WHAT IS IT. H A Pc tUci"co ThatVnk In Darkness H A. DoMtructlon That Waster * at H Noonday. H Wo have published in our columns from m timo to timo rfil'crenl ndvertisemouta in re- w Card to IJrijht'B DieoiiBo and its cures. B What is this tcrriblo discuso ? H Wo have taken tlio trouble to mako an B investigation from the best sources and we H | give the results to our readers. Hv What aatoiiislicfl us is thogeneral indiffor- H { enco given to kidnoy disorders. Tiie kid- Mi " \ neys do not sound tho alarm of their dis- ML rased condition , o'-ing to tho fact that B ) they have very few nerves , honco few bus- K : pect that thero is any disease in them , jji Irritation , Inflammation , ulceration , sot K in , and then the littlo tubes , of which tho 11 kidneys are full , aro destroyed and thrown B off , and from this fact aro called tube casts. As soon as this begins to take place it B is only a question of how fast decomposi- j tion goes on beforo the disease results fa- K tally. If tho proper remedies are taken B'j ' before final decomposition or waste of D these tubes commences or becomes too far B | advanced , that is the only and liiht chance Bn for relief. It is at this point or before that BJi Warner's safe cure proves so beneficial , " BJ nnd may cure or stop tho wasting away of B | tho kidneys if it has not advanced too far. Bj The most remarkable thing of all our in- Bf vestigntion is the fact that the patient Bj with Uright's disease has no exclusive Bj symptoms , but has tho symptoms of every B\ common disease. Hi First ho may possibly feel a dull pain in K' liis back , generally upon one side , which Bj doeH not debar him from his usual business BJ routine. After a timo ho may begin to feel Bj neuralgic pains , or have a slight attack of Ej what he may call rheumatism , or head- B | nche , with high or dark colored urine ; with Bj an unpleasant sensation in its passage , H and arter standing Bhowing an unnatural BJ condition. Later on , come tired feelings , Ej loss of ambition or vigor , or loss of or 13 failing eyesight , which is very common , B with a distressed condition of the stom- | J ach. Any one of these symptoms is liable B to occur. B This , no doubt , accounts for tho proprie- B tors of Warner's safe euro curing so many m diseases. By regulating and building up Hj tho kidneys , symptoms of general ill- health disappear. They justly accuse the U medical profession of treating tbe effects I and not the cause. Finally , if this disor- Hj der is neglected , the patient either dies of BJ apoplexy , pueumoniu , heart disease , blood Bj poiBon. consumption , or any other disease Bj that the system is most subject to. Bj It appears that Gen. Logan realized his Hj condition , and "was well aware that his BJ disease was of the kidney's , and expressed M himself in indignant terms at the folly of Bj the doctors in treatinghim for rheumatism H when it was tho kidneys that caused his Bj attacks. " H We have no doubt that very many peo- Bj pie in this country have the same trouble jj as tho General , but little importance is Bj nttached to this malady by the medical fl profession because of their inability to U [ cope with it , either in its first appearance H or advanced condition. There appears to be some one cause for fit nearly every other ailment of the human ff system , but up to the present time no one I / has been able to fully account for this ter- . B rible malady. We understand that the Kj pcopleof Germany have become aware of its IN fearful fatality , and have offered 400,000 Bj marks " (5100,000) ( ) to any one that can mr eatibfactorily explain the cause. R' Mrs. Gladstone is lady president of the U Liberal league of Great Britain. Bj Carter's Little Liver Pills will be found | i an excellent remedy for sick-headache. jj Thousands of letters from people who have R' Ubed them prove this fact. Askyour drug- S gist lor them. | 1 A. G. Talbott , of Kentucky , wants the Kj Austrian mission. I' Tlronchltls Is cured by frequent small doses of B1 Plso's Cure for Consumption. W Barnum is being boomed for the presi- W ddncy. "Posterity vs. Ancestry. It is no longer questioned , it is admit ted , that the blood of man is improving. f The children of to-day are better