I J. F. GANSCHOW , I McCOOK , Main St. , NEBRASKA. I The First National Bank of Mccook , Nebraska. ' officers and directors : h geo. hocknell , president. b. m. frees , vice-president. f. brown , cashier a.campbell. r. o. phillips. I THE CITIZENS BANK OF MoGOOK B ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) I Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. = DOES & I General Banking Business , B CoH&xiM&mfutti on all acee ible points. tfrnfts drawn directly on the principal B dries of Emmpe. Taxes paid for Xon-TJesidents. Money to loan on farming B fetalis , tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. B Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , B CORRESPONDENTS : j V. FKA5KLIN , President. FlKC\art Mwii Bank Ltneoliu Nebraska. J. Jons K. Clark , Vice-President. The Chemical STauoaol Bank. New York. J A , C. Ebert , Cashier. B EnV Superior to any oh the market , being Heavier , Stronger Built , K _ B an < * therefore a more Durable Mill. It U the only B HdV absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of I t ft Thousands Erected During 12 B B r * Tsars put. not one has ever blown away and left the Tower BJ BjB Handing. A record no other Mill can show. We offer B arwB to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS I HI 0N THIRTY DAYS TRIAL > B JrW'r fe l And lf they don't sIve satisfaction , win remove Mill at our B v/ own exPeueso Manufacturers of the Celebrated vL 5 Challenge Veed Mill * . Corn Shellers , Iron Pumps IS K /j'l ' if' with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. 14 # * iiLli 2 F r estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to 1 BBBBan' ' G. B.NETTLETON3 3IcCooksNeb. , I M C CT gfci5P ! 4 § | Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. " * " iW * 3H 5 " 23 siTZS.s i = i : aljs : : : = is : : ! : Ci ? : ei Hill , 2drid St. TIip MpPooIt I (1911 ( Qiifl Tpiiut Pn 1110 Moblli Lllall dim lllhM ID. OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. CAHPSELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. CEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS. 2ND VICE PRESIDENT F. L BROWN TREASURER. ! TRIBUNR OFFICE o FOR o School Books and School Supplies. v * - * * . * J * • . , J.r . , _ t I TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30. • S. G. Shaffer sowed wheat , last week. M. H. Colo went down to Indlanola , Monday , and brought up forty bushels of oats for seed. II. Thrailklll moved from McCook onto sec tion 3 , town. 3 , range 30. and Is now playing : granger. Carrie Moore hus been spending this week , "horaesteadlng" with her sister Hettie , and at tending school. Frank Amend don't appear to be satisfied with his farm , us he is at work , early and late , turning top side down. Win. Coleman gave his pouch trees n thor ough mulching to keep them from budding too early. Good plan. Wo are pleased to announce that 31 rs. Chas. K. Coleman , who lias been sick , is much im proved at this writing. Mr. Frame went down to Indianola , last week , and transacted business in the interest of school district No. 65. J. W. Corner was in McCook and brought out some seed oats that was shipped to him from Jones county , Iowa. Wm. Eppcrly , recently from Iowa , moved onto a farm of his own , this week , in this town. He has a very choice quarter. We are sorry to learn that our lriend , Geo. Coleman , is confined to the house , by reason of a severe attack of rheumatism. On Wednesday morning , when the moon was half out of sight betting , the sun was just onu half in sight rising. Who saw it ? Miss Hettie Moore visited her sister , in Mc Cook , on Saturday. Sinreturned to her claim on Sabbath afternoon , accompanied by her sister. Wm. Coleman has been appointed assessor for this precinct. This is a new precinct that was formed last fall.and comprises all of town 4 , range 30. J. W. Corner found the old government cor ner to liis claim , last week , which gives him fifteen acres more land than he ahought he hud. Now he is happy. A three months term of school in our dis trict closes , to-morrow , March 10th. The schol ars have made unusually rapid advancement under the efficient management of Miss Het tie Moore , teacher. Tiiis certainly is a wonderful stout country , and great activity prevails in the attempt to increase the population of our school district. Born to M r. and Mrs. Corcoran , on March 1st , 16S7 , a daughter. All doing nicely. Mr. Wilson , of Minburn. Iowa , drove over this town , last Saturday. He said , "this is the finest country I have seen , and if I can dis pose of my propprty in Iowa , I shall be with you again soon , and shall come to stay. " Divine services will be held at our school house