The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1887, Image 6

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j ' ' II
! McCOOK , Main St. , HEBRASKA.
Fifty Young Men to attend
The MaHatieu University
Spring Term , "beginning April 7th , 1887.
Fifty young men who are poor.
Fifty young men who have the element of true manhood.
Fifty young men who will work 4 hours each school day ,
and 10 hours each Saturday , for their board and tuition.
I Rooms will be provided , with the necessary furniture ,
each student to furnish his own bedding.
"We will admit 50 on these conditions and give thorn em
ployment during the summer vacation , so far as practicable ,
to apply on their expenses for the ensuing term.
All who will avail themselves of this opportunity , will
please send their names to me at once , that arrangements
may be made.
If This proposition will be closed when 50 names have been
j | enrolled.ALLEN
ALLEN BARTLEY , Financial Mgr.
ill This does not include special studies , as Music , Art and Business.
jji JB&ivi Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronger Built ,
HI " * * fl and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only
111 KanSn ? absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of
j y Jl Thousands Erected During 12
11 iKS Tears past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower
fj MiIJSm standing. A record no other Mill can show. TVe offer
) j | /I1m to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS
jj TOIy/fisM And lf they dont glve satlsfactIon > viil remove Mill at ou
ti _ vajSLyI ovra CXVCDS0kso Manufacturers of the Celebrated
| Mjr"tyjj ! Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shelters , Iron Pumps
I m/ " affjiJb • with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks.
II tip IJ fc I 1 .1i For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to
/S M - G. B. NETTLETON3 McCook , Nel ) . ,
| r • , a SS ] SS Agent for Southwestern Kebraska and Northwestern Kansas.
* a 2 s rSA = si .
r Oacoa = iSalerosaiatJieMcCokPcoaiIill,2ailreidSt.
I Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,
The Most Complete Line
Southwestern Nebraska
I "Will you please announce that the
1 meeting of the annual encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic has ,
by authority of the council of adminis
tration , been postponed to the 16th of
March , for the reason that the 16th of
February will be among the closing
days of the legislature , and it would be
l impossible for the commander and
many members of the legislature to
leave their spheres of duty at that
time. The encampment will therefore
be held in Omaha on the 16th and 17th
of March. John M. Thayer.
IIeadquautehs , Dep. op Neb. , )
Grand Army op the Republic , j
General Orders , I
No. 13. f
Grand Island , Neb. , Feb. 7 , ' 87.
For the purpose of securing the lo
cation of the Ninth Annual Reunion of
Soldiers and Sailors to be held in the
year 1887 , at such time as may be des
ignated by the Tenth Annual Encamp
ment Department of Neb. , G. A. R. , I
will receive sealed proposals at De
partment Headquarters in Grand Is
land , Neb. , until March 12th , 18S7 ,
from cities , towns and villages of the
Propositions must be accompanied
by a written guarantee endorsed by five
or more responsible persons , said doc
ument guaranteeing that their locality
will furnish gratis to the G. A. R. the
following :
First. At least 240 acres of land
for such reunion , suitable for camping ,
locate , plat out the camp , and prepare
camp for occupancy.
Second. Seventy-five tons of hay ,
fifty tons of straw , one hundred cords
of wood all.delivered to quartermaster
of camp on the reunion grounds , by or
before the first Friday prior to the re
Third. Furnish suitable guard for
such property for a period of nine days ,
said guard to be under the direction
and orders of the commander of camp.
Fourth. A good quality and suffi
cient quantity of water , to be delivered
in barrels under the direction of the
Commander of the Camp , for the needs
of 50,000 people one week , for drink
ing , cooking and washing purposes ; al
so enough stock water for 3,000 teams
of horses , mules , etc. , one week.
Fifth. Forty tons office to be de
livered during the week$5f the reunion ,
on the order of Commander of Camp.
Sixth. To transport free from any
point in the United States , and return
same , any tents , camp or garrison
equippage , munitions of war , hired or
loaned to the G. A. It. for such reun
ion , receive all material from the rail
road company , haul same to camp ,
pitch the tents , stake same , repack and
reload all material at the close of the
Seventh. To furnish a good and suf
ficient amount of advertising and dis
tribute the same , the expense of which
in total shall aggregate at least ( $350) )
three hundred and fifty dollars. Said
advertising to be out at least six weeks
before the reunion and done under the
direction of the reunion committee for
Eighth. To insure all such property
as may have to be insured , in some re
liable insurance company or companies
for the full period of time the property
may be in transit to , in use at or in
transit while being returned from the
Ninth. To furnish under the ap
pointment of the Commander of Camp ,
and pay for such services a sufficient
number of guards to protect property
and aid the Commander of Camp , and
and maintain a proper degree of order
during the week of the reunion.
