The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1887, Image 4

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: E * TlIK pt * , .1 •
i judicial cilbtriute wt i i > -t. . > . -itms u >
: ' have unfortunately fallen under the
\ * banc of the Democrat's ponderous pen ,
t for reasons it were difBcuit to ascertain
f from its stated position. The bill ,
I which Las passed the senate by a large
f _ majority , simply adds three more dis-
r tricts , making thirteen in all , while our
- sister state of Kansas has twenty-five
f . . . . . .
districts. The Kansas district joining
, us on the south , has but ten counties
therein , two more thati the bill gives
, us , and a bill is now pending in the
[ Kansas legislature to make two dis-
| ' tricts of the same , the judge claiming
; t the district to be too large for one
| f jud'cVt The Democrat's opposition seems
[ ' . to be chiefly based , if we apprehend it
i i aright , upon its four that the bill will
: make to be filled "
! places by "political
. " This hasten * to
i f chumps. point , we
I J a&mre our fearful contemporary , is
baseless and unnecessary. Good legal
II talent is more plentiful than may be
supposed. We will refer to one or two :
! i VLB. Likes of Culbertson is repre
If sen ted as a good jurist , and as enjoying
if a lucrative practice. A fact which is
| confidently stated as being true in the
| [ case of 3L M. House of Hitchcock , as
j well as of the Furnas county men who
f aspire to tlie judicial robe.
if J. E. Cochran of this city stands well
j and is highly endorsed by the bars of
| almost the entire district. He has been
[ [ interested and retained in most of the
j ! important cases in the county during
; [ the past three years. Also having as-
| [ sistedin the trial of the most import-
| [ ant case in the history of Hitchcock
i , county. While Mr. Cochran is our
first choice and seems to be that of the
profession and of the leading men of
f the district , regardless of party , we are
i not so selfish as to think that no one
I else could 611 the place. But in addi-
| l tion to his being the choice of people
and attorneys , he is a life-long republi
can , and a Nebraskan of sixteen years ,
having first set his stakes in York , in
These men respect Judge Gaslinj but
in the event of the formation of a new
district , there are a number of attor
neys here , esteemed and worthy in the
profession , who certainly will not appre
ciate being styled "political chumps"
because of no graver offense than aspir
ing to the judgeship of the new district.
Tile citizens of Oxford rose up in the
full dignity of their might , last week ,
and. cleaned the gamblers out of that
burg , bag and baggage.
* = = = = =
Thk McCoor. Tribune is booming
J. E. Cochran , formerly of this city ,
for judge of a new district up there.
Cochran is a good man. Oberlin Eye.
It suggests itself to us that the con
tinued assaults upon Thomas of the late
Holdrege Republican , are not well
taken or indicative of the manliest
qualities. Mark is entitled to a breath
ing : spell until he can get upon his feet
The friends who have been urging
Bl B. Likes. E > q. , of Culbertson , for
the new district judgeship , are evidently
unaware of the statutory provision
which requires a residence of three
years in the state to constitute an eli
gible candidate. Mr. Likes , we believe *
has not resided in Nebraska a twelve-
aonthr during this continuous sojourn ,
although , a longer resident some years
'I since.
I , .
A Magnificent List of Premiums.
Among : rite many valuable premiums of-
fet&d tals year to the subscribers of the
Weekly Bx we note three valuable SO-acre
tracts of Bond , , one of them located In Ilall
eueary , Nek , fc Improved , and Includes a
& * & * * ; weh , an elegant grove , etc The oth
er euro are located In. Howard comity , Neb. ,
aad. Waodbary county , Iowa. A complete
Ifinaesota Chizt Thresher with , horse power ,
ami Empire Harvester and Binder , a Grand
FSaoo , several Baggies and Wagons , and a
large mint her af other valuable and useful
Agrfrrwttmat and Farm Implements and
Household Articles , a large assortment of
Blooded. Stock , amounting hi all to over
$ itSfiQQJJO , wBl also be awarded at the Bee's
Spot distribution which takes place on
Jfcxaea. 22& of this year.
Erery sa&criber sending la SiOO before
that day for one year's subscription to the
Weekly Bee , wilt receive one of these pre-
There witt be w > postponement , and as the
Usut J short , would advbe all persons to
sen t nx their subscriptions at once.
JUdrtsxi att remittances to The Bee Pub-
\ & &BZ C& . Omaha , Xeb.
fy The latest and most accurate
* teht3kx state maps for sale at The
Tamuanc atfee.
Red Willow Co. Teachers' Association.
kwday. 11it. .
