The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 17, 1887, Image 5

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E " THUltSD\VrMAirCH 1771887.
HPT . Indicates tbut your subscription to this
Jjgf jF paper has kxi'IKKD , and that u cordial
WT J k Invitation Is extended to call and renew
| a * * mthu same. Subbcrlptlow , $2 per year.
Ik \ < \ ,
§ & * Local Intelligence.
| L * 1883. 1887.
k ' McCracken's Jewelry Store
Eg Is now located on the corner north of
St Postoffice. We pride ourselves of hav-
C - inj the Fisest Jewelry Store in the
p t valley , and we are better prepared to do
, fc. all kinds of work than ever before. Our
: BL work on Watches , Jewelry , Etc. ,
• % j. we guarantee can 't be excelled anywhere
Br , on earth.
I | Another big drop on Watches and
! ; * Clocks. Now is the time to buy at whole-
kIL | , sale prices. We have the beat assort-
• | p- inent of Gold Watches , Jewelry , Clocks
If and Silverware outside of Omaha.
| I55T"Remeniber we give particular at-
: gr tention to repairing of Fine Watches
; jrv | - and Engraving.
jpf E3y Chas. Noble , the leading grocer.
W Dancing slippers at J. F. Ganschow's.
| p Cultivators at Rinker 's from $1G
S | • to $37.
} Rr Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. La-
& Tourette & Co. 's.
| t Dancing slippers at J. F. Ganschow's.
JJT _ Let us all try a pair.
fe. For choice cuts of meats ol all kinds ,
fe call at McHugh Bros.
W A complete line of ladies' and gent's
fine shoes at J. F. Ganschow's.
Take your hides , butter and eggs to
k Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
The best fresh and salt meats in the
market at Brewer & Wilcox's meat
market _ .
A good young stallion for sale. Part
cash and balance on time. Call at my
office. C. P. Kinker.
Monarch gasoline stoves at Lytle
Bros. & Co's. The very best in the
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
hogs. Call at their market , Main
; Next weekThe Famous opens a large
t line of the latest styles in furnishing
A l goods , etc. .
r • *
Si Queensware in the latest styles ,
[ t plain and ornamented , at the leading
1 grocer Chas. Noble.
[ A well selected assortment of fresh
V candies at Chas. Noble's. His stock
I is fresh and clean.
U The new grocery store of Chas.
i Noble is the place to purchase your
I groceries and provisions.
A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
queensware , and in fact everything in
the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
A nice fit is always wanted. Try J.
F. Ganschow , the practical boot and shoe
dealer. You will never fail.
Remember that Chas. Noble is head-
\ quarters for everything fresh and clean
f in the staple and fancy grocery line.
I Young man , call at ' 'The Fa.mous"
\ and see the latest style stiff and soft
f' hats. Styles and prices will please you.
\ Next week , The Famous will open a
f large line of the latest styles in young
[ - men ' s , boys ' and children's suits and
t pants.
j New Crown Sewing Machines at
V Rinker's @ $5 per month until paid.
r These are the finest Sewing Machines
in the market
I G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse
I power feed grinder , with attachment
m for shelling corn or any other kind of
| i * rotary work.
$ The new meat market of McHugh
fr , * Bros , is prepared to sell you the best of
K everything in their line. 'At the old
L- Palmer stand.
ftf" f" If you have anything in the line of
| photograph work .you want done take
' it to Miller , and give him a trial. Sat-
I isfaction guaranteed.
if The finest and best lady's shoe is
i made by John Kelly , and J. F. Gans-
I chow always keeps them in all widths
it and sizes frotn B. to EE. Try a pair.
[ Wiley & Bede are loaning money on
i farms at the lowest rates. Also have
1 special bargains in real estate , at
i * McCook Land Office.
f '
I Frv & Snow ' s old stand is the place
' ' . /j to bu " v y ° nr * 'our ' an ( * i d' as ° Gar *
' * ' den and all kinds of Farm Seeds. We
fl have come to stay and will make prices
. reasonable. Harvey Bros.
