The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1887, Image 4

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. i j # _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
; Editors and Publishers
- ' • ' '
' * Editor Truiiine : In your Issue ol
week before last , you call attention t (
| the bill now before the legislature pro
* viding for tl c re-districting the state !
fe changing the Judicial Districts and : p
U pointing Judges for those in wly furnied
It is the cxperitMu-e of all lawyers , thai
I g > p < ] , competent , hornet Judges an
f most to be desired in new countries.
t The reasons are apparent to every think
* ing person : The settlers are , as a rule ,
* not over-burdened with this world's
goods ; they desuc to have their busl
? ness transacted as reasonably as possi-
I blc , and at the same time have justice
\ done to all. To accomplish this it is
\ -irable to have A Nisi Villus .IUDOK ,
f ' who will listen to what the attorneys on
both sides inav have to say , treat all
r with equal and exact justice , so far as
I it is possible , and in all respects to so
i demean himself as at all times and upon
all occasions to merit and receive the
respect -ipprobation. . not only of the
bar of his district , but the people of the
whole state , whether laymen or those
who have the honor to belong to that
j great profession made honorable by
% such noble men as Marshall , Webster ,
r Wright , Johnson , Black , Ivcnt , and
I hundreds of other. ? not so great , but
[ possessing honor , character and worth.
A few cents saved to a county by reason
of "rushing things , ' " may , and generally
I- does cost some one many times that
I amount to carry his case to the Supreme
| Court. We should look to the good of
l our neighbor as well as to saving the
I county a lew paltry dollars. Chief Jus-
| tice Maxwell has well and truly said :
f ' 'The prompt and rapid dispatch of
i business is desirable , but the proper
i administration of Justice is of much
J- greater importance is in fact the chief
object of the law. " Should the bill pass
j to which reference has been made , let
' us hope that some well qualified lawyer
who has resided in the district for a
sufficient length of time to know the
wants of the people will be appointed.
We desire and hope to have a Judge of
I ; whom we can all be proud , one who will
r be spoken of not for his great eccentric-
| ities , but for his kindness to all parties
having business before him ; one who
will be at all times and under all cir-
1 cuuistauces the peer of any one with
I whom he may be associated on , or off
of the bench. Nothing gives a lawyer
so much real pleasure as to hear another
speak highly of the Judge who presides
in his district : Nothing grieves him
more than to hear him justly ridiculed.
A good Judge makes a good bar , a poor
one a lot of captious , "sharp" petti
ng logger ? , a disgrace to the profession , to
j& & the community in which they live and a
curse to the whole human family. In
[ the matter of selecting a Judge for this
I district it seems to the writer that you
' have been fortunate in mentioning a
( most worthy gentleman. Should Mr.
Cochran receive , as it is hoped he will ,
the appointment , the people can be as-
• sured that he will reflect honor upon
the position he is in every way qualified
f to fill. As a citizen no one stands hidier ,
1 as a lawyer he has few equals and no
, ' superior in the district. Lkx.
We take pleasure in noting the fact
y of the confirmation , by the senate , of
Dr. William Knapp , as superintendent
of the asylum for the insane at Lincoln.
The "small bores " who have been firinjr
at the doctor , since his appointment ,
have their trouble for their pains very
properly. _ _ _ _ _ _
The Denver Circle railroad , togeth-
er with the Murphy coal banks of Jef
ferson county , were purchased , last
i . week , by F. E. Condid of New York
* City. It is generally understood that
r Mr. Condid made the purchase in the
behalf of the Chicago , Hock Island &
I Pacific railroad , for the purpose of se
curing terminal facilities in Denver.
The road will be organized under the
name of the Denver Terminal Company.
[ A terrible epidemic is now running
I its course in Omaha. Unlike other ep-
l idemics , it kills not only entails dis-
tress of pocket-book and makes men
r wise and cynical. We refer to the real
estate boom. Although the population
i of New York City would find ample
p. room within Omaha ' s borders , at this
[ writing , still additions are springing up
f- with gratifying celerity , in valley and ;
t on highland thereabout , and the aver-
i. age Omahammedan finds small time to <
, worship at any other shrine. It is a :
propitious time to sell , >
Copy of the proceeding of the Nintl
Annual Fecsion of the Department En
caiiipmcut , G. A. 1 * . , Nebraska , heh
at lied Cloud. Feb 17 and IS , 188G.
