The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1887, Image 7

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    Lr * ' - T- ° ' - - " " ' -
laim *
Bfc "Why Sheen are Thrown it Wedding * . 1
HI The custom o [ throwing ono or nioro old
HI chocs after the brido and groom , cither
Hi when they go to church to bo married or
Hf when they start on their wedding journey ,
H" * ia so old that the memory ot man stretches
Hi not buck to its reginuing. Somo think it
H. represents an nssuult , and is a lingering
H traco of the custom nmong eavitgo nations
H of carrying away tho brido by violenco ;
H others think that it is a relic of tho ancient
H law of exchange or purchase , and that it
H formerly implied tho surrender by tho
H parents ot all dominion or authority over
H their daughter. It has a likeness to a
Hk Jewish custom mentioned in tho Bible.
Hf Thus in Deuteronomy we read that when
H | tho brother of a dead man refused to marry
Hf tiis widow she asserted her independence of
Hi 1dm by "loosing his shoe. " Also in Ruth ,
Hf when tho kinsman ot Boas gave up his
Hi claim to the inheritanco of Ruth and to
H , Ruth also ho indicated his assent by pluck-
H ing off his shoo and giving it to Bouz. It
H tma a'8 ' ° the custom of the middle ages to
H place the husband's shoo on tho head of
H tho nuptial couch , in token ot his denom-
B. ination. [ American Register.
H * Klelrv to 25,000,000.
H M. Stecnackers , who was postmaster-gen-
H ; ral under the Tours Delegato Government
H r and is now a member of tho French Cham-
Hi bcr , has taken up tho causo ot tho claim-
HI ants to 45,000,000 , whicli they contend
Hi is due them by the state. In 1870 a
H j Frenchman named Thcry depositod 400 , -
t. 000 in tho Bank of Venice , and then died.
w\ For some timo niter his decease nobody
WtJ' came forward as his heir. Somoswindlers.
Hi by means ot forged names tried to got hold
B f of it but failed.
H | More than a century passed when Bona-
t parte was ordered by tho Directory to de-
W\ { \ mand the principal and interest for tho
jjj benefit of French subjects. They weropaid
H | to him , and he appropriated them to mili-
K j tary uses. The state therefore became tho
B | debtor of tho Thery family. Authentic heirs
ml of tho depositor ot the 400,000 exist.
K That sum , with legal interest , now comes
K : to 23,000,000. [ London Daily News.
* IiOvely Iiasktcu ou Horseback.
u Wo wish the Quitman girls would indulgo
II - more frequently in tho graceful and healthy
HI _ _ exercise of horseback riding. Girls look
B < • pretty on horseback , and wo lovo to sec
them. Wo popped the question to the
lady wo now board with whilo wo were
P gaily cantering side by side in the long ago.
H She jumped at the chance , and we've been
R jogging on together ever since. In a town
W like ours , where horses are plenty and
other outdoor amusements not very
numerous , we think all the girls should
\ be encouraged to become accomplished
equestriennes. Let your girls ride horse
! back. It will make them healthy , strong ,
j active and self-reliant ; and , gracious , don't
' ! they look handsome prancing along on a
I spirited charger.
| The magical effects of St. Jacobs Oil in
f removing soreness and stiffness makes it
invaluable at all times. Rheumatism and
jj Neuralgia promptly yield to it.
B1 The Dylnsr Cardinal.
! * > irdinal Newman ia reported to bo dy-
I ing of old age. The poet cardinal Is nearly
S3 years of age , and. despite his increasing
infirmities , makes the most vigorous efforts
to continue his duties. For some years ho
} J has been compelled to sleep fourteen hours
daily , and he has gradually cwrtailed the
period he used to devote to receiving
) Iriends. The author of "Lend , Kindly
\ Iiight , " was one of the most popular as
-well as one of the most brillis.n't clergymen
, In thechurch of England prior to his going
* over to Rome , and , while there has been a
> good deal of bitter feeling toward his fel-
I ; low-seceders , he lias neverceased to be a
favorite with Protestants end Catholics
I , alike.
i T Dr. Gross , physician at St. Vincent's
ij Hospital , Baltimore , Md. , considers Red
| J Star Cough Cure perfectly harmless , bent ;
[ ! purely vegetable and entirely free from opi-
i | ates , poisons , and other narcotics. Other
"if " professionals also endorse 'it as prompt ,
1 safe and sure. Price , tweaby-five cents m
j "bottle.
