V l [ • J- FCANSCHOW. . McCOOK , Main St. , • NEBRASKA. GRAND , : - OPPORTUNITY ! WW i I ! ! WJII I I I I I II WANTED ! Fifty Young Men to attend The Mallalieu University Spring Term , beginning April 7th , 1887. Fifty young men who are poor. Fifty young men who have the element of true manhood. Fifty young men who will work 4 hours each school day , and 10 hours each Saturday , for their board and tuition. Eooms will be provided , with the necessary furniture , each student to furnish his own bedding. "We will admit 50 on these conditions and give them em ployment during the summer vacation , so far as practicable , to apply on their expenses for the ensuing term. All who will avail themselves of this opportunity , will please send their names to me at once , - that arrangements may be made. This proposition will be closed when 50 names have been enrolled. enrolled.ALLEN ALLEN BARTLEY , Financial Mgr. This does not include special studies , as Music , Art and Business. IJbg Oyienpjftd Mill , \Hrh | Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronger Built , " fj and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only ' jSV absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of M Thousands Erected During 12 - > * | /E9 / Tears past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower MUll standing. A record no other Mill can show. We offer IymQA t0 pUt "P any 0f 0Ur PUMING MILLS " • Hi 0N THIRTY DAYS TRIAL- flffinMLNK And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at ou i f tjrw.\l ! own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated ' 3Wl Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shelters , Iron Pump3 M-f.dtri i [ iJM vlth brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. T . mjK Irk If OU For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to l l m - G. i3. tf ETTLETON , McCook , Neb. , H S Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. m * * - -sarfS EiE ? " E Ofico aad Saleneen in the McCeoh Feed Mill , Eallread St. I ft Itt Li ll M in. : k . OF MeCOOK ; NEBRASKA. i' , - I Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , h OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t SS5S OPPICEES : A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PBE8IDENT. f GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS. 2ND VICE PRESIDENT t F. L. BROWN TREASURER. \ The Most Complete Line y OF ' ' [ - iLAND : AND LEGAL I In Southwestern Nebraska ! I AT THIS OFFICE ! , I f t I I G. A. R. DEPARTMENT. MEXICAN PENSIONS. The Commissioner of Pensions has had prepared a " letter of instruction and blank forms of application and affida vits of witnesses for the use of appli cants for pensions under the Mexican Pension law of January 29 , 1887. These blanks , he thinks , will facilitate the business of his office and enable ap plicants to have their rights promptly adjudicated without unnecessary cor respondence , trouble or expense. The Commissioner expects to have the blanks printed and ready for use on Wednesday , February 16th. He in vites direct application to his office of expectant pensioners. Upon receipt of an individual application an appro priate letter of instructions and a set of blanks will be forwarded to the ap plicant. The letters of instruction are full and explicit , and the blank forms plain , and'all may be easily understood without the necessity of legal advice. A WOUND DEFINED. Trcasuky Department. ) SECOND COMl'TltOLLEIt'S OFFICE , > Washington , D. C. ) In the matter of the claim ) of Walter D. Knox , VMemorandum. Late Private Co. A , 25 , Mass. ) Claimaut enlisted Sept. lGth , 18G1 , for three years , and re-enlisted as a veteran December 1 , 1863 , and was discharged May 17 , 1865 , by reason of disability , which is described in his dis charge papers as ' - ' physical disability , impairment of mental * faculties , exalted nervous susceptibility and chronic con junctiva