.V.s'-o < , Iatipn opened by President 0. M.
- The .Validation then listened to a very In-
t < - rtiht paper from .Miss J. Blackburn sub-
t "'tte | of the School-room. "
' Htfknrd then opened the discussion
! • subject , "Tho teacher's general
i - - .it reading , and its influence- the
S'Upils , " followed by Clias. Byrkit , Jliss J.
Blackbuni and U. 31. Charles.
The program for Friday evening was car
ried out as follows :
Association met at the M. E. church , al
7:30 P. M. , and was called to order by Presi
dent C. M. Charles.
Prayer , by ltev Taylor of lndianola.
The audience then listened to an able and
interesting lecture from Rev. Joel S. Kelsey ,
of JlcCook , on the subject , u3IIisic as an
Element of Popular Instruction. "
After music , followed by remarks from C.
M. Taylor , the Association was dismissed
by Elder Johnson of lndianola.
Association called to order by President C.
M. Charles.
After the opening exercises , a motion was
made , that we take up the program for the
morning. After some discussion the motion
lost , and after reading of minutes of previ
ous meetings , the subject which had been
passed Friday were taken up.
The subject of Penmanship was taken up
and discussion opened by Mr. Anderson ol
McCook , followed by Messrs. Heckartl and
Byrkit , and Misses Murphy and McNamara.
Motion made aud carried that a committee
be appointed to examine specimens of pen
manship , and Prof. Smith , Mrs. C. L. Nettle
ton and Misses McNamara and Phillips ,
were appointed.
Mr. Chas. Byrkit opened a very interesting
discussion upon the subject , "What position
should teachers take in regard to the use ol
tobacco , " followed by Superintendet Wheel
er , Messrs. Heckartl , Peterman , Dolan ,
Quick and Bev. Taylor.
2:30 p. 31.
Association opened by President C. M.
Motion made and carried , that the subject ,
"Opening Exercises , " be taken up and open
ed by Prof. Webster , Supt. Wheeler being
absent. Prof. "Webster then mado some
very interesting remarks , followed by Mrs.
Xettletou , both strongly advocating the
reading of moral lessons.
Best Method of Teaching Grammar , Prof.
3Iotion made and carried , that we tender
to Rev. Joel S. Kelsey , a vote of thanks for
hLs able and interesting lecture.
By motion , That we return a vote of
thanks to the boys and girls , young men and
women , for their specimens of penmanship ,
and hope they may be successful in their ef
forts to acquire an education.
Motion made and carried , That we bring
at our next meeting , specimens of map
drawing of the map of Nebraska.
Motion made and carried , That next meet
ing be held at McCook.
William Hotze to Georpe E. Craig W. D. ,
W.54 N. W. H and W. V S. W. % 31-2-27. $200.
United States to Mary E. Ingraham K. It. ,
S. E. i 10-2-20. S200.
J.H. Goodrich to E. S. Hill W.D. , block 3
and lots 1 and 2. block 2 , Goodrich's addition to
lndianola. $32o.I
J.H.Goodrich to Charles Knowels W.D. ,
lots 5 and 8. block 1. Goodrich's add'n. $105.
J. T. Burkholder to C. W. Kaight W. D. , lots
3 and 4. block 6 , McCook. So00.
Joseph SIcGee to G. B. Morgan W. D. , N.E.H
2C1-27. S.1S00.
Henry Marshall to Lincoln Land Co. W. D. .
N.EH S. E. 19-1-27. $272.50.
E. L. Ijjycock to Sadlo Bates W. D „ W. y.
S.W.K , S. JiN.W.U 33-3-30. $1,000.
E. L. Laycock to Mattio J. Anderson W. D. ,
N. W. a S.E. X. and N. E. J S.W.t 33-3-30. $ G00.
Mattie J. Anderson to Sadie Bates W. D. ,
same land. $ S00.
A. P. Day toO. & K. It. It. Co. It. W. D. , S. } J
N. E. H and N. ii S. E. J 18-1-20. $17n.
United States to Martha J.Dillon R.It. , E. }
S. W. . .
J-i 27-2-29. $100.
Same to OD.Bacon R.R. , S.E.U 20-3-30. $200.
Jacob Fischer to William Fischer W. D. ,
N. W. i 2S-4-21S. 1 ° 00.
Same tosameETH N.W.JJ andN. & S.W. &
334-26. $1,000.
A. M. Shumaker to F. L. Brown W. D. . lot 12 ,
block 9 , lot 6 and 18 , block 1G. McCook. $1.00.
