i ! : 1 TIH'RSD.U' . MARCH 3. 1SS7. m r Indieutei * ttiatyourgulifcrlptiim Within ym paper iiab kxviukv. unit that n conllul k imitation is uxtuwiuU to cull anil renew the same. Subscription $2 per year. \ OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER , Local Intelligence. 1883. g - 1887. McCracken's Jewelry Store ! ' Is now Iocatad on the corner north of Pestoffice. We pride ourselves of hav- ; ing the Finest Jewelry Store in the valley , and we are better prepared to do alt kinds of work than ever before. Our w k en Watches , Jewelry * , Etc. , we guarantee can 't be excelled anywhere ' en earth. Another big drop on Watches and Clocks. New is the time to buy at whole- ! sale prices. We have the best assort ment ef Geld Watches , Jewelry , Clocks ! and Silverware outeide of Omaha. I ST"R8iuember we give particular at- | tCRtien fce repairing of Fine Watches asd Engraving. t - . . EgT'Cbos. Noble , the lendiug grocer. I Dancing slippers at J. F. Ganschow 's. I Egf-Ciilttvaters at Riuker 's from $1G 1 t$37. Heating Steves at Cost , at W. C. La- f Tgbbjstte & Ce. ' s. Dan Mg slippers at J. F. Gunschow ' s. Let hj3 aH try a pair. Fer hei e eubs ef meats ol all kinds , caM at M Utigh Br s. A fra = k let ef candies received at • Ches. NebU's. this week. * A eetnpiete line of ladies' and gent's ae sbeeg at J. F. Gasschow 's. Heating Staves at Cost , at W. C. La- T CKErrE & Ce. ' s. > Cltetee fvesh and sale meets at the [ sew meat Market ef Maliiigh Bros. New sfcytas > b hats , caps , etc. , just received at tbe Fametts Clething Co. 's. I Ladies and * Hts can St their feet in f • bee w & ffippers at Gnusebow's. i Take yew Widte. better awl eggs to f Bww- 1 : Wilwrr. Main Avenue. [ TW Wst ttmk and salt meats in the | aacket st Bnrwer Jb "Wikrox ' s meat ' wwtet i A geed ye # gst llfc n f rsale. Part eaik aad bokuwe en time. Call at my I • S * * , C. P. KlNKER. B MW r i W ie > i wHI buy your fat ] tags. Call at their market , Main I Aiew * . \ Q * * * * &xat m fife * kit at styles , * plain ami ewtawented , at the leading * gaeeec Cfcac N W . ' A vJH ; : ttatf d aatrntment < # f fresh i mm * * : at CW. N Wes. His stock i * fomek awl Am * . i BfcMg m * * oiN s white the fine w Mkr reefiwiUL. and have Miller > B Jt Lewe | > Wcs ef them. f TW * w gw * ry ser ef Chas. i N M it iW ptzut * Ce purchase your e gy * * ; aW. p * vifcW j. , A sfiieinter ef greeri s , previsions , \ MseejMweMr and w. fact everything in tW gaeeerr He * , st Cho < s. Xeble's. A nee * § t k > afaays wanted. Try J. t F. tiSMMeWw , tW { Kaeu al Wtt and shoe t i1 ! infer fee ; wiW sever faH. BMMMJkr ifatt CWs. XeWtt is head- yifurler r ecything fresh and clean m. W itefle a l ftuMty gmeery Kne. YeiMig : wen , eH at 4-T e F-uiol's" r ami. • * aW k * * t style sttfi"and soft f Wa& < $ ! * one pdeeti wiM please yeu. & isr C w Sewing 3a hn s at . Bnwfcar * 0 ft per MAetJi until paid. I Tmmmv nW In eat Sewing 3Ia hines r © - iewfarMw k neent f r a herse r 6mmI g n < ler wish attaeknient i fine jitWng ewat ec any ether kind of | 1W * w HMat mecket ef Me Hugh f & * • . k fntwiMi ? tw seft ynti the hose of imijmi mi dkeir Kne. At the ehi } FaJeer somwL [ If ynt lew juMiningHt tW Kne ef I inaeHMffc. week jjt w * m tuke 1 k • MSiW , mmI g v < e hem a &rkl. Sat- i TW fteeet ane hst hwh-'s sWe is ? nnV If J W K y , and J. F. Gan.s- i nW alwit * * keefe nH in aK widths . un Hae te Rto BH. Try a pair. WflUf & E * & * as * MMning nteney en | fiiT at nW iw-eet mt.es. Also have sneekt haji-aine in peel ectete , at McC k La.nd Office. ! I Fvf < & Sneer ' s eW sttiad is the phiue I hnr wear Ftettr a ! Feed , ai * Gur- Ah as/aet kwwJeef Farm Seeds. We heim mama t stay and wtH make prices Ms HMtoMie. Hasvey Boos. We • gkw ye * * t m Ws fer ma- tejnsi awl wewk i paper ; paint and fin- ; " kit f r Wnee enraplnte. Call and see i etar ew wail papees Wfere doing youi week. > IeMTfT.Kf & Weeks. wBw MBww wwpiBMMBwnBWBnwnwnii Dancing slippers at J. F. Ganschow's. A new invoice of blank books just re ceived at