next Sabbath , the 13th , conducted by Rev. Berry of McCook. These services will be kept up during the summer. Preaching reg ular once in two weeks. Sabbath school every Sabbath. L. Cougar and family of Polk county , Iowa , arrived at McCook , last week. They report the roads well nigh impassable there , on ac count of mud , and were surprised to find tho roads dry and smooth here. They are well pleased with the country and climate , and in tend locating and making this their future home. They brought seven horses , farm im plements and household goods. Mr. Saunders of Jones county , Iowa , was looking over this town , the last week in Jan uary , and he was so well pleased with the country , that he decided at once to make this his future home. He went back to Iowa and settled up his affairs , and returned here , arriving in McCook , on Saturday evening and bringing four other families with him. We extend them a hearty welcome. March 3,1S37. Granger. PLEASANT RIDGE DOINGS. 0 From the record of time wo note the follow ing items : Old March is hero in dead earnest , and the conllict of Jack Frost with Mr. Spring , is fair ly begun only a few weeks and the triumph of Spring will be complete. The farmers sowed a considerable quantity of spring wheat , last week. W. W. Dunham has commenced to erect a large sod stable , 14x60 feet. Our President thinks a great deal of the hoys that used to wear the blue , and remem bers them in all his vetoes. Let him crack away ; he will need another substitute it 1888. Red Willow county is not large enough to hold the boundery lines of School District No. 37. Theywant Hitchcock county and Decatur county , Kan. The school board of District No. 73 made a flying trip to Bartley , Monday , February 28th , to stir up the County Superintendent on school business. W. F. Thorp proves up on his homestead , March 15th. That puts another drop in Uncle Sam's treasury box. Danbury is a way-up town anyone can buy anything from a cambric needle to a thresh ing machine , or a steamboat to start naviga tion on the Beaver. Our live blacksmith , James Kanouse , has established a splendid business in our midst. No wonder , for what he does is well done and at fair rates. W. H. Allen is suffering from his old com plaint , the quinsy. He has a hard time with that complaint every winter. Quite a number of farmers have rented their farms , and will work on the railroad up the Beaver , this coming summer. J. C. Ashton has returned from the western part of Indiana. When he left there , Febru ary 18th , the mud , slush and snow , was hub deep. Ho tlfinks ho will take his abode in the balmy state of Nebraska , and let the old hoos- ers stamp the mud to their heart's content. YOUIt CORRESPONDENT. Mr. Win. Westlake , stock raiser anil breed er of thoroughbred horses , living near Avo- ca , Nebraska , was badly injured by being thrown from a sulky. After using numer- our liniments and consulting physicians , without being afforded any relief , lie obtain ed a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Bairn from the druggist at Avoca , which he began using and noticed a change for the better , after a few applications ; in two weeks lie entirely recovered the use of his arm. It is unequal- ed for severe bruises and sprains , rheuma tism and lame back. Sold by Willey & Walker and ilcMillen & Weeks. Itch. Mange , and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by S. L. Green , Druggist , McCook. ' SOUTH SIDE LOCALS. Andrew Carson lias lately built a grout houso near the river. A. C. Nettleton's house is conspicuous on a rise of ground overlooking tho valley. Among tho lato arrivals is W. Adelbert Graves from Wisconsin. Ho stands liko Saul , head and shoulders above his fellows. How many boys of 17 years can measure 6 feet , 2 inches in height ? The South SIders west of the Driftwood re joice in a bridge across that creek , nearly duo west of John Whittakor's. It has been under construction for more than a year , and is at last an accomplished fact. It makes the go ing to McCook less paradoxical. To travel two miles or 60 on tho way to McCook , to find yourself further from it than when you start ed , is a striking example of retrograde pro gress. South Side exhibits the spirit of im provement in other respects. School in District No. 8 commenced , last Monday , Fell. 28th , with Miss Klla E. Ncttlcton as teacher. This is one of the pioneer districts of the county. For years there was only a sod house with a dirt lloor , a contrast to the neat framed house of the present. In that primitive building there was taught many terms of school. The teachers wero Miss Sa rah E. Ncttlcton , Mrs. Eli/.a Nettlcton , C. L. Nettleton , Miss Bessie Ausbourne , Miss Nora Kelleyand Scott Eaton. The pupils of that early period are scattered widely. Drought and grasshoppers , emphasised by some nomad ic instinct , impelled many of the early set tlers to move on. There were some pleasant times in that old house , which was only re deemed from srjualidness by the spirit of those who used it lor good purposes. It was the place of preaching services and Sunday school. In 1S70 , Messrs. Bcecher and Mowry , students from Yale Theological Seminary , held regular services there and in other parts of the county. They were succeeded by Fath er Pugh of Fairfield , Neb. , and lie by Father Dresser all held services in the old sod build ing. In 1870 , grasshopper year , it was the scene of Christmas festivity. There was a bountiful supper and well laden Christmas tree , and a brave , cheerful-hearted company , to celebrate tho season of good will , notwith standing tho discouragements and gloom of the outlook. The irrepressible Aryon , wan derers through so many centuries , from Cen tral Asia , were not to be turned from their westward course by the petty fiction of the Great American Desert. It might be a coun try for Hocks and herds for grazing , not tor agriculture. It probably was. But none the less did they argue prosperity and wealth for the country. They expected pecuniary suc " cess. They translated without tho aid of Lat in , pecus cattle , into jiecunia money. Neb raska , as well as Nature , is lull of surprises. She would have her children something moie than nomads , and is now proving herself to be a country for agriculture. Ruticds. BOX ELDER BLOSSOMS. Weather fair to middling. The church is nearby completed. Commissioner Bolles is able to be out again. A new school house is the next thing in or der at Box Elder. Elder Long and family attended Sunday school and class meeting at Box Eider , Sun day last. The second quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will be held at Box Elder , on the 19th and 2Cth insts. Chrysler says he won't tell about the young people getting lost any more , since he got lost himself. A gigantic wolf hunt took place on the Wil low , Friday last. All of the hunters got home- safe so did the wolves. The Box Elder dramatic club are preparing to give , at no distant day , that widely known and very popular play. "Out in the Street , " of which we will give further notii-e. The oyster supper at J. 5J. Piper's , last week , was somewhat interfered with , by the storm. A fair number were in attendance , however , and spent the entire night in social intercourse. The ladies of the M. E. Church propose to give an oyster supper , on Tuesday evening , March Sth , at the residence of Cyril Templin. Everybody come , as this is to be the last one for the season. Selonn. SOUTH SIDE LOCALS. Hurrah for the new railroad on the South Side. Charlie Weick is digging a well on his claim , here. Wheat sowing is the order of the day , over this way. Tim Hanan talks of moving his house onto his homebtead. They have that new bridge finished across the Driftwood. Will Loug's horses hold their heads way up with that bran new harness on. That fire on the South Side , last Tuesday , looks like the work of a tenderfoot sure. People are coming in from the east rapidly just now. Looks like we were destined to have a big boom , this spring. Queer things happen once in a while. Last Wednesday , a calf , two days old , belonging to C. H. Jacobs , fell over a bank nearly 40 feet straight down , yet in 20 minutes it was run ning around , apparently none the worse for the fall. Uxo. Purify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated , If your skin is yellow and dry , If you have boils , If you have fever , If you are thin and nervous , If you are bilious. If you are constipated , If your bones ache , If your head aches , If you have no appetite , If you have no ambition , one bottle of Beggs' Blood Pukifikij axi > Blood Makki : will relieve any and all of the above complaints. Sold and warranted by McMillen & Weeks. A beer boycott is the caption of a long article in a New York paper. Just ring the bell gently while we re mark that it has caught many a boy. C. V. Baxter , an experienced ami success ful druggist at DeWitt , Iowa , says one fam ily there created an immense sale for Cham berlain's Cough Remedy , by using and rec- commending it to their neighbors , during siege of whooping cough , now it sells rapid ly on its own merits. . It lias no equal for coughs , colds and croup. Sold by Willey & Walker and McMilleu & Weeks , vjftaff'siifr f " ' li. t" ; ' " • ' ; ; " n' - nui ' - f fi > . ! , * . .riff . , , , i , , Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easv. Acta .simul taneously on the bowels , kidnevs and liver , thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness land pain and also stopping that tickling | sensation in the throat by removing the , cause. One trial of it will convince any one , that it has no equal on eartli for coughs and ; colds. McMilleu & Weeks have secured the sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to , give satisfaction. The act making drunkenness a mis demeanor punishable by fine and im ' prisonment , passed the Kansas senate I without a dissenting vote. Under the present circumstances getting drunk is i regarded an exhibition of willfulness and eussedness. Salt Rheum or Eczema , i Old sores and ulcers , ! Scaldhead and ringworm , ! Pain in the back and spine , I Swelling in the knee joints , i Sprains and bruises , Neuralgia and toothache , I Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and j chilblains , I warrant Biggs' : Tropical On. i to relieve any and all of the above. McMillek & Weeks. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No. 2 6:10 , A.M. No.30 U : . " i. A. M. No. t 4:30. P. M. No.l 8:55 , P. M. I No. 40 5:25 , P.M. j East Aiihives : No. 3 10:55 , A.M. 52T"Eastbound trains run on Central Time , | and westbound trains on Mountain Time , i Freight trains do not carry passengers. It. It. Woods , Agent. LAND OFFICE BLANKS. o Tn ordering , give office number and title of I blank , with quantity of each blank wanted. I Put only one blank on a line to avoid mls- , takes. Money must invariably accompany ; the order. ! adokess 1 THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. \ o jO ceNo. TITLE OF BLANK. Per Par \ Eo2. Euiirii. 1 APPLICATIONS TO ENTEIt. ! 4-007 Homestead Law I5Cts. ? 1 25 4-001) Timber-Culture Law 15 " 1 25 4-273 Soldier's Homestead . . . .15 " 100 4-535 Declaratory Statement. 15 " 1 00 ; Soldier'sD.S 15 " 100 ' AFFIDAVITS. 4-062 Non-Mineral 15 " 100 4-073 Timber-Culture Entry..15 " 1 00 4-0 i3 Homestead Entry 15 " 100 4-00 * . Commutation , Hd 15 " 100 ' 4-070 Final , Homestead 15 " 100 4-072 Contest , Homestead 25 " 2 00 4-000 Contest. Timlier-Culturo.25 " 2 00 , 4-Ott ) Homest'd. underSec.2 "J415 " 1 00 j Service Letter 10 " 75 I Service Notice 10 " 75 NOTICES. 4-347 For Publication 15 " 100 4-348 Hd Int. to Prove Up 15 " 100 4-319 Pre-E. " " " " . . . .15 " 100 4-346 Timber-Culture , contest..l5 " 1 00 pitoors. 4-369 Homestead Final 50 " 8 00 4-374a Pre-Emption Final 50 • ' 3 00 miscellaneous. 1 Relinquishments 15 " 100 o LEGAL BLANKS. CONVEYANCING. 01 Warranty Deed ( half sheet ) F 805 Special Warranty Deed F S00 Bond lor Deed F 809 Quitclaim Deed F 812 Mortgage Deed ( short form ) F 815 Mortgage Deed ( with Interest and In surance Clause ) D 81S Release of Mortgage ( short form ) B 820 Assignment of .Mortgage ( short form ) . B 821 Lease F 822 Mechanic's Lien F MISCELLANEOUS. 901 Chattel Mortgage ( long torm ) F 902 Chattel Mortgage F 903 Chattel Mortgage ( short fornu F 904 Chattel Mortgage F 905 Bill of Sale F 907 Articles of Agreement F 9U Soldier 's Discharge ( two colors ) E 915 Power of Attorney General V 920 Agreement lor Building D Township Plats (3sizes ( ) D NOTARY. 701 Protest and Ordinal B Notary Public Foe Card 25c. COUNTY CLERK. 27 Certificates of Election (3 colors ) D 7 Petition for License to Sell Liquor C 3 Official Bond C 9 Liquor License F DISTRICT COURT. 104 Summons ( original ) B 108 Subnuina ( original ) C 150 Declaration ol Intention C 151 Final Papers ( one color ) E COUNTY COURT PRORATE. 423 Marriage Certificate (3 ( colors ) F Contract for Sale of Real Estate F t. e. Mccracken , McCOOK. NEBRASKA , Is prepared to write Policies on short notice in the following standard , and old reliable companies : German American , of New York. Commercial Union , of London. Hartford , of Hartrord , Conn. Orient , of Hartford , Conn. Springfield F. & M. , Springfield , Mass. Washington F. & M. , Boston , Mass. Firemans Fund , San Francisco , Cal. The American Fire , Philadelphia , Pa. HcCOOK , HEBSASZA. I desire to inform the public that I hare received my stock of Spring and Summer Suit ings , and that I am prepared to do work in the merchant tailoring line in a satisfactory manner. I guarantee a nice fit in all cases. Call and be con vinced. First door north of Commercial Hotel , Main Ave. TRIBUNE - : - JOB - : - OFFICE , BEST EQUIPPED IN THE VALLEY. * ; ' $ ' li ar1 I SOCIETY DIRECTORY. 1 ; \ CONGREGATIONAL Preaching services j , every Sunday morning tit 10:30 o'clock , and * , , evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 0:30 i o'clock , A.M. , nil mountain time. " fr \ Joel S.Kulsey. Pastor. | ; t ! METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 ; | ; ; i 30 A. M. and 7 P. M. , mountain time. Sunday r ! J 1 School at0:30 A. M. Allaro cordiallyinvlted. | . . ; j Scats free. Rev. Kadkuauoh , Pastor. 