J "OME BY ONE. " I A. DIREFUL AVALANCHE IN EVERY 1 KNOWN ZONE. H AndTIioi5 aml of People Crualied by W { w - IU l'llilua * Power. K * \J Psvf up the dizzy Alpine heijhtH , abovo H r the line ol perpetual Trout , where the bril liant glitter of the hijow under the midday lun seems only to intencify the cold , the Ice King would aeem to hold undisputed • way. But even hero there is at times a little humidity in the atmosphere o ! the more sheltered nooks. The dry snow sottens a little , the wind catches it up and tosses it about , and the itar-like flakes are rolled into a tiny ball that the footsteps of a child might easily crush. Then comes the rudo blasts from the mountain top and drives the bull up Hi and down the high valley and across the | vast trackless fields of snow and ice. It. | gathers size and strength at every turn ; \ huge rocky boulders and mountains of ice i are imbedded in the now slowly moving I avalanche , which sooner or later descends I with frightful velocity to the valley below. I [ The luckless village in its pathway is I doomed ! The air is thick with the falling I snow ! An awful rush ! A roar reverberates | through tlio mountains , and the little t Swiss hamlet is swept away ! I The foregoing is so applicable that we I use it as an illustration. As the wind k catches up the snow particles on the mountain tops so the 'heart catches up the P blood as it pusses from the kidneys nud L other organs , and sends it coursing through C the system. As it rushes along it drops the uric ncid that the unliealthy kidneys I have left in the blood in the form of in- I soluble crystals , causing enlargement of R , the joints and intense inflammation in the \ system which is often called acute rheu- I roatism. Eventually the joints enlarged J by these crystals become stiff and painful. I If these crystals are dropped in the liver 1 they are called gallstones , if in the Kidneys A gravel , if in the bladder calculus or stone. b If this uric acid or kidney poison ro- t * mains in solution in the blood it circulates K throughout the system , causing irritation , I which produces , according to the location I of the irritation , pneumonia , consumption , I hacking cough , heart disease , inflamma- U tions and fevers , skin disorders , paralysis , n apoplexy , and makes the system suscep- 1 tible to colds , chills , and all the other com- E Don disorders of which uric acid is the M principal cause. i The little child upon the mountain top I can crush in its tiny hand the first forma- ft tion of the rushing avalanche. I So , too , thecalamitous results noted can W be as readily prevented if the right menus P are used at the right time. 5 "But how ? " our readers may ask. A Listen and we will tell you. It is a fact ! | of medical science that the kidneys are the | chief blood purifiers of the system ; t.e ! p chler blood poisoner is uric acid which the n kidneys alone can expel. If the thousand [ ) little hair-like sewer tubes of the kidneys , \ - L through uhich the entire blood supply \ + - • passes the same as through the heart , are i * diseased they cannot sepnrate and expel . T this poisonous waste matter from the 'f- blood. Now , as another matter of scientific fact , i disease of tlioe little sewer tubes is more II common than of any other delicate part | tj of the body , and it is because Warner's \ t-afe cure , gentle : md natural in its action , ! baa Mich wonderful power in preventing if- and curing disease of these all-important [ I tabes , that it is recognized as a great sci- [ • entific specific a power possessed by no | other such" remedy on earth. When the ! . kidneys , the only blood purifying organs , become inactive sind diseased , nnydisorder If to which the system is most liable may be expected. I Then it is that trouble begins , and the \ doctors fail miserably because they can r' ' only treat 1 he effects the cause is beyond \ , their power ! Hence itis that the proprie- * ' tors of Warner's afe cure claim to cure so if many apparently different diseases it and < , it alone reaches and cures the cause , aud ' ' then , of course , the effects disappear ! rW We incline to the belief that their theory is correct and eo recognized by scientists , ' r who have given the subject much study , i t This frightful disorder is depopulating ; \ our hemes faster than we are