formed , \ have better muscle and richer minds than I our ancestors. The cause of this fact is i due more to the general use of Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic than any other source. Boys under 1G years 02 ago can no longer buy tobacco at Grass Valley , Cal , For tlio Blood , Nerve * And Complexion , use Cxhtek's Ikon Pills. Buffalo Bill astonishes the east hv \ drinking lemonade. How to Gain FIcsli and Stren-jtls. ' Use after each meal Scott's E.molsion \ -with Hypophosphites. It is as palatable ' as milk , and easily digested. The rapidity j with which delicate people improve with its { 1 use is wonderful. Uao it and try .your ' weight. As a remedy for Consumption , Throat affections and Bronchitis , it is un- equalcd. Please read : "I used Scott's I Emulsion in a child eight months old with good results. He gained four pounds in a very short time. " Tuo. Piusi , 1L. D. , : Alabama. "Pion-Pion's" second son has renounced bis Fiench citizenship in Tavor of Italy. [ I ! When Bby was sick , wo gare her Cagttfria , \ "TThea thowas a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , tho clang to Castoria , When the hid Children , she gave thsm Castoria , i Lord Churchill is bracing up for a dash at English politics in the spring. \ Gold mines I are very uncertain pi operty ; for every pay ing mine a hundred cxit that do not pay. But if you write to llallett it Co. , Port- , . land , Maine , you will receive , free , full par ticulars about their new business , and learn how some have made over SoO in a ! single day at it. You can live at home , * and earn from $5 to $25 and upwards per day wherever you are located. Both t > exes ; all aces. Capital not required ; you are started free. Send your address , and all will bo proved to you. Prince Nicholas of Mingrelia. has the pole ' in the race for the Bulgnriun throne. t ' 1 EIIHoMnes , IMzzIno s , Naunea , Ktcr , Are relieved by Cakteii's Little Liver ' Pills. f . Spurgeon , tne great London divine , suf- t fers from gout. % The mother of Gen. Lew Wallace is very proud of her talented son. - • 'Tho AVlndN of Heaven. " If tho winds of heaven could becomo vis ible to us , and if from somo standpoint fat out in tho bluo wo could look down upon them , wo should , no doubt , find some ol our preconceived notions considerably modified. That they would present u spectaclo aublimo beyond conception goes without saying , nnd though no doubt wild and seemingly chaotic enough to bafllo the eye of an archangle in an attempt to trace out tho entire system of their motions , n comprehensive view would yet perhaps present more or regularity than we are accustomed to assaciato with tho winds. No doubt tho first thing that would strike tho attention in such a survey would bo , not the wild chaos of tho aerial currents , but their orderly rythmical motions. For instance , through out tho tropics at ordinary times , thero is a morning and evening ebb and flow of tho air as regular and as pro nounced as tho ebb and flow of the ocean. All consts there suck in a moist , refreshing breeze from the sea in tho morning , and breathe out again at night. To tho eye that could detect this grand inhaling and exhaling over the whole tropical earth , and could see also tho great trade winde sweeping down from the poles to tho equa tor in majestic currents hundreds of miles wide , two mighty streams that meet in the torrid zone , flow upwards and move back in the upper atmosphere to the eye that could discern this and the many other reg ular and periodical currents , ns well as the circular whirling of storms , and , possibly , the circular movements of storm centers the most impressive fact of our atmos pheric movements would not bo their capri cious irregularity , their fitful uncertainty , but the sublime order and rhythm of the winds. London Standard. The Journalist's TrueMission. . That journalist serves his country and his party best who Bervcs his readers beat , and he can only serve his readers by tell ing them the truth ns ho sees it , and not by seeking to strain it to his argument , or , for purposes of his own , to make irrcconcil-ii able facts consist , or thinking ho is de ceiving somebody to crouch , like tho os trich , behind