The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 27, 1887, Image 5

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    THUBSDAY , JAN. 27 , 1887.
Indicates that your subscription to till
paper HAS EXVIUED , and that a conlii
invitation is extended to call and rene1
the same. Subscription , ? 2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
E3Er"Chas. Noble , the leading grocei
Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. LA
A full line of hardware , stoves am
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
American Settler's Guid (
for sale at THE TRIBUNE office.
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , ii
the best place to buy your hardware.
Gilt and red seals for sale al
THE TRIBUNE stationery department.
The best fresh and salt meats in the
market at Brewer & Wilcox's ineal
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fal
hogs. Call at their market , Main
GST" Drawing books at THE TRIBUNE
stationery , blanks and blank book de
25F" Best Mince Meat in the market
at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cents
per pound.
It will pay you to call at C. D. Pal
mer's hardware store before purchasing
Bring the babies to Millers's photo
graph gallery now , while the weather
is pleasant.
latest and most accurate
Nebraska state maps for sale at THE
TRIBUNE office.
The new grocery store of Chas.
Noble is the place to purchase your
groceries and provisions.
A well selected assortment of fresh
candies at Chas. Noble's. His stock
is fresh and clean.
Only three wagons left of last car.
Will sell cheap to make room i'nr new
goods. C. P. BINKER.
When you want a sack of good
flour , go to Harvey Bros. ' feed store.
They keep grades to suit everybody.
Miller takes every imaginable kind
of pictures in the most life-like and ar
tistic style , at the old Marble gallery.
A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
queensware , and in fact everything in
the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
Bemember that Chas. Noble is head
quarters for everything fresh and clean
in the staple and fancy grocery line.
G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse
power feed grinder , with attachment
for shelling corn or any other kind of
rotary work.
* Geared feed grinders , with four or
six horse power and sheller attach
ments. Just the thing to make fat
hogs , at Banker's.
A line of very handsome , library
hanging lamps at Chas. Noble's. Call
and see them.
Scissors , pen knives , carving knives
and forks , all kinds of cutlery , as low
as the lowest , at C. D. Palmer's oppo
site McEntee Hotel.
Another car of the best wind mills
on earth just received by C. P. Binker.
Also in car , 5,000 pounds of pump fit
tings jof every style imaginable.
Wiley & Bede are loaning money on
farms at the lowest raies. illso have
special bargains in real estate , at
They are very busy at Miller's gal
lery , just now , but if you desire your
picture taken in an artistic manner ,
call and they will find the time to ac
commodate you.
There can be 100 Beclining Chairs
sold in McCook. Some energetic per
son should get the agency of these
chairs and canvass the city. We have
one ot these chairs and we take a great
deal of'solid comfort" in it. Get a
chair at once and you will never regret
it. Adv-
The "NePlus Ultra Beclining Chair"
is the finest chair we ever saw for the
money. You can find comfort in any
position. It takes the place of a crib ,
cot , hammock or sofa. Every family
should have one of the chairs. No of
fice can afford to do without them.
Send to the Reclining Chair Co. , Blue
Springs , Neb. , for a sample chair.
Price with fine brussels carpet , $4.00.
We have just received the best as
sortment of blank books , composition
books , correspondence tablets , counter
books , drawing books , exercise books ,
invoice books , ladies' shopping books ,
ladies' visiting lists , letter copying
books , manilla blanks , memorandums ,
such as butcher books , desk flexible
American morocco , flexible American
Bussia , flexible Persian Bussia. press
board and sheep , also notes , drafts , re
ceipts , writing pads , vest pocket , press
board and printed press board pass
books , students note books , time books ,
this city. Call
etc. , ever brought to
and examine them. "We have the line
and our prices will catch you. At THE
TRIBUNEStationery Department
Note the change in J. C. Allen <
Cn.'s adv. , this issue.
Bemember about the suggestions t
water consumers in another place.
Perhaps a little dilatory , progressiv
euchre has finally taken a foothold i :
our city.
The county commissioners will prol
ably wrestle with the county printin ;
question , to-morrow.
A number of communications an
crowded out of this issue unavoidably ,
They will appear in our next.