aware of. * - Like the avalanche ol the mountain , it it. ] * " ' causing the death of all with whom It L. comes in contact. It does not sweep away \W \ an entire village or hamlet at once , but i 3jjf one by one the people snecurab to its piti- i JE less power. The final , or terminating , am- cause may be given another name and be tmr so treated by various "experts , " but the , K $ cause of all these effects , how many soever g ( they may be , is the same , and for that KT , cause there is but one rational form ol SL treatment. Fjl If you do not crush the avalanche as it Ih , is forming , in the manner indicated , it will BPf certainly crush you. Jg Take your choice ! Mj- * The secret of happiness is never to allow P your energetic to stagnate. Et Kack Ache Cured by Carter's fljjb" Smart Weed and Belladoua Back Ache Jjp " PJaaters. K , : F. IL Abbott , of Buffalo , i $11,000 BS short in his accounts and is in Montreal. K | ' Chronic Couslin and Cold * . Hf And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs , Hg can he cured by the use of Scott's Emcl.- flr * Bios , cm it contains the healing v ' rtues ot ft' ' Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphite ' in their JEp fuHeat form. Is a beautiful creamy Emul- Hgf. eion , palatable as milk , easily digested , mfS& and can be taken by the most delicate. B Please read : "I consider Scott's Emulsion MFS V the remedy par-excellence in Tuberculoid WEL . aad Strumous Affections , to tcj uothingof Bt \ - ordinary colds and throat troubles. " W. Wm , % , P S. Cosxkix , 3L D. , Manchester , O. By. " • * * * * Senator J-herman denies that his vinit to Pst * Florida powse ses any political significance. S : * The bei > t rot.cn medicine is rifo'i Cure for Con- Bp tamption. Subt everywhere. 25a. | § J He that hath uo bridle on his tongue W „ hath no grace in hia he.trt. . St. Jerome. ST Pkicvlt Ash Bittebs is an unfailing cure JB. lor all diseases originating in biliary de- W rangements caused by the malaria of mias % . niat-ic / u < tries. No other medicine now | R oh sale will t-o effectually remove the dis- F turbtog elements , and at the same lime K * tone up the system. It is sure and safe iu | F Its actibn : W • Who is dumb ? He who does not know nr low to say kind things at the right titse. K b' BUla-HcSTH. • Jccties In tho Vlcturusiiiio Citpltal or llunaitry .v Dual tlty. Tlicru aro fuw cities in Europu so pro- possosiu : as Uuda-PesUi , writes a cor respondent of The Sen Francisco Chronicle. On the right , as 3-ou como Jown tho Danube , is the lo line of steep hills , the slopes aud heights of which are covered or crowned by Utuhi , thtf * ancient fortress occupied so long by tho Turks ; the royal chateau built by Maria Theresa and occasionally oc cupied by the oniporor , and a little fur ther down , on an elevation , part ally detached , the huge fortress that now defends tho city. Pesth is on tho left , spreading out a vast network of streets and places over a broad plain bounded by groves and low hills that appear in the distance. All the life , tho activity , the commerce , and nearly all the pop ulation in Pesth-Buda sleeps and dreams on its sunny slopes among its vineyards , and about its for tresses and castles that keep ever a watchful eyo on the historic river and its busy , bustling better half opposite. Buda was formerly , and is still , by a portion of tho population , called Ofen ( stovo or oven ) . Whether it was be cause of the summer heat 1 do not know , but tho locality is decidedly warm in midsummer , and even t.ll late iu tho fall , though a fresh breeze sweeps at night up and down the Danube. The name of Buda goes before that of Pesth. Royalty precedes the proletar iat. It is tho most pertinent modern example that I know of the tail wag ging the dog. Nevertheless tiie two places go well together. Business brings everybody to Pesth. Even the tourist bent only on pleasure is obliged to make h s home there , for it has all the lino hotels. But it is pleasant to have a retreat like Buda so near. You have only to cross one of the three monumental bridges and you run against the hillside , covered all tho way to the castle summit with trees. Up this steep ascent you wind slowly by geometrical paths , stopping occa- sionally to rest on the friendly benches that occur from timo to time on tho little terraces