The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 10, 1887, Image 7

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    B B
mWa afSStalawawaMataVanKBVHaValsSaasfJBsssaatBWakaVaVSSVaWaWaa
* are nt a -Uioil peilod wIumi llieynro about
S maturing mill ilevrl > iiiu into uoniuii. TIio
X l ffc or uati'ltftil euro tit tliid t me inny re-
V .It iti fixing irrfgiiiiiritfori upon ilcticate
Wf orgniix iii.d etitiiilin r ! mi lint of 'female
W M % * oiiUtirH > 'fH. " All tlim may I > o n voided.
I It ahi ! tliuyoiiu woman como llironijli Huh
K ] * 5r jhti h1 c.oLlittl in all tlitt hemity and
B B. stransth of a pur tartly liealtliy or iiniza-
B fljt lion by thu iid of Dr. Pierce's • 'Fitvorite
If Priwiription , " prepared euppciuily for fe-
B Bji inula truulilfH by one of the tuout uuecess-
B W fill physicians of the day.
I S Mhiieter Pendleton Mill go back to Ger-
B S | many during tlie month.
B'Bf Kii * > ell Saje
II fa a well-known operator in Wall street ,
B S. who in generally comddered an "up to
B BJI snuff. " Hence , it may have been quite
ByS { natural that a countryman who rendu the
] ; ' pupent recently called at bin oflice and
II' naked for a. package of Dr. Sago's Catarrh
B S * Jtemedy. He discovered bin mistake , but
Bflji he m.i'Ie no intritake in the article called
IB ! for. Thw Itemedwhen applied with Dr.
B H | PiVrce'8 "Xnual Douche , " will surely and
I BJf rapidly eradicate the moot aggravated
B BJ ) citne of catarrh , with all its uiiplcusaitt and
B B | dangerous accompaniments.
P/M _ _ Secretary Bayard , gossip has it , ia think-
I\m | ing of getting married again.
B a R r " •
W ] * * * * Male weakness and losa of
BJ power promptly cured. Book , 10 cents in
X stamp * . World's DinpeuBiiry Mfdical Ak-
M sodation , 6G3 Main street , Buffalo , N. Y.
S. TbomuH Dove , ones an English artist of
f Note , has just died in the work house.
m , "Strictly Variable" In Strlctlr True
| V | When applied toCartcr'a Littlo Liver Pills.
M No mercury.
m Persian silks are used lor lining tea
B rowns.
ff , I'ATENTS oMsIned by I.oiiisIJaGE < M-&Co. , At
IB lciLijf. Wriluuc'iu. ' 1 . I. LViX IbfrJ. Ad Ice free
| U Turbans are to be worn more than ever
BJB | the coming season.
K , 1 • dinsjareus as woll a * iittnfsiae complaint. If
T I o cincteJ. it tend * , by impairing nutrition , and de-
* Prawin the too * ot tto ajstun , to prepare tito war
V { tar Rastd Dciin . _
I , flF if I
I i ©
Br ' < Juiklr Jid completely < 'arcs Djapepaiu in I1
f I it tca-ia. llr > irtbtirB KclchiDC. Taatipff the
, Food , etc It earaches and ponfieauia blooditirau-
K I LatM the apprtita. and aiiia tn assimilation of food.
K | Ma. Jose II.UoiiAZT.SXM'16stibtUmahaNcb.
Bf I Baja : * * I Buffered aerarely fur six months with Inch-
B I enOan. I r ceiToJ no banetit from doctors. Brown's
E I Iron Bitters complotelycurod ma. I rncommend it. "
T Mis * N. Ix U. 121S Cahfurnia 5t _ Omaha , > eb „
B ' vara. "Itui EMdBnmn't Iron Uttsr forDjs-
1 pemU , with axcalhrat reaalta. "
i JiE. C . Thom uJX I > mgtj t. Aorfolfc. eb. .
K. acys. "I har b sa curml of Uyipapsu by the uie of
f Brown' * Iron Bitters and cheerfully recommend it. "
Bap Ceaxuse haa aboTsl'rade Mark and crossed red lines
C oo troppac Toko bo other. Mado only br
rr is a pynor VEsrrA3 le PRCAaAncf *
Bm ajjus Bluet y/i r trnciaT ntuniES
BJ | ? - IthxajtcodtitsTe t of Years ,
Bm g y in. Caring allBiaeoaea of the
H fl lCtf/5 ! EIS.&s. It Purifies the
j. liASriL. I cica acstheSystcsi.
! iBITT H5 | dtspzsiacoksti.
i rassiSESGFniEaj siczeeadachebil-
I | X-J-Vi is fLzapoear at case under
iKIDHEYSf itsieaeSdalfufuenco.