some rock , his whole body exposed to view. He must be disinterest ed ; and if he bo so , he will find in tho public confidence ample compensation for any sacrifices of personal ambition ho may have made in declining office , the poli tician's proper and sole vehicle of com munication with tho people , and inter course with public affairs. Louisville Courier Journal. Making ; Flannels Soft. Tho following method of washing flan- nels , if closely followed , will prove thor oughly satisfactory : Make a good sud by boiling a piece of ordinary yellow soap in salt water ; wash out the flannel in this , scrubbing as hard as is needed to remove the dirt , but taking care to rub no soap on the goods. If it is not clean enough from this wash repeat the process. Rinse out in clear warm water. If the flannel is white blue it , using a much larger amount of bluing than would be required for cot ton goods , as the flannel does not take the color so readily. Hang tho garment to dry in a , shady place , nnd while still damp iron it. White flannels treated in this way will not become as yellow as if washed in the ordinary manner , nor will they thicken t-c the disagreeable fabric they so often be come. This method is especially good in doing up babies' flannels , keeping them soTt and preserving the blue white tint that is so desirable. Detroit Tribune. Mollio Garfield is receiving mnch social attention in New York. Senator Heagan , of Texas , is in his seven tieth year. Miss Cleveland admires Bismarck. St. Jacobs Oil deadens pain and makes the lame walk. Major Arnold , of the Occi dental Hotel , San Francisco , Cal. , was completely cured of rheumatism by its use A Modest Tramp. Tramp ( whose request for food had beeE denied ) Well , ma'am , wouki you let mc sleep in the ten acre lot back of the barni ! I won't make any noise ? Woman Ye es , I don't mind .lettin' ye do that. Tramp ( appealingly- ) , one ihius more , ma'am , before I say good night. Would you have me called at seven sharp ? I w ant to catch the limitedcattle traJD west. [ New York Sun. When irritation of the throat causes a tickling cough , use Red Star Cough. Cure , which will effect immediate and permanent relief. One of Brooklyn's Bosmd of Health officers n-commends it as purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Price , 25ents. Hewitt on Strikes. Mayor Hewitt , of New York , 5a suffering bodily ailment , but he is strong enough to write : "I do not believe that the people ol this country , especially the intelligent workingmen , whose right to organize foi mutual advantage no one denies , will con tinue long to submit themselves to the in tolerable oppression of strikes and boy cotts and inability to earn their daily bread by the will of a secret body , whos mandates are given without explauatioc and from whose orders there seems to hi no appeal. " The evil is working its owd cure. Mayor Hewitt and other official ? have simply to see that there is no vio lence or intimidation. If they neglect dutj on this point , their talking is an insult tc the labor which is ready to put its hand * to work. If they do their duty in tiii * simple matter little talk will be needed. [ Galveston News. I suffered for two weeks with ' • neuralgia' of the Tace , and procured immediate reiie by using Salvation Oil. Mrs. WM. C. BALD. 433 N. Carey St. , Balto. , Md. Mrs. Cleveland is being compared tc Queen Louisa of Prussia. PniCKLY Asu Bittens is an unfailing curt for all diseases originating in biliary de rangements caused by the malaria of mias matic countries. No other medicine now on sale will so effectually remove the dis tuibing elements , and at the same timi tone up the system. It is sure and safo it its action. There is a machine out for making finge. nails almond Bhaped. The Omaha Typj foundry can furnisr new newspaper outfits on short notica Prices bame as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. * WHAT SAILORS EAT. | A Diet Mado Up .Larcoly of "Salt Horse" Tlio ! Luaury of a Frcsu- risli Dinner. Perhaps some of tho young admirers of a "life 011 tho ocean wave" would like to know how they fared aboard ship. There is no mother's pantry to visit. Each sailor furnishes his own tin plate , collee-cup , and knife