Tenth. To furnish 50 saddles for
the use of the Calvary division , who
shall be responsible for the safe return
of same.
Eleventh. All the expenses inci
dent to the reunion in the pay of am
munition and material needed and used
on carrying out program of sham bat
tles , sunrise and sunset guns , caring
for pavillion , lighting same for camp-
fires , hiring of saddles and saddle horses
for use of Commander of Camp and his
staff , to be borne by the city , town or
village , that shall secure the location
of said reunion ; and all rights to main
tain rents accruing from sutler stores ,
booths , dining halls , all business firms ,
places of amusement , shows , etc. , to
be received by the city , town or village ,
Provided , That no gambling or place
to vend spirituous liquors , wines or malt
beer , shall be allowed on the grounds
of the reunion.
Twelfth. In addition , the locality
must give a certain sum of money as a
cash donation for securing the reunion ,
said sum to be paid to the Department
Commander , at least thirty days before
the time fixed for the reunion of 1887 ,
for the use of the Department of Neb
raska , G. A. R.
Thirteenth. All bids must be en
dorsed as follows : Proposals for se
curing the Ninth Annual Reunion of
Nebraska Soldiers and Sailors , and ad
dressed to J. M. Thayer , Department
Commander , Grand Island , Nebraska.
Fourteenth. All posts of the G. A.
R. will , upon the receipt of this order ,
at once bring it to the attention of the
public in their localities , by securing
the gratis publication in the papers and
in other way.5 promulgate it.
Fifteenth. The Department of Neb
raska , G. A. R. reserves the right to
reject any and all bids. I
Sixteenth. All bids will be opened
and read by the Assistant Adjutant
General , at the meeting of the Council
of Administration at Omaha , Tuesday ,
March 16th , 1887 , when the selection
of location will be made.
By order of JOHN M. THAYER ,
Dept. Commander.
J. W. Liveringiiouse , A. A. G.
TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30.
E. Itothcrmel has completed his well , and
has six feet of water.
N. G. Sales was canvassingthis town. , last
week , taking orders for fruit trees.
Itov. Dwycr of Ohio arrived hero , Sunday.
He is looking after his land interests here.
Mrs. Geo. Coleman and Mrs. M. H. Cole vis
ited with Mrs. J. W. Corner , last Thursday ,
John Coleman of Perry , Iowa , was in this
town. , last week. He is a bi other of the Cole
man Bros , of McCook.
Baxter Davis is in the employ of the survey
ors of the now railroad. He informed us ho
got $50 per month for himself and team.
Wo are informed that tho railroad surveyors
have run the fourth lino across tho "big flat. "
Whon will they quit running lines and go to
work ?
Mr. Ilahn or Linn county , Iowa , was looking
over this part of tlio country , last week. He
said this is as line a country as he had ever
I seen.
J.N.Smith was in McCook , Saturday. Ho
stated to us that ho had spent 31 years in Indi
ana and Iowa , but this was the finest winter
he had ever seen.
A tramp occupied quarters in our school
house , Friday night. Wo don't objoct to his
carrying the wood in , but don't much like to
have him burn it.
An article of 18 lines appeared in the Iowa
State Journal , two weeks ago , written by an
old lesident of this town. Since then ho has
received over 40 letters of inquiry , in regard
to lrnd here.
Baxter Davis was in McCook , Tuesday , and
took out a load of supplies for the surveyors
of tho new railroad , who are camped near
James Patterson's.
We were glad to seo the familiar phiz of our
friend and neighbor , M. H. Cole , who has just
returned from quite an extended visit in Iowa.
He reports plenty of snow there and the
weather rather uncomfortably chilly ; in fact
too cold for a whito man to endure. He likes
Bed Willow county better than ever now.
Extracts from some letters recently receiv
ed by Wm. Coleman :
Clarion , Ia. , Jan. 31,1S87.
I have lived here seventeen years , but these
long cold winters are too much for a whito
man to endure. I want to immigrate. Ther
mometer , 38 degrees below zero.
zero.Geo. . Kinsox.
Altamoxty , Dakota , Jan. 20 , ' 87.