1 Stories of Ausjry Statesmen.
[ * There is lovely story in iCount BeuBt's
1 memoir's about Prince Bismarck which de-
I serves to be recalled just tjow when the
[ great chancellor's speech as ringing in our
1 -ears. "What do you do ? " > he asked Count
- Beust , "when you are angry and grieved ?
Don't you find it a relief to "destroy some-
! thing when 3-011 are angry ? "
"I was over there once , " 3ie pointingop-
posite to where the emperor lives , "and I
flew into a rage. In going out I slammed
| the door and pulled out the key , which I
' tooK with me into Dount Lehudorf's room
close by , and threw into the basin , which
r went Into a thousand pieces. Count Lehu-
* dorf asked 'are you ill ? ' Iwas. . That
t cured me. "
, How naturaf this and how childlike !
; But what a blessing it would be if Btntcs
1 ! men eould always cure their anger by
g smashing a basin ! Sometimes , like Loud
[ Randolph , they smash a cabinet , or , like
| t 3Ir. Cluxmberlain , a party. But even these
| modes of r lier are innocent compared with
T he usual methods of emperors and kings ,
, and of Demes himself , all of whom find
* 'war occasionally nece sary as a vent for
h their spleen.
I Tlie positive and unsolicited testimony
t ' ( of people from every section who have used
t Dr.Bull's Cough Syrupconfinnseveryclaitn
h made for its wonderful efficacy. Price 25
| cents.
T The ship-yard in Chester , Pa. , will be
| V operated by John Roach's sons.
' The Omaha 'Jyps foundry can furnish
f new newspaper outfits on short notice.
C Prices same as in Chicago and freight
i already paid toOmiilm.
1f5 1
f5 furalKlicd on Sliort IVoticc From
f Oinaliu t Chicago Prices.
6L- Omaha , Nob. . 12th and Howard.
Moral and Lc al larrlajje.
Just now tho Chicago public Is busj
with meditations , debates and liorroi
over marriages come and coming
Tho elopement of a young girl and hci
marriage at midn'ght to the boy or lad
of her choice , moved not a little the
inmost soul of a few hundred thou
sand persons who reside in Cook Coun
ty ; but "this commotion was a calm in
comparison with the tumult caused by
tho illusion which came suddenly over
tho mind of a rather noble ffirl. an
illusion which assumed the form of a
desire to wod one of tho leading an
archists now in tho County Jail under
a death-sentence.
The latter case has aroused an indig-
nation as broad as the normal condition
of the local mind , the reverend gentle
man continues , in the Chicago Journal ,
and has awakened an approval as
largo as tho admiring e ' rele around
Captain Black and his incarcerated
clients. With that small number oi
persons to whom tho murder of eight
policemen and tho wound ng ol
twenty more was a venial matter , this ,
wedding between a young girl and the'
leading agent in the bloody riot is also
rather a nice thing. The women and
men who ha"d sympathy and flowers
for the May rioters ought to bring plen
ty of blossoms for tho January wed
ding. There was no groat wrong in
tho death of the policemen , and much
less wrong would there be iu the jail-
wedding. So argues the Captain
Black coterie of mortals a coterie
whoso code of ethics is perhaps the
most original ever fabricated outside
of an insane asylum , which , begtning
in tho espousal of anarchy as a vir
tue , culminates in asking a beautiful
girl to niarry , it being a pity for such a
social flower to waste its sweetness on
the desert air.
It was a wonderful kindness of heav
en to grant to tho same city whicli per
mittee ! Captain Black to live and in
culcate ctithics , Sheriff Matsou also to
live to prevent tho Black idea from be
coming epidemic. What would become
of us if to his tasks like a lawyer Cap
tain Black were given liberty to weave
marriages between the anarchists in
jail and tho foolish girls out of it ? The
sheriff has come in as a most timely re
buke to one of the greatest absurdities
of tho age. A man of good sense has
risen up to quito a bedlam.
It did seem for a timo as though the
marriage being conceded as coming ,
somo cleygyman would bo found to
take his sacred iobes in a carpet-sack ,
and , donning them in the jail , make
two loving hearts to beat as one. In
the recent runaway match a clergyman
was found who would rise at midnight ,
and for a consideration , rattle over
some holy words , and thus place his of
fice on a level with a village squire.