What with three or four railroad :
"in sight , " things in general promise
to be interestingly lively in the spring
The Y. P. A. will meet , to-morrov
evening , at the residence of Train Mas
ter Phelan. A cordial invitation ii
Stock are doing better , this winter ,
than for a number of years past. This
is the universal opinion and reporl
from all sections.
We hope that the disgraceful proceed
ings of last Sunday evening will arouse
the authorities to the imperative neces
sity of cleansing the city of its tough *
and hoodlums. Let no guilty man
Eventually there shall be a "good
thing in it" for the enterprising
man who plants a grist mill in this
city. This project seeme to be making
haste slowly , as it were , but we must
have it.
In common with various other points ,
our coal dealers are experiencing some
difficulty in keeping well stocked with
black diamonds , on account of the dila
tory manner in which their orders are
filled by the fuel companies.
At a meeting of the Agricultural
Society held at Indianola , Saturday , the
following officers were elected : Boyal
Buck , president ; S. J. Stockton , first
vice-president ; Harlow W. Keyes , secre
tary ; J. S. Phillips , treasurer.
The Lincoln Land Co. , we have it ,
isfnegotiating with Ex-Governor Fur-
nas to plant trees , shrubbery , etc. , in
the city park. No better man can be
secured in the state for the purpose.
We hope they may be successful.
The recent flurry has made property
jwners less anxious to dispose of their
possessions. Some have withdrawn
: heir property from the market , while
) thers have raised the price thereon ,
ivhieh has practically the same effect.
The B. & M. civil engineers , who
lave been encamped at this place for
, he past week , Tuesday morning , moved
; heir headquarters some ten or fifteen
niles northwest of this place , and are
: ontinuing their survey in that direc-
; ion.
After a lapse of twenty-four years ,
\Iajor \ Williams received official notifi-
: ation , the other day , that a claim of
lis of $399 , for two horses lost in the
: ivil war , had at last been audited.
Uncle Sam's mill is very like unto the
: mills of the gods , " sometimes.
The dwellers on the classic Brush
md Ash creeks , southeast of the city , are
vont to indulge in weekly dances this
ialubrious weather , at the various
ionics in that neighborhood. The mu-
; ic is rendered by the Colvins , and en-
oyable occasions are reported.
Every young man who is desirous of
> btaining a good education at the very
owest and most favorable terms , should
iddress Bev. Allen Bartley , business
nanager of Mallalieu University , at
Sartley , Neb. Bead their advertise-
nent in another column.
The musicians of the city , and we are
veil provided in this particular depart-
uent of the sublime art , are oontem-
) lating the organization , or rather the
e-organization , of a band. There is
10 better band material in Nebraska
han we have right here in McCook.
A"h SO-acre tract of land adjoining
he corporation on the north , and situ-
ited just west of Peter Boyle's farm ,
las been purchased by C. H. Boyle for
> 1,200. In view of the city's prospects
Charlie now holds the 80 at $2,500 , a
igure which has the appearance of
argeness , but which will doubtless be
ealized in due time.
February 1st , our list of delinquent
ubscribers will be placed in the hands
f an attorney for collection. The pub-
ishers are not disposed , even were they
ble , to carry anj considerable number
f dead-beats. We shall take this fin-
1 means of lightening the load. This
iotice has all the simon-pure elements
f business in its intent.
Try the Commercial House , when
n McCookr just once !
' The school children participated in
surprise at Dr. Kay's elegant home
last Friday evening , in honor of thei
, esteemed teacher , Miss Alice Murphy
A joyous little affair is reported.
I JST'Oil papers for letter books a
THE TRIBUNE stationery department.
The "Q. A. T. " dancing club indulg
ed in their opening hop at the Open
Hall , Friday evening. A large attend'
arice and a grand time were leading
and pleasing features of their initia
dance. These occasionspromise to b (
among THE social events of the winter.
SST'E.j.'gs wanted at Chas. Noble's.
The highest market price paid.
Water consumers will do well to note
the fact that between Saturday nighl
and Monday night no' water will be
pumped into the tank or water mains.
Becent improvements at the pump house
have made it necessary to change the
position of the pumps. It is therefor
imperative that consumers be as sparing
in the use of water between the above
ilates as possible.
Bargains in stoves and tinware at C.