along tho route. If one does not wish to walk he takes a car on an inclined railroad , some hundred yards in length , that mounts at an angle of forty-livo degrees. It is ar ranged on the well-bucket principle- one car mounting while another de scends the power being regulated by a steam-engine. There are two classes , aach hav.ng an end of tho vehicle , and paying respectively for tho round trip 5 anil S kreutzors (2 ( } and a trille over 5 cents ) . There is also a splendid tunnel , giving access to the part of the city beyond the lull to traverse which costs a pedestrian 2 kreutzers. Jt is built ou the principle of the egg-shell , which is supposed to comb no the greatest amount of strength with the highest degree of convenience to the hen. Cut oft" the tip of the large end of an egg-shell about half way to the bulge , set the shell upright ou the end thus abbreviated , and you have an idea of tho arch of the great Buda tunnel , which his been made merely as a matter of innn cipal convenience. Its 2ngineer certainly had an idea of what rt'as at oiicj strong and graceful. Itu- gurded ; is a work of public bunelit , it shows an active and enterprising people It is interesting to know that here , as at V eniia. the greater part of the line buildings , aside from those that are strictly of a public character , have been built by Jows. Those iu the Iladial- strasse. for Mistance , one of the linest streets in Europe , are said to be nearly ill so built aud owned. They are large structures , built of a handsome light- colored stone , with facades of elegant Je -n and represent the bast ideas of mo . rn architecture. The street is it self broad and well paved. The shops are externally attractive , it not alwavs is weil supplied as those of Vienna or jf Paris , and the cafes are numerous md well-appointed. The handsomest bu.lding on th s line thoroughfare is the opera-house , only second to those of Vienna nud Paris. The intimate associa- t on of the Jews with so much that is rich and beautiful iu Europe is one of the mysteries of modern progress. Primarilv it comes through the mercan tile quality. They have the money. That thev seo fit to spend it in beautify- ng the cities of their birth or adoption : so tiieir credit , especially when , as in this case , they anticipate the growth of the city and cau not possibly at once realize on their investments. Their Ages. Pope Leo XIII is 7(5. Queen Victoria is 67. Milan , king of Servia , is 32. Louis , king of Portugal , is 48. Humbert , king of Italy , is 42. The emperor of Germany is 89- Abdul Hamid , the sultan , is 44 , George , king of the Greeks , is 4L Charlc * . king of Roumania , is 47- Pedro II , emperor of Brazil , is 61. Leopold king of the Belgians , is 51. Charles III , prince of Monaco , is G8. The king of Spain is a few months old. old.Alexander Alexander III. emperor of Russia , is 41. William III , king of the Netherlands , is 69. Francis Joseph , emperor of Austria , m 56. > Fun in Him. Mamma What's the matter , Bertie ? I thought j-ou 'd stay and play with j Tommy Carroll all the afternoon. I Bertie Tommy ain't got no fun in ' him. him.Mamma Mamma He hasnH ? Bertie No ; we was playin' house , * everytime I hit him with the whip heclled. . I don't want a crybaby around me. Tid Bits. , . _ I I I I i i M A Bad Prescription. "Visli is das , " said a German to a physcian who gave him a prescrip tion , j "That is Iodide of Potassium , " re- plied the physician. i "Veil oferlo died of potassyum , dots besser you don't gif dot to me. " Carl PretzeCs Weekly j $10,000 were spent in eighteen years by Prof. C. A. Donaldson , of Louisville , Ky. , in trying to get rid of his rheumatism , but ho found no relief until at hist he used St. Jacobs Oil , which speedily cured him. Tho Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home is ready for occupancy. Tho Duko of Kdiiiburgh , her Mnjcsty'a second son , is the meanest one of the lot. Tho mother of Gen. Low Wallace iu very proud of her talented son. The most severe cough can at once be re moved by Red Star Cough Cure. "Give ib to your children by nil means , " snys Prof. Williamn , ex-State Chemist or Delaware , who found it wonderfully oflicacious. Price , only twenty-five cents a bottle. Aimlvemury Exercl e . Tho recent twenty-seventh anniversary exercises of the Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Chicago , commenced with tho brilliant reception given by Prof. B. Ludlam at his elegant residenco on Michi gan avenue. The reception was a triumph both as a social and fraternal event. Phy sicians from all parts ot the United States nnd several from foreign countries wero present. On the day following , tho alumni of the college , now numbering sixteen hundred , held their regular annual meeting for tho transaction of business and election of offi cers. Many venerable aud eminent men wero present , and the meeting was of great interest. Tho following officers were unanimously elected for the ensuing year : C. M. Dins- moor , M. D. , Omaha , Neb. , president ; P. H. Foster , M. D. , Chicago , first vice presi dent ; C. G. Higbee. M. I ) . , St. Paul , Minn. , second vice president ; Prof. A. K. Craw ford , M. D. , Chicago , secretary ; J. P. Cobb. M. D. , Chicago , treasurer ; ProL G. F. Shears , M. I ) . , Chicago. E. L. Crofts , M. D. , Chicago , C. L. Misick , M D. , executive com mittee ; Prof. E. S. Bailey , M. D. , Chicago , nechiologist. Iu the afternoon of the same day , the regular commencement exercises were held at the Grand opera house ; eighty nine stu dents were graduated. The-Rev. Dr. Mc- Phearson , of Chicago , delivered a very able valedictory. In the evening a brilliant banquet was given to the professors and graduating class by the alumni at the Leland hotel. Why tnke those immense closes of nau seating mixtures sold as "Cough Syrups when a few small doses of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure your cold. Charleton II. Way , of Georgia , was ap pointed consul-general at St. Petersburg. A Large Prize Won by a Norfolk Club. Norfolk ( Va. ) Virginian. Jan. 30 Learning that one-tenth of ticket No. 91,9(50 , which drew the capital prize of $150,000 in the drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery on the 11th hist. , had been collected through the Marine Bank , a reporter of The Virginian determined to find out whom fickle fortune had so favored , and soon discovered that Capt. I. Cain , of the steamer "Bonito , " was one of a party to whom the ticket be longed. Captain Cain was sought , but as his steamer was in North Caro lina , he could not be seen until last night at 5 o'clock , when his boat ar rived. At that hour the reporter went to the wharf and asked for Cap tain Cain , and was directed to the boat , where he was found leaning out of his pilot house window directing the landing of his cargo. Upon askinga few questions , it was learned that Captain Cain is one of thirty residents of our city , who for about two years have contributed monthly one dollar each to a club for the purpose of buying tickets in The Louisiana State Lottery , and during this period several prizes have been won , but none over § 200 , which amount has been drawn by them three or four times. Just before the drawing of the 11th inst. the tuu\ bought tickets , and among them was the tenth-ticket numbered 91,960 , and on examining the official list of numbers drawn , the club discovered that they were the fortunate winners • of $15,000. They deposited the ticket an the Marine bank for collection , and on Thursday received their money. Captain Cain said the club would con tinue to purchise tickets monthly , as before. Congratulating the Captain on his fortune , and thanking him for his information , the reporter bade him good evening. Mrs. Lucy Parsons , anarchist , was placed in jail at Columbus. O. The Old. and the New. The old style pills ! Who does not know I What agony they caused what woe ? You walked the floor , you groaned , yon sighed. And felt such awful pains inside , And the next day you felt so weak You didnt want to move or speak. Now Pierce's "Pellets" are so mild They are not dreaded by a child. They do their work in painless way , And leave no weakness for next day , Thus proving what is oft contest That gentle means are always best. An American hospital will be built at Teheran under the Presbyterian board of missions. The Ruddy River. of life is the blood. From it the system re ceives all its material of growih and re pair. It bathes every tissue of the body. How necessary , then , that the blood should be kept pure and rich. Dr. Pierce's "Gold en Medical Discovery" is the great blood food and blood purifier. It is