I ,
\ We can give yon estimates for ma
; ' terial and work to paper , paint and fin-
f isb your house complete. Call and see
r B our new wall papers before doing your
} work. McMillen & Weeks.
i _
Our prices are below any competi-
\ * tien in the state. It pays to deal
I with the reliable firm of
J. C. ALLES & GO'S. ,
The Leaders.
* &t -
mri -
* * mjx. 'i'j"j ' ' ; lt 'jSS. ' "Lnm " "Mr , ' . " " , i JU tiJ.L. ! ' . " ! " " ' " * '
< *
Dancing slippers at J. F. Ganschow's.
Nolo he change in Allen &Co. , adv. ,
this week.
Another dance a 't McNeely Hall , last
Thursday evening.
The city council will pass upon W. 0.
Saylor's liquor license , this evening.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Bcrger , last Saturday.
"Boom' ' and "settlers" are words in
constant and frequent use hereabouts.
Applicatieus for proof made out free
at this office. We carry a full line of
the necessary blanks.
We crave the reader's pardon , but it
is a fact that the face of the stranger is
one of our most familiar sights.
A Woman's Relief Corps will be or
ganized in McNeely Hall , Friday even
ing , Marcli 18th , at 7 o ' clock , mountain
We have it from Agent Woods that
in the near feature , probably this week ,
Pullman car tickets will be sold at this
The watch
newly-appointed night
man , W. W. Brown , entered upon the
discharge of his duties the latter part
of last week.
A new depot truck has just been
pressed into service at this station , to
assist in the heavy and increasing trans
fer business.
Saturday afternoon was the occasion
of the pay car ' s monthly visit. With
each appearance its output at this sta
tion is increased.
By the change in trains , the follow
ing car-cleaners go to McCook , viz : N.
B. Thomas , J. Kehl and H. W. Hayes
Red Cloud Chief.
Larger and handsomer window panes
are replacing the older onesjn the Com
mercial House , the office of which is
also being painted and graiued.
The offcial ax continues to fall with
unerring and unintermitting precision.
Yerily the railroad man knowcth not
what the morrow bringeth forth.
Among the additions to the force at
B. & M. headquarters are Messrs. Mar
vin and Whips , the former night opera
tor on commercial work , and the latter
day assistant to the agent.
The park square is being plowed and
otherwisn prepared for the spring plant
ing of trees , shrubbery , etc. It does
look as though that long-looked for park
is to become a blooming reality.
We hear it stated on the streets that
a private poker game is serving as
an absorbing.and fascinating employ
ment for some of "the boys' ' of the city ,
upon two or three evenings of the week.
A special train of three cars , contain
ing Burlington railroad magnates , went
through this station , Saturday after
noon. Denver bound. President Per
kins , General Manager Holdrege and
others comprised the part- .
The First National bank publishes its
quarterly report in this issue of The
Tribune. Its perusal will discover un
to the reader the flourishing condition
of that staunch financial institution , and
a healthful increase of business.
About the 2Sth of the month , L.
Bernheimer will move from his present
rooms into the old Citizens bank build
ing on the opposite side of the street.
His new quarters are being thoroughly
overhauled and will make him a hand
some establishment.
The season of prairie fires and high
winds is here , and every reasonable pre
caution against these fires should be
taken. Already a number of more or
less disastrous fires have occurred in
various country localities. Be careful
about letting out fires.
Paint and calcimine have been add
ing to the external and internal ap
pearances of the business places of
Messrs. Torrey & Co. and W. C. La-
Tourettc & Co. C. II. Rogers has al
so been lowering his shelving and mak
ing other improvements in his estab
The meeting of the Y. P. A. , at the
residence of Henry W. Keyes on Madi
son street , last Friday evening , will be
remembered by all who participated in
the same as one of the most enjoj'able
and pleasant of these occasions. . The
program of the evening was one of un
usual excellence.
Fleet Equines Last week , Regis
ter Hart received two valuable and
speedy horses , one of them five years
old and with a record of 2:30 : , which he
fondly hopes to reduce to 2:20 : before
the season closes , uuder favorable cir
cumstances and superior training. Mc
Cook leads the procession in the way of
fast horses. '
j. * „ - > , . . . . aTl m- - . / J- ) & . - * . ' < • ffl3.e' • .