D. Palmer's.
In view of the present railroad boom
THE TRIBUNE is perfecting arrange
ments with the divers and sundry rail
way corporations now wistfully casting
longing optics o'er this fair land , to the
end that at least every quarter section
of land here or hereabouts may have its
main line and full quoto of feeders. It
is hoped that this fairly generous pro
vision may meet with reasonable satis
Take your hides , buiter and eggs to
Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
Owing to an imperfection in the law
creating the office of register of deeds
in counties having 15,000 population
the intent of the measure was defeated.
A bill has now been introduced in the
legislature with the same purpose , and
it should become a law. If it does it
svill become operative at once , as the
sounty commissioners of the several
Bounties are authorized to select tem-
porarj7 incumbents.
Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. LA-
A recent issue of the Omaha Bee
jontains a rabid tirade against things in
general , in this city , and the railroad-
md Lincoln Land Co. , in particular.
iVhen it becomes known that the sup-
) osed author of that screed , last year ,
raveled on a railroad pass , and that
, his year he was unable to secure one ,
: ou have the animus of the thing in
oto. Being unable to concentrate suf-
icient of his ample and ponderous in-
luence to bear upon the corporations
lamed , he seeks to "get even" with
hem via lampoonry.
Lemons , Oranges and Saucr
vraut at WILCOX & FOWLER'S.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
larris , on North Main Avenue , was
he scene of a progressive euchre party
if a felicitous character , Tuesday of this
reek. Supplementary zest was added
o the occasion , as the game progress-
id , in the form of refreshments. The
larticipants were : Dr. and Mrs. T. B.
Stutzman , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Noble ,
Jr. and Mrs. E. W. Weeks , Mr. and
Irs. W. J. Hills , Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
jawson ; Misses Elder , Avery , McAl-
) in , Northrup ; Mrs. M. A. Northrup ;
lessrs. Boyle , Forbes , Marvin , Mc-
ypin , Kinmiell. The first prize was
yon by Mrs. Weeks. The booby prize
? as well it was won also.
Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. LA-
BURETTE & Co. ' s.
The frame building on the corner of
Jain Avenue and Dodge street , occu-
licd at present by Messrs. Berger &
) avis as a temperance billiard hall ,
r-as purchased , yesterday , by F. L. Mc-
Uracken , who has also been fortunate
Q securing a long lease on the lot upon
chicli the building stands , the real es-
atc being held at a figure so high as to
ilace it practically out of the market ,
t this time. The present occupants
rill move into the basement of the
franklin brick , about February 15th.
Ir. McCracken purposes having the
oom overhauled , painted , calcimined ,
nd other more material alterations
jade , and expects to occupy his new
uarters about March 1st. It is one of
lie most desirable'locations in the city.
A fresh lot of candies received at
'has. Noble's , this week.
The society reporter desires to state ,
i this remota place , that the "booby
rize" was heroically "seoope'd" by the
anior hereof. "But for heaven's sake
on't say I told you.1 M
Last Sunday night , the gambling n
sort of C. H. Wilson in the brick buih
ing opposite the McEntee House , o
W.est Dennison street , was the scene e
a disturbance , which probably had a
the elements of murder in it. Th
dramatis persona ) wore the proprietoi
and two vi.-itin iin'i\- l.nof ! the gree
cloth known in sportiim circles as Hai
ry Gordon and Charlie Davis. We wil
not tire or disgust our readers with th
details. The difficulty , it appears frou
the testimony , arose over the refusa
of Wilson to allow Davis "to play ii
the game , " Sunday afternoon. Thi
led to some words , but the matter wa
quieted down for the time , Gordon am
Davis , who were in liquor at thetime
leaving the room. About nine o'clpck
Sunday evening , Gordon and Davis re
turned , broke into Wilson's apartments
and finding him the sole occupant , pro
ceeded , to use the slang phrase , "to d (
him up , " using knife and revolver it
the execution. How well they succeed
ed , Mr. Wilson's physiognomy attests
The commotion attracted quite a crowc
and in the consequent excitement , Da
vis made good his escape , Gordon be
ing taken into custody. He came u ]
for trial , Monday , before Squire Ben
nett , who dismissed the case. The
gambler was re-arrested and brough
before Squire Wiley. County Judge
Baxter was summoned by telegram , the
case before Squire Wiley was dismissed
and the action brought before the Coun
ty Judge. The case will be re-tried at
Indianola , to-day , we hope with very
different result than that reached at the
trial in this city , Monday. THE TRIB
UNE believes it voices' the sentiment of
this community when it states that the
verdict of Tuesday is net satisfactory.