That this same clergymau could have
been secured for our jail wedding there
is no reasonable doubt , for with hitu ,
as with many other preachers , marri
age has lost its religious element , and ,
like a business partnership , is a mere
matter of law. This is a strange phe
nomenon in the Episcopal Church , be
cause a church which is so careful
about how a marriage bond shall be
dissolved should reveal some preference
as to how it should -created. . If mid
night and sol tude and girlish green
ness make a good beginning , the nian-
er of ending should bo of little impor
But the SpiesiKiptials , now ovVty
> ro > pcctive , reveal the ridiculous pass
ic which marriage .has come by help of
Iboth law and the gospel. Thoclergy
shave helped to ( degrade thealtar. .
Some cf our singers and actresses ( have
been marr < i three or four or five ftinies
the words "till deatli us do , parl"
having nothing t © ( < io with the part ng.
A silly man and woman can get mar
ried in a shop window , qc wp in a
balloon , and at any time of night or
day. Three or-four dollars , or a doliar
and a half even , will sufficiently be
cloud the moral sense ot parson or
squire , and on goes the wedding with
neatness and dispatch , One Age now
completes its hideous work by : asking
us to admire the orange blossoms which
agoodgrl proposes to wear in the
County jail for a few moments. The :
daily papers have done noblo defey by
exjiressing , instead of admiration , their
indignatiou at all concerned iu tho
affair , and especially toward those who-
are old enough to posess some .at tho
admonitions of ommon sense.
This little paper was begun xcffii the'
design of suggesting that the clergy-
should never take part iu any clandes
tine or eccentric marriage. The cler
gyman's rite is not the legal r te. His
wedding possesses a religious cleuient.
and if silly people run to him to be
married , they should be sent onward
toward some magistrate. Some of the
Chicago pastors nave done this again
and again. They have said to runa
ways and eccentrics : "We cannot
perform a legal ceremony ; our cere
mony must be both mor al and legal ,
and the marriage you seek contains no
religious element whatever. " In
these davs of degraded marriage thev
are no doubt glad that what ceremonies
they have performed have been solemn
ized amid benedictions and flowers
worthily placed. If there must be for
lorn and wretched weddings , let the
common squire have the honor and the
glittering fee , but let tho clergy step
aside until the union ran be moral as
well as legal. Rev. David Swing , in
Chicago Ledger.
Peels Lonesome.
"I never felt so darned lonesome in
my life , " said a Back of the Yards man
the other dav. "
"What's the matter now ? " asked a
"Nothin's the matter , now. an' that's
what bothers me. I've just got well 'o
the eetch , an1 don't have to scratch.
I've lost a heap o' 'musement. Qood-
alVs Sun.
_ Correction ; of a False Rumor.
The-report that the joko about the
Chicago-woman's foot had been taken
into dry-dock for repairs was the base
invention of tho numerous proprietors
of another chestnut. The joke about
the Ch cago woman's foot still spreads
itself over the periodical literature of
the land , and crushes a million readers
daily. Drake ' 's ' Traveler's Magazine.
Is This So ?
A few years ago a little book fell into our
hands , recounting tho experience of a cer
tain prominent business man , from which
it appeared that , as with most Americans ,
too close attention to business had broken
his health. The doctor said he could not
live. Ho then stated that ho used a cer
tain nrticlo which effectually cured him ,
and "out of gratitude for his own recovery
he determined to devoto a portion of his
fortuno to spreading its merits before tho
world. "
As we read it we said : This is evidently a
shrewd expression of a commercial motive ;
it squnds well ; it reads well ; but many peo
ple will not believe it.
In a few ytnrs , however , that man get
famous the world over. IIo gave several
hundred thousand dollarsto astronomical
research , and his name became a house
hold word in nearly every home in the
United States.
Hundreds of thousands of people to-day
without reservation , say that to this man
alone they owo their lives.
If ten men aro collected together the
chances are that if one man incidentally
refers to Warner's safe cure seven of them
will bo able to tell , from their own experi
ence or from tho experience of their friends
of marvelous results which that remedy
hnB wrought.
Nothing has ever been put on tho market
we are told , the salo of which has been so
great and kept up so wonderfully , and this
alono is evidence that merit is at the bot
tom of its popularity.