and fork , Ho has no table , with chairs placed for his .convenience. V/hcn "grub" is ready Jo bo served the cook gives tho signal. A sailor comes and receives a pan of bread ; another takes a pan of beef , the third takes the largo coffee-pot , with hash or potatoes as the cook chooses. The bill of fare is fixed by law. At the beginning of the voy age the captain calls his crew aft and inquires if there are any who wish to havo their food weighed They always prefer to eat as much as they can "stow away. " The sailors eat in the forecastle. If they are disposed , they can rig them selves a table ; otherwise they must sit around on trunks or the deck in rough weather , and take their rations. The oilieers eat with the captain in the cab in , where a table is set and furnished as at home. A rack is used in rough weather to keep the dishes from danc ing If there is a good cook on board everything goes well , but an unskilled cook makes all hands miserable. During rough weather passengers do not attempt to sit at the table , but take whatever the } ' require in their hands ' and eat the best way they can. One day a sailor was eating his rations dur ing rough weather , when the ship gave a lurch and a piece of beef went gal loping across the deck. The sador raised his fork , and making a dash at the beef , shouted : "Slop that horse. " Tho sailors called their beef "salt" horse. " The story which they tell is this : ' 'One voyage , when the beef was particularly tough , a horseshoe was found in the bottom of the beef barrel , whereupon one of the sailors got up the following rhyme : "Old hor. eoltl horse , w hat brought you here ? "From Saccarap to Portland pier , I was dmgtring lumber for many a year , I was kicked and cuffed with sore abuse And salted doun for sailors' use ; lietweeu the mainmast and the pumps I was salted down in great bisr chunls ; They hauled me out and picked my bones , Then shove me over to Davy Jones. " The captain of a sailing ship was ask ed by his wife if she couldn't give the sailors a good dinner. He replied that ho was affraid it would make them saucShe finally prevailed. A fine turkey was procured from shore and given to the cook , who served it up in good order and gave it to the sailors. One gave a scrutinizing look and ex claimed : "What is this old bird doing here ? " Another said : "I wonder how old it is ? Mast have died of old age. " The third remarked that if it had been good for anything they would have kept it in tho cabin. They finalby hove it overboard and made a dinner of "salt horse. " The captain's wife , after that , never meddled with her husband's housekeeping. Sometimes a dolphin is caught , and , as you watch the dying colors of blue and gold , as he writhes upon the deck , visions of savory chowder and fresh fried fish pass before von. With what an important air the cook comes into the cabin and asks for a piece of silver , which he puts into the frying-pan with the sputtering fish. If the silver turns black he cous dors the fish to have been poisoned. lie says they sometimes eat copper from the bottom of a ship or from copper banks. How anxiously we await the test those on shore , whose thoughts are filled with politics , the temperance question and di vorce cases can never know. The silver is usually found to be bright and shining , and the luxury * of a fresh-fish dinner is enjoyed with unadulterated happiness. Often a porpoise is harpooned , and then there is great excitement. The liver and heart taste similar to those of a hog , but one must be exceedingly hungry to enjoy the .meat. It has one virtue that of being fresh. The oil is usually saved , being quite valuable. That found in the head is much esteem ed for oiling clocks , etc When a Span ish mackerel is caught a savory dinner may be expected. Sometimes thousands of flying fish dart from the water on all sides of the ship , and , spreading : their gauze wings , Qy for a few seconds above the water , while we are tempted to exclaim : Fish , fish all around , And not one mouthful to eat for , although they are most delicate eating , it is impdssible to catch them at sea. Often during the night one flies on board. On the island of Barbadoes the fishermen are very successful in