Anything in the line of hardware or
: inware at C. D. Palmer's.
norning , Miss Ella Buck , while en
oute to the Bed Willow postoffice , was
; hrown from her pony and instantly
cilled. The fatal accident was witness-
id by no one , save a little girl , who
san give small information throwing
ighfc upon the sad affair. The pony
ia § been in the family for 3'ears , and is
ionsidered perfectly trustworthy. The
iupposition is that the animal became
Tightened at some object aud shied
iuddenty , throwing Miss Buck violent-
y headlong to the hard , frozen earth ,
irushing her skull. This sad news
vill be learned with deep sorrow by the
lumerous friends of Judge Buck and
auiily all over the county. THE TRIB-
INE voices the profound sympathy of
his entire community toward those
bus bereaved of a loved one in so ter-
ible a manner. The funeral will take
dace , from the residence of the parents
.t Bed Willow , to-morrow morning at
.0:30 , central time , Bev. Joel S. Kel-
ey of this city conducting the same.
Lhe remains will be interred at Indi-
Gospel Temperance Meeting.
The W. C. T. U. of this city will
iold a gospel temperance meeting in
he Congregational church , next Sun-
lay evening , January 30th , at 7 o'clock
Qountain time. Bev. Joel S. Kelsey
rill deliver the address. All are cor-
.ially invited. By order of
A class in book-keeping is beincr
ormed by H. T. Anderson. All per-
ons desirous of entering the class
hould report to him at once at the
] ity Drug Store.
WANTED A girl to do general
iouse-work. Apply at the Farmers &
lerchants Bank.
Note change in the Famous Clothing
Jo.'s adv.
Contractor Kikindall is putting up a nice
jsidence for his family , who will come here
i the spring.
This beautiful weather is a pleasant revela-
: on to some of our citizens who have hcreto-
jre sojourned in the eastern states.
A revival meeting has been in progress here
uring the past week , with nineteen conver-
ions to date , and still the good work goes on.
The 19th of this month was a day of rejoic-
ig to Mr. and Mrs. Andrus , on account of the
rrival of their first born a line baby
irl. Mother and child are doing well. Fath-
r , ditto.
The building boom has commenced in earn-
it , and we note the following buildings in
rocess of erection : Messrs.Daun and Graves
public hall , on the corner of Walnut and
emon streets ; two houses on Lemon street ,
yMrs.Sibbitt ; a dwelling house on Sinipson
: reet , by Mr. Burton.
The Death Aneel has again visited Bartley
tid taken the little babe of J. H. Harrison
: om this world of sin and sorrow , to the
right world above. The funeral services
ere conducted by Itev. W. S. Wheeler , assis-
: d by Bev. Allen Bartley. We are glad to
ote that Mrs. Harrison has nearly recovered
er usual health. They have the sympathy of
ic entire comunity in this their hour of sor-
j37 Under tbls heart we would bo plcascil I
have our friends throughout the city acquair
usof thearrivalauddepartureoftheirvishor
I. T. Benjamin arrived in the city on tli
noon train , to-day.
Daniel Donahue , a former B. & M. eusii
eer , was in the city on Friday last.
JL O. Phillips of the Lincoln Land Co ,
and brother O. II. , arc in the city , to-day.
G. II. 3Iurphy , It. II. Sailors and J. .A
Sailors , of Palisade , had land business ii
town , Saturday.
Miss Ada P. Buck arrived from Lincoln
last night , being called home by the death o
her sister , Ella.
County Supt. Pitney and Contractor
tyre of Culbertson were of the city's businea
guests , Tuesday.
Mrs. L. Lowman , who'has been indisposei
for the past week or ten days , is considerably
better at this writing.
Miss Minnie Johnston , who has been seri
ously ill , during the past two weeks , is some
better at this writing.
County Judge Baxter and Attorney Stan
of the county-seat were here on legal busi
ness , Tuesday afternoon.
Kev. Allen Bartleyof Mallalieu University
was called to the metropolis , Tuesday after
noon , by business matters of importance.