1 STDiVlACH I ItlapureVaKedicine :
I Vam | as its cathartic proper-
BJ * - txrrrr erl ticsfcrbida itspe as ah
S' > va e , c a fT | art to tic tnste , and as
I hlili § sil7 tiken by child-
a'lLDRiiGSSTSi rsicb-Y ash bitters co
ilisiurst .Vwttrtl f 1Iiial ia iCuropo and
Tla * mmHifu kr-t. Mini nivl mo ; powerful
t -i1f'r k" " * * - " • * ' • • ' - • v. > w. > .
na l > r >
k Tnma > i.rn Kw k sw. Wcajuie-a c W Is the cues.
f aj.4 * ft aca * * * < t ia KaJarxra l y : > . * ' Pliv irlirn
as4 S # aat * f ' " J'Sse" ' rrpar > B'n > oa * tUs
! , ! tm.o ! mi * a * d . ne wltf u tie' piaitt-rs
t % > U.ST * f * X.r.i a ai'Mt ami lo'loa * . are abso-
' toaeJ * . ' * rJ < * are of < > a * in * nOder similar
MVttaa * < c a . u < ju " ( actjTi. . * "Capaeln. ' *
i -C * * 4 < m * * ' ' * * " * • " • • r w rthe-s and la
11 ' irhi m 11 f * AiKri'iB'fi'ix 1 iNiTiSo
ZtummX . -iki. StABtUr & JOUSaOX.
[ W0
I SiKfwi'H Drap y aa-k lt complication * with the
A bh < ( uaucrl 1 * U * * tt > k v-"Srrt ble miinlii mtirr
f Jj > a * - aMSK ) fari - a.1 aympcum * cf drupoy knrisrht
' bi-w.xu7 c . -p X ea' proiM > uncMl nop lox b
1 Mig wia f pt * ' Htnan * . rrv H theflr tilo * Uie9 > iiiiCiini
j ntt0i < mnu 11 ir ami in Tun rt ; n nTli nT 11 flnri'i nf
eJt j > Tim iiMu are r n i t.
* 3 rn-r B rry huttitHic vithost imowtnir anythirtjr
iih-ra * iC > * Mas r U d e sat co i you anytiiin to
riMlia * * w Mnt cf oar vr Ajm nt fur yourx-lf. \ \ e
! • • euifniif aarictr s r ot htflf < mlin a rc
M i > irr i aappoit a. BUJnbtjr of time * and the | > a
ami 4i ii wn4 nm hie to t e a. week. Olio a , full hi.-ior
4 fcfaa * * . mwii - . xo' w how 1 b agitated. Ac geedfor
ii 1 aniwiifcliif. tAiwiBj-t Tluimni.Tls. Ten < la * treat.
Buaef fvM > li l FREE ' • y mail. If yon order trial m : 1
[ JJ air ti * ir r i f i J'TT" * r'TTc" I t
3 -i itrvttibtrce A' XSTX1 * *
XtutuHallua , Acwrnlciia. Blnddrf and KlO- 1
atcjTbl e - * r . . y rf 1 J./ 4 \ES8lll-if
i jfJLTJ * s tifl' ' " • * to # i Worinocn
j f it f 7- muyurr bu-u. . re. J-iir aaJe by J |
] rraat " * " I > .l jjrxe u .ti.e lU-ferencc , aa/ . '
tai • . J * - > b K.Muan Inti.rni : .c.i rrre. ]
i Xr.A.Jfctiaii i . Medicine Co. , i
katac • Joacpb , Mlueorl. (
awSTi , " , vJi3rtUeiy . re lu 6Od ya0jrf > r. '
E < S V > ia < lTriir f"1 UuinatecUthe '
iMI i ZmX * iy " • mi toe worUtcenctsanp
/ lE6 > < v gta sees' .3gob * Cltrtrte * Xagnttxz
* iIit7lmr' ' * 'rrrBU btuaaftcPowerflh Durable.
SXl/iif Cwaf rrto a i Etfectire. AToIdfrasda.
2 oer J0 < 9'J Brv < t. SendSytanrsfcrparnrihlet.
a et. KSHMiv to > are ? , isi W * sa . Chisacs. ,
aaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaa IS ;
Ho Longer Obliged to l Ic , to * Find Out
"Whut'M Killing U .
One ot the lending Bcicntiflc publications
states that many people aro now UHinjj tlio
microacopo to discover the real caude of
disease iu the system , and to delect ad ill-
terationo of food and medicines.
This wonderful instrument lias saved
many a life. A microsopical test shows ,
for instance , the presence of albumen , or
the life of the blood , in cei tain derange
ments of the kidneys , but medicine docs
not tell us how far advanced tho derange
ment is , or whether it shall prove fatal.
The microscope , however , gives us this
knowledge :
Bright's disease , which so many people
dread , was not fully known until the
microscope revealed its characteristics.
It greatly aids the physician , skilled in its
use , in determining how far disease has
advanced , and gives a fuller idea of the
true structure of the kidney.
