiv * new H J$35W ! force. Enlivena the mind m "BSa . and .applies UralnTovrer. m ; , _ . _ _ -r = - " SolToriug from complaint * H S A R HESi n culiur to their ex will nn < I H P ABJ B ELO Fn DR. HAIITER'S XBOK H XONIOa.afoand .neodyeum. Glve nclear.M i- H thy complexion. Freanent attempts at cotint let > H luz only add to tho jopulnrily of the © rl nal. * m notexparlment-cot tho Onioisal.ANl > Vrxr. H 4 Dr. HARTER" ? LIVER PILLS A M /I Cure Constlpatlon.Llver Complaint and aiax H Hneirtaoh - . Samplo Pole and Dream BookW H * -called on r cet"t nfto cents In poatajco. ff H Address : DR. HARTER , Me [ Ileal Co. , St.LouIs Catarrh I mim mm > I H Ro toGU ES iM I I mmmw MM I Hy" FEVER ' I Tho Great Nursery of * M a 200 Imported Urood Marcs I jKSgfefc Ot Choicest Farsilics. M &J&E@t&iffi & & . All Agcu , both Sexes , . H 300 to 4(50 IMPORTED ANNUASiKlT from France.all recorded with extended peilltnTJ's In the Pcrcheron Stud L'ooks. Tho Perch.-ron isthc only draft breed of France possessing a 5tnd book that has the rapport and endorsement of th& Trrnoh Government. Bend for lliO-pago Catalogue , illustration : 1 > / Hots1 Bouheor. P . DUHHAS& Wov.e , DuPos © Cc , Ilir.o" ! ? - ' "izrzr iz ' " M TREATED FREE. Have treated Dropsy and lt complications with the most wonderful mct-ess ; w-c \ ejretabic reinedieieiitiri- ly harmless. Itemote all symptoiis of droptvin fight to twenty days , rtire patients pronounced liopelers by tlicbestorphjiueian' * . From the fir tdoM-thcswnptom * rapidly disappear , and in ten daj s at least two " thirds of all symptoms are rvmot e < I. Some may cry humhii without knowlny anvthfns alKiutit. Itcmemberit does not co-t jou anttliim'to realize the merit or our treatment for jotm-clf. Wc aro constantly ctirin ; ; cases or lonjr standing ca es that hat o been tapped a number of timed and the pa tient declared tmal.Ie to Uvea eek. Gi\ea fuUhNtcrv ofca e. name a e. . cx.howIoiirallicteii.&c. Send for- \ . containing to tliiioniait. Ten tiiyn treat- I ment furnished FREE by mail. If wmonl-r tn.ilund f 10 cents in stamps to pay postape. Fpileixy iFit < i tx I- i tlvcly cured. ( t-miention tl.ispaper.l k I .H. IL GREE.V ft JON'S. JI. 1 > * . 1 I 2Mrf Marietta btrcet , AtlaNTI. * - , 1 OlMTfnOIDl NEWSPAPER OUTFiTSr FuriiiNiicfl on Sliort IVoJice 'roxxz Oiauiia. at < JIiica o Prices. M OR SECOManD GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ' ri * i OMAHA TYPE FOUNDRY , ; Omaha , Nab. . 12th and Howard. Wfi A iVJi limber. M n"a ! ard I'n- ? JJ P i * ! fi B ? rle Laalj. Co to-i. Uri. S J V S Z &Z - a 63 * a wheat. Setnl-tio • i < * : il a d PB 4 Temperate Zone Fruits thrive In he same fleld. J Country healthy. Slate rapidly d"iciplaE Low J Taxes. G od fachool" . New Iiahro-iis. an-1 more < i miles of Xavlgaole Hivcrs than any other State J in the Union. Tht < Is -5 rr Bi7 n IA1rl % Tor si yon can obtain Ttt = fi&Kcl ; * KV 9 Gazette one year. fccfanafffiivl Jc ? * m est and Beat Newspaper 9 In the S'ate , with asrlcultnral department ably edf- M ted. rifty-six columns per weet Tel'n you all ahout the grev Southwest , fcli mon 1l r/ic. . S < M month * : flc SOIPI.FS FIJER Address THE GAZETTE. r.ittlc KocLArlr. . 1 oqqcbLUMBUS I yJ J = 4 MANURE SPREADERS ; J f ESfe Si0 cae ° Pe3t Spreadnr out , ana the 3 ' BStT' v&F saSt&iBu9 only kind that can 4 | TTpacreirJx / t7fbe attached to old * jl if Vi J dS S S vrn sousAll aro j g VVACS : JJACKVSK CO. . COLDA1BC8. OHIft i "W. N. Un Omaha • 355-13 ? \ , IS * % * i 1