State's Attorney Suavely was in the city ,
Monday and Tuesday , prosecuting the Wil
son-Gordon assault-with intent to kill case.
F. B. Harcourt , S. II. Lawrence , A. Mc-
Counell , William Britton and Joe Hassler ,
all of Trenton , had business in the city , Sat
Mrs. Mary J. Etuier was down from the
claim near Akron , Colo. , Friday , to see her
son , Leon F. Moss , before his departure
from these parts.
B. M. Frees , of the Frees & Ilocknell Lum
ber Co. , arrived from Chicago , last Saturday ,
aud has been spending the week in tiie city ,
the guest of Geo. Ilocknell.
J. II. Bradley came in from McCook , Sat
urday , returning on Monday , lie has been
living near Ogalalla for a few months past ,
but will winter at McCook. Orleans Press.
Special Agent Geo. B. Coburn of the Land
Department was in the city , Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week , on business apper
taining to his oflicial position in the Interior
D. Guernsey came down from the French
man ranch , Saturday morning. lie reports
stock in prime condition. He was enroute
to Alma , where he is feeding 700 head of
steers , this winter.
E. W. Lewis , Esq. , of Cambridge , with a
large delegation from that town , were in the
jity , Monday and Tuesday , as attorney and
client and witnesses in an important contest
Before the local officials.
Messrs. Wilcox and Fowler , of McCook ,
, -isited A. A. Wenger , of this place , with
their families , last Sunday. Mrs. Wenger
iccompniiicd them home and spent several
lays visiting in that city. Trenton Torpedo.
W. II. Peck came over from McCook , Xe-
jraska , last week , and was preambulating
lie streets with the boys for a couple of
lays or so John S. lleynolds aud Dr. Bei-
cer were over to McCook , Xeb. , the first of
he week. Oberlin Eye.
George Marquardt , of Des Moiues , Iowa ,
i prominent and wealthy wholesale and re-
ail jeweler , spent a few days in the city ,
he close of last week , looking up some city
ind suburban property , with a view of mak-
ng quite a heavy investment therein.
T. II. Barnes , the well known B. & . M.
ight-of-way man , was in the city , the latter
> art of the week past. Of course Tom is
till of railroads and minors of railroads , but
pines that the Rock Island will not come
his way , but that the Xorthwestern's ad-
ent is more probable. Well , the Xorth-
vestern will lilt the bill nicely.
S. L. Scott left for Iowa City , Iowa , Sun-
lay , to perfect a ponding trade between
rimself and father , aud George Marquardt
> f Iowa City. The deal is a heavy one ,
caching the financial scale above the ten
housand dollar point. The Scott brick and
L tract of land adjoining the town site on the
vest , and a large jewelry" stock in Iowa City ,
ire involved.
L. II. Kooney , of McCook , Nebraska , will
itart a brick yard at this place in the spring.
\lr. \ I'ooney , though young in years , is an old
> rick maker , and will no doubt make a suc-
: ess of it here , as the soil on the Beaver ,
list north of town , he claims , is excellent.
Che Town Co. have contracted for 300,000
rick , which shows that something is going
o be done the coming season. The Xew
His victories have never received the credit
ustly due them on account of the apparent
a > e with which they were gained. The stu-
lent of military history will rarely met with
ccounts of battles in any age where the ac-
ual operations coincide exactly with the
inters issued upon the eve of conflict as in
he official reports of the wonderfully ener-
; etic and successful campaign in which Gen-
ral Scott with a handful of men renewed the
iiemory of the conquest of Cortes , in his
riumphant march from Yera Cruz to the
apital. The plan of the battle of Cerro
Jordo was so fully carried out in action that
lie official report is hardly more than the
eneral orders translated from the future
enbe to the past. The story of Chapultepec
as the same element of the marvelous in it.
"he general commands apparent impossibili-
ias in the closest detail on one day , and the
ext day reports that they have been accom-
'lished. ' These successes were not cheaply
ttained. The Mexicans , though deficient in
cience and in military intelligence , fought
, -ith bravery and sometimes with despcrr.-
ioii. The enormous percentage of Io s in
is army proves that Scott engaged in no
ght work. Life of Lincoln , the February
The "Famous" has a handsome line
f Hats , Gaps and Furnishing Goods in
ddition to their large line clothing ,
or men , youths , boys and children.