A noted Gorman scholar recently discov
ered that by the aid of the microscope , tho
physician can tell if thero is a tumor form
ing in the system , and if certain appear
ances are seen iu the fluids passed it is
proof positive that the tumor is to be a
malignant one.
ir any derangement of the kidneys is de
tected by the microscope , tho physician
looks for the development of almoat any
disease the system is heir to , and any in
dication of Bright's disease , which has no
symptoms of its own and cannot b9 fully
recognized except by the microscope , ho
looks upon with nlarm.
This disease has existed for more than
2,000 years. It is only until recentlj' that
the microscope has revealed to us its uni
versal prevalence and fatal character. Per
sons who formerly died of what was called
general debility , nervous break-down ,
dropsy , paralysis , heart disease , rheuma
tism , apoplexy , etc. , aro now known to
have really died of kidney disease , because ,
had there been no disorder of the kidneys ,
the chances aro that the effects from which
they died would never have existed.
As the world becomes better acquainted
with the importance of the kidneys in the
human economy by tho aid of the micro
scope ; , there is greater alarm spread
through the communities concerning it ,
.and this accounts for the erroneous belief
that it is on the increase.
As yet neither homeopathisfc nor nllo-
pathistia prepared with a cure Tor de
ranged kidneys , but theworld has long
since recognized , and many medical gen
tlemen also recognize and prescribe Yar-
ner's safe cure for these derangements , and
admit that it is tho only specific for tho
common ( and advanced forms of kidney
disorders. i
Formerly the true cause of death was
discovered ' only after death. To-day the
microscope shows us , iu the water we pass ,
the dangerous condition of any organ iu
the body , thus enabling us to treat it
promptly and escape premature death.
As the microscope iu the hands of lay
men has revealed many diseases that the
medical men were not aware of , so that
preparation , like many other discoveries
iu medicine aid science , was found out by
laymen , outside the medical code ; conse
quently it conies very hard for medical
men to indorse and prescribe it. Never
theless , Warner's safe cure continues to
grow in popularity and the evidences of its
effectiveness are seen on everj' hand.
Some persons claim that the proprietors
should j give the medical profession the form
ula of this remedy , if it is such a "God
send ' to humanity , " and let the plsiciaus
andpublic judge whether or not it be so
We. however , do not blame them Tor not
publishing the formula , even to get the rec
ognition of * he medical profession. The
standing of the men who manufacture this ,
great remedy i > equal to that of the major- j
ity of physicians , and the reason thatsomc ;
doctors give for not adopting and prescrib
ing it viz. : that they do not know what its
ingredients are is absurd.
2fr. Warner's statement that many of
the ingredients are expensive , and "that the
desire of the unscrupulous dealer or pre-
scriber to realize a larce profit from its
manufacture by using cheap or injurious .
substances for those ingredients would j
jeopardize its quality and reputation ; and j
that Warner's safe cure cannot be made j j
iu small quantities on account of the ex- !
pensive apparatus necessary in com .
pounding these ingredients seems to us to
be a reasonable and sufficient one. j I
The universal te&timouy of our friends
and neighbors , and the indisputable evi
dence that it , and it alone , lias complete
mastery over all diseases of-the kidneys , is
sufficient explanation of its extraordinary
reputation. and conclusive proof that it is ,
perhaps , tiie most beneficient discovery '
known to scientific medicine since the'
microscope revealed to us the all-import
ant nature of the organs it is designed to
reach and benefit.
The Deseret News of Salt Lake City has
a § 25,000 libel suit on its hands.
If You Cannot Sleep at Night ,
Tse Caktkk's Little Nekte Pii-ls. No
Watered ribbon is much worn as sashes ,
both for house and street wear.
ITCHING and Irritations of the skin and
scalp , burns , scalds , piles , ulcers , poisons ,
b' .tes ofin ects and all skin diseases , quickly
cured by Cole's Carbollsalve , thejjTeat ston
remedy. 25 and SO cents , at Druggists.
The prettiest of doylies are of embroid
ered silk bolting cloth.
Ei uden Ounces of WEATnEit aro pro
ductive I of Throat Diseases. Coughs , Colds ,
etc. There is no more effectual relief in
these I diseases to be found than in tho use
of Bbow.n's Bronchial Troches.
Millionaire Representative Scott cooks
his own oysters in the House restaurant.
The Strongest Man in Ohio
Ts said to be George C. Arnold , of Clove- '
land. 0. , who less than one year ago , ow
ing to chronic liver trouble and Bright's <
disease of the kidneys , weighed less than \
ninety-five pounds , but by using Dr. Har-
ter' * Iron Tonic has gained in strength and
weight until now ho is admitted to bo the '
giant ot Ohio.
The Duke of Edinburgh , her Mnjesty'a |
second son , is the meanest one of the lot.
California has J,000 wine growers , and i
at least 160,000 acres are plautcd in vines , i
He Snys that Franco "Will Conquo
Gonunny , and that tho Mlllon-
nlum Will Begin in 1000.
Rev. M. Baxter has just arrived fron
England. He has como over to tcl
Americans that they have got jus
about thirteen years more in which t >
bo wicked and paint tilings red. am
then will come tho fireworks. Ho i
the editor of The London Chrislia ?
llerahl and a prophet.