apparently resulting from sunstroke. " If his disability was originally caused by a wound , within the meaning of that term as used in section 4 of the act of March 3 , 1865 , which declares that every soldier who shall be discharg ed by reason of wounds received in line of duty , should be entitled to re ceive the same bounty as if he had served out his full term , he is entitled to § 190 , unpaid bounty. The term "wound" is difficult of ex act definition. Webster calls it "a hurt , an injury , " etc. It does not necessarily involve laceration or "solu tion of continuity , " as the medical writ ers express it , but it comprises bruises , contusions , fractures , dislocations , and. the like as well. In the bounty acts it is evidently used in contradistinction to the word "disease. " It is difficult to conceive upon what rational grounds a distinction can be made between a dis ability caused by wounds and a disabil ity caused by disease contracted in the military service in the line of duty ; but the law-making power has made the distinction , and it must be observed by the Executive branch of the Govern ment. Not being , however , a meritori ous but a purely arbitrary discrimina tion , doubtful or border cases should be resolved in favor of the soldier ; and the present claim is of that character. It has been held that an injury re sulting from a stroke of lightning or the loss of the use of a member from freezing , although there was no appar ent abrasion or laceration of the tis sues , was a wound within the meaning of this statute , and if these cases were correctly decided , I think that an in jury resulting from the sudden and di rect action of external heat , should al so be regarded as within the scope and intent of the act. If inflammation or congestion had followed in consequence of exposure to the action of artificial heat , the injury would unquestionably have been class ed as a wound , and where the same re- suits follow from the immediate action af the rays of the sun no distinction in ' principle can be observed ; in both cases the injury is directly traceable to a \ physical force externally applied ; and ' . ivhile disease may intervene , the disai i jility had its origin in external violence. ( The claim for bounty is therefore al- ] owed. I. H. Manard , ] Comptroller. 5 "Reduce the surplus" but that the , sounty poor-house is good enongh for 2 ild soldiers , seems to be the opinion of resident Cleveland. The President was in doubt about he dependent pension bill , and he ve- oed it. He never gives the soldier he benefit of a doubt. "Under the stars and the dew , Enjoying the. present day , Flowers and gush for the blue , Fat offices for the gray. " j ja Dell , G. Mokuan & Co. , prominent drug- ists , Council Bluifs , Iowa , say they regard lhamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhcea temedy , as the best preparation in the mar- * ct , and recommend it always , where prompt l nil efficient treatment is required ; it always * ivessatisfaction and is an excellent medicine y jr cramps , diarrhoea and bowel complaint in § ither voungor old persons. Sold by McMild iu & Weeks. - n ROX ELDER BLOSSOMS. School's out ! Miss Luo Chrysler spent a part of Saturday und Sunday , at Box Elder. Carpenters are at work on the addition to tbo church , and if the weather is favorable , tho same will soon be ready for occupancy. A great deal of mirth was excited by the sham law suit , lost Friday evening : , which was'participated in by the members of the litorary society. T. P. Coward celebrated his birthdaj , last Saturday evening ; in a rousing manner. A largo number of his friends were present to enjoy tiie feast that was prepared for them and to participate in the festivities common to such occasions. We will inform our friend at lted Cloud who is looking up a location for u blacksmith shop , that tho opening hero is good , and for further