Queensware iu the latest styles ,
lain and ornamented , at the leading
rocer Chas. Noble.
TOWH. 4 , RANGE 30. , , .
I M. II. Cole has gono to Iowa on a visit. 3
Wm. Colemau has had his wind-mill tower ' $
painted. *
1 John Dunn has sold his farm. Consldcra- '
tion , $1,150.
The thermometer marked 64 In the shade on ' ;
Monday last. ' ' , - ,
Thos. Murphy has completed a fine bank sta- y
ble. It is 14x36 feet in size and is quite com- ? ,
fortable. Jj
Win. Coleman has applo trees that niado a *
growth of flvo feet , last season. That's good , ' *
isn't it ? ;
J. N. Smith has sold his farm to H. P. Smith ,
and move on to the M. Witter farm. Ho Is
putting down a well.
Preaching at the school house in our district.
No. 58 , next Sabbath , by the Kev. Morris If he
don't disappoint us again.
We heard some one remark , "A new railroad
is being surveyed through our town. " The
lino as run at present is Hi miles cast of us.
While passing along the street in McCook a
few days sinco we heard some ono remark.
"We are having a fine spell of weather. " It
does cull up recollections of tbo winters of
years gone by. y
Carrie Moore came out on Saturday and spent
Sabbath with her sister , Hettie , on her claim.
She returned to'JlcCook on Monday. Sho has
lived in the Republican Valley over thirteen
years. While driving over tho country , Mon
day morning , she remarked : "I have seen
some very line land , but this is entitled to the
cake. It surpasses anything I have overseen. "
I will sell at my residence , one-half
mile west of McCook , on
the following described property , to-wit :
75 High Grade Cqws ,
25 Common Cows ,
2 Good Saddle Ponies ,
1 Hay Frame ,
1 Two-Horse Wagon ,
1 Sett Double Harness ,
1 Large Water Tank ,
With numerous other implements not
TERMS OF SALE. All sums under
$10 , cash. Over $10 , S month's time ,
tvith good bankable security. All stock
: nust be settled for before removing
ame from the yard. JOHN FARLEY.
13 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00
14 Ibs. Extra C. Sugar for - $1.00
16 Ibs. Prunes for - - $1.00
G Cans Syrup Peaches , 3-lbs. full , $1.00
Also ALL Groceries , Clothing , Hats ,
Japs , Boots , Shoes , Dry Goods , and
Motions , as cheap as any house in town.
960 Acres of Land to Rent.
320 acres on the Driftwood , 50 acres
mder cultivation. 320 acres , 12 miles
; outh of McCook , 05 acres under culti-
ration , house and well. 1GO acres on
he Frenchman , house and well. 1GO
icres adjoining the Akron , Colo. , town-
ite , 25 acres broke. Will rent from 1
o 3 years. GEO. E. JOHNSTON ,
McCook , Neb.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli-
: ations. Money paid over as soon as
lapers are completed. Call on or ad-
[ ress , BED WILLOW Co. BANK ,
43-tf Indianola , Neb.
Real Estate Loans.
We have completed arrangements
thereby we can furnish those who want
i loan , money on real estate , promptly
nd without the usual disappointing
[ clays. Call and see us. We are al-
o prepared to make chattel mortgage
If you see Squire J. W. Bennett
; oming after you. Dr. Kay has nlaced
iis accounts in the hands of the depu-
y , who is rustling after the doctor's
reditors in dead earnest , that's all.
Money to Loan
On improved farms. Money furnish-
d for final proofs without delay and afc
ow rate of interest. First door north
f the depot B. D. BABCOCK.
House for Rent.
A 3-room house in a desirable loca-
ion. Furniture may be leased with
milding , or bought on easy terms. In-
uire of WILEY & BEDE.
Parties who have made final proof
nd desire to have patent issued for the
ind , should call and see
50 acres under cultivation. Good
rame house. One mile from McCook.
Xew crop caue seed for sale , whole-
ale or retail , by M. WiLLSON ,
Blue Hill , Webster Co. , Xeb.
For sale. Enquire of S. H. Colvin ,
IcCook , Neb.
WANTED A girl to do general house-
ork. Apply at Farmers & Merchants
Try the Commercial House , when
i McCook , Just once !