By unanimous consent , the followinj
resolution was offered by B. P. Cook-
viz :
JIed Ci.oun , Xeii. , Feb. 17,1SS0.
IIksoi/vko , By the department of freb
raska , Grand Army of the Hepublic , in Nintl
Annual Encampment assembled , that it ii
the unanimous wish of this Department tha
a census of all the ex-soldiers , sailors am
marines , lesidenLs of the State of Nebraska
may he taken at as early a date as possible
therefore he it
Itr.soivii > , That a committee of three
consisting of Comrades E. V. Hoggen , E. S
Dudley and II. A. Uabcock , be emo\vere <
to present the following act to the next legis
Inline , and watch its passage.
To provide for the publication of tin
names of all ex-soldiers , sailors and ma
lines , residing in Nebraska.
Bk it kxactki ) iv tiii : Liisi.atujie oi
Tin ? Statu ok Neiiuaska :
Sec. 1. The assessor of euch precinct
township or ward , shall make and deliver ti
the county clerk of their respective counties
at the time of making thrir annual assess
nient in the year LSS7 , and every two yean
thereafter , a corrected list of all persons win
served in the United States Army , Navj
and Marine Corps , during the war of 1812
the Mexican war , and the war of the Iiebel
lion , designating the rank , company , regi
ment , battery , or vessel in which they serv
ed , and their present residence and postoflicc
address , which several lists shall be returned
with the assessor's books to the county clerk ,
who shall , on or before the the llrst day ol
.June , 18S7 , certify to the secretary of state
a true copy of said lists , alphabetically ar
ranged by regiments and states , the secre
tary of state to furnish each county clerk
with sufficient blanks for this.purpose.
Sec. 2. The secretary of state on receipt
of said lists from the county clerks , shall
proceed to consolidate said lists alphabetic
ally by regiments and states , and publish
two thousand copies in book form as a roster
of the ex-soldiers , sailors and marines , now
residents of Nebraska , three copies of which
shall be furnished each Post of the Grand
Army of the Republic in the Slate of Ne
braska , one hundred copies to the stale li
brary for exchange with other libraries , fifty
copies to the commissioner of pensions , the
remaining books to be retained by the secre
tary of state for distribution.
Sec. 3. AH expense attending the publi
cation of the foregoing roster shall be paid
from the fund for printing laws , journals ,
and such other printing as is required under
Sec. 4. There being an emergency for the
taking effect of this act , the same shall take
effect and be in force from and after its
Resolved , That the committee have prin
ted a sufficient number of copies of this act ,
and that one copy be sent to each post com
mander in this Department , and one copy to
each member of the Legislature.
Besolutions received and referred to
committee on resolutions , who made the
following report :
Red Cloud , Neb. , Feb. 17,18S0.
Your committee , to whom was referred'
the resolution of Comrade Brad. P. Cook ,
regarding census , would recommend that it
L > e passed. Yours in F. , C. and L. ,
S. B. JONES , Chairman.
Ileport of committee received , and
uhe resolution of Comrade B. P. Cook ,
Dei.t. G. & Co. , prominent drug
; ists , Council Bluffs , Iowa , say they regard
Chamberlain ' s Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
.temedy , as the best preparation in the mar-
cet , and recommend it always , where prompt
tnd efficient treatment is required ; it always
; ives satisfaction and is an excellent medicine
or cramps , dianiuca and bowel complaint in
iither young or old persons. Sold by McMil-
en & Weeks.
Eeagan was about to have a walk-
iver for the senate down in Texas. Jay
} ould went down there on a philan-
hropic mission about the time the leg-
slature assembled , and now there is a
leadlock. It will be remembered that
dr. Beagan is the father of the idea of
lational and effective regulation of rail-
oads. Lincoln Democrat.
The lawyers of Omaha are just now
gitated upon only one subject , and that
3 who will be the new judges in this dis
trict. If they knew in advance whom
rovemor Thayer would appoint they
• ould know how to trim their sails-Bee.
A hill is before the bgislature hav-
ng for its object the establishment of
state board of health of six members.
> r. Z. L. Kay of this city is promi-
ently mentioned as Southwestern Neb-
iska's representative. The Tribune
econds the motion.
Colby is the most active bill intro-
ucer in the legislature. Up to date he
as introduced measures designed to
'form every condition of affairs in the
eavens above , in the earth beneath and
le waters under the earth , with several
junties still to be heard from.