this nflicc. ( 'orn Stall ; Cutters at cost at linker's for the next i > 0 days. An addition has been built to the smithy at the round house. Note the change in the advertisement of L. Bcrnlieimer , the tailor. Another new residence is in course of construction on East Dcnnison street. A little daughter was born to Sir. and Mrs. F. L. Brown , Monday night. We carry a complete line of justice of the peace blanks , about forty forms in all. Three car loads of emigrant mova bles were unloaded at this station , last Sunday. A train load of emigrant movables passed through here , Saturday night , for western points. "The B. & M. Meat Market" is the name adopted by Mcllugh Bros , for their new market. , Latest styles and all colors and shapes in Men's and Boys ' Hats just received at "The Famous. " For the present , 1. T. Benjamin occu pies quarters with II. W. Cole over the First National bank. A little daub of paint would improve those sign posts in front of the Citizens bank on Dcnnison street. This has been a week of most unusual activity at the TJ. S. Land Office in the line of coutests especially. On account of press of other matter we are compelled to holdover a number of communications , this week. They have been putting up some ad ditional shelving at "The Famous" for their new stock of goods for the spring trade. The shelving in the "Cash Bargain House" has been remodeled , this week , having in view the securing of more light. An adjourned meeting of the agricul tural society will be held at Indianola , Saturday , the 12th inst. See cail else where. Lutherau services at the School House , next Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. 31. , by the Pastor , J. W. Kim- mel. All are invited. Work on the addition to the Com mercial House is progressing rapidly , this fine weather. Contractor F. D. Hess has the building in charge. Last Sunday evening , Rev. Kelsey closed his series of addresses to the young people , on "The Battlements of a Successful Life , " with a suberb ef fort. We rejoice to state that Mrs. Thos. Colfer ' s health continues to improve at an encouraging pace. She has been able to sit up a short time , the past few days. days.The The first of this week , Samuel Plunk- ett removed from the old Citizens bank building , in the rear of "The Famous , " to his former quarters on West Denni- son street. The J. D. Turner office building on North Main Avenue has been purchas ed by A. J. Pate , and moved onto Mr. Pate ' s lot on the corner of Dodge and Manchester streets. The Ladies * Aid Socictv of the M. E. church will hold a sociable at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ludwick , 3Iouday evening , March 7th. A cordial iuvitatiou is extended to all. On Wednesday of this week , Barney Hefer disposed of his restaurant fix tures at public sale , and retired from the business. He contemplates doing the homestead act this spring. Moved Messrs. nenry W. Keyes and J. B. Jennings moved into the su perb quarters over the Citizens bank , this wc k. They occupy the front rooms and have as fine offices as the city affords. A ten pound daughter became the absorbing interest at W. W. Jossellyn's heme , last night , an event his friends have been celebrating , to-day , with fra grant Elavanas , at the expense of the proud papa. The next sociable under the auspices of the ladies of the Lutherau church will be held at the residence of Mr. Os walt on Macfarland street. The pub lic is cordially iuvited to participate in these occasions. Elegant Wall Paper and Decorations just received , at McMillen & Weeks. They will give you figures to paper and finish your house throughout , including work and material or material only. Call and see them before letting your * work. t i A grand wolf hunt will occur on the Willow , to-morrow. The start will be twidononr the mill and progress up the crook. A large number of participants are expected and a fine time as well. Real Estate Yesterday , F. P. Brickcy sold his southeast quarter of