a sovereign remedy for all diseases due to impover ished blood , consumption , bronchitis , weak lungs , scrofula , influenza , and kindred dis eases. The Massachusetts house voted against woman suffrage. * * * * Delicate diseases in either sex , , however induced , speedily cured. Book 10 cents in stamps. Address in confidence , World's Dispensary JMedical Association , 663 Main street , Buffalo , N. Y. Denver is the highest of the state capi tals , being 5,175 feet above the sea level. "When B by wa sick , we gave her Caatorla , When sho was a Child , sho cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clang to Castoria , Whon aho had Children , she gave tiiem Castoria , I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humanity. Victor Hugo. Tttany Forms ofNervons Debility In men yield to Cartek's Iron Pills. Christine Nilsson was married at Paris to Count Miranda and will retire from the lyric stage. * biii11 in umnaiatmmtmimnttmtmtmeimmmmnti i i 1 1 i r i i ' • - * ' , ' ' * . < * - " , ; * • -sr --/-i' / . - - < ' , " Tho president of an institution caring for 72 boys and 58 girls , weighed and meas ured them all during a period of threo yenrs , and discovered that tho incroaso in weight and height of tho human body dur ing the years of growth does not progress evenly throughout tho year. In the au tumn and early winter a child increases in weight while tho height remains stationary. In tho early summer , on the contrary , tho weight changes but little , while tho height increases. [ Dr. Foote's Health Monthly. Bodily pains and accidents will occur not only "in ttie best regulated families" but every where and nt nil times. Therefore keep Salvation Oil convenient. Price , 25c. Captain James B. Ends died at Nassau , N. II. , of pneumonia. If you once try Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick hendache , biliousness or constipa tion you will never he without them. They aro purely vegetable. Small and easy to lako. All druggists sell them. Indians murdered a ranchman named Reaves iu the Superstition mountains , Ari zona. Are You ITInlcliig ; Moneyt Thcro is no reason why you should not make large sums of money if you are ahlo to work. All you need is the right kind of employment or business. Write to Hal- lett. it Co. , Portland , Maine , and they will send you free , full information about work that you cau do and live at home , wher ever you aro located , earning thereby from § 5 to $25 per day , and upwards. Capital not required ; you aro started free. Either sex ; all ages. Better not delay. Samuel P. Besse was hanged at Ply mouth. Mass. , Tor murder. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" aro ex cellent for the relief of Hoarseness or Sore Throat. They arc exceedingly effective. "God will only punish men for wicked ness and not for holding opinions. " Health iTIurlca. A bright eye , clear skin , glowing features , animated expression , and a quick , firm step. These are nil secured by using Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic. In the clear mind of virtue , treason can find no hiding-place. Sir Philip Sidney. For Good Purposes. Mrs. M. A. Dauphin , of Philadelphia , is well known to the ladies of that city from the great good she has done by means of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Sho writes Mrs. Pinkhain of a recent inter est ing case. "A young married .lady camo loine suffering with a severe case of Prolap sus and Ulceration. She commenced taking the Compound and in two months was fully restored. In proof of this she soon found herself in an interesting condition. Influenced by foolish friends she attempted to evade the responsibilities of mal urity. Af ter ten or twclvcdays she came to me again andshewasindeed in a most alarming state and suffered terribly. I gave her a table- spoonful of the compound every hour foi eight hours until she Tell asleop ; she awoko much relieved and evidently better. She con tinued lakingtheCompound.and induesca- oonshebecame the mother of a fine healthy boy. But forthetimely use of the medicine she believes her lifo would have been lost. " Your Druggist has the Compound. $1 per bottle Llil sft ft h ski \ TlTISAPURCLYVEGETASLEPREPARW.ON I t&M aErlNA-MAKDRAKE-BUCHU ! omen Ec.uAiirErriciEirrna'lEaiES ' It haa stood tho Test of Years , ! Jam I Curing all Diseases of tho