information , he should write to A. W. Camp bell , Box Elder , Neb. , P. O. Box 3020. These persons were visitors at the closing exercises of tho Box Elder school , on Friday last : Misses Martha Piukerton , Elm Piper , Ella and Hessie Harrison , Annie , Mabel und Bertha Doyle , LcohiTemplin. Messrs. Bobbie Templin , Mahlon Campbell and Eddie Werner. The Box Elder school closed on Friday last. No. enrolled , 17 ; average attendance , II. Al though the school lacked the modern appli ances to education , considerable advancement was made by the scholars in their studies. Our district not being quite n year old jet , we are looking for better things in the future. Selonn. February 220,3837. RARTLEY ROOMINGS. The north-west iias an over-stock of bliz zards and are sending a portion down to us , to-day. Wo have plenty , thank you. We notice K. H. Chrysler has bills out for a stock sale on Saturday , the 2Gth. At University Hall on the evening of the2Ith , Doctor A. J. Baker will deliver the first of a series of lectures on Sanitary Science. It is with profound regret we notice the ill ness of Mrs. W. S. Wheeler , Mrs. Fiddler and Mrs. R. H. Chrysler. The primary department of the school , taught by Miss Schur , is crowded with pupils and calls for moro room and an assistant teacher. . Mr. Schur expects to enlarge tho Green building to accommodate a gentleman from the east who is desirous of putting in a stock of furniture. Next Saturday evening , the 20th , at Univer sity hall , tho Choral Union of this place will give a concert , assisted by a noted soprano from the east. Win. Hamilton's cheese factory will com mence operations as soon as spring opens. One man has promised to furnish one hundred cows. He secured pasture of Allen Bartloy adjoining the town site and there is room for more. Max. February 23d. PLEASANT RIDGE DOINGS. In looking over the record of the past week , among the events that mark our tracks on the road of our earthly pilgrimage , we note the following items : On Friday , the 18th inst. , the day closed with an all-night party at the residence of W. W. Dunham , to commemorate the birth of his son , Fred. Dunham , who has now reached his 39th birthday. The party was quite a success. Fifty-four invited guests drank freely at the fountain of pleasure , and for one night at least , rolieved their shoulders from tho weight of earthly cares , and thus gathered new strength to resume the next day their burden of daily toil and trials. Our little school is gliding smoothly over the seedtime , each scholar treasuring within the vaults of his or her young mind true and well secured wealth , as well as antidote to crime and lawlessness. No trouble is deemed too great to make knowledge at the same time plain , pleasant and even attractive. I can safely say that every pupil is doing his utmost and progressing in a very noticeable manner. Itev. E. J. Hall , teacher. The Bird wind-mills put up , last fall , for E. J. Dunham , W. W. Dunham , John Ling , Oliver Sollcrs , John Harris and James B. Miller are all giving satisfaction. Jesse Smith's orchard of 200 apple trees from the Crete nursery , only two years old , cannot be beaten by any eastern orchard of the same age. Your Cohucsfokdekt. New Edition Sett/en 's Guide. Henry N. Copp , the land and pension lawyfer of Washington , has just issued the twelfth edition of his Settler's Guide. It is an indis pensable book for all who are , or expect to be , Interested in public land. Settlers will save money by pnrchasmg it , and all who expect to take up land should get posted on the several laws under which land can be entered. A maper , illustrated with numerous cuts , shows iow to tell township , section and quarter- section corners , and explains the system of surveys. It gives Commissioner Sparks' or- lers and late decisions and instruction , and 'ull information about the homestead , pre- jinption , timber