Courier : The new steel cells are
ow in place in the county jail , and we
ould advise those who contemplate
ay serious violation of the law to take
look at them beforehand The
urns of McCook took an airing before !
udge Baxter , last week , the moving j
mse thereof , being the alleged at- .
mpt of two gamblers to kill another
' their fraternity. , t
EDITED 11Y W. C. T. U.
Be teetotlers if only for economy's sake.
"Money is tight , " says the market report
No wonder ; so much of it goes to saloons.
"Wine is a mocker , strong drink is raging
and whosoever is deceived thereby is no *
wise. "
The sale of liquor has been prohibited oi
property owned by the Northern Pacific R
R. , by order of its president , Robert Harris
His wife is said to have inspired the order.
'One year ago North YakimaV. . T. , hu ;
nineteen saloons ; now it has none ; all dm
to the white ribbjn women of the town , wlu
have labored incessantly to uproot the sa
Scientific temperance is being taught in all
the public schools of Chicago. The supei in
tendent of schools , when asked why tin
study was introduced , answered : "Itwat
to meet a demand and to keep abreast of the
times. "
The ladies of the W. C. T. u. will hold
their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo.
Hocknell , February nth , at 2:80 o'clock. All
interested in the cause of temperance , arc
earnestly invited to meet with them.
Mns. M. A. NoitTiiiiin * , Sec'y.
Bishop Asbury having been compelled to
spend a night in a cabin tavern , standing in
a western wilderness in which night had
overtaken him , found himself in very rough
company , and being asked to take a drink of
whisky , he replied , "No , I make no use of
the devil's tea. "
The rum-seller is a greater enemy to man
kind than the highwayman. The latter with
presented pistol demands your money or
your life ; the former passes the glass to his
victim and receives his money and his life.
While he also demands his reputation , char
acter , anil happiness.
Facts connected with the internal revenue
during the year 1SS0. Up to October , there
were 024,000,000 gallons of beer used , which
would be 10.S5 gallons for every one in the
land. During the same time 70,70:5,010 : gal
lons of whiskey were drunk , or 1.10 gallons
per capita. 191,023,50 : ; pounds of tobacco for
smoking and chewing , or : .22 pounds for
every one. There were l,510$73,5o9 : cigars
consumed , or 59.2 per capita , and lol0,550 , -
512 cigarettes , or 22.1 for each one. With
these facts before us , need we wonder that
we arc burdened with hard times.
We are told that as you approach tiie city
of Louisville from the east an impressive
scene is presented to the view. Just beyond
you in the valley are huge distilleries , with
a capacity of hundreds of barrels of whiskey
per day. Farther out to the left , on an de
ration , is the city infirmary , where the vic
tims of this business are cared for at public
expense. A little farther on , and in plain
iiew , is the cemetery , where lie the bones of
thousands of victims of the whiskey demon ,
[ low true the lines :
"Step by step ho leads his victim ,
To the vcrpe of dread dispuir.
Hurls him o'er the brink of ruin ,
Luuglis and leaves him helpless there.
Widowed heart and homes deserted ,
Helpless children orphans made ;
What a picture ! God of mercy ,
Let this cruel tide be stayed. "
No cause has , within the past five or six
rears , made such progress as that of temper-
uice , and nothing is more evident than that
.vithin . the next decade it is destined to exer-
• ise a most potent influence on the course of
jolitieal action and legislation in all the
nost civilized countries in the world. It has
airly got out of the slough of conte ' mpt ; and
jven those who have no sympathy with its
ibjects and operations cannot help watching
ts movements with interest , while politi-
: ians are fain to trim their sails to the rising
) ieeze , and are beginning to speak respect-
ullyof what they had hitherto ridiculed ,
mil to endorse what they had till lately ,
) olh bitterly opposed and unspaiingly con
temned. The situation is hopeful , and the
> rospccts encouraging. Let all help , and
he result will cast into the shade all that
las hitherto been accomplished.
Program for the Teachers' Association to
ie held in Indiauola , Neb. , Friday and Sat-
rday , Feb. 11th and 12th , 18S7 :
FKIDAY , 11M. .
Opening exercises.
Discussion Etiquette of the School Room.
Ipened by Miss J. Blackburn.
Discussion Penmanship. Opened by Miss
I. Weaver.
Discussion Reading. Opened by Miss
Lima McNamara.
Discussion How can tattling among pu-
ils be controlled ? Opened by Miss Murphy.
Discussion The teachers' general course
f reading and its influence on pupils. Open-
id by F. D. Heckard.
evening , 7 : C0ijr. .