Our democratic brethren are in a
peck o' trouble over their campaign whis-
k 'y. The prospects for an interesting
expose are bright.
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W.C.
LaTourette & Co. 's.
Among the improvements of lesser
note and importance , this week , are
new stables , by Messrs. Trowbridge ,
Spearman. Woods and others. *
Dancing slippers for ladies and gents
at J. F. Ganschow's.
The following official circular has
been sent ont from B. & M. headquar
ters to all its agents :
Jfotice is hereby given that special rates ,
rebates and otherwise , at present will expire
March 81st. This applies to all special rates
in favor of shippers ; also all arrangements
in effect with connecting lines that differ in
any way with published tariff rates and also
to any special rates that iiiay be made be
tween now and Marcli 31st
Ladies and gents can fit their feet in
fine shoes and slippers at Ganschow's.
"The ploughman homeward plods his
weary way , " may be grammatically trans
posed and the meaning of the original
line still preservedover250 ways. There
are 215 ways of changing a quarter in
to other coinage of United States money.
A year's subscription will be given any
one who can exceed either of the above
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W.C
LaTourette & Co. 's.
Real Estate This last week , H.
G. Dixon , real estate agent , sold the fol
lowing property : S. E. section 13-3-
30 , to Geo. E.Johnston. Lot 11block ,
9 , to Messrs. Harris & Kimmell. Lot
7 , block 10 , to Geo. E. Johnston.
Lots 9 and 10 , block 9 , to M. Yager.
Bring out your lo ts and Dixon will sell
A full line of gasoline stoves at-Ly
tle Bros. & Co's.
A claim upon which a cash proof had
been made , was relinquished to the gov
ernment , at this local officelast , week.
A homestead entry was immediately
filed upon it by another party. This is
the first relinquishment of this charac
ter that has ever occurred at the Mc
Cook office , or to our knowledge , at
any other office. They are unusual
and infrequent indeed.
Something entirely new in the line of
gasoline stoves , at Lytic Bros. & Co's.
The manure that has served as a pro
tection to the water mains on North
Main Avenue , during the past winter ,
is being hauled to the park block , where
the same will be devoted to the fertiliza
tion of the trees , shrubbery , etc. , to be
planted therein in the near future by
Ex-Governor Furnas , the well-known
Brownville nurseiyman. What we lose
in ornamentation will thus be gained in
practical utility.
A full Jine of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer 's.
All over the city are visible evidences
of activity. Lots are being plowed and
gardens spaded , fences repaired , refuse
burned , and premises cleaned up gener
ally. Paint , calcimine and the like are
doing their share in making the appear
ance of homes and properties fresher
and brighter and more pleasing to the
eye. So is ushered in .faintly what
promises to be the most substantial era
of our city's existence.
Corn Stalk Cutters at cost atRinker's
for the next 30 days.
We are pained to announce the death
of Mrs. Harmon Eaton , of the South
Side , which occurred on Tuesday , the
15th inst. Mrs. Eaton had been a suf
ferer for some time with that dread ene
my of the race consumption. She
leaves a husband and one young child , to
whom the heartfelt spmpathy of the
cotnniuhity is extended. The remains
were interred , this afternoon , at Fair-
view , Rev. Kelsey conducting the
Choice fresh and salt meets at the
new meat market of McHugh Bros.
The temperance mass meeting at the
Opera Hall , last Sunday evening , under
the auspices of the W. C. T. U. ladies ,
and in which the churches of the city
united , was an interesting , instructive
affair the various phases of the tem
perance question being ably handled by
Revs. Rodebaugh , Kim in el and Kelsey.
No question now before the American
people or the world is of more abso
lutely vital importance than temper
ance. It is a matter that effects our
homes and institutions , and may well
exercise our people and be taken under
consideration , as in the manner of last
Sunday evening , nrofitably and frequent
ly. Let the fires be replenished upon
the temperance altars of our city.
srEPEggs wanted at Chas. Noble's.