In our files we find many an advertise
ment from this house. Some people have
believed , have used and have been cured ;
others have disbelieved , have not used , and
The manufacturers have stated , as the
result of their most careful investigations ,
that the condition of tho kidneys is the
key to health , and that they know if the
kidneys are maintained iu health by War
ner's st fc cure , ninety-three per cent , of dis
eases would disappear.
The uric acid , or waste of the system , left
in the blood , by what may be called con
stipated kidneys , blocks up thesystem and
carries disease to every organ.
This statement , mado time and time
ngain , is so full of sense that it is now ac
cepted as a scientific truth by insurance
companies who reject millions of risks
every year if there is the least inactivity
of these organs.
The public is tired of the wrangles of this
school and of that school , and it is quick
to recognize anything that has such con
ceded merit , and on this ground alone can
we account for its extraordinary sales and
Queen Margharita , of Italy , has a strong
preference lor women physicians.
Ifc only takes half a hog to make its fore-
Good manners and good morals are
sworn friends and firm allies. Bartol.
IZoiv to Gain FIchIi and Strength.
Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion
with Ilypophosphitcs. It is as palatable
s milk , and easily digested. The rapidity
with which delicate people improve with its
use is wonderful. Use it and try your
weight. As a remedy for Consumption ,
Throat affections and Bronchitis , it is ur-
cqualcd. Please read : * 'I used Scott's
Emulsion in a child eight months , old with
good results. He gained four pounds in a
very sliort time " T o. Pkim , 3L I ? . ,
Gladstone will soon resume his scat in
As a raindrop foretells a storm , eo does a
pimple upon the human body indicate
health-destroying virus iu the blood , which
can be neutralized and expelled only'by Dr.
arter's Iron Tonic
Mrs. Hicks-IJord lias a dress w&h dia
mond buttons.
Deep Sea Wonders
exist in thousands of forms , but arc unsur
passed by ( the marvels of invention. Those
who are an need Of profitable wock that
can be done while Iking at home should at
once send itlieir address to Kalletc & Co. ,
Portland. Muine , .and receive frc , full in
formation how • cither sex , of alleges , can
earn froni-5 "to'23 per day and upwards
wliereverJihey live. You are starred free.
Capital ndtrequired. Somehav&ntadeover
$50 in-a single < doy at this work. Allsuc-
ScK-3ffve exacgerates both oTtr'fiults and
our virtues. Goebhe.
IfxcouKh-CIaturbs year sleep , tafctTiKTs Curcfo
ConKtutptiiouand rest.vrcll.
Dofiood by stealth , and WuBato find it
a me. Pope.
rVE NTS obtained by Louis Dagger & Co. . At' '
UiukjsWMliinstcn. . ) . C. EMM 193 * . AdWcefree
Tfosaioostide sun is dark , and music dis
cord , when the heart is low. Young.
Pleasure is the flower thnt fadea ; romom-
brance is tho lasting perfume. Boufilcrs.
Unless the habit leads to happiness , tho
best habit is to contract none. Ziinuicr-
Salvation Oil cures rheumatism in from
12 to 48 hours. Swellings and bruises iu a
few hours. All pains and aches almost im
mediately upon application. Price twenty-
fivo cents a bottle.
Thought is invisible nature nature is
invisible thought. Hciurich Heine.
Can consumption be cured ? Yes. Ono
man only discovered the laws of gravitation.
One man only , discovered tho virtue of vac
cination. And one man aflcrycars of study
and reflection , hns discovered the cure for
consumption. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Med
ical Discovery" is its specific. Send two
letter stamps and get Dr. Pierce's pam
phlet treatise on consumption. Address ,
World's Dispensary Medical Association ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
Our condition neversntisfies us , tho pres
ent is always the worst.
' • Sweet ITIatid Muller. "
Whittier's beautiful ballad contains a
touching allusion to the many cares and
sorrows which wear upon tho "heart and
brain" of a wife and mother. Thousands
of weary suffering women have found Dr.
Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" a mar
vellous recuperator of wasted strength ,
and of sovereign efficacy in all those de
rangements and maladies peculiar to their
sex , by reason of which the vitality is grad
ually sapped , and tho cheek robbed pre
maturely of its bloom. Price reduced to
ono dollar. By druggists.
Nature is a rag merchant , who works up
every shred and art into new creations.
s a s c Young or middle-aged men ,
suffering from premature decline or power ,
however induced , speedily and radically
cured. Illustrated book for 10 cents in
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation , Buffalo , X. Y.