vELOOD.LIVEE , ST0H- ilg&sj ACH , XIBNEYS.BOW- ; SfS lUif/S j ] ELS , &c. It PariSes the ; ifatfm ewTH I Blood , Invigorates aad i .a-fean - . i Cleanses tho System , j ! ] BFTT&Ha j DYSPEPSIA.CONSTI- 1 CURES JPATIOTT , JAUNDICE , ! ' ALLQiS3 ESCFHiE I ] SICKHEADACHE.BH- jj TTVTTO | l0USC0H3LAINTS&e i rjrrr i Sr-r ri disappear at once under fillDMEY 3 | f its beneficialinfluence. STOMACH 'I ' Itis purely aHedicine J AND | 1 as its cathartic proper- fltie3 forhids it3 ns3 as af Ha * - rs > i rrrr e ? , isySfHgdLb psTeraga. Itispleas- 1 ns = TS q " 2iTS71u ant to the taste , and as y < < ° } ; 7 U easily taken by child- . - BY y yjren as adults. ALLDRUGGiSTS U ft pskkly ash bitters co g S353 2 ft" > - L _ 1 FOloumSTIl Highest Awards of Medals in Europe and America. The neatest , quickest , safest and most powerful remedy known forRheumstlsm. Pleurisy. Xeuralgla , LumbaRO. Harkaclic. T caknei * . colds in the chen nnd nil aches and palm. Kndorsed by S.noj Physicians and DrujzIsM of the highest repute. Benson's Plas ters promptly relleTe and cure where other plasters and greasy palves. liniments aad lotions , are abso lutely useless. Kcwarc of Imitations under similar soundlnr names , such as "Cap'lcum. " "Capucln. " "Canstclue. " as thev are utterlyrorthleis and in tended to deceive. Ak For. Botox's axd tvke no © tiiers. All druinlsts. SEiBUEY" & JOHNSON , Proprietors , New York. , * ' -a. r.EiurAXN' .soiicit- PafFSaBSe3arf or ot Patents. Washington , M I ttaf\3 I % 3v.C Send fur Circular. ? to S8 a day. Samples worth Jt. FREK. Lines SB T ) not under tb horse' * feet. Write Brewster W Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. ) Si ? 080 Morphine Ilalilt Cured in 10 OB a tWalS ue J. SrjtrusKS. Leuaaon. Ohio. EPEMTC I'JfiUTCn For the Newest and Be t fell- HUEll I 5 liAn 9 EU inC book erer published. For terras & circulars address National. Pcb Co. Chicago summmmimmHmmiimmmtmmamjiMWja nmnnm ' inimw < iMfclMMlMonM iwwwi miimTTiTn"iT i n U * - -it- ' * • * * - * * * ' ( * - * * - TIRED OUT ! At this Mason nvarly orery ona nwtdi to uw itmm cort of tonlo. IKON entetn into almost eyrry phy sician's prescription for thoa * who hmmI boUdinc np. HLUL-BE5T TOMC Weaknen * . l < nH < ilturfct I.uck of gor , etc. , it IIAiS N4) liQVAl , , and la tho only Iron tr.odicino that is not iujiirionn. It Unriches the Blood , Invlcornte * tbo System , Kcstoron Appetite , AldaDigt-atlon It does not blacken or injure the teeth , cause head ache or produce constipation other Iron mtdirimt ita JIES. MTIU. SUxriELD , Norfolk , Neb. , saya : "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters u a tonfo vrith most happy results. " Sin. Cms. TVAajren. 811 Eighth St. , Omaha. Neb. , says : "I used Brown's Iron Bitten for General Debility and it made almost a liew man of me. I cheerfully recommend it. " Mil. J. F. Maoumn. Wilson. Neb. , says : " I baTo nsod Brown's Iron Bitten fur General Debility and Kladly recommend it to like suBerors. It haa mad * a new man of mo. " Gonuino haa abora Trade Mark and crossed red line3 on wrapper. TnJlo no other. Aladeonlyby BUOWA CHEMICAL CO. . BALTIMORE , SID. oBLnDhUUK pens Leading Nos. : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161. For Salo by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROCIC STEEL PEN CO. , Works : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , New York. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Genuine. Safe aud always Reliable. Beware \rortle Imita * itona. Ladies , n fc your Driiccift for"Chhc tor' * Kiigllsh" and take no other , or inclose ie. ( stamps ) to us for particulars in letter by return mull. Name rATEK. CIIIC'III > TEfr CIIKMICAI. CO. , SSlit MuilUon frquure , 1'hlluda. l n. Sold by lrni ; l t uitrj w here. Aj.fc for "ChlchcB- tcr'a EiikII'Ii" I'cmijroyul I'llU. Take no other. WStheFREBGHT Ton Wason Hcales , aascan Hearioc't Brui re B a aad Uraiu Ecz for Ereryslie Scale. For frer price Hat mention thl p p r nd address JONES CF BIKGHAMTON , BINOHAfllTOW. N. V. 1PM ® AHB ORGASMS 1Mn9Rb AGoodPIanoforSll > 7.fIO liS Ei 4sfi dA Good Organ fur ( ill UO "Write for Catalogue of 10 CKNT MUSIC , con taining names of lbCO pieces of lite nnd popular musU Address. KyYETT BROS. , St. Tosepi , HSinnouirl. Ct7T1ic largest and oldest Music House on the Mis souri ISIvcr. 