The highest market price paid.
* <
• v
( V
i The following roseate communication
was received at these newspaper head
quarters , a few days since. We repro
duce it for our readers , in all its child
like simplicity. At a cursory glance it
] will appear that , subjunctively speaking ,
j some one is intent upun incarnadining
- the journalistic proboscis hereof ; that
| there is a provisional desire expressed
to paint our nasal appendage crimson ;
that there is a contingent anxiety , as it
were , to decorate , a la vermilion , the
sensory organ editorial. That com
mingled with this probably noticeably
ensanguined epistolary effort is a terse
ness , an epigrammatic strain , quite
poignant , though refreshing :
McCook , 5-11 , ' 87.
To Editor Triiiune :
Dear Sir There is one thing that
you will have to comply with and it is
this : You for your own good must not
article anything further in regard to me
or my placeT I doe not interfere with
you or your business and I intend that
you shall not interfere with me or my
business. Anything further will be fol
lowed by a bloody nose , so take warning.
W. O. Saylor.
Nebraska City Breaking Plows at
C. P. Rinker's.
A company of friends were entertain
ed , Tuesday evening of this week , by
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Fowler , at their
home on Marshall street , with a pro
gressive euchre party , which was hearti
ly engaged in and enjoyed by the follow
ing persons : Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Rees ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Wilcox , Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Mcserve , Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Brewer , Miss Mary Roberts , Misses
Mabel and Edna Meserve , Messrs.
James Gray and F. M. Kimmell. The
evening ' s prizes were won by Mrs. F.
S. Wilcox and Miss Edna Meserve. At
a proper interval tempting edibles were
served , after which the guests of an
other pleasurable social occasion dis
persed to their resDective abodes.
J lf Gilt and red seals for sale at
TnE Tribune stationery department.
A home missionary and township
convention met , yesterday afternoon
and evening , in the Congregational
church , the attendance being largo , var
ious ministers and delegates being
present , including Rev. Jno S. Maile ,
state superintendent , and Rev.Dr. A. F.
Sherrill , of Omaha. The reports of the
churches , in the afternoon , were full of
interest and inspiration , while the pre
sentation of liome missionary work by
Revs. Maile and Sherrill , in the even
ing , was not only instructive , but full
of spiritual pathos that appealed to all
hearts. This is the sixteenth convention
of the kind held in the state , Lincoln
and Nebraska City being next in the
list. They have been a source of bless
ing wherever held.
A fresh lot of candies received at
Chas. Noble's , this week.
We learn of a number of cases of
diphtheria in the city , with one fatality ,
Tuesday , a young son of Samuel Foe , a
B. & M. passenger brakeman. Two
more of the same family are sick with
the malady , but are recovering , as are
also two of W. M. Sanderson's family ,
who are similarly effected.
See the latest departure in gasoline
stoves at Lytle Bros. & Co's.
The attraction of the hour at Mc
Cracken's is the little water motor just
set up in his store for the purpose of
running the lathes of the establishment.
It is a neat , serviceable and powerful
little piece of machinery.
Just as we go to press comes the sad
news of the sudden death , last night , of
J. B > . Piper , one of the most highly re
spected citizens of the Upper Willow.
The business places of Ludwick &
Trowbridge and McHugh Bros , come in
for their share of paint and improve
ment , this week.
The liquor ordinance of the city ,
Squire Bennett decided , is not legal.
Upon what authority of law do our sa
loons rim ?
Some interesting suits are pending
between Thos. Colfer , Esq. , and W. O.
Saylor , salonnist.
. •
This week , Lytle Bros. & Co. sing a
gentle lay on the subject of gasoline
Behold This ! 1 am on deck this
spring with the most complete line of
farm implements ever offered the farm
ing public in this part of the country.
Call and examine. Compare goods and
prices. I am always glad to sec you.
Respectfully , C. P. Rinicer.
We have a fine bunch of Young Na
tive Mares for sale at Russell's livery
barn , corner or Railroad and Madison
streets , McCook , Neb. Terms , rcason-
i able. Brewer & Russell.
i.inw lii i. I' ' lwiM i ii niw ; w ir in i _ m *
53yUmlcr this head wo would bo plonsod to
have our friends throughout the city acquaint
us of the arrival and doimrture of their visitors.