The czar is non-committal on war topics.
"Riches have wings and fly to Canada. "
Nervousness and Dyspepsia Cured
By CAnTT.n's Link Nerve Pills. Twenty-
five cents. •
Two New York yachts will race for 510 , -
000. .
i •
A Sonn Tiihoat on Couau , if suffered to
progress , often results in an incurable
"Brown's Bron
throat or lung trouble.
chial Troches" give instant relief. Price 2uc.
Denver is the highest ot the state capi
tals , being 5,175 feet above the sea level.
Life is burdensome , alike to the Bufferer
and all around him , while dyspepsia and
its attendingcvils holds sway. Complaints
of this nature can be speedily cured by
taking Prickly Ash Bitters regularly.
Thousands once IIiub afflicted now bear
cheerful testimony as to its meritB.
Portugal and Zanzibar are involved in
Weakly Women witU I'ale ,
Colorless faces need Cimcn's Iron Pills
Sioux City had fifteen burglaries ia ono
Not one in twenty are free from some lit-
aihncnt caused by inaction of the liver.
Use Carter ' s Little Liver Pills. The re
sult will be a pleasant surprise. They give
positive relief.
Strikes are like runaway horses more
easily prevented than stopped.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye * Water. Druggists sell it.
23 cents.
The scatelicst building man can raise is
the ivy'e I-ood at last. Dickens.
\7hKtSaby waa nick , wo save her Castorla ,
Whor aho was a Child , siie cried for Costoria ,
Wfcon she became Miss , eho cinng to Cajtoria ,
IRh&n she had Children , she gave them Cstcria ,
"SDhe 23,000 prisoners held in India for
various crimes will be released.
TTho Omaha Tyjw foundry can furnish
irew newspaperoutfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
sSready paid to Omaha.
\ > Illsrhost Awards of MndaLs In .Europe and
' 5 America.
L The neatest , qnlcVest , srttsi and nio t powerful
remedy tno B2crKheumatl m. Pleurisy. Xeuranla ,
Lumbago , llackaclie , Vexkne' * . colds ta the chest
' aiidall che-iifil ins Kndorsedby5.iWjPhy8icIan3
and Druggists urine lifgliestrepute. Benson's I'lai-
ters promplly relieve and cure where oilier plasters
and streamsaivec liniments and lotion ? , are abso
lutely useless. Beware of Imitations under similar
founding names , such as "Capsicum. " "Capneln. "
, "Capslcine. " * thev are utterly • worthless auJ ln-
tended to deceive. Ask fop.Ben'soVs xsn take no
others. All drurslsts. SEABUK1' & JOBXSOX ,
Proprietors , New York.
: W. N. UOmaha - 331-9
I i aa a 8
for Infants and Children.
"OMSwfaJaaowelhrtaptedtoeha&Bnthati Cwtaria cures Oolie. CoasUpatfoa ,
Ire MsaexditasBuperiortoanyprescriptioBi Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation ,
taOTOtome. " a A-Akchbr , ILIS. , j X0 * Worms , gives sleep , and promotes dl-
WBa.O&x&BnQUsatx.Y. | WliHoW ° i } ur ousmedication.
TbsjCshtjlcb Coiouxy , 182 Fulton Street , H. Y.
v ccirnc bosII"
Cp P" w la Ih H iff jPLAWTJ
\ j mHeEmnmrnmifimMWi vines
T OR AJTrJHLlNG IN THE rnJKSERY r-EVE , without first writing
fl * ir valuable FREE Catalogue , the 121 LARGE GREENHOUSES
BEST we ever . Issued , containing ; the Barest Kew and 133d YEAR. 700 ACRES
j Choicest , Old. TKE . . . . . . STORKS , , , , . & HARRSSON . - , i , . . . . . , „ - CO. . . PfllKESUILLE. . , . . . Ghm
Why did the Women
• *
of this country use over thirteen million cakes of
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1SS6 ?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
" ' gSsSI ff P H = = 3 | = i
r nPVl i
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
Vegetable tonics , quickly and completely
Cares Dyspepsia , indigestion , Weakness ,
Impure Blood , IllalariaChills and Jb'eyers ,
and Neuralgia.
It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tho
Kidneys and I.Iver. _
It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It docs not Injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produce constipation other Iron medieints do.