culture , desert land , and oth- jr laws. The price of the book is only 25 cts. [ t will tell you who is entitled to enter land ; iow continuous your residence must be ; what mprovements you must make ; what aflida- ritsyou must swear to ; ail about contests , md on what grounds they can be commenced : tlso about State lands , stone and tiaiber ands , mineral lands , desert entries , saline , ailroad , coal , townsite , and other lands ; icrip , warrant , and other entries , etc. Its mrchase will save yon money and trouble , as irroneous statements circulated by couversa- ion among settlers may , if acted upon , cost ou a contest , perhaps your land and improve- aents. Fori sale at The Tribune oflice. Purify Your Rlood. c If your tongue is coated , If your skin is yellow and dry , > If you have boils , If you have fever , If you are thin and nervous , If you are bilious. If you are constipated , If your bones ache , If your head aches , If you have no appetite , If you have no ambition , ne bottle of Bkhos' Br.ooi ) Puiufikk and ti.ooi ) 3Iakek will relieve any and all of the bove complaints. Sold and warranted by IcMillen te Weeks. ! " 1 have been more and more convinced , lie more I think of it , that , in general , pride " at the bottom of all great mistakes. All lie other passions do occasional good ; but , rhenever pride puts in its word , everything oes wrong ; and what it might really be esirable to do , quietly and innocently , it is lortally dangerous to do proudly , " D. W. Momus , wholesale and retail drug gist , 130 Commercial St. , Emporia , Kas..lan. 10th , 18S7. To Chamheklaix & Co. , Des Moines , Iowa : Gentlemen In .sending to you the enclosed order for a gross of your Cough Hemedy , allow me to say that without any exception it is the best selling goods now in the market 1 have sold a great amount of it during tho past year to the citizens of this place , and have the first complaint to hear. It is the bast article to use for croup I ever sold , being pleasant to take , which is an important feature where children have to take medicine. Sold by Willey & Walker. "A I'RKTTy face , with cheeks of red , Will often turn a young man's head ; And a pretty foot , as we oft discern , Will often make a man's head turn. " Salt Rheum or tczema , Old sores and ulcers , Scaldhead and ringworm , Pain in the back and spine , Swelling in the knee joints , Sprains and bruises , Neuralgia and toothache , Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and chilblains , I warrant Bunas' TitoriCAi. Oil to relieve any and all of the above. , McMillkn & Weeks. LAND OFFICE BLANKS. • o In ordering , give offlco number and title of blank , with quantity of each blank wanted. Put only one blank on a line to avoid mis takes. Money must invariably accompany the order. addiiess THE TRIRUNE , McCook , Neb. o OScolIo. TITLE OF BLA11T. Por Per Eezcs. Hszdioi. APPLICATIONS TO ENTER. 4-007 Homestead Law 15 Cts. § 1 2T 4-009 Timber-Culture Law 15 " 1 25 4-273 Soldier's Homestead 15 " 100 4-535 Declaratory Statement. 15 " 3 00 Soldier'sD.S 15 " 3 00 AFFIDAVITS. 4-0C2 Non-Mineral 35 " 3 00 4-073 Timber-Culture Entry..15 " 3 00 4-0G3 Homestead Entry 15 " 100 4-0G9 Commutation , Hd 15 " 3 00 4-070 Final , Homestead 35 " 3 00 4-072 Contest , Homestead 25 " 2 00 4-090 Contest. Timber-Culture.25 " 2 00 4-089 Homest'd , underSec.229435 " 3 CO Service Letter 10 " 75 Service Notice 30 " 75 NOTICES. 4-347 For Publication 15 " 3 00 4-31S Hd Int. to Prove Up 15 " 3 00 . . . . . " 4-319 Pre-E. .15 100 4-34G Timber-Culture , contest..35 " 3 00 PJtOOFS. 1-369 Homestead Final 50 " 3 00 4-374a Pre-Emption Final 50 • ' 3 00 -miscellaneous. I Kclinquishments 15 " 3 00 o LEGAL BLANKS. CONVEYANCING. 801 Warranty Deed ( half sheet ) F 805 Special Warranty Deed F 806 Bond for Deed F 809 Quit Claim Deed F 812 Mortgage Deed ( short form ) F 815 Mortgage Deed ( with Interest and In surance Clause ) D 818 Belease of Mortgage ( short form ) . . . . B 820 Assignment of Mortgage ( short form ) . B 821 Lease F 822 Mechanic's Lien F .miscellaneous. 