Opening exercises.
Lecture Music as an element of popular
istruction. Rev. Joel S. Kelsey of McCook.
Opening exercises.
Discussion What position should teachers
ike in regard to the use of tobacco. Chas.
Discussion Opening exercises. Opened
y Supt. W. S. Wheeler.
Discussion Best method of teaching gram-
lar. Opened by Prof. Win. Smith.
Discussion Task or Entertainment.
Hiich ? Opened by Arthur Brent.
Discussion Arithmetic for beginners.
pened by Lue. Chrysler.
The Teachers' Local Reading Circle will
eer , Saturday afternoon.
We earnestly request all teachers to arouse
i much interest as possible in their pupils
i regard to penmanship , and bring many
lecimens of penmanship from the sentences
ilected , viz :
"Truth crashed to earth will rise again. "
[ ) nward and upward. "
Lle. Chiiysleij , Sec'y-
Money to Loan
On improved farms. Money furnish- :
I for final proofs without delay and at
w rate of interest. First door north ,
' the depot. 11. D. Babcock.
Try the Commercial House , when
' McCook , just once !
1 will sell atiny residence , one-hall
mile west of McCook , on
SATURDAY , FKB. 5tii. 1887 ,
the followingdescribed property , to-wit
75 High Grade Cows ,
25 Common Cows ,
2 Good Saddle Ponies ,
1 Hay Frame ,
1 Two-Horse Wagon ,
1 Sett Double Harness ,
1 Large Water Tank ,
With numerous other implements not
Teiois of Sale. All sums under
$10 , cash. Over $10 , 8 month's time ,
with good bankable security. All stock
must be settled for before removing
same from the yard. John Farley.
McCook , Neb. . December IS , ISSii.
Complaint having been entered at this olllcc
by .1 nines Isinlinrt. ajrainst Catherine Jlnjree.
her lieirs and Icjml representatives , lorahan-
doninjr her Ilome.stead Entry No. : KWi , dated
at North Platte. Neli. . March 17th , KSS.5 , upon
the south' , northwest J4 , and lots 15 and 4.
section 2 , town. 1 north , ran e 2'J , west , in
Hod Willow county. Neb. , with a. view to the
cancellation or said entry , the said parlies are
hereby summoned to appen-at this oilice on
the 2d day of March. IS87 , at 1(1 ( o'clock. A. M. ,
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
32 S. P. IIAHT , Register.
Laxi ) Office at McCook , Ned. , |
February 'id , 18S7. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler lias lllcd notice of her intention
to make dual proof in suppoit of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Itegis-
teror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday.
March 11th , I8S7 , viz : Oertrnde A. Coleman on
Homestead No. IKtiC for tho southeast } { sec
tion 12. town.1 , north , range 31 , west. She
names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Archibald H.Davis. Huxtcr
J. Davis. John N. Smith and Esrom Hother-
mel , allot'McCook , Neb.S. .
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neh. , i
January 2lth , 18S7. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
March 14th. 1SS7 , viz : William S. Hamilton ,
on Homestead 24 ! < 7 , for the northeasti \ sec
tion 28. town. 3 , range 29 , west. He names tho
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of. said land ,
viz : Silas H. Colvin , Charles Ilinuinn , Ed
ward Hinman and William Doyle , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , i
January 28th , 1S87. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before lteg-
ifter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
March 11th. 1887. viz : John H. Evert on Home
stead 3012 , for the south Vj northwest H and
north i.i southwest Ji , section 27 , town3rango
29 , west. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of. said land , viz : W. S. Hamilton ,
William Doyle. Richard Johnston and Silas H.
Colvin , all of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
January 2Cth , 1887. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
io make final proof in support of his claim ,
tnd that faid proof will be made before Regis-
: er or Kcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
March 11th , 1887 , viz : Fred. Benjamin , on
Homestead Entry 3-J13 , for the north Vi north-
iast M section 31 , west 'A northwest hi section
! 2. town. 2. range 29 west. He names the fol-
owing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
lence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
3. J. Henderson , Stephen Hopkins , W. A. De-
day and George Reed , all of McCook. Neb.