J. W. Dolan to O. & K. R. R. It. W. D. , W. y2
S. E. U 9-1-2G. $ T5.00.
United States to N" . O. Wickwire R. R. , S. y.
S. W.ij , and N. W. & S. Vf.H and S. W.y N.W. 1
23-2-33. . .
- - $200.00.
Hiram C. Rider to Jacob Steinmetz W. D. ,
lots 5 and 6 , block 10 , West McCook. * 120.
James H.Goodrich. Jr. , toAlbey A.Hardy
W. D. . lot 4. block 1 , Goodrich's addition to
lndianola. $33.
Charles H. Listen to Alonzo Beaman , W. D. .
E. : S. W. X 23-4-27. $400.
United States to Isabelle E. Johnson R. R. ,
S. W. h. S. E.14. SH S. W. X and N. W. 1 S.
W. U. 17-4-29. $200.
Same to Benjamin Barber R. R. , N. E. U
23-1-27. $200.
Same to Horace Lavallene Patent , S. 14 N.
E. Ji and lots 2 and 3.44-27.
j5amo to William H. Kilpatrick Patent , N.
W. Jt 14-1-29.
The following telegram was received at this
office just as we go to press :
Nearly the whole business portion of Neb
raska City consumed by the fire fiend , and Are
still rasring. Lincoln has sent engine and
hose. Water gave out and could not cotrol
the flames. Opera House and Odd Fellows
block already gone.
Itch , Mamre , and Scratches of every kind
cured in 30 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless.
Warranted by S. L. Green , Druggist , McCook.
960 Acres of Land to Rent.
320 acres on the Driftwood , 50 acres
under cultivation. 320 acres , 12 miles
south of McCook , G5 acres under culti
vation , house and well. 1G0 acres on
the Frenchman , house and well. 1G0
acres adjoining the Akron , Colo. , town-
site , 25 acres broke. Will rent from 1
to 3 years. Geo. E. Johnston ,
McCook , Neb.
Cash Down. No Delay.
_ o
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad-
iress , Red Willow Co. Bank ,
43-tf lndianola , Neb.
Try the Commercial House , when
' n McCook , just once !
ELVA HUNT , Assistant.
The Lincoln city schools have adopted the
savings bank system.
Trof. II. It. Edwards , principal of the Tal-
mage schools , called Monday. *
If you are told to do a tiling and mean to
do It really , never let it be by halves. Do it
fully , freely.
The type writer was Invented at Milwau
kee , Wis. , in 1807 , by C. Latham Sholes ,
Samuel W. Soule and Carlos Glidden.
Age and its Infirmatives are .the causes of
the approaching retirement of President
Tickard , from the Iowa State University.
The exercises of Division No. 2 were de
livered iu a very pleasing manner , last Fri
day afternoon. The room was filled with an
appreciative audience.
The electrical wheel which was furnished
'by the board , broken by two members of the
high school , was repaired at their own ex
pense , and is now again in use.
Miss. Bertha Davis has been elected news
editress for the ensuing month. Her duty is
to collect all interesting items of news and
place them on the bulletin board each morn
ing. .
On the lGth of this month , the Senate of
New * ork passed a bill allowing women to
vote in municipal elections , and on the same
day , Kansas passed a bill allowing the same
right. '
Senator Palmer of Michigan is going to be
supported for the next presidency by all the
women. They can't vote , but they have be
gun the campaign by writing fifty letters a
day to him.
The youngest teacher in the country is
supposed to be Mary Duke , of Clanton , Ala. ,
not yet seven years old. She has started an
infant school and charges 10 cents a month
for teaching A B. C.
Heading circles are now doing regular
work , with much profit A uniform report
system has been introduced to bring teachers
and superintendents into closer relation.
Success to such work.
We are glad to inform the public that our
school received 12 volumes of Liternational
Encyclopedia , last Friday. We are very
grateful to the School Board for furnishing
us with so many useful articles.
Minnesota is polyglot. Ten languages-
English , German , Norwegian , Swedish , Bo
hemian , French , Finn , Polish , Italian and
Chinese , are spoken here. The governor's
last message was printed in eacli of them.
The Chinese claim to be the inventors of
the compass which they assert was used
5624 B. C. The first compasses are said to
have been in the form of little images of
men , with one hand pointing to the south.
The storm which occurred on Thursday of
last-week , was not so severe here as farther
west. The wind damaged the sciiool house
to the extent of tearing off the roofing of the
northwest comer , and blinds from the west
Miss Katie Simpson , one of our pupils ,
who has been attending school here , depart
ed , Saturday afternoon , for her home at
Whitfield , Kansas. She was accompanied
to the depot by a few of her many school
mates and teachers. We regret the absence
of such pupils as Katie , and she will be miss
ed from her accustomed place.