It enriches and purines the blood , stimulates
tho appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength ,
ens the mnsclca and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , &c , it has po equal.
ASThe genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
The best and surest Eemedy for Cure of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of nil kinds •
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
i ill&il/
It is pleasant to the taste , tones np the j
gystiem , restores and preserves health. I
It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to
prove beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all
others. Sold evcryrrnere at 81.00 a bottle.
# * • * • * * • • • *
"Will. HELP / "
* lN
* jf bc Suffering from Kidney DIs-
* > Gvsfffi * easo or from troubles pe-
r K/pr y culiartohersex.
Its purpose is solelyfor the legitimate hcalingof
disease and the reliefofj ainand that it does allit
claims to do , thousands cf ladies can gladly testify.
I thas stood the test of tw enty years ia relieving periodi
cal pain , promoting regularity of seasons , and banishing
weakness , backache and consequent nervous distress.
Probably no other woman in the world receives so
many "letters of thanl-s" ss Lydia E. Pinkham , of
Lynn , Mass. Mrs. B of Enfield , N. H. , says :
"I will simply say that your Vegetable Compound is all
you recommend it to be. It has dene me Worlds of
gced" Anothcrlady wri'es from Ottawa as follows : "I
have just to-day boughtthe seventh bottleof your Vege
table Compound , have used two boxes of Tills and sev
eral packages of your Sanative Wash , and think it but
right to tellyou how much good I deriv cd from your medi
cines. They are a regular God-said. All the pains
and aches hac almost disappeared , my stomach is much
stronger too and I feel niyselfimpro\cd everyway. "
Prlco 1. Sold by oil BrurSUt .
AVith Assets of Sl,231,287.85.
OiTeri In > tutors an optmrtun't/ place from
$1U U > to * 10. < MU ) ) In a Kcal Estate Syndicate so
that It will pay oerlW percent per annum on the lu-
, \estwcnt. Fullinformatlon furnished on application.
Reference , all mercantile agencies and the banks in
Kansas City.
Rbeamatlmn , iYeuralela , Bladder and Kid
ney Disease * cured by JH A. V. JAXESRHEU
MATIC SPECIFIC. Guaranteed to CURE or money
refunded. Take no other medlHne. For sale by all
DrajrtriKts. One Dollar for large bottle. Keference , any
one in St. Joseph , Missouri. Information Free.
Sr. A. V. Banes ITIcdicIne Co. ,
Saint Jotcpb , Mlnonrl.
II5i i " Sa Positively cured In GO days by Mr.
* .
ttLv\\S I jjSlIIorne lIIcetro.JIscnetIeBelt-
! § S j t0 2 HTriuscombined. Guarantecdthc
MG r Q r only ono in the world jreneratlne
txrSSStsxRrSs ! aconUnuons Electrio dt Magnctii
Av/TjTp urrrnt. Scientific , Powerful , Durable ,
w///wComfortable and Effective. Avoid frauds.
> * p OverO.000 cured. ScndStampforpamphlet.
This home for the sick Is open both for adults and
children. Is centrally located In a plciaanta'idqulet
neighborhood and furnisher excellent Hospital facil
ities for Surgical and Medical Cases. Address
M German Anthitia Cure nerer fault to lIieJH
* * mmedtate rttie/ln the want cues , iniuru com-is
rortxble sleep ; effect * cures where til others fall. Jim
trial convinces the mat skeptical. Price SO eta and B
• 1.00 , of Drurslsts orkr mail. Sample FKEK fori
stamp. DR. K. BCHIr'F.MAN. St. I'anL Minn.B
Sgl Best Couih Syrup. Tastes good. TJse H
Eci in time. Sold by druggists. ggj
% T Km Ipn b " Complete Harden Umde and
UI-ilIIiI Illustrated Catalogue of Garden
ZmW BaMiM W Grass and Field Seed * . Plant * .
Bulbs , Garden Tools , New Varieties of Potatoes.etc.etc ,
mailed Free. General azents for Strowbridjre Broad
cast Sower. Address , IOWA SEED CO. , Whole-
aale and Retail Seedmen , Des JIolvzs , Iowa.
e want Yo-ur tfsssrsass
profitable employment to represent us in erery
county. Salary $75 per month and expen e * . or a
large commission on sales If preferred. Goods staple.
Every one buys. Outfit and particulars Free.