901 Chattel Mortgage ( long form ) F 902 Chattel Mortgage F 903 Chattel Mortgage ( short form ) F 904 Chattel Mortgage F " 905 BillofSale p 907 Articles of Agreement K 914 Soldier's Discharge ( two colors ) E 915 Powerof Attorney General F 920 Agreement for Building D Township Plats (3 ( sizes ) D NOTAKY. 701 Protest and Original B Notary Public Fee Card 25c. COUNTY CLEKK. 27 Certificates of Election (3 ( colors ) D 7 Petition for License to Sell Liquor C 3 OilicialBond O 9 LiquorLicense F DISTItlCT COUKT. 104 Summons ( original ) B 108 Subpoena ( original ) C 150 Declaration of Intention C 351 Final Papers ( one color ) E COUNTY COURT PHOMATE. 423 Marriage Certificate (3 ( colors ) F Contract for Sale of Heal Estate F BUSINESS DIRECTORY. SPOTTS & STIMSON , FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , MAIS STKEET. - McCOOK. XEBKASKA. WILLIAM McINTYEE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished If desired. Work done on short notice. t. e. Mccracken , McC00K : NEBRASKA , ts prepared to write Policies on short notice n the following standard , and old reliable ; ompanies : German American , of New York. Commercial Union , of London. Hartford , of Hartford , Conn. Orient , of Hartford , Conn. Springfield F. & M. , Springfield , Mass. Washington F. & M. . Boston , Mass. Firemans Fund , San Francisco , Cal. The American Fire. Philadelphia , Pa. Ludwick& Trowbridge ' w a & 3K MBSm 2 fT * * 4' trfk. McCOOK , JffiB , 1 , i B. & M. TIME TABLE. > - : i EAST T/RAVKS : EAST LEAVES : : ] No.2 0:40 , A.M. 1 No.40 5:25 : , P. M. j jj west leaves : west leaves : . J No.SO 12:50.1 . M. I No.1 8:65P.M. \ > t rEastbound trains run on Central Time , , - - < il f and westbound trains on Mountain Tiiuo. | ft Freight trains do not carry passengers. • . , It. It. Woods , Agent. - \ { : • • ; \ SOCIETY DIRECTORY. ( \ | CONGIIEGATIONAL Preaching sorvices . > every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock , nnd . , evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 0:30 'is / ' * . I 1 o'clock , A. M. , all mountain time. f \sA j Joel S. Ivklsey. Pastor. ( 1 J METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : ( . ' 30 A. M. and 7 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. All are cordially Invited. Seats free. Bev. Uaiieuauoh , Pastor. LUTHEUAN-Serviccsthesccond and fourth Sundays of each month ut 10:30 , A. M. , and 8:00 , P. M. , central time , at tho School House J. W. Kimmel , Pastor. : j GERMAN FllEE EVANGELICAL CHUHCII Preachingcvery second Sunday , at 2 o'clock , P. M. , mountain time , in tho Congregational Church. Sunday School ovory Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. li Divine Services will bo hold In tho Catholic I Church on : • . • February. . . .0 .Tuno 5 October . .23 I February..33 July 3 November. .1 I March fl July 31 Novomber.20 i March 13 August , 15 Dcccmber..l8 J April 30 Augur : 23 Dcccmber.J25 ; May 8 September..25 ' . Bcscrvcd pews for strangers. i Tiios. Cullen. Pastor. .f A. O. U. W. McCook Lodge No. 61 , will meet J the first nnd third Mondays of each mouth in \ the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially ' • ' invited. W. E. Dauchy , M. W. j W. II. Davis , Recorder. , i . McCook Legion No. 7 , Select Kniohts , i j , A. O. of U. W. .Meets every second and fourth y Tuesday evenings of each month in Masonic i , Hall. All visiting comrades cordially Invited \ . to assemble with us. C. S. McCammon , r A. H. Davis , Recorder. Commander. f/ / McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. ( i yRegular meetings on the first and * /i - af third Tuesday evenings of each { / % Jmonth. . S. L. Gheen , W. M. ' i / V n \v. S. Weijsteh , Secretary. • ( McCOOK CHAPTER , U. D Meets on the " \ flrstand third Thursdays