The following citizens visited the school
Friday afternoon : Mrs. Alter , Hattie Kim
ball , T. E. McCracken , M. Yager , C. W. Da
vis , Lona Woods , J. F. Collins , 11. W. Keyes ,
T. M. Helm , L'Eoy Allen , J. D. Turner , F.
L. McCracken , Oscar Hurd , J. F. Ganschow ,
F. M. Crane , J. A. Lee , Mr. and Mrs. Dauchy ,
Misses Flora Shaw , Josie Menard , Mayme
Hunt , Kate Williams , Flora Hamm , Ina
Starbuck , Nellie Bodabaugh , Allie Stevens
and Mabel M. Meserve.
Teacher "Why , Freddie , just from home
and crying 1 What's the matter ? Has your
father been punishing youV"
Pupil , ( drying his eyes ) "It's all your
fault , Mr. Kodman. "
Teacher "My fault ? What do you mean ? "
Pupil "Why you told me it was a poor
rule that didn't work both ways. So when
I went home , I took pa's new two-foot rule
that doubles upon a hinge , and I bent it back
till it worked bothways. . Then pa said I
had broken the joint , and he went and got
his stick. But it's all your fault.
A prize was recently offered by the editor
of Cassell's Saturday Journal , for" the best
list of the twelve greatest living men. The
result was decided by the votes of the com
petitors , and , as the poll was exceptionally
heavy , the following catalogue of the distin-
guished'names that headed it may be of gen
eral interest. It should be stated that Mr.
Gladstone's same found a place in about 90
per cent , of the voting papers. The figures
show the number of votes given to each ce
lebrity :
1. Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone 32,644
2. Princo Von Bismarck 32,245
3. Baron Tennyson 23,061
4. F. deLesseps 19,776
5. General Viscount Wolsely 17,952
0. Marquis of Salisbury 17,592
7. Count VonMoltze 13,968
8. Bight Hon. John Bright 13,741
9. Lord Randolph Churchill 13,117
10. JohnRuskin 12.3S9
11. Henrylrving 10,560
12. H. M.Stanley 10,141
13. Louis Pasteur 10.110
14. T.H.Huxley 9.10S
15. Rev. C. H. Spurgeon 8.232
16. The Emperor of Germany 7,800
17. T.A.Edison 6,648
18. Rov. H. W.Beecher 5,295
19. Grover Cleveland 5,280
20. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales 4,981
21. Sir J. E.Millais 4,885
22. Charles Gaunod 4,680
23. C.S. Parnell - - 4,512
24. Right Hon. J. Chamberlain 4,200
25. Tho Czar of Russia 4,162
26. Sir Arthur Sullivnn 3,612
27. His Holiness , the Pope 3,744
28. Marquis of Hartington 2,552
29. Sir Frederick Leighton 3A' 4
30. Jules Grevy 3,133
31. Sir General Frederick Roberts 3.070
32. Cardinal Manning 2,821
33. EarlofDufferin 2.659
34. JohnTyndall 2.592
35. Cardinal Newman 2,437
36. Baron Rothchild 3.256
.37. Oliver Wendell Holmes 1.837
38. Canon Farrar 1,704
39. Archbishop Benson 1.560
40. Robert Browning 1.183
No other distinguished man received a
thousand votes ,
Wo were favored with an excellent ad
dress by Rev. D. F..Bodabaugh , on Tuesday
afternoon , Feb. 22nd. We can only give a
brief synopsis of the Interesting-effort : "A
nation's laws aie a piopliesy of its success.
A nation is known by the protection it af
fords its youth. A nation is honored for the
capabilities it places within tho reach of its
youth. The earliest colleges established
were at Harvard and Yale , founded by the
philanthropy of John Harvard and Elihu
Yale , and maintained by the wisdom and
patriotism of the colonist. Each state pro
vides amply for the education of its youth
by maintaining public schools , normal
schools , colleges and universities. In addi
tion the different denominations are power
ful auxiliaries for the dissemination of
knowledge. The world is at the feet of the
student. Education makes man better , it
raises him to a higher plane. Education is
the unfolding of all the faculties of man and
the training of them to right action. " We
should have been glad had there been a full
attendance , to tho end that many might have
been profited by the words so fitly spoken.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
County Clerk's Okfice , I
lndianola. Neb. , Feb. 23,1887. f
NOTICE is hereby given thut a meeting of
tho Assessors of Red Willow county will be
hold ut the County Clerk's ollico on Tuesday ,
March 15th , 1H87. tor the purpose of consulta
tion in regard to the value of tho various kinds
and classes of property to bo assessed.