& - Habit PainlcsMj
IlKa" Cured at Home. Treatment
mm' until you are benefited. Terms Ixjw
Humane Semcily Co. , LaFayetle , Jad.
AlUflitTB A Pn'tive ! cure. No Knire.
WW BW IBi Payne. Marshalltown.Iowa.
0 C * 0 S8 ? "V- P'e worth 8t50 TREE. Line *
IlsilSot . undcI.t"8 horse' * feet. Write BreMster
VWSafety Rein Holdar Co. , Holly , Mich.
ADII111 lorjililno Hiljlt Curc.lla Ll
111 111 III } 2P'l y . NouaytUlCaraO.
m " Lie J. STrrucvs. Leliauou. Otlo.
lel > here and enn ;
TELEGRAPHY K"011 P XSituation * for-
nlshsjd. Write Valentine Bros. , JanesTlUe.Wli.
ADIIIII * nd Morphine Habit Cured In 10 to
| IIIIHI SO days. Kefer to 1U00 patientr cured
VI 1W III In all paru. Dr. Mirih , Quiney.Xich.
UnUC STODV. Secure a Buslnesa Education br
IIUHU mall , from Bevajjt's Colleok liuffalo.X.Y'
Ci Jg coNCBIT * m
Havo been iMiJoyed bydtlzona oC every tewnnaS til "I
city In tho U. S. Mnrvehmn Curfti tuvo tvenwlt- * flil
ne.ised by thou untl * of people , whr > csat twtlfy tx -if'l
Hamlin's Wizard 831. ! !
Neuralgia , Toolhncho , llcadaebs , Ezrzcfee , 5 .j I
Catarrh , Croup , Sore Throat. Ill
Lamo Back , Stiff Joints , Contracted Cwis , $ I
Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Fersr Ssres , , II
Wounds , Old Sores , Chifbfams , Frssl ' 11
Bites , Sore Nipples , Caked Breasts , a2 | | l
All Aches and Pains , f 11
aro quickly relieved by thin maslcal retocxly. Try St fl
ouco and you will never be without It. . J"or wte br ' §
UruKcists. Price. SOc. Ourhoxu Iludlt fmsuialL > f
m\m mY mmKmMmmr \ Kafj Pf | l v ff t\ a a U ImW ' lfl
\ X Will purify the BLOOD xmeub o II
wAwSffl the LIVER nod KIDNCV f > }
Vf ft ORof YOUTH fJj pfT > Ma.t * ol. )
> Sn B < m of Appetite. lndUe ir J ck r SH
NSiilBElm Strength and liitd y.IuT > - \ | B
| H | % solutslr currd : Zontaan - { '
NH HQk cles and nerres recsivo jutrr _ H
5 < i . force. EnliT ir ll > " 3 * i
iias . nndnuppllei Ur > nJ * wec J Wt
Suffering from c of > " > H
LADBES i ! riA ffiKSjg I
XONICasafaand apoodjcnm. GiTf aeIsr.4 * - H
thy complexion. Freauent attempta at csraUntaH
Ine only add to tho popularity of tb orw meto > JM
notoiporimont cot thoOniGR jti.ASi Besx. . H
anil SJsu H
fCuro Conatlpation.Llver Comolalnt J
nosdaobe. Bampto Dose md Dreua 5 oH | 1 H
mailed en reoelpt ot two cents in posifce- / ? H
Address : DR. HARTER , Medical Ct.hSM ; fe5 | l
0 2LKLX-aa. ! 7 7'I3Br i I
The Cr # Nursary of *
* H
fromFr nce.allr coraedwitbextcndedfeET 5 1J > J m\\
I'erclieron Stud Books. 7haPCrcheron.lbeaatjBr rrc m \
breed of France possessing- . stud boot : UisSixs • & * > mm
rupport and endorsement of the French Gcnrrninv-KU m W
Bend for 120-ptco CataIoru3 , . Illustration * 3 y JLoma mm
liouheur. H. W.DUHHAH ,
Wav- , DuPacs Co. , Illinois * . . M
bleiiiriu ith CHtaliW-h- R 4 ftc aK ' ) WjKj H
edreputationabreed-c * * "J''lM'w * < ' " * * : ! ? iitf mWM !