35. S. P. HART , Kegister.
Land Office at McCook , Ne . , i
• January 21th , 1887. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
utmed settler has filed notice of her intention
o make final proof in support of her claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Iteceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
lurch 8th , 1887. viz : Emma M. Carter , on Pre
option D. S. 3747 , for the southeast * south-
: ust ij , section 17. town. 4 , range 29 , west. She
mines the following witnesses to prove her
iontinuous residence upon , and cultivation
if , said land , viz : William Y. Johnson , John
rl. Henderson , Samuel D. McClain and Mi-
ihael Dooley , all of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neu. , i
January 11th 1&87. f
Notice is hereby given that the fo'lowing- '
uimed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
: nd that said proof will be made before Regis-
eror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur-
lay. February lDth , 1887 , viz : Lloyd Hilcmun
in Prc-Emption D. S. 3790 , for the southeast H
ection 11 , town. 2 , range 30 , west. He names
lie following witnesses to prove his continu-
us residence upon , and cultivation of , said
nnd , viz : George J. Frederick. John Frcder-
3k , John Whittaker , James M. Boatman , all of
IcCook , Neb. S. P. HART , Kegister.
Land Office at McCook , Neh. , I
December 31,18SG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
anted settler has filed notice of her intention
o make final proof in support of her claim ,
nd that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
'ebruary 11th , 18S7 , viz : Isabella E. Johnson ,
onnerly Isabelle E. Hickling. on Homestead
lo. U97 , for the southwest h southeast M ,
outh Vi southwest > 4 and northwest h south-
rest J4 , section 17 , town. 4. north range 29 ,
rest. She names the following witnesses to
rove her continuous residence upon , andcul-
ivation of , said land , viz : Alfred Carter ,
ames llobinson. William Doyle and Stewart
loge , all of McCook , Nebraska.
32 S. P. HART , Register.
Land Oi-fice at McCook , Neb. , I
December 18 , 18SG. f
Notice is hereby given that the l'ollowing-
amed settler lias filed notice of hr intention
} make final proof in support of her claim ,
nd that said proof will bemadc before Regis-
3r or Iteceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
ebruary 4th , 18S7. viz : Martha G. Dillon , on
re. D. S. 3 ? . j1 , for the east 'A southwest hi
ection 27 , town. 2 north , range 29 , west. She
times the following witnesses to prove her
intinuous residence upon , and cultivation
f , said land , viz : William Waters , John
talker , James Troy and Isaiah Smith , all of
IcCook , Neb. S. P. HART , Kegister.
The Spring Creek Cattle Company , by a ;
Dte of all its stockholders , have this day
osed business. Any unsettled accounts
lould be presented at once to George Hock- '
ell , McCook. Neb.
January 24th , 18S7. GEO. Hocknell.
. M. Frees , Sec'y. President.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership i
tely existing between E. M. Brickey and
inrles Noble , under the style and firm name
' . Noble & Brickey , was dissolved by mutual
msent the ISth day of January. 1SS7. Charles
oble is authorized to make settlement of all
ibt8 owing to or oy the late firm. |
E. M. Brickey , \
Chas. Noble.
'KIBUNE ' - : • JOB - : - OFFICE ,
f . ,
HC 111 .1 Jj T ,
Our Store in the New Brick ,
Over twenty-five years EXPERIENCE in studying ,
the wants of customers , finding out the QUALITIES
that are right , Avill be used to the utmost , and quali
ties and makes we offer , j
Our RULES making it SAFE to BUY will he in ,
full force , and the GOODS wi 11 bear the STRICTEST .
We do. FAIRER by CUSTODIERS then thev are
ACCUSTOMED too , and stick to our PRIN
CIPLES. Every sale is subject to our
GUARANTEE. We sell at
The Lowest anybody can bay at. We Mark
all goods in Plain Figures.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i
iuh I 'iiMuuu liiiiJ Iiliilu ui. , '
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. I
IToCOOK , NEB. , JAN'Y 18th , 1887.
_ _ _ _
I I II lll l ! II llllll-I IMI I ll lllll IHl III ! I ! II I II I ! IIHHIW I IIMM I WI ! Ill-ill I /
s s
i <
_ . . j jj
\ - - - -
; - - - -
i Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. \ ' 1
j A. PROBST & BRO. [ - 1
Q. Why is it that everybody gets his clothes made by L. jl
lernheimer ? il
A. Because he always keeps a large assortment of the < jl
est imported and domestic goods on hand , and he never ' 1
lils to give entire satisfaction in every particular. These ; 'l
re the reasons why we advise all avIio want anything in the
[ erchant Tailoring line to call on 9
LTi sBAxifBraDixG.The fWerchant Tailor. 1
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - - - > H
jFWfetirae Office * J