section 13 , township 3. range 30 , to Geo. E. Johnston for $1,500. The deal'was consummated through H. G. Dixon , real estate agent. The pupils of Miss Murphy's room were compelled to vacate by the smoke , Wednesday morning. The stove pipe was taken down , cleaned and shortened , and school progressed as usual in the afternoon. The Tribune is under obligations to C. W. Beck , agent for town lots , for a map of Bartley. The matter was pre pared for the printer by G.W. Minkler , of this place , who is now engaged in further surveying at the 'Varsity town. From the public exhibition made and given on Main Avenue , Monday after noon , we are constrained to express our opinion and judgment that the Me Hugh Bros , drive the gold medal single-hand ed kicking broncho of the city. The criminal libel suit brought by Messrs. White and Stoddard , of this city , against Mrs. Howells , of York , Neb. , came up , Tuesday , before Squire Bennett , who dismissed the same on the ground of no cause of action. Thanks to Train Dispatcher Forbes' of the B. & . M. headquarters , The Tribune was the first paper in Neb raska to announce the Nebraska City conflagration , which consumed about § 100,000 worth of property in that city. It is currently stated that a new time table will go into effect on the B. & M. , Sunday , and that the new ar rangement will give this city two more trains , daily one each way between here and Hastings. This will give us excellent traffic facilities. Commencing March 1st , the express companies adopted a measure tending to improve the service and to lighten its expense , in ordering the free deliv ery of express to the consignee. The business has assumed proportions which will justify this move no doubt. Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. La- Touuette , & Co. 's. The Saylor saloon was the scene of another disorderly occurrence , yester day. A broken glass , an ejected ine briate , some tall profanity , and a final wind up in the cooler on the part of the over-loaded individual , seem to be salient features of the affair whiskey 's legiti mate offspring. Good team , harness and wagon for sale. Inquire at this office. Passenger travel on the B. & M. has increased to immense proportions of late. Trains arc simply crowded both east and west bound. While the freight traffic calls forth the active enersv of the company's entire force. Thus opens up the railroad's harvest. The indications are that it will be plentiful. A full line of hardware , "stoves and tinware at CD. Palmer ' s. A very large attendance , an entirely satisfactorily rendered program , and a well-rounded evening of social inter course characterized the meeting of the Y. P. A. at the residence of Joseph Menard , last Friday evening. We take delight in relating that these oc- ocasions retain all their pristine inter est and enjoyment of an altogether healthful and instructive character. Cabinets only $3 a dozen at Millers' opposite Menard's Opera Hall. A telegram received , this morning , conveys the cheerful , encouraging infor mation of improvement in Mr. Hock- nell's health , concerning which there have been grave misgivings , the past week. The intelligence came from Mr. Knights who arrived at Col ton , Col. , last night. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Hocknell are expected to arrive there , to-morrnw. It is the unanimous hope of this commu nity for his rapid recovery. ESpEggs wanted at Chas. Noble 's. The highest market price paid. The Lutheran brethren held a social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Coy , Tuesday evening , which was a most enjoyable affairand , generally attended. The fore part of the evening was passed in playing charades , proverbs , etc. , the evening's enjoyment closing with a "donkey party , " which simply convuls ed the large company with laughter. Mrs. W. M. Sanderson secured the first prize ; Miss Flora Smith , the booby. Try the Commercial House , when jn McCook , just once ! mmimmmmimmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmm The most important move in city property , during the past week , was that of C. F. Bubcnck in purchasing lots ten and eleven in block sixteen , on Main Avt'iiue , opposite the Commercial. The consideration , $1,000 eacll. The contract with the Lincoln Land Co. pro vides that two-story l r : k ! iuildingsnot less than twenty-five feet wide and seven ty-five long , be commenced on both lots within ninety day. These lots are among the most valuable and desirable in the city and we congratulate Mr. Babcock upon becoming the possessor thereof , and the city upon the i'act of their falling into such hands. The First National bank people , who own lot twelve , it is confidently asserted , will also build at the same time , and the prospects are that the coming summer will witness the erection of three of the finest brick buildings in the city. It is also contemplated fitting up the second story over the three buildings for an Opera House. We hope this will be definitely determined upon. The city needs an Opera House of just such am ple proportions and superb furnishings as is under consideration. Nebraska City Breaking Plows at C. P. Banker's. The Gaiety Theatre Co. has been playing to fair and appreciative audien ces , in the Opera Hall , all week. The company is one of the best our people have ever had the opportunity of hear ing , some of their number being espec ially strong , while the entire combina tion grade well. They appear , to-night , in "Our Bachelors , " a side-splitting comedy which they will no doubt handle with success and in a manner calculated to superinduce convulsive laughter. They will also play in this city on Friday and Saturday evenings. If you have not heard them , devote an evening to that purpose. Dancing slippers for ladies and gents at J. F. Ganschow's. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. PEimuAitr 21. W. F. Everist to C. B. Hoag W. D. Und. K lots i:5 : and 14 , block 33 Indiiiuola. § 1,000. J. M. Edmiston to 11. S. EJmiston W. D. , S. E. 3510. . . J4 - - 0. 1,000. FEltHUAUY 25. G. L. Clark to John Iinel W. D.V. . y2 N. W. K aud W. } 4 S.V. . U , 21s. . § 1,150. Sarah E. Grills to Ellen Bowen W. D. , S. M N.V. . M and E. & S. W. & , 12-1-30. § 500. F. L. Brown to Ira Kimball Q. C. D. , N. E. M , 14-3-20. § 1.00. United States to George Myers R. It. , S.lA N. E. and S. N. . . . H S.lA W. 34 , 27-1-29. § 4 00. FEBRUARY" 20. It. H. Pate to J. A. Wilcox and F. H. Fowler "W. D. , N. W. U 10-1-29. § 1,800. Elmer Hilton to same W. D. , S. W. i 19-4- 29. § 1.100. Allen Hartley to E. A. Brower W. D. , lots 1 and 3 , block 54 , Bartley. § 1,200. Same to B. F. Brower W. D. , lot 2 , block 54 , Bartley. § 1,100. FEBKOARV 2S. Belle Shaw to xMrs. C. B. Davidson W. D „ lot 7 , block 18 , Indianola. § S0d. Francis Marrin to Louis Marrin W. D. , E. 54 S. W.Ji and X. W. & S.V X 20 , aud N. E. & S. E. & 27-4-20. ? S00. Lincoln Land Co. to J. R. Phelan , Tr Lot 10 block 4 ; lot 9 , block 5 ; lot 4 , block 0 ; lot 10 , block 25 ; 1st Add. McCook , and lot 3 block 23 ; lot 3 , block 25 ; lot 9 , block 28 ; lot 4 , block 30 ; 2d Add. McCook. § 320. MARCH 1. J. S. Shaw to Lettie Madison W. D. , lot 1 , block 32. Indianola. 8400. E. A. Winters to C. A. Dibble W. D. , S. 'A , S. W. 24 and N. Vi N. \ \ \ H. 23-1-20. § 700. FrankE.PricertoA. P. Bodwell W. D. , W. ii N. W. H , 25 , and E. V3 N. E. & 20-2-27. § 1,000. Scott Darnell to Ellen Adams W. D. , lots and > 5 , block 21 , Indianola. $125. United States to Francis Marrin R. R. , E. \ S.V. . h aud N. W. J4 S. W. U 20 , and N. E. hi S. E. H 27-4-26. § 200. Same to W. W. Gerver R. R. , E. Vi N. E. U 10-1-29. § 100. Same to E. A. Winters S. i S. W. 34 and N. Vz N. W. 34 23-1-2G. § 200. MARCH 2. William II. Moss to Geo. B. Morgan W. D. , W. V2 N. E. 34 3-3-28. S700. Charles D. Cramer to John C. Mitchell W. D. , S. 10 acres of lot 1 , section 7-3-24. § 450. Anstina Yance to Allen A. Phillippi W. D. . E. hi N. W. 34 and E. Vz S. W. 34 2-2-29. § 