A reporter had a long conversafcior
with the prophet in his ofiico in tin
liiblo house last evening , and tho re
porter has made up his mind to leave
off cigarettes , give up all his bad hub
its and join a church , in hopes that hi
will be ticketed through the millen
nium that is to begin in 1900 and las1
for a thousand years.
Mr. Baxter looks like a prophet. lit
has a full gray beard , a thoughtful eye ,
and a brown wig.
"It is a certain thing that there will
be a groat European war within three
or four years , " said he.
' • How do you know ? " asked the re
"Because in Daniel's prophetic writ
ings and in the Book of Revelations i ;
states that ten years before the end
there will be a great war , and the Ro
man enip ' ro bo restored to the same
political divisions. "
• * rou base your prophecy on biblical
statements entirely , then ? "
"Almost exclusively , though there
arc other outside facts in perfect ac-
cordauce with the main principles thai
enter into it. "
"And how do you locate the date foi
the end of the world ? "
• 'Not the end of the world , we don't
believe in that , but the end of thi :
dispensation and tho beginning of the
millennium. It is a simple enough
matter , no one can help understand-
ing it , and it is as sure to be true ai
tho bible itself. There are many things
that show the end will come in 1900.
Perhaps the most simple and generallj
accepted is the biblical statement thu
as it took six days to make tho world ,
and there was a seventh day to rest ,
the world will last for six days of i
thousand years each and a seventh daj
of a thousand years that shall be the
millennium. Cronological record
shows that there were just four thous
and years , from Adam to the birth o :
Christ , so that in the year 1900 A. D.
the time would be fulfilled. "
"What will be the natureof the Eu-
ropean war ? "
"It is tho war that is now brewing.
France will couquor Germany and ex-
tend her possessions to the Rhyno. The
conflict will not be confined to these
two nations , however. It will be s
general European conflict , as the twen
ty-three countries which now exisl
must be resolved into ten ; the five ir
the western or Latin half being Britain.
France , Spain , Italy , and Austria , anc
the five in the eastern or Greek half be
ing Greece , Egypt , Syria , Turkey , and
the Balkan states. They will bo in one
confederation , and will bo all king
doms , so that the republic of France
and Queen Victoria's reign have bin
a little longer to run , you see. When
that war occurs it will be the fulfill
ment of the first great sign. "
"What will become of Ireland ? "
"It must be separated from England ,
as it was not in the Roman empire.
Just what sort of government Ireland
will have we do not know , but she cer-
tainly will have a parliament of liei
own in Dublin. All this is prophesied
by the ten-toed inimage of Daniel anc
the ten-horned goat. But then comes
the littlo eleventh horn , signifying i
rising king , that waxes great and
strong. The beast is crimson , shows
ing the red republic comunism and
soon. That eleventh king will be the
head of the communist. He will firsi
come into power somewhere in Ai.siii
Minor , tlien become kinir of Syria , and
Mien the-emperor of the Roman empire.
He will get his power through ihc
communist and the Roman church ,
that will .side with them , and for t.\vc
years the pope will have great tempo-
rial power , until the emperor' 'the will
ful king 'as he will be called , over
throws him. Then the willful kin
will enter into a compact with rhe Ue-
brtiws by which they shall return tc
Palestine. TheD lie will rule the whok
world. "
" . ? "
"Iu Revelation it is stated that it wil"
be a iST-apolean , probably Jerome , the
preseut head of the Bonaparte family ,
as in appearance he exactly answers to
the description. He will be the Auti-
Christ and will persecute Christians ,
killing thousands of them by the iruillo-
tine. Then will come three and one-
half years of tribulations. Then there
will be civil warjill over the world. "
"Will this "
country suffer ?
"The labor organ zation will continue
to grow stronger , unt 1 ten years from
now , they will overturn the govern-
ment and take the power into theii
own hands. Then will come famine ,
pestilence , earthquakes , and terrible
troubles until the second coming com-
ing of Christ , when the earth will be
nearly depopulated and the righteou.
only left to enjoy the millennium of a ;
thousand - "
"Who will be the last pope ? "
"Probably Cardinal Luc.en Napoleon. ?
The course taken by Dr. McGlynu is !
only a little ahead of the times. "
"Arc your prophetic ideas entertain- *
cd ( to any extent among the clergy ? "
"I think almost universally. Thev
can , hardly help but see the truth of the
matter who study , but fearful of ridif
cule. < they arc timid about expressing
them. " Ncto York Herald.
O 1
A Division of Comfort. c
Furniture Man As I understand it C
you want this $2 iron bedstead witb f
oak chip mattress and this S100 patent 6
sofa-bed with swansdown padding sent "
to tho hospital at at once.