If I were located in a country where bliz
zards do not rule three-fourth of the year , I
would be better satisfied. E. Sarver.
Cherokee , Ia. , Jan. 31,1887.
I saw your statement in the Iowa State
Register , in regard to your fine weather. We
are all gathered around our hard coal burners ,
and it is mighty close work to keep warm at
-that. B. AV. Seeley.
Wolsey , Dakota , Jan. 30,1887.
It has been 43 degrees below zero here , and
not more than half a dozen days in the past
eight weeks , tnat it has thawed any. It is too
cold here for me. When I think of the frost
in the ground here , to the depth of four feet ,
and the ice in the river two feet thick , it
seems incredible that it is so warm down
there. X.
It is rumored that the long-expected Rock
Island is surveying for their road upon the
Divido "between " town. 1 and town. 2 , in a
southwesterly direction.
Hurrah for Danbury ! It is going to be a
second Chicago with its railroad stations , etc.
The G. A. R. are going to organize a post.
They have already 23 signers. '
Sam Graham has just received the monu
ment that he will erect over the grave of his
beloved son , who was killed in a snow slide ,
in the mountains in Colorado.
Henry Stanard , Johnnie Harber. Ira Mc-
Clung and G. McClung , young men from our
precinct are going , in about two weeks , to re
side upon their pre-emptions in Colorado ,
near the Yuma valley.
Granges are organizing in our precinct.
One was organized in district 37 , with 40 new
members , the first night. There will soon be
one organized in district 25. All the farmers
in this locality will soon be grangers.
Among the items of note which have mark
ed our history , since my last report , is that
some of the school districts in our part of the
county have not yet received their appor
tionment. And those who have received
theirs are uncertain as to their accuracy. The
school business of the county is in a very un
satisfactory shape. What is our superintend
ent doing ?
Your Correspondent.
Beautiful weather at present.
Mrs. Lawthers is quite ill.
Miss Flora Bell has gone home on a visit.
Mrs. Ford was out visiting last Friday.
Five visitors at the school last Friday after
Farmers have commenced looking for spring
Mr. Frampton will read the paper at the
literary , next Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. DeMay spent Sunday on the
Josiah French and wifo were down a week
ago , Tuesday.
Rev. Mori-is will preach at tho school house
on the evening of the 27th of February.
Miss Fannie Richardson who has been down
in Kansas for the past week has returned.
There were meetings at theschool house , last
Sunday afternoon and evening.
Albert Kennedy spent last week as the guest
of John Windsor ( ? ) Wo hope ho had a good
Alex. Ellis says be got lost on his road to
meeting , last Sunday evening. H. D. Walters
happened along on his new pony and showed
Alex , the road.
Some one had better look after the smiling
countenance of Jim Houchin , as he has not
put in his appearance at the meetings for a
long timo. But we suppose he has been look-
tng-after his lily.
On his road home , last Saturday evening ,
Tesse O. Goodwin was thrown from a horse ,
but escaped without injury. We think it isn't
i good plan to ride with the back to tho wind.
[ 8 It , Jessie ? B. J. J.
Tim Hunan has sold his horse.
Harmon Eaton lost a valuable horse , lust
week. •
j Rumor says our school will commence next
1 Monday ,
I They tripped tho light fantastic at Tim Ha-
nan's , last Wednesday night.
| Larry McEntco and a friend wero prospect
ing on Dry Crcok , last Wednesday.
I Everybody is asking Tim what's tho matter
of his nose. For tho boneilt of tho public , wo
, would just explain it camo in contact with a
sulky rake.
j James Hill arrived , Wednesday , from old
Michigan. He says the weather to-day is line
I to what it is and has been thero for tho last
four months.
F. H. Preston returned , last Friday , bringing
with him a helpmeet. That's right. Frank , and
| May you never grow old ,
j And always bo happy :
Nor fickle dame fortune ,
i In her race , pass you by ;
j And may some little cherub learn to call
you puppy
s In the long after time of the sweet by
j and by. UNO.
The band boys have received their new in
struments , which are undoubtedly the finest
in the Valley.
Mr. Sclnir commenced , to-day , the erection
of a business house on Commercial Avenue ,
30x30 , two stories high.
The public hall being built by Bann &
Graves is rapidly Hearing completion and
will be an ornament as well as a benefit to
our town.
Quite a number of teachers from Hartley
attended the Teachers' Association at In-
dianola , last Friday and Saturday , and re
port a very interesting time.