703. United States to Mahlon B. Scott Patent , S. W. M 24-4-20. Agricultural Society Meeting. An adjourned meeting of the Red Willow County Agricultural Society will be held at the Court House in Indianola , on Saturday , March 12th , 1SS7 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. Busi ness of importance will then be bronght be fore the society and a general attendance of fanners and all others interested in the suc cess of the Society , is desired. Immediate ly after adjournment there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Society , at which it is hoped every precinct in the coun ty will be represented. Eoyal , Buck , IIahlow W. Keyes , President. Secretary. PLOWS ! PLOWS ! I have on hand a lot of Grass-Hopper Breaking Plows that I will sell at the exceedingly low price of $9. Call at once before they are all gone. Charles Noble. WANTED. o A bright boy of 1-1 to 18 years of age , willing to make himself useful about the store , and anxious to learn. Apply to The Famous Clothing Co. DO NOT Mortgage your farm if you can get along without doing so but if you have to borrow money , call upon Helm & Davis. ROOMS FOR RENT. Four rooms , centrally located , either furnished or unfurnished. Inquire at The Tribune office. Optional Loans jMade on Farm Property by Colyin & Dempcy , McCook , Neb. PERSONALS. ESfUnUoi thlB head wo would be pleased to have our friend * throughout the city acquaint usof thearrlval and ui' nrturoofthcii'visitors. Attorney Simeral , of Arapahoe , was in the city , Saturday altornoon. Attorney Starr spent the forepait of the week in the city on laud business. Geo. II. Stewart of Stockvllle was register ed at the Commercial House , Monday. State's Attorney Suavely had legal busi ness in the metropolis , Saturday afternoon. E. E. Lowman departed for Chicago , yes terday morning , to lay in a spring stock of goads. J. E. Kelley and Lee Bernheimer were down at the county-seat , Monday evening , on business. C. 11. Meeker , of the Water Works , re turned , Saturday noon , from a business trip to Lincoln. C. II. Peck , cashier of the Bank of Tren ton , was a business tourist to this city , Mon day morning. Dr. Loda of the Hastings Benevolent As sociation came up to the city on company business , yesterday. Messrs. H. W. Cole , Esq. , and B. B. Da vis , M. D. , left for Grand Island , yesterday morning , on business. C. S. Quick , E. C. Ballew , Oscar Shaw and A. J. Johnson , of the county-seat , were vis itors in the city , Tuesday. Bert. Cromwell of Red Cloud spent Tues day afternoon in the city , returning home on No. 40 , yesterday morning. J. C. Allen , of the "Cash Bargain House , " left for Chicago , Tuesday evening , to lay in a heavy stock of spring goods. Conductor J. E. Sanborn was up from Hol- drege , over Sunday , on business. He went cast on No. 2 , Monday morning. C. P. llinker went down to Bartley , Satur day evening , to hear the concert given by lo cal talent in that burg on that evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Turner left for Lamar , Colo. , Monday night. The Tjhhune wishes them joy and prosperity in their new home. F. M. Smith , late of the Farmers and Mer chants bank of Indianola , is occupyinga posi tion in the First National in this city at present. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. LaTourette returned , yesterday evening , from a visit to Mrs. La- Tourette ' s parents on the Willow in Hayes county. Frank Dillon arrived from Tremont , Taze well county , 111. , the first of the week , and has moved onto a claim , six miles south of the city. J. C. Harlan of the Cambridge Kaledeo- seope , came up to witness the "Black Dia mond" performance at the Opera Hall , Mon day evening. W. O. Moody and quite a delegation of other Strattonites were sojourners in the commercial centre , Tuesday , on business pilgrimages. Mr. Parker of Watscka , III. , arrived at this place , Tuesday of last week , on a visit to his daughter , Mrs. Fred. Benjamin of the South Side. Mrs. F. O. Newman is filling the position of contest clerk at the United States Land Office , during the present great press of work in that department. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cornutr , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bollard , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Capps , all of Culbertson , were in the city between trains , Tuesday evening. State ' s Attorney Davis of Hayes Centre has been in the city all week , counsel on an important land suit before the local officials. He came down , last Friday. J. E. Cochran , Esq. , went down to Lincoln , the first of the week , to catch the drift of things in the matter of the judicial re-distiict- ing bill. He returned , Tuesday night. Tim Moriarty , an Omaha attorney who is interested in McCook property , was in the city , Monday , looking after his interests in the best town in Southwestern Nebraska. F. L. Brown and Mrs. Geo. Hocknell de parted. Monday night , for Colton , Cal. , in response to a telegram announcing the dan gerous condition of Mr. Hocknell's health. C. W. Ballard ( of the Star ) and C. C. Ty ler of Akron , which is the county-seat of Washington county , Colo. , were in this city , a portion of Monday and Tuesday of this week. Miss Maguire of Stratton visited the Misses Menard , a portion of Friday and Saturday of last week , returning to Stratton , Saturday noon , accompanied by Mhs Dell Menard , who made a short visit in that burg. O. H. Shaw of Indianola has secured a sit uation with C. II. Bogers , of this city. Mr. Shaw has disposed of his property at the county-seat and will move his family here to make this his future home. We welcome them. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE. 0 Another of the series of progressive euchre parties.now quite therareinourcityoccurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Meserve on Thursday evening of hist week , at which place and time the accompanying persons par ticipated with the wonted enthusiasm that game infuses and inspires : Mr. aud Mrs. F. H. Fowler , Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Uabeock. Mr. and .Mrs. F. S. Wilcox , Mr.and Mrs. C. T. Brewer and Mr. F. M. Kimmell. Refreshments constituted a notuhle accom paniment of the evening's entertainment. C. F. Babcock received the first prize ; Mrs. F. H. Fowler , the booby. \ > On Monday evening of this week , Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Batchellor entertained a goodly company of friends at their residence , corner Madison and Dcnnison. The evening passed pleasantly with cards , refreshments and the usual concomitants of the prevailing social game progressive euchre. TO THE FARMERS. Behold This ! L am on deck this spring with the most complete line of farm implements ever offered the farm ing public in this part of the country. Call and examine. Compare goods and prices. I am always glad to see you. Respectfully , C. P. Hinker. j ] G. A. R. DEPARTMENT. \ I Is Scent' in the home of an old veteran vet- 1 'eran is sick in bed , beyond all hopes of re- 1 covery. j ; I Poor old wife speaks : "Oh , dear , If there 1 1 | were only a few dollars in the house to get . , ' | you some medicine and proper food , you : i | could be made much more comfortable. Per- , J haps we will get them after all. The Presi- | ; ' dent says something about a 'parting bene- * i faction of a grateful people. ' But , dear : ) me , how afraid I am that wo will have to part before the 'benefaction' readies us. " \ { ! NO KKA80N. . j Had the Dependent Pension bill been ; 1 • signed it is very probable that some mule- ' ' serving men would have been benefitted by ' it. It is absurd to say that tills was any rea- ! son for refusing to sign the bill. / If the president is determined to sign no bills that will by any chance favor undeserv- , ing men , lie had better empty his inkstand and throw away his pen , for he will never sign another bill. There was never a general beneficiary bill passed that did