of each mouth , at > i Masonic Hull. Visiting companions cordially j h invited. W. W. Fisheu , H. P. \ ( T. G. Bees , Secretary. i | ' CONSTANTINli COMMANDERY , U. D. • j j Meets every second and fourth Thursday J { * nights in each mouth. Visiting Sir Knights > > - i courteously invited. E. E. Lowman , E. C. < • S. Cokucal. Recorder. ( \ Willow Gkovc Lodge K. ofP.No. l\ \ 42. Meets every Wednesday evening > | | § at Masonic Hall. A cordial invitation ( ) is extended to visiting Knights , j ' J. F. Foiiues , C C i J T. II. Camphell , K. R. S. J I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 337,1.0.0. F „ jf meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in j' ' Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers nro invit- } i ed to meet with us. II. Tiiowukidgk. , C. W. Paine , Secretary. Chief. * . B. oi'L. E. Brotherhood of LocomotiveEn- • gineers. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. T. J. McInuoy , Chief. J.C. Anijeiison , r. A. E. / J. K. Baunes Post G. A. R. Regular meet- \ J ings second and fourth Monday evenings of . each month at Masonic Hall. It. S. Cooley , Commander. „ S. D. Hunt , Adjutant. f ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = TERMS OF COURT. \ in the eighth judicial distmct OK NEB- f * ItASICA , FOIt TIIE YEAR 1887. ' I hereby fix the time of holding the regular j terms of District Court , in and for the coun- * ties comprising the Eighth Judicial District of „ < S i . Nebraska for the year 1887 , as follows : -1 ' HARLAN COUNTY January 37th , May Ctli , " " I no jury. August 15th. no jury , October 31st. \ FURNAS COUNTY February 7th , August \ 22nd , December 1st. no jury. > KEARNEY COUNTY February 28th , July ] 38th , no jury , September 32th , December Uth , * J no jury. j \ , PHELPS COUNTY March 7th , July 20th , no ! jury. September 2Jth. ( j RED WILLOW COUNTY March 28th , July j > : 22nd , no jury , September 29th , December 5th , no jury. ; ( HITCHCOCK COUNTY April 18th. Octo ber 10th. , HAYES COUNTY April 22nd. October 14th. J 1 DUNDY COUNTY May 2d , October 21th. CHASE COUNTY May 4th. October27th. ! GOSPER COUNTY May 30th , November 2d. | ' FRONTIER COUNTY May 13th , Novem- * bcr 4th ; , WEBSTER COUNTY Muy 23rd , July 25th , , no jury. November 14th. j FRANKLIN COUNTY July 13th , July 28th - i no jury , December 5th. , Wm. GASLIN , Judge. 'I Alma , Neb. , Jan. 1st. 3bS7. ' { & „ : \m KILPATMCK BROTHERS. * ' 1 ( Successors to E.D.Webster. ) I Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. | jTJl& ? P. O. address , Estelle , f 9 ty . _ . . . . IIayes county , and Beat- 1 ( M & &g3PtJ 3&rice , Neb. Range.Stink- % \w \ ' WtMiM&tfftSinS Water and French'M SsiPslr RliALlman creeks. Chose Co. , . ( 3&8S2 § ggi $ l Nebraska. i ' < U H5 Brand as cut on side of t , , & &B ? e3Jri "some animals , on hip and i < M ! = sC8 ! | ggg5yg-ggg. sides of some , or any f t 'fl * whereon the animal. | S STOKES & TROTH. ' .1 q JB\lf \ > P. O. address , Carrico , - < Sr K Hayes county. Neb. M • gS SSgj Range : Red Willow H fe * a jgjK B creek , above Carrico. . fl W&Ss. JXZE K Stock branded as above } ESESSStwI Also run the following JM IL f Ml brands : s , J-t * , U , X M ijiyps2taJ | | 1Horse brand. lazy o.L ( EATON BROS. & CO. < ( I yroi ? P. O. address. McCook , ' i B % & - Nnbraslcii. Rangesouth 2 Ifl KS3HE BOf McCook. \M \ MsEai iw Cattle branded on left fl BBEM BMjfhip. Alsoio,5 , a , and \m \ * K i- jPll brands on left hip. - ' .fl / > I - Qb / * * / Horses branded the < 9 "BUg S samc on left shoulder. fl JOHN F. BLACK. : 1 Breeder of Impkoved Sheep. H l AND 1m 1 \ l * * l § fwl ! k Southdown jfl afek. ° < m ibf vifTriw'n Personal in- / ( Cg S g HH B&pection and ' H * * s K esS' ' rorrespond- * B 3 S ? aMg | r ence solicited. f ] i S W Address hira IB f r at Red Willow , I mimg&Jtfmif Bfs Nebraska. v ' H ? EIBUiNE • : - JOB - : - OFFICE , 11 BEST EQUIPPED IN THE VALLEY. \ • s i . Am