Hatching these fish , and a meal of boned flying fish , is worth eating. During severe storms the cook has many trials trying to serve his meals. In carrying the dinner from the galley to the cabin he is sometimes struck by a heavy sea , the basket washed from his grasp , the dinner and dishes wrecked. On one occasion the cook of a bark was struck by a sea and washed overbora-d. dinner , basket , and all. It was beyond the power of his shipmates to save him. Worcester Spy. Patti's Toilet A peculiarity in connection with Mme. Patti's toilet has been revealed. It ap pears that when the diva goes to her bath , which she takes about 5 o'clock Dn the evening she is to sing , she never allowcs the water to touch her neck and face , although the rest of her body is religiously immersed. She has a singular theorV that hot or could water produces wrinkles , and it is certainly some sort of proof , that her theory is 3orrect , that , in spite of be ng consid- arably over 40 years of age. there is not a wrinkle visible on her neck , throat or face. Of course she insists that she keeps equally clean by means of cold cream , which she uses in copi ous quantities , generally spreading it on her face and nei-k , and leaving it tl/ere while her maid goes through the hair-dreysing process , often a period of an hour or so. Then the cold cream is taken off very carefully with a towel , and Mme. Patti considers herself wash ed. Xew York Mail and Express. i , Nym Crinkle says wo havo morphine girl- * * ho use this drug todrown. mental trouble ; belladonna girls who employ this powerful herb to dilate the pupil and give brightness to tho eyes ; the arsenic girl who employs this mineral to improve her complexion : the nitrate of silver girls who apply this poisonous wash to tho hair to obliterate gray baits ; and tho nicotine girl who smokes her cigarettes privately because she enjoys tho habit. Nym Crinkle is right so far as tho girls are concerned , but how is it about the men ? [ Fibm Dr. Foote's Health Monthly. Uncertainty may attend businoss von- tiires and enterprises but it never attends the prompt administration of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price U. > cents. "Sitting on ice" is a theatrical phrase for a houso that does not applaud. Johnny' * Composition on Medicine. "There Is two kinds of medicine besides the kind you Hub On and the first kind is the Soft Kind which you take with a spoon while A man holds your Head ami you kick and Higgle some because it Tastes so and the other kind is the Hard kind which is called Pil.s and it is the hardest of the whole because it is so hard to go Down but it does not make any Di'feienro wnich kind you Tako when you get it Took you wish you Had not for it makes quite a Bow in your stomach and Iliots Around. " Evidently Johnny's experienco in medi cine does not include Dr. Pierce's "Pleas ant Piinrativp Pellets , " which aro easy to take and do their woik quietlyand calmly. Neither does it include in tho way of "Soft Medicine" Dr. Piojce's "Golden Medical Discovery , " which though poweiful to cure all ihronic derangements of tho liver and blood , is pleasant to the taste and agree able in its effects. Uncqnaled as a remedy for all scrofulous diseases , pimples , blotches , eruptions , ulcers , swolled glands , ! goitre or thick neck , fever-sores and hip- 1 joint diseases. I The telephone operator has a perpetual holler day. [ X. Y. Telegram. "Golden Medical Discovery" will notcure a person whose lungs ae aim > st wasted , lint it is an unfailing remedy for consump tion if taken in time. All dj-uggists. It is 5 cents to go down the toboggan. Going up is ascent. [ Philadelphia Call. Don't hawk , hawk , and blow , blow , dis gusting everybody , but use Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Eemedy. Marrying by proxy is what may bo called a proxy-mate bliss. "Brown's Bkoxchial Titocuns" are wide ly known as an admirable remedy for Bronchitis. Hoarseness , Coughs and Throat troubles. Sold only in boxes. Price 23 cents. Three hundred divorces wero granted in one day recently in Paris. The Omaha Type foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight nheady paid to Omaha. - - * ITISAPURELYVECSETADLEPREPAHAIIOH § D 5Efm-NiANDRAKE-BlJCHU WMit/lNQ 0THEH EUVALIY EFFICIENT REUEDIE5 Ii ' 1 ] It has stood the Test of Years , ? fiji ia Curing all Diseases of the \ < fei * ! vBI'00D : LI' ; EE > BT0M- \iffig2 \ G3g ACH , KIDNEYS.EOW- iiCJf ! > t % ELS , &c. It Purifies the F ] < (2VL - " -Ti Blood , Invigorates and | | I ASHACleanses ; the System. ElTT HBl \ DYSPEPSIA.C02TSTI- i CURES PATI0N , JAUNDICE , ; MLDSEASESOFTRE [ SICKHEADACHE.BLL- L JTVFR ' I0TJSC0MPLAINTS.