Miss King of Culbertson is in the city , to
Harry Clark is in the city , to-day , on a short
Henry W. Keyes returned from Ids Cliica.
go trip , last Friday noon.
Joe Swan of Eating House fame was in
the metropolis , Saturday.
Miss Lillie Welborn of Indianola lias been
visiting in the city , tills week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Cramer were up from
Indianola , last Saturday afternoon.
V. Franklin had a call to tho County Cap
ital , Monday evening on business.
Ilev. Eoilcbaugh of the M. E. church was a
business tourist to Oberlin , last week.
C. T. Brewer left on the morning train ,
yesterday , for Omaha , on a short trip.
Mrs. Will Ereckson of Indianola is visit
ing Mrs. J. T. Burkholder of our city.
J. E. Cochran went down to Lincoln , yes
terday evening , on important business.
F. M. Snow was down from Akron , Thurs
day and Friday of last week , on a visit.
Mrs. Fred. D. IMtney of Culbertson visited
her parents in this city , the first of the week.
Thos. Colfer , Esq. , left this morning for
Tama City , Iowa , on important legal busi
Editor Floyd of the Trenton Torpedo and
wife were in the city a few hours , Saturday
It A. McCracken of the Hayes Centre
News down to the city , Friday , on a visit of
some length.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pate indulged in a visit
to the "Queen City of the Plains , " the close
of last week.
Frank Harris and Charles Meeker were
south of Indianola , Saturday , on a land
Mrs. E. J. Merrill came down from Strat-
ton , last evening , on a short visit to friends
in this place.
F. M. Smith of the First National bank ,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Smith at the tatter's
home in Arapahoe.
Leonard Meserve had business of an inter
esting and delicate nature at Benkelman ,
the first of the week.
Squire Shirey was one of Indianola's con
siderable delegation of visitors in the city ,
yesterday afternoon.
O. Moflitt and wife and William Shaw and
wife of Panora , Iowa , were new arrivals in
the city , yesterday.
Josiah Einker of Winchester , Va. , father
of C. P. Einker of our city , arrived in town ,
yesterday , on a visit
Harry Phillips , the E. & M. right of way
man , was in the city , Friday. He left here
for Curtis , during the day.
Albert Noren , who has been confined to a
bed of sickness lor a number of weeks , went
down to Hastings , Friday evening , on a two
week's visit of recuperation.
Dr. Price of Sandwich , superintendent of
public instruction for Dundy county , spent a
few hours in the citj' , Friday.
Miss Alice Murphy of the city schools vis
ited at Indianola over Sunday , going down
o a Friday evening's passenger.
L. C. Stephenson , one of Akron's promi
nent real estate men , was down from the
west , Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hill and Mrs. C. D.
Cramer of the county capital , were in the
city a few hours , yesterday afternoon.
Secretary of State Laws came up to the
city , Sunday evening , on some matters of
business , returning home on Tuesday even
ing's train.
Capt Keller , Eeceiver Steinmetz 's clerk ,
who has been sick at his home in Sutton for
a number of months , returned to the city ,
Tuesday night.
M. E. Lovell , sheriff of Washington , Colo. ,
better known as the B. & M. "cow coroner'
on the west end , came down from the west ,
last evening.
Jack McAlpine went up to Bird City , Kan. ,
Saturday night , to arrange for the building
of a house on his mother's claim in that vi
cinity. He returned , Monday morning.
Squire Sylvester Cordeal , treasurer of1
Washington county , Colo. , came down from
Akron , Thursday evening , to attend the
meeting of King Cyrus Chapter , that evening.
Miss Nettie East went down to Lincoln ,
the first of the week , on a visit to her uncle ,
Eepresentatve Wright of Dixon county ,
where she will also make a short visit
George Farrar , who has been clerk at the
Commercial for a number of months past ,
left for the east , yesterday evening. He goes
to join a traveling theatrical combination.