The Ladies' Aid Society will give an oys
ter supper , next Thursday evening , at the
University Hall , for the benefit of the choir
of the M. E. church.
Mrs. K. II. Chrysler has been quite sick ,
but has commenced to improve , and hopes
are entertained by her friends , that she will
soon be restored to her usual health.
February 15. Max.
D. W. Monms , wholesale and retail drug
gist , 139 Commercial St. , Emporia , Kas. , Jan.
10th , 1SS7. To Chamberlain & Co. , Des
Moines , Iowa : Gentlemen In sending to
you the enclosed order for a gross of your
Cough Iiemcdy , allow me to say that without
any exception it is the best selling goods now
in the market. 1 have sold a great amount
of it during the past year to the citizens of
this place , and have the first complaint to
hear. It is the best article to use for croup I
ever sold , being pleasant to take , which is an
important feature wiiere children have to take
medicine. Sold by Willey & Walker.
Says an exchange : "We still cling to the
simple fable that the acme of human reason
is to know when to lay down a poker.hand. "
Salt Rheum or tczema ,
Old sores and ulcers ,
Scaldhead and ringworm ,
Pain in the back and spine ,
Swelling in the kuee joints ,
Sprains and bruises ,
Neuralgia and toothache ,
Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and
chilblains , I warrant Bergs' Tropical Oil
to relieve any and all of the above.
McMjllkx & Weeks.
Itch , Mange , and Scratches of every kind
cured in 30 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless.
Warranted by S. L. GieenIruggist , McCook.
Calsomining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc.
with neatness and dispatch.
Orposltc Chicago Lumber Yard ,
All work warranted. All material furnished
if desired. Work done on short notice * .
t. e. Mccracken ,
Real Estate and '
= HEiiiilnsiirance Agent
Is prepared to write Policies on short notice
in the following standard , and old reliable
companies :
German American , of New York.
Commercial Union , of London.
Hartford , of Hartford , Conn.
Orient , of Hartford , Conn.
Springfield F. & M. , Springfield , Mass.
"Washington F. & M. , Boston , Mass.
Firemans Fund , San Francisco , Cal.
Farmers and Merchants , Lincoln , Neb.
m x n
Ludwick& Trowbridge
II&inEDTiifEP ? :
No.a ( i:40 , A.M. | No.40 6:25 : , P.M. > \
No.iW KiiCO , P.M. INo.l 8:65P.M. : %
C&rEiiHtuound trains run on Central Timo , '
and westbound trains on Mountain Timo. ,
Freight trains do not carry passongors.
It. it. woods , Agent. r
CONGREGATIONAL Preaching sorvlcos l ]
every Sunday morning at 10:80 o'clock , and |
evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 9 : < J0 , j
o'clock , A.M. , all mountain timo. „ . ]
Joel S. Kelsev , Pastor. - / ji
METHODIST. Services overy Sunday at 10 : ,
80 A. M. and 7 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School at 0:80 A. M. All arc cordially Invited.
Seats free. JtKltAUKiiAuaii , Pastor.
LUTH EUAN-Sorviees thesecond and fourth
Sundays of each month at 10:80 , A. M. . and
8:00 , P. M „ central time , at tho School Houso
J. W. Kimmel , Pastor.
l'i caching evoryEecoiid Sunday , at-o'clock ,
P. M. , mountain time , in tho Congregational
Church. Sunday School every Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. '
Divine Services will be held in tho Catholic
Church on :
February. . . .C June S October . .23
February.--18 July 8 November. .1
March (1 ( July 81 Novembor.20
March 18 August , 15 Deccmbor..l8 )
April 10 August 28 Dccember.JJa
May 8 September..25
Reserved pews for strangers.
Tuos. Cullex , Pastor.
A. O. U. \ \ ' . McCook Lodge No. 01 , will meet
the first and third Mondays of each month in i
the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially
Invited. W. E. Dauciiy , M. W.
w. II. Davis , Recorder.
McCook Leoiox No. 7 , Select Kniohts ,
A. O. of U. W. Meets every second and fourth '
Tuesday evenings of each month in Masonic I
Hall. All visiting comrades cordially invited ,
to asscmblo with us. 0. S. McCammox , '
A. II. Davis. Recorder. Commander. I
Regular meetings on the llrst and i
* third Tuesday evenings of each i
/ % \ month. S. L. Gueex , W. M.