Messenger That's it , and send some *
extra fine foot and arm pillows with a
the sofa-bed. °
"All right. Where does the iron one K. '
go ? "
In Agony Ward. No. 2. " u
"Yes ! Wliat ward does tins sofa-bed " <
to ? " °
e. .
"Ward ? You must be crazy ; that ?
for the superintendent's oflice. Omt n
ha World. l
A Dog : Tcarw Ont u Irian's Windpipe.
A fnnner livii.g at Custelnaudary , in the
department of tho Aude , has had , owing to
the prompt fidelity of bin dog , n narrow
escape < from being murdered. Tho farmer
had j just returned with Ida dog from the
fields as night was beguiling to fall. His
wire told him , on his entering the house ,
that i she had given a glass of wino to a
utrango man who had como to her plead
ing j thirst , and that the person had then
gono j away. Tho dog , however , began
snilling about tho place , and suddenly
barking ' aloud with savaso fury it flew
ti.idor ' its master's bed and seized the
strange man , who was hiding there , by
the throat. Tho fellow tried in vain to
throw tho animal , but it toro out his
windpipe and killed him.
The gendarmes wcro then sent for , and
they < found a dagger , a revolver , and a
thief's 1 whistle in the pockota of the de
Bidding everybody to go quietly into a
room and to remain quiet , one of the
gendarmes b.ew the whistle with all his
might at an open window. The device suc
ceeded admirably , for in less than ten min
utes four ruffians appeared on the sceno
and entered tho house. They were ar
rested , and did not oh"cr the slightest re
sistance [ London Telegraph.
What IJurdclto IEcnr < l In an Asylum.
"What makes the locomotive tender ? "
asked Agamemnon , willing to hhow his
hatred toward all mankind. "Because , "
replied Eudosia , "it is in soak all the
time. | "Water makes any thing tender save
alien. " "And what , " inquiied her in
structor , "will soften tho hen ? " "Early
death , " said the pupil ; "death in the shell
bom j suffocation. " "lias this premature
death ever been known to occur ? " contin
ued the professor , turning to the Poor
Boarder. "Never ! " exclaimed tho Poor
Boarder , bursting into tears. "No , in
deed , " said Agamennon , who used to run
a restaurant himself , "it never did. "
"A most extraordinary and absolute
cure for rheumatism and other bodily ail
ments is St. Jacobs Oil , " snys Hon. ,1 nines
Harlan , , ex-Vice Chancellor , Louisville , Ky.
A Biigcisted Citizen. .
"A burglar broke into mj' houso last
night , " said an indignant citizen to an offi
cer , "and en tried off a lot of clothing , and
if j it happens again I'll sue the town for
damages. It's an outrage sir , an outrage
for { a total stranger to come into my houso
and carry off my best clothes. "
"We can't help it , " said the officer.
. "Can't help it ! I don't want you to help
it : I want you to picvent it. "
"All right ; the next time the burglars
come around drop us a postal card the day
before ' , and we'll trap 'em. "
Citizen walks off disgusted.
Dr. Morse , physician at Marine Hospital ,
Baltimore , Mil. , found lied Star Cough
Cure . a harmless and most effective remedi1
in ! the euro of coughs. He recommends it
especially ' for children , who are irritable
and obstinate , as pleasant to take and
prompt 1 in effect. Price twenty-five cents.
IIlncxH of Geo. Bancroft.
The news of the dangerous illness of Geo.
Bancroft , the historian , wilf be received
with genuine regret by everybody , and al
though the great recorder of events has
1 ' cached an age nearly S7 years at which
man's ' vital forces cannot be expected to
stand violent uhocks of disease , hope will
be ' everywhere fostered that he will yet be
enabled ' to repel the attacks that now
threatens ' to cause death. Mr. Bancroft is
a ' reinarkableexampleof the conserving and
preserving 1 effects of methodin habit < > l
life and in the prosecution of a great work.
He has been an indefatigable toiler even in
his ] later years ; but regularity of habit and
avoidance j of even the minor forms of dis
sipation s have enabled him to accomplish a
task i seemingly beyond the ability of strong
men , in their prime. Mr. Bancroft's exam
pie will be of value to mankind ; and hi-
per.sonai history "ill be hatdly less endur
ing | than the events ho has faithfully re
cordtd in icgard to his conutry's growth
aiid progress.
By its innumerable cures , mnde under all
possible conditions , Dr.Bnil't. Cough Syrnj
has becured for itself a most enviable rep
utatiou for great usefulness. Price , 2oc.
Charles Dudley Warner is studying life
in Mexico.
The Iieatier Cash Word Contest.
To the persons sending to us the largest
number of words composed of letters in the
sentence ,
' \suBscniBc ron the leader ! "
together with one dollar for one year's sub
scription ' to The Weekly Leader , befort
April 2oth , 18S7 , we will give fiftv dol
lars ] ; to the one sending the next largest
list 1 a prize of thirty-five doll vks will be
given { ; to the next largest , a sum of fifteen
dollars. j Understand , this competition
costs < you really nothing , as the price o !