Dr. J. S. Shaw of Indianola was in the
city , Tuesday afternoon , to see his new
grand-daughter. The Tp.iuuxe notes a
pleasant call from the doctor , with , a desira
ble financial feature attendant upon the
Patrick Egan , of Lincoln , ex-president of
the Irish League of America , was in the city ,
Sunday , looking after his extensive interests
in McCook. He is owner of the handsome
tract of land northeast of the city known as
Egan park.
Messrs. F. L. Brown and C. W. Knights
returned from Colton , Cal. . last Saturday
morning , coining via San Francisco. They
left Mr. llocknell much better , and improv
ing. They report that Mr. and Mrs. llock
nell will probably remain in Lower Califor
nia most of the coming summer.
Benj. Hammer of Polo , HI. , arrived in the
city , Tuesday , on a visit to his daughter ,
Mrs. F. 0. Newman. Since his short sojourn
here , Mr. Hammer has demonstrated his
knowledge of a good thing upon sight hit
the nail on the head , figuratively speakimr ,
by investing in city and farm property , to-
wit : Two choice lots opposite A. J. Pate ' s
resilience and a quarter section one-half mile
east of S. II. Colvin's farm , east of the city ,
both excellent , investments.
. . . . .
' ' - f i i
" "
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
MAUCII 10. ! I
Flora and Rebecca Ham in to Frank Hnr- I H
ris-W. I ) . . W.t N. B. H and N.KN.
W. HlU-KlO 8450 00
I. M. Keutzloimttt to W.D.Morso W.D. ,
lots , bloek' ' .lstnddltlon.McOook. . . . 125 00
Gcctko Lef er to Anna Lcsor W.D. , N.H H
N.W.K unci N.K N.E.H : fc ! 0 COO CO
Almond ( Justin to L. F. Pate W. D.t N.
E.J.1-S---J0 ! 800 00 |
- - ' * " '
Frank Harris to Flora d'Hiimm W. "fr. , H
W.y. N.EU and N.JJ N.W.U 13-1-30 800 00
Clark Ward to D. J. Hlchmun W.D. . lot
8. block at ) and lots 13,11 and 15 , block
US , Indianola 500 00
Sarah J. Wunl to D. J. RIchman W. D. ,
lots 7 and ! > , block 30 , Indianola 1,000
Chas. W. HndKkln to P. J. Hickman • '
W. D. . N.W.J4 0SJ 1.600 ' |
U. S. to Geo. Mayo-R.H.S.W. & 15-3-20. . , 200 00 |
maucii 11. § H
Wm. Knapo to C. H. Iloylo W.D..8.E.i ? 1
N. W.h , N. K.J.J S.W.U , S.W. H N. E.U. I
N.W.US.E.J42U-2-28 $1,100 *
StephenOouchertoO.G.Gordon W.D. , 3
S.W..t ! 31-1-30 750 f
W. E. Fry to O. F. Habcock W. 1) . , uaat I
45 ft. lot 1. block 27 , McCook 650 |
I. J. Uoycr to Laura Humphrey W. D „ I
lot 1 und 2 , block 35 , Indianola 1,200 |
Jno. W. Haines to J. W. HuuKhorty W. 3
I ) . , part block 1,1st add. South McCook 400 sH
H.C.Hidor to I , , lluchanan W.D. , lot21 , I
block 1 , South McCook 20 00 !
H.S.toL.C.Hacon-H.U..N.E. X20-3-30. . 200 §
Lincoln Land Morris W.D. , # ,
lots block 25,1st add. to McCook 155 25 ;
U. S. to Gcorgo Hentloy It 1C , N. K. 22- i
A. J. Pate to It. C. Fisher W. D „ lot 7 , *
block20 , McCook 700 H
Indianola Cemetery Association to A. • - ;
G. DoleW. . 1) . , lot 130 Indianola Com- * >
ctery 4 00 J H
maucii 14. 4I
Peter Hroekham to J. W. Dolan W. D. , |
NT ? > . * l * V7 KAfl It H
J. K. Konyon to Charles F. Habcock W. a H
D. . lots 1 and 2. blk 20.2d add. McCook 375 I B
Ann Perkins to John Inicl W. D „ lots 10 1
11 and 12 , block 3,1st add. McCook . . . . 1,800 '
E. J. Dunham to L. L. Dunham W. D.t _ ,
E. U. Holllnjr to M.J. CurtisW. . D. , S.E.
• > . • > . ' 1 1 000 H
U. S. to C. II. IUclmrds-U. It. , S. E. 27-3-
20 4 00
Sumo to M. A. Oluisteud It It , W. tf N.