' V \ w. S. Weiisteh , Secretary. {
McCOOK CIIAITER. U. D. Meets on the
llrst and third Thursdays of each month , at i
Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially t
invited. W. W. Fisiiek , II. P. \
T. G. Rees , Secretary. '
Meets every second and fourth Thursday
nights in each mouth. Visiting Sir Knights i
courteously invited. E. E. Lowmax , E. C.
S. Cokdeal , Recorder. |
Willow Ghove Lodge K. of P. , No. ]
42. Meets every Wednesday evening t
§ at Masonic Hall. A cordial invitation j
is extended to visiting Knights , ,
J. F. Fouues , C. C. J
T. II. CAMI'llELL , K. It. S. >
I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 187,1.0.0. P. , *
meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in
Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit- >
ed to meet with us. II. Tkowbhidge. ,
C. W. Paixe , Secretary. . Chief. j
15. of L. E. Brotherhood of Locomotive En- |
gincers. Meet llrst and fourth Saturdays of J
each month. T. J. McIxkoy , Chief. > ]
J. C. Axijeksox , F. A. E.
J. K. Hakxes Post G. A. R. Regular meet- ;
ings second and fourth Monday evenings of ,
each month at Masonic Hall. \
It. S. Cooley , Commander. j
S. D. Hunt , Adjutant. i
I hereby fix the time of holding the regular \
terms of District Court , in and for the coun'j '
ties comprising the Eighth Judicial District of t
Nebraska for the year 1887 , as follows : _ . f ti
HARLAN COUNTY January 17th , May Cth , 4 ; {
no jury. August 15th. no jury , October 81st. jl !
FURNAS COUNTY February 7th , August *
22nd , December 1st. no jury. |
KEARNEY COUNTY February 28th. July i
18th , no jury , September 12th , December 0th , J
no jury. { ,
PHELPS COUNTY March 7th , July 20th , no '
jury. September 2Gth. , i
RED WILLOW COUNTY March 28th , July J
22nd , no jury , September 2Jth ! , December 5th , v
no jury. h
HITCHCOCK COUNTY April 18th. Octo- I
bcrlOth. j
HAYES COUNTY April 22nd , October 11th. ! |
DUNDY COUNTY May 2d , October 21th.
PHASE COUNTY May 4th. October27th. \
GOSPEIt COUNTY-May 10th , November 2d. !
FRONTIER COUNTY May 18th , Novem
ber 4th.
WERSTER COUNTY May 28rd. July 25th , ' ,
no jury. November 14th.
FRANKLIN COUNTY July 18th , July 28th )
no jury , December 5th.Wm.
Wm. GASLIN , Judge.
Alma , Neb. . Jan. 1st. 1887. '
'I '
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. (
CT j ; P. O. address , Estelle , 1
R'JfetKMtf * . Hayes countand Beat- . (
W' : SlS ? > n " cc'NebHange. . Stink- <
& ? * 3 ffl&uSinx Wluer " ! French- {
Sg vl ° > u 1n cr * s. Chase Co. ,
3fi&M&rn ebraska. , ' {
W5 ' frja Rrand ascutonsidcof , .
S S ? * 4 some animals , on hip and ( \
i '
& 3gg | * 2E2S : sides of some , or any .
whereon the animal.
yjj f ? P.O. address , Carrico , ' . i
l&'fifc MtMS-e K.Hayes county. Neb.
Vfire wygn Itange : Red Willow ' I
2 JaBaHi creek' above Carrico.
* Kt < 3 ' 11
MaA f-ffeM Stock branded as abovi /j
X3rf7 vfl - so run ie following • <
JS jTIja "rands : S , J-P , U , X
SiiSgi45j | Horse brand , lazy w. L / '
-Mra P. O. address , McCook , "
TftvlgL Nohrnfikn. Rangesouth * '
\ y0B9BB of McCook.
W | ffi | Cattle branded on left " '
E23gjHHig0liip. AIfo , JO 5 . and
f- jHB 11 brands on left hip. i
/KfcsftSlIs as . Horses branded the \ \
B > GssP ? 3 l5E3S same on left shoulder. * _ (
JOHN F. BLACK. * j '
Breeder of Improved Sheep. :
l k Merino " l\ \
y J WL AXD ' J
T Southdown
( y tgi a&M k Personal in- } r
c 3 correspond- ? *
3 g gr4i y ence solicited. i
t m Address him I
$ g&4&S = § 8y at 1ed Willow ! f
> pj Nebraska. | f
Jg gfT _ . J. .
§ !
- : - - : - , I.f
f *