2fM0 GQLL&n PflD-u i r 1 * " . most lclialile and dur.i- - > * -f /Sjirs. & " * -Sw\/Stt k ° J'A1 > f r Sore 6Sasi3S * ho - nuilea. -si3S i&r ' $9 nfvk s-s < ir s JfcX&S i'SHfcr Wt-athcr orwear has no WfiV' W' W clTrrr on their t-urathc W&tvr S % } M pnpertii" . . Our new ISngy e/i'if'Sj lix'P" with 'tnip * tnnkc \fflf \ > % 3' ' them M'lf-adju Mint : . S/ Kjf We solicit u trial. For sale bv all Saddlery .lubber * . AsIc your harness makers for them. ZINC COI < LAIt l'AD CO. , lluehanan , 'Mirli. JJSS&FB/EEfi WA C f ? A Ir * t st 3JOOK overl- f • H 4SlK ralrintctl. Tliouantls of B- . % iSjSSS * * Eiifrniviiigs. jlcstSEISlJ g . _ - JjJL i' . & cheapot ever grown , gil % g3t * ? 8 ? g5 ; j > iu ac Cheap as dirt by T P ! t -'ar- oz. .0 lb. 100000 pklx. new M sortsxlividedTKKKto Customers. I Rive ' / / away more than some linns sell. Send for nty Catalogue. It. II. Shiimway , liockford , III. JLlSW.5 = ti = ei MANURE SPREADERS A % & FARM WAGONS tddttaflgtyar j jg2 i2g Egtfr 8cneaPest Spreader outand tho e Jy/TvjS iJSrs a s * * only kind that can XD i h be attached to old fp > W S aiwagons. All aro * - * y . - , yiy TS teya r rir-og mailed free. 2 WAJ K ilACHINK CO. , COLUilBUB , OHIO. tf * * n -N. I LYIVIAW'S ff J\ / / " aN latent Gnu Sights l ! * _ II i lOl ) raafco Hnntlas and H yXjftZizZXy / TirgetEiflespertect. Sv5 i = 2 ? \jSS Scn < 1 for circulars. 339 tkzzP& &FZa WM.I.YMAK , * S = fnrfrJf5 . Kirtdlenild. Conn. \SIlaiilijKa pAMpn IS Xfi cS bS" Q & 3 u a J § ant information. Send for it MlLOI5.Sfl3VENd& ca. Pension Attoekits , ciucaoo. 111. FACE , IIANDS FEET , and nil their imperfection < ' . Including Fa < cial Development , llairand Scalp , Super- tluous Hair , Birth Jlarhs , Holes , "W'art , Moth , FrccKleo. Ited Kose , Acne , Black. Heads. ScarPittinjr an < l their , treatment ; Send 10c. forlx > okoCS0pa < cesi th edition. Dr.J.U.WoodbBrjS7.M > earlSt. > A.llvuiyN.Y.Est'b'dlS70. Wanted in every County. Shrewd men to act order our jnsfructionsia our Secret Serrice. Experience not neces sary. Fend stamo for particulars. GRANNAN DETEC TIVE BUREAU. 44 Arcade , Cincinnati , O. WB R3 s / ? * IOWA SEEDS are THE BEST , bt Bn r3 R tv Complete Uardrn Guide and Illustrated of Garden m } a a Ku Catalogue ES3 Eka SK ? < § jy Gra < ; s and Field Seeds , Plants , Bulbs. Garden Tools , Jfew Varieties of Fotatoes.etc.etc , mailed Free. General acrent1 * for Strow bridge Broad cast Sower. Address , IOWA 8EK1) CO. , Whole sale and Retail Seedmen , Ves Jf oines , Iowa. e * < 5 & KIJRSIHilSS Fruity Trees and Plants for the Xorthwest. Homo Grown. Healthy , CIIKA P. Catalogue and price list I'lCKE. C. L. 1VATKOUS , Des Moikes , Iowa CS3 K / pFresh. . Reliable ; Wholesale at SBS3 Ra S H Wltetu" - Free by mail at S nnd I ? EEBJflnM cts.perlarcepackage. .Mam- B ISS GSVs ? moth Seed Farms. One Acre of Glass ! Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue FItiii- : . 1I.W. BCCKBEE. Itockford Seed Farm , Kockford , 111 circular of Instructions. &t Broadway , " ew Yotlc 5 > t7aRmHE-OPlUlVl Habit Painlessly ISKf1' Cured at Home. Treatment BiBS sent on trial end NO PAY asked o ? nntil you are bencflted. Terms hon Ilamane Bemedy Co. ! I aFayette , Ind. DRUG CLERKS SS'SJSS 40 Dearborn Su.Chicagu. Illinois College of Pharmacy. ! " w > A ' 5 - < % ThoFISUBBirTDSLICKEBIs warranted wxt-rproof , aad will trtp joa dry la L7Ycv _ _ _ _ n 'W3 the hsrfest storm. The new POMMEL SLICSEK Is a pertret riilinc cott , nd J\l4 lJV5 R Vi ' eorers the entire saddle. Bewnreof imltitlona. Koa cennIne\rltl > oat the"PI a , " 'Ail URr ' Brand" trtJe-rnark. Illustrated CUos-J free. A. J.Totrcr , Boston , Mill. Why did the Women • of this country use over thirteen million cakes of Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 18S6 ? Buv a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. 1 ! I WIZARD OIL Tlaya been enjoyed br tho citlxcns of nearly orery town nnd cltr in tho II. H. and thousands of pcoplr ) can testify to the wonderful hoallnu power of j ila&iiBii s Wizard ! OIL ; It Cures Neuralgia , Toothacho , ' Iloadachc. Catarrh , Croup , Soro Throat , j .RHEUMATISM , i Lamo Back , Stiff Joints , Sprains , Bruises , ; Burns , Wounds , Old Soros and AH Aches and Pains. The mnny testimonials received by us more than prove nil wo claim for this vnluablo remedy. It not only relieves the most sorcro pnlnn. but It Cures You. That's the Idea ! For aale by all Drucirlgts. Price. CO cent * per bottle. Our Sown llooic mnllcd frco to everybody. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY , CHICAGO. i TfiE OHLT TRD3 V$2 TBft VTiU purify the BLOOD rosulalo ] V Sk wi tho LIVER nnd KIDNEYS i" " ' \ * C 1 _ > * KKSTpRKtlioIIKAI.Tnar.il Via- > M&F&WU.ORdfYODTH Uyi < ier ia.nt 1 ' ' Sof Appotite , IniHce'tion.IJicUof a | > firjj lA StronRth unit Tired FcelinB all- 1 TfeftTjSv B0lutel7 cured : i ; < ) iic i , mu - il > Jrv \ . clei nnd nerves receive new > CTWa for o. Fnliveniithfmind S 5 . nml supplies Brain i'onrer. t z _ , _ , _ Suffwrini ; from cnmpuiutif - B AF9 % % & peculiar totheir * ni will hnd TONIC a kafo ami upceily onm. tlivt * a clear. IimjJ- thycomplezion. Freouent ntlemi.M at connterleil- inconlyuail to tho popularity of the oriuinul. Vo noteipariment cat tho ORICINAI.AKD I > rs.T. i Pr. KARTER" ? LIVER PILLS V ft"ura Conntlpatlon.Iinr Comolatnt nnd aiCKM WTTnidacho. finri7 > le Dois and Brearn BooKM ' llcd " reeMnt/ twocentaln poutneo. 17 AddressrDB. HABTER , MetflcalCo. . St.Louls Remits t J I BUfF } 'S5 Bfte | f | | | AND FRENCH COACH HORSES. fiffUgUQAH VALLEY STOGK FABM , lireeiiinvetabV &jfeSfej i4 * li-l.ni.iit V.it / & & § % & : J3S& & oniieMis.i.Hp. ? j xmgsBm ll.-a.I of l.re Kir.1 : . . .1 fe&gS&KJK' WS ? ? hoiMandMare onhir.il ffe eX & W&'A also a Tew recorded lin 3 & &S > ' ttKftffik 1 p .rted Krcm-h t-oarh-rs SgSS f % $ & S.ue the lUk nnd fiV5V- - ' < - • • JW. y 'rrl penve of lonn railroad&Jpte& , " i SS * trips nnd klnppitiir nnd fr7t # * > &Vfcsafa get jour Ho sat horn. & $ ' % & V fiS nn.1 acclimated "fi li-i WrM \ & 4&i3&3 $ i ble men. with t tal.Ii fe&fzI & < &ttt&A ? M ed reputations as breedtiK * t > ' fswB3ViEl liJ er . Our Imported bto < k all rcpibtcred In the I'trthei on Ftu.l Iiooksof Franco and An.ei-K.i. We Kti.iranttall Stock Tireeilers juytat represented. Send for caCalofj * Number 5 free. Addre , AVHRY & COLEWAN. Props. Wakefield , Clay County , Kan. ELY'S © ATAPJRH ! CREAM BALM f IS WORTH MpAr C m vb IU U U fev rS | gA TO AXY 3IAX . S'pm Ionian or Cliilil rf / & & < sufle-ins from $ $ 3 O ATA RRH g ng j > -ot a Liquid or utX fa VEjf A particle -ipplied into e.icrt no'tr'l and Is asrea- abie. l'rirc 50 • • < • ts ar DruK ' < - br malt , resti- tere l.O ) cents. Circulars free. ELY UttOS. . Drus- Kl ts , Owego. \ . 1. One a cnt ( Merchant only ) wanted In every town for The beat evidence of the popularity of your "TiuiBill' Punch" is , that ufter the first trial , I have a permanent ctiHtomer. 1 I have sold them for more thin thr e years 1 and the only fault that my customer ? ! find 1 , with them is that they can't smoke any other iSc cigar with sati.ifactio . IIobt. II. CownitBY , I'h. G. , Chicago. Addresa I . W. TANS2LI. A : CO. , ihltnso. WEAK , MERYGlf § PEOPLE _ y i tg - And others suKerinp frcai - - Hjc5 i:3'0 ' ? 5 > nervons debility , erhanstinQ rS5Eywfrr > * ? S SJchronic dteaies , prematurt ' ' K2Lci > TcirPruLsSteS .ecline of yonny or old ars i &yyj iasSp * * llorce's famous Eleclro- / Marnetlc Uelt. Tfcousandj In every fcfljState in the Union have b en cured. Uleetrlrl ? v5ty instantly Telt. rmentedand fold 10 years. Whole family can wear same belt. ElectrU Sn pemorle free with male belts. Avoid worthless im itations and bojrus companies Electric Tnrues fa ; Kupture. 700 ctirnl in't < 5. Send stampforpamphlet. DR.W.J. HOBKE , INVENTOR , 191 WAW H AY. , CHICAGO. r P S HEADACHE- Sfi rATwTTai ASTHMA , V E © S3 N URALCIA , Oulckly relieved by ainr Cnahrnan'n Menthol u InliHlrr and by continued u e e.Tfct a cure atU- - factlon sniarAit efi or money refiii-d . Itlsj > tsfrom fix mrnths to oneyenr. I'nce j0 cptits ; by mailorat , drut HtC.rmian iiuited on application H. D. CUSHMAN , Thres Rivers , Mich. [ a MerveiioEis ESiesaefy 3 OSSGOVERY. J UTiollynnli.ee Artitlclal Systems-Curcof Mind Wan- 9 derlnf ; Any DooK learned In one reading. Heavrre- j5 auctions for rxxtal cla.o C3. I rosFeciu . wlthopln- 3 ioasof Mr. Pboctoss. the Astronomer. lions. W. W. § k Astoi Jcomi P. Bkwamix , Drs. ilu-OH , Wood and fl others , sent ! > - > > > t frfe , bv W PROF. liOISETTE , 1 23T Fifth Avenue , IVeir Tort W 3 Plso'a Resscdy for Cuttrrh Is the JftJ iff jT(41 ( B ot. Koaieat to Us : , &sd Cheapest. * g ' 1 3 A1J mod for Cold In the Head , M g 5 M * da.-J > e.IIayFeTcr. fcc. 0centa. jflj Vi. S. UM Omaha - 3ul 12 ' ; i