&C J . v . .i5v. i disappearatonceunderl j KIBNEYB [ its beneficial inflnence.j ' STOMACH ; Itis purely a SledicineJ 1 AND 1 as its cathartic proper-f inn-RrE-r e ties ias ita use as ISUWsAtD. p beverage. It io pleas- J s o cyj r i ant to the taste , and as J I/JXTlSc * ' easily taken by caild- ij . " * * HY * > irenasadnlts. jfALLDRUGSlSiS ? r32klyask bitters co ' . 'PBirPlnrtll . ABO Sole Proprietors , l.iirHILg.jUULLftftia sxxoms and Kansas Cm • JJS7JV" 7l > • ? • * • - -flv-W-Sic- ? LYDIA E. PINEHAH'S VEGETABLE • # ewwe Is a Positive Cure ForFcmalo Complaint * and WeaZniMiu EoecnicoaiaoarIettftEulepopnatIas. It win euro entirely the worst form of Female Com- TJliiats , all Ovcnaa troubles , Inflannaatioa and TJ1- ceratio-i. Palling and Displacements , and tho conse quent Spinal weakness , and is particularly adapted to tho Chance of Life. It trill dissolvo and expel tumors from tho Uterus in an carlyEfcge of development. "The tendency tocancer- Su3 hnmoi3 there ia checked very speedily by ita use. It removes faintness , flatulency , destroys all cravin ? for stimulants , and relievos neatness of the stomach. It cures Bloating. Headaches. Nervous rrosti-ation. Gen eral Debility , Sleeplessness , Depression and IndiTsticn. Tlutf feeling of bearing down , causing pain , weight and backache , is always permanently curedbyitsuse. ItwiU at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony withtho laws that govern tho Female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either fcx thfs Compound 13 unsurpassed. Price gl. Sir bottles for 5. No family should bo without LYDIA E. PIXKIIAM'S LTTEB PILLS. They euro constipation , biliousness and torpidity of the kvcr. 23 cents a box at all druggists. M kM Jk lkMk • * ' • * ' * • & - 5 - 1WW- * - -Siv • ? ! • - ftSflS - • ! • -VK * • } ! - * i-ISW m % 0 0SSf HEADACHE. fc ± jP7TjahTsi V ASTHW1A , V daS 3 - * NEURALGIA , Quickly relieved by u lng Cniihnian's Menthol Inhaler anl bv continued u-e effect a cure , batls- faction guarantted or money refunded. It lavts from six menths to one year. Price 50 cents ; by mail or at druggist. Circulars mailed on application. H. P. CUSHMAN , Thre Rivers , Mich. W. N. U.7 Omaha - 352-10 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Ked Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. lllirliest Awards of JHeiI.ilIu Europe ami Amrrieu. The neatest , milccr t , "afesi and most powerful remedy km > n forlSlieiimatlsm.I'leurNr. Ncuri cl.i. Lumbago. lUrkaclic. V * eaUiie > > 3 col.li In ti ! - chit and all aches-mid tmn < indorsed U3 3 , m I'livsicl uh and Druggists nf the liiglict repute. I' a-on s Pl.is tcrs promptly relieve ami cure where wher plasters anil gre * y Falte1 * . Ilntiueu's anil lo'lom. are .il.so lutely useless , lieware of Imitations uuilerslmll.tr founding name ? , mu-Ii as "C.ip-Icum. " ' Catmeln. ' "Cipsiclne. " s tliev arc utterly worthless irul In tended to deceive. Askfoi.He.vson's VNIITaKENO otiikki All drug'Hts. . SEAliUIU & JOHNSON , Proprletora. Xevr York. One agent ( Merchant only ) wanted In every town for Your "TanniU's Punch" 5c thjar pivos sjenuine satisfaction , bub competition heic- is very prent. I think after awhile I shall he nble to sell more of them. T. ItOItCUTS ILlKKIt , Driiciiisf. Richmond , Vn. Address R. 4V. TAN SI LI. & CO , Clilcsiiro. RMm&JttXJJLJfe.31 - RMm&-- ' - _ K'Xixlma # 1I'ret < ie8t book pvci-e-d W&S mWy i'rinlei ! . Thousand'off 3 XS gpsP Engravings. Ifc&tSEKD M ? - iTv2i- - ' - & cheapest ever grow n. K A - SSfe lli 1'kt * 3c Cheap as dirt by T V 5 2Mi'T" oz. it lb. 10001)0 ) phts. new ff sortsdividetlTTlWto Customers. I give 'J away more than some linns sell. Send for my Catalogue. K. U. Sliumwuy , Itockfuril , JI . jSaThe oldest medicine li the world Is probably B" & u „ Dr. Isaac