W. J.i , 14-4-20 100
Same to J. It Evert It It. S. JJ N. W.
H und N. VS. . W. H , 27-3-29 4 00
Frank M. Smith to E. F. Crandall-W. D.
S.E. M , blocks , Indianola toOO
E. Malloy to J. E. Ha ' nthorn W. D. E.JS
N. W. lx and lots 1 and 2 , 30-4-20 1,000
John Peako to J. A. Dunbar W. D. , W. HJ
V . lot 7 block 8 , West McCook 350 H
F. S. Wilcox to L. McEntco W. D. E. % ,
Lincoln Land Co. to E. Y. Perkins W.D. and 12 , blocks. 1st add. Mc- _ _
Cook 189 75 M
E. Y. Perkins to Ann Perkins W. D. , to H
same property HJ
M. .1. Curtis to E. It Kollings-W. D. , N.
F * ' 31l7 2100 H
' " * * ' '
Allen 'bartley to J. E. H anthorn W. d ! , H
lots 3 , 4 and 5 , block 28 , Hartley 180 H
U. S. to W. J. Porter-It It. lot 1 and 2 , j
7-4-29 and E. ! 4 N. E. ) i , 12-4-2D 197 85 • 1
Same to Joseph Dudok It It. SE. SW. HJ
W.iSE. . and SE.SE. 32-3-28 200
On or about March 20th we will have H
the pleasure of opening for the public H
inspection , the finest , largest and most H
carefully selected stock of Boots and H
Shoes ever brought to this city. The H
senior member of our firm is now in H
eastern markets selecting the best stock H
that spot cash will buy. We will have H
nothing antique to offer , everything in '
our store will be fresh , modern and H
stylish. It will pay you to wait for us. H
We mean business when we say we want H
your trade and if good goods and square H
dealing in combination with low prices H
will do it , we intend to have a share of rH
it , if possible. ' H
Citizens Bank Building. H
On farms I am prepared to fill all H
loans from 3IcCook. No sending away
no delays. Everything done and I
completed right here. Do not fail to I
see me before making application. I
I. T. Benjamin.
Office Over First National Bank. I
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , Bed Willow Co. Bank ,
43-tf Indianola , Neb.
Real Estate Loans.
We have completed arrangements
whereb } * we can furnish those who want
a loan , money on real estate , promptly
and without the usual disappointing
delays. Call and see us. We are al
so prepared to make chattel mortgage
loans. Citizens Bank.
i i i.
I have on hand a lot of Grass-Hopper
Breaking Plows that I will sell at the I
exceedingly low price of § 9. Call at |
once before they are all gone.
Charles Noble.
Optional Loans
Made on Farm Property by
Colvin & Dempcy , t ,
McCook , Neb.
To loan on the most favorable terms ,
on Improved Farms and First-Class
City Property. Helm & Davis ,
McCook , Neb.
Elegant Wall Paper and Decorations | *
just received , at MeMillen & Weeks. jf
They will give you figures to paper and
finish your house throughout , including |
work and material or material only. f
Call and see them before letting your 1
work. , 1
I have a good team , harness , wagon 9
and cow , for sale cheap. Will sell for 9
part cash and part time. Call at my ]
office. C. P. BANKER. 1 |
Latest styles and all colons and shapes W\ \
in Men ' s and Boys' Hats just received j
at "Tub Famous. " M
The State Journal places McCook I
fourth in the list of Nebraska future }
cities. i
Chase & Sanborn 's roasted coffees &
are the best in the world. For sale %
at J. C. ALLEN & CO'S \
Cash Bargain House.