not give unworthy men an t advantage which they should not have had , and there never will be. It is inevitable , in the very nature of things , that in general legislation men will be benefitted who should ! not receive anything. { Shall 99 worthy and deserving men be de- ] nied their rights because one onworthy ono may get that to which he has no claim ? This is absurd. ; According to Mr. Cleveland's reasoning a paymaster in the army would be justified in refusing to pay a regiment of fighting men because he would have to pay also a half-doz- * | en skulkers and cowards. National Tribune. that "heavy mjicnux. " j The President and the soldier-hating pa- ; pers make much ado over the heavy burden ; , ' that the Dependent Bill will place upon the ' * people of the country. | ' Who is bearing that burden now ? ! The G. A. II. Posts and the State , Town- \ ship and municipal treasuries of the country. ; The G. A. J { . Posts everywhere work in- : ccssantly and exhaust every means to gather up money to relieve the pressing necessities ; , of the broken-down veterans of their neigh- \ , borhood. There is net in the country , or in 1 , the world even , a better organized system of I of charity than that maintained by the G. A. j ' II. posts and their noble allies , the Women's j Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans. .J There are no more indefatigable workers ? | anywhere. ? Yet in spite of all they can do , they can relieve but a moiety of the sore distress around them. They see around them every where disabled comrades and their families who are suffering for the bare necessaries of life , who are too proud to accept the dole of charity , even from the hands of their com rades. Everywhere they see men who did the country splendid service , with the mus ket and saber , giving up the sore struggle for bread and drifting to the humiliating and distasteful shelter of the almshouse. Every state in the east , north and west , now has either built splendid homes for the ' disabled veterans and for their orphans , or • has the same in course of erection. The money for all these , as well as that needed for the support of the veterans , either in them or in the county , township or city poor- house , is drawn from the people by direct taxation. Why should not this heavy burden be lift ed from the shoulders where it now rests and be put upon the stronger ones of the General Government , which nad the benefit of the youthful strength and health of these now broken men ? National Tribune. HURRY ! Or you will be late. WILCOX & FOWLER will sell FOR SPOT CASK , Clothing , Woolen Hosiery ami all Winter Goods at -E ACTUAL COST ! All other goods at the Lowest Living Trices. 960 Acres of Land to Rent. 320 acres on the Driftwood , 50 acres under cultivation. 320 acres , 12 miles south of McCook , G5 acres under culti vation , house and well. 160 acres on the Frenchman , house and well. 160 acres adjoining the Akron , Colo. , town- site , 25 acres broke. Will rent from 1 to 3 years. Geo. E. Johnston , McCook , Neb. Real Estate Loans. We have completed arrangements . whereby we can furnish those who want I a 'loan , money on real estate , promptly \ and without the usual disappointing delays. Call and see us. We are al so prepared to make chattel mortgage loans. Citizens Bank. MONEY to LOAN On farms T am prepared to fill all loans from McCook. So sending away no delays. Everything done and completed rijrht here. Do not fail to see me before making application. I. T. Benjamin. Office Over First National Bank. MONRY To loan on the most favorable terms , on Improved Farms and First-Class City Property. Helm & Dayis , McCook , Neb. SORGHUM SEED ! % New crop cane seed for sale , whole- sale or rt'tail , by M. Willson , | Blue flill , Webster Co. , Neb. | MONRY ! 1 If you desire to borrow monej * , call * 3 and see Helm & Davis. I have a good team , harness , wagon and cow , for sale cheap. Will sell for part cash and part time. Call at my office. C. P. Rinkeh.