3-39 C. D. Ckameh , County Clerk.
The Spring Creek Cattle Company , by a
vote of all Its stockholders , have this day
closed business. Any unsettled accounts
should be presented at once to George Hock-
nell , McCook , Neb.
January 24th , 1887. Geo. Hockneli , ,
B. M. Fuees , Sec'y. President.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 23d , 1887. (
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be mado belorc Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April 8th , 1887 , viz : SarahM. Ncttleton. ( form
erly Sarah M. Hartley , ) on Homestead Entry
369 , for the north y southwest H and west %
southeast H of section 15. township 2 , range 30
west. Sho names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Daniel Clements ,
George Frederick , Joseph Newcomb and Rich
ard M. Williams , all of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HAKT. Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 9th , 1887. (
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that 6iiid proof will bo made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
April 11th. 18S7 , viz : Charles Wentz , on Home
stead Entry 2377 , for the southeast quarter of
section 12 , town. 2 , range 2 * . west He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Charles Ebcrt , Henry Voges , Her
man Bey and Herman Schumaker , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 3d , 1887. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
March Hth , 1887 , viz : Gertrude A. Coleman on
Homestead No. 3056. for the southeast U sec
tion 12 , town. 4 , north , range 31 , west. She
names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Archibald B. Davis , Baxter
J.Davis , John N. Smith and Esroui Rother-
mel , all of McCook , Neb.S. .
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , i
January 29th , 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
March 14th , 18S7 , viz : William S. Hamilton ,
on Homestead 2497 , for the northeast H sec
tion 28 , town. 3 , range 29 , west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of. said land ,
viz : Silas H. Colvin. Charles Hinman , Ed
ward Hinman and William Doyle , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
January 28th , 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
March 11th , 1887. viz : John H. Everton Home
stead 3012 , for the south 'A northwest U and
north Vz southwest J { . section 27 , town 3 , range
29 , west. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said land , viz : W. S. Hamilton ,
William Doyle , Richard Johnston and Silas H.
Colvin , all of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
January 26th. 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
March 11th , 1887 , viz : Fred. Benjamin , on
Homestead Entry 3943 , for the north 54 north
east a section 31 , west Vt northwest H section
3i , town. 2 , range 29 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
E. J. Henderson , Stephen Hopkins. W. A. De-
May and George Reed , all of McCook , Neb.
35. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
.lanuary 24th , 1887 t
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler-has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 8th , 1887. viz : Emma M. Carter , on Pre
emption D. S. 3747 , for the southeast H south
easti , section 17. town. 4 , range 29 , west. She
names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : William Y. Johnson , John
M. Henderson , Samuel D. McClain and Mi
chael Dooley , all of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
I desire to inform the public
that I have received my stock
of Spring and Summer Suit
ings , and that I am prepared
to do work in the merchant
tailoring line in a satisfactory
manner. I guarantee a nice fit
in all cases. Call and he con
vinced. First door north of
Commercial Hotel , Main Ave.
_ * i |
* ' - * ' - ' - - *
FOR SPRING 1887. j
We are now receiving a large and complete stock | l
f t H
OF TllJi : { '
Latest Sis111 iil Is , j
Which in point of Quantity , Quality and Price , will m
compare favorably with any House west of f.I
Chicago. {
All goods are marked ' m
in Plain Figures , and sold at Strictly One Pkice. fl
We continue to give Ten per cent , discount on all • '
and other heavy Winter Goods until March 15th. ' fifl
We have just received a line of " Vk- M
Dress , Brmng Working Gloves , I
in Kid , Dog-Skin , Goat and Buck-Skin. <
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. 'j '
McCOOK , NEB. , FEB. 16th , 1887. < ? \
J ! , j
5 . : o : I J
- - - - - j
| - - - -
| : o : _ | J
l Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. i |
{ m m | !
j A. PROBST & BRO. | .
* " ]
Q. Why is it that everybody gets his clothes made by L. / \ \
Bernheimer ?
A. Because he always keeps a large assortment of the * j
best imported and domestic goods on hand , and he never 4
fails to give entire satisfaction in every particular. These , <
ire the reasons why we advise all who want anything in the :
Merchant Tailoring line to call on ( \ ;
3mzENSBA BDi ° LDiNa. The Merchant Tailor. > \ \
The Howard Lumber Co. * ; |
Limber & Coal , $
i :