Thomoson's 1WJ This article H a carefully prepared PhysloUn's pre- pcriptlon , and has heeninconKtantusencarl/acentu- rv , and notwithstanding the many other preparations that have been Introduced into the marfcet. tlie sula of this artlfle is constantly Increasing. If the direc tions are fallowed It will ncer fail. We particularly Invite the attention of physicians to Itsmerltf. JOHN L , THOMPSON. SONS & CO. . TKOV. ? * . Y- i YSthe FREIGHT Ton M'acon Scalef , n Lew , Suel I'eirlnrJ. Bra r reBeuaaa'l Beiri Boi rr S6O. FTerr size Scale. For fr-c price list mention thi paper aud address JQHES OF BINGHAMTQH , lUNGIIAIUTON , N. Y. KSJaEwaBi AGoodPianoforsi.97.50 3 Qfuluy y AOooiiOiir.uifor U'JOO Write for Catalogue of lf > CKNT MUSIC , con. tainlng names of l&D pieces of late and popular music- Address , HUYETT BROS. , St. Josopli , Missouri. rrfThe largest and oldest Music House on the ilU- sourl Iiler. (5 ( ° P < F& IOWA SEEDS are THE BEST. Bka B 3 'Jmn/jtete Oanlen Umde and Rs vs < SW li B if km Illustrated Catalogue of Garden fS3 ESS Its' ' ' Oras anil Field Seeds , Plant's , Bulb , Garden Tools Sew Varieties of Potatoes etc.etc. mallei Free. General agents for Strow bruise Broad cast Sower. AddreIOWA SEED CO. , Whole sale and Retail Seeduien , Des Moines , Iowa. Fruit" , Trees and Plants for the Northwest. Home Grown Healthy , CHKA I * . CataI > Kue and price hs-t i'ltEE. C. I * . WATKOUS , Des Moines , Iowa. ® m mm HP Mill XI [ IJ J jj H X filifln Ufta PAMPHLET HKj Est/Hi fc ai a lw antlnformatlon. Scndfo ; H MILOaSl'EVE-NS "j CO. . PXSiSION ATTOIUiBIH. CHICaGO , ILL. jf/sJwC&i nnd nil their imperfection * , including Fa. & * eSSr c'a' ' Development , Ilairand Scalp , Supor- W * [ jj fluoas Hair , Kirth Jtarlvt , JIoe ! , V. 'arts i ik ji'SMoth , Freckles , lied Jio p , Acne , Black J&SyCi/l&ii ? Heads. Scarx , Pitting and their treatment. 'i > - " &T7 / 5 > Kend 10c. for book of 0 paces , 4th edition. . . . . ' . ' . . ' ' . Hr.J.H.Woodbnrr. 'SrX.Peirlsr Alh9n3' , > .V.E ! > t'b'dlS7a. i-u iu iam tti m f'resli. Keliable ; Wholesale at Hetail. Free by mail at * e and 5j vm Ka E3 HL > \ Offl Stl EL8 ii in SIcts. per lar > ; e pack. ee. .Mam- 3 * " SKa EM vml "Jy moth Seed Farms. One Acre of .lass ! Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue FICJCK. I \V. Buckbee. Itockford Seed Iarm , Itockford , ill E WAMT YOU ! % ? * $ & % & profitabla employment to represent us in every county. Salary 575 per month and expenses , or a iarfro commission on sales if preferred. Goods staple. Svervonebuvs. Outfit and particulars Frre. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO. . BOSTON , MASS. f3/3rflfcffUBHHE-OPlUrV / ! ] ECablt Painlessly aCTHlBlr" 'Cured at Home. Treatment 5wntlHB ent on trial and NO PAY asked 8mm until you tre benellted. Terms Iow B Q ti Humane Scruedy Co. , Z.aFayettc. I id. MTftFr.EiirtrANN . soiled - - • PATS I Sx'T ot Patents. Waalilnstoa , I EalV I yu.C. Send for Circular. ffE33IBSi3 lorplilne il.tliit Cureiila I 1 • O.rlOlil to-20 Uy < . NoiniytlU Curad. " • "a IW1H Ds J. brrruieKS. Leuanoa. Oalo. ? to $8 a day. Samples worth 31.50 FRnE. Lines $1 % not under tue horse * * feet. Writ * Brewster % 0 Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. AGENTS WANTED J & SS\V \ $ & % ; & terms & circulars address Natiosal Pun Co. Chicago HffllT2 0RNAMEHTALTBEESf 8RAPE VINES OR APTSTTKIXG IX THE NURSERY X.HVE , without first writlnc forocr valuable FREE Catalogue , the I 21 LARGE CREEKHOUSES - BEST wacver issued , containing the Barest Seir and 33d YEAR 700 arPF9 . . Choict.toid. THE STORKS & HABRaSQiq CO/PilM Mfo : Why did the Women of this country use over thirteen million cakes of Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 18S6 ? Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. "Wizard oil " ? i | | | iip 2 - nDOu /fi Jrli % irf f ail Havo boon enjoyed hy cltlicns of erery town arxl J | ! | city In tho U. S. Marvelou * Cures Iriru lut-n wit- * , At nosscd by thousnnds of iicoplc , who tan testify t > - 'II THZ WONDCItFDL HEAI.IN'O I'OWJUt Of | jjl ia li s Wizard ! OIL t II Neuralgia , Toothache , Headache , Earache , . . i I Catarrh , Croup , Soro Throat , > II Lamo Back , Stiff Joints , Contracted Cords 4 11 RHEUMATISM , I | | Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Fever Soresv II Wounds , Old Sores , Chilblains , Frost f I Biles , Sore Nipples , Caked Breasts , and II All Aches and Pains , - 11 are quickly relipvert by thin mnclcal remc < ly. Try It II onco mid you will never bo without It. K ir alu by SI Drucclsts. l'rloi.fiOc. . OurSoSO IKiok fn-o tool ! _ Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY , CHICAGO. II TUE ohly trob \ I { \fot . KffS Will purify tho BLOOD raw-toti * III \ T rA KurrOBKtlie HEALTH nnd VIO- ' % > * 5rfSORofTOUTH lj9ret i .W"it * Vfftl * vJ1A of Appotit" . Imliceftioii.ljiek or f " V < 3jC2a StrciiKth uml Tnud reelins- f > fSS9w. Bolutuly curi'd : IJone , mm- ( " > JS K3k elm nntl nerves reemto riinr % H ii&vtJ5 . for"c. FnliieiiK tbemlndt " "SS&ii. nml unpplirs Urain Power- . * ; ; _ . . . . , SulTerini ; from ctimpiainlj. H - - - .a A c.iliur totln-ir pi • • • • - > A ff rl Sf = S P - - inOW- ik GjPaESi © in DR. HARTEH-3 rONICns. fonnd spBedycurn. Givennclear. te l- H thyronipleiion. Frequent attfnipt at counUrtoU- H inu'onlymld to tho jopulanly of tho nriiiiusl. Uo H uot experiment : ct tLo OniaiNAL AND Brsr. / " 4 Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS V f ftCura Constipation.liivnr Comnlnlnt and Sic * a "H ti Itridcohf. Hnmplo Dooo and l ream BooUB' | "H - vRllixl on rrccmt of two cents In poataxe. t > J "H Address : BR. HABTEB , Medical Co. , St.Loofc I PEiiCHEROlM ' I AND > S FRENCH COACH HORSED I REPUBLIGA ? VfiLLEY STOCK HM 1 The ol-le , and W M W ) bricdinire'tabA < &W3iZgttKS - = } H lislnmnt WcitZFjX&fi r&TL , * um H oftheMisissipGS i l & * 3 Sl pi Oterl-i.jhty - P T n i H Head of l'ure Hred anJ I S S iSS5 ? ? H Hfeh Bud and " • Kh r ST iS SlfMjX Gnide 1'i-rclieron Ltal Vi f-S J bvii & &ffifrj& lions and Mai en unhand KtM.B CKW .VrS'tCTftSS' ' > 1 al-oafo r.crde.1 lin r > W' " JA 5 firf ported Krcntli O. .diera. ? flgra3S"S ; S$3m2 fca , . tli. ri k and x fM&l P fS St trips and slnppirtand & m-S ll S SM. H pet Toiirllorsntliome hfft3&fflKiFCXS B and accIinmtcd.orr.-lii K ; A'i5 M5afkSrSSs H blemtn. nith PKlrfblMi F C4u iaaj3iW3i [ 4 . B td reptitationii a hrrtd liSHiaflMil o C fti SiHai. J M er . Our Iinp4irti- Stock all le Ntered in tli ' 'enherou M Stud Itooksof Fraiutand Amciica. V. guarantee all j H Stock Hivulcrs ju'.t an repre > cutcd. Srnd. tor catalogna H Number 5 frre. Addles ; . H AVERY & COLEWAW , Props. Wakofielcl , Clay County , Kan- H too pft V-fe ( mmi CREAM BALMEOT tY m * - m vm I J tra , so tronMffll&ptoWmffiil mill catarrh it y W HEftjjI ou ly affected ! lWmyCCo@5 \ \ fcM voice. One bottle olXj P M SsM , .ream Halm did W' "f53 > - < J' < V fc Z fl work. Jfivoice i an / t' 1 fully ratored. - - 7 < , Wi H Liepsncr , A. Jf. ' - M 5 o I tor of Olivet 'tplistj'0 > ' H ThUadel-f2gv C ij * * B Church , - % ? , ' jMa.Pa. HAY-FEVER A particle U ipplied Into each noUrll aid Is agree- 1 tcrcd.Ocents. . Hrculars free. ELY BROS , Drus- 1 OIM TYPE FOiDI I NEWSPAPER OUTFITS II F rni. tIie I on Sliori IVolice Fi-onx. M Oinalia. at C'Jiica o Prices. M HEW OR SEC0MA1 GOODS I CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. H Oi AHA TYPE FOUNDRY , I Omaha , Nob. 12th and Howard. H FQTFRRPnfllf steel Leadinff Mos. : 14,048.130,135 , 333,161. I For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERDROOK STEEL PEN CO. , VTorka : Camdea , y. J. 26 John St. , Hey Ycric WEAK , KERVeyS PEOPLE. " I * 'a ' -a Ani others fnfferinfr fronr H jS5j S i * * 50jl P > , * 'ervous debility .txlmrotiiiR H iSSS5 x't C > * r535 t1 * < > nic di eaies , piem&turi H FT f'iErcTRir Ew3ecline \ of jount ; or old ars H itC ll < f s5i * llorne-s famous lrr1r * . M - . /Vii Mapnetie llelU Thoujanib * B In eTery Jn State In the L'nion have t en cured. * B Kleetrlel - S-fSty instantly felt Pa'eniedand * old 111 "H yean V. 'hole family can wear same belt. Eleetrlc H f-u pen orlc frit ; with male belts. Ai old worthless im- * H Itations anil bogus companieElectric 'fro.wi far H " "upture. 700 cured in'SS. iced stamoforp mpbiru * H Da. W.J. HOBNE , IHVEHTOR , 131 WABASH AV. , CHlCACfU w Plao'i IteraAdy tor Catarrh la tho Ffi M OTBet. . Easiest to Use. and Cheapest. BsH "H CT Also eood for COM In the HtsA , H M JP Headache , Hay Fsver , < tc Mcccrs. MS BJ * fl