The Lkader is § 1.00 per year , and this is
all we ask you. You get value received foi
your money and stand an even chance foi
\ winning one of the three prizes at no addi
tional \ outlay.
Those not wishing to subscribe for The
Leader can enter into the contest by send
ing fifty cents cash , which will entitle them
to an equal chance oti the prizes. Do you
want to earn fifty noLLAitsbyaneasyaiid
instructive method ? This is your oppor
tunity. Send ttr circular with full instruc
tions and rules. Address ,
Des Moi.ves , Iowa.
Sam Jo.ies , it is said , received § 19,000
for one month's work in Boston.
Chronic Cough * and Ccldx.
And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs ,
can he cured by the use of Scott's Emul
sion , as it contains the healing virtues of
Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their
fullest form. Is a beautiful creamy Emul
sion , palatable as milk , ensil } ' dices ted ,
and can bo taken by the most delicate.
Please read : "I consider Scott's Emulsion
the remedy par-excellence in Tuberculous
and Strumous Affections , to say nothing of
ordinary colds and throat troubles. " W.
. S. Con.vell , M. D. , Manchester , O.
Chauncey M. Depew will orate at tb °
next reunion of the Army of the Potomac.
Keltef U Immedtntc. and a cure sure. Pteo's Rem
edyor Catarrh. K0 cents.
Moses Parke , of Reynolds , Ga. , died the
other day of measles , aged 02 years.
Baaaaaaaaaaa aB > BaBBa aMBaBBaaaBaaaBaa BBvaaBaaMaaanauaaaB
WotrttSnH Interfere.
"Say , " said a boy to a policeman ,
"thcro'a around tho "
a fight corner.
"Wal whar'e do officerwho '
, officer who'longs on
dat beat. "
"He's gone up tho alley with a broken
nose. "
"Wal , hit's his bus'neaa tcr 'tend tcr his
beat , an' I'se do las' man in do worl' tor in
terfere wid ernodcr man's bus'uess.
An intelligent person when hurt will at
once procure a bottle of Salvation Oil. It
ia tho beat thing to cure swelliuga , burns or
wounds. AH druggists sell it at 25c.
The siisli curtains of striped chatnbery
gauze arc very pretty and dainty.
Fifty thousand inammmothclustor rasp
berry , best black , SI per 100 , § (5 ( per 1,000 ;
15,000 Greg raspberry , largest black , § 1.50
per 100 , SG per 1,000 ; 10.000 Turner , red ,
raspberry , § 1 per 100 , ? G per 1,000.
Strawberry , sweet potato , cabbago and
tomato plants for sale iu season , and a
general assortment of green house and bed
ding planthScud for prico list.
W. J. IIesskr , PlattHnioutli , Neb.
Tho mother of Gen. Low Wallace is very
proud o ! her talented son.
"Whon Baby iraa nick , wo e to hor Caatoris ,
When sho was a Child , uho cried for Caatoria ,
Whoa she becaxno Miss , sho clang to Caetoria ,
Wcsn ebe had Children , she garo them Caatoria ,
Mrs. Ira Rowcll died recently at Hart
ford , Wis. , aged 8S.
If sick headacho is miserywhat are Car-
tor's Littlo Liver Pills if they will positively
cure it ? Pooplo who have used them speak
frankly of their worth. They are small
and easy to take.
Concord ginghams are among tho pretty
new fabrics for the coming season.
Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing cure
for all diseases originating in biliary de
rangements caused by the malaria of mias
matic countries. No other medicine now
on sale will so effectually remove the dis
turbing elements , and at the same time
tone up the system. It is sure and safe in
its action.
The peasant sleeve with wide puff and
bands is very fashionable
IJoii't Read This.
if you have a sufficiency of this world's
goods , but if you have not , write to Hal-
lctt it Co. , Portland , Maine , and receive ,
free , full particulars about work that you
can do , and live at home , wherever you arc
located , at a profit of Troiii § 5 to § 25 per
day and upwards. All succeed ; both sexes ;
all ages. All is new. Capital not required ;
Hallett & Co. will start you. Don't delay ;
investigate at once , and srand success will
attend you
Fresh grass butter , a novelty in Feb
ruary , conies from California.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.
25 cents.
Ilavo been enjoyoit by citizen * of every town mid 3 I
city In tlio II. .S. MurTulOut Curm liavo boon wit- Mil
noaseu by thou.aml * of people , who can testily to f | . |
HiftiiSsi's Wizard 019. | |
Neuralgia , Toothache , Headache , Earache , | |
Catarrh , Croup , Sore Throni , 11
Lamo Back , Stiff Joints , Contracted Cords , | l
Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Fever Sorer , I
Wounds , Old Sores , Chilblains , Frost , I
Bites , Sore Nipples , Caked Breasts , and * I
All Aches and Pains , f I
are quickly relitm-il by tliii magical rompdy. Try it . I
onoo unci you will novcr be witlioullt. Koraalobr
Druggist ! . Prlre.nOc. OurSo.vil UoOK free tnulC. ,
TO-lI ttVA Will nitrify Uie BLOOD reculaU 11
Wv3iS5&\ LIVER nnd KIDNEYSinn.i
\fi 2W UE TOitKthoirEAX.THandVIO- •
> CftS33QSSii OH of YOUTH l ) ; roaiaAVant §
WKw\ Appetit * . JnillRMtlon.LaclcGf ' 51
K < S2 ! \ 8tmn tb mill Tiretl Foiling ab- "
> 53 MUwV Bolutaly cured : Bor.c , mua-
Eft&jt'X . elm and n-rv > ii receiro new
StR lX force. Knlivpnatbainlni
"fiSSiejK and Bupplici Brain Power.