em. Our Imported Stock all rept'tertd In the IVrtirn i m
Stud Hooks of France and America. V. ' c cuarjuiJes-ait Lm
Stock Breeders just as represented. S&niiIarca.tali > xQ j H
Number 5 free. Address , M
V/akefielcJ , Clay County , Kari. H
? \VooiIcrthoaUvo auioontof mone ? vttrztsw |
B& the 100 persons answering the followlnc Jliioal M
ft questionIVfirre iu the Hiblo < loe lt-Wt Lm
§ nay. "If a mun catctlt ecgBlir sboliac H
! * die r' Tha first person answencs tMs qaes-K ) Lm
* tion correctly , w.Tl recelveflOO cash. Itratro-at- H
I ceivo mora than ono conee&xutTecUieAoarepJEJSZ. LU
3 uIUrecciTOflCO ; the third | 50 ; ffiafJUirffliKSisSJ gH
B the fifth ? 15 ; thoslztu ; > - • and * j g , , to u c |
g next oco hundred people ahswerlncItcx rccaxjK a |
Silt you aronotthefirstreacmbcrt&ctsnEBj S * a Li
2j be tho second or third ; sa ioui sranxt > . - qc4 ° 9K H
gi chanceror a large prize. Each , competitor Kmstiw sssfl
fCIn everycase , send 50cta wKli their answer tarOf aH
" "one year's trial subscription to Tin : COOQJV saH
HOUSKJCEEPEIi. a Iarce 15-paKW Jluz-W : H
tratedfamily paper. lfyoatvtusendioraim - H
send the paper one year , and 9 , H
' • nOW 10 COOK " • S
a boos of nearly 500 paces for housekeeper ? . She $ H ssH
regular retail price Is $1.50 , beautifully bread | * mml
I in eitraclcth. Itembodles theripodpatitxcrHf H
of a veteran housekeeper , and Its recces ( rsCflt H
which there are great numbers on all hraoeim JK Lm
of cookpry ) can be relied upon as accurate ararl H Lm
trustworthy. Send jour answer at onca. Tt&H
tage stamps taken. Address TI1E ROOD EOC2P-W aH
H KKHER. 79 Dearlwm St. Chicago. JlX. JE M
W SLTH vriz tsf&z. Si 11
WW sa fi9b H Si wiieit. Semi-tro ) Ic I and * F * lssssssl
Temperate Zone Frulti thriTe In llie s me StliX. \ m
fountry healthy. State rapidly deieloptnc. Xt > * r * H
Taxes. G ol Schools. Kew Ibllroads. sol sure Lm\
mile * of Navigable Illvers than any other &wc U W
In the Union. Thl if MifiuAin sUH
est and Beat Newspaper " , M
in the Sate , with agricultural department xb3r e i- -W
ted. Fifty-six colunint per wee' * . - TeU * ywn Ji -U
about the great Smthnest. Six montbsCtK - . a mW\ \
months SOc SAMPLES FltEC AddzeM TZK MM
GAZETTE , Little Kack , Ark- H
I IJD JK/JLli Jliea
X gKn S I'retUest BOOK ! cverg55 M
% j mTStm7 > r Frlnted. Thousand ? of& zL H
JaHHp9 jnjcravinss.IestSEKDtr g. M
; J6 j z.A cheapest everprowru V S7 H
s Jgg gj I > kts 3c Cheap as dirt by " * , H
" • r - oz.&lb. 100000pkU.neir 70y „ H
sorts divided wnti to Customers. I gire r Lm
away more than some lirms sell. Send for nry 9 J
Catalogue. It. II. Shumway , ltockTardHZ _ M
Nos . C03-404-I7O-SO4. H
PIAMfflG A GJod PianoforS137-SO
Irlal V Ai.ooion-Tjifor G9tx > M
Write for Catalosne of in CENT 3IOSIC. x > r - H
tainingua-iictof lSOpiecc of lite and pooularmusa . M
Addrc , , .
St. Joaopli , MImoiotT- H
MTThe largest and old-st ilusic House on the af 'j H
sounlllier. 9
w % m T WFfsF. a. r.KinrAXN' .sric&- Lm
Hi I hm I ior or Pj ents. Wa.tibx3xB ± UM
mi klB I Qd.U. Send for Circular- M
AssssssMaHHalaMaBssSBVsssSBSurercIlericrrsT91 ssssssl
i0Sms9IWharIeit9wiiXKe : _ MM
_ _ _ _ _ _ . l m\\\\\