2 , ; 1 LUTHERAN-Servlcesthesecondandfourth $ j - t Sundays of each month at 10:30 , A. M. , and | . 8:00P. M. , central time , at tho School House % . ' . ( > J. W.Kimmel.Pastor. . ; ' ' GERMAN FREE EVANGELICAL CHURCH y r j PrcnchIngc'orysccondSundayat2o clock , . . J j ] P. M. , mountain time , in tho Congregational ' j * Sunday aftor'J Church. Sunday School every noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. * ; - ; Divine Sorvices will bo hold in tho Catholic % \ Jj Church on : * : j February. . . .C Juno 5 October . .23 "i | February. . . . 13 July 3 November. .1 < < | March 0 July .31 Novombor.20 } ; f March 13 August , .15 December.,18 ; I April 10 August 28 Dcccmbor..2o i , J May 8 September..25 • ' Reserved pews for strangers. . . /I Taos. Cullen , Pastor. • ! j , 1 : i f A. O. U. W. M cCook Lodge No. 01. will meet ' / tho first and third'.Mondays of each mouth in . , * the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. W. E. Dauciiy , M. W. I ' W. II. Davis , Recorder i f . i n , , - i * McCook Legion No. 7. Select Knights , \ A.O.ok U.W. Meot8evcrysccondandfourth & Tuesday evenings of each month In Masonic : Hall. All visiting comrades cordially invited i to assemble with us. c. S. McCammon , A II. I ) wis. Recorder. Commander. p McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. i j ARegular meetings on tho first and xs Wthird Tuesday evenings of each / \ .Jmonth. . S. L. Green , W. M. ' v \ \v. S. Werster , Secretary. MCCOOK CHAPTER , U. D. Meets on the j > first and third Tlmrsdiws of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially invited. W. W. Fisher , H. P. T. G. Ri.es , Secretary. CONSTANTINO COMMANDERY , U. D. Meets every second and fourth Thursday nights in each month. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. E. E. LOWMAN , E. C. S. Cordeal , Recorder. ' , Willow Grove Lodge IC. of P. , No. ' , 42. .Meets every Wednesday evening . f § at Masonic Hall. A cordial Invitation is extended to visiting Kuights , \ J. F. Forues , C. C ! T. B. Camphell , K. It. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 137,1.0.0. F. , meets every Friday evening , ut 7 o'clock , in ! j Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit- ' ' . cd to meet with us. II. Trowuriimie. - , C. W. Paine , Secretary. N. G. B. of L. E. Brotherhood of LocomotivoEn- ginccrs. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. T. J. McInroy , Chief. - * J. C. Anderson , F. a. E. J. K. Barnes Post G. A. R. Regular meet- i ings second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. i R. S. Cooley , Communder. 1 S. D. Hunt , Adjutant. J , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. * * ' SrOTTS & STIMSON , ; FASHIONABLE ] ' BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. 1 \ Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , * , , MAIN STI' .EET , - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. * 1 i i WILLIAM McINTYEB , j CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , ; ' CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , I All work warranted. All material furnished K , if desired. Work done on short notice. Luciwick & Trowbridge ] ' McCOOK , NEB. KILPATltICK BROTHERS. " * V ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) ' Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. , JK : P. O. address , Estelle , R ? < 5 ? > - . Hayes county , and Beat- j-t * * w y „ arice , Neb. Range. Stink- . g $ St ? ? ? ? Water and French- . & & Q-l.rJ man creeks , Chase Co. , ' Sll sSa&tfJ Nebraska. l * gS § Brand as cut on side of i sM % M E ? , me aIiimas. on hip and < _ - S iO& & * Sldes of some , or any whereon the animal. JOHN F. BLACK. Breeder or Improved SnEEP. fa k Merino E K Sl and pf SL Southdown y T2 | ) § pf 3ttC § A Personal ' In- @ r BIHBTSI > cctl on UIld a S gg gEH | w correspondf s2 * $3&fWW8 * Mr encc solicited. i S i SBr Address him S M at Red Willow , 'S Nebraska. . y. " STOKES & TROTH. q # 9 ? P. O. address. Carrico , KrMte * a . Hayes county. Neb. la 'sT'ffSfPB Range : Red Willow bEh K.4 § * § creek , above Carrico. Kg a | > 2S Stock branded as abovt. geg2Sf > * iSsS Also run the following . .JgW'Jra I nds : s , Jlu , X I 3ggjgaggqgffig | | Horse brand , lazv uL , j- , H EATON BROS. & CO. ! I tijmte PO. . address. McCook , • ' rvftfha Nebraska. Range , south ifl lU3pE9PaU | = 3of | .McCook. | NBK&miRjf Cattle branded on left ' MpiljaftiahlP- , JO. 5 , and ' t > mi 11 brands on left hip. r SmMA.Horses . branded the • * * aPMW * same on left shoulder. . ' -J