5 _ _ . _ _ , Suffering fron comr-lainU
§ A ETfe fl K ? S pocnliar to tlinlr foi wiirfind
Clhi-aaelenr.Iienl- H
IONIC naif * and fpcofiycurc
. nt counUrlelt- H
thy complexion. Frequont attempts
inuonly add to th > popalnrlly of tho . .ncinal. V * H
notoxpornnent tho OltiarMAl. aid IJkiT. '
flCuro constipation.Llvrr Conioialnt and SlcJcU H
HHo daeh'Mample ' r > o e one ! Dream Boo Jew H
• trailed on rrcript of two cents In poataco. / H
Address : DR. HARTER , Medical Co. . St. Louis I
Nos. 303-404-I70-S04. fl
fimnmki mis I
The Original and Only Genuine. I
Safe and always IleluMe. llownrtMii nurthlex Imlt-v- H
itons. Ladies u k > our ] > riirs"t fort'hlvhrater' M
Kimllxh" uiul take no other , or inclose 4c. ( staimv ) to H
us for particularin I < ti-r hv rt-turn mull , nunc B
rAnau ciiiriiKvrKif ciiimIl co. .
Sii : : Mn < ! N < > n b < iuure. 1'lilludn. I'a. | H
fcold by llriiicxl t everywhere. Aclc for ' 'Chlrhiv- H
tei-V KiielI Ii" I'cnnjrojul I'llN. Take no otber- M
mmYmm buggy Fie oie mumi I
By u B CorTS ONE-COAT BUGGY Paint Paint Pridjy , run it to Church Sunday. Six 1-uhtonable Shi'lcw CLick. H
Miroon. Vermilion. Olire I ke. Brew ter and Wajon Greens. No Varnishing nece < vary. Dries hard with , a frljh CIms. M
Tip top for Chairs , Furniture , Baby Carriages , I-ront Doors. itor Fronts , etc. Will mt enough to paint your Buffer upoa. M
receipt of Oae Ilsllar , and warrant it towear. . Diitoa.t t * tbe Trade. COIT k CO. . 208 Kinzle St. , Chicaeo , Hi- B
) None Rtnulne trnless Dnn'ttva teyonrmoner ona pnm or rubber coat TheFIsn niJAKD SLIOKETS H
Stamped with tho above js absolutely vatrr and in ' n'f ritoop. nnd will keep ynu dry in tho barjle-t storm i m
I TRjiDBHiRC A < klortbe"KISII ItllAN'D" stiCKtn and take no other. If > oiir torekeeperdoe m
fej ? # OR ANYTHING IN THE NtlKSBIiY T.EVE , without first writinR
for our valuable FREE Catalogue , the [ 21 LARGE GREENHOUSES
BEST we ever issued , containing the Barest Kovr and 133d YEAR. 700 ACRES. H
choicest old. YME STORRS & HARRaSOM CO. P/HKEStflLLE. / 0Hd. ;
j J l < 0 * j % justmmm7m m , I
/ / t ' ZZ- * a7 VV i vW/y ] "tVaterlJury , Conn. , Th * < " = ivitzfrjrd of Atetriei , ' *
ft ft' * * " 3rwifJ \M / Vj Wvft rodcce more waitaes sad time In.iidtfra yir.t tt-in the nine B
15 19 'V' * _ . „ _ \I5 ( f& J'CCSi proauctof all ths-watrh-iniilDit jlti-soiiL-Ll v i 5-itci. AUtd-
H 19 iJS igKjJiw * . { S 11 11 J15Qii in ; rninufactcrcr of this tcurr-min ; oiy ts jus : r rln-t * < l a vrvr
W- # Via frWW fSj II I j I'SSJ article in tin line , mmuftcitirtci tnuilif.ei i itft ; cranial ia ti-
< i \ttlwiXVi\f/Jv lv _ / ? I Wv34 Un.ied StatesCanaai and Lurore , that is n n&M to vijxrcMleaU B
( { . - T - . . vS 4 y % SZS&W I ? * V ehcap foreign watches , ( which , as a rulca = 30t be ic'i'd cfcnjnd H
4 = = mm "to American" Stem Wimt I
% * & * 3i5s = f& SlX' offOfl correct Hlcitratton of TrlWfKttiicw In tM admti . H
STOgBMsKSiSSgiSsS , KSSfl UOllClt tcrat. Ucow ready and by ordtrirz 1,0 0 crews
ffX p sssxrsa - it VS ! K/a , > * e haTS Mcnred tie eiiIcuTe ; sale l \ : in tee l.mrt M
Sf iii&i SSTTP.S with I' .
j n & k .itcnt Adjustment = r ttud
JEr&yfrXX X III ///7 / . C5VJvlitthBiNcwlatcnt J tni % \in < iinmulSrttinr H
J28 rS9x \ \ III / / / / > W W sS > iDwrraa eiaeatloaaaoa no other , nlno 4 AL .MAI
jSV 3/ < V--1 " i Sj5 y lJi9j3y ? telling c rectlv the dayi of tie nsoath. Ittx. iliuitlnae H
X 'AVM ' " = 555T vx 's Sl ? , eautruy nirared as shown iaenipijeG idil iji-e H
yl apWj' .rc ssbsg EsltS - 0cStt > rt r Gold oaioliu ytllowsneul ( inmMiniM eall-n "Alniniansi G id\ | | H
tuZ tirS " ' - gs T rKr L 4Nm S 3i ad la appearance fa luallarto a Solid Go.d Watch ceitlagtlCOL Ta aaal
&SSfP - sCZZ , S y : 9v N Ss ' * * CrrsUl it Double Thick Pcluied French Ghss aid alfthe eo ? l
n ' ' - ra fe S S JS5 wheelsTisioa and learinj are ffrftctly madnn thTi tiniinv w :
wMtiwMxit AV ? SsL X yRvJSf S andeap-a i e nachircry and each part U ca-efoy t'MA t aVii ! X
lSjSj"iXal V s/'l' ® ? SjS8fS aBdcomiteBtworlmea. Each cat Is earefuIK in.p oi.rrrDiaW
kSSPWS H MS5z5 SSs SA fci ' Svi ad tested befcreleariartce factor7and ( mlywrirranted by
" / W Sli r ' SSS iJ na for a Pcrioa of live years , i astd wi-h iaa.Li.Ue cur.
wI SWm special 60 my OFFER : . SMS 1
Iv % fc < sW . 4 L' * lean Steal Wlrder rd Setter with I'ancy I attrn
t i'iri l- i S i&h J5 * * ! * ! Plated Chain ecaii.Ietfal ! rackeoman Klo int
iJfe ? 8 $ mmM- ' ' m sS f jS I > tin.I.ined Caae free and ca tee receipt of ouly
WH' 9 JF.e , SDFor P ° - 5t , ! . nots " lv&D s s • • - " ' f * .
X ihW iriSli kiS'V il ( s pA9i9 * c"y P'ora e to fcow It tn their fnerdd ami roneitlr eajearor t I H
* S Sj S Sy 2 % 5aw7p f lafl aceotheriaIesforns.tVTranttoIntr Iucc tInto.
G3 a aC ? ' H ! 1 • " . rysectionortbeaT.S.and Canadaatonce. !
KTftagdggajgga Sgg Sg e ag H J howillb nriosecnrttneaeccA.iatheT f n' t\eshallntat !
t 2C % < V CM /f A P'e entoiTerIt orsaIebrWatch'nakeriaBdJeweUri.adenlyeawia H
KX s4 ! S gg S ? It li besenttoanraddreisatthewholee.leprkeo'I. Weofferltatthtt H
iJJ * g * rrr * i * l If pneefortwomonthsonly H
| to create a demand. AfterMdari
fl1 ! IlJ | lalsonerwiIIl .whh < irairn and then nd mtt > . . d attheretailpr t M
ajiB . . , , Mtgt-i ? brJeweltrt. We refer to anr HnnsEar rets Co , or Pntllsh-r la | 1k H
\g-jf5/ " " " " .iSg' C = jeaalfei JityJ "Onr Illnatrated C'atalocue ofEoCdGoliabl
_ _ _ _ Jg ) ff ? V * _ _ igJ "Ter batches frcra 5 5 to 5575 , sent ee wlti each.
tTIioaliOYecntlacxactputteraandalxe. ] BlaSS. WatCal CO , , BOStOIl , MaSS. I
" ! ! IIH.lai .W' .B liH. . " ' , 3 H
for Infants and Children * I
t "Cas o ! I
850TreUadaptedtocMdrenttat S Castoria cures Colic. Constipatier. .
L recommend it as superior to any prescription | Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation.
tcowa to tte. " H. A. Arcttcr , M.D. , I " ornos , sires sleep , and promotea d > H
W 80. Oxrord St. , Brooklyn , N.Y. ] WitlSiurious medication. ' I
Tax CarrAcn , Ccmpxky , 182 Fulton Street. IT. " 2 ; . I
Why did the Women I
fee lH
of this